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Tahini paste, the recipe for which will surprise you with its simplicity, is widespread in the Middle East. Made from ground sesame seeds. Tahini (tahini, tahina) has a creamy consistency. The taste is tart. Pronounced nutty aroma. The color can vary: from light beige to dark brown.

Oriental delicacy tahini

Tahini is a traditional Arabic snack with its own history. In ancient times, this could be seen exclusively on the table of a wealthy person. In some countries the mixture was even used as currency. Over time, its value diminished somewhat - it became everyday, affordable food. different layers population, but the taste and love of the Arab people for this product remained unchanged.

The main advantage of tahini is its versatility. For example, in Turkey they like to mix pasta with fruit syrup, in Greece with honey. In Iran, tahini is the “raw material” for preparing halva and seasoning for barbecue.

Types of sesame

Pledge good food— compliance with cooking rules and high quality raw materials. The main ingredient in tahini is sesame. The taste of the finished pasta depends on its quality.

Sesame seeds differ from each other in shades and taste, depending on the variety.

There are 3 main colors in nature. Those, in turn, can have different undertones, which ultimately gives the seed its own unique color. For example, beige, ivory, grayish and even shades of red.

Types of sesame:

  • White.

The best among his “brothers”. Considered a delicacy, it is often exported to other countries. It is suitable for use in pure form, it is actively used in the confectionery industry and in the preparation of Asian dishes. Ground white sesame is often used to make curry sauces and chutneys. In India, the use of this species to prepare unrefined sesame is popular. Has a mild aroma.

  • Brown.

It has a mild taste and aroma. Used for preparing edible and cosmetic oils.

  • Black.

Types of sesame

Sharp, pronounced tart smell and taste. The black grains are often ground and used in rice dishes. They have medicinal properties, are contained in many medicines because they contain antioxidants. Black sesame oil is considered the best; it is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

When buying sesame seeds to make tahini, please note that the taste of the paste will depend on the taste of the grains. If you are not used to tart dishes, then it is better to take white or brown sesame seeds.

If you like experiments, you can take several types by weight. The recipe for making tahini paste does not require you to use only 1 type of sesame.

Properties and nutritional value of tahini paste

In 100 gr. tahini contains:

  • 18 gr. ;
  • 51 gr. fat;
  • 18.5 gr. carbohydrates.

At the same time, it contains up to 90% fatty acids, which are classified as polyunsaturated.


Tahini is rich in useful material. It contains:

  • Vitamins (E, C, group B).
  • Minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc).
  • Cellulose.
  • Lecithin.
  • Organic acids.
  • Fitin.
  • Beta-sitosterol.

It has been proven that regular use sesame paste works as a prevention of cancer. In addition, it removes toxins from the body, improves blood clotting, and improves metabolism.


Eating pasta is contraindicated for people:

  • Allergy sufferers or those with a predisposition to reactions to food products.
  • For those who have a problem excess weight due to the high calorie content of tahini. Especially if the diagnosis is one of the degrees.
  • Suffering from diseases of the liver, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder.

If you consume paste in large quantities, even a healthy person may experience side effect. It is expressed in possible stomach upset and nausea. There is no per se norm of use that cannot be exceeded. Listen to your feelings and remember that the product is fatty, high in calories and quite “heavy”.

Tahini in the kitchen

The beauty of tahini is its versatility. This paste can be used as:

  • An independent dish.
  • Component of the main dish.

It is added when preparing hummus, falafel and other oriental dishes. Used as a base for sauce, the mixture goes well with garlic, low-fat yogurt, spices, and sweet fruit syrups.

What can you cook with tahini?

  1. Hummus

You will need:

  • tahini;
  • oil (olive or peanut);
  • lemon juice;
  • greenery;
  • parsley;
  • paprika.


The chickpeas must first be soaked and left for 7-10 hours. After which it needs to be boiled and ground into puree. Add tahini, lemon juice, squeezed garlic, mix again. Pour oil into the mixture. The quantity is adjusted by eye based on the volume of the paste, mix thoroughly.

Ready! Serve with paprika and parsley.

  1. Hot sauce.

You will need:

  • tahini;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground;
  • oil.


All ingredients are mixed together until the desired consistency is formed. The amount of spices varies based on your own preferences.

As previously written, tahini is versatile and goes well with almost anything! So when preparing a sauce based on sesame paste, do not be afraid to experiment, “play” with the ingredients until you come to that very taste!

How to make tahini at home

Making tahini at home

Sesame paste is a great addition to festive table. This oriental delicacy will allow you to diversify your usual dish and allow your taste to sparkle in a new way.

It will also become a “lifesaver” in those moments when there is almost no time to prepare dishes, and guests are on the way. You can prepare quick snacks, sandwiches with sesame mixture.

This easy tahini paste recipe contains only 2 ingredients:

  • 100-150 gr. sesame seeds;
  • oil about 100 ml (can be sesame, nut). The quantity can be increased as needed.


