Complete instructions for installing a warm roof. How to make a warm roof from metal tiles How to make a warm roof correctly

When building a house, it is important to create warmth and comfort, which a warm roof helps a lot with.

Creating a thermal insulation layer is a very important stage, which, in addition to its main function, also performs sound insulation.

How to choose insulation

The technology itself, which will be used to insulate the roof, depends on various climatic factors of a particular region.

Thus, the thickness of the insulation material is calculated based on the lowest temperatures in this area. To get the maximum effect, when installing roof insulation with your own hands, it is recommended to combine materials.

When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

  • climate of the region;
  • thickness of the walls of the structure;
  • the level of strength of the roof, as well as its shape and angle of inclination.

To insulate an attic roof, it should be covered with good thermal insulation materials. But in order to create thermal protection for the attic floor, you can already use cheaper bulk options in the form of sawdust or expanded clay. It is important to remember that proper thermal insulation of the roof will help maintain the reliable condition of the structure of the entire building longer.

Features of the roofing pie

The most popular option for roof insulation, and at the same time very easy for self-construction, is considered to be the “Canadian sandwich”.

This technology involves the creation of a multilayer coating. The installation of such a roof does not require the involvement of specialists, the main thing is to observe correct sequence laying all layers.

It is important to prevent moisture from getting into the insulation. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions under which condensation will not appear. To achieve this, elements such as wind and moisture protection, vapor barrier, water barrier, as well as the creation of small gaps between these layers for ventilation are necessary.

You also need to create air circulation in the gaps from bottom to top. Due to this, all the resulting moisture will not fall on the thermal insulation layer, as it will evaporate and be removed due to ventilation in the gaps.

This is important to do, since mineral wool or any other similar insulation must always remain dry so as not to lose its properties.

Roof preparation

First of all, to carry out the work it is necessary to draw up a clear work plan, as well as select the materials that will be used.

Any roof, regardless of its type, has several parts, external and internal. So, its outer part is the roof itself, and the inner part consists of floor slabs, as well as a frame of rafters.

In order for the roof to serve for a long time and provide high-quality insulation, it is necessary to first carry out certain preparatory work.

First of all, you need to get rid of moisture, as well as any other negative elements on its structure, such as rust, mold and even mildew. To do this, the surfaces are cleaned with a metal brush, after which it must be coated with anti-corrosion agents.

Note: those areas of the roof and walls that have been affected by mold or fungus must also be treated with antiseptics.

Review of insulation materials

Regardless of what type of roof the house has, if its insulation has not been carried out, the house will lose on average up to a quarter generated heat. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of thermal insulation material wisely.

To simplify installation, it is better to choose slabs that correspond to the existing distance between the rafters. Otherwise, areas will form through which the cold will pass, which will significantly reduce the quality of insulation.

In the case of using roll insulation, their width must also be selected based on the distance between the rafters.

In total, insulation can be selected from large quantity options, each of which has its own positive and negative sides:

  1. . This material is relatively cheap and very easy to install. He has excellent thermal insulation properties. However, glass wool should be used exclusively in conjunction with some kind of waterproofing, since if moisture gets on it, it loses most of its insulating properties.
  2. . It has almost identical properties to glass wool, but its service life is much longer and is almost 50 years.
  3. . This material has high fire resistance. However, similarly to glass wool, it loses its properties if it gets wet.
  4. . It is one of the most affordable insulation materials, but at the same time very effective. Available in slab form different sizes, which makes it possible to use it for arranging almost any type of roof. The main disadvantages of this material are its fragility, as well as its susceptibility to rodents.
  5. . Its main advantages are environmental friendliness and fire resistance. In addition, this material is resistant to various biological influences. However, its use is only possible on horizontal surfaces due to its shape. At the same time, expanded clay has more weight than mineral wool.
  6. Polyurethane foam. It is a liquid insulation with very low thermal conductivity. It is sprayed onto previously prepared waterproofing. Indispensable for quick and easy thermal insulation. (Read about roof insulation with polyurethane foam).

Operating procedure

The “Pie” type insulation technology will be the same regardless of the type of building. In this case, all work must be carried out after the roof has been made and roofing materials have been laid on it.

