Cover Victoria. We grow Victoria in a new way. How to care for Victoria in spring

Gardeners rarely do without strawberries on their plots. This berry pleases both children and adults with its juicy, sweet fruits. Harvesting can be a lot of fun for the whole family.

The vast majority of plantings on such plantations are occupied by the Victoria variety, but not everyone knows that this is actually a garden strawberry, not a strawberry, a cultivated variety of wild berry, known since the 18th century, brought to us from America. It is very problematic to find real strawberries on someone’s plot, because preference is given to the Victoria variety.

Description of culture

Low bushes with wide leaves are found everywhere where there is garden land. Unlike strawberries, the fruits are larger, juicier and more aromatic. At proper care can be assembled great amount berries from a small plot.

According to science, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants. By eating these small delicacies you can recharge yourself with energy and health components for the whole year.

To prolong the pleasure of enjoying red “hearts” they are used to make jam, compotes and other preserves, baking lovers treat themselves to pies, etc.

Landing dates

This plant can be planted from the onset of spring until late autumn. If you listen to advice experienced gardeners, then it is better to do this after the fruitful period, when it becomes cool.

Why in autumn?

The answer is quite simple. Let's look at the process of planting or transplanting.

We remove the bush from its usual soil and transplant it to an area with completely different soil. Yes, maybe it is more suitable, rich in essential minerals and nitrogen, ideal for this type of plant, but it takes time to adapt - it’s like moving to another place.

In addition, during this action, small roots, which are excellent producers of microelements and nutrients, are damaged. It takes time to heal wounds, and after that you need to restore the lost threads to ensure normal maintenance of the bush.

If we replant the bush in the spring, before the harvest is harvested, then we will not see berries this season, since the plant needs to recover and adapt. There will not be enough strength for the fruits; It’s good if the flowers set.

In autumn the picture looks different. By this time, the plant has fulfilled its function, there is no need to waste energy on growth, flowering and growing fruits; you can slowly restore what was lost and adapt to new conditions.

In cool autumn climates, sap flow slows, leaves become unnecessary and effort is wasted on survival. By the next season everything will be back to normal, and each bush will delight you with its berries.

From this we can conclude that replanting in the fall is much more advisable - in this case, you will get a harvest and allow the plant to calmly overcome stress. Transplanting in the spring will not give you berries from the bush, because they simply will not have time to develop. An excellent time for carrying out such actions would be September, in northern conditions – August; in warmer regions, you can postpone the transplant until October. During the period when the leaves begin to die and become lethargic, this is best done.

Site selection and soil preparation

Planning a transplant garden strawberries, you need to choose the right place. For good growth and fruiting, Victoria needs enough sun and moderately fertilized soil. If the site has already been selected, then you can plant it with green manure. These are plants that are then buried in the ground, and they perfectly rid the area of ​​weeds and saturate the soil with nitrogen and minerals during the decomposition process. The roots that remain in the soil will serve as excellent aerators and saturate the deep layers with air. Also suitable are beds where herbs, onions, and garlic previously grew.

Lupine is an excellent species to prepare. This flower is from the family leguminous plants will allow you to enjoy its appearance over the summer and will be an excellent basis for growing strawberries in open ground.

How to plant a crop?

For correct landing Victoria needs to meet several conditions, which are designed to ensure the comfort of the plant in the new area:

  • the site must be located in a place where groundwater it is not flooded. Excess moisture can lead to plant disease;
  • bushes in a row are planted at a distance of at least 20 cm, this will give room for the development of seedlings; there should be 40-60 cm between rows for ease of harvesting and the possibility of passage without damaging the leaves;

  • When choosing seedlings when purchasing, take bushes with no more than four leaves; it is better to cut off the excess ones, since they will only take away nutrients, and you can get enough sunlight with less. Long roots can be trimmed because the excess will intertwine with each other and prevent it from growing;
  • make sure that there are no larvae of various pests on the site (Colorado beetle, wireworm, etc.). If pests are found, then spill the soil with an insecticide or add ammonium nitrate;
  • the soil should not be acidic, if necessary, sprinkle with lime fluff to normalize Ph;
  • During the planting process, make sure that the center of the bush is not covered with earth. This leads to the development of diseases and decay;

  • the soil around the plant should be compacted and, if possible, mulched;
  • for transplanting or planting, it is better to choose a cloudy day when the sun will not burn the plant;
  • as a covering material, you need to use geotextiles, which allow moisture to pass through but protect against sun rays. The black color of this material will provide the necessary warmth to plants starting to grow.

