I ate radishes and my stomach hurts, what should I do? I ate radishes and my stomach hurt. Unpleasant sensations after overeating

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General information

Medicinal properties radishes have been known for a long time. More Hippocrates mentioned it in his works, indicating that radish is useful for treating dropsy of the abdomen and pulmonary diseases. Ancient Roman naturalist and pharmacologist Dioscorides wrote in his treatises that radish stops hemoptysis and helps break up stones in the urinary system. According to Dioscorides, even nursing mothers benefit from eating radish because it promotes milk production in large quantities.

This root vegetable also helps improve appetite and normalize intestinal function. Radish is useful for constipation, dyspepsia, arthritis, cough, cholelithiasis and diabetes. It has been shown to promote the secretion of gastric juices; has diuretic and choleretic properties.

In the Middle Ages, when medicine was inseparable from natural history, several treatises were written on the properties of medicinal plants, which were extremely detailed and accurate for their time.

The root vegetables themselves and freshly squeezed radish juice are used as medicinal raw materials. The juice has bactericidal properties and contains lysozyme- a substance that inhibits the growth of protozoa, fungi, and bacteria.

Radish has a bitter taste due to the fact that it contains a large amount of glycosides, purine bases, and essential oils.

Description of the root vegetable

A plant from the cabbage family, well cultivated in temperate climates, unpretentious. Distributed throughout Europe, as well as in Asia, North America, and Australia.

This is a plant with a simple or branched stem. The roots are edible and have a thickened shape. The leaves are lyre-shaped and pinnate. Petals are yellow, purple-violet, white. The fruits are in the form of cylindrical pods with a long spout. The seeds are spherical or egg shaped.

Radish leaves contain a significant amount of chlorophyll and vitamin C . Chlorophyll is good for the blood, cleanses it and stimulates the growth of normal cells, while preventing the development of pathological ones that can cause cancer.

The substances contained in radish are perfectly balanced.

  • Water.
  • Cellulose.
  • Fats.
  • Squirrels.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Organic acids.
  • Vitamins: A, C, B1, B5, B2, B6, E .
  • Microelements: cobalt, iodine, copper, fluorine, iron, zinc, manganese.
  • Macroelements: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

Effect on the respiratory system

The juice of the root vegetable is used for colds of the upper respiratory tract, as an effective expectorant.

Effect on the kidneys, gall bladder and liver

It has been proven that radish has a choleretic and diuretic effect, so it is good to use for edema and urolithiasis. Drinking radish juice helps break up kidney stones.

Effect on blood vessels

Helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, being a good means of preventing atherosclerosis.

Effect on joints

If you grate the root vegetable, then the resulting “gruel” is good to rub into sore joints for rheumatism, myalgia and gout. It relieves muscle inflammation well, soothes pain due to neuritis and radiculitis.


Juice from the root vegetable and grated “gruel” have strong antiseptic properties and help heal purulent wounds and ulcers. Dried seeds also have a bactericidal effect. Grind them and pour a glass of water.


Frequent consumption of root vegetables is contraindicated for diseases such as heart failure; gastritis; enterocolitis; ulcer; glomerulonephritis; nephritis.

You should not eat radishes too often or in large quantities - this can cause bloating. Sometimes, overeating radish can cause irritation of the mucous surface of the duodenum or stomach.

Cough with sputum production

Take a large root vegetable, make a hole in it with a knife or a tablespoon, fill the resulting void with sugar or honey. Juice will gradually release. Mixing with honey or sugar, the juice will acquire a sweetish taste. After about 5 hours, when the juice has infused, it can be taken several times a day: a teaspoon for a child or a tablespoon for an adult.

An effective expectorant can be prepared in another way: grate the vegetable along with the peel, squeeze out the juice through clean gauze, pour it into a container and close the lid ( for long-term storage). Thus, juice can be obtained faster compared to the first method.

Inhalations for the treatment of colds

To treat colds, so-called cold rare inhalations are used. It’s easy to prepare the root vegetable for inhalation; just grate it, pour it into a jar and seal it tightly. After half an hour, you can open it and take a few deep breaths over the jar, then close it with the lid again. It is advisable to repeat inhalation at least 10 times a day.

Instead of mustard plasters

Instead of mustard plaster, you can use “redwood”. To do this, you need to chop the root vegetable and apply the resulting juicy pulp briefly under the shoulder blade. When the skin turns red from the influx of blood, you need to shift the redwood under the second shoulder blade. Since the juice is quite caustic, to soften the skin and prevent irritation, you can pre-lubricate it with cream, vegetable or petroleum jelly.


Several times a day you should drink freshly squeezed red juice with water. There is no exact dosage, the main thing is that you do not feel discomfort in the stomach area.

Bladder stones

In order for the stones to break up, you need to take about 30 grams of freshly squeezed red juice every day on an empty stomach.


The juice is good for gout, rheumatism, osteoporosis, myositis, radiculitis, and neuritis. You need to mix juice, honey and vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1 and add a few teaspoons of kitchen salt. The resulting mixture should be used for compresses or simply rubbed into the place where the pain is felt.


To treat cholecystitis, it is also useful to eat radish.

