Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse during fruiting. Feeding tomatoes during flowering and fruiting. Fertilizers for foliar treatment

When green tomatoes appear on tomato bushes, care should be taken to ensure that the yield is high and the fruits have good taste and marketability.

It is also important that the grown fruits retain all varietal characteristics.

This result can be achieved by correct application of fertilizers during the fruiting period of the crop.

When the tomato bushes begin to bear fruit, culture consumes a large number of potassium, and also needs boron, manganese, iodine.

Phosphorus stimulates intensive work of the root system. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be used sparingly at the time of fruiting, avoiding an excess of this substance.

It is better to apply them during.

If you are not sure about the dosage of nitrogen in a particular preparation or solution, it is better not to use it.

How to fertilize plants for a good harvest

By the time they bear fruit, the tomatoes have already sucked great amount nutrients from the soil, as a result of which it becomes poorer and depleted. In such an important and responsible period, it is imperative to restore the composition of the soil and deliver all the important components to the bushes.

You will find materials entirely dedicated to these topics.

Folk remedies during the growing season

Often in horticultural practice, improvised means are used to fertilize tomatoes. The components included in such supplements are absolutely harmless. for both plants and humans.

Organic supplements

The following types of organic fertilizers can be applied during the fruiting period of tomatoes.

Ash. This fertilizer contains not only potassium, but also many other elements necessary to nourish tomatoes during fruiting. This fertilizer can be applied at the root or sprayed over the surface of the bush.

Into the bucket hot water you need to add 200 grams of wood ash, mix and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

Mullein. The application of this fertilizer will increase the yield of tomatoes. Mullein is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:6, respectively. It is recommended to add mineral and complex fertilizers to the resulting solution to improve efficiency.

Complex and mineral fertilizers

"Solution". This complex fertilizer contains large proportions of potassium and phosphorus, as well as copper, zinc, boron, manganese - everything that tomatoes need when fruiting. 25 grams of the drug are dissolved in a bucket of water to be applied under the root.

You can spray by reducing the amount of “Solution” to 10-15 grams.

Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate). In addition to potassium, the share of which in this fertilizer is more than 50%, it contains trace elements and sulfur.

For root feeding, dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. sulfate, and for spraying - 2 g per 1 liter of water.

This fertilizer should not be used together with urea.

There are several other potassium-containing mineral fertilizers, but due to the presence of chlorine in the composition, they are undesirable for use for tomatoes (potassium magnesium, potassium chloride).

Therefore, in case of obvious lack of potassium in plants, it is better to use this drug, but do not forget to strictly follow the recommended dosage.

Important! All fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is stopped two weeks before harvesting.

Products for quick filling of fruits

Do you want your tomatoes to ripen faster? These chemicals used by gardeners to achieve various goals, including this:

  • To accelerate fruit ripening. In many regions of the country with a cold climate, open ground tomatoes do not have time to ripen on the bushes and ripen in boxes. Thanks to means that accelerate ripening, you can do without storing green tomatoes.

    When growing in greenhouses, summer residents are faced with another problem - at the end of the season, tomatoes begin to get sick, so it is recommended to harvest them as early as possible. In this case, similar drugs will also help.

  • To improve the taste and marketability of fruits.

Ripener. The product accelerates the ripening processes of green fruits, and complete reddening of tomatoes occurs after a one-time treatment within 10 days.

However, this miracle drug has several serious drawbacks.

Firstly, it cannot be used on unripe green fruits(they must have a shiny surface), otherwise there is a risk of premature aging.

Secondly, Only healthy tomatoes can be treated with the ripener, not under stress and having a good root system.

Etrel. When it gets into the juices of the bush, the drug decomposes and releases phosphoric acid and ethylene. As a result fruits ripen in 1.5 weeks ahead of schedule . The treatment is carried out once, diluting 5 ml of the drug in 2 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to spray 20 m2 of plantings.

Sweet. The drug is used to improve the quality of tomato harvest: sugar content, keeping quality, color skins. To spray, you need to dilute 25 g of the product in a bucket of water. Treatment is carried out 1-1.5 weeks before harvesting the fruits.

Benefit. Accelerates the ripening time of tomatoes, the treated fruits grow the same in size. 25 ml per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out once a week from the moment the ovaries form. The advantage is the absence of synthetic hormones.

