Buckwheat husk pillow: benefits and harms, tips for choosing and caring. Buckwheat pillow: composition, benefits, harm and reviews

Buckwheat husk is a tough shell of buckwheat grains. The cereals sold in grocery stores are already peeled. Therefore, initially buckwheat husks were industrial waste. But its unique property to maintain a shape resistant to external mechanical influences was used to create health accessories for sleeping and sitting.

The shell freed from buckwheat looks like a hollow, elastic pyramid of dark brown or black color. Before being used as a filler for pillows, buckwheat husks separated from grains are subjected to a special treatment:

  • cleaning from dust, dirt, small litter;
  • hot steam treatment for the purpose of disinfection and “hardening” of shells (gives strength);
  • air drying;
  • screening, disposal of deformed, broken husks;
  • final cleaning of buckwheat "dust".

Ready husk is 100% hypoallergenic, highly ecological product. Pillows with it can be used even by small children, the elderly and sick people.

The buckwheat husk pillow provides deep sleep with a healing effect due to the following properties:

  • with deformities of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pain and spasms of the neck muscles);
  • suffering from headaches, migraines;
  • with frequent insomnia, restless interrupted sleep;
  • prone to snoring (the correct position of the head during sleep significantly reduces it);
  • suffering from severe sweating at night;
  • with numbness of the hands, shoulder, head from a lack of blood circulation in the cervical-collar zone.

It is easy to take care of the bedding, as the buckwheat husk does not require cleaning, and the cover can be easily removed for washing.

Buckwheat husk acts as a filler in such orthopedic products. Buckwheat husks are obtained by processing buckwheat kernels first with water, then with a stream of dry air. Then it is threshed, cleaned of flour, treated with a special insect repellant. Buckwheat husk is an environmentally friendly filler and has the following properties:

  • releases essential oils that are beneficial for the respiratory system;
  • the likelihood of an allergy is extremely small;
  • absorbs sweat;
  • does not accumulate heat (especially important in the heat);
  • does not collect dust.

Small scales look like small pyramids, hollow inside. They do not fit tightly to each other, so this pillow always “breathes”. In the summer it is a pleasure to sleep on it, the filler does not heat up, but, on the contrary, creates the effect of coolness.

Despite the abundance of positive properties of this bedroom accessory, it also has disadvantages. So, many people are frightened by the fact that pillows filled with buckwheat husks rustle when used, making it difficult to fall asleep. In fact, the noise is not so strong, the benefits of the acquisition are much higher. In addition, unlike other sleeping accessories, a buckwheat pillow cannot cause any harm to the health of its owner.

The main disadvantages are:

  1. Noise. Indeed, the husk during friction creates a kind of noise that may seem intrusive to someone. Less he will disturb the lover of sleeping on his back.
  2. Pillow firmness. Thanks to this quality, the accessory perfectly keeps its shape and adapts to the person. However, lovers of sleeping on their side note that the peculiarity of the pillow can even lead to numbness of such parts of the face as cheeks and ears. Those who sleep on their backs even like this quality of the buckwheat pillow, as it provides an additional massage and orthopedic effect.
  3. The weight of the accessory. Some types of buckwheat pillows can reach 5 kilograms in weight. It is difficult to cope with a lot of weight both for children and for the older generation (who mainly choose orthopedic and natural products). However, if desired, part of the filler can be removed, thereby reducing the weight.

Despite all the listed negative qualities of the product, buyers notice that the benefits and comfort of using a pillow are much more important, and characteristics such as noise and stiffness are only a matter of time and habit.

Herbs can be bought separately in special bags.

In addition to the main filler, which is buckwheat husk, an additional one may be present in the pillow. Each additive can serve to improve the smell as well as the practical properties of using the pillow. The most commonly used additives are herbs, nuts, flower petals, and so on. In modern stores, the following varieties of aromatic fillers are most often found:

  • lavender - helps relieve muscle pain, treats sleep disorders and relieves spasms;
  • mint - helps to calm down after prolonged exertion, and also relaxes thoughts and leads them in a positive direction;
  • hops - treats tantrums, promotes calm and removes sleep problems;
  • oregano - relieves inflammatory processes in the body, helps to normalize the work of the respiratory tract and heals a cold;
  • cedar shavings - heals the respiratory tract, helps recovery from nervous breakdowns and increases positive well-being.

As a rule, the percentage of additional components is relatively small. If you want to buy yourself a pillow not purely from buckwheat, then you should understand that the presence of medicinal herbs is not always useful for a healthy person when it comes to constant use. The best option for such a case is to buy herbs for the pillow separately in special bags. They can be taken out at any convenient time.

Aromatic additives can be made independently. To do this, just take a handful of odorous herbs that you like, place in a tight bag and sew into a pillow with buckwheat husks. Sleep with your favorite scent will only get better.

The husk is used as an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic pillow filler.

Today, after a hard day's work, overwork during stress or strong excitement, every person dreams of relaxing on comfortable bedding.

Progress does not stand still, so manufacturers remembered such a wonderful filler for orthopedic pillows as buckwheat husk.

The properties of buckwheat were known in ancient China, since in the 7th century there was an imperial pillow. It was filled with buckwheat and highly appreciated for its amazing comfort. Indian and Russian yogis still sleep on buckwheat husk pillows. Let's see what is the use of buckwheat husks and what is the harm from it.

    Orthopedic pillows should be with a comfortable hard filler

Buckwheat husk meets this requirement. If you look at a grain of buckwheat, it resembles a mini pyramid with air space inside. It springs when pressed. There are many thousands of these springs in the pillow. Due to its structure, the husk clings to each other and provides a springy-soft support for the head and neck.

  1. Husk has a massage effect, which helps to get rid of headaches.

    The pillow should take an anatomical shape

The husk is strong and almost weightless, it moves freely in the pillow, follows the contours of the neck and head. Thanks to this, the outlines of the body are preserved from evening to morning. The pillow allows you to comfortably hold the neck in an anatomically correct position. Due to this, blood flow freely circulates between the brain and the heart.

The spine in a dream will be even, the muscles of the back and neck will relax, which will positively affect the quality of sleep. The body after the night will be rested, so it will save a lot of energy for the working day. When using large and soft pillows for sleeping, a person can toss and turn all night in search of a comfortable position.

It takes a lot of energy and worsens the quality of sleep.

    The pillow should be made of environmentally friendly material

Buckwheat is a natural, vegetable natural filler. It is known that her homeland is Russia. Therefore, this plant is adapted to the conditions of the ecosystem. The energy of buckwheat with its biofield is close to people.

In the manufacture of orthopedic pillows, the husk is cleaned of broken off particles, washed with structured water, dried, sized and again winnowed and sifted through sieves.

The advantage of pillows is that they do not contain dust mites.

In such a filler, dust and bed mites do not collect. Covers are made from natural or high-quality artificial materials.

Based on clinical studies, it can be argued that the orthopedic product is hypoallergenic and suitable for asthmatics. As well as:

  • ensures healthy breathing and eliminates snoring. Thanks to a comfortable position, the snorer begins to breathe through the nose, since the air path is not refracted and the tongue does not sink if the neck is firmly supported.
  • eliminates pain in the back and spine, including the area of ​​the cervical region.

Orthopedic pillows are used for car seats or home chairs and sofas. They are useful as a gentle applicator and massager when placed under the back or buttocks. Light massage and impact on biologically active points relieve pain of a different nature, activate blood flow, which delivers fresh oxygen and nutrition to the cells, and prevents hemorrhoids.

Buckwheat pillow - benefit and harm

Pillows made from natural materials have always been famous for their beneficial properties. And now, pillows with buckwheat filler have become an indispensable attribute of adherents of a healthy lifestyle. According to the manufacturer, this sleeping accessory is able to save the buyer from pain in the muscles and neck joints, snoring, and establish a healthy and sound sleep.

The product receives mostly positive customer reviews. Customers who bought the product are satisfied with the quality and price of the pillows. The therapeutic effect of use is noticed by almost all owners of such an integral accessory as a pillow. Buckwheat husk does not cause inconvenience in care, the pillow is easy to use.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks have the following advantages:

  • Hypoallergenic material is a real find for people who do not tolerate dust and bed mites. We can say with confidence in such pillows a dust mite will not start;
  • It is a fact that the aroma emanating from buckwheat is an excellent remedy for insomnia;
  • Buckwheat husk takes on the shape of the relief of the head, which is simply indispensable for relieving heaviness and tension in the muscles;
  • Buckwheat filler perfectly absorbs sweat and allows air to pass through without heating the material;
  • Excellent massage effect for the skin of the face and neck;
  • Optimizes blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth;
  • Minimal care - there is no need to wash, it is enough to carry out the care measures that are indicated in this work;
  • Reduces unpleasant sounds during sleep (snoring).

Of course, there are quite a few positive aspects and many call this product as an "orthopedic" pillow. However, as with most wellness devices, there are always some drawbacks. Let's highlight the most common ones:

  • if an allergic reaction occurs, there is only one advice - to change the pillow with buckwheat husks to synthetic products;
  • a short period of use, the pillow is used for 2 years, after which it is required to replace the filler;
  • the husk makes a noise when turning in a dream;
  • rigid structure.

It’s hard to get used to such pillows, at first they seem hard and uncomfortable, but, as you know, health is more expensive, so you should be patient and get a healthy sleep without headache and joint pain in return. To soften the aroma emanating from the pillows, you can add dry oregano, mint or valerian.

All negative aspects quickly pass and adaptation does not take long, and besides, the positive effect completely covers all the inconveniences.