Sesame needs to be dried for 5-10 minutes. in the oven or on non-stick frying pan. Then place the seeds in a special container, stirring with butter and blending with a blender.

That's all. You can add salt, pepper, garlic to taste. The mixture can be stored for up to 2 months, but be sure to store it in the refrigerator and in a closed container.

Sesame Tahini Paste Recipe:

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Tahina(or tahini, tahini) is a sesame paste that is very often used to prepare oriental dishes. This completely meatless/vegan dish is super easy to make. Of course, you can buy tahini ready-made in a store or in oriental shops at the market, but it is better to prepare it yourself - so that sesame retains as many useful vitamins and microelements as possible, because it is one of the leaders in calcium content. You can read more here -. Moreover, it is so easy and fast!


  • white sesame seed raw- 1 glass
  • vegetable oil(sesame or olive without flavour)- about 1/2 cup

Step-by-step instructions for preparing tahina with photos

The cooking technology is very simple.

Your tahina is ready.

Where can you use tahina?

It makes a great appetizer on its own - just chop up the veggies and dip it in like a sauce. It can also be used in dressings for excellent vegetarian salads; instead of oil, it can be added to porridge. Tahina is also an indispensable ingredient in such an oriental dish as.

Quite often you come across recipes on the Internet that contain tahini (tahini), but it’s not always possible to buy it in city stores. So I had to learn how to do it myself. Luckily, the process of making sesame paste is quite simple. The main thing is to fry the seed correctly.

I use tahini primarily to make my favorite hummus and sesame cookies.

Here are the ingredients needed to make tahina: odorless vegetable oil and sesame seeds.

It is important to buy fresh sesame seeds so that they do not become bitter, otherwise the paste itself will turn out tasteless.

There are three ways to toast sesame seeds. 1) In a dry frying pan without oil over low heat, stirring constantly. 2) On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, in the oven (here you also need to shake it periodically so that the grains do not burn. 3) In the microwave (place in an even layer on a wide plate and maximum power fry for 2-3 minutes depending on the oven model).

In any case, you need to cook until golden brown and lightly fragrant. It is also important to immediately remove the sesame from the pan, hot baking sheet or plate so that it is not overcooked by the residual heat.

Then grind the cooled sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. Personally, this is the only way I can achieve the state of flour.

Transfer it to a blender bowl.

And beat, gradually adding vegetable oil (ideally sesame oil).

This is the consistency of the paste. You can slightly change the thickness by varying the amount of oil.

Do-it-yourself oriental delicacy is ready in 15 minutes!

All that remains is to bake the eggplants, peel the garlic...

Bon appetit!

Tahini - what is it? You will learn the answer to this question, as well as the recipe for making this delicious pasta, from the article.

Tahini - what is it?

In oriental cuisine, pasta made from simple ingredients is very popular. It is prepared from simple ingredients and is suitable for cooking. It also includes vegetable oil, and sometimes lemon juice or water is added. Tahini is valuable product, a source of vitamin B1, minerals and fatty acids. That is why it is believed that eating sesame paste has a beneficial effect on hair growth, fights acne on the skin, and also has a positive effect on digestion. Now that we have answered the question “what is tahini,” let’s move on to the recipe for its preparation and tell you about dishes prepared on its basis.

Sesame tahini paste

This addition to oriental dishes is not only very tasty, but also high in calories. Therefore, if you are watching your figure, try to consume it within reasonable limits. How to prepare tahini? The recipe is simple:

  • Take two glasses of unroasted sesame seeds and pour it clean water so that it completely covers it. Leave the product for four hours.
  • Drain the water and refrigerate the sesame seeds for another four hours.
  • After this, spread the seeds in a thin layer on baking paper and place in the oven to dry at the lowest possible temperature.
  • Place the prepared sesame seeds in a blender bowl and start grinding them at the lowest speed. After that, go to medium speed, and then to high speed.
  • Gradually add two tablespoons of olive oil to the seeds.

When you get a homogeneous product as a result of mixing, you can transfer it to a glass container. Next, we will tell you in which dishes tahini sauce is used and share with you interesting recipes.

Chickpea salad

This dish consists of a minimum of ingredients, and the tahini dressing gives it a special taste. You can read the salad recipe below:

  • Soak 100 grams of dry chickpeas in water overnight, then peel and boil until tender.
  • While the chickpeas are cooking, make the dressing. Preparing tahini will not cause you any difficulties. To do this, grind 100 grams of sesame seeds using a blender and mix with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add the juice of half a lemon, minced garlic (one or two cloves), and salt and pepper to taste to the pasta. Gradually stir in tahini ice water to dilute the sauce to your desired consistency. Transfer the finished product to glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Cut 100 grams of cherry tomatoes into slices, add boiled chickpeas to them, season with tahini sauce and lemon juice.
  • Salt and pepper the salad to your liking.