All work is carried out from the inside:

  1. First, the waterproofing is laid in one layer. It needs to be secured to the sheathing to the bars using staples. The material may sag slightly, but not more than 10 cm.
  2. Next, the insulation is installed. In this case, there should be no gaps between it and the rafters.
  3. If necessary (if the weather in the region is very harsh), you can lay another layer of insulation. However, its seams should not be close to the seams of the first one.
  4. Now the insulation needs to be closed vapor barrier film, to do this, it can be secured to the sheathing using a stapler. In this case, the sheets must be laid overlapping and connected with construction tape.
  5. There must be a certain distance between each layer of such a cake so that moisture does not linger in the roof.
  6. WITH inside Such insulation must be covered with sheets of plywood, and if it is used as a living space, it can be covered with a decorative coating.

How to avoid mistakes

Any well insulated roof should also have the correct appearance. To achieve this, you need to accurately measure in advance all the indicators of the structure from width and length to its height, as well as diagonal.

Usually, in this case, unpleasant moments are identified that impede the creation proper roofing. It could be a big difference between the sides of the house or the distance between the joists, causing the building to have an irregular shape.

Therefore, to ensure proper thermal insulation roofs, it is necessary to eliminate various structural defects in a timely manner. Carry out installation rafter system it is necessary only after the evenness of the slope, as well as the ridge of the roof, has been achieved.

If this is not done, then in the future so-called cold bridges will appear in the “roofing pie”, through which heat will escape from the house. They represent areas where the integrity of the insulation is compromised.

It is important to know: when a lot of icicles begin to form on the roof in winter, this will mean that there are gaps in the insulation of the building, due to which the roof is heated warm air and the snow melts on it. To eliminate this, you need to additionally insulate the roof with felt.

A dry, and most importantly, warm roof is the key to a comfortable and cozy environment in the house. At the same time, insulation not only keeps the house warm in winter, but also helps keep it cool during hot weather.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains in detail the nuances of insulating the roof of a house:

Hello! To properly insulate the roof, you will need to complete the following steps: installing a vapor barrier layer, laying insulating material, a water-repellent layer, sheathing made of wooden blocks, metal tile covering. It is advisable to change this order only in order to improve the properties of the structure. For getting warm roof Do-it-yourself waterproofing is very important - this will help protect the house even when rain moisture seeps through roofing material.

The waterproofing material must be laid on the rafters; it is advisable to press it with a sheathing of bars. When roofing with metal tiles, it is better to choose a special material, laying it so that the absorbent composition is facing towards the living quarters, that is, down. This will prevent condensation from forming under the roof. For a metal roof, a vapor barrier layer should also be installed. To fix the material, galvanized nails or a construction stapler are used.

It is better to use special membranes as a vapor barrier - they will prevent condensation from accumulating and the insulation will not get wet. This way you can significantly increase the operating time building structures to prevent them from rotting. Wet insulation is much heavier than usual, and it must be borne in mind that, together with rotten rafters, it can cause the roof to collapse.

The vapor barrier material should be attached to the rafters. The optimal distance between the rafter legs for this is no more than 1.5 m. Start fixing the film from the edging, gradually moving up to the ridge. Lay the film overlapping. The sagging of the waterproofing material between the rafters is no more than 20 mm.

Perform lathing for laying metal tiles only after the waterproofing material has been laid and fixed. For it, you can use 50X100 mm bars, which must first be treated with an antiseptic - a composition to protect wood from rotting. Acceptable use metal profiles with perforation.

Before installing metal tiles on the roof, determine where it is best to start work. If the roof is gable, start installation from one of the ends. If hip roof, start laying at the highest point of the slope, moving little by little in both directions.

You can insulate a metal tile roof with materials such as fiberglass, basalt fiber, polystyrene foam boards, and polystyrene foam. U insulating materials The thermal conductivity should be as low as possible, and when choosing, pay attention to the fire safety and lightness of the material - the rafters should not be loaded.

During storage and installation of insulation, care should be taken to ensure that no moisture gets on it. It must be stored in a dry place specially equipped for this purpose, which must have good ventilation. When wet performance characteristics the insulation will be seriously damaged, and a warm roof is unlikely to be achieved. Be sure to carry out the work in accordance with the instructions attached to the material. Only use tools that are in good working order, e.g. dull knives capable of hopelessly ruining high-quality and expensive material.

