Outdoor games for deaf and hard of hearing children. Methodological recommendations for conducting outdoor games for deaf and hard of hearing children




Lack of hearing sensations, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, insufficient speech development make it difficult for a deaf or hard of hearing child to perceive the world and limit his ability to communicate with others, which affects his health, psychomotor and physical development. Children with hearing impairments often have concomitant diseases and secondary disorders. This can manifest itself in frequent colds, general weakness of the body, low performance, fatigue, poor posture, and delayed development of basic physical qualities: muscle strength, speed, flexibility, endurance. Unlike healthy children, deaf and hard of hearing children, due to insufficient speech development, find it more difficult and longer to master new movements, experiencing difficulties in accuracy and coordination of actions, maintaining static and dynamic balance, and reproducing a given rhythm of movements. In addition, they are less oriented in space. Instability of attention, slow and fragile memorization, limited speech, small vocabulary, inability for adequate perception and imagination, characteristic of these children, require a special approach when selecting, organizing and conducting outdoor games for them.

Since compensation for hearing impairment usually occurs at the expense of vision, it is important to try to use this feature when organizing play activities with deaf and hard of hearing children. The child must see what he has to do, therefore the display of movements (direction, pace, speed, sequence of actions, routes of movement, etc.) must be especially accurate and must be accompanied by verbal instructions (explanation, instructions, command, etc. .). Wherein Special attention two points should be noted:

Children should clearly see lip movements, facial expressions, gestures
you are the speaker.

When shown, children must repeat the task out loud.

The leader (counselor, instructor, teacher, methodologist or parent) must be absolutely sure that each participant in the game understands its rules.

Thoughtful, well-organized outdoor play creates favorable conditions for verbal communication children, expands the range of motor capabilities, enriches lexicon, develops mental qualities, accustoms the child to conscious behavior, stimulates initiative and independence, corrects psychomotor disorders.

1. “Three elements. Earth. Water. Air"

Target : development of attention.

Number of playerscould be anything.

Instructions. The players are placed in a circle, the leader calls the word:

“Earth” - the players take the position: arms to the sides;

“Air” - the players perform circular movements with their arms backwards;

“Water” - movements are performed that imitate waves.

The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.

Guidelines. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.


Target: development of reaction speed, attention and intelligence.

Instructions. The site is divided into three zones- "Water", "Earth", "Air". The presenter names an object (for example, an airplane), and the players run to the area designated “Air.”

The word "steamboat" - The players run to the “Water” zone.

The word "tree" - The players run to the “Earth” zone.

The player who violates the rules is eliminated from the game or receives a penalty point. The last remaining participant (or the one with the fewest points) wins.

Methodical instructions.The load is regulated by changing modes of movement: walking, running, jumping, etc.

2. “Typewriter”

Target: vocabulary development.

Instructions. Players or teams are given a word (for example, “competition”), and participants in the game must create new words from the letters of the given word. The one who “types” the most words wins.

Methodical instructions.It is recommended to play the game in evening time or in bad weather.

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instructions. Scattered around the playground geometric figures. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


  1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).
  1. Collect red triangles.
  1. Collect as much as possible of any pieces except green ones. Other options are also possible.


  • The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).
  • The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.

4. "Mirror"

Target: development of attention and imagination, training in memorizing sequences of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. The players sit freely on the court and perform the following tasks:

  • Repeating single movements after the leader.
  • The players must reproduce several movements in a given sequence.
  • The presenter names an animal, bird, insect or fish, and the players imitate the movements of this animal.

Methodical instructions.The best player is determined by a general vote and is awarded a prize or bonus points.

5. "Rope"

Goal: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Number of players - 10-12.

Inventory: a jump rope or rope at least 1.5 meters long.

Instructions. The presenter distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team that most accurately depicts the given task wins.

Methodical instructions.The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

6. "Catch up with me"

Target: development of attention, acquisition of skills of catching and passing the ball, development of the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players - 10- 14.

Inventory: two basketballs.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, with players from both teams alternating. The game uses two balls. In the starting position, the balls are located on opposite sides of the circle. At the driver’s command, the players simultaneously pass the balls to the right (or left), trying to ensure that the ball of one team catches the ball of the other team. If a team catches up with the other, the winner is awarded a point.


  • The game is repeated several times.
  • The team with the most points wins.

7. "Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throwing and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing the ball up, he calls the player's name. The named player must catch the ball. If he catches it, he returns to his place, but if he doesn’t catch it, then he changes place with the driver. The one who drives the least wins.


  • The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in the circle.
  • If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: everyone in turn says their name, and the whole group repeats it in chorus.
  • Players can move freely in a circle.

8. "Colored sticks"

Goal: development of dexterity and color orientation, skills of collective action, fantasy and imagination.

The number of players is arbitrary.

Inventory: sticks - felt-tip pens with a varied range of colors without rods.

Instructions. The players stand facing each other at a distance of 3 meters. Scattered on the platform in front of them a large number of sticks. At the driver’s command, the children collect blue (green, red, etc.) sticks and line up again.

The winner is the line that has the most sticks collected and no mistakes in choosing a given color.

Methodical instructions.The sticks are scattered over a large area, and players are warned about safety precautions.