The best tomato ripening stimulants

Potassium monophosphate. The main advantage of this fertilizer lies in its composition: the ratio of phosphorus and potassium is optimal for maximum yield. The substance itself is easily soluble in water.

When feeding with potassium monophosphate, you need to take into account that it is not compatible with magnesium and calcium fertilizers.

To prepare the solution, you need to add 15 grams of the substance to a bucket of water. This amount of solution is enough to treat 4 plants.

Monopotassium phosphate is considered affordable and is a very popular fertilizer.

How to feed?

To ensure that fertilizing does not harm fruit-bearing tomatoes, it is important to know the technology and timing of its implementation. You can deposit useful material under the roots of plants, or you can spray the trunk, leaves and fruits with a spray bottle.

Root method

Root feeding of tomatoes during fruiting is carried out in liquid form - the active ingredients are pre-diluted in water in the recommended proportions.

Applying fertilizer at the root is always accompanied by watering the tomatoes - first you need to water them with plain water, and then with a nutrient solution. This is done so that agrochemicals do not damage the root system.

Important! During fruiting, it is not advisable to water tomatoes with urea solution; it is better to use it to spray the green parts of the bush.

Foliar method

The components of tomato spray formulations are absorbed much faster than when watering at the root, so foliar feeding has become widespread.

The main disadvantage of this type of fertilization is the increase in humidity and evaporation. in greenhouse conditions. In addition, tomatoes do not like leaf irrigation.

IN general case The instructions for spraying are quite simple: nutrient solution prepare, observing the recommended dosages, filter if necessary and pour into the sprayer. In most cases, the working solution must be applied liberally over the entire surface of the bush.

When to feed?

To fertilize tomatoes, you need to choose a certain time of day and weather conditions.

  1. For open ground tomatoes, all spraying can be carried out in the morning or evening, and in cloudy weather - at any time. The main thing is not to get it on the treated bushes. Sun rays, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  2. Spraying carried out in the evening hours is considered more effective, since all components of the solution are better absorbed into the plant and do not evaporate during the day.
  3. Root feeding of greenhouse tomatoes is carried out in the morning, followed by ventilation.

Important nuances

The components of the fertilizer must be dissolved in water. When fertilizing dryly, the elements will be absorbed very slowly by the plant roots.

The fastest results are shown by foliar feeding - within a few hours you can see the effect.

Fertilizers in liquid form are absorbed by roots longer – within two weeks.

The effect of fertilizers on crop quality

Are you looking for a way to increase the shelf life and sweetness of fruits? Use fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, they have a good effect on taste and product characteristics fruits:

  • gives them sweetness and attractive appearance,
  • increase shelf life.

And here excess nitrogen in the soil will negatively affect the quality of tomatoes– their taste becomes watery and is not clearly expressed.

Getting all the necessary nutrients at such an important stage as fruiting is simply necessary for tomatoes. Thanks to timely application of fertilizers, you can get a high yield of excellent quality.

Useful video

During the growth process, tomatoes need regular feeding, this is especially necessary for the plant during the period of fruit ripening. Feeding tomatoes during the ripening period is necessary to accelerate the growth of fruits, as well as to provide the plant with useful substances.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what periods tomatoes should be fed, and with what.

Why do you need to feed tomatoes?

Every gardener wishes in the process of growing garden crops get a decent harvest. But is it possible to achieve this goal without applying effort, feeding and proper care. Many gardeners believe that the most important thing for a good harvest is fertile soil, but not everyone shares their opinion.

To get a decent tomato harvest experienced gardeners They believe that it is necessary to make at least three feedings for the entire season:

  1. The first stage of tomato fertilization must be carried out no less than 10 days after planting the seedlings. This is necessary for the plant to adapt to new conditions, as well as for the growth of rhizomes.
  2. The second scheduled feeding of tomatoes is necessary during the flowering period or immediately before the inflorescences set. This is necessary to increase the number of ovaries.
  3. The third stage of tomato fertilization should be done during the period of fruit ripening. Feeding during the ripening period improves the taste of tomatoes and increases yield.

Advice! During the ripening process, the plant takes a large amount of nutrients from the soil, so many recommend watering the tomatoes with organic fertilizer throughout the entire stage.