At home, before planting, seedlings can be kept for several days in saturated soil so that they gain strength; the same can be done if aging takes place in a greenhouse. Need to keep an eye on temperature conditions and humidity level. Heat provokes intensive growth, which is not at all desirable for seedlings, high humidity air can cause the development of characteristic diseases.

Following the diagram, you need to place the bushes at a fair distance from each other, so that when they grow, they do not overlap each other.

If you need to plant strawberries to produce offspring through the mustache and there is no harvest this season special significance, then the plants need to be replanted into the prepared soil in the spring, when the threat of frost subsides and the ground temperature rises to around 20 degrees. This method, as mentioned above, does not guarantee a harvest, but stimulates reproduction. Having received sprouts from the mustache, they can be arranged or replanted in the fall. These manipulations will allow you to organize an entire plantation of a dozen plants in one season.

Another important fact. Growing seedlings of this plant from a berry containing seeds is very difficult; a lot of conditions must be met. The conditions for germination of the fruit, care of the seedlings and many other little things matter here. The period for obtaining full-fledged seedlings is about four years.

Of course, the most simple solution You will be able to buy sprouts on the market or in special nurseries, but if you want to try your hand at growing, are passionate about preserving your particular type of plant, and have the time to spend several years achieving results, then everything is in your hands.

The pride that all these plants are the result of your efforts will undoubtedly compensate for all the moral costs and worries during the growing period. Perhaps in this way you will preserve the unique appearance of strawberries, because, as you know, each generation of any crop differs in its properties from the previous one.

How to care for berries?

If we talk about caring for this small but demanding plant, then first of all I would like to note the flowering period. Here you need to ensure nutrition and pollination so that the previously spent efforts are not in vain.

  • Fertilizers for ordinary flowering vegetables are not suitable here. The concentration of minerals and other things is different there;
  • After the flowers appear, strawberries need potassium. One teaspoon of potassium nitrate per ten liters of water will be an excellent help;
  • When buds appear, you can give the bushes bird droppings, ash or humus. These substances are very caustic, and therefore they must be added dissolved in small quantities;
  • to increase the number of inflorescences, during the ovary period the strawberries are watered with a solution boric acid(a pinch per ten liters of water), this stimulates the formation of new stalks;
  • It is necessary to provide watering to the plant, because its roots are shallow and cannot extract enough moisture from the soil. It's important not to overdo it excess water leads to rotting of the base of the bush.

Among other things, it is recommended to remove the mustache at this time so that it does not take away excess strength, leaves that have withered or dried out for the same reason. The right decision There will also be a removal of the first, very weak, fruit bearings. Subsequent ovaries will be stronger, and if there is more strength, they will develop well.

If pale and small fruits began to appear on your strawberries this season, then this is a lack of pollination. The reason for this may be rainy weather, lack of honey insects, etc. In such cases, you can do the following:

  • Use a soft brush to go over the available colors. This will create forced pollination and allow good fruit to form;
  • Dissolve one tablespoon of honey in a liter of water and sprinkle the bushes with this solution. The bees will definitely fly to the familiar smell, and then nature will do its thing;
  • plant several types of garden strawberries in one area. The principle of self-pollination applies here. The pollen will be carried by the wind, and the plants will receive the necessary substances to produce fruits.

After harvesting, in order to prepare for winter, the bushes need to be rid of excess mustache. Late shoots will not be able to grow and will die during the cold weather, at the same time they deprive the main bush of nutrition. This will give you the opportunity to gain the necessary strength before wintering.

After the end of the fruiting season, the plant also needs feeding. Small portions mineral fertilizers, ash, potassium sulfate will give him the opportunity to accumulate strength for a long hibernation. This is very important for getting a good harvest next year.

It is best to protect plants from the effects of frost with some material that does not absorb moisture, therefore will not freeze in winter, and will not maintain the effect freezer, which can lead to freezing of the roots.