  1. Sticks are collected regardless of color. The players must say which color sticks they have more (fewer).
  1. Each player “draws” a given figure from sticks (a Christmas tree, a boat, a house, etc.) or a figure he has invented. It is judged who can “draw” the figure more beautifully.
  1. Team execution of a given wiu independently invented “drawing” from sticks. The beauty of the “drawing” and communication in the team when completing the task are assessed.

9. "Clock"

Target: development of attention, thinking, time orientation, consolidation of knowledge.

Instructions. The players, depicting a dial, stand in a circle facing the driver, who is in the center of the circle.

The players are counted on 1-12, which corresponds to the clock indicators. The presenter must name the time, for example 11 o'clock. The player or all players who received this number during the calculation must clap their hands. If the presenter calls the number 22, then the participant or participants with the number 11 clap 2 times. For an incorrect answer, the player is penalized with a penalty point or must perform some exercise.

Methodical instructions.The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronouncing the numbers - tasks.

Game options

10. "Month"

Players are counted on 1-12 (corresponding to the number of months in a year):

a) if the presenter calls, for example, the number “five” - the player or players with the corresponding number clap their hands and say the name of the month;

b) if the presenter calls, for example, “June”, the player or players corresponding to the number “6” clap their hands.

11. "Days of the week"

Players are counted on 1-7 according to the names of the days of the week. The presenter calls the number “6”. Players with number “6” clap their hands and say the word “Saturday”, etc.

12. "Raise your hand"

Target: development of attention.

The number of players is not limited.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, facing the center. The leader is inside the circle. As soon as the leader touches one of the players with his hand, the players standing next to him on the left and right raise their hands closest to the indicated player: the player on the right - left hand, player on the left - right hand. If the player makes a mistake, he receives penalty points. The winner is the one who receives fewer penalty points.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of touch by the leading players.

13. “Get in line”

Target: development of attention and motor qualities - dexterity and strength.

Two teams are divided into equal strengths.

Equipment: rope.

Instructions. Teams line up in a column along a rope lying on the floor. The leader stands at the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader “March!” The teams begin to tug of war. The presenter at this time holds him by the middle. When the leader gives a pre-arranged signal (raised hand, kick, etc.), both teams must line up in a given place.

The winner is the team that completes the line formation faster and more accurately.

Methodical instructions.The leader must observe safety precautions by belaying (holding the rope) until all participants release the rope to form.


  1. After pulling, build up in a “column” or “in a line.” A verbal instruction is given before the tug-of-war signal.
  1. Before the signal “March!” The players perform physical exercises following the leader.

14. “Catch Barmaley”-

story game

Target: development of balance, dexterity, will and coordination of collective actions.

The number of participants is arbitrary.

Inventory: gymnastic benches, gymnastic wall and mats (for insurance), horizontally fixed ropes.

Instructions. IN in the hall, benches are installed in an inclined position under different angles, horizontal benches with wide and narrow support, swinging benches, horizontal ropes at a height of 0.5 meters.

Before the game, the presenter, together with the players, recalls the plot of K. Chukovsky’s works “Barmaley” and “Doctor Aibolit”. The players’ task is to overcome all “obstacles” (walk, crawl, climb, maintain balance) with the whole team, find Barmaley and catch him (the role of Barmaley is played by the second leader).

Methodical instructions.Provide insurance.

Outdoor games on the water

In the first lessons, games help overcome feelings of uncertainty and fear, more quickly adapt to the water and master all preparatory actions for swimming (T.I. Osokina, 1991). Games are selected in accordance with the educational task and the conditions for conducting classes (depth, location equipment, water temperature). It is important that all children in the water participate in the game. An adult (teacher, counselor) must choose comfortable spot to guide the game, allowing you to constantly monitor the players and come to their aid at any time. All new tasks are explained on land, with the children's attention focused on the instructor.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the condition and behavior children and form a group taking into account their main defect.

15. “Do as I do”

Target: getting to know water, mastering ways of moving in water, overcoming fear of water.

From 4 to 15 children can participate in the game at the same time; depending on their swimming ability.

Instructions. The players are positioned in one line in the water along the end edge of the pool with their backs to it, the instructor is on opposite side. On command, a line of children begins to move towards the instructor, diving under the path dividers and repeating the movements that the teacher demonstrates to them (walking, running, walking with a forward bend and alternating strokes, jumping, etc.). The participant who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Methodical instructions.The selection of “teams” is carried out differentially, depending on the characteristics of the children’s disease.

16. “Rubber ball”

Target: teaching children to exhale and inhale in water.

Number of players - 4-10.

Inventory: rubber balls (or other non-sinking objects).

Instructions. The game is played in the shallow part of the pool (reservoir). Each participant is given a ball (or other floating object). On command, children place the balls on the water and blow on them, trying to drive them as far as possible in one exhalation. The one whose ball floats the farthest wins.

Methodical instructions.During this game, the instructor should be very careful about the safety of the children, especially if they do not yet know how to swim.

17. "Dives"

Target: introducing children to water and overcoming their fear of it.

Number of players - 6-15.

Inventory: light bright ball.