According to statistics, every second homeowner built his own home. According to their reviews, erecting a roof yourself is one of the most difficult stages for non-professional builders. Therefore, it is very important to approach this stage with a complete understanding of all the nuances of the process. To understand how to make a roof with your own hands, you need to study the device, installation technology, work order and features of fastening all components of the structure.

Types of roofs

First you need to decide on the form. To date, the most popular types are:

Features of forms

Covering the roof with one single slope will save nerves and materials, since structurally this is the simplest option. If you make such a frame yourself, the labor intensity of the work will be minimal and the installation speed will be high. But this form has a drawback - there is no possibility of arranging a full-fledged attic or attic, since the under-roof space is too low.

A gable roof is installed much more often. It is a little more difficult to manufacture, but allows you to get more space. Compared to the hipped one, it has less complexity and mass, but it will need to be done triangular gables at the ends of the building.

Gable - the most popular form

Before you start self-construction roofs with four slopes will require serious preparation. This system has more elements compared to the previous two. In addition, it is not possible to make full-fledged windows in the attic, since the roof structure does not have gables and installation is difficult or cannot be avoided.

The hipped roof is complex in design, but savings are achieved due to the absence of gables

For the attic excellent option there will be a combined design with . In this case, in the lower part the roof has a greater slope than in the upper section. This assembly allows you to raise the ceiling in the room and make the constructed house more comfortable.

Broken line - not the most “architectural”, but very effective in terms of space used


Before starting work, you need to make a design calculation. It makes no sense to calculate the cross sections of all elements. In most cases they can be accepted constructively:

  • Mauerlat - 150x150 mm;
  • racks - 100x150 or 100x100 mm depending on the cross-section of the rafters;
  • struts - 100x150 or 50x150 mm, taking into account ease of connection with the rafters;
  • puffs - 50x150 mm on both sides;
  • purlins - 100x150 or 150x50 mm;
  • overlays with thickness from 32 to 50 mm.

Calculations are usually performed only for rafter and slope legs. It is necessary to select the height and width of the section. The parameters depend on:

  • roofing material;
  • snow area;
  • pitch of the rafters (selected so that it is convenient to lay the insulation; for mineral wool, there should be 58 cm of clearance between the elements);
  • span.

You can select the cross-section of the rafters using general recommendations. But in this case it is recommended to make a small reserve.

The calculation is usually performed for rafter legs

If you don’t want to delve into the intricacies of calculations, you can use special ones.

If you plan to make a warm roof, then the height of the cross-section of the legs is selected taking into account the thickness of the insulation. It must be mounted so that it does not protrude above the supporting beams. You also need to take into account what is done for mineral wool ventilation gap 2-4 cm between it and the coating. If the height of the rafters is not enough for this, provision is made for installing a counter-lattice (counter battens).

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work

The sequence of stages of roof construction is as follows:

  1. taking measurements of the building box (dimensions may slightly differ from the design ones);
  2. preparation of materials and tools, treatment of wood with antiseptic;
  3. fastening the Mauerlat to the wall;
  4. installation of a ridge crossbar, if needed (for layered rafters);
  5. frame installation;
  6. strengthening the roof using racks, struts and tie-downs;
  7. waterproofing;
  8. sheathing;
  9. providing ventilation;
  10. installation of drips;
  11. installation of coating.

Fastening the Mauerlat

In order for the roof to be securely fastened, you need to ensure that it is securely connected to the wall of the building. If a wooden house is being built, then the Mauerlat is not required - this element is the upper crown made of timber or logs. In this case, fastening to the wall is carried out using special “floating” fasteners. They are sold ready-made, most often called sleds. This type of roof arrangement allows the entire structure to shift slightly as the walls shrink without destruction or deformation.

“Sliding” mount in wooden house

A similar situation arises with a frame house. In this case, the Mauerlat will be the top frame of the walls. It is attached to the frame posts with a gash using angles, staples or nails.

Methods of attaching rafters to the frame in a frame house

The roof structure made of brick, concrete blocks or concrete involves fastening through a Mauerlat. In this case, there are several ways.