Let's imagine the main types of pillows:

  1. The automobile type, made in the form of a horseshoe, has a beneficial effect on the cervical area, which is very important when driving and traveling;
  2. Special products for women in position provide an even distribution of gravity during childbearing and subsequently during breastfeeding. Specialty stores offer different pillow configurations;
  3. For sitting, for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such pillows will help relieve fatigue in the hip joints;
  4. For legs, a buckwheat pillow will help get rid of heaviness, it is often used by people with varicose veins, arthrosis, and convulsive spasms.

As mentioned above, pillows have some features, but most users respond well to products. It is absolutely certain that the filler is a natural remedy with an excellent orthopedic effect. Let's imagine some reviews about pillows with buckwheat husks:

  1. These products have become increasingly popular in recent years. And this is due to their natural composition;
  2. I use the pillow on the recommendation of a beautician, I won’t hide it, it was difficult to get used to it, but after a week, I could no longer imagine resting with another pillow. The color of my skin has improved, I have become younger, others notice it, now I recommend this truly healing product;
  3. I have been using a pillow with this composition for 5 years already, and we can say with confidence that today this is the best solution for joint problems. Pillows with buckwheat filling are a guarantee of excellent rest;
  4. Men prefer voluminous, heavy pillows, you can choose from the range offered for a long time, but a product with such a filler will solve all your problems, thereby saving you time searching and forever deciding that you simply cannot find a better option;
  5. Every morning I woke up with a heavy head, and in fact ahead of the working day. After buying the pillow, I forgot about the unpleasant moments and I think that there is no better option;
  6. I would like to tell everyone about this miraculous remedy. This is an excellent medicine for joint pain, an excellent remedy for facial skin, and of course, giving such a little thing will not be embarrassing at all, and a loved one will definitely thank you for such a useful and priceless gift.

It is worth noting that the buckwheat pillow has practically no negative properties, and therefore it is convenient and useful to use it.

When buying a pillow with buckwheat filling, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The cover must be of natural composition. It is best to buy pillows with satin pillowcases, such material is durable, breathable and lasts a long time. Coarse calico and teak do not have such properties;
  2. Try to buy pillows with a snake, its presence contributes to ease in the process of cleaning and adjusting the height of the product;
  3. The breastplate should be light in color, as this is an indicator that dust does not come to the surface;
  4. The pillow should feel slightly springy when touched, this property indicates that the husk is well cleaned and thermally processed. Products with a large weight can serve as a signal of poor husk processing;
  5. The best pillows are products of a rectangular configuration measuring 60 by 40 centimeters. For children, it is optimal to buy a pillow with a size of 50 by 40 cm, for men 50 x 70 centimeters;
  6. If you want to buy quality products, ask the store for special documents that confirm the manufacturer and are considered a guarantee of purchase.

Using husk bedding for children has the following advantages:

  • prevents deformation of the skull;
  • prevents the development of torticollis;
  • reduces the increased muscle tone in the neck;
  • fixes the head and provides a restful sleep.

Buckwheat husk

How to choose a quality product

A pillow with buckwheat husks has features of choice. Knowing the rules will allow you to get the best thing.

  1. Case. The fabric from which it is sewn must be natural and sufficiently dense. Well, if he has lightning. The cover, if necessary, can be easily washed by pouring out the filling. Light fabrics are better, as they will immediately be noticeable if the filler or fine dust from it spills out.
  2. The amount of filler. There should be enough of it. Excess husks, if desired, can be poured into a bag and put away for storage. If the pillow is too skinny, then changing its condition will be much more difficult.
  3. The size. The choice depends on who will use it. Do not buy a thing that is too large for a child or a small child for an adult. The wrong size will not be comfortable, so sleep will not be of high quality.
  4. The form. For a night's sleep, a rectangular pillow is more convenient. For a daytime rest for several hours, rollers and square models are suitable.

You need to purchase a thing in a store with a good reputation, which has safety certificates for all its products. A pillow filled with buckwheat husks of poor quality will only do harm.

When choosing a pillow, be sure to check the quality of the husk. To do this, just unzip the pillowcase and look inside. The husk should have a natural smell, the scales should be solid, rolling among themselves, rustling. If the product cannot be opened or unfastened, do not buy it.

Another important indicator is the purity of the filler. Unscrupulous manufacturers do not monitor the purity of buckwheat husks well, and it may contain impurities. Pay attention to the pillows with a white pillowcase. If it is perfectly white, you can be sure that the filler is the purest. It happens that pillowcases are sewn from dark fabric. Here you should be alert and carefully check the husk for impurities.

The best option would be a product made only from natural fabrics. Pillows made of synthetic fabrics will not have a breathable effect, which means that some of the useful properties will be lost.

The best shape for a pillow is a rectangle. Round and square models do not correspond to the anatomical features and do not contribute to proper rest. The optimal size of the rectangle is 60x40 cm. Smaller products of about 50x40 cm are suitable for children.

The purchase doesn't have to cost a penny. Quality products cannot be cheap.

What to look for when buying?

When buying a pillow filled with buckwheat, pay attention to the following product characteristics:

  • Size 40*60 cm is suitable for almost everyone, while size 50*70 is recommended for people with a short neck;
  • The form. Changing the usual feather pillow for a solid buckwheat pillow is stressful, and it is better to reduce it a little by choosing an orthopedic product of the same shape. In addition, it is quite difficult to choose a pillowcase for a non-standard pillow;
  • The ability to unzip the cover and change the filler or pour out part of it. This is important, since both hard, densely stuffed pillows and half-empty covers are sold, in which buckwheat husks need to be added;
  • The possibility of washing the cover and the material from which it is made. Not all materials dry quickly, and synthetics also accumulate static electricity, and therefore sleeping on a pillow can be uncomfortable.

There are buckwheat pillows designed for a more comfortable sleep. Some manufacturers produce double-sided pillows with 2 different fillers, for example, sintepuh on one side, and buckwheat flakes on the other. During sleep, the husk comes into contact with the head and neck, massaging the skin, and the soft synthetic down, which is pressed under the weight of the body, allows you to take a comfortable position.

Buckwheat husk is an amazing, environmentally friendly pillow filling that gives the product orthopedic properties. This material is not yet very common and only recently is gaining popularity. We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a pillow made of buckwheat husks, what are the benefits and harms of the product, who can use it.

Natural filler from buckwheat husk

Pillow with buckwheat husk allows you to keep your spine in perfect shape and relax well during sleep

Buckwheat husks are small hollow pyramids, they pass air well and create a temperature suitable for sound sleep. Small sharp tips act on the skin through the pillowcase.

Buckwheat husk is a natural product of plant origin without the addition of impurities

Such an effect favorably affects the blood circulation of the head, a small husk performs acupressure. Due to the effect on the skin, it becomes radiant, and the micro-massage of the hair follicles helps to enhance hair growth. Loose natural material takes an anatomical shape, relieving the tone of the head and neck, allowing the body to relax and completely rest.

Such products take a shape identical to the contours of the body

This solves problems such as:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • scoliosis;
  • pain in the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • snore.

Useful properties when using a pillow made of buckwheat husks

A buckwheat husk pillow with an orthopedic effect not only ensures the quality of sleep, but also promotes recovery. It is recommended even for those who have suffered an injury or surgery.

Buckwheat husk is considered one of the best pillow fillings.

There is no harm from the product as such, but you should pay attention to such points.

Otherwise, this material does not bear any harm.

Properly processed material is absolutely safe for everyone

Positive and negative properties

If we talk about the pluses of a pillow with buckwheat husks, then there are a lot of them.

Beneficial massage effect of the husk on the muscles, skin of the face and head

There are several disadvantages, but, as a rule, after a while, many get used to the buckwheat pillow and do not notice the shortcomings.

The number of minuses is not so great, while some negative properties are controversial, such as noise and rigidity.

What to look for when choosing a buckwheat pillow

But in order for the product to benefit and give pleasure from use, it is necessary to correctly choose a buckwheat pillow.

Criterias of choice

When buying products from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer - the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it

Padding material. The fabric of the cover must be natural so that the environmentally friendly filler can breathe. At the same time, a special density is required, because the husk is a rather hard and sharp material. It is not recommended to choose synthetic fabrics - they do not breathe. Thin calico is easily torn and will not last long, and teak has poor hygroscopicity. The best option is a satin cover, it is durable, dense, made of natural threads.

The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural with a sewn-in zipper for convenient use.

It is desirable that the cover has a zipper or Velcro to facilitate the replacement of the filler and regulate its volume. It is recommended to choose a light-colored fabric on which buckwheat dust will be noticeable if the filler suddenly starts to spill out. It is better to choose products with a double cover.

Filler. Buckwheat husks should be well sprinkled and springy, for this it is calibrated and thermally processed, cleaned of impurities, debris, twigs. Heat treatment not only disinfects the husk, but also prolongs its service life. If the pillow is too heavy and hard, then this may indicate poor quality of the husk. There are also combined types of pillows, when a synthetic winterizer or holofiber is combined with buckwheat, but this type negates the useful properties of the filler. But the addition of aromatic herbs to buckwheat husks, on the contrary, is useful and increases beneficial properties. Mint, lemon balm, lavender, oregano and others can be used as additional components.

If the husk is cleaned of debris, then the pillow feels springy when touched, restores its shape well

The form. Pillows with buckwheat are produced in a variety of shapes, however, the most useful and comfortable are rectangular ones. The optimal dimensions are 60 × 40 cm, and for children 50 × 40. Square and round products are not so convenient. There are models of an elongated shape or in the form of a roller, such accessories add comfort on the road.

In addition to traditional rectangular products, children's pillows, neck cushions in the form of a horseshoe or the usual round shape are made.

