Exponential function – properties, graphs, formulas. Graphs and basic properties of elementary functions

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Russian gymnasium



student of class 10 “F” Burmistrov Sergey


mathematic teacher

Yulina O.A.

Nizhny Novgorod

Function and its properties

Function- variable dependence at from variable x , if each value X matches a single value at .

Variable x- independent variable or argument.

Variable y- dependent variable

Function value- meaning at, corresponding to the specified value X .

The scope of the function is all the values ​​that the independent variable takes.

Function range (set of values) - all the values ​​that the function accepts.

The function is even- if for anyone X f(x)=f(-x)

The function is odd- if for anyone X from the domain of definition of the function the equality f(-x)=-f(x)

Increasing function- if for any x 1 And x 2, such that x 1 < x 2, the inequality holds f( x 1 ) x 2 )

Decreasing function- if for any x 1 And x 2, such that x 1 < x 2, the inequality holds f( x 1 )>f( x 2 )

Methods for specifying a function

¨ To define a function, you need to specify a way in which, for each argument value, the corresponding function value can be found. The most common way to specify a function is using a formula at =f(x), Where f(x)- expression with a variable X. In this case, they say that the function is given by a formula or that the function is given analytically.

¨ In practice it is often used tabular way to specify a function. With this method, a table is provided indicating the function values ​​​​for the argument values ​​​​available in the table. Examples of table functions are a table of squares and a table of cubes.

Types of functions and their properties

1) Constant function- function given by formula y= b , Where b- some number. The graph of the constant function y=b is a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis and passing through the point (0;b) on the ordinate axis

2) Direct proportionality - function given by formula y= kx , where k¹0. Number k called proportionality factor .

Function properties y=kx :

1. The domain of a function is the set of all real numbers

2. y=kx- odd function

3. When k>0 the function increases, and when k<0 убывает на всей числовой прямой

3)Linear function- function, which is given by the formula y=kx+b, Where k And b - real numbers. If in particular k=0, then we get a constant function y=b; If b=0, then we get direct proportionality y=kx .

Function properties y=kx+b :

1. Domain - the set of all real numbers

2. Function y=kx+b general form, i.e. neither even nor odd.

3. When k>0 the function increases, and when k<0 убывает на всей числовой прямой

The graph of the function is straight .

4)Inverse proportionality- function given by formula y=k /X, where k¹0 Number k called coefficient of inverse proportionality.

Function properties y=k / x:

1. Domain - the set of all real numbers except zero

2. y=k / x - odd function

3. If k>0, then the function decreases on the interval (0;+¥) and on the interval (-¥;0). If k<0, то функция возрастает на промежутке (-¥;0) и на промежутке (0;+¥).

The graph of the function is hyperbola .

5)Function y=x2

Function properties y=x2:

2. y=x2 - even function

3. On the interval the function decreases

The graph of the function is parabola .

6)Function y=x 3

Function properties y=x 3:

1. Domain of definition - the entire number line

2. y=x 3 - odd function

3. The function increases along the entire number line

The graph of the function is cubic parabola

7)Power function with natural exponent - function given by formula y=xn, Where n- natural number. When n=1 we obtain the function y=x, its properties are discussed in paragraph 2. For n=2;3 we obtain the functions y=x 2 ; y=x 3 . Their properties are discussed above.

Let n be an arbitrary even number greater than two: 4,6,8... In this case, the function y=xn has the same properties as the function y=x 2. The graph of the function resembles a parabola y=x 2, only the branches of the graph for |x|>1 rise steeper the larger n, and for |x|<1 тем “теснее прижимаются” к оси Х, чем больше n.

Let n be an arbitrary odd number greater than three: 5,7,9... In this case, the function y=xn has the same properties as the function y=x 3 . The graph of the function resembles a cubic parabola.

8)Power function with a negative integer exponent - function given by formula y=x -n , Where n- natural number. For n=1 we obtain y=1/x; the properties of this function are discussed in paragraph 4.

Let n be an odd number greater than one: 3,5,7... In this case, the function y=x -n has basically the same properties as the function y=1/x.

Let n be an even number, for example n=2.

Function properties y=x -2 :

1. The function is defined for all x¹0

2. y=x -2 - even function

3. The function decreases by (0;+¥) and increases by (-¥;0).

Any functions with even n greater than two have the same properties.

9)Function y= Ö X

Function properties y= Ö X :

1. Domain of definition - ray)