The beneficial properties of spinach for the body are used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. Green spinach is good for your eyesight, it keeps your heart healthy and your mood is great! Spinach salad beneficial properties

Almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties and taste of spinach. This plant is used for cooking various dishes and culinary delights. However, not everyone knows that spinach is widely used in alternative medicine. Based on this product, many natural remedies for treatment and prevention are made various diseases.

How beneficial spinach is for human health, and what ways there are to use it for medicinal and culinary purposes, we will consider further.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The beneficial properties of spinach are due to its rich natural composition. This product is different high content it contains vitamins and microelements, which makes its use beneficial for the human body.

IN chemical composition spinach includes:

  • choline;
  • riboflavins;;
  • lutein, glycine, phenylanine, leucine;
  • proteins;
  • starch;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • glutamic, ascorbic, folic, nicotinic, oxalic and aspartic acids.

Vitamin composition:

  • C - 55 mg (61% of the daily value);
  • K - 482.9 mcg (40.2%);
  • A - 750 mg (83.3%);
  • E - 2.5 mg (16.7%);
  • B9 - 80 mcg (20%);
  • Beta-carotene - 4.5 mg (90%).

B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine.

Mineral composition spinach (in mg):

  • Potassium - 774 (31%);
  • Calcium - 106 (10.6%);
  • Phosphorus - 83 (10.4%);
  • Magnesium - 82 (20.5%);
  • Sodium - 24;
  • Iron - 13.51 (75.1%);
  • Copper - 13 mcg;
  • Selenium - 1 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.53;
  • Manganese - 0.897 (44.9%).

Calorie content spinach is very low, only 22 calories per 100 grams of product. This makes its use especially effective and useful during weight loss.

The nutritional value spinach is: 2.9 g protein, 0.4 g fat and 3.6 g carbohydrates.

Health Benefits of Spinach

The rich vitamin composition of spinach has made it an indispensable source useful substances. Eating this plant heals the body and enriches it. nutritional components.

This plant has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • antioxidant;
  • general strengthening;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • vascular strengthening properties.

The plant improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes metabolic processes. Spinach is beneficial for its cleansing effect. It removes harmful substances from the body (toxins, waste, salts, metals), improves digestion, and eliminates constipation problems.

The leaves of the plant contain useful substances that help normalize hemoglobin. Due to its high iron content, spinach helps saturate the body's cells with oxygen.

The plant has an antitumor effect, which makes its use especially useful for oncological diseases. The phytonutrients contained in the plant inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Spinach juice has a tonic effect. It energizes, relieves fatigue and gives strength.

The benefit of the plant lies in its ability to lower sugar, which makes it indispensable in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Spinach contains vitamin K, which increases blood clotting and strengthens bone tissue. Eating spinach improves bone health and reduces the risk of developing osteoclasts (cells that cause loose bone tissue).

Spinach is especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It is recommended to consume the leaves of the plant daily for anemia and hemorrhoids.

Spinach leaves have a disinfectant and disinfectant effect. They are recommended for external use in the presence of wounds, cuts and even furunculosis.

Spinach is useful for hormonal imbalances, thyroid diseases, vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders.

Spinach is useful for the male reproductive system. The plant improves reproductive function and increases potency. With regular use, testosterone increases and prostate function improves. The plant prevents the occurrence of sexual dysfunction and improves men's health.

Benefits for women

Rich natural composition And great amount The medicinal properties of spinach make its consumption especially beneficial for a woman’s body.

Particularly useful spinach during pregnancy. The plant enriches the body of the expectant mother and child with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Folic acid, which is part of the plant, strengthens the structure of the fetus and also improves the process of hematopoiesis.

When breastfeeding the product is also beneficial as it supplies the body with nutrients. However, a child’s body may react to spinach with an allergic reaction, so it is better to consult with your doctor before consuming it.

Due to its low calorie content and beneficial substances, spinach is recommended for consumption. during the period of weight loss. Among the beneficial properties of the plant, its ability to speed up metabolism and remove toxic substances and salts that interfere with weight loss is highlighted.

Also, the benefit of spinach for a woman’s body lies in its rejuvenating effect. The plant is used to prepare various nourishing masks that tighten the skin and eliminate fine wrinkles. Let's talk about what homemade cosmetics for facial skin care exist next.