Buckwheat seat cushion

Orthopedic cushion made of buckwheat hulls for sitting

It turns out that a pillow with buckwheat is produced not only for sleeping, but also for sitting. Such products can be put on a sofa, chair, car seat. Such accessories differ in original colors and designs. Buckwheat husk has a positive effect on the reproductive system, promotes good blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and tones. It is recommended to use buckwheat seat cushions for people associated with a sedentary lifestyle: office workers, drivers, those who spend a lot of time at the computer, and so on.

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, in the office can look after a buckwheat husk pillow for sitting

Can pregnant women use buckwheat pillows?

It is not only possible, but also necessary to use a buckwheat husk pillow during pregnancy. Orthopedic and massage properties will come in handy, because the body must have a good rest. During pregnancy, pain in the back, neck and lower back often occurs, and a buckwheat eco-pillow will help get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

During pregnancy, sleep is often disturbed, essential oils of buckwheat and the addition of lemon balm and mint will greatly help to restore it.

Buckwheat pillows for children

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Rigid filler has significant advantages.

  • Prevents improper development of the cervical region.
  • Serves as a prophylactic against children's scoliosis.
  • Prevents deformation of the skull.
  • Provides proper and restful sleep.
  • Relaxes muscles and reduces tone.

It is important to remember that a husk pillow is recommended for children over two years old. It is necessary to monitor whether the child has an allergy to buckwheat. It is better to tame to an unusual pillow gradually, the amount of filler also needs to be adjusted from a smaller volume to a larger one. You can use a buckwheat eco-pillow for a child not all the time, but for example, only during daytime sleep or illness.

These pillows can be used by children, but it is better not for everyday sleep.

Do dust mites breed in a pillow of buckwheat?

Buckwheat husk pillow does not collect dust and dust mites do not start

The filler has a structure that prevents dust mites from appearing and multiplying, unlike products made from down and feathers. However, some consumers still doubt these properties of the product. Experts advise keeping the product in the freezer for several hours for complete safety, the dust mite does not survive at sub-zero temperatures.

Cleaning rules

Like any product, a pillow with buckwheat requires periodic cleaning. Caring for this accessory requires compliance with the rules.

  • It is impossible to wash such a product together with the filler and subject it to wet processing;
  • The cover is removed and washed separately, the husk is sifted and dried.
  • The pillow should be vacuumed 1-2 times a month.
  • In the summer, the product is ventilated in the shade. In no case, you can not lay out a pillow with husks in direct sunlight.

It is important to know that the filler loses its shape over time, collapses. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check it, sift and, if necessary, add a new one. The useful properties of the product, its healing effect depend on the correct selection of the volume of the husk. If you follow the rules for caring for the accessory, the buckwheat husk eco-pillow will last a long time, delighting with its quality and useful properties.

You can make a buckwheat husk pillow yourself if you find the right filler

Natural material will always outperform synthetic counterparts, so more and more people are choosing orthopedic pillows with buckwheat filling. Breathable material provides a healthy microclimate, does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the scalp. Small particles of husks have an orthopedic effect, relaxing muscles and having a beneficial effect on the spine. The number of positive aspects far outweighs the negative ones, so the eco pillow with buckwheat is deservedly gaining more and more popularity.

Video: Pillow filled with buckwheat husk Healthy sleep

An orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat husk, thanks to the optimal stiffness of the filler, supports the head and aligns the spine. This contributes to the complete relaxation of the muscles of the neck and forearm, which improves blood circulation and allows you to relax and sleep well.

The beneficial properties of buckwheat husks have been known since ancient times. For example, since the 7th century, the pillows of Chinese emperors were made with such a filler and were valued for their beneficial effect on the body and extraordinary comfort. In India, yogis still use such pillows for sleeping and claim that they have healing qualities.

When planning the purchase of such a bedding, you should find out in which cases a buckwheat pillow is recommended, familiarize yourself with the properties of buckwheat husks, and weigh the pros and cons. This article will help you in choosing a quality product.

Useful properties and harm of buckwheat husks

Buckwheat husk is obtained by threshing buckwheat. The harvested crop is thoroughly washed and dried, and then the scales are separated from the kernels. The resulting husk is once again washed and dried, and then used as a filler.

An important positive quality of buckwheat husk is that it is hypoallergenic and does not accumulate dust. Pillows with such properties are ideal for people suffering from allergies and chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma.

Pillows with buckwheat filling also have orthopedic properties. Buckwheat husk has sharp corners, due to which the pillow has a light massage effect during sleep. Impact on bioactive points improves blood circulation.

Due to the optimal hardness, it perfectly supports the head and neck, which helps to relax the muscles. As a result, chronic headache, back pain disappears, blood pressure normalizes.

In addition, the restoration of blood microcirculation is the prevention of osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The correct position of the head on a pillow of buckwheat husks helps to get rid of snoring and insomnia.

It is comfortable to sleep on such pillows in the summer heat, because the filler does not heat up, perfectly absorbs moisture and provides air circulation.

Doctors recommend sleeping on pillows with such a filler for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, allergies, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, chronic insomnia and migraine, snoring and, if necessary, a long stay in a lying position.

Video: Why is a buckwheat pillow useful?

As you can see, pillows with buckwheat filler have only a beneficial effect on the human body, without causing him any harm. Their only drawback is a slight discomfort during the first days of its use. Compared to the usual soft pillows, this bedding will seem quite hard, so at first it will not be very comfortable to sleep on it.

In addition, buckwheat husk makes a rustle when the sleeper turns over, and the sound made can interfere with falling asleep. Although some light rustling, on the contrary, helps to calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Another property of the buckwheat pillow, which you will also have to get used to, is the light aroma of buckwheat husks, which has a positive effect on the respiratory and nervous systems. To some it will seem not very pleasant, and someone will not pay attention to it at all. It all depends on the sensitivity of a person's sense of smell. But in any case, after a while the discomfort will pass.

Varieties of buckwheat pillows

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are available in different sizes and shapes. Moreover, only a rectangular buckwheat pillow has healing properties. Round, oval and square products cannot maintain the correct position of the head and neck, and, accordingly, are absolutely not suitable for daily sleep.

Pillows sized 40x60 cm are best suited for people of average height, while tall people should choose a model sized 50x70 cm. They perfectly adapt to the anatomical features of the body, relieve muscle tension and ensure healthy sleep.

Pillows for children are usually produced in the size of 40x50 cm. They are allowed to be used by children over two years old. Moreover, the mother must regulate the thickness of the pillow on her own, and add filler as the age of her child increases.

If the child sleeps restlessly on such a pillow, tossing and turning and often wakes up, then it is better to use it two or three days a week for daytime sleep. And as you get used to increase the number of days, and start applying at night.

Pillows that are shaped like a roller should not be used every day. They are designed for situations where it is not possible to rest comfortably, for example, during long trips in a sitting position.

In addition to pillows, manufacturers offer orthopedic seats with buckwheat filling. They provide a kind of massage that improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is the prevention of many diseases. The seats are recommended for those who spend most of the day sitting. They are suitable for drivers and office workers. You can also sit on it while hiking or at home watching TV.

For aromatherapy lovers, pillows with various medicinal herbs will be an excellent choice. Manufacturers add oregano, mint, lavender, hops, lemon balm to buckwheat husks. The therapeutic effect when using such pillows will not be long in coming.

When choosing a pillow made of buckwheat husk, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the cover and filler.

It is better to give preference to covers made of satin. This very durable material is highly breathable, thanks to which the buckwheat husk will dry out quickly in case of excessive perspiration. In addition, due to the high wear resistance of satin, the cover will last a very long time.

Manufacturers produce pillows from other fabrics, which are significantly inferior to satin in quality and durability. For example, calico, although it has good hygroscopicity, provides air circulation, does not cause allergic reactions, is too thin and will quickly become unusable from contact with sharp husks.

Teak covers will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect due to low hygroscopicity.

Pillows made of synthetic fabrics are absolutely not suitable for use for medicinal purposes, because this material in itself has a harmful effect on the human body.

When choosing a buckwheat pillow, pay attention to the fabric that is used as a cover. A good option is linen.

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a filler is its purity and integrity of the scales. If the cover does not have a special zipper, and there is no way to visually inspect the buckwheat husk, you can check its quality by touch. The filler should not contain twigs and other foreign elements, and the husk should be approximately the same size. If the buckwheat husk is of good quality, then the pillow will quickly take its original shape when pressed.

Conscientious manufacturers use only calibrated husk as a filler for pillows. It is subjected to additional heat treatment, as a result of which the scales are disinfected and become more durable. High-quality husk should be free-flowing, which will not allow it to stray into clods. It will spring well, providing an excellent orthopedic effect. It is also important that the filler does not have foreign odors.

Care rules

Like all bedding, buckwheat pillow requires care, which has some features. The main rule - you can not wet the filler.

The cover should be washed as it gets dirty using the normal mode for cotton fabrics.

But the buckwheat husk will have to pay special attention. Periodically, it must be sieved to remove crumbled particles. In summer, it is advisable to dry the filler in the air, avoiding direct sunlight. In the cold season, you can air the pillows on the balcony.

Every month it is recommended to carry out dry cleaning of the buckwheat husk pillow, which will allow you to get rid of the smallest particles that have broken off. To do this, you can use the services of dry cleaning, or clean the pillow yourself with a vacuum cleaner.

If possible, it is recommended to vacuum the product a couple of times a month for the first six months. Due to the fact that as a result of friction the size of the scales decreases, the volume of the pillow itself decreases. You can add filler as needed to restore the original size of the product.