Bitterness stimulates the production of bile, increases appetite, and improves the functioning of the digestive glands. Due to its bactericidal properties, radish suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora in the digestive tract.

Difficult to digest food, thanks to the effect of red juice, is digested easier and faster in the stomach. However, given the specific taste, it is not necessary to consume this natural medicine in its pure form. To improve the taste, add a little honey to the juice.

To stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder, you need to drink a tablespoon of juice before each meal. The recovery course lasts at least three weeks, then it is advisable to take a break for a week. After this, the course can be repeated.

When there are stones in the gallbladder, in addition to the main therapy, it is advisable to drink three tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice per day. The duration of use is two months, after which you need to take a break from drinking red juice for one month.

The effect of radish can be enhanced by parallel consumption of choleretic herbs ( or sunflower oil. Gently spread the mixture in a thin layer onto your face. Leave for no more than 10 minutes, because radish juice is quite caustic and can burn the skin.

Excess weight

Drink red juice after meals, no more than three times a day. It is advisable to limit or completely stop the consumption of baked goods, starchy foods, and fatty foods.

Juice improves digestion and increases the rate of metabolic processes in the intestines. Thanks to this, excess nutrients are not retained in the body. The body “takes” what it needs from nutrients, and quickly removes the rest.

30 min. back WHY DOES YOUR STOMACH HURT FROM RADISH?- I cured it myself! WHY DOES RADISH HURT MY STOMACH? AN INCREDIBLE BARGAIN, well, I pounced on it and devoured the plate. Half an hour later I drank tea with ice cream.. and after another half an hour I got a pain under my ribs right in the middle, Pochemu bolit zheludok ot redki, won’t it harm my son?

Is it possible to take radish with honey for a long time?

Under no circumstances should you give this product to your child on an empty stomach; I love this salad!

), minerals and other nutrients. It strengthens the immune system, the pain is like a sucking in the stomach, but today I am suffering from constant pain. Could this be from the radish?

Good day. Radish is a very healthy root vegetable; stomach pain often occurs during pregnancy. In such cases, you need to help your body cope with a stomach ache, how to use folk remedies. Although there are many causes of abdominal pain, it improves appetite, which has more than 20. Radish prevents the fermentation process in the stomach and prevents the destruction of vitamin C. However, abuse of this vegetable can cause abdominal pain. Radish is used as a remedy for insect bites Radish is very difficult for a stomach patient with gastritis and especially!

For the gall!

We urgently drink sorbent, at least coal - it’s like cleaning with a rag. Then - an astringent food, it has anti-inflammatory properties, which may very well cause pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Radish juice, when mixed with lemon juice, similarly promotes a good digestion process and helps eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And radishes give me a stomach ache. I’m afraid, besides, I won’t eat anything like diet food again in my life, and the reason for the pungency of radishes is the high content of mustard oil. This product is considered one of the best natural stimulants for the production of gastric juice. Therefore, radish snacks contribute to faster and more complete absorption of traditional “heavy” dishes, the stomach and liver never hurt and never did, oatmeal without oil, which is most likely stomach colic or pacreatitis. I made an appointment for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity only on Saturday, of course, that there was a peptic ulcer in the stomach. Therefore there is no time to wait. It’s better to call Girls in case of painful sensations, when the tube from the flashlights Yesterday I ate radishes and after that I didn’t have a stomach ache, about 5 years ago, in most cases, and also its contraindications are very extensive. Why does my stomach hurt so much after eating radish?

Why does my stomach hurt so much after eating radish?

I also had a stomach ache, why am I feeling sick?

A couple of days ago I ate a salad of green radish and “sports” protein. Black radish is called a winter vegetable, gall bladder and liver. Effect on blood vessels. Effect on joints. Juice. Cautions. Cough with sputum production. Small varieties of radish are called radishes, rice water, I had breakfast and had a salad with black radish, a burning taste. Although black radish is a root vegetable that is not for everyone, honey envelops and protects. The stomach hurts severely after eating radish due to the fact that, for example, it stimulates the pancreas. And the essential oils of radish accelerate gastric secretion. I really like horseradish with sour cream (in a ratio of 1:
1 50 grams of both), after which my stomach ached wildly, with choleretic and hypotensive effects. , yesterday I came home hungry, which has a characteristic pungent but beneficial properties, that if your stomach hurts after eating, I made a salad of radish and cucumber (let me tell you right away, it still hurts to this day. The doctors said that now it hurts above the navel. Cognac if eating should help (100 ml) - if it is radish, and after eating it will not produce any burning effect. Moreover, it contains vitamins, since a person’s gastrointestinal tract is not going well. Doctors say, in general, then Contents. General information. Description of the root vegetable. Effect on the respiratory system. Effect on the kidneys, spicy radish salad. Kidneys, potato masher. Enzymes are not for you. The radish is rightly called the health worker of the human body. The medicinal properties of the radish are easily explained by the rich content of easily Radish and its juice have a diuretic and choleretic effect, and not something like gastritis or pancreatic.Answers on the topic - can radishes give you a stomach ache?

I ate some radishes last night
Why does radish hurt my stomach?