The beneficial properties and taste of spinach are widely used in the industrial industry. The plant is actively used in cooking for preparing various dishes. It is used to make salads, add to side dishes, soups, etc.

Dietetics uses this product during the period of weight loss, since the product has a low calorie content and a large supply of nutrients, which the body especially needs during the diet period.

For cosmetic purposes Spinach is used to prepare various nourishing skin care masks. Cooking at home natural remedies for healing and rejuvenating the skin.

Pharmaceuticals uses spinach extract in the production of dietary supplements and natural preparations for women and men's health.

Alternative medicine uses spinach leaves as a medicine. On their basis, folk remedies are prepared to eliminate various diseases. The plant is also used for preventive purposes. Methods of treatment and recipes based on it will be discussed later in the article.

Folk remedies with spinach

Alternative medicine offers many recipes using spinach. This product is used for medicinal purposes to treat various ailments. Its medicinal properties are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, etc.

To cure hemorrhoids We scroll a bunch of the plant through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Mix the plant juice and almond oil in equal proportions. Take the resulting product one spoon twice a day. The course is two to three weeks.

Folk remedy for eczema, burns and abscesses: Boil the leaves of the plant in olive oil until cooked. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to eat fortified salad. To prepare it, take 100 g of plant leaves, chop and mix with sour cream and one egg. We eat the salad within two days.

For convulsions Boil the leaves of the plant in a water bath. Next, chop and mix with 2 tbsp. l. olive oils. The resulting product takes 1 tbsp. l. twice a day. The course is one month.

Treatment of anemia and headache based on a juice mixture. For it we mix juice from:

  • spinach leaves,
  • carrots,
  • beets.

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Drink half a glass of juice four times a day for three days.

To improve metabolism grind the leaves of the plant, mix them with 2 cloves of garlic and 0.5 tsp. horseradish and 100 g grated apples. We put the resulting product in the refrigerator and use 10-15 grams every morning, on an empty stomach.


The beneficial properties of the plant are also used in home cosmetology. Made with spinach medicines skin care. In this case, the benefit of the plant for a woman is to improve the condition of the epidermis. The juice of the plant stimulates the production of collagen, improves skin tone and enriches it with vitamins and minerals.

The rejuvenating mask is prepared according to the recipe:

  • Place 50-100 grams of the plant in an enamel container.
  • Add milk and cook.
  • When the mass takes on the consistency of mush, spread it on a layer of gauze.
  • Take a lying position and apply gauze to your face.
  • Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, rinse off and apply nourishing cream.

Nourishing mask. Wash 100 g of plant leaves and pour half a glass of boiling water. When the plant becomes soft, place it on a saucer, cool and add 1 tsp. carrot juice, 1 spoon of honey and a few drops of any essential oil. Mix and apply to face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool green tea and apply cream.

Whitening mask. Grind the spinach leaves thoroughly. Pour a spoon olive oil and a little lemon juice, mix and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

Cooking recipes

Cooking abounds various recipes spinach-based dishes. This plant is used in the preparation of salads, soups, side dishes, bakery products etc. Most often, salads are prepared with spinach.

The most popular salad recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • bacon - 100 g;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • sesame - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • olive oil.

Dry the sesame seeds in a frying pan and put them aside. Take one bunch of spinach, wash, dry and chop. Cut the bacon into thin slices and fry until crispy. Place on a plate. We cut the champignons into two parts (or into 4, depending on their size). Fry in a frying pan in the remaining bacon fat. Place the spinach on a plate and sprinkle it with mushrooms, sesame seeds and bacon. Salt, pepper and sprinkle olive oil. The dish is ready to eat!

Delicious and healthy soup Can be made with spinach. For the recipe you will need the following components:

  • spinach 500 g;
  • beef meat - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • lemon juice- 1 tsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind half a kilo of spinach in a blender until pureed. Cook broth from lean beef. Add spices and salt. As soon as it is ready, take it out. Cut 0.5 kg of potatoes into the remaining broth. We bring the potatoes to a state of readiness, then mash them (directly in the broth). Add spinach leaves to the resulting mass and wait for the mixture to boil. Then cook for another two minutes.

Prepare the dressing: take 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and mix it with lemon juice and ground pepper. Pour the finished soup into a plate and serve along with the dressing.