After five years, it will be necessary to completely replace the filler, or simply buy a new pillow.

DIY buckwheat husk pillow

Like many bedding items, pillows filled with buckwheat husks can be made by hand.
To do this, you need a piece of chintz that matches the size of the pillow you are going to make. For example, for a pillow 40x60 cm, taking into account seam allowances, you need 50 cm of fabric 1.5 m wide, and a zipper about 30 cm long. Sewing a rectangular zippered apron is not difficult even for a novice seamstress.

Then you need to purchase buckwheat husk and prepare it before falling asleep in the bedclothes. If you managed to get the finished husk, it will be enough to rinse it thoroughly and dry it, laying it out on paper. During the drying process, it is desirable to mix the scales.

If it was not possible to buy ready-made husks, you can make it yourself from unthreshed buckwheat. To separate the kernels from the husk, you should put the buckwheat in a tight bag and beat it with a rolling pin for about ten minutes with an effort. Then pour the contents onto one side of the table, and build a kind of barrier on the other edges of the table, for example, from cardboard boxes. These makeshift walls should be quite high, and firmly on the table.

Further, with the help of a hair dryer or a fan, you need to blow on dried and threshed buckwheat. The scales will easily fly off to the barrier, which will not allow them to scatter throughout the room. Now you can collect the husk, sift it, rinse and dry.

Prepared buckwheat husks by any of these methods can only be poured into the bedclothes. Orthopedic pillow is ready!

Video: a master class on self-made pillows from buckwheat husks

The benefits and useful properties of buckwheat husk pillows are confirmed not only by doctors, but also by people who have been using them for a long time. In their opinion, these sleeping accessories are ideal for sleeping. Pillows provide the correct position of the head and the upper part of the spine, which contributes to relaxation and a full, healthy sleep. For those who care about their health, buckwheat pillows are simply irreplaceable.

We hope that this article will help you choose a quality buckwheat husk pillow. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

A person's well-being and health depend on the quality of sleep. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you should sleep not only on a high-quality mattress, but also on an orthopedic pillow, for example, made of buckwheat. The benefits of sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow cannot be overestimated. To verify this, check out the properties of this material.

Description and varieties

What is buckwheat husk and why is it used to stuff pillows? Surely everyone is familiar with the black particles found in buckwheat. Their hostesses carefully try to separate them from high-quality cereals before cooking. These products for recreation are filled with such a shell.

Sleeping accessories with buckwheat husks are made in such sizes - 40x60 or 50x70 cm. Bedding stores also offer products for children, as well as neck rolls and round products.

There is another type of such products, they are designed for sitting. They are recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car or in the office. They are endowed with a tonic and massage effect, improve blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of stagnant processes.

The benefits of pillows

Before buying such items for sleeping, you should find out what are the benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow. Experts highlight the following advantages of using such products for sleep:

  1. Husk has pronounced orthopedic properties. This effect is achieved as a result of processing the husk, after which it acquires a pyramidal shape. This allows the husk to pass air well and maintain a temperature comfortable for sleeping.
  2. The orthopedic pillow takes the form of the head, supports it, a neck and a backbone during a dream. Under such conditions, the muscles are in a relaxed state, due to this, blood circulation improves, stagnant processes are excluded.
  3. Sleeping on products filled with such natural material allows you to get rid of even chronic headaches. Recovery is achieved by improving blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain and normalizing blood pressure.
  4. When using such bedding, the problem of snoring is eliminated. Getting rid of it allows the correct position of the head and open airways through which air passes freely.
  5. Patients with osteochondrosis notice improvements after the first sleep on such bedding. The intensity of the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, and with the constant use of the accessory, the pain disappears completely.
  6. The material is endowed with high hygienic properties and the ability to absorb moisture. Given this feature, it is useful to have such a thing for people who suffer from excessive sweating during sleep.
  7. At night, while you are resting on the pillow, the body receives acupressure of the skin of the neck, face and head. This action prolongs youth, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  8. Buckwheat husk does not deteriorate when in contact with essential oils, so aromatherapy lovers can add funds directly to the filler.
  9. It is very convenient that the owner of such a pillow has access to the filler, as the cover is easily unfastened and fastened with a sewn-in zipper. This allows you to independently adjust the rigidity of the object - you can add or remove husks.

Given the beneficial properties of buckwheat husks, there are such indications for its use for sleep:

  1. soreness of the spine;
  2. headache;
  3. rachiocampsis;
  4. osteochondrosis;
  5. insomnia;
  6. snore;
  7. allergy to dust mites, feathers, fluff;
  8. increased sweating.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, manufacturers often mix buckwheat husks as a filler with mint leaves, lemon balm, thyme, hop cones and cedar shavings.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk filler

Despite the useful properties of such a natural filler, it also has some disadvantages. They are connected, first of all, with inconvenience in use. Many people complain that such bedding is too heavy, hard and dense. Among the shortcomings caused by these qualities of products are:

  1. Noise. Buckwheat husk tends to rub against each other. And since it is solid, noise is created during movements. When you fall asleep, such a lack will disappear by itself. If you sleep on your back, and not on your side - with your ear to the pillow, then the noise will not be heard.
  2. Rigidity. The husk obtained after processing buckwheat is quite hard and tough, and this can be felt during sleep. Especially people who are used to sleeping on their side suffer from this lack of filler. With prolonged lying in this position, tingling and even numbness may be felt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and cheeks. In order not to face such a problem, but to get only the benefits from sleep, take the habit of sleeping on your back.
  3. Big weight. Such products made from buckwheat husks, depending on their size, can weigh up to 5 kg. Due to the large weight, such an item is not very convenient for children and the elderly. But you can solve the problem if you choose the shape and size of the pillow, which will not have a lot of weight.
  4. The husk has its own natural smell, which may be unpleasant for someone.

According to experts, the therapeutic effect of buckwheat husks far exceeds these shortcomings. They usually disappear after 3-4 nights, and the pillow becomes an indispensable item for a healthy sleep.

Caring for a buckwheat husk pillow is very simple. Follow these rules to keep it in good condition:

  1. The pillow with buckwheat filling cannot be washed. If necessary, you need to pour out the husk and wash the cover separately, and sift the buckwheat to remove rumpled particles.
  2. Shake the pillow every night to get the most out of your natural-filled pillow while you sleep.
  3. In summer, dry the product in the sun, avoiding direct sunlight.
  4. Dry clean with a vacuum cleaner once every two months. Process the product through the case.

How to choose a pillow

To sleep on a quality buckwheat husk pillow, it is important to know how to choose it. Check out the criteria that you should pay attention to when buying an accessory:

  1. the fabric from which the cover is made;
  2. husk quality;
  3. model;
  4. purpose of the product.


When choosing a pillow, give preference to covers made from natural materials. Most often, manufacturers use satin, it is endowed with strength and hygroscopicity. It will last a long time and will pass air well and absorb moisture.

Do not buy products with synthetic cases. Artificial materials will negate all the benefits of a buckwheat pillow.

In order for the product to be comfortable during sleep and benefit the body, the filler must be of high quality - clean, without debris and plant residues.

Conscientious manufacturers use calibrated husks for filler. Such material is subjected to a special heat treatment, which disinfects the husk and increases its strength.

The lineup

Pillows come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Products 40x60 cm are considered a universal option. But if you have a large figure with wide and high shoulders, it is better to sleep on bedding measuring 50x70.

The rectangular shape is perfect for sleeping. Round and square products are designed for comfort on the road or while working at the computer.

If you choose a thing for a child, it should not be larger than 40 × 50 cm. Pillows intended for children's sleep can only be used from the age of two. Even if the child does not yet use such bedding for its intended purpose, you can buy a small accessory and place it at the head of the bed to relieve nervous excitement, calm the baby and improve his sleep.

The term of use of a pillow with such filler is unlimited. More often there is a need to replace the old product with a new one when the cover wears out.

By choosing the right pillow with buckwheat husks, you will improve your sleep and improve your body.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks, benefit or harm Link to main publication

The benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

What kind of bedding fillers do not exist today! Coconut, bamboo, fluff, holofiber, latex. Of course, natural ones are preferable to synthetic ones, and buckwheat husks or husks stand out among them. Since ancient times, it has been used as a filler for pillows, and this trend continues to this day.

Any pillow is designed to provide a comfortable and restful sleep, but not all of the models that exist today can have an orthopedic effect. However, most residents of large cities and those who have a sedentary job experience problems with sleep. It’s not only stress and anxiety, as well as poor posture, but also uncomfortable sleep accessories that are to blame.

The buckwheat husk pillow takes on the structure of the head during proper rest and supports it and the spine, allowing the muscles of the neck and shoulder region to completely relax.

Buckwheat husk is obtained by processing the harvested crop. The kernels of cereals are exposed to water and then to dry air. At the last stage, they are threshed, which makes it possible to obtain buckwheat husks, from which pillows are subsequently made. Such a product takes a shape identical to the contours of the body. It helps to align the spine and maintain good posture.

Some of the benefits of a pillow made from buckwheat husks have already been mentioned above, but this is not all of its advantages. The rest are:

  • buckwheat husk is an environmentally friendly material that does not provoke allergies;
  • comfortable posture of the head during sleep prevents snoring;
  • this accessory for sleeping has an effect akin to acupressure. As a result, bioactive points located on the neck and shoulders are worked out. This helps to get rid of headaches, restore blood and lymph microcirculation in the vessels of the brain of the head. The pressure in the arteries returns to normal, and chronic fatigue syndrome gradually recedes;
  • The benefit of buckwheat husks also lies in the fact that microscopic household mites do not gather in it, unlike feather products. Namely, they, according to experts, provoke allergic reactions and cause asthma;
  • the husk contains essential oils, which are very useful for the respiratory system;
  • this bedding does not accumulate heat, so it is neither hot nor cold to sleep on it;
  • The thickness and height of the pillow can be easily adjusted by adding or removing filling as you see fit.