During the entire growth of tomatoes, starting from planting in open ground, tomatoes need useful microelements, and if this is not provided to the tomato bushes, they will begin to wither, get sick, or even die.

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses need more nutrients. This occurs as a result of the fact that greenhouses are dominated by high humidity and increased temperature, this causes the green mass on the bushes to increase, but this negatively affects the future fruits themselves. In order for tomatoes to form ovaries in addition to green mass, they need feeding not only according to plan (three times throughout the season), but also additionally before flowering and during the entire stage of fruit ripening.

Feeding tomatoes during fruiting period

As mentioned earlier, fertilizing tomatoes during the ripening process is necessary to increase the yield, as well as the taste properties of tomatoes.

To improve tomato yield experienced gardeners recommend using following methods mineral and organic fertilizer for filling tomato fruits:

  1. A product based on nitrophoska (1 tbsp), dry sodium humate (1 tsp) and 10 l of warm water.
  2. A solution with nitrophoska (2 tbsp. l) and liquid sodium humate (1 tbsp. l) per 10 l of water. Watering in this case and the previous one is carried out directly under the bush.
  3. Organic and mineral solutions have a positive effect on tomatoes during fruit ripening. For 10 liters of water, we use 1 liter of manure with the addition of dry mineral fertilizer (complex) and 1 g of manganese. Watering must be done exclusively under the rhizomes, with an estimate of 1–1.5 liters of water per plant bush.
  4. We first prepare a solution based on bird droppings or mullein, the output should be 10 liters. Next, add Kemira-universal, Mortar, 1 tbsp each into the prepared solution. l. In addition to these products, you can also use analogues, which can be purchased at specialized gardening stores. We water the prepared product directly under the root of the plant, for low-growing fruits at a rate of 1.5 liters per bush, for tall ones at least 2.0 liters per bush.
  5. Fertilizer manufacturers have prepared preparations specifically for tomatoes during the fruit ripening period. One of them is auxin “2,4-D”. The principle of its action is to accelerate ripening and increase yield. As soon as the ovaries begin to appear on the plant, gardeners need to immediately treat it with this drug. The fruits begin to grow faster and increase in size.

Traditional methods fertilizers for tomatoes during fruit ripening:

As soon as ovaries begin to appear on the tomato bushes, you can’t do without fertilizing. After all, it is in this period plants need useful substances such as potassium, bromine, manganese or iodine. If tomatoes do not receive all these beneficial substances, then the fruits will be small and the harvest will be insignificant. In addition, feeding tomatoes during the fruiting period has a positive effect on the prevention of various diseases.

Foliar feeding during fruiting

Foliar feeding of a tomato during the fruiting period is characterized by the fact that beneficial substances enter the plant not through the rhizome (watering at the root), but from above, since the method consists of spraying. But in this case, you should not use all the remedies listed above, such as iodine, chicken droppings or manure. Since they can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

You can spray the plant:

  • ash;
  • yeast;
  • nettle;
  • serum.

Important! But when spraying, you should know that it can only be done in the evening, otherwise the plant may get baked in the sun.

These spraying methods can be carried out not only for tomatoes, but also for other garden crops. Traditional methods have always remained the most popular among gardeners and gardeners. They are effective and completely safe for the plant itself and the human body.


Every gardener grows tomatoes in his garden beds. But not everyone knows how to achieve a good harvest in this matter. In addition to regular watering, mulching, hilling and pinching, tomatoes need periodic feeding. Many believe that throughout the entire season, tomatoes need only three main feedings, but some believe that this is not enough. But conclusion one, fertilizing is extremely necessary if your goal is to get a decent harvest and tasty, aromatic fruits.

24.05.2019 5 810

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse - bountiful harvest no problem now!

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse can turn into a real battle for the harvest, but you need to wisely use folk remedies, for example, iodine, boric acid, yeast, ash, and also mineral fertilizers and various preparations, follow the rules for adding nutrients during flowering, during the fruiting phase and throughout the entire growing season...

What does Senor tomato like?