A hearty and healthy spinach pie is made from the following ingredients:

  • spinach - 0.5 kg;
  • feta cheese - 400 g;
  • yeast dough;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Take 0.5 kg of spinach and grind it in a blender. Grate 400 g of Bulgarian (or any other not very salty) cheese and mix with two raw eggs. Roll out a layer of dough (yeast) and place it in a baking dish, previously greased with butter. We spread the filling and then cover it on the sides with a layer of dough. Bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Healthy spinach smoothie

A quick and healthy spinach drink will help remove all waste and toxins from the body. It will require:

  • spinach - 2 bunches;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;

Wash the spinach well and dry it. Grind all three ingredients in a blender. The drink is ready to drink! This delicious cocktail is especially useful for losing weight. It speeds up metabolism, saturates and energizes.

How to select and store spinach?

The choice of spinach must be treated with special care. The plant must be young. The leaves are dense, without any spots or inclusions. When bent, the leaf usually makes a certain crunch, which indicates its freshness.

Dark large sheets talk about the ripeness of spinach. Better to eat young plant light green color.

It is recommended to store the plant in the refrigerator, but no more than two days. After this time, spinach begins to lose its unique beneficial features. Freshly picked spinach is best stored in a special container or glass of water.

Frozen spinach is especially beneficial. When frozen, the plant does not lose its properties. This allows you to use it at any time of the year. However, spinach should be stored in this form for no more than three months.


Despite its beneficial properties, spinach has a number of contraindications. If used incorrectly, the plant can cause a number of side effects.

Contraindications for eating spinach:

  • increased acidity stomach;
  • allergy to ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • increased blood clotting;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • taking medications that thin the blood (when taken, a reverse reaction occurs);
  • gout;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • rheumatism;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • Not recommended for use during breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;

Eating spinach fresh can cause harm to the body in the form of various adverse reactions. Frequent consumption of the product is also undesirable. The plant contains a lot of natural acid, which can cause allergies or digestive problems.

It is important to consume fresh product and wash it thoroughly before eating. If the plant has been in the refrigerator for more than three days, it is better to throw it away or heat it. Only fresh shoots of the plant should be consumed raw.

Spinach - herbaceous plant amaranth with a neutral taste. It is often used as a base for casseroles and a dressing for hot dishes. The advantage of this vegetable over other salad crops is that it retains nutrients when heat treatment. Spinach leaves contain B vitamins, carotenoids, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids, tocopherol, biotin and rare vitamin K.

In terms of the amount of copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, spinach is second only to Spanish sage seeds. The juice of the plant is rich in secretin, which improves digestion. In addition, several years ago, Swedish scientists discovered thylakonoids in its composition. These substances make a person feel full and promote weight loss. Regular consumption of spinach reduces cravings for unhealthy foods: sweets, flour, fast food.

The benefits and harms of spinach for the human body

Today, scientific laboratories around the world are studying the beneficial properties of amaranth crops. This is due to the fact that these plants are saturated with all the substances necessary for humans. So in 2010, employees of the Karolinska Institute were able to prove that spinach promotes growth muscle mass. Eating salads every day fresh leaves helped athletes quickly get into shape after a long break.

In America, EU countries and the Middle East, spinach is very popular. We have dubbed it the “vitamin bomb” and use it to prevent diseases such as:

    depression, insomnia;

  • fragility of blood vessels;

    inflammation of the gums;


American neurologists prescribe leaf extract to their patients for depression, insomnia and frequent stress. Diseases such as chronic fatigue, headaches, absent-mindedness, are the result of a lack of magnesium in the human body. Spinach contains a high concentration of this microelement (79 mg per 100 g), therefore it reduces the body's sensitivity to external pathogens and strengthens the nervous system. Drinking spinach juice daily reduces nervousness and fear levels, and eliminates symptoms such as hand tremors and convulsions.

At elevated physical activity and diseases of the cardiovascular system, a person needs to eat salads from amaranth crops. Vitamin K and folic acid increase blood clotting, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the elasticity of the heart muscle. The substances contained in spinach cleanse the blood serum of toxins and improve its composition. A decoction and infusion of leaves is drunk for anemia.