A pillow made from buckwheat husks can bring not only benefits, but also harm. First of all, it must be said that at the beginning of operation out of habit, it may seem too hard, and in order to determine the desired degree of comfort for yourself, you have to experiment with the amount of filler.

In addition, the harm of a buckwheat husk pillow is that the filler rustles when changing position, and this distracts some from sleep. Although most users agree that you gradually get used to this sound and subsequently it no longer interferes with a comfortable rest.

Another disadvantage is a short shelf life - only 1.5 years. Although some fight the loss of shape by adding a new portion of the husk. However, experts advise to periodically completely replace the filler with a new one in order to preserve all its inherent properties.

Buckwheat pillow benefit and harm

Home » Benefits and harms » Buckwheat pillow benefits and harms

Among the wide range of pillows, you can find models for every taste: traditional down and feather pillows, exotic ones with bamboo fiber, affordable synthetic winterizers and filled with holofiber. A special place among them is occupied by products made from buckwheat husks.

Unpretentious buckwheat is grown without the use of agricultural chemistry, so the peeled and specially processed husk obtained after threshing is an excellent option for an environmentally friendly filler.

Who needs a buckwheat husk pillow most of all, the benefits and harms of using it, the rules of choice - all these points should be considered in more detail when planning the purchase of this accessory.

Description and purpose of pillows, their varieties

Before loading the husk into the pillow cover, it is cleaned of crushed grain, twigs and dust - after this operation, the potential filler becomes hypoallergenic.

The sifted husk has approximately the same dimensions, its triangular particles are folded in the form of pyramids with gaps between them. The mass is porous, elastic, moisture and breathable.

When laid on a pillow, the pyramids crumble, completely reproducing the anatomical curves of the head and neck.

An orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat husk is suitable for anyone who wants to maintain health, but there are also special indications for its use:

  • pain in the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • snore;
  • allergy to dust, feather, wool;
  • increased sweating;
  • severe illness or injury requiring prolonged lying down.

In the trading network there are different types of pillows filled with buckwheat husks.

1. Pillows for sleeping. They are produced in the form of rectangles with dimensions of 40x60, 50x70 cm.

2. Cushion on a chair made of buckwheat husks. Pillow models vary in shape and size. There are products of a square shape 40x40 cm, as well as round ones with a diameter of 35-50 cm (solid or with a round neckline).

The pillow helps to unload the spine and muscles during a long stay in a sitting position, prevents overheating in the groin area, and is a preventive measure against congestion in the lower pelvic organs.

3. Baby pillow. They are usually rectangular, but slightly smaller than adults. Children can sleep on them from the age of 2 - during acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, with hyperactivity. If the child is not allergic to herbs, thyme, lemon balm, lavender, mint are added to the case, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and respiratory tract.

Note: A relative novelty is the driver's seat. So that the husk does not lose its shape, the design of the product is supplemented with partitions. They divide the pillow into several rollers (cassettes) that perform massage functions. Same item

Orthopedic cushion made of buckwheat hulls for sitting

Pros and cons of pillows

Why is a buckwheat husk pillow good, reviews of which are overwhelmingly positive? This bedding combines a whole range of positive qualities, so everyone will find in it something useful for themselves.

  • orthopedic properties. Pillow with husk follows the shape of the body and at the same time has sufficient firmness, reliably supporting the neck during rest. Muscles completely relax, blood flow improves - this contributes to the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and the elimination of pain in the back.
  • Relief from chronic headaches. Progress comes due to the restoration of microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, the alignment of blood pressure parameters
  • Solving the problem of snoring. It disappears due to the correct position of the head and open airways through which air passes freely.
  • Hygienic and hypoallergenic properties. The air-permeable filler of a pillow does not heat up, well absorbs sweat. In the natural peeled husk, dust is not collected, mites do not settle in it, which usually become the cause of allergies.
  • Light massage effect. For bedridden patients, orthopedic pillows are placed under the head and lower back - this helps to avoid bedsores by stimulating local blood circulation.

The benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow are undeniable, but attention should also be paid to certain harm, or rather, the discomfort created at first.

  • Rigidity. It is especially noticeable if there is a habit of soft down pillows. At first, sleeping on a pillow with husks will seem uncomfortable, if not painful.
  • Noise. Hollow scales slightly rustle when a person rolls over and interfere with sleep. Although there are reviews that the rustle calms, helping to cope with insomnia.
  • Smell. The specific aroma of buckwheat essential oils is unusual, but they are very beneficial for the respiratory organs and the nervous system.

It is worth noting that adaptation to the unusual features of the pillow takes place quite quickly, since the positive effect is not long in coming.

Pillow Care Rules

Due to friction, buckwheat flakes gradually decrease in size - the filler, accordingly, loses volume. With a frequency of once every five years, you have to replace the husk or purchase new bedding. If you follow a few simple rules of care, a pillow filled with buckwheat husks will retain its shape and freshness longer.

  • The product should not be subjected to wet processing.
  • Dry cleaning is carried out every two months. It is performed with a vacuum cleaner, through the pillowcase. For the first six months, it is advisable to vacuum the pillow more often - every two weeks.
  • If the pillow cover is dirty, it is washed separately, after being freed from the husk.
  • To remove the worn particles, the filler is sifted through a sieve.
  • It is advisable to regularly air the pillow in the yard or on the balcony. In summer, on a sunny, calm day, the filler is dried by removing it from the pillowcase.

What to look for when buying a pillow

Not every pillow filled with buckwheat husks is of decent quality. To choose a durable and reliable product, you need to examine it well, hold it in your hands and feel it.


First of all, pay attention to the fabric. Teak is dense, but too hygroscopic - covers from it will often have to be dried. Coarse calico has low strength, the material quickly wears out from contact with the sharp edges of buckwheat husks.

The optimal density option is satin: it lasts a long time and at the same time passes air well. To check the quality of the pillowcase, the pillow is shaken: the contents should not spill out.

Preference is given to a pillow with a zipper or Velcro on the cover: this will facilitate regular maintenance.


If the husk is cleaned of debris, then the pillow feels springy when touched, and restores its shape well. Ideally, the husk should be sized and heat treated.

Size calibration ensures the orthopedic effect of the pillow, and heat treatment increases the strength of the husk and disinfects it.

If the contents are easily poured and do not get lost inside the case, there are no extraneous odors, then the filler manufacturing technology is observed. Its low quality is indicated by the large weight of the pillow, its excessive rigidity.

The most comfortable and versatile for bed is a classic rectangular pillow measuring 60 x 40 cm.

If the shoulders are wide, it is better to take a pillow 50 x 70 cm, and for children the dimensions should not exceed 50 x 40 cm. A convenient travel option is a buckwheat pillow under the neck in the form of a roller, with an average size of 40 x 36 cm.

A quality product is always accompanied by a certificate of compliance with medical safety criteria: when buying a pillow, it is advisable to make sure that the document is available and familiarize yourself with its contents. This is especially recommended if you are confused by the low price of a buckwheat husk pillow.

You can also look at the video review of the Faberlik buckwheat husk pillow.

Buckwheat husk pillows

The quality of sleep largely depends on the comfort of bedding. If the mattress is designed to provide an anatomically correct body position, then the pillow, which serves as a support for the head, supports the neck and is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

With high feather and down pillows, which are gradually becoming a relic of the past, low products with an orthopedic effect successfully compete.

They are distinguished by increased rigidity due to the use of buckwheat husks, various herbs, corn and bamboo fibers as fillers and have healing properties.

And what exactly are buckwheat pillows good for health, in what cases are they recommended for use, and is everything that they say about them true - let's figure it out.

The consistently high yield of kernels is not the result of genetic modifications and the use of agrochemicals, but the merit of Mother Nature exclusively, which awarded her the ability to grow, develop and even fight weeds on her own, to the delight of farmers.

Narrowly focused vertebroneurologists specializing in the treatment of destructive processes of the spine believe that a high-quality pillow should perform two important functions, providing support:

  1. Lordosis - the physiological curvature of the spine, bulging forward in the supine position.
  2. The right angle that forms the line of the shoulder joints and the cervical spine in the lateral positions of the body.

Pillows made of buckwheat husks fully meet the above requirements, thanks to the filler.

According to doctors, biopillows benefit our body because:

  • Great head and neck support while you sleep, evenly distributing the load on the muscles and joints, repeating each anatomical bend. Whatever position you take during sleep, the orthopedic effect will immediately work. Sleeping on a firm foundation helps keep your posture correct and beautiful.
  • Have excellent air and vapor permeability creating optimal conditions for the life of the organism. They ensure the hygiene of the bed due to the free circulation of air and the ability to absorb the secretions of the sweat glands, without causing the greenhouse effect even in the heat.
  • They are hypoallergenic and dust repellent. They prevent the formation of populations of house dust mites that cause allergies and exacerbate the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.
  • Help fight snoring: when the head is in the correct position, air flows freely into the respiratory tract, and the brain is fully supplied with oxygen.
  • Create a permanent micro-massage effect, similar in strength to a point: buckwheat flakes with sharp tips unobtrusively work out the bioactive points of the neck and shoulder girdle while a person is sleeping.
  • Take care of appearance. Acupressure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, helping to smooth the turgor and hair, by stimulating the hair follicles with thin corners of the husk.
  • Reduce pain different localization and etiology.