The dish turns out to be quite satisfying, so you can eat it not only as an appetizer, but also as a side dish for meat, poultry or fish.

Tahini cookies

This Turkish treat is very high in calories and tasty, so eat it with caution so as not to add extra centimeters to your waist. Read the dessert recipe here:

  • Mix one cup of tahini paste and one cup of sugar.
  • Add to them one egg yolk, 200 grams of margarine, three and a half cups of flour and a bag of vanillin.
  • Knead a soft dough, divide it into small pieces, form into balls, brush them with egg white and roll in chopped nuts.

Bake the cookies in a preheated oven until done.

Fish with tahini sauce

This time we invite you to cook salmon in oriental style. Read the recipe for healthy and tasty fish here:

  • Take a few salmon steaks, wash it and dry it.
  • Prepare the spice mixture. To do this, combine two parts black peppercorns, one part coriander, one part cinnamon bark, one part cloves, two parts cumin, 2 teaspoons cardamom pods, one part nutmeg and two parts paprika.
  • Prepare clay baking dishes and grease each with vegetable oil.
  • Rub the steaks with the aromatic mixture (one teaspoon for each) and salt to taste.
  • Place each piece in its own clay mold and drizzle with a spoonful of olive oil.
  • Chop half an onion and one clove of garlic and then fry in vegetable oil. At the very end, sprinkle them with cardamom (a couple of pinches is enough) and stir.
  • Place two tablespoons of tahina in a saucepan, two tablespoons lemon juice and some water. Mix the ingredients. Place the future sauce on the fire, and when the liquid boils, add the fried onions and garlic to it. Boil the contents of the saucepan until it becomes thick sour cream.
  • Remove the seeds from the pomegranate, chop the cashews and chop the parsley leaves.
  • When the salmon is ready, remove it, pour the sauce over it, and then place it back in the oven for ten minutes.

Place the fish on plates, garnish with nuts, pomegranate and herbs, and then serve immediately.

Chocolate and tahini cake

This delicious dessert has a distinct taste and aroma. To prepare it, read the following recipe:

  • Beat six egg whites with 100 grams of sugar.
  • Melt 200 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath, and then add 100 grams of butter to it. Once the mixture is smooth, remove it from the heat and add five yolks one at a time.
  • Add 35 grams of flour to the resulting mass and mix.
  • At the very end, add the whipped whites to the dough.
  • From ready dough bake in round shapes three identical cakes.
  • To prepare the cream, heat 300 grams of sesame paste and combine it with 150 grams of melted chocolate. After this, whip 500 grams of cream and gently mix it into a sweet mass.
  • Place the first cake layer in a springform pan and brush it with cream. Do the same with the rest of the blanks.
  • Place the cake in the refrigerator and leave it there until completely hardened.

Carefully remove the finished dessert from the mold, cut and serve with hot tea or coffee.


We hope you enjoy tahini paste, popular in the East. We told you what it is and how to prepare it in great detail and we will be glad if our recipes can make your menu more varied.

Tahini (tahini, tahina) is a paste made from sesame seeds with the addition of vegetable oil, spices, and seasonings. The homeland of pasta is the countries of the Middle East. It’s not often that you come across ready-made pasta here. Possible only in major cities. There is definitely no such pasta in our city. So let's make our own tahini paste. Fortunately, there are many recipes and preparing it is no more difficult than any other sauce.

How to make tahini

The main ingredient, as you already understood, is sesame seeds. You can buy them in almost every store. The paste is prepared mainly with sesame oil. But this is only in the homeland of Tahina. In general, you can take any odorless vegetable oil: olive, nut.

Tahini paste. Classic recipe


Sesame seeds – 100 grams

Sesame oil - about 2 tablespoons


As I already said, you can also use olive oil. Before cooking, taste the sesame seeds, sometimes they are bitter. This happens when the seeds are not fresh and are stored for a long time.

Roast the seeds in the oven, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. But not pronounced, but only slightly.

Now you need to grind the sesame seeds with oil. It is better to use a blender with a glass.

Pour the roasted seeds into a blender and, gradually adding oil, grind until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The paste should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If 2 tablespoons of oil is not enough, add more, but in small portions.

Store the finished paste in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for about two months.

This classic recipe tahini, without seasonings or spices. Can be used for making sauces and sweets. By adding spices and seasonings, you will get a new taste of tahini.

Tahini paste with garlic


Ready tahini paste – 100 grams

Garlic – 2 cloves

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Ground red pepper - to taste

Ground cumin (cumin) - to taste


You can prepare the pasta according to the previous recipe. You can add all other ingredients according to your taste: if two cloves of garlic are too much, add one. If you like it spicy, add more.

Place all ingredients in a blender, turn it on and grind to a paste. To prevent the tahini paste from being too dry, add a little water. If desired, you can add very finely chopped parsley to the paste.

I think you now understand the principle of preparing tahini paste. By changing and adding your ingredients to taste, you will get your unique taste and aroma of this oriental seasoning.