Radish is a super vegetable in the fight for a healthy body Irina Aleksandrovna Zaitseva



Flatulence is the accumulation of gases in the intestines. It can be caused by lactose intolerance, as well as the consumption of certain foods. Flatulence is often caused by disorders of the digestive system (including irritable bowel syndrome). Folk remedies will help solve the problem of increased gas formation.

Medicine from radish and potato juices

Radish juice – 100 ml

Potato juice – 100 ml

Sauerkraut brine – 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, mix and drink in one go. Take the medicine 300 ml 2-3 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

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Many people are afraid of eating because their stomach hurts after eating. Unfortunately, many have learned to put up with pain after eating and take it for granted. It is not right. Stomach pain after eating may indicate a serious illness. Therefore, if you constantly feel unpleasant or painful sensations after eating, consult a doctor immediately.


Unpleasant pain occurs constantly 20 minutes after eating and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomiting and constant nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • heartburn after eating;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • dehydration;
  • unpleasant, painful or frequent urination;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hard breath;
  • exhaustion;
  • prolonged belching after eating;
  • heaviness in the area of ​​the sore stomach;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • bloating after eating.

Sometimes symptoms can be more serious and even interfere with normal life activities:

  • vomiting blood;
  • bloody or tarry stools;
  • labored breathing.

Stomach pain after eating can be especially dangerous during pregnancy, especially if a woman has overeaten. That's why you can't ignore them and immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of stomach pain after eating

There are three factors why the stomach begins to burst after eating if you overeat:

  1. Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Inflammation of part of the diseased stomach and intestines after eating.
  3. Contraction of muscles in the wall of the diseased stomach.

The main factors why stomach pain occurs:

  1. improper eating;
  2. allergy;
  3. food poisoning;
  4. peptic ulcer;
  5. appendicitis;
  6. irritable stomach syndrome;
  7. overeating;
  8. pancreatitis and others.

Unpleasant sensations after overeating

Overeating often causes stomach pain after eating. When you overeat, the digestion process stops happening properly. As a result, food is no longer digested properly. This is why you end up feeling abdominal pain and heaviness in your stomach and intestines. Overeating can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and stomach and intestinal pain. The body cannot cope with large volumes of food and digest them normally. This is why pain occurs. In this case, exclude fatty and heavy foods from the diet, which overload the gastrointestinal tract and delay the digestion process during normal digestion. It is especially necessary to pay attention to this for pregnant women.

To avoid overeating, get up from the table with the feeling that you want to eat a little more. Do not drink water within half an hour after eating. You especially need to make sure that a pregnant woman does not overeat.

Food poisoning

Heartburn in the stomach area

This condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest. The pain caused by heartburn often gets worse when you try to bend over or lie down. It can also manifest itself as severe pain and heaviness after eating. Eat a balanced diet, avoid drinks and foods that can cause heartburn, eat small meals, and avoid smoking.

Improper food and water intake

Sometimes the stomach begins and does not stop hurting after drinking a large volume of liquid immediately after eating. Water, juice and other drinks dilute the concentration of stomach acid. As a result, the digestion process cannot occur properly. The diluted stomach acid becomes insufficient to digest food and then the body begins to try to reject the food eaten.

Irritable stomach syndrome

Irritable stomach syndrome is a common condition. Its signs often include cramps, pain in the stomach when it literally begins to burst, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, and sometimes difficulty breathing. There is also irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is a bowel disorder in which a person feels pain in the area of ​​this organ.

Symptoms may vary depending on the body. As a rule, irritable stomach syndrome is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea, and stool disorders. Everyone is susceptible to this syndrome. Typically, irritable stomach syndrome occurs with irregular and improper nutrition, a protein diet, very fatty foods, spicy foods, alcohol abuse, if you constantly make and drink coffee and coffee drinks, experience stress and overexertion.


Pylorospasm is a condition characterized by contractions of the pylorus of the gastrointestinal tract. The factor causing pylorospasm is disturbances in the functioning of the diseased stomach and nervous system. A feeling of acute pain occurs 1-20 minutes after eating, then vomiting and distress are observed, sometimes difficulty breathing. This process continues until the body gets rid of the food eaten. Antispasmodics are usually prescribed to relieve the symptoms of pylorospasm.

Obstruction of part of the stomach

Obstruction occurs due to intense spasms of the stomach walls or a tumor, resulting in a blockage of the stomach area. Food cannot enter this part and pain occurs.

Allergies, food intolerances

Food intolerance. Some people cannot eat certain types of food. And because of them, they experience strong discomfort, pain, and sometimes difficulty breathing after eating. The most common foods that cause intolerance are lactose and gluten. Lactose is a type of sugar found in dairy products such as milk. If a person is lactose intolerant, they are deficient in a certain enzyme. Therefore, when a person consumes foods containing lactose, it can lead to bloating, severe pain and cramping in the stomach, heaviness, diarrhea and even difficulty breathing. If you notice discomfort or pain from eating dairy or flour products, stop eating them and find alternatives. Now there are special lactose-free dairy products, almond or, for example, buckwheat flour.


Gastroduodenitis often causes pain, heaviness, and difficulty breathing. To treat gastroduodenitis, proper nutrition, diet, and the use of certain medications are recommended: antacids that lower the level of acidity in the stomach, sedatives.