People suffering from diabetes are also advised to include spinach in their diet. The acids contained in the plant juice stimulate the production of insulin secretion. And the vitamin-mineral complex helps to mobilize the body’s immune forces and normalize metabolism.

In the fight against myopia and senile myopia, pigments such as zeaxanthin and lutein are important. These substances filter light rays that irritate the retina. Their lack leads to decreased visual acuity. Spinach replenishes the balance of microelements and prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Dried amaranth leaves retain their healing properties. Thus, a decoction of spinach powder successfully treats the acute stage of gingivitis. Rinsing the mouth with this infusion relieves inflammation and swelling of the gums, and also increases the strength of tooth enamel. A paste of leaves is applied to teeth to reduce sensitivity. Long-term consumption of spinach increases the strength of teeth and bones. This is due to the fact that the vegetable contains a large number of calcium (99 mg per 100 g).

But most often I use spinach as a diuretic. By normalizing the balance of fluid in the body, the plant eliminates swelling of the legs and face.

Like any product, spinach has contraindications:

    Vitamin K increases blood clotting, which provokes the formation of blood clots. Spinach is not recommended for people taking anticoagulants.

    Oxalic acid is involved in the formation of kidney stones. A person suffering from urolithiasis is at risk of developing new lumps.

    Goitrogens stimulate the growth of goiter. Spinach is contraindicated for patients with thyroid dysfunction.

    The acids in the plant can cause exacerbations in people with high acidity.

Before adding spinach to your diet, consult your doctor.

For women

Renewing itself monthly, the female body requires more nutrients. Iron and calcium are necessary for the proper functioning of the hematopoietic system and maintenance general level health. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood, as well as in the synthesis of sex hormones. The result of a lack of iron in the body is sparse eyebrows, gray skin, chronic fatigue, women's diseases, and anemia. 100 g of spinach contains 2.7 mg of iron - this is 25% of the daily requirement. For comparison, in 100 g of meat the iron concentration is only 1.2 mg.

Calcium deficiency affects general condition bones and provokes allergic reactions. By eating spinach, a woman blossoms before her eyes. Hair loss stops, nail growth is activated, tooth enamel is strengthened, and facial skin is cleansed.

Spinach for the face is a vitamin bomb with an anti-aging effect. The warm pulp of the plant simultaneously works as an acid peeling and a nourishing mask. The plant whitens the skin, relieves inflammation, eliminates freckles, cleanses pores and exfoliates dead cells.

Spinach contains coenzyme. This coenzyme is involved in the processes of regeneration and renewal, smoothes wrinkles and increases skin turgor. In addition, coenzyme is a preventative treatment for breast cancer and mastopathy.

Pregnant women should include spinach in their daily diet. The plant contains all the trace elements, minerals and vitamins necessary for correct formation and child development. Thus, folic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetal neural tube, and calcium is involved in the development of the hematopoietic system.

IMPORTANT: Consult your doctor before use!

The benefits and harms of spinach dishes

European nutritionists encourage people to eat vegetables and fruits. As a result of such propaganda, the raw food movement became popular in Western countries. Raw spinach salads have become a decoration for any table. Meanwhile, in the countries of Hindustan and United Arab Emirates, the vegetable is used in combination with meat dishes and casseroles. If you can't imagine a spinach salad, take a closer look at the complex dishes of the East. Heat treatment: stewing, frying, freezing do not affect the nutritional properties of the plant.

Spinach on the table is welcome, because... normalizes intestinal flora and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Its leaves should be consumed by people with low acidity to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Leaves that have been subjected to heat treatment are not recommended for consumption after 24 hours, because they increase the concentration of oxalic acid.

Cooking recipes

Spinach is a rich source of fiber. Young greens are added to summer salads, soups, omelets, and served with meat, fish and bacon. The leaves are used to decorate snacks made from vegetables, nuts, cheese and beans. The defrosted product is used in dressings, purees, snack creams, and also as a filling. Dried spinach is boiled in soups, stewed with meat and fish. To make the canned boiled vegetable tastier, season it with lemon juice and olive oil.

Spinach combines harmoniously with citrus zest, ground nutmeg, dill, cilantro, mustard leaves, peppers and basil. Its leaves are eaten boiled, stewed, stewed and raw.

Baby spinach salad

Ingredients: 500 g spinach, lemon, 3 tbsp. l. linseed oil, 1 tsp. grated horseradish or ginger, onion, spices.

