Phone stand made from improvised materials. All options for creating a smartphone stand from a plastic card. Stand made from toilet paper roll

The mobile phone has become an invariable attribute of the modern person. And on the road, at home, and on the desktop, a useful gadget is given the main place, otherwise “what if someone calls, but I don’t hear/see.” To conveniently place a cell phone on a table, stands were invented. You can buy them in the store, or you can make them yourself from scrap materials. Even the most useless at first glance “unnecessary garbage”, like cardboard packaging for dairy products or a long-used CD cover, can be useful in your work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a mobile stand out of cardboard. It's not obligatory whole piece material, you can take used milk carton small volume (0.5 ml). There is no need to glue anything: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crumpled and the bottom cut off. Then cut it along the folds.

The work will require a central part in the shape of two rectangles. There is a fold between them. It needs to be cut and folded outside inward, pressing the bend with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from the bottom, you need to cut out a shape that resembles the letter “T”. It is narrowed at the top, but has a beveled corner.

When the figure is unfolded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. The budget stand is ready!

CD cover stand

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around their house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for your mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only a smooth rectangle with two curved corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and placed in boiling water. This will make the plastic soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner ends does not reach the other slightly. 2-3 cm is enough; the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. The result is an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

A cell phone stand made from a paper clip is an interesting thing that can be made in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large, massive paper clip, which you just need to straighten correctly!

To begin, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to pinch it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a tick - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Bend the ends of each end slightly.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a laconic stand. The phone lies horizontally on it.

Stand made from toilet paper roll

As good as a sleeve from a used roll toilet paper, enough in every home! Don’t rush to throw away the cardboard form – it can be turned into a mobile phone stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to correctly cut part of the sleeve at an angle. There should be a small piece of cardboard left in front to create a stop. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but standard size“fits” perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped in fabric or covered with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all the work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to your imagination: try it on, think, experiment. Then stands for mobile phones will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

Homemade stand for a smartphone made of mahogany.

Hi all! Today we will do for mobile phone in the form of a dog - a symbol of the year.

Now you need to make a stand for it. To do this, we cut out a circle with a diameter of 70 mm from wood. Sand it with sandpaper.

We take several small gears like this.

We also take epoxy and hardener.

We take plasticine and apply a thin layer to one side of the internal cavity of the figure and seal it with polyethylene on the same side.

Mix the epoxy glue according to the instructions and pour approximately 2 mm into the cavity of the figure. This will be the first layer. We are waiting for this layer to harden. Then we’ll lay out our pattern of gears and fill in the rest.

Our dog has dried up.

We remove the plasticine. We take some sandpaper and bring everything back to perfection.

Mark with a pencil the point on the figure where the hole will be.

Use a drill to make a small indentation.

Now we are making a wooden chopstick that will fix it all. We insert the chopik into the stand, coat it with PVA glue and also bottom part figures in a thin layer so that the glue does not protrude. Let's connect. Leave until completely dry. Next, we rub our entire product with the herbalist’s impregnation.

This is what we got.

Having cute, cozy touches in your home helps create a warm atmosphere. Making something interesting and useful at the same time is not so difficult. Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone. When we return home, we most often put it on the table. It happens that we don’t notice and throw papers or other things on top, and sometimes we even lose them on the desktop. A DIY phone stand solves two problems at once: you will forever be able to allocate a place for your phone and develop the design yourself.

How to make a phone stand?

Surely you have at least one at home cardboard box. From such waste material you can create something unique. We suggest making a phone stand from paper and an old box.