Reproduction methods

Finally, let's look at methods of propagating Victoria garden strawberries. There are only two of them:

  • dividing the bush;

The first method is used for thick bushes, where there are many shoots and a developed root system. We dig up one of the objects and simply divide it into two or three parts. This can be done with your hands, the main thing is that there are enough roots on each separated sprout, or with a knife, cutting the base and root. This method injures the plant, but brings results. Over the course of the season, all wounds will heal and the characteristics of the strawberry will be restored.

The second method is more gentle. You just need to collect the shoots that each bush sends out through the tendrils, and break the thread connecting them - just transplant it to the intended location.

You need to know that when dividing a bush, its characteristics deteriorate; next season the fruits will be smaller and their number may be smaller. The second method does not disturb the natural course of things and allows the plant to develop at the speed it needs.

In conclusion of all the above, we can say that to grow good harvest strawberries on your own summer cottage is not a problem, it just requires some effort. Undoubtedly, during fruiting, your efforts will be rewarded, and you will be able to please your loved ones, yourself and any other person with beautiful, juicy fruits.

You can learn more about growing Victoria in the next video.

Once again, let us make a reservation that strawberries, Victoria among gardeners, are called large-fruited strawberries. In our articles, we write the name of the plant as our readers call it.

Proper planting of Victoria is the key to a good harvest and successful wintering. For this berry, like no other, the yield directly depends on proper landing and care.

The best time Victoria planting is considered to be from August to September. The seedlings planted at this time have time to take root well and grow leaves. Such plants overwinter well and bloom in the spring. At spring planting Victoria flowering will be less abundant and the harvest of berries will be lower. Spring planting can begin as early as the third decade of April. Of course, when choosing a planting date, you need to focus on weather. The soil should dry out a little, the air temperature should be at least 10 0 C, the work of planting and replanting Victoria must be completed before the onset of hot days.

Choosing a place to plant strawberries

When choosing a landing site, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Victoria is photophilous, she needs a sunny location; shadows from buildings and trees should not fall on the site,
  • the bed for planting Victoria should be level, in no case in the lowlands,
  • the place must be protected from the winds so that in winter the snow is not blown out of the beds, otherwise the plants will not overwinter well.

Preparing soil for strawberries

Large-fruited strawberry(Victoria) is very demanding on soil fertility; it requires a large number of nutrients, so you need to take very seriously the preparation of the soil for planting and further fertilizing of Victoria (especially remontant)

To plant Victoria, fertile, slightly acidic soil is required. In soil that is too acidic, deoxidizing agents (lime, dolomite flour, etc.) must be added in advance.

The root system of Victoria is demanding of oxygen nutrition, so the soil must be loose and breathable. This is why Victoria responds well to regular loosening of the soil around the bushes.

If your soil is too heavy, you can add compost or rotted sawdust directly into each planting hole, if perlite is available.

Victoria's roots are very sensitive to root hair rupture, so soil cultivation (ploughing, digging) should be carried out at least two to three weeks before planting so that the soil has time to compact.

Planting Victoria (strawberry)

Correct fit It has great value. The root collar should be at soil level. If you plant deeper, when it rains and waters, the growing point (the heart) may rot; such a plant, as a rule, dies in winter period, if smaller, the roots will be exposed.

To make it more convenient to care for Victoria in the future, it needs to be planted in even rows. The maximum distance between them should be 60 - 70 cm, and between plants - 30 cm. It is best to plant Victoria in the evening or in cloudy weather. Victoria is planted in the ground either with a closed root system (from cups) - such seedlings take root, as a rule, 100%, or with an open root system.

If you are planting seedlings with an open root system, then you need to trim the roots to 8–10 cm. Remove some of the leaves, leaving 2–3 of the youngest leaves, otherwise the seedlings may dry out. When planting, be sure to straighten the roots of the plant; under no circumstances should they bend. When planting, you need to add any complex mineral or organomineral fertilizer to the hole (according to the instructions for the fertilizer), the soil in the hole needs to be mixed and Victoria seedlings can be planted. Water the seedlings if it is possible to cover them with Spunbond or Lutrasil; this is especially important for seedlings with an open root system; the covering material allows you to maintain optimal temperature and humidity for seedling rooting.

Strawberries, care and cultivation

Further care of planted seedlings comes down to watering as needed, feeding plants with fertilizers 10 - 14 days after planting, loosening, and weed control.