Instructions. IN In the shallow part of the pool (reservoir), floats mark a circle with a diameter of 5-6 meters. Children are placed in a circle and act as divers. There are the same number of hunters around. Hunters throw to each other light colored the ball and, unexpectedly for the dives, throw the ball into the circle, trying to hit one of them. The only salvation for diving is to quickly dive headlong into the water.


  • Each hit of the ball takes the diver out of the circle.
  • The game is played against time, after 5 minutes the dives and hunters change roles.
  • The team with the most players remaining wins.

18. "Divers"

Target: teaching children the art of diving and navigating underwater.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 10-15 colored plates or other sinking objects.

Instructions. Bright plates are thrown onto the bottom of a shallow pool (reservoir), which are clearly visible in the water. At a signal, children dive and try to collect as many plates as possible in a certain time (30 seconds). The one with the most plates wins.

Option: mooicuo scatter on the bottom of the plate different color, then the divers are tasked with collecting plates of a certain color.

Methodical instructions.The instructor should pay special attention to ensuring the safety of the players.

19. "Slalom"

Target: teaching children the art of moving freely in


Two teams play A -8 people, with an equal number of boys and girls.

Inventory: 6 buoys.

Instructions. Teams are lined up one at a time. In front of the teams, three anchor buoys are installed every 3 meters. At the signal, the first numbers swim forward, zigzag around obstacles in their path, and return back in a straight line. Touching the second numbers with their hand, they send them on their way, etc. The team that finishes first wins.

Methodical instructions.The teams should be approximately equal in strength (taking into account the illnesses of each player).

20. "Tugs"

Target : teaching children to move freely in water.

From 8 to 20 can participate in the game at the same time.

Inventory: bright buoys (at anchor) according to the number of competing teams.

Instructions. Several teams compete 4 -8 people each, with an equal number of boys and girls in teams. The guys enter the water up to their waists and line up behind the starting line in pairs - the girls, standing behind, hold the boys by the waist. Colored buoys are placed in front of each team at a distance of 10 meters. At the signal, the first couples from each team go to the start. The boys are sailing, transporting the girls as if in tow. The girls hold onto the swimmer’s belt with their hands, working hard with their legs. Having gone around the buoys, the “tugs” return back and with a touch of their hand send the next pair to the start. 11The team that finishes the distance first wins.

Methodical instructions. The relay game is very intense, so the instructor must carefully monitor compliance with safety rules and the condition of the children.

Lack of auditory sensations, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, and insufficient speech development make it difficult for a deaf or hard of hearing child to perceive the world and limit his ability to communicate with others, which affects his health, psychomotor and physical development. Children with hearing impairments often have concomitant diseases and secondary disorders. This can manifest itself in frequent colds, general weakness of the body, low performance, fatigue, poor posture, and delayed development of basic physical qualities: muscle strength, speed, flexibility, endurance. Unlike healthy children, deaf and hard of hearing children, due to insufficient speech development, find it more difficult and longer to master new movements, experiencing difficulties in accuracy and coordination of actions, maintaining static and dynamic balance, and reproducing a given rhythm of movements. In addition, they are less oriented in space. Instability of attention, slow and fragile memorization, limited speech, small vocabulary, inability for adequate perception and imagination, characteristic of these children, require a special approach when selecting, organizing and conducting outdoor games for them.

Since compensation for hearing impairment occurs, as a rule, at the expense of vision, it is important to try to use this feature when organizing play sessions with the deaf and hard of hearing.

Chapter 2

with our children. The child must see what he has to do, therefore the display of movements (direction, pace, speed, sequence of actions, routes of movement, etc.) must be especially accurate and must be accompanied by verbal instructions (explanation, instructions, command, etc. .). In this case, special attention should be paid to two points:

Children should clearly see lip movements, facial expressions, gestures
you are the speaker.

When shown, children must repeat the task out loud.

The leader (counselor, instructor, teacher, methodologist or parent) must be absolutely sure that each participant in the game understands its rules.

Thoughtful, well-organized outdoor play creates favorable conditions for children’s verbal communication, expands the range of motor capabilities, enriches vocabulary, develops mental qualities, accustoms the child to conscious behavior, stimulates initiative and independence, and corrects psychomotor disorders.

36. “Three elements. Earth. Water. Air"

Goal: development of attention.

Instructions. The players are placed in a circle, the leader calls the word:

“Earth” - the players take the position: arms to the sides;

“Air” - the players perform circular movements with their arms backwards;

“Water” - movements are performed that imitate waves.

The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.


Target:development of reaction speed, attention and intelligence.

Instructions.The site is divided into three zones- "Water", "Earth", "Air". The presenter names an object (for example, an airplane), and the players run to the area designated “Air.”

The word "steamboat"- The players run to the “Water” zone.

The word "tree"- The players run to the “Earth” zone.

The player who violates the rules is eliminated from the game or receives a penalty point. The last remaining participant (or the one with the fewest points) wins.

Methodical instructions. The load is regulated by changing modes of movement: walking, running, jumping, etc.

37. "Typewriter"

Target: vocabulary development.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. Players or teams are given a word (for example, “competition”), and participants in the game must create new words from the letters of the given word. The one who “types” the most words wins.

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Chapter 2

Outdoor games during summer holidays...

Instructions. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).