  1. To work, you need to prepare office glue, a pencil with a ruler, and a knife.
  2. Before you make a phone stand, you need to prepare the cardboard. Cut rectangles measuring 10x20cm. We will need 9 such blanks.
  3. Now you need to glue them together in threes.
  4. On two of them we draw such a detail. This will be the side of the DIY phone stand.
  5. Cut it out. In order for everything to be beautiful and the structure not to lose stability, you need to put the sidewalls one on top of the other and check how similar they are.
  6. Take a utility knife and cut a hole in the shape of a rectangle.
  7. Next, you need to make the base for the phone stand with your own hands. We measure the width of the phone and cut out a stand to fit the size of the third piece. The width of the phone is the length of our rectangle. The width of the rectangle should be such that it can fit into the grooves on the sides.
  8. We assemble the structure. You will also need small circle made of cardboard, its diameter is slightly less than the distance between the sidewalls. (photo 8)
  9. All blanks must be covered with paper. This could be a newspaper clipping or scrapbooking paper.
  10. To make the back, take two pencils or something similar. We make holes in the sides and insert them there. We put our cardboard circle on the axle.
  11. Your DIY mobile phone stand is ready!

Another DIY phone stand option

You can make a simpler version of this stand from cardboard.

A big and warm hello to everyone! I haven’t written in the “DIY” section for a long time. Regular readers have probably forgotten that such a thing exists. But oh well, today I will improve. And I will share with you very cool ideas how to make a phone stand with your own hands.

Lately I've been reading a lot, studying information, watching videos. But holding the phone in your hands is not very convenient. And it happens that, for example, I’m preparing food, cutting food, and I have to prop up my phone with whatever comes to hand. And suddenly the idea came to me, why not buy a stand at the store that will make my life much easier. Having scoured the Internet, finding the answer to the question of what it costs and what it costs, I came across a photograph that showed that very thing, but made in seconds and with my own hands. Then the idea sparked in my head to put together several inspiring ideas. And in the end, I hope, an interesting post was born. So, let's begin!

I suggest starting with the very best option for a paper phone stand. You can build it at any time and anywhere, the main thing is to have a sheet of paper approximately A4 size on hand. It seems to me that students and schoolchildren will like this idea. Main principle here is to take a sheet of paper, preferably thick, fold it lengthwise to make at least 3 layers, but of course everything depends on the width. Then you need to fold the paper again, making folds across it so that 3 wide edges of the same width and one small one are formed. Look at the photo, it clearly shows what the end result should be. AND last step– make two small folds.

I can’t even imagine who could have such a rarity as a box of tape cassettes for a tape recorder. But it turns out that such an object, seemingly completely useless, can be used. In a couple of seconds, by turning it over in a certain way (see photo), you will get a very cool stand for your smartphone. Moreover, if you paint it with paint from a bottle, then few will guess what it is made of.

If you have several DIY kits lying around at home, then it is quite possible to build a structure to hold your phone in a horizontal position. And this is done in a matter of minutes. And it’s also easy to disassemble it, putting it back in place.

Plastic card as a phone stand? The idea is bold, but quite realistic. All you need is a couple of cards and some strong scissors. Trim the parts as shown in the photo and enjoy watching the video, taking photos and reading e-books.

Next method Make your life easier by stocking up on six pencils and four erasers. Basically, you need to make three-dimensional figure, as it shown on the picture. Start with a simple triangle, then add one edge at a time, securing it all with rubber bands. Get an original delivery for the phone.

Having a couple of wooden pieces in the house, it is possible to make an interesting and original, and most importantly durable device for smartphones. You can glue the parts with hot or universal polymer glue. And indeed, this design will serve you for a very long time.

Here are some more lifehacks for your phone to keep it running while charging. Such devices are needed mainly when there is simply nowhere to put the gadget unless there is a table or cabinet nearby. Such holders are made from plastic bottle, as in the first case, or from thick cardboard, as in the second.

I've seen so many ideas with toilet paper rolls, but this one! You will need the sleeve itself and 4 paper buttons (to be honest, I don’t know what they are called correctly). Attach them as legs, cut a hole at the top to size so that you can put your phone through it, and enjoy the result. It is better, of course, to decorate such a stand with something or simply paint it.

As you already understand, making a phone stand out of paper is the easiest option. So, you will need a piece of very thick cardboard. If there is none, then make it from several layers, gluing them to each other. Cut holes in the part as shown in the picture. Moreover, such a holder is suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets.