Planting Victoria in the spring video

Victoria, strawberry or garden strawberry (more on the differences in the names below) is a fragrant messenger of the coming summer and warm sun, the first portion of vitamins. There is an opinion that, having eaten your fill of this berry at the beginning of summer, you can stock up on vitamins and antioxidants for the whole year. But to grow a tasty and abundant harvest, you will have to work hard. The plant is capricious and whimsical; its cultivation requires knowledge and hard work. And it all starts with the correct landing.

Name confusion

Some people consider the names “strawberry”, “strawberry” and “victoria” to be synonymous, while others are ready to defend their differences. If you go into biological details, you can see characteristic differences between garden strawberries (which are grown in our gardens) and strawberries, which can be found extremely rarely in cultivated gardening. As for Victoria, this is just an established and common name for garden strawberries brought from the American continent. But, since the rules of agricultural technology for these garden crops are basically the same, we will not emphasize the difference and talk about this crop as a single strawberry-strawberry family.

Victoria planting dates in autumn

You can start replanting Victoria in both August and September. Dates are approximate as they largely depend on regional climatic conditions, which can move them in any direction. It is not only possible to replant Victoria in September, but it is also preferable in mid-latitudes and at Far East. In the southern regions (Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, etc.), planting dates may be pushed back even to the end of October. And in the Urals and in regions located in more northern latitudes than the central part of Russia, replanting work must be completed in August or, at least, in the first ten days of September.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to replant garden strawberries in the fall. There are several reasons for this:

  • The favorable period in the fall is more extended in time (it is 1-1.5 months), which is not only convenient, but also gives you a greater chance of falling into a favorable period according to the lunar calendar.
  • Availability of a large amount of planting material.
  • Favorable weather conditions for rooting rosettes.
  • Significantly less weed growth.
  • Harvesting next year. After spring planting, you no longer have to wait for it this season.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

You can purchase seedlings in specialized retail outlets, or you can take them from your own garden bed if you are satisfied with their variety and yield. It is not recommended to buy strawberry seedlings from an unknown seller on the market, since rosettes that are often sold are not the best, and sometimes even degenerated, having lost their quality characteristics varieties. Each seedling must have 3-4 healthy and always young leaves and roots no shorter than 10 cm. The root collar should be at least 6 mm in diameter, the root system should be fibrous, and the leaves should be compact and not very long.

The following procedure should be carried out immediately before planting. Mixture garden soil and humus is diluted with water to the consistency of good sour cream, any growth stimulator is added to it (Zircon, Mikras, Epin, Kornevin). The roots are dipped into the resulting mash and slightly dried, after which they can be planted.

Site selection, soil requirements, predecessors

Regardless of when Victoria is planted, in autumn or spring, maximum attention should be paid to preparing the plot. The soil must be fertile, capable of providing the crop with basic nutrition for at least 3-4 years. Requirements for acidity pH 5-6.5. The occurrence of groundwater should not be less than 60 cm to the ground surface.

The area is well weeded and checked for the presence of larvae. Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. If their presence is detected, it is recommended to pre-spill the soil with an insecticide solution (Bazudin, Konfidor, Marshall are suitable). You can add ammonium nitrate instead. The recommendation particularly applies to areas located in close proximity to forested areas.

The place for garden strawberries should be open to the sun, this important condition, but at the same time it should be well protected from winds and drafts. The ideal location is the southwest side of the house with a slight slope of 2-3 degrees.

Another important factor is predecessors. The best of them are garlic, onions, legumes, some types of greens (parsley, dill, celery), radishes, carrots, green manure. It is not advisable to plant berry bushes after cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, as well as after Asteraceae and Ranunculaceae. It is recommended to grow Victoria in the same place for no longer than 4 years.

Moving old bushes from place to place is absolutely pointless.

Soil preparation

Approximately 2 weeks before the intended planting, the soil is dug up to the depth of a shovel with the addition of humus or well-rotted manure. The norm is 10-20kg per meter square. It is also recommended to add potassium chloride and superphosphate to the soil for every 1m2 (15g and 30g, respectively). If the acidity level is high, 4-6 kg of lime fluff is added. Immediately before planting, the soil is loosened again to a depth of approximately 15 cm.