Refusals to purchase buckwheat husk pillows are most often caused by:

  • Excessive rigidity. Dissatisfaction is expressed by those who like to sleep in side positions and in a face down position. In the process of adaptation to a hard base, it is especially hard for the ears and cheeks, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich often there is a tingling sensation with other unpleasant sensations.
  • Noise. Among the existing range of pillows, buckwheat models produce the most noise. Loud rustling sounds are usually complained of by those who sleep, again, mainly in the fetal position, when the ear is pressed to the base. Under the pressure of the head, the scales begin to rub against each other, which is accompanied by a characteristic rustle.
  • Big weight. The mass of products can reach 5 kg. This indicator is affected by the quality of the filler itself. Compared to conventional pillows, buckwheat husk bases are much heavier, which is not always comfortable for the elderly or children.
  • Specific intense smell of buckwheat essential oil. Since everyone's susceptibility to smells is different, and there are those who suffer from hyperosmia (increased sensitivity to aromas), for some, increased extraction of oils becomes a real problem.

The range of buckwheat husk pillows is quite extensive and can satisfy various needs of users. Products differ not only in shape and size, but also in purpose: from ordinary bedding to travel options - cushions for the cervical and lumbar spine.

  • classic models. The best orthopedic effect can boast of traditional rectangular models 40x60 cm in size, which perfectly adapt to the anatomical features of the body, helping to reduce the load on the shoulder area. For owners of high shoulders, products 70x50 cm are ideal.
  • Children's models. When adults are convinced by their own experience of the healing properties of miracle pillows, the next step is to purchase them for the child. Products are recommended for children from 2 years of age. Models with adjustable amount of filler in this regard are especially convenient. The height of the pillow can be easily adjusted by changing the volume of the filler.

The smaller the age of the child, the lower the pillow should be, and hence the smaller the volume of the filler, as they grow older, its amount is gradually increased, changing the height. An unusually hard pillow can be a reason for the baby's whims. In this case, they are limited to short-term uses of the therapeutic base from time to time: during a dream hour during the daytime or during illness.

Medical indications for use:

  • frequent colds;
  • acute/chronic bronchitis;
  • syndromes of hyperactivity and hyperexcitability.
  • Orthopedic seats. People who lead a predominantly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle should get a compact anatomical pillow. Along with the usual properties of products made from buckwheat husks, inside the seats are equipped with special magnets. They perform the function of stabilizers of the electromagnetic potential of the body, improving the transport of oxygen by the blood to all vital organs and systems.
  • seat models universal in terms of application: home, office, car, hiking, long flights or multi-day trips on long-distance trains - the orthopedic base will come in handy everywhere. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the tonic and conditioning effect of "buckwheat" pillows, and for a light massage of biologically active zones, the body will thank the prudent owner with excellent health.

Unfortunately, buckwheat husk pillows cannot boast of longevity. The compaction of the husk is an inevitable phenomenon over time, as a result of which the volume of the pillows decreases.

The valuable qualities of buckwheat were well known to our ancestors, who used tasty cereals not only for food, but also filled it with pillow husks, which was not only good for health, but also convenient in everyday life.

Such bedding did not require cleaning and washing: when it came time to harvest a new buckwheat crop, the contents of the bedclothes were simply disposed of, replacing it with fresh husks.

Buckwheat husk pillows can be safely considered as an effective prophylactic against a whole range of diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system: scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • migraine;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (snoring);
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia syndrome;
  • increased sweating;
  • impotence and prostatitis;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis and exacerbation of chronic gynecological pathologies;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • allergic reactions provoked by wool, feathers, house / paper dust and its inhabitants - dust mites.

Due to the beneficial properties of the husk from the kernel, the pillow has a complex healing effect on various body systems. In addition, biopillows effectively fight against the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients, stabilizing local blood circulation.

We have already talked about children's models, but about the use of orthopedic bases for babies, parents have diametrically opposed opinions.

Those who are in favor of anatomical pillows for the smallest, argue their opinion with the possibility:

  • prevention of torticollis - a common orthopedic problem in newborns;
  • correction of deformities of the cranium;
  • reduction of pain of various localization, provoked by birth injuries;
  • reduction of hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck - false torticollis;
  • ensure the correct position of the spinal trunk;
  • stable fixation of the head, which contributes to a restful sleep.

Those who are "against" cite the following reasons:

  • when the baby spit up, because of the fixed head, there is a risk that the milk will enter the respiratory system;
  • increased load on the insufficiently strengthened neck area, considering it unhealthy.

For the benefits of buckwheat husk pillows, see the following video.

Pillows with an orthopedic effect are included in the product lines of companies specializing in the manufacture of environmentally friendly products, cosmetics, and household items. Among foreign manufacturers, products made in Asia, Canada, and the United States are in the greatest demand.

  • Faberlic– Biopillows of the Healthy Sleep series with unique compositions of buckwheat essential oils are preferred by most buyers.
  • Ecotex (Ecotex)- one of the largest Russian companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of high-quality home textiles.
  • Elin is a manufacturer of textiles of its own brand and the official dealer of the Dargez factory.

Good reviews about the anatomical pillows OPTOPITER of the Classic and Boss series (Russia), the trademarks "Spring of Health" (Russia) and "Factory of Dreams" (Ukraine).

The main selection criteria in this case are the material from which the cover is sewn and the quality of the filler. Not all bedding stuffed with buckwheat husks is of high quality.

When choosing a pillow, do not hesitate to take it in your hands, this is just the case when you should trust your feelings.

Well, we think it is unnecessary to remind about the need for a thorough visual inspection of the product for external defects.

Satin covers are the best solution. This material has increased strength, durability and excellent "breathing" properties, which guarantees normal air exchange even in hot weather. As for the calico, compared to satin, it is much thinner, and given the constant contact with the pointed husk, it will also not last long.

Natural teak is characterized by low hygroscopicity, which greatly reduces the therapeutic effect of buckwheat pillows. In addition, teak bedding will require frequent drying. Any synthetics is unacceptable, a cover made of such materials simply neutralizes the beneficial properties of the filler, making the pillow useless for medicinal purposes.

The quality of buckwheat husks can be determined only by tactile contact. If you think that the residual product obtained from the processing of the kernel is always the same, then this is far from being the case.

Many are misled by the apparent simplicity of making the filler from the core. In reality, a lot depends on how carefully manufacturers clean raw materials, removing plant residues and debris.

It is for this reason that you need to check the product by touch, this is the only way to identify whether fragments of debris and twigs are present inside.

The springiness of the cushion under pressure and the ability to quickly recover its shape are good signs. The ideal filler is the husk after sizing and heat treatment. Orthopedic functions depend on the quality of calibration, while as a result of heat treatment, the husk becomes more durable and disinfected.

And lastly, high-quality products have certificates of compliance with GOST standards. Do not forget to ask sellers for their availability, this is your legal right as a consumer. What is especially important to do in cases of a suspiciously low price of buckwheat pillows.

The friction of the buckwheat flakes leads to a gradual loss of the volume of the filler, as a result of which the size of the pillow decreases. The husk is subject to periodic replacement with fresh. By and large, it's easier to get new bedding. However, by following simple maintenance recommendations, the product will last longer without losing its shape and freshness of the contents.

Care rules:

  1. Wet processing of the filler is contraindicated.
  2. The frequency of dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in low power mode through a cover is every 1.5-2 months.
  3. Washing of the cover is carried out as it gets dirty. Napernik must be completely freed from the husk.
  4. A sieve is used to remove the worn particles of the filler.
  5. Periodic ventilation of bedding outdoors in a shaded area of ​​the balcony or on the shady side of the yard to avoid exposure to UV radiation.
  6. In summer, in sunny weather, the filler is dried, having previously poured it out of the cover and limited the influence of direct sun.

Buckwheat husk pillow: pros and cons

Buckwheat husk pillows are useful for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as they perfectly support the neck during sleep and help reduce pain.

The main advantage of pillows filled with buckwheat husks is that they provide excellent support. Buckwheat pillows can adapt to the shape of the neck and head, providing even load distribution, good support and comfortable sleep. Thanks to these characteristics, these pillows help to cope with pain and fatigue in the neck.

  1. 1 Support is the most obvious benefit of these pillows. They do not dent or flatten during sleep, keeping the wearer's head and neck in the correct position. In addition, their density is very easy to adjust for yourself by adding or removing some amount of filler.
  2. 2 Pain relief. The ability of these pillows to relieve pain is above average. At least 20% of wearers reported a reduction in pain, especially in the neck area. However, at least 5% of wearers report that these pillows cause pain, usually due to their stiffness.
  3. 3 Air permeability. Buckwheat husks perfectly pass air, do not heat up, and also do not accumulate moisture. However, from constant use, the husk becomes denser and less breathable.
  4. 4Massage effect. Due to its structure, the pillow filler constantly has a light massage effect, which improves blood microcirculation.
  5. 5Hypoallergenic. Buckwheat can cause allergies, but in very rare cases. In addition, buckwheat husks do not attract dust. Therefore, such a filler is well suited for people with asthma, as well as children.
  6. 6Ease of maintenance. According to the instructions, if necessary, you can pull the husk out of the cover and wash it. Washing the husk itself is not recommended at all. The husk may come off one side of the pillow, but this is very easy to fix with a good shake.
  7. 7 Reduce snoring. Due to the correct position of the neck and head during sleep, snoring may decrease or disappear altogether.

You can easily adjust the height of the pillow by filling or filling it. Each pillow has a zipper, which makes it easy to do this.