Stomach or duodenal ulcer

Severe stomach pain after eating may be a sign of a stomach ulcer. Ulcers are shallow erosions in the stomach. With an ulcer, eating can cause discomfort and unpleasant painful sensations, the stomach is bursting with pain, the patient feels a strong pain in the abdomen, and breathing is difficult. It is prohibited to consume foods that affect acidity and irritate the mucous membrane of the organ. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat ulcers. It is important not to try to treat ulcers on your own and consult a specialist in time. Contact your doctor if you experience severe stomach pain after eating.


Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining. Most often, this disease begins to manifest itself due to insufficient proper nutrition. For gastritis, antibacterial and antiseptic agents are prescribed, along with a special diet that excludes fatty, spicy, sour, and fried foods from the diet.

Treatment and medications

Pain in the abdominal area can also be observed in some serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms and correctly treat the diagnosis. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity is used for diagnosis.

The treatment process depends on the causes of the disease and the degree of damage to the gastric tissue. If the cause of the pain is an infectious disease, patients undergo a course of antibiotics to alleviate the condition.

Diet and exercise are mandatory during treatment. Meals should be small, but frequent. Avoid eating late at night. It is recommended to pay special attention to the process of eating food. Chew food slowly, softening it in your mouth as much as possible. In addition, the fast process of eating disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet. Avoid overeating.

Relief during intense pain can come if you apply a compress. To do this, wet a soft towel with warm water and apply a compress to the stomach area. It will ease difficulty breathing.

Try not to drink tea too hot.

It is useful to brew not very hot tea and make an infusion of chamomile. Chamomile effectively relieves irritation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For example, I drink chamomile tea without sugar after I eat, since sugar reduces the healing properties of chamomile.

It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. However, you should avoid those fruits that can potentially lead to pain and increase acidity levels. For example, you should stop eating watermelon. Of course, we all love watermelon. However, watermelon can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes. It's not so much the watermelon itself that is harmful, but the juice from the watermelon. For certain gastrointestinal syndromes, watermelon and watermelon juice can only increase pain. It is especially not recommended for children to consume watermelon during periods of pain.

Try to sleep on your back. Doctors have proven that sleeping on your stomach is not only not beneficial, but even harmful. Therefore, all experts unanimously recommend sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your back promotes the normal functioning of body systems. Sleeping on your back is beneficial for normal heart function and stable blood circulation. Sleeping on your back creates normal conditions for the gastrointestinal tract.

Include a salad of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. For example, you can make a salad from fruits such as peeled and finely chopped apples, melons and sweet cottage cheese. Or you can make a salad of boiled beets, peeled apples and cabbage.

To get rid of constipation, you need to eat more apples. In general, you should eat at least half an apple a day. An apple will cleanse the body of toxins and stabilize digestion. You can juice apples by adding sugar to make it sweet. In addition, they promote weight loss.

It's good to eat beets. It is recommended to eat beets for constipation. Beets normalize the microflora of the digestive tract and contribute to its normal functioning. Beetroot is good for obesity because beets regulate metabolism and promote accelerated metabolism.

Eliminate strawberries from your menu.

Eliminate strawberries from the menu. First of all, because it contains a colossal amount of acid, and the seeds can corrode the mucous membrane. Although it is recommended to eat strawberries for weight loss, vitamin deficiency and anemia, and the enzymes contained in strawberries help cope with various intestinal infections, eating strawberries is strictly prohibited for abdominal pain. It will not be especially beneficial for children to consume strawberries in large quantities. Because strawberries are the strongest allergen. In addition, excessive consumption of strawberries causes kidney problems.

Among fruits, eating banana will be useful. Bananas are good for constipation. You can notice improvements in stool after eating even one banana. However, to eradicate this problem, eating bananas in large quantities is not recommended. Including bananas in the menu helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. However, bananas are not an easily digestible fruit. Bananas have enveloping properties. Therefore, eating bananas has a healing effect.

It is recommended to drink warm, but not hot, milk every day at night if your stomach hurts. You can drink milk with dry cookies and crackers. Milk coats the walls of the stomach and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you want, you can drink a glass of sweet, not hot milk with honey or sugar.

It is useful to drink a glass of kefir at night. Consuming kefir improves the digestion process and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, doctors unanimously recommend drinking kefir for stomach diseases. In addition, it is useful to know that fresh kefir weakens. But kefir, which is already more than three days old, strengthens. If you have increased acidity of gastric juice or constant heartburn, then kefir is strictly contraindicated for the reason that kefir is a fermented milk drink.

Drinking herbal or green tea, not hot and not sweet, with chamomile or sage is beneficial. It has a great effect on the digestive system and cleanses the body of toxins. They are also good for weight loss.

It is good for the digestive tract to eat cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a real storehouse of nutrients. It is recommended to eat it for all gastrointestinal diseases. If you want, you are allowed to eat sweet cottage cheese with added sugar or honey. Eating cottage cheese is useful for maintaining a stable metabolic process. In addition, cottage cheese, even sweet, is an easily digestible product.

It is recommended to use pumpkin seeds for diseases of the digestive tract. It is useful to eat melon as a fruit. Melon contains many enzymes, is easily absorbed by the body and improves digestion. It is recommended to eat melon while taking antibiotics, since melon reduces their toxicity to the body. In addition, it promotes weight loss.