A kind of closed mini-ecosystem in which tomatoes feel better than under open air, and all summer it maintains a constant atmosphere that is most suitable for nightshades. The soil in greenhouses is exploited twice as efficiently, so fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse is carried out more often, but at the same time without fanaticism, since the risk of “overdose” is higher in protected soil. For harmonious development tomatoes need many elements, including 4 main ones:

  1. Humic acids- found in organic matter and rotted manure, they strengthen plant immunity, improve soil structure, and stimulate beneficial microflora to reproduce;
  2. Phosphorus– without it, it is impossible to form a healthy root system and good quality fruits; if there is a lack of the element, tomatoes do not absorb other nutrients well and set fruit later;
  3. Potassium salts- the main element consumed by plants during the active growth of ground organs and the lack of this element is dangerous due to the accumulation of nitrates in tomatoes
  4. Nitrogen compounds- this is the main element for the proper growing season of any plants, since nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass, which is especially important in the initial stages of development.

Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse should include microelements - iodine, boron, iron, manganese and others; their plants are partially obtained from soil rich in organic matter. Since intensive farming is practiced in greenhouses, there may not be enough of them, and here those prepared with your own hands will be no less effective.

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse during flowering and fruiting

At the beginning of the growing season permanent place, mineral supplements It is not advisable to use them - they can burn young tomato roots. Agronomists advise doing this 3 weeks after moving the seedlings into the greenhouse. During this time, they will grow a sufficient number of suction roots and will be able to consume nutrients in full.

Starting feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse requires the application of three main mineral fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen - it is advisable to use any nitrate salts except
  • Phosphoric - it is better to use superphosphate
  • Potassium - ideal potassium for tomatoes in the form of sulfate salt

feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse during fruiting - pictured

❗To prepare a bucket of nitrogen solution, take 25 g, phosphorus - 40 g, potassium - 15 g; instead, it is allowed to use a universal complex mixture of nitroammophoska, which contains 3 main elements in proportions suitable for tomatoes. Dissolve a full tablespoon of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water. The solution consumption in the first and second options is small, one liter per bush.

The next feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse is during flowering, when most of the bushes form clusters with buds and this time the plants need more potassium, so the nutrient solution is made up of potassium salt and 15 g of mineral fertilizers per bucket, and 500 ml of organic fertilizers. .

Place the ingredients in a bucket of water and mix well. If there is no organic matter, you can use (a tablespoon of sodium humate). Consumption is determined individually, depending on which ones are grown, so 500 ml is poured for low-growing plants, 500-700 ml for medium-sized ones, and 1000 ml for medium-sized ones.

A few days after the nutrients have been added to the roots, it is recommended to feed the tomatoes using the foliar method - using potassium nitrate, diluting a tablespoon of this salt in a bucket of liquid, which will help protect the ovaries from blossom end rot.

After the first tomatoes appear, it is recommended to feed the tomatoes with ash - pour 2 liter jars of ash into a bucket of water. IN ready mixture at high risk flares add a tablespoon of boric acid, mix and leave overnight. Spend the entire volume of nutrient liquid on no more than 10 roots.

After filling the fruits, gardeners should take care of replenishing the phosphorus needs of tomatoes. Mineral mixture To make it better absorbed, it is supplemented with humates. This cocktail will speed up the ripening of the ovaries and make them more sugary.

How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse - folk remedies

In addition to mineral complexes purchased in specialized stores, tomatoes in the greenhouse are also fed with home remedies, for the preparation of which the following are used:

  • weeds
  • yeast
  • alcohol tincture of iodine
  • manure, compost, chicken droppings and much more

Followers organic farming Tomatoes are fed until inflorescences form with a green infusion, which is prepared from weeds with the addition of wood ash and liquid mullein. Grass and other components are placed in a container with a volume of 50 liters at half the height. It is very important that the weeds are seedless, otherwise the greenhouse will soon be filled with grass. The container is filled with water and covered with polyethylene. The mixture ferments for a week in the absence of air. This can only be used mixed with water in equal parts.

All summer long, lovers of natural farming practice feeding tomatoes with yeast and a nutrient mixture is prepared from 100 g of yeast, 10 liters of water and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Leave the container with yeast in a bright, warm place for at least 3 days. After fermentation subsides, the mixture can be used for its intended purpose. 500 ml of yeast fertilizer is poured under freshly grown bushes, and 1.5-2 liters under mature bushes with ovaries. The frequency of such feeding is 10 days.