Agricultural planting technology

You should choose a cloudy day or a quiet, windless evening. For each row, furrows are made that are well moistened. They can be done conveniently using a hoe and a stretched cord. The Victoria planting scheme is as follows: 15-20cm between seedlings with 60-80cm between rows. This density ensures better wintering, good fruiting and ease of processing and harvesting. In the rows, the bushes will quickly close together, and the passages will remain free. It is necessary to ensure that the center of the outlet is not covered with earth. The soil around the seedlings is well compressed for reliable rooting and mulched with humus or peat.

How to get your own seedlings

After the end of fruiting, strong and healthy rosettes with tendrils of the second year of life are selected from those that did not produce a very abundant harvest this time. Are buried in the ground plastic cups with the substrate into which the first two antennae are buried. Those that will grow further need to be removed. By August or September, when the time comes for planting, the seedlings will already be ready, with strong roots.

You should not choose berry bushes that have produced this year abundant harvest, since they are less promising in terms of seedlings. One growing season can provide one thing: either a good harvest or full-fledged seedlings.

Planting Victoria on agrofibre

The use of black covering material not only helps to significantly reduce the effort required to care for Victoria, but also helps to increase the berry yield by about a third. This is a big topic with its own nuances, so we will only note the essence and most important points of this agricultural technique. Increased productivity is facilitated by increased protection against weeds and negative natural phenomena. Agrofibre replaces mulching; it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which inhibits photosynthesis and weed growth, but at the same time has good air and water permeability.

If you plan to use covering material, you need to correctly calculate the width of the beds so that the joints do not fall in the middle. The calculation depends on the width of the agrofibre, taking into account an overlap of 20-30cm. Next, you should adhere to the following agricultural technology.

  1. A deep and thorough digging of the soil is carried out - next time this will only be possible to do in a few years.
  2. Organic fertilizers and mineral supplements are paid in advance, 2-4 weeks in advance. It is not recommended to shorten this period.
  3. The wire is prepared, which is divided into pieces no shorter than 50 cm, which then need to be bent in half to form pins for fastening.
  4. Agrofibre is spread over a designated area, overlapping, and secured with wire pins along the joint lines. Edges and corners require more reliable fixation, for which it is used paving slabs, boards, metal rod, etc.
  5. Paths are marked and, if desired, decorated with tiles or boards, along which you can subsequently walk. They are made in such a way that you can reach each bush with your hands.
  6. Chalk marks are placed on the fiber in the places of future seedlings, after which a cross-shaped cut is made in these places (not a round hole!).
  7. Holes are made in the resulting slits into which seedlings are planted. A big mistake is to cover the plot with agrofibre after planting the seedlings.
  8. Each bush is sprinkled with earth at the base.

Important! Victoria does not like deep planting.

Caring for autumn-planted Victoria

Further care is carried out with the main and only goal - to ensure the growth of a powerful root system that will help survive the winter and ensure the harvest next summer. Further recommendations are given for open method planting (not under covering material).


During the first week, newly planted bushes require frequent watering, literally in a day, maximum two. As soon as the appearance of the above-ground part indicates that the roots have become stronger, watering should be halved, but ensure that the soil constantly remains moist and loose. The water should not be cold.

Watering is carried out at the root; it is undesirable for water to get on the leaves.

Top dressing

Young seedlings do not need feeding, and will not need it for another 2, or even 3 years. The fertilizers applied during digging will be quite sufficient for this period.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Many pathogens and harmful insects settle down for the winter in upper layers garden soil. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to treat the newly planted bed. This is not done immediately, but when the seedlings take root well. The soil is loosened to a depth of 7-8 cm and treated with a Karbofos solution heated to +30C (3 tablespoons per bucket) or Bordeaux mixture. You can also use a solution of copper oxychloride (1 tbsp per bucket).

Then everything is covered with film on top for 3 hours. The procedure is done in exceptionally calm, windless weather; the film is not pressed too hard to the ground.


There is no need to trim the leaves of Victoria just planted in August or September. Moreover, the thicker the rosette grows by winter, the better. But, if she tries to grow tendrils, they can and should be removed immediately, since they take away from the plant the strength needed to build up the root system.