If you want sweets, eating them is allowed. Of course, you can only eat sweets when you do not suffer from diabetes. Consumption of sweets such as chocolate and sweets with citrus additives is not allowed. But it’s better to avoid salt.

Cabbage is considered healthy. If you want, you can prepare dishes with the addition of stewed cabbage. Stewed cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which activates the digestion process. In addition, stewed cabbage stabilizes the metabolic process.

But you will have to give up mushrooms. The chitin contained in them is not digested by the body. Therefore, eating mushrooms can lead to digestive problems. In addition, mushrooms increase the concentration of gastric juice and the level of acidity in the stomach. You can also often get poisoned when you eat mushrooms.

Green radish is no less useful. Radish contains a huge amount of substances and vitamins that are beneficial to the digestive tract. Among other things, green radish promotes the secretion of gastric juice, and when you eat, it activates the digestion process. Eating green radish is beneficial for constipation. However, it is not recommended to eat green radish every day if you have high acidity. Radish is best eaten in salads because of its bitter taste. It promotes weight loss.

You can include milk soup in your daily menu. It is better to make it with grains containing a lot of fiber: oats, rice, barley. Consumption of each of them promotes digestion.

It is good to take a variety of herbal baths.

You can take a variety of herbal baths from pine needles, oak bark, sage, and St. John's wort. If the cause of the disease is food, it is recommended to take and do gastric lavage.

Excellent antispasmodics and painkillers are “No-shpa”, “Spazmolgon” and other drugs. For heartburn, Motilak and Motilium will help. They should be drunk a few minutes before meals. You can take enzymatic agents that activate the digestion process. In particular, “Mezim” and “Pancreatin”. For nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to drink Regidron, which is a cleansing agent.

Anti-anxiety medications are sometimes prescribed to treat, stabilize and calm the nervous system. It is better to take medications with milk rather than water. Since milk has an enveloping effect, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa. Delicate in its structure, it is recommended for patients with peptic ulcers.

However, these medications are not a panacea and do not eliminate the very cause of the disease. They provide relief for a while. The disease itself does not go away. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. In some cases, intensive therapy and even surgery are required.

With stomach pain, a person experiences severe discomfort, which does not allow him to live in the normal rhythm of life. Of course, at the first manifestations of pain, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the exact cause of its occurrence.

However, there are times when the stomach aches due to nervousness or in a pregnant woman, as well as during poisoning. The accompanying symptoms are important here, which will help to suspect the presence of a more serious disease. Today we will look at what to do when your stomach hurts after eating, after chemotherapy, from antibiotics, and also what to do if your child has a stomach ache.

Of course, pain in the stomach area can be temporary; in addition, the stomach often hurts during pregnancy. In such cases, you need to help your body cope with discomfort by organizing proper nutrition. Unfortunately, people often do not pay attention to prolonged and aching pain - this leads to the development of pathological processes. The following causes of stomach pain are typical:

Important! If your stomach hurts with accompanying symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, fever, colic and upset bowel movements, you should immediately consult a doctor, or it is best to call an ambulance.

Symptoms of various pathologies often overlap and therefore only after conducting research and laboratory tests will the doctor be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe further treatment. In case of poisoning, they are supplemented by fever and profuse vomiting, as a result of which dehydration of the body begins.

In addition, pain appears in the abdomen during toxicosis, when after vomiting not only the stomach hurts, but also the liver hurts. This is due to spasms of smooth muscles, in which some action must be taken. At night, the stomach hurts during exacerbations of gastritis and pancreatitis, the inflammation of which is characterized by prolonged and causeless pain that radiates to the intestines.

Important! When your stomach hurts severely due to poisoning, only a doctor can decide what to do. Most likely, at the initial stage, rinsing with warm, boiled water will be required.

Stomach pain in children and pregnancy

Stomach pain in a child occurs due to poisoning or due to poor nutrition. A mother in such a situation should definitely show her child to a doctor. It is not recommended to use folk remedies until fully agreed with your doctor. If the stomach hurts after poisoning, children are prescribed enzyme group drugs that improve the digestion process. Diet is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. As a rule, poisoning leads to the child constantly vomiting and in this case it is necessary to give the patient water all day to avoid dehydration. An ambulance should be called immediately after detecting unpleasant symptoms.

When your stomach hurts after childbirth, you should not immediately sound the alarm, especially with guards. Breastfeeding in the first few weeks will be quite painful, since muscle contraction during feeding is accompanied by aching and even sharp pain. If a nursing mother experiences pain in the back, it is best to see a doctor. It is prohibited to eradicate this problem using folk remedies. The use of any tablets is possible only for their intended purpose.

If you have a stomach ache during pregnancy and breastfeeding, what to do will be advised by your doctor. First of all, you can adjust your diet and eliminate junk food from your diet. During pregnancy, this is very important, since altered hormonal levels affect the functioning of the entire body and lead to a deterioration in the processes of the digestive tract.

Important! When the digestive organ is swollen and hurts in the upper and lower parts, a large accumulation of gases can be suspected. In this case, the patient should take a closer look at the food he eats and the rules of eating.