Yeast "milk" can be used as a base for other nutrient mixtures for greenhouse tomatoes. When ripening, the yeast solution is supplemented with iodine. The value of such feeding can be increased if, instead of ordinary water use herbal infusion.

  • Kira Stoletova

    Feeding tomatoes during the fruiting period is prerequisite when growing vegetables. It is important to apply fertilizers not only in sufficient quantities, but also taking into account the needs for certain elements in the plant. different stages plant development. Fertilizing is also necessary because tomatoes are very demanding on soil quality. Each plant tries to take all the elements necessary for growth and development, thereby impoverishing it. To ensure high rates of growth and ripening of fruits, it is necessary to pay attention proper preparation nutrient mixture.

    When to fertilize?

    It should be borne in mind that too frequent feeding can damage the tomatoes. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure during the following periods of the plant’s life:

    • After planting the seedlings in the ground.
    • Just before flowering begins.
    • When the first ovaries appear.
    • During the fruiting period.

    For the full ripening of fruits, when the tomatoes have not yet ripened, the third and fourth feedings are most important. The third feeding promotes the formation of full-fledged fruits. It is carried out during the period of active flowering and formation of ovaries. The following fertilizing, carried out during the fruiting period, is aimed at increasing the yield of the bush. In poor soil conditions or during prolonged rainfall, tomatoes need more frequent feeding. For greenhouse plants, this procedure should be performed less frequently to prevent excessive humidity. During fruit ripening, the amount of nitrogen fertilizers should be reduced - excess nitrogen will provoke the formation of green mass, which will take all the nutrients.

    Types of fertilizing

    • Mineral.
    • Organic.
    • Complex organomineral.
    • Based on humates.

    First of all, tomatoes need certain elements that directly affect the yield and development of the plant as a whole. These elements include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - they play a primary role. The presence of calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium and iron in the soil is also important.

    Fertilizers based on mineral salts

    Mineral fertilizers contain various chemical elements, necessary for plants at different periods of growth and development. These are mainly sodium, phosphorus and potassium (also referred to as NPK). It is convenient to use ready-made mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Universal or Mortar. They can be purchased at specialized gardening stores. Such fertilizers help improve the taste and increase the yield of tomatoes. However, if necessary, fertilizers can be made independently. During ripening, tomatoes need potassium most of all, so fertilizing must contain this element.

    Even when using complex fertilizers, it is recommended to add potassium sulfate in a volume of 20 grams per 10 liters. A lack of potassium is indicated by the appearance of red specks on young leaves, which merge into solid brown spots at the edges of the leaves. Soon the leaves fall off and the fruits become unevenly colored. When the first signs of potassium deficiency appear, you need to fertilize with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate. Poorly developed fruits and a bluish tint to the leaves indicate a lack of phosphorus. To prepare phosphorus-containing fertilizer, superphosphate should be dissolved in boiling water in a ratio of 35 grams of fertilizer (about 2 tablespoons) per liter of water.

    To completely dissolve superphosphate, the resulting solution must be infused for at least 8 hours, after which it is diluted in 10 liters of water and used at the rate of 0.5 liters per tomato plant. A lack of calcium during the fruiting period is characterized by the appearance of blossom end rot, in which the top of the fruit darkens and begins to dry out. In this case, it is recommended to spray the plants with a special solution at the rate of 20 grams of calcium nitrate per 10 liters of water.

    Organic fertilizers

    To replenish potassium, you can also use regular wood ash, you need to feed the loosened soil under the bushes with ash. However, a solution of ash with the addition of iodine and boric acid will be more effective. To prepare it you will need:

    • Ash 1.5-2 l.
    • Boric acid 10 g.
    • Alcohol solution of iodine 10-15 ml.

    First, the ash is mixed with 5 liters of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, add water so that the final volume of the solution is 10 liters. Then iodine and boric acid are added to the solution (for better dissolution, boric acid is first diluted in a small amount of warm water). In a day, the fertilizer solution will be ready for use.

    Before using the solution, a liter of the mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water. Each individual bush requires 1 liter of fertilizer: greenhouse plants - once every 2 weeks, and for tomatoes grown in open ground- 1 time per week.

    The active content of potassium and other microelements in the ash significantly accelerates the fruiting