It is advisable to mulch the soil immediately, using peat, humus or sawdust. But with winter approaching, the process will need to be repeated.

Preparing for winter

In general, Victoria planted in autumn winters well, especially if the soil layer under it is mulched. Measures need to be taken only in case of a frosty, snowless winter, as well as in order to delay the snow if there is not enough of it. To do this, straw or fallen leaves are poured onto the bed. You can also use spruce branches, sawdust, corn or sunflower stalks, etc. Layer thickness is about 5cm.

When using leaves or other garden debris, care should be taken not to introduce pests or pathogens.

If you don’t put the strawberry plantation in order in August, by the end of autumn it will turn into a solid green carpet. And from dense plantings you will collect only a few handfuls of small berries. All the power of the plants will go into the greens.

New home for strawberry

First of all, you need to make a decision - to plant the strawberries in the same area or replant them. After all, a culture will give birth well in one place for no more than 4-5 years. Then it begins to degenerate. Therefore, if your strawberry has not changed its place of residence for a long time, prepare a new area for it. Preferably sunny, but not completely open. It’s good if some low bushes grow nearby, which will cover the strawberries from the scorching sun for a couple of hours a day.

Often gardeners place the plant between rows of young seedlings or grapes. At the same time, such plantings will cover this berry crop from drafts, which she really doesn’t like.

It is impossible for water to stagnate in the area intended for strawberries, or for groundwater to be closer to the surface than 1.5 m.

It is equally important to select a site where suitable predecessors grew. Carrots, legumes, parsley, dill, onions and garlic, and beets are best suited for strawberries.

It is not advisable to replant the crop in the place where cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage or peppers grew. Diseases of these plants can be transmitted to strawberries.

fertile land

The culture loves loose, well-moistened soil with a slightly acidic reaction. When preparing the land in advance, in the spring, you can fertilize it with compost, humus or chicken droppings. Immediately before planting, concentrated fertilizers should not be given so as not to burn the roots.

Before digging, you can add superphosphates with potassium chloride (30g and 10g per m² of land, respectively) or wood ash– 2 glasses per 1 m². It’s even easier to use complex fertilizers for strawberries according to the instructions. You can buy them at any specialized store.

If you have black soil or loam, it is advisable to sprinkle the ground with a small amount of sand, preferably river sand, before digging.

We dig to a depth of approximately 25-30cm.

The best varieties

Every 3-5 years, it is advisable to renew strawberries from their own mustache. Otherwise it degenerates. But even if the berries become smaller and smaller, think about changing the variety.

How to choose the right strawberry varieties Vasily Ivanovich Lavrenyuk, agronomist of the private enterprise “Valentina” in the Vinnytsia region:

– It is better to take varieties that differ in terms of ripening. It is advisable to plant early, mid-season and late-ripening. Then almost all summer you will have strawberries on your table. Learn about each variety's flavor profile, yield, and disease resistance. For example, among early varieties We can recommend early Kishinevskaya, Clery, Mashenka, Alba, ultra-early Olvia, and the Honey variety - very picky about conditions. Very early and productive variety Elsanta, but this strawberry is sensitive to both drought and waterlogging. Among the mid-season varieties we can distinguish Vityaz, Festivalnaya, and Victoria. Late varieties– Bohemia, Gigantella Maxim, Great Britain, Zenga, Malvina. There are good ones remontant varieties, which produce several harvests - Queen Elizabeth 2nd, Albion, Monterey. Typically, such strawberries bear fruit more actively closer to autumn.

Forming beds

The density of the strawberry planting depends on whether it is the first year in this place or not. If the plant is planted in a new territory, there should be at least 60 cm between the rows, optimally 80 cm, but between the bushes you can allow a slightly greater density than usual - about 15 cm. When planting berries in the old place, the distance between the tubers should be no less than 30cm, preferably 40cm.

We choose young strawberry bushes that are well developed, with at least three leaves.

It is optimal when the root lobe reaches 5 cm in length. Strawberries should be planted in the evening when there is no sun.

We make holes with a diameter of about 15 cm. We don’t water the hole cold water, at the rate of 500-700 ml for each, place the strawberry bush carefully so that the roots do not bend. When the water is absorbed, we dig in the strawberries so that the root collar is at ground level. If it is lower, the water will begin to stagnate and the plant may rot; if it is higher, the roots will begin to dry out.