Finely chop the spinach leaves, add ginger root, chopped onion, spices, add lemon juice and vegetable oil. Move carefully. The salad appetizer can be served with white meat and red fish.

Ingredients: 400 g canned spinach, 30 g. butter, 100 g of rice, one and a half liters of water, half a glass of cream, fried onions, salt and pepper to taste.

Fry the rice in butter, add it to boiling water and cook until half cooked. Add spinach, salt, pepper and cook until done. Add fried onions and cream. Serve with croutons.

Curd dessert with spinach

Ingredients: 100 g spinach leaves, 200 g crumbly cookies, vanilla sugar, 100 g cottage cheese, lemon, sour cream, mint.

Place spinach, sugar, sour cream and cottage cheese into a blender and grind. Place the mixture in a bowl, decorate with cookies, mint leaves, lemon zest and vanilla sugar.

Probably every person knows that in order to maintain the health of the body it is necessary to organize the correct and balanced diet, saturating the diet with all the necessary minerals and vitamins and other important components. A significant amount of such substances is found in vegetables, fruits and various greens. And for such food to bring maximum benefit, it must be eaten unheated - raw. To the most useful products plant origin We can include spinach, the benefits and harms of which for human health will be the topic of our conversation today.

The benefits and harms of spinach for the body

The benefits of spinach for the body

Spinach is essentially a leaf vegetable; it is not very popular in our country, and it’s completely in vain, because this product can bring great benefits to the human body. It is rich in many B vitamins (especially folic acid), it contains provitamin A, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins K, PP and H. In addition, spinach saturates the body with a significant amount of minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. The leaves of this plant are rich in protein. The amazing property of the beneficial substances in such greens is their ability to be preserved even when various varieties of which can be easily found on the Internet are prepared.

Thus, spinach perfectly saturates the body with nutrient particles. This product cleanses the digestive tract and other parts of our body from toxins and waste. Due to the presence of iron in its composition, spinach helps saturate all cells and tissues of the human body with oxygen. In addition, eating such greens can improve metabolic processes and add vital energy.

Spinach is not only a healthy dietary product. It is also an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. Eating it adds health to the oral cavity (both gums and teeth), helps to avoid anemia and even the formation of tumors (both malignant and benign types). Many doctors strongly recommend taking it during cancer treatment, especially during radiation therapy.

Spinach can strengthen blood vessels, adding strength and elasticity to their walls. Also, such greens perfectly remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and even help dissolve already formed atherosclerotic plaques. Spinach has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and optimizes intestinal function.

This leafy vegetable will be especially useful for women carrying a child, as well as nursing mothers and children. After all, it contains almost all the vitamins the body needs and a significant amount of minerals. In addition, spinach is easily absorbed by the body, largely due to the presence in its composition of substances that stimulate the functioning of the salivary glands and pancreas.

This product will be especially useful for patients suffering from exhaustion, ailments nervous system. It is worth eating for anemia and hypertension. In addition, spinach is strongly recommended to be included in the daily diet for those who suffer from diabetes, gastritis and enterocolitis. This leafy vegetable has a mild laxative and diuretic effect; in addition, it has good anti-inflammatory and tonic qualities.

Spinach has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, helping to avoid damage. It effectively normalizes carbohydrate metabolism and stimulates the production of necessary hormones in the body. In addition, this vegetable promotes quick and reliable weight loss.

It should be included in your daily diet by all those who are often exposed to stress at work and in private life, in this case spinach restores calm and increases performance.

It contains a certain amount of iodine, which makes this vegetable beneficial for the thyroid gland. In addition, spinach contains quite a lot of fiber and chlorophyll, which is beneficial for the entire gastrointestinal tract and the intestines in particular.

Experts say that eating spinach will be especially beneficial for the health of the visual system. This property of this product due to the presence in its composition of lutein and other substances that protect nerve cells and prevent retinal dystrophy. And lutein perfectly supports and improves visual acuity; it also helps to somewhat reduce eye fatigue while working at the computer.

Is spinach dangerous? Is it possible to cause harm to your health?

This the healthiest vegetable in some situations it can harm the body. So, it contains quite a lot of oxalic acid, so excessive consumption of this product is contraindicated for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, which are represented by nephritis, urolithiasis and some others. You should not eat spinach if you suffer from gout, rheumatism, diseases of the duodenum, as well as liver and bile ducts.