2. Collect red triangles.

3. Collect as many figures as you can, except green ones. Other options are also possible.

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Developinggames for hearing impaired children

Since compensation for hearing impairment usually occurs at the expense of vision, it is important to try to use this feature when organizing play activities with deaf and hard of hearing children.

The child must see what he has to do, therefore the display of movements (direction, pace, speed, sequence of actions, routes of movement, etc.) must be especially accurate and must be accompanied by verbal instructions (explanation, instructions, command, etc. .). In this case, special attention should be paid to two points:

· Children should clearly see the movements of the lips, facial expressions, and gestures of the speaker.

· When shown, children must repeat the task out loud.

The leader (counselor, instructor, teacher, methodologist or parent) must be absolutely sure that each participant in the game understands its rules.

Thoughtful, well-organized outdoor play creates favorable conditions for children’s verbal communication, expands the range of motor capabilities, enriches vocabulary, develops mental qualities, accustoms the child to conscious behavior, stimulates initiative and independence, and corrects psychomotor disorders.

“Three elements. Earth. Water. Air"

Goal: development of attention.

Instructions. The players are placed in a circle, the leader calls the word:

“Earth” - the players take the position: arms to the sides;

“Air” - players perform circular movements with their arms back;

“Water” - movements are performed that imitate waves.

The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.

Goal: development of reaction speed, attention and intelligence.

Instructions. The site is divided into three zones - “Water”, “Earth”, “Air”. The presenter names an object (for example, an airplane), and the players run to the area designated “Air.”

The word "steamboat" - the players run to the "Water" zone.

The word "tree" - the players run to the "Earth" zone.

The player who violates the rules is eliminated from the game or receives a penalty point.

The last remaining participant (or the one with the fewest points) wins.

Methodical instructions. The load is regulated by changing modes of movement: walking, running, jumping, etc.


Goal: vocabulary development.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. Players or teams are given a word (for example, “competition”), and participants in the game must create new words from the letters of the given word. The one who “types” the most words wins.

"Forbidden Color"

Goal: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6--8.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instructions. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).

2. Collect red triangles.

3. Collect as many figures as you can, except green ones. Other options are also possible.


· The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).

· The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.


Goal: development of attention and imagination, training in memorizing sequences of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. The players sit freely on the court and perform the following tasks:

· Repeating single movements after the leader.

· Players must reproduce several movements in a given sequence.

· The presenter names an animal, bird, insect or fish, and the players imitate the movements of this animal.

Methodical instructions. The best player is determined by a general vote and is awarded a prize or bonus points.

"Colored Sticks"

Goal: development of dexterity and color orientation, skills of collective action, fantasy and imagination.

The number of players is arbitrary.

Equipment: sticks - felt-tip pens with a varied range of colors without rods. hearing impaired psychomotor vocabulary

Instructions. The players stand facing each other at a distance of 3 meters. A large number of sticks are scattered on the platform in front of them. At the driver’s command, the children collect blue (green, red, etc.) sticks and line up again.

The winner is the line that has the most sticks collected and no mistakes in choosing a given color.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Lack of auditory sensations, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, and insufficient speech development make it difficult for a deaf or hard of hearing child to perceive the world and limit his ability to communicate with others, which affects his health, psychomotor and physical development. Children with hearing impairments often have concomitant diseases and secondary disorders. This can manifest itself in frequent colds, general weakness of the body, low performance, fatigue, poor posture, and delayed development of basic physical qualities: muscle strength, speed, flexibility, endurance. Unlike healthy children, deaf and hard of hearing children, due to insufficient speech development, find it more difficult and longer to master new movements, experiencing difficulties in accuracy and coordination of actions, maintaining static and dynamic balance, and reproducing a given rhythm of movements. In addition, they are less oriented in space. Instability of attention, slow and fragile memorization, limited speech, small vocabulary, inability for adequate perception and imagination, characteristic of these children, require a special approach when selecting, organizing and conducting outdoor games for them.

Since compensation for hearing impairment usually occurs at the expense of vision, it is important to try to use this feature when organizing play activities with deaf and hard of hearing children. The child must see what he has to do, therefore the display of movements (direction, pace, speed, sequence of actions, routes of movement, etc.) must be especially accurate and must be accompanied by verbal instructions (explanation, instructions, command, etc. .). In this case, special attention should be paid to two points:

Children should clearly see the movements of the lips, facial expressions, and gestures of the speaker.

When shown, children must repeat the task out loud.

The leader (counselor, instructor, teacher, methodologist or parent) must be absolutely sure that each participant in the game understands its rules.

Thoughtful, well-organized outdoor play creates favorable conditions for children’s verbal communication, expands the range of motor capabilities, enriches vocabulary, develops mental qualities, accustoms the child to conscious behavior, stimulates initiative and independence, and corrects psychomotor disorders.

“Three elements. Earth. Water. Air"

Goal: development of attention.

Instructions. The players are placed in a circle, the leader calls the word:

“Earth” - the players take the position: arms to the sides;

“Air” - players perform circular movements with their arms back;

“Water” - movements are performed that imitate waves.

The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.

Goal: development of reaction speed, attention and intelligence.