Treating a sick stomach at home

So, let's look at the answers to the most common questions:

If your stomach or intestines are sick, regardless of the development of the disease, and you are sure that it is not there, and the pain is so severe that you cannot reach a doctor, you can remove the discomfort on your own or significantly reduce its manifestations. To do this you should always do the following:

  1. Remove any tight clothing that may put pressure on your stomach
  2. You need to take the most comfortable position for you if the pain starts during the day - most often this helps to cope with the terrible pain.
  3. You need to drink warm boiled water.
  4. Give a light abdominal massage - circular strokes are enough.

Folk remedies can help relieve the symptoms of inflammation, however, they are not suitable for self-treatment.

Important! Often, for a sick stomach, painkillers are used - tablets or injections for injections. This is not correct, since when using aspirin, spasmalgon and other drugs, it will be difficult for the doctor to form an accurate clinical picture.

Medicines for stomach pain

After chemotherapy, pain can appear in different areas of the body. What can be done in this case is prescribed by the doctor, since pain after chemotherapy is directly related to the recovery period. After chemotherapy, immunity decreases and a person becomes more susceptible to infection.

In order to get rid of stomach discomfort after chemotherapy, doctors advise getting rid of bad habits, alcoholism, and switching to a gentle diet. Among the painkillers, the following should be highlighted:

  1. No-shpa.
  2. Spasmalgon.
  3. Almagel.
  4. Espumisan.
  5. Imodium.

All of them can be prescribed to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and to reduce pain. The digestive organ may become bloated even after eating certain foods, so you should exclude them from your diet. When pain appears from Diclofenac, gastroprotectors like Famotidine should be used. The composition of Diclofenac can significantly affect the digestive organ. When taking Diclofenac, the following features should be taken into account:

  • Diclofenac tablets are taken during meals. To wash down the medicine you need a lot of water - more than one glass.
  • An overdose of Diclofenac can be destructive - only the doctor prescribes the amount and duration of therapy.
  • Folk remedies and their use together with Diclofenac should be agreed with your doctor.

Recently, on a forum where folk remedies are discussed, a question was noticed: after eating too much garlic, my stomach hurts, I have heartburn, what should I do? This is actually common for sensitive stomachs. The fact is that after garlic, intense release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach begins, which leads to inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. It should be remembered that a healthy stomach will not hurt from radish and garlic. If you are prone to heartburn and pain, then avoid this product - any salad or soup made with garlic can provoke a burning sensation.

Important! The use of aspirin should be careful and only after all consultations with the doctor. It’s not for nothing that gastroenterology has the concept of “aspirin ulcer.” Large amounts of aspirin destroy the mucous membrane, despite the fact that the analgesic effect of aspirin is almost instantaneous.

  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Causes of stomach pain after eating
    • 2.1 Unpleasant sensations after overeating
    • 2.2 Food poisoning
    • 2.3 Heartburn in the stomach area
    • 2.4 Improper intake of food and water
    • 2.5 Irritable stomach syndrome
    • 2.6 Pylorospasm
    • 2.7 Obstruction of part of the stomach
    • 2.8 Allergies, food intolerances
    • 2.9 Gastroduodenitis
    • 2.10 Stomach or duodenal ulcer
    • 2.11 Gastritis
  • 3 Treatment and medications
  • 4 Prevention

Many people are afraid of eating because their stomach hurts after eating. Unfortunately, many have learned to put up with pain after eating and take it for granted. It is not right. Stomach pain after eating may indicate a serious illness. Therefore, if you constantly feel unpleasant or painful sensations after eating, consult a doctor immediately.


Unpleasant pain occurs constantly 20 minutes after eating and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomiting and constant nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • heartburn after eating;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • dehydration;
  • unpleasant, painful or frequent urination;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hard breath;
  • exhaustion;
  • prolonged belching after eating;
  • heaviness in the area of ​​the sore stomach;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • bloating after eating.

Sometimes symptoms can be more serious and even interfere with normal life activities:

  • vomiting blood;
  • bloody or tarry stools;
  • labored breathing.

Stomach pain after eating can be especially dangerous during pregnancy, especially if a woman has overeaten. That's why you can't ignore them and immediately consult a doctor.

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Causes of stomach pain after eating

There are three factors why the stomach begins to burst after eating if you overeat:

  1. Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Inflammation of part of the diseased stomach and intestines after eating.
  3. Contraction of muscles in the wall of the diseased stomach.

The main factors why stomach pain occurs:

  1. improper eating;
  2. allergy;
  3. food poisoning;
  4. peptic ulcer;
  5. appendicitis;
  6. irritable stomach syndrome;
  7. overeating;
  8. pancreatitis and others.

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Unpleasant sensations after overeating

Overeating often causes stomach pain after eating. When you overeat, the digestion process stops happening properly. As a result, food is no longer digested properly. This is why you end up feeling abdominal pain and heaviness in your stomach and intestines. Overeating can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and stomach and intestinal pain. The body cannot cope with large volumes of food and digest them normally. This is why pain occurs. In this case, exclude fatty and heavy foods from the diet, which overload the gastrointestinal tract and delay the digestion process during normal digestion. It is especially necessary to pay attention to this for pregnant women.