There are four ways to place the Mauerlat on the wall:

The Mauerlat can be secured to brackets. In this case, they are laid in the masonry from the inside wooden blocks. They should be located at a distance of 4 rows from the edge. One side of the bracket is attached to the mauerlat, and the other to the same block in the masonry. The method can also be considered simple. It is not recommended for large buildings with high loads.

Fastening the Mauerlat to brackets. Antiseptic wooden blocks are provided in the masonry of the wall with a pitch of 1-1.5 m

When installing the roof yourself, fastening can be done through studs or anchor bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm. The fasteners are laid in the masonry. The Mauerlat is temporarily placed on the sawn-off edge and lightly hit with a hammer. After this, indentations remain on the beam at the fastening points. You need to make holes for the studs along them. After this, the beam is put on the fasteners and the nuts are tightened. The method is ideal for walls made of lightweight concrete if available monolithic armored belt.

Fastening the rafters to the mauerlat

In houses made of brick or stone, it is more reasonable to perform it using rigid fastening of the rafters to the mauerlat. In this case, you can use both a layered and hanging system. The design involves two methods:

  • with notch;
  • without cutting.

In the first case, the rafters are cut with a slope so that they are tightly adjacent to the mauerlat. To remove the cornice, fillies are provided. They are attached to the leg with an overlap of at least 1 m. Rigid fixation of the assembly should be done using self-tapping screws, nails or staples. But the assembled frame will be more reliable if metal corners with holes for self-tapping screws are used for fixation.

The method without cutting often does not involve the use of fillies. In this case, the beams themselves provide the frame extension. This option is simpler than the previous one, since it does not require high precision. It is suitable for beginners. In this case, stop bars or boards are used to ensure a tight fit to the Mauerlat. Rigid fixation, as in the previous case, is performed with metal corners on both sides.

Attaching rafters to the wall

The completed frame must be secured to the frame of the building - this will prevent a strong gust of wind from tearing off the roof. To do this, the rule is to use a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm. They are wrapped around the leg where it rests on the mauerlat, and then the wire is attached to the wall with an anchor or ruff about 4-5 rows before the cut. The element must be laid in the masonry in advance.

Wind protection

For wooden house you can simplify the task. You can assemble the frame using staples. This option will speed up the process. But it is important to remember that this method is only suitable if the walls are made of wood.

Strengthening the system

How to strengthen the frame for spans of more than 6 meters? It is necessary to reduce the free span of the rafters. For this purpose, struts and racks are used. Reinforcement must be done taking into account the layout; it is important that these elements do not interfere with people’s stay and fit harmoniously into the interior.

The struts are usually placed at an angle of 45 or 60 degrees to the horizontal plane. The racks cannot be supported on the floor span. They can be installed on underlying walls or beams and trusses thrown between walls.

Tightening is necessary to reduce the thrust. Because of it, the rafters can simply move apart. This is especially true for systems with hanging beams. To assemble the frame, use two ties, which are attached on both sides of the rafters. Fixation is carried out using screws, nails or studs.

At the top point, the rafters rest on an intermediate or ridge run. Depending on the chosen system, location and width of the span, it is made of timber with a cross-section from 50x100 to 100x200 mm. Fastening is carried out on connecting metal plates, bolts or nails.


Before starting work at this stage, it is necessary to lay waterproofing material. Builders recommend using a vapor diffusion moisture-proof membrane. It costs more than plastic film, but guarantees more reliable protection. Owning your own home is not a reason to save money.

The roof requires fastening of the sheathing. The type depends on the selected roofing material. For metal, a sparse sheathing of boards 32-40 mm thick will be sufficient. Under bitumen shingles you need a continuous sheathing made of 25-32 mm boards or moisture-resistant plywood.

Ventilation of the under-roof space

Before proceeding with the roofing stage, it is worth considering the ventilation of the under-roof space. This will protect structures from mold, mildew and destruction.

Correct arrangement ventilation under the roof will protect the structure from the appearance of fungus

For ventilation it is necessary to provide:

  • air flow through the cornice (the cornice is hemmed with a sparse board or special perforated soffits);
  • air movement under the coating (there should be a gap of 2-3 cm between the insulation and the roof);
  • air outlet in the area of ​​the ridge (for this, a ridge and/or point aerator is installed on the roof).