Instructions. The site is divided into three zones - “Water”, “Earth”, “Air”. The presenter names an object (for example, an airplane), and the players run to the area designated “Air.”

The word “steamboat” - the players run to the “Water” zone.

The word “tree” - the players run to the “Earth” zone.

The player who violates the rules is eliminated from the game or receives a penalty point. The last remaining participant (or the one with the fewest points) wins.

Methodical instructions. The load is regulated by changing modes of movement: walking, running, jumping, etc.


Goal: vocabulary development.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. Players or teams are given a word (for example, “competition”), and participants in the game must create new words from the letters of the given word. The one who “types” the most words wins.

"Forbidden Color"

Goal: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instructions. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).

2. Collect red triangles.

3. Collect as many figures as you can, except green ones. Other options are also possible.


The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).

The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.


Goal: development of attention and imagination, training in memorizing sequences of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. The players sit freely on the court and perform the following tasks:

Repeating single movements after the leader.

The players must reproduce several movements in a given sequence.

The presenter names an animal, bird, insect or fish, and the players imitate the movements of this animal.

Methodical instructions. The best player is determined by a general vote and is awarded a prize or bonus points.


Goal: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Number of players - 10-12.

Equipment: jump rope or rope at least 1.5 meters long.

Instructions. The presenter distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team that most accurately depicts the given task wins.

Methodical instructions. The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

"Catch me"

Goal: development of attention, acquisition of skills of catching and passing the ball, development of the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players - 10-14.

Inventory: two basketballs.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, with players from both teams alternating. The game uses two balls. In the starting position, the balls are located on opposite sides of the circle. At the driver’s command, the players simultaneously pass the balls to the right (or left), trying to ensure that the ball of one team catches the ball of the other team. If a team catches up with the other, the winner is awarded a point.


The game is repeated several times.

The team with the most points wins.

"Catch the Ball"

Goal: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throwing and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium-sized ball.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing the ball up, he calls the player's name. The named player must catch the ball. If he catches it, he returns to his place, but if he doesn’t catch it, then he changes place with the driver. The one who drives the least wins.


The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in the circle.

If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: everyone in turn says their name, and the whole group repeats it in chorus.

Players can move freely in a circle.

"Colored Sticks"

Goal: development of dexterity and color orientation, skills of collective action, fantasy and imagination.

The number of players is arbitrary.

Equipment: sticks - felt-tip pens with a varied range of colors without rods.

Instructions. The players stand facing each other at a distance of 3 meters. A large number of sticks are scattered on the platform in front of them. At the driver’s command, the children collect blue (green, red, etc.) sticks and line up again.

The winner is the line that has the most sticks collected and no mistakes in choosing a given color.

Methodical instructions. The sticks are scattered over a large area, and players are warned about safety precautions.


1. Sticks are collected regardless of color. The players must say which color sticks they have more (fewer).

2. Each player “draws” a given figure from sticks (a Christmas tree, a boat, a house, etc.) or a figure he has invented. It is judged who can “draw” the figure more beautifully.

3. Team execution of a given, independently invented “pattern” made from sticks. The beauty of the “drawing” and communication in the team when completing the task are assessed.


Goal: development of attention, thinking, time orientation, consolidation of knowledge.

Instructions. The players, depicting a dial, stand in a circle facing the driver, who is in the center of the circle.

The players are counted on 1-12, which corresponds to the hours. The presenter must name the time, for example 11 o'clock. The player or all players who received this number during the calculation must clap their hands. If the presenter calls the number 22, then the participant or participants with the number 11 clap 2 times. For an incorrect answer, the player is penalized with a penalty point or must perform some exercise.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronouncing the numbers - tasks.

Game options


Players are counted on 1-12 (corresponding to the number of months in a year):

a) if the presenter calls, for example, the number “five” - the player or players with the corresponding number clap their hands and say the name of the month;

b) if the presenter calls, for example, “June”, the player or players corresponding to the number “6” clap their hands.

"Days of the week"

The players are counted on 1-7 according to the names of the days of the week. The presenter calls the number “6”. Players with number “6” clap their hands and say the word “Saturday”, etc.

"Raise your hand"

Goal: development of attention.

The number of players is not limited.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, facing the center. The leader is inside the circle. As soon as the leader touches one of the players with his hand, the players standing next to him on the left and right raise their hands closest to the indicated player: the player on the right - his left hand, the player on the left - his right hand. If the player makes a mistake, he receives penalty points. The winner is the one who receives fewer penalty points.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of touch by the leading players.

“Get in line”

Goal: development of attention and motor qualities - dexterity and strength.

Two teams are divided into equal strengths.

Equipment: rope.

Instructions. Teams line up in a column along a rope lying on the floor. The leader stands at the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader “March!” The teams begin to tug of war. The presenter at this time holds him by the middle. When the leader gives a pre-arranged signal (raised hand, kick, etc.), both teams must line up in a given place.

The winner is the team that completes the line formation faster and more accurately.

Methodical instructions. The leader must observe safety precautions by belaying (holding the rope) until all participants release the rope to form.


1. After pulling, build up in a “column” or “in a line.” A verbal instruction is given before the tug-of-war signal.

2. Before the signal “March!” the players perform physical exercise following the leader.

“Catch Barmaley” - story game

Goal: development of balance, dexterity, will and coordination of collective actions.