To avoid overeating, get up from the table with the feeling that you want to eat a little more. Do not drink water within half an hour after eating. You especially need to make sure that a pregnant woman does not overeat.

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Food poisoning

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Heartburn in the stomach area

This condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest. The pain caused by heartburn often gets worse when you try to bend over or lie down. It can also manifest itself as severe pain and heaviness after eating. Eat a balanced diet, avoid drinks and foods that can cause heartburn, eat small meals, and avoid smoking.

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Improper food and water intake

Sometimes the stomach begins and does not stop hurting after drinking a large volume of liquid immediately after eating. Water, juice and other drinks dilute the concentration of stomach acid. As a result, the digestion process cannot occur properly. The diluted stomach acid becomes insufficient to digest food and then the body begins to try to reject the food eaten.

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Irritable stomach syndrome

Irritable stomach syndrome is a common condition. Its signs often include cramps, pain in the stomach when it literally begins to burst, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, and sometimes difficulty breathing. There is also irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is a bowel disorder in which a person feels pain in the area of ​​this organ.

Symptoms may vary depending on the body. As a rule, irritable stomach syndrome is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea, and stool disorders. Everyone is susceptible to this syndrome. Typically, irritable stomach syndrome occurs with irregular and improper nutrition, a protein diet, very fatty foods, spicy foods, alcohol abuse, if you constantly make and drink coffee and coffee drinks, experience stress and overexertion.

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Pylorospasm is a condition characterized by contractions of the pylorus of the gastrointestinal tract. The factor causing pylorospasm is disturbances in the functioning of the diseased stomach and nervous system. A feeling of acute pain occurs 1-20 minutes after eating, then vomiting and distress are observed, sometimes difficulty breathing. This process continues until the body gets rid of the food eaten. Antispasmodics are usually prescribed to relieve the symptoms of pylorospasm.

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Obstruction of part of the stomach

Obstruction occurs due to intense spasms of the stomach walls or a tumor, resulting in a blockage of the stomach area. Food cannot enter this part and pain occurs.

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Allergies, food intolerances

Food intolerance. Some people cannot eat certain types of food. And because of them, they experience strong discomfort, pain, and sometimes difficulty breathing after eating. The most common foods that cause intolerance are lactose and gluten. Lactose is a type of sugar found in dairy products such as milk. If a person is lactose intolerant, they are deficient in a certain enzyme. Therefore, when a person consumes foods containing lactose, it can lead to bloating, severe pain and cramping in the stomach, heaviness, diarrhea and even difficulty breathing. If you notice discomfort or pain from eating dairy or flour products, stop eating them and find alternatives. Now there are special lactose-free dairy products, almond or, for example, buckwheat flour.

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Gastroduodenitis often causes pain, heaviness, and difficulty breathing. To treat gastroduodenitis, proper nutrition, diet, and the use of certain medications are recommended: antacids that lower the level of acidity in the stomach, sedatives.

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Stomach or duodenal ulcer

Severe stomach pain after eating may be a sign of a stomach ulcer. Ulcers are shallow erosions in the stomach. With an ulcer, eating can cause discomfort and unpleasant painful sensations, the stomach is bursting with pain, the patient feels a strong pain in the abdomen, and breathing is difficult. It is prohibited to consume foods that affect acidity and irritate the mucous membrane of the organ. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat ulcers. It is important not to try to treat ulcers on your own and consult a specialist in time. Contact your doctor if you experience severe stomach pain after eating.

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Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining. Most often, this disease begins to manifest itself due to insufficient proper nutrition. For gastritis, antibacterial and antiseptic agents are prescribed, along with a special diet that excludes fatty, spicy, sour, and fried foods from the diet.

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Treatment and medications

Pain in the abdominal area can also be observed in some serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms and correctly treat the diagnosis. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity is used for diagnosis.

The treatment process depends on the causes of the disease and the degree of damage to the gastric tissue. If the cause of the pain is an infectious disease, patients undergo a course of antibiotics to alleviate the condition.

Diet and exercise are mandatory during treatment. Meals should be small, but frequent. Avoid eating late at night. It is recommended to pay special attention to the process of eating food. Chew food slowly, softening it in your mouth as much as possible. In addition, the fast process of eating disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet. Avoid overeating.

Relief during intense pain can come if you apply a compress. To do this, wet a soft towel with warm water and apply a compress to the stomach area. It will ease difficulty breathing.

Try not to drink tea too hot.

It is useful to brew not very hot tea and make an infusion of chamomile. Chamomile effectively relieves irritation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For example, I drink chamomile tea without sugar after I eat, since sugar reduces the healing properties of chamomile.

It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. However, you should avoid those fruits that can potentially lead to pain and increase acidity levels. For example, you should stop eating watermelon. Of course, we all love watermelon. However, watermelon can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes. It's not so much the watermelon itself that is harmful, but the juice from the watermelon. For certain gastrointestinal syndromes, watermelon and watermelon juice can only increase pain. It is especially not recommended for children to consume watermelon during periods of pain.