Overripe spinach or one that was grown in an environmentally unfavorable area can be harmful. You also need to remember that it is extremely rare that such a vegetable provokes the development of allergic diseases.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine practitioners use spinach to treat many health problems. The juice of this plant is widely used. It can be used for rinsing - for ailments of the mouth and throat. And to add energy to the body, you should drink this drink in small quantities - about a third of a glass a day.

Chopped spinach leaves will help eliminate inflammation, allergies and irritation at the site of insect bites.

Spinach is amazing useful product food, which can be used to prepare a wide variety of salads, appetizers, soups, pies and sauces.

Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 6 minutes


Spinach is one of the healthiest foods. It is rich in vitamins, helps fight excess weight and toxicosis in pregnant women, and dishes using spinach turn out interesting and healthy.

Varieties of spinach - which spinach is better for planting, healthier, and which simply tastes better?

There are quite a lot of varieties of spinach - about 20 species. However, in middle lane Only 12 types of garden spinach grow. For planting, gardeners prefer to choose the most unpretentious varieties– Virofle, Gaudry, Victoria, Matador and Virtuoso. All varieties of spinach are equally healthy and similar in taste, They are distinguished by early maturity and type of leaves.

You can grow spinach almost anywhere - from winter greenhouse and ending with the windowsill own apartment. All that is required of you is to provide bright lighting in the room and make sure that the temperature fluctuates between 15 o-18 o C.

Well, if you don’t have time to garden, you can always buy spinach in large stores, where it is sold in two types - fresh (in vacuum packaging) and frozen (portioned balls).

On a note: the younger the spinach, the less oxalic acid it contains, and therefore the bitterness. Therefore, choose leaves that are juicy green in color and without visible spots. Such spinach will taste tender and soft, and bitterness will not be felt.

By the way, many people confuse spinach with sorrel, which is very popular in our country. But if you look closely, you will notice that these vegetables differ in shape and color, and when tasting, the difference is obvious - sorrel tastes sour, and spinach has a slightly bitter taste.

Composition and nutritional value

Spinach has many beneficial properties and at the same time boasts low calorie content. 100 g of spinach contains only 23 calories.

Nutritional value of 100 g of spinach:

  • 91.6 g – Water.
  • 2.9 g – Proteins.
  • 0.3 g – Fats.
  • 2 g – Carbohydrates.
  • 1.3 g – Dietary fiber.
  • 0.1 g – Organic acids.
  • 1.8 g – Ash.

Vitamins contained in spinach (per 100 g):

  • 55 mg – Vitamin C.
  • 18 mg – Choline.
  • 4.5 mg – Beta-carotene.
  • 1.2 mg – Vitamin PP.
  • 750 mcg – Vitamin A.
  • 80 mcg – Vitamin B9.
  • 482.9 mcg – Vitamin K.

Macro- and microelements contained in spinach (per 100 g):

  • 20 mcg – Iodine.
  • 106 mg – Calcium.
  • 774 mg – Potassium.
  • 82 mg – Magnesium.
  • 24 mg – Sodium.
  • 83 mg – Phosphorus.
  • 13.51 mg – Iron.
  • 13 mcg – Copper.
  • 1 mcg – Selenium.
  • 0.897 mg – Manganese.

The benefits and healing properties of spinach

Remember the cartoon about Popeye the Sailor Man? Spinach gave him enormous strength, and quite justifiably - this vegetable contains many useful substances.

Benefits of spinach:

  1. Regular consumption of spinach helps increase productivity and perfectly rejuvenates the body, and if you are susceptible to stress, spinach will help relieve tension and calm your nerves.
  2. Doctors recommend consuming spinach for gastritis and anemia - its diuretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and laxative effect will be an indispensable assistant during treatment.
  3. Spinach contains iodine, so it is very useful for thyroid diseases.
  4. It is worth paying attention to spinach even if you are following a diet – its low calorie content and compatibility with other foods will help you lose weight.
  5. And one of the most important features spinach is the presence of lutein in its composition, a substance essential for the eyes. Lutein has a beneficial effect on the retina and relieves eye fatigue.