The number of participants is arbitrary.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, gymnastic wall and mats (for belaying), horizontally fixed ropes.

Instructions. The hall is equipped with benches in a tilted position at different angles, horizontal benches with wide and narrow supports, swinging benches, horizontal ropes at a height of 0.5 meters.

Before the game, the presenter, together with the players, recalls the plot of K. Chukovsky’s works “Barmaley” and “Doctor Aibolit”. The players’ task is to overcome all “obstacles” (walk, crawl, climb, maintain balance) with the whole team, find Barmaley and catch him (the role of Barmaley is played by the second leader).

Methodical instructions. Provide insurance.


Children are divided into two groups. One forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap hold hands and walk in a circle left (right) saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are

It was just their passion that got divorced,

Everyone gnawed and ate,

They are climbing everywhere - here is a misfortune.

Beware of the cheat,

We'll get to you

Let's set up mousetraps.

Let's catch everyone at once!

As the words are pronounced, the mouse children run into the circle, crawl under the clasped hands of the children walking in the circle, and run out of the circle. At the end of the words, the mousetrap closes - the children give up, and whoever remains in the circle is considered caught. They stand in a circle - the mousetrap gets bigger. The game repeats itself.

“Colored Cars”

Children are located on one side of the playground (hall), they are in cars. Everyone is given a colored circle - a steering wheel (hoop). The driver (teacher) has two colored flags in his hands. He raises a green flag - and children with a circle of the corresponding color scatter across the entire playground in any direction.

They walk around imitating a car. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, for example blue, and the children of the second group also scatter. After some time, the flags go down and the players stop. The game repeats itself. The teacher first gives instructions - to run in different directions and without bumping into each other, otherwise there will be an accident.

"Big Ball"

To play you need a big ball. The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who passed the ball between his legs becomes the driver. But he stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle. When the ball hits the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The players do not pick up the ball during the entire game; they roll it only with their feet.


Two teams of 5-7 people are organized. Taking each other by the belt, at the teacher’s signal, the players of both teams begin to move from the starting line. Before performing a new type of movement, the leaders of each team imitate the train whistle.

1. Walking on rails - along two parallel winding lines, track after track.

2. Running behind the leader, changing direction between obstacles (pins, flags, balls).

3.Walking on a 10-15 cm high log bridge lying on the floor.

The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

"Sly Fox"

Children walk in a circle, saying:

Walks and wanders along the village

The cheat is a red fox.

How can we see her?

Avoid the clutches of the cheat?

The teacher quietly touches the child, who becomes the Sly Fox.

The children say in chorus: “Sly fox, where are you?”

The sly fox runs into the center shouting: "I'm here!". All the players scatter around the site, the fox catches them, touching the one running away with his hand. Players caught by a fox become fox cubs. And they also catch those running away, but without touching them, but tightly grasping them with both hands. The last child caught is the winner. In a replay game, the winner becomes the sly fox.

Lack of auditory sensations, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, and insufficient speech development make it difficult for a deaf or hard of hearing child to perceive the world and limit his ability to communicate with others, which affects his health, psychomotor and physical development. Children with hearing impairments often have concomitant diseases and secondary disorders. This can manifest itself in frequent colds, general weakness of the body, low performance, fatigue, poor posture, and delayed development of basic physical qualities: muscle strength, speed, flexibility, endurance. Unlike healthy children, deaf and hard of hearing children, due to insufficient speech development, find it more difficult and longer to master new movements, experiencing difficulties in accuracy and coordination of actions, maintaining static and dynamic balance, and reproducing a given rhythm of movements. In addition, they are less oriented in space. Instability of attention, slow and fragile memorization, limited speech, small vocabulary, inability for adequate perception and imagination, characteristic of these children, require a special approach when selecting, organizing and conducting outdoor games for them.

Since compensation for hearing impairment occurs, as a rule, at the expense of vision, it is important to try to use this feature when organizing play sessions with the deaf and hard of hearing.

Chapter 2

with our children. The child must see what he has to do, therefore the display of movements (direction, pace, speed, sequence of actions, routes of movement, etc.) must be especially accurate and must be accompanied by verbal instructions (explanation, instructions, command, etc. .). In this case, special attention should be paid to two points:

Children should clearly see lip movements, facial expressions, gestures
you are the speaker.

When shown, children must repeat the task out loud.

The leader (counselor, instructor, teacher, methodologist or parent) must be absolutely sure that each participant in the game understands its rules.

Thoughtful, well-organized outdoor play creates favorable conditions for children’s verbal communication, expands the range of motor capabilities, enriches vocabulary, develops mental qualities, accustoms the child to conscious behavior, stimulates initiative and independence, and corrects psychomotor disorders.

36. “Three elements. Earth. Water. Air"

Goal: development of attention.

Instructions. The players are placed in a circle, the leader calls the word:

“Earth” - the players take the position: arms to the sides;

“Air” - the players perform circular movements with their arms backwards;

“Water” - movements are performed that imitate waves.

The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.


Target:development of reaction speed, attention and intelligence.

Instructions.The site is divided into three zones- "Water", "Earth", "Air". The presenter names an object (for example, an airplane), and the players run to the area designated “Air.”