Roof covering

The type of roof is selected for aesthetic and economic reasons. It is also worth studying the manufacturers’ proposals and finding out the permissible slope. For example, it is not recommended to lay bitumen shingles on a slope of more than 45°.

Seam roofing is a lightweight fireproof and durable coating

The flooring material must provide reliable waterproofing. Its installation is carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. There are five most common types of coverage: roof insulation.

For a long time in Rus', there were no problems with roof insulation at all: straw was knitted or reeds were dried, and that’s all - the roof of the house was reliably protected from both rain and cold. But modern coatings do not have any heat-insulating properties at all, and with all the development of progress, up to 30% of all heat leaks through such a roof.

Therefore, if you do not want to warm the atmosphere, study in detail the insulation of the roof from the inside - in this article we will cover all the points!

Conventionally, roof insulation in the construction world is divided into attic, when the roof slopes are insulated, and attic, when the ceiling is thermally insulated.

Like this? We can say that attics also have their own attic - this is the ventilation gap between internal insulation and laid roofing. The fact is that heat, according to all the laws of physics, always rises and seeks its release into the atmosphere. It passes through both the insulation and the vapor barrier, and together with water vapor. And then in the eaves plumb he pulls himself up outside air, which passes to the ridge and along the way picks up both vapors and excess heat. Through aerators or the same ridge, all this is safely removed and does not cause any problems.

Those. in an ordinary, unused roof, the attic occupies the entire space from the ridge to the attic floor, and in the attic, the attic is just a small space under the slopes between the insulation and the roofing. And in insulating both, the type of roof has its own approach, which we will now study.

Cold roof insulation technology

If your roof is cold, then the heat-insulating layer should not be on the slopes, but on the floor of the attic. This is where it stops the heat flow coming from below and prevents the cold from the roof from descending into the living space below. As a result, the temperature in the attic is kept within +1-2 degrees, the roofing material is not heated. In fact, such an attic serves as a necessary air gap between living rooms houses and a thin roof covering.

All roll, slab and bulk insulation materials. Because the ceiling does not have a slope, it does not have any special requirements for the heat-insulating material used: nothing will crumble or be exposed.

Please ensure that after the roof is insulated, there remains properly organized ventilation: there must be dormer windows, located opposite each other, ventilation ridges and aerators, and in the eaves there is round-the-clock access to suck in outside air. As a result, the temperature in non-residential attic should be as close as possible to the street, and the living space below is already separated from it by proper thermal insulation of the ceiling.

Now let's take a closer look at insulating a cold roof.

Insulation with mineral wool

When insulating the attic floor with mineral wool, first of all pay attention to the distance between the slats or joists - it should be slightly less than the roll or mat of insulation.

Typically, thermal insulation of the roof interior is complicated uneven surface floor of the attic, differences in its height, a large number of slats and bars, not to mention ventilation pipes and electrical wiring:

Ecowool insulation

If you want the house to breathe and steam to escape easily, then insulate attic floor modern ecowool:

Insulation with blown-in cotton wool

Recently, blowing - roof insulation with blown-in cotton wool has become increasingly popular. The Japanese “insulation” Esbro-Vul II is used here, which does not emit dust and therefore does not create problems. And the blowing method itself is actually quite simple:

  • Step 1. Place a vertical ruler on the floor and mark the required height of mineral wool spraying.
  • Step 2. Apply insulation in an even layer to the desired level.
  • Step 3. We lay the insulation so tightly that it weighs 25 kg per cubic meter.

Note that this type of insulation is the most popular in Japan, and has already found many supporters in Russia.

Glass wool insulation

And finally, glass wool - if you will not use the attic at all. The fact is that even glass wool closed under the sheathing sometimes causes irritation to the ENT organs. This is why you have to wear a respirator and goggles when working with it:

Insulation with sawdust

When insulating a roof with sawdust, follow these instructions:

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to protect wooden structure. To do this, we first apply antiseptic composition, then - fire-bioprotective mixtures, and on top - water repellents.
  • Step 2. The next step is to place a backing (cardboard is possible) and close the seams and cracks, if any, with foam (large) or sealant (small). When finished, we trim off the foam that has come out and level it with the beams.
  • Step 3. Now we fill in the sawdust in two layers: first the larger fraction, as well as shavings, and then the fine ones, so that dust does not form in the room.
  • Step 4. To prevent rodents from growing on the attic floor, add dry lime and small broken glass to the sawdust.