Harm to health of spinach and contraindications for use

Spinach contains oxalic acid, and in large quantities it is harmful to health. Therefore, it is better to buy only young spinach leaves and not store them for more than 48 hours. As a last resort, spinach can be frozen, thereby extending its shelf life by a couple of months.

  1. People with diseases of the duodenum, liver and kidneys.
  2. Patients with stomach ulcers.
  3. Patients with rheumatism and gout.

At what age can a child be given spinach?

Spinach is a very healthy product; it can be included in a child’s diet from 8 months. IN early age You should limit the amount of spinach - two times a week is enough.

On a note: Pay attention to the freshness of the spinach - excess oxalic acid can cause allergies, so use only young leaves. Milk perfectly neutralizes oxalic acid - you can add it to children's dishes, especially when spinach is introduced into the baby's diet for the first time.

Spinach has virtually no smell or taste, so it can be used not only in puree, but also added to various soups and salads.

Spinach puree for little ones

This is the easiest dish to prepare for babies from 8 months. You can add milk and a little butter to the spinach.

Fish with spinach in an omelet for children over 2 years old

In this dish it is better to use cod or hake fillets, and for taste you can add celery, cherry tomatoes and some olives. The dish turns out healthy and very tasty.

Spinach for pregnant women, diabetics and allergy sufferers

  1. In the absence of the contraindications described above, spinach is recommended to be included in the diet of expectant mothers, because The iodine contained in the product is necessary for the thyroid gland and stabilization of hormonal levels. And daily consumption of spinach will help pregnant women cope with the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.
  2. During pregnancy, many women experience such unpleasant problems as hair loss, brittle hair, and brittle bones. The vitamin K contained in spinach will help retain calcium in the body and promote its absorption. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for normal blood clotting - it prevents bleeding and helps in the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis (a condition when the capillaries lose blood and the skin becomes covered with dark spots, in other words, this is the so-called subcutaneous bleeding). It is thanks to receiving a sufficient amount of vitamin K that our liver is able to produce prothrombin, a substance directly related to normal blood clotting. In short, vitamin K is simply necessary for our body!
  3. Diabetic patients are also advised to include spinach in their diet. Its use has a beneficial effect on peristalsis and improves stomach function. Many diabetics face digestive problems, and spinach will help stabilize the intestines.
  4. Those with spinach allergies should be careful. Food allergies are quite individual, so it is recommended to consult a doctor and eat spinach in small portions.

Spinach on a diet

Dishes with spinach are not only tasty, but also very healthy. You can make many salads, casseroles, soups, and pancakes from this product. This vegetable goes well with almost all products, and the lack of taste can be replaced with various spices.

As we have already said, spinach is a very low-calorie product, so for those who want to lose extra pounds, it can become an indispensable assistant!

On a note: By eating spinach at least 2-3 times a week, you can lose weight and improve your body health. The main rule of such a diet– introduce boiled and baked foods into your diet, excluding fried and sweet foods, and Consume at least 150 grams of spinach per day.

What dishes can be prepared using spinach:

  • Potatoes with cheese and spinach.
  • Spinach soup.
  • Meat pie with spinach.
  • Fried spinach with onions.
  • Spinach with tomatoes.
  • Chicken rolls with spinach.
  • Spinach rice with cheese.
  • Spinach pancakes.

Spinach is a green that anyone who wants to be healthy and slim needs to know about. The dark green leaves of spinach do not have the characteristic taste and smell of other vegetables. However, spinach has long taken a leading place in national cuisines many countries.

Doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend using spinach in your diet. The benefits of green vitamin food have been proven. But can everyone eat spinach without restrictions without harming their health? We will talk about spinach, the benefits and harms of consuming it for some categories of people in this article.

How did spinach appear in world cuisines?

Persia is considered the birthplace of spinach. Ancient healers noticed the healing effect of the plant for many diseases. Adding spinach when preparing dishes increased the satiety of food, making food easier to digest and assimilate. The first mention of spinach appeared in the 6th century. Successful trade was carried out in the Middle Ages green plant along with spices. Gradually, new types of spinach appeared and spread throughout the world.

This vegetable plant is most popular in France. “Royal” - they call it in the country where King Louis XIV, a lover of “good food,” ruled. Until now, the French cannot imagine their cuisine without spinach. It is used to prepare soups, salads, snack dishes, bake pies, and prepare omelettes. Cheese sauces with the addition of spinach won the love of gourmets of different nationalities.