After planting, it is advisable to mulch the ground around the plants with straw or freshly cut grass. Sawdust should not be used. They may become compacted over time, and air will no longer flow to the roots.

If it is hot, you need to water the bushes generously every other day - about 1 liter of water for each, until the plants take root. If the weather is moderate but there is no rain, 400-500 ml of water every other day is enough.

Strawberry glade

Transplanting strawberries is not much different. Just like strawberries, they need updating. It is only advisable to plant the crop once every 2-3 years. A slight difference in planting strawberries is that it is advisable to raise the beds with them slightly above ground level. This helps to better protect the berries from dirt in the summer, and the plant itself from freezing in the winter.

The distance between rows is 60-80 cm, and 25 cm between bushes is enough.

Strawberries are an unpretentious plant, but, like strawberries, they need regular watering.

After transplanting, it needs to be watered every other day - 400-500 ml of water heated in the sun for each bush until it takes root. During drought, water 2-3 times a week at the rate of 500-700 ml of water per bush.

It is recommended to mulch the row spaces. This will help retain moisture and protect the plantings from weeds. You can use agrofibre. You need to spread it on a prepared plot of land before planting strawberries or wild strawberries. We apply stones or slabs to the edges and between rows. We make cuts where the bushes will be planted. This method allows you to retain moisture and protect the strawberry plantation from weeds, fungal diseases and freezing in winter.

Photos depositphotos

Often, beginning gardeners cannot decide how to expand their strawberry bed. Simply put, how to quickly grow a larger number of bushes. Depending on the variety, there are three such methods: sowing seeds, dividing, and separating stepchildren. Most varieties produce enough shoots to be selected for seedlings, which is the fastest way.

Benefits of propagating strawberries with mustaches

Propagating strawberries with a mustache guarantees the preservation of the variety.

Since growing strawberries through stepchildren is the most commonly used procedure among gardeners, we can highlight the main advantages of this method:

  • no need to sow seeds;
  • high survival rate;
  • 100% preservation of varietal qualities;
  • there is no need to injure the mother bush;
  • Possibility of spring and autumn planting.

Confusion often occurs when sowing seeds. , as a result of which the properties of a particular species are lost - the seeds are mixed, and an incomprehensible variety is obtained. In addition, stepsons can be selected both in spring and summer - for autumn planting, but the seeds are suitable only for spring planting.

Another fact speaks in favor of stepson planting - almost one hundred percent adaptation of seedlings. If you take the seed method or the division method, there may be surprises. If a mistake is made when picking shoots that the plant will not be able to adapt as much as possible, it will die. Incorrect division of the bush during bush division - injured seedlings will die .

Strawberry tendrils grow quickly and it is quite easy to get new plants from them.

Is it possible to propagate strawberries with mustaches?

An important fact regarding the advantages of the stepson method is that it is suitable for almost all varieties.

At that time, a fairly large number of varieties cannot be propagated through seed sowing or bush division, so most gardeners - professionals and amateurs -.

When to trim strawberry whiskers

The optimal time for selecting branches is summer. It is necessary to ensure that the rooting of daughter horns occurs from the beginning of June to the end of July.

We cut off all the mustaches from the strawberry bushes that are not used for propagation.

This is necessary so that the roots on the mustache become as strong as possible and are ready to firmly adapt to a new place. Typically, seedlings that are moved to permanent place at this time, manages to adapt as much as possible, strengthen root system, put out new shoots and leaves. During this time, the old leaves will dry out and fall off. In addition, a strong plant will be able to.

Some types of strawberries should be propagated at the end of August. This fact may be associated with the timing of fruiting of the crop. These types include late species strawberries, the last harvest of which occurs in mid- or late July. This is also how remontants reproduce. These crops are more hardy and have an accelerated growing season compared to simple strawberries.

Spring breeding

Spring planting is allowed. To do this, you should select powerful mother plants in the fall and leave the stepsons on them.

This rosette will grow until autumn, and will move to a new place after wintering.

Carefully prepare for the winter - cover,. At the end of March, you can separate the mustache from the mother bush and plant it in a prepared place. At the same time, you should not wait for the harvest in the first year, since the first flower stalks must be cut off. This measure is carried out so that the plant can:

  • take root firmly;
  • get stronger;
  • develop the root system;
  • form a new leaf cap;
  • send out new shoots.