Warm roof insulation technology

The mansard roof is a special design. Here too cold attic, only it is very small, because the insulated attic ceiling is pulled almost flush against it using additional sheathing. In fact, there is only space for ventilation, and nothing more. And ventilation serves to ensure that the heat from the attic does not touch the roofing, on which the snow in winter should remain as a heat insulator and not melt.

Here is a vivid example of the most standard situation improper insulation attics: install the cheapest rafters of 15 cm, put fluffy mineral wool in two layers of 5 cm each and cover it all with roofing. Ventilation - only 5 cm, without inflow and outlet, because... There was no specialist nearby to advise. As a result, in the summer there is unbearable heat, from which even air conditioners cannot help, and in the winter there is a generous amount of ice on the roof. And all because in this circuit it is the street air that heats up the most. In other words, that very small attic that we talked about must definitely be there, and far from 5 cm.

And in such a roof you need to think through the vapor barrier especially carefully:

And further. The material used for making rafters is always designed for some certain weight. Yes, the roof is under soft tiles You can also build from drywall profiles, just insulate it with heavy basalt wool it is forbidden. Also mansard roof a good one is needed forced ventilation so that the insulation does not rot or deteriorate. Therefore, carefully read all the points of the master classes we prepared:

Insulation with mineral wool

Follow these simple instructions:

  • Step 1. Install hydro and wind protection. If possible, use modern membranes - they are stronger and more durable. In any case, fasten the material with an overlap, and seal all joints with construction tape.
  • Step 2. Now measure the distance between adjacent rafters.
  • Step 3. Using a regular or stationery knife, easily cut the insulation into the required pieces and insert it between the rafters.
  • Step 4. Install between the membrane and internal lining additional sheathing.

Please note that you need to attach the vapor barrier membrane with the smooth side to the insulation, and the fleecy side - inside the room.

If the distance between the beams is no more than 60 centimeters, it will be more convenient for you to use square insulation mats:

  • Step 1. It is advisable to add rough sheathing inside, under the rafters, so that the insulation has something to rest on. Make the distance between the bars about 20-30 cm. Ordinary uncut wood with nails is also quite suitable for this purpose average size, it is only important that the bars are of the same thickness.
  • Step 2. After installing the rough sheathing inside the structure, remove all dust and dirt using a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Step 3. Next, we treat all wood with a special agent against fungus, rot and mold. Just use for this purpose not a spray gun, which is less effective, but a regular paint brush. With its help, you can achieve deep penetration of the product into the wood, and this is important.
  • Step 4. Allow the product to completely absorb and dry for two to three days.

As a result, all your sheets should lie tightly - a little tighter than you need at first glance. This is the only way to avoid the presence of cracks and subsequent freezing of the roof.

And one more point: ordinary mineral wool slabs are not particularly suitable for insulating roof slopes, because... They don’t stick well between the rafters, but they can be used to insulate gables.

Glass wool insulation

To insulate roof slopes with glass wool, purchase the best, from famous manufacturers. Such glass wool practically does not contain dangerous glass dust, which is what annoys workers the most. Also, it does not highlight after installation. harmful substances, which was even confirmed by the Finnish Institute of Health. After all, it’s one thing to throw this “thorn” onto the ceiling of an unused attic, and another thing to cover it with clapboard in a billiard room or private office on the attic floor.

Combined insulation

If desired and appropriate, you can insulate the roof from the inside using two different types insulation at the same time. But one thing needs to be taken into account important point– vapor permeability. The point is that when choosing different insulation materials for an effective combination, we usually only summarize their thermal insulating properties. But their vapor permeability is completely different!

And, if, for example, you put mineral wool down first when insulating, and foam plastic on top, then the water vapor that gets into the wool will begin to tend to the colder part of the roof and bury itself in the absolutely non-breathable foam plastic. As a result, all the insulation will simply suffocate and “delight” with mold. But on the contrary, it is possible: first we put foam plastic on the bottom of the rafters, and then mineral wool on it. If some steam passes through the vapor barrier and the cracks between the foam plates, it will easily overcome the mineral wool and enter the ventilation duct. Therefore, there is such a rule: the top layer of insulation should always have high vapor permeability and thermal conductivity.