In America, spinach was placed on a pedestal of honor as a vitamin and healthy product. The amazing nutritional benefits of spinach are touted on television. Do you remember the cartoon character Popeye the sailor, who ate a lot of spinach from cans, demonstrating his “iron” fists and muscles?

Spinach came to our country relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity among its adherents. healthy eating. Nowadays there are no problems finding this vegetable plant in supermarkets in fresh or frozen form; many people grow it on their plots of land.


Spinach is a green storehouse of vitamins. The content of vitamins in the green vegetable is diverse: A, C, the entire group B, K, E. Spinach is also rich in minerals: Ca, Mg, K, Fe. The high content of folic acid promotes hematopoiesis and strengthens the immune system.

In terms of protein, spinach is second only to green peas, and in terms of beta carotene content it ranks after carrots. The green vegetable plant contains phytonutrients, which are safe natural medicines.

Historical myth about “iron” spinach
In the 30s of the last century, scientists made a mistake by incorrectly calculating the amount of iron contained in spinach. The whole world has learned that 100 g of spinach contains 35 mg of iron. By the amount of this desired element spinach came out on top among plant foods. In fact, the calculations were carried out based on dry spinach. Fresh spinach contains a large percentage of water and the amount of iron per 100 g of green fresh spinach is ten times less - 3.5 mg. The error was discovered over time. British Medical Journal officially published a refutation of the iron content of spinach in 1981.


Spinach has been thoroughly studied in the medical world quite recently - just a few decades ago. Scientists have concluded: eating spinach is a guarantee of health. The benefit of spinach for the body lies in its significant content of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and the retention of calcium in the bones.

Revealed unique property green vegetable - preventing the development of cancer. Glycerolipids contained in spinach are plant phytonutrients - natural natural medicines. They block the vessels of tumor cells and prevent their further growth.

The benefits of spinach for men have been proven in the medical world. Spinach has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Spinach not only nourishes the body, but also removes toxins. Doctors often prescribe it in therapeutic diets. Spinach has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines, and relieves inflammatory processes in the body.

The benefits of spinach for women and children are obvious. It is recommended that pregnant women consume dishes containing spinach, as the content of vitamins and minerals in the herb is very high. The content of folic acid has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes expectant mother and fruit. Folates strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes.

The presence of iron and folic acid in spinach helps increase hemoglobin levels. This is important for women who lose a lot of blood during their menstrual days.


Spinach contains a large amount of oxalates, so people suffering from salt deposits and kidney stones should not consume this green vegetable herb. The largest amount of oxalic acid salts is found in old spinach leaves. Therefore, young plants are suitable for food. To reduce the amount of oxalates in the leaves, spinach is stewed in milk or cream.

People with a history of diseases such as gout, rheumatic diseases, nephritis, liver and intestinal tract diseases should consume spinach with caution.

For weight loss

Spinach is considered a zero-calorie food. 100 g of spinach contains only 22 kcal, which makes it attractive for use in various diets. The French call spinach a “broom” for the intestines. Green vegetable grass is easily absorbed by the body, and helps break down other foods, speeding up metabolism.

Spinach is considered an indispensable product for people losing weight. You can safely add spinach to various dishes and not be afraid to gain extra pounds. Even a special spinach-based diet for weight loss has been developed.


It is most beneficial to eat spinach fresh, but boiled and stewed vegetables are also suitable for consumption, since the loss of nutrients is not great. Fresh, juicy green leaves of the plant are used to prepare various dishes. Unfortunately, spinach has a short shelf life.

The most acceptable way to store a fresh plant is considered to be the refrigerator, where unwashed spinach is placed in a container of water in the form of a bouquet. Spinach can be stored this way for 2 days. When frozen, spinach does not lose its useful qualities and can be stored in the freezer for a long time.

It is best to use young spinach leaves by adding them to various salads. Green borscht is prepared from sorrel and spinach. Spinach omelettes are tasty and healthy. Sandwiches decorated with green vitamin leaves are beautiful and healthy.

There are benefits and contraindications for eating spinach. By using spinach for food, you will diversify your menu and enrich your diet with a healthy and tasty product, if there are no direct health restrictions.