If the flower stalks are left in place, the mother bush will spend energy on the formation of flowers and the development of fruits, while the development and strengthening of the rhizome, stems, and leaves will suffer. When planting in spring, you should also be prepared for late frosts, so it is better to cover new gardens with agrofibre.

What kind of strawberry mustache is taken for reproduction?

The first year we cut off all the mustaches and note the most prolific bushes.

In addition, in this way you can find out which plant is capable of producing a high yield, large berries, and a large number of runners. It is from these mother plants that the seedlings are selected. You can mark the best examples by sticking pegs next to them.

If seedlings are bought in a store or market, it is not recommended to take them right away a large number of, since it is very difficult to determine a specific variety by eye. Many gardeners, after purchasing and first planting seedlings in the ground, allow all branches to grow, while at the same time waiting for fruiting.

However this is the most common mistake. The fact is that a weak seedling tries to perform all functions at once - throw out branches, produce flower stalks, set fruit, strengthen the rhizome, leaves, stems. As a result, the results are quite average - a frail plant, sparse foliage, few tendrils, small fruits.

Trimming the first mustache

To obtain results and identify stronger queen cells, it is recommended that the first year be given the opportunity to focus on fruit set, and the first whiskers be trimmed.

Naturally, the breeding season will have to be postponed for a year, but it will be possible to accurately identify strong specimens. In the second year, no more than four stepsons are left, peduncles are also eliminated in order to direct all efforts to the development of a healthy uterine bush.

In the second year, we cut off all the flower stalks on the marked bushes.

How to plant seedlings is the right of the individual gardener. As a rule, two types are used - in garden pots, in open ground.

If you decide to use the “potted” method, it is necessary to remove the flower stalks on the uterine unit to save energy for the formation of rosettes. Three strong whiskers are left, the rest are removed.

Which mustache should you choose?

It should be noted that the horns of the second and third order will be weaker than those that are closer to the bush itself. In this regard, it is necessary to cut off the branch so that there remains a remainder two centimeters long.

In the strawberry bed, we look for fertile, healthy bushes and leave 2-3 aerial shoots on them for reproduction.

The container is filled with fertilized soil. Organic matter is suitable for fertilizers - peat, compost, sawdust. The mustache root is planted in a pot, sprinkled with soil mixture, without being torn away from the mother unit. You need to water every day.


Norwegian manner

For enhanced adaptation, you can make a bed in the Norwegian style.

Then the seedlings will not be affected by weather conditions - rain, hail, wind, first or last frosts. To do this, you need to fence off the plantings with wide boards on which to stretch the film.

It is necessary to create favorable conditions inside - moisten and loosen the soil as much as possible . In such conditions, the roots will firmly cling to the soil, the stems and leaves will begin to grow rapidly.

The nuances of caring for a strawberry mustache

For speedy adaptation, you should water the bed well and constantly loosen the top soil layer - you must not provoke the formation of an earthen crust.

The mustaches can be moved to a new bed when they have large rosettes.

  • Remove weeds in a timely manner – they take most of the nutrients from the seedlings. You can mulch the bed. For these purposes, wheat or rye straw, sawdust, and pine needles are used.
  • Each type of mulch involves certain reservations, therefore, what exactly to use is up to each gardener to decide for himself.. Sawdust and straw can quickly settle, causing a barrier to air access, causing the roots to begin to rot. The result is the death of the plantings. Most gardeners use pine needles as mulch.
  • In addition, it should be taken into account that excessively loose and wet soil can settle significantly , which leads to exposure of the roots and paws involved in the formation of roots. For this reason, bushes should be systematically hilled. In this case, you need to keep an eye on the core - it cannot be spudded.

"potted" rooting

If “potted” rooting was used, you need to know when to distribute the finished seedlings into open ground. This is done from the end of July to the second half of September.

Typically, the appearance of roots is expected fourteen days after the shoots are buried. July seedlings will begin to bear fruit in a timely manner - at the same time as adult strawberries. September new gardens are capable of producing only a third of the harvest relative to July seedlings. IN next year the indicators will be equal.

Video about rooting mustaches in pots