And finally, if the warm roof will be used as a sauna or an additional bathroom, insulation and roofing in it need to be thought out especially carefully.


The structure of a modern roof is a complex multi-layer structure, and the materials used are made according to the latest technologies based on advanced developments. The roofing “pie” contains insulating and heat-saving layers. From adverse effects weather conditions interior spaces Buildings are protected primarily by waterproofing and insulation.

A competently designed and professionally constructed multi-layer warm roof helps the residents of the house to survive cold weather and precipitation without problems.

The truss structure shown in the photo, which is the roof frame, must be strong and reliable, otherwise the roof will soon not be able to perform its functions, which will lead to leaks and expensive repairs.

When creating a roof covering, you should also not forget about providing additional ventilation. Freely circulating Fresh air prevents condensation from accumulating between dense layers of roofing pie. Rafter structures and other roof elements made of natural wood provide the necessary level of ventilation and at the same time add slight weight roofing system. Another argument in favor of using these materials is their environmental safety.

When a warm roof is being built, one cannot do without reinforcing layers, which are solid and reliable materials, such as concrete tiles, gravel, etc. They protect less durable roofing products from mechanical damage. True, the materials used for arranging the roof, which have considerable weight, make its structure heavier, so such nuances should certainly be taken into account. The most top layer“pie” is a covering, which is created using roofing material. The choice of its texture, color, and aesthetic characteristics depends on the individual preferences of property owners and the design solution; it can be corrugated sheets, metal tiles, slate or more modern products.

Roof insulation materials

How well a warm roof can be made with your own hands largely depends on the insulation materials used. When choosing waterproofing and insulation, the design parameters included in the project are taken into account. For example, in the region where construction is proposed, climatic conditions demand to provide home good protection from moisture and precipitation or strong gusts of wind are observed here.

When carrying out calculations, all expected loads on the building, and accordingly on the roof, are certainly taken into account. Therefore, the presence of layers of the roofing “pie” for each house can vary significantly.

Waterproofing layer . It is necessary to create protection against moisture. Frequent and heavy rains, melting snow and fogs can cause great damage to the building and the people in it. The use of waterproofing materials is a reliable barrier to water trying to penetrate inside the roof structure.

Vapor barrier layer . The use of this type of insulation provides high-quality protection against all kinds of fumes and prevents the appearance of condensation on various surfaces.

Thermal insulation layer . Allows you to retain heat inside the building and prevents cold air masses from entering the attic from the street. Range thermal insulation materials today is huge, so choose necessary products for insulation, it is possible to take into account the individual requirements for a particular home.

Soundproofing layer . Materials to suppress loud sounds coming from outside are not used as often as other types of insulation, but they provide a comfortable environment for people to stay indoors.

Types of thermal insulation

A large list of insulation products allows you to choose best option and create a truly warm roof in accordance with the design solution. You can give preference to inexpensive materials or purchase modern products manufactured on the basis of the latest scientific developments. Is it true, last option will cost much more to homeowners, but it will provide them with reliable protection of buildings and a long service life.

Expanded clay . This method Roof insulation has been used for a long time. This is a lightweight building material in the form of oval or oval granules. round shape, which is made from natural baked clay. Thus, the flowability of expanded clay goes well with the thermal insulation properties of the original raw material when creating a warm roof with your own hands.

Styrofoam . Roof insulation using it is considered one of the most popular thermal insulation options used for both pitched roofs, and for flat ones. It extends the service life roofing structure.

Polyurethane foam . It belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics and is considered a more technologically advanced heat insulator. The work of insulating with polyurethane foam is easier than using expanded clay. This rather soft material is produced in the form of large slabs, and this is related to the features of its installation. During installation, additional reinforcement of polyurethane foam in the roof structure is required.

Penoplex . Using this modern material refers to new solutions in the implementation of thermal insulation. Compact foam boards retain heat excellently, although they are flexible. The layer of thermal insulation created by them is thinner than that of similar materials. Thanks to the characteristics described above, penoplex is becoming increasingly popular.