In addition to all the advantages described above, such a pillow can be easily customized. You can adjust the volume of the pillow by simply filling or adding buckwheat husks.


Pillows filled with buckwheat husks do not cause any harm to health. However, not for everyone they will be comfortable because of their unusual rigidity and noise.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks do not cause any harm to health, but they will not be comfortable for everyone. “Comfortable” is a soft and cozy pillow, not a hard, dense and heavy one. If this is important to you, you'd better choose a softer and lighter type of pillows.

  1. 1 Noise. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are probably the noisiest of all (this is especially noticeable for people who prefer to sleep on their side, that is, with their ear to the pillow). This is caused by the husk rustling under pressure. However, many owners report that this rustle is very easy to get used to, and, moreover, over time, the noise almost disappears.
  2. 2 Rigidity. Due to the rigidity of pillows for people who prefer to sleep on their side and stomach, they seem uncomfortable, at least at first. These pillows provide excellent neck and head support overall, but some wearers have noted that the firmness of the pillow made their ears feel uncomfortable and tingly at first.
  3. 3 Big weight. Most often, such a pillow weighs from 1 to 5 kilograms, which depends on the quality of the filler. This is much more than the weight of a regular pillow, which means that the buckwheat pillow will most likely not budge while you sleep on it, but it will not be very convenient to lift or move it.
  4. 4 fragility. The husk thickens over time, and as a result, the pillow becomes somewhat smaller in volume. With proper care, such a pillow can last you from 2 to 5 years.
  5. 5 Peculiar smell. Some owners reported that their pillows smelled bad at first.

If some of the disadvantages of such pillows do not suit you, then you can consider options with latex filler, as well as memory foam. These fillers also do a great job of supporting the neck and helping to reduce neck pain.

Overall, the vast majority of buckwheat pillow owners rate their satisfaction with them as "above average". Satisfaction, however, varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, if you decide to purchase such a pillow, then choose trusted manufacturers who guarantee the high quality of their products.

Buckwheat husk pillow benefit and harm

Normal sleep is a guarantee of a fulfilling life. Frequent insomnia, which many people complain about, can be caused not only by stress and anxiety, but also by uncomfortable sleeping accessories. In such cases, you can pay attention to pillows filled with buckwheat husks.

Advantages of buckwheat husk pillows

In addition to being an eco-friendly natural material that does not cause allergic reactions, pillows evenly stuffed with it have orthopedic properties, taking the shape of your head and supporting it and your spine during sleep, allowing you to completely relax all the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Thanks to its orthopedic qualities, the buckwheat husk pillow will provide you with a comfortable position and a restful deep sleep. A comfortable position of the head during sleep, which is provided by a pillow made of buckwheat husk, helps to get rid of snoring.

The advantage of such pillows is the absence of microscopic household mites in them, which literally teem in down and feather products. The waste products of these ticks, which enter the human body by inhalation, can cause great harm and provoke allergic attacks.

Using such a pillow, you can provide yourself with a regular acupressure of bioactive points located on the neck and shoulders. Buckwheat husks will affect them even through the dense fabric of the cover.

The benefits of this are great - you will forget about a headache, because such a massage will quickly restore blood and lymph microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, help normalize blood pressure and relieve chronic fatigue that suffers from residents of megacities.

Orthopedic pillows and mattresses made from buckwheat husks can be purchased at stores selling organic products, as well as ordered online.

Buckwheat husk pillow: benefits and harms

Incorrectly chosen sleeping accessories can significantly impair rest and even lead to back and neck pain.

After such a dream, a person not only feels even more tired, but even broken or sick.

Manufacturers of health products offer to improve sleep with the help of a buckwheat husk pillow, arguing that the benefits of such a rest will be much higher than the harm of inadequate sleep.

How did buckwheat husks from food production waste get into the textile industry? The healing power of buckwheat has long been known.

The husk also has beneficial properties that are used in the manufacture of anti-stress pillows.. It is known that products with such a filler take an anatomical shape better.

For the treatment of headaches, a buckwheat husk pillow can also be recommended, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below.

After cleaning the buckwheat kernels, the husk goes to the textile factory. She has already gone through all the necessary processing when cleaning cereals: she was washed, dried, threshed.

The idea of ​​using buckwheat husks as a filler was inspired by modern manufacturers from our ancestors, who used many herbal compositions for stuffing pillows.

Such products served, as a rule, for a year - a new harvest provided new raw materials for filling pillows and mattresses.

The benefits of buckwheat husk

It is clear that buckwheat husk is an environmentally friendly and safe material. It is hypoallergenic and healthy. Bed mites will not start in a buckwheat husk pillow, which confirms the benefits of the product for humans and reduces possible harm. In fact, there can be no harm as such, if only the product is correctly selected and used in accordance with the operating conditions.

The pillow has a pleasant aroma, it holds its shape well and has an orthopedic effect. It is for this merit that ordinary inhabitants fell in love with pillows with buckwheat husks. Rest on such a product will be as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

During sleep, the body assumes a natural position, kinks and clamps disappear. The pillow takes the shape of the head, supports the neck and shoulders, relieves tension from the back.

That is why even a short sleep on a pillow with buckwheat filling is comparable to a good rest.

In what cases should you buy a pillow filled with buckwheat husks:

  • for back pain,
  • insomnia
  • chronic fatigue,
  • migraine,
  • cervical osteochondrosis,
  • frequent allergic manifestations,
  • high mental fatigue.

Experts say that sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow is comparable to acupuncture massage. Tiny particles stimulate biologically active points, improving blood microcirculation and promoting maximum relaxation. The stimulation is mild in nature, which distinguishes it from other types of massage that require some effort.

Regular use of a buckwheat husk pillow will help normalize the outflow of lymph, increase blood supply to the brain, and eliminate vasospasm.

Possible harm to buckwheat husk pillows

Only a product used beyond the expiration date can cause harm to health. Unfortunately, plant-filled pillows cannot be used for a long time.

Buckwheat husk quickly loses its properties, and therefore the replacement of the product must be carried out annually. True, the price of pillows filled with buckwheat husks is quite acceptable.

For the sake of quality rest and sound sleep, you can make not such sacrifices.

Products with buckwheat husks may be too tough for some people. If during sleep the vacationer experiences inconvenience, then either the product does not suit him, or the pillow is stuffed with low-quality filler.


Buckwheat husk pillow

Increasingly, people are trying to get a pillow that will take care of their health. After all, it is very difficult to sleep on products made of silicone or synthetic winterizer that clump into clods, and swan fluff and feathers sometimes cause allergies. That is why the search for the best option never ends.

Many people talk about pillows made from buckwheat husks (husks) as orthopedic ones. But not everyone knows what exactly its advantages are and how to care for such an unusual product.

Benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow

Due to the special structure of the filler, this pillow adapts to the shape of the head and neck of the person who sleeps on it. Therefore, it supports the spine well and gives the muscles a rest.

Sleeping on a buckwheat pillow is also a remedy for snoring.

Due to its natural origin, this product is completely hypoallergenic. In addition, it is well breathable. That is why it is comfortable to sleep on it even in hot weather. The granular structure of buckwheat provides acupressure of the head, which helps to get rid of headaches, as well as relieve stress accumulated during the day.

Buckwheat husk pillow: good or bad?

In the modern world, there are objects, it would seem, completely from unexpected materials. For example, who would have thought that buckwheat husk can be used as a filler for a pillow. In our article we will tell you what are the benefits and harms of such a product and how to care for it.

Buckwheat husk

First, let's understand what is buckwheat husk. Surely, everyone noticed the black husk in the groats, so it is the husk. After the stage of purification from flour, it began to be used as a filler for pillows.

On an industrial scale, it is obtained during crop processing. First, buckwheat nucleoli are processed with water, then using dry air. Then the groats are threshed, and as a result, husks are obtained, which are used to make pillows.

Important!Be sure to monitor the thickness of the product, adjust it for yourself, because if it is very thick, in addition to simple discomfort, this can lead to diseases with the spine and blood flow.

Using husk as a filler

Buckwheat husk is a natural bio-filler, which is distinguished by orthopedic and massage properties. Such a product is able to remember the shape from the first use. Products with a denser filler have a higher orthopedic quality, as a result of which the massage effect of the head and neck becomes noticeable.

The product comes in different sizes and densities, which allows you to choose it, taking into account your needs. However, thanks to the presence of a zipper on the side of the pillow, you can always get or add husks, thereby customizing the products for yourself.

About the benefits of a pillow

  • pain in the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent headaches;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • snoring
  • increased sweating;
  • allergies to feathers, wool, dust.

The beneficial properties of buckwheat husk pillows include:

  • husk is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies;
  • thanks to the ability to take a comfortable position, you will not snore;
  • has a massage effect on the neck and head. This contributes to the study of bioactive points, which helps to get rid of headaches, restores blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, relieves chronic fatigue;
  • mites do not gather in the husk, which are often the appearance of allergies and asthma;
  • husk contains essential oils that help improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • the product does not retain or give off heat, so it is very comfortable to sleep on it - not cold and not hot;
  • It is possible to independently adjust the height of the pillow.

Is it possible to use buckwheat pillow during pregnancy

Buckwheat husk bedding is an indispensable thing during pregnancy. Quite often, expectant mothers complain of pain in the back, lower back, neck, and it is the correct position during sleep that can relieve these terrible sensations.

The buckwheat product takes the necessary shape, which creates comfort during sleep. Some are afraid to buy it, because they believe that it has a lot of weight, and it is impossible to lift weights during pregnancy.

In fact, this is not at all the case - the husk, of course, has a certain weight, but it is quite safe to lift during pregnancy.