The word "steamboat"- The players run to the “Water” zone.

The word "tree"- The players run to the “Earth” zone.

The player who violates the rules is eliminated from the game or receives a penalty point. The last remaining participant (or the one with the fewest points) wins.

Methodical instructions. The load is regulated by changing modes of movement: walking, running, jumping, etc.

37. "Typewriter"

Target: vocabulary development.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. Players or teams are given a word (for example, “competition”), and participants in the game must create new words from the letters of the given word. The one who “types” the most words wins.

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

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Outdoor games during summer holidays...

Instructions. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).

2. Collect red triangles.

3. Collect as many figures as you can, except green ones. Other options are also possible.


The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).

The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.

39. "Mirror"

Target: development of attention and imagination, training in memorizing sequences of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. The players sit freely on the court and perform the following tasks:

Repeating single movements after the leader.

The players must reproduce several movements in a given sequence.

The presenter names an animal, bird, insect or fish, and the players imitate the movements of this animal.

Methodical instructions. The best player is determined by a general vote and is awarded a prize or bonus points.

40. "Rope"

Goal: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Number of players - 10-12.

Inventory: a jump rope or rope at least 1.5 meters long.

Instructions. The presenter distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team that most accurately depicts the given task wins.

Methodical instructions. The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

41. "Catch up with me"

Target: development of attention, acquisition of skills of catching and passing the ball, development of the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players - 10- 14.

Inventory: two basketballs.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, with players from both teams alternating. The game uses two balls. In the starting position, the balls are located on opposite sides of the circle. At the driver’s command, the players simultaneously pass the balls to the right (or left), trying to ensure that the ball of one team catches the ball of the other team. If a team catches up with the other, the winner is awarded a point.


The game is repeated several times.

The team with the most points wins.

Chapter 2

Outdoor games during summer holidays...

42. "Catch the Ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throwing and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing the ball up, he calls the player's name. The named player must catch the ball. If he catches it, he returns to his place, but if he doesn’t catch it, then he changes place with the driver. The one who drives the least wins.


The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in the circle.

If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: everyone in turn says their name, and the whole group repeats it in chorus.

Players can move freely in a circle.

43. "Colored Sticks"

Goal: development of dexterity and color orientation, skills of collective action, fantasy and imagination.

The number of players is arbitrary.

Inventory: sticks - felt-tip pens with a varied range of colors without rods.

Instructions. The players stand facing each other at a distance of 3 meters. A large number of sticks are scattered on the platform in front of them. At the driver’s command, the children collect blue (green, red, etc.) sticks and line up again.

The winner is the line that has the most sticks collected and no mistakes in choosing a given color.

Methodical instructions. The sticks are scattered over a large area, and players are warned about safety precautions.


1. Sticks are collected regardless of color. The players must say which color sticks they have more (fewer).

2. Each player “draws” a given figure from sticks (a Christmas tree, a boat, a house, etc.) or a figure he has invented. It is judged who can “draw” the figure more beautifully.

3. Team execution of a given wiu independently invented “drawing” from sticks. The beauty of the “drawing” and communication in the team when completing the task are assessed.

44. "Clock"

Target: development of attention, thinking, time orientation, consolidation of knowledge.

Instructions. The players, depicting a dial, stand in a circle facing the driver, who is in the center of the circle.

The players are counted on 1-12, which corresponds to the clock indicators. The presenter must name the time, for example 11 o'clock. The player or all players who received this number during the calculation must clap their hands. If the presenter calls the number 22, then the participant or participants with the number 11 clap 2 times. For an incorrect answer, the player is penalized with a penalty point or must perform some exercise.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronouncing the numbers - tasks.

Game options

45. "Month"

Players count on 1-12 (corresponding to the number of months in a year):

a) if the presenter calls, for example,- number five- the player or players with the corresponding number clap their hands and say the name of the month;

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Outdoor games during summer holidays...

b) if the presenter calls, for example, “June”, the player or players corresponding to the number “6” clap their hands.

Days of the week"

Players count on 1-7 according to the names of the days of the week. The presenter calls the number “6”. Players with number “6” clap their hands and say the word “Saturday”, etc.

Raise your hand"

Target: development of attention.

The number of players is not limited.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle, facing the center. The leader is inside the circle. As soon as the leader touches one of the players with his hand, the players standing next to him on the left and right raise their hands closest to the indicated player: the player on the right - his left hand, the player on the left - his right hand. If the player makes a mistake, he receives penalty points. The winner is the one who receives fewer penalty points.

Methodical instructions. The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of touch by the leading players.

Get in line"

Target: development of attention and motor qualities - dexterity and strength.

Two teams are divided into equal strengths.

Inventory: rope.

Instructions. Teams line up in a column along a rope lying on the floor. The leader stands at the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader “March!” The teams begin to tug of war. The presenter at this time holds him by the middle. When we-

The leader gives a pre-arranged signal (raised hand, kick, etc.), both teams must line up in a given place.

The winner is the team that completes the line formation faster and more accurately.

Methodical instructions. The leader must observe safety precautions by belaying (holding the rope) until all participants release the rope to form.