Well, the very last way I suggested to make a phone stand with your own hands is to use a paper clip. I’m sure everyone will have it, and if not, then it’s not very expensive in stores. Take a couple of these devices and bend one round part of the paper clip inward. It will serve as a barrier for the phone to prevent it from rolling off. Place one binder inside another. Place the smartphone so that it rests on one ear, and the second one is bent towards the screen. Here's a simple holder for you!

That's all for today, I hope you liked the ideas and were inspired to make one of the presented gizmos! See you again!

Modern means of communication perform many functions, so there is often a need to install a gadget on desk. Easiest to purchase ready-made device in the nearest store, or you can make it yourself. There are many ways to make a phone stand from scrap materials and office supplies.

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The most common material used to make phone stands is plastic. To make a smartphone holder with your own hands, you can use everything that is available in every home - paper clips and binders (clips), wire hangers for clothes, paper, wooden planks and even a children's construction set. Self-made stands will not only be comfortable, but also original in their design and size.

There are a few simple ways, thanks to which you can quickly create functional stands that are perfect for your gadget.

From stationery binders

Students and office workers are familiar with special clips for large stacks of papers, called binders. If you have holders, the easiest way is to make a phone stand with your own hands from them.

To do this, just connect 2 elements to each other, and bend 1 metal end towards the phone.

You can also fasten 2 binders using a piece of cardboard, and insert the smartphone into the plane between the metal ears. Despite its small size, such a device is capable of holding even a phone with a large screen diagonal both vertically and horizontally.

From Lego

If there are children living in the house, there will definitely be a plastic construction set with parts of different sizes and colors. There are no special instructions for making a phone stand; you just need to select the appropriate elements and connect them in any order. The main thing is that the design is stable and attractive.

From a paper clip

Of the many ways to make a smartphone supply, the fastest and easiest is the one that uses a simple large paper clip.

To make the device, you must first bend the clamp into a straight line. Then bend it again so that middle part created support for back wall, and the hook-shaped edges prevented the phone from sliding forward.

From a wire hanger

If you have a wire clothes hanger, you can make original stand for smartphone or tablet. All you need is pliers and a little patience:

  1. First you need to bend both edges of the hanger so that they are located from each other at a distance equal to the width of the gadget. The edges are compressed with pliers until they are completely connected.
  2. Make 2 folds at each end, about 3-4 cm in size.
  3. At the next stage, the hook is bent at an angle of 90° and turned in the direction of the wings.
  4. Then a hook is made at the end of the upper part, onto which the inner element of the hanger is hooked and fixed.

The design can be improved with rubber tubes, which will provide an anti-slip effect and make the product more attractive.

Shampoo bottle version

An empty shampoo bottle can be turned into a convenient and beautiful stand for phone. The advantage of this device is that it can be hung on the power supply charger and eliminate the risk of snagging wires and dropping the gadget on the floor.

To make a holder you will need plastic container required size, marker and stationery knife. First, markings of future cutting locations are applied to the bottle, taking into account the depth of the phone, the location of the holes for the plugs and the dimensions of the power supply. After the layout is carefully drawn, all the lines are cut out with a knife and the edges are cleaned. If everything is done correctly, the holder can be easily placed on the charger plug and plugged into an outlet. The gadget itself will fit freely in the bowl, eliminating the bending of wires.

To make the device look more attractive, its surface can be covered with fabric or bright paper, and painted with paint suitable for plastic. The advantage of this stand is that it is inexpensive, since it uses discardable material. In addition, a wide selection is available color range and container sizes.

Popsicle stick version

Don't rush to throw away popsicle sticks. You can also make a beautiful phone stand out of them. Depending on the project, the design consists of several elements or includes a dozen components. You can glue the sticks with PVA or glue gun. After the holder is ready, it is recommended to paint or varnish it.

From paper

One of the most common materials used to make a DIY smartphone stand is paper or cardboard. If designed correctly, the product will be quite strong.

The easiest way is to create 2 triangular blocks different sizes. One will serve as the base, the other will support the bottom end of the phone. After the blanks are completely dry, they are fixed on 1 paper rectangle.