Try to sleep on your back. Doctors have proven that sleeping on your stomach is not only not beneficial, but even harmful. Therefore, all experts unanimously recommend sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your back promotes the normal functioning of body systems. Sleeping on your back is beneficial for normal heart function and stable blood circulation. Sleeping on your back creates normal conditions for the gastrointestinal tract.

Include a salad of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. For example, you can make a salad from fruits such as peeled and finely chopped apples, melons and sweet cottage cheese. Or you can make a salad of boiled beets, peeled apples and cabbage.

To get rid of constipation, you need to eat more apples. In general, you should eat at least half an apple a day. An apple will cleanse the body of toxins and stabilize digestion. You can juice apples by adding sugar to make it sweet. In addition, they promote weight loss.

It's good to eat beets. It is recommended to eat beets for constipation. Beets normalize the microflora of the digestive tract and contribute to its normal functioning. Beetroot is good for obesity because beets regulate metabolism and promote accelerated metabolism.

Eliminate strawberries from your menu.

Eliminate strawberries from the menu. First of all, because it contains a colossal amount of acid, and the seeds can corrode the mucous membrane. Although it is recommended to eat strawberries for weight loss, vitamin deficiency and anemia, and the enzymes contained in strawberries help cope with various intestinal infections, eating strawberries is strictly prohibited for abdominal pain. It will not be especially beneficial for children to consume strawberries in large quantities. Because strawberries are the strongest allergen. In addition, excessive consumption of strawberries causes kidney problems.

Among fruits, eating banana will be useful. Bananas are good for constipation. You can notice improvements in stool after eating even one banana. However, to eradicate this problem, eating bananas in large quantities is not recommended. Including bananas in the menu helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. However, bananas are not an easily digestible fruit. Bananas have enveloping properties. Therefore, eating bananas has a healing effect.

It is recommended to drink warm, but not hot, milk every day at night if your stomach hurts. You can drink milk with dry cookies and crackers. Milk coats the walls of the stomach and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you want, you can drink a glass of sweet, not hot milk with honey or sugar.

It is useful to drink a glass of kefir at night. Consuming kefir improves the digestion process and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, doctors unanimously recommend drinking kefir for stomach diseases. In addition, it is useful to know that fresh kefir weakens. But kefir, which is already more than three days old, strengthens. If you have increased acidity of gastric juice or constant heartburn, then kefir is strictly contraindicated for the reason that kefir is a fermented milk drink.

Drinking herbal or green tea, not hot and not sweet, with chamomile or sage is beneficial. It has a great effect on the digestive system and cleanses the body of toxins. They are also good for weight loss.

It is good for the digestive tract to eat cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a real storehouse of nutrients. It is recommended to eat it for all gastrointestinal diseases. If you want, you are allowed to eat sweet cottage cheese with added sugar or honey. Eating cottage cheese is useful for maintaining a stable metabolic process. In addition, cottage cheese, even sweet, is an easily digestible product.

It is recommended to use pumpkin seeds for diseases of the digestive tract. It is useful to eat melon as a fruit. Melon contains many enzymes, is easily absorbed by the body and improves digestion. It is recommended to eat melon while taking antibiotics, since melon reduces their toxicity to the body. In addition, it promotes weight loss.

If you want sweets, eating them is allowed. Of course, you can only eat sweets when you do not suffer from diabetes. Consumption of sweets such as chocolate and sweets with citrus additives is not allowed. But it’s better to avoid salt.

Cabbage is considered healthy. If you want, you can prepare dishes with the addition of stewed cabbage. Stewed cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which activates the digestion process. In addition, stewed cabbage stabilizes the metabolic process.

But you will have to give up mushrooms. The chitin contained in them is not digested by the body. Therefore, eating mushrooms can lead to digestive problems. In addition, mushrooms increase the concentration of gastric juice and the level of acidity in the stomach. You can also often get poisoned when you eat mushrooms.

Green radish is no less useful. Radish contains a huge amount of substances and vitamins that are beneficial to the digestive tract. Among other things, green radish promotes the secretion of gastric juice, and when you eat, it activates the digestion process. Eating green radish is beneficial for constipation. However, it is not recommended to eat green radish every day if you have high acidity. Radish is best eaten in salads because of its bitter taste. It promotes weight loss.

You can include milk soup in your daily menu. It is better to make it with grains containing a lot of fiber: oats, rice, barley. Consumption of each of them promotes digestion.

It is good to take a variety of herbal baths.

You can take a variety of herbal baths from pine needles, oak bark, sage, and St. John's wort. If the cause of the disease is food poisoning, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and perform gastric lavage.

Excellent antispasmodics and painkillers are “No-shpa”, “Spazmolgon” and other drugs. For heartburn, Motilak and Motilium will help. They should be drunk a few minutes before meals. You can take enzymatic agents that activate the digestion process. In particular, “Mezim” and “Pancreatin”. For nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to drink Regidron, which is a cleansing agent.

Anti-anxiety medications are sometimes prescribed to treat, stabilize and calm the nervous system. It is better to take medications with milk rather than water. Since milk has an enveloping effect, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa. Delicate in its structure, it is recommended for patients with peptic ulcers.

However, these medications are not a panacea and do not eliminate the very cause of the disease. They provide relief for a while. The disease itself does not go away. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. In some cases, intensive therapy and even surgery are required.