1. After pulling, build up in a “column” or “in a line.” A verbal instruction is given before the tug-of-war signal.

2. Before the signal “March!” The players perform physical exercises following the leader.

49. “Catch Barmaley”-

story game

Target: development of balance, dexterity, will and coordination of collective actions.

The number of participants is arbitrary.

Inventory: gymnastic benches, gymnastic wall and mats (for belaying), horizontally fixed ropes.

Instructions. IN In the hall, benches are installed in a tilted position at different angles, horizontal benches with wide and narrow supports, swinging benches, horizontal ropes at a height of 0.5 meters.

Before the game, the presenter, together with the players, recalls the plot of K. Chukovsky’s works “Barmaley” and “Doctor Aibolit”. The players’ task is to overcome all “obstacles” (walk, crawl, climb, maintain balance) with the whole team, find Barmaley and catch him (the role of Barmaley is played by the second leader).

Methodical instructions. Provide insurance.

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Outdoor games during summer holidays...

Outdoor games on the water

In the first lessons, games help overcome feelings of uncertainty and fear, more quickly adapt to the water and master all preparatory actions for swimming (T.I. Osokina, 1991). Games are selected in accordance with the educational task and the conditions for conducting classes (depth, location equipment, water temperature). It is important that all children in the water participate in the game. An adult (teacher, counselor) must choose a convenient place to lead the game, allowing him to constantly monitor the players and come to their aid at any time. All new tasks are explained on land, with the children's attention focused on the instructor.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the condition and behavior children and form a group taking into account their main defect.

50. “Do as I do”

Target: getting to know water, mastering ways of moving in water, overcoming fear of water.

From 4 to 15 children can participate in the game at the same time; depending on their swimming ability.

Instructions. The players are positioned in one line in the water along the end edge of the pool with their backs to it, the instructor is on the opposite side. On command, a line of children begins to move towards the instructor, diving under the path dividers and repeating the movements that the teacher demonstrates to them (walking, running, walking with a forward bend and alternating strokes, jumping, etc.). The participant who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Methodical instructions. The selection of “teams” is carried out differentially, depending on the characteristics of the children’s disease.

51. "Rubber Ball"

Target: teaching children to exhale and inhale in water.

Number of players - 4-10.

Inventory: rubber balls (or other non-sinking objects).

Instructions. The game is played in the shallow part of the pool (reservoir). Each participant is given a ball (or other floating object). On command, children place the balls on the water and blow on them, trying to drive them as far as possible in one exhalation. The one whose ball floats the farthest wins.

Methodical instructions. During this game, the instructor should be very careful about the safety of the children, especially if they do not yet know how to swim.

52. "Dives"

Target: introducing children to water and overcoming their fear of it.

Number of players - 6-15.

Inventory: light bright ball.

Instructions. IN In the shallow part of the pool (reservoir), floats mark a circle with a diameter of 5-6 meters. Children are placed in a circle and act as divers. There are the same number of hunters around. The hunters throw a light colored ball to each other and, unexpectedly for diving, throw the ball into the circle, trying to hit one of them. The only salvation for diving is to quickly dive headlong into the water.


Each hit of the ball takes the diver out of the circle.

The game is played against time, after 5 minutes the dives and hunters change roles.

The team with the most players remaining wins.

Chapter 2

Outdoor games during summer holidays...

53. "Divers"

Target: teaching children the art of diving and navigating underwater.

Number of players - 6-8.

Inventory: 10-15 colored plates or other sinking objects.

Instructions. Bright plates are thrown onto the bottom of a shallow pool (reservoir), which are clearly visible in the water. At a signal, children dive and try to collect as many plates as possible in a certain time (30 seconds). The one with the most plates wins.

Option: mooicuo scatter plates of different colors along the bottom, then divers are tasked with collecting plates of a certain color.

Methodical instructions. The instructor should pay special attention to ensuring the safety of the players.

54. "Slalom"

Target: teaching children the art of moving freely in

Two teams play A-8 people, with an equal number of boys and girls.

Inventory: 6 buoys.

Instructions. Teams are lined up one at a time. In front of the teams, three anchor buoys are installed every 3 meters. At the signal, the first numbers swim forward, zigzag around obstacles in their path, and return back in a straight line. Touching the second numbers with their hand, they send them on their way, etc. The team that finishes first wins.

Methodical instructions. The teams should be approximately equal in strength (taking into account the illnesses of each player).

55. "Tugs"

Goal: teaching children to move freely in water.

From 8 to 20 can participate in the game at the same time.

Inventory: bright buoys (at anchor) according to the number of competing teams.

Instructions. Several teams compete 4 -8 people each, with an equal number of boys and girls in teams. The guys enter the water up to their waists and line up behind the starting line in pairs - the girls, standing behind, hold the boys by the waist. In front of each team, colored buoys are installed at a distance of 10 meters. At the signal, the first couples from each team go to the start. The boys are sailing, transporting the girls as if in tow. The girls hold onto the swimmer’s belt with their hands, working hard with their legs. Having gone around the buoys, the “tugs” return back and with a touch of their hand send the next pair to the start. 11The team that finishes the distance first wins.

Methodical instructions. The relay game is very intense, so the instructor must carefully monitor compliance with safety rules and the condition of the children.