Buckwheat husk and children

You can buy a buckwheat pillow for a child, but only if he is over 2 years old. In this case, you need to choose a product with a small amount of husk, gradually adding filler to the pillow.

Some babies at first reject such an unusual object, in which case it is necessary to accustom the child to the pillow gradually: during illnesses or at moments of overexcitation. Sometimes, in order to enhance the therapeutic effect, buckwheat husks are mixed with various herbs - mint, hops, oregano, cedar chips.

Did you know? In India, buckwheat is called "black rice", as it is the second most common after this cereal.

Using husk bedding for children has the following advantages:

  • prevents deformation of the skull;
  • prevents the development of torticollis;
  • reduces the increased muscle tone in the neck;
  • fixes the head and provides a restful sleep.

Before purchasing this product for a child, you should definitely consult a doctor, as in some situations there may be contraindications.

Why even when there is benefit, many say no

Even considering the huge benefits that using a specific pillow can bring, some are in no hurry to purchase it for some reason. Let's consider them.

The weight

Depending on the size of the pillow, its weight can be from 2 to 3.5 kg. Of course, if you get it for a child, it will be quite difficult for the baby to lift and shift it himself. It is this moment that often stops parents from buying things.

Presence of odor

Unfortunately, buckwheat husk has a specific smell, and despite the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, not everyone can tolerate it normally. There are cases that, having "breathed" buckwheat, people cannot eat porridge for a long time.

A rustle in a dream

People who are light sleepers are unlikely to be able to decide on such a pillow. Every time you roll over, you will hear the rustle of husks. You should also not forget about the one who is next to you - this moment will also interfere with his sleep.


The effectiveness of orthopedic exposure lies in the degree of rigidity. However, for some, a hard pillow can be uncomfortable and they can't get used to it. It is for this reason that people may refuse it.

Short shelf life

Unfortunately, over time, the husk is crushed from the use of the pillow, and the massage effect becomes less noticeable. On average, the shelf life of the product is approximately 2 years, after which it is recommended to either purchase a new pillow or fill it with new buckwheat husks.

Is there any medical harm?

From a medical point of view, the harm from using a pillow may be allergic reactions to the husk. In addition, after the expiration date, the husk can have a negative effect on the human body, releasing harmful substances, so it is very important to replace the filler in a timely manner.

Not just for sleeping, buckwheat seat cushion

Buckwheat pillow can be used not only for sleeping. It will become an essential item that will provide you with convenience if you spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car. It can be put on a chair, on a sofa, on a chair.

Buckwheat peel has a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect. Using a pillow will help eliminate pain, will help activate blood flow, and also prevent diseases in the genital area and diseases of internal organs.

How to choose the right buckwheat husk pillow

  • give preference to a cover made of natural fabrics;
  • get a pillow with a zipper on the side- this will allow you to adjust its height and replace the husk at the end of the expiration date;
  • choose a case of light colors, so you can notice when fine dust will spill out of the product;
  • optimal size- 60 by 40 cm. If you are the owner of high shoulders, it is better to purchase a product 50 by 70 cm, for children it is better to purchase a pillow no more than 50 by 40 cm;
  • the most comfortable form- rectangle. Square and round products will not be very suitable for relaxation.

Product Care Rules

Over time, buckwheat flakes rub against each other, which leads to a loss of product volume. However, if you follow some tips for caring for your pillow, it will look like new for a long time.

  1. It is not recommended to carry out wet processing of a product.
  2. Dry clean every 2 months. A vacuum cleaner is suitable for this. For the first time after purchase, it is worth vacuuming the product 2 times a month.
  3. It is recommended to periodically sift the husk - this will help get rid of the worn particles.
  4. Ventilate the product on the balcony, in the summer - dry the filler.

Important! Bedding made of buckwheat husks should have two covers, since small dust particles that are dangerous to the eyes can wake up through one layer of material.

Feathers, synthetic winterizer, buckwheat husk: the pros and cons

Summing up, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the main fillers for pillows.

The advantages of feather filler include:

  • very soft and comfortable;
  • able to quickly restore shape, it is easy to beat;
  • retains heat well, has a breathable effect;
  • long service life - up to 7 years.

The disadvantages of feather filler include:

  • increased hygroscopicity, which leads to the formation of a humid environment in which microorganisms and dust mites develop;
  • may cause allergies;
  • difficulties in care;
  • does not provide support to the spine, can inject.

The advantages of synthetic winterizer include:

  • has good elasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • light, airy;
  • easy care, can be washed in a washing machine.

Among the minuses of the synthetic winterizer:

  • during use, elasticity is lost;
  • serves no more than 4-5 years.

The advantages of buckwheat husks include:

  • has a massage and aromatherapy effect;
  • hygroscopic;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • has antibacterial properties.

The disadvantages of buckwheat husks include:

  • pretty tough;
  • heavy;
  • short service life;
  • quickly loses shape; very noisy when using.

Did you know? Buckwheat is a low-yielding cereal: from 1 hectare you can collect only 4-10 centners, while for rice this figure reaches 60 centners.

Buckwheat husk bedding is an excellent solution if you often suffer from headaches, have a sedentary and sedentary job. Using this product, you can significantly improve your well-being.

Everyone loves to sleep on feather or synthetic pillows. There is nothing to be surprised here, because they are very soft and comfortable, but they are capable of very accumulate dust quickly, and this is not very good in terms of health care (especially for allergy sufferers and people suffering from bronchial asthma). That is why today, pillows with natural fillers are gaining more and more popularity.

general information

One of the most common natural fillers is buckwheat, or rather buckwheat husk. But before it gets into the pillow, it goes through a long process of separating from the grain, steaming, sifting, blowing and cleaning.

Some conscientious producers also carry out calibration and heat treatment of the husk. Thanks to such a complex and time-consuming process, there is no doubt that such a pillow has certain healing abilities.

Positive properties

The main advantages of using a pillow with buckwheat filler include:

  • Improving the quality of sleep.
  • pleasant, soothing scent and relaxing effect.
  • Ensuring the correct position of the head and neck, supporting the spine (due to the slight rigidity of the husk, the pillow adapts to the shape of the head).
  • The presence of a special cut on the lock or Velcro, which allows you to reduce the amount of husk, adjusting the product to your own preferences.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph condition.
  • Favorable effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • General improvement in well-being.
  • It helps to reduce or completely get rid of snoring and diseases of the cervical region.
  • Positive effect on the respiratory tract.
  • A kind of scalp massage during sleep, resulting in reduced migraine attacks.
  • Strengthening hair.
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the face.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Ease of care.

It is worth noting that buckwheat husk does not interfere with air circulation, so it is comfortable to use at any time of the year - you definitely will not be hot on it.

Negative sides

Like any other thing, a buckwheat husk pillow has both pluses and minuses.

The main disadvantages of such a bedding include:

  • Rigidity(if you have always slept on soft feather pillows before, even painful sensations may occur).
  • Rapid wear and relatively short life.
  • Making extra noise(the husk rustles when a person changes the position of the head or rolls over).
  • Quite a lot of weight(up to 4-5 kg, depending on the chosen size).
  • A peculiar smell (it is emitted by buckwheat essential oils).

It is worth noting that getting used to such a specific sleeping accessory is quite difficult at first. However, as positive changes appear and you feel better, you are unlikely to pay attention to small inconveniences.

Features of selection, application and care

The choice of product should be taken very seriously. Particular attention should be paid to case material. It's best that it be satin. It is more durable and perfectly passes oxygen, allowing the skin to "breathe". Coarse calico is quickly torn from systematic contact with a sharp husk due to its insufficient density, but teak, although quite dense, is very hygroscopic material. Synthetic materials will completely reduce all the positive qualities of the product to almost zero.

In addition, look at the quality of the filler: it must be clean, without debris, residues from processing and extra odors. The easiest way to do this is to touch: a pillow with clean husks springs well and quickly restores its original shape. Also try to slightly crumple or pour the contents inside the case from one side to the other - if this does not cause any difficulties, then there is no doubt that the production technology was fully observed.

It has been noticed that pillows have the greatest healing and relaxing effect. rectangular shape and size 40?60 cm. In addition, they are very comfortable for adult sleep. As a roller under the neck, you can take a medium-sized product - 40?36 . Well, if you decide to purchase this bedding for kids, then it is better to choose the size 40?50 . However, keep in mind that doctors do not recommend sleeping on such pillows for children under 3 years old.

Finding a pillow with buckwheat husks in a regular store is almost impossible. However, it can be ordered in specialized salons or online stores. Product prices vary within from 400-500 to 1600 rubles(depending on the popularity of the manufacturer and the size of the product itself). To increase the effect of aromatherapy, some manufacturers add medicinal additives to the filler, the most popular of which are lemon balm, thyme and oregano.

Please note that if you buy a truly original product of high quality, then a certificate is always attached to it, indicating that the product complies with medical safety indicators. Before buying, be sure to ask if there is such a document in the store, carefully study it, especially if the relatively low cost of the pillow seemed strange to you.

This orthopedic accessory is usually used only for sleeping. However, sometimes it is used in the classes of some oriental techniques and even as a seat on a chair.

Caring for the product is quite simple: the cover can be washed at any time, but it is strictly forbidden to wet the filler, from time to time it is only allowed to pour it and, if possible, dry it in the fresh air. Once every two to three months, it is advisable to dry clean with a vacuum cleaner.


Thus, today a pillow with buckwheat filling is the best alternative to feather or synthetic bedding.

Many who tested this orthopedic accessory agreed that it is an excellent assistant in the fight against ailments and, despite certain shortcomings, its benefits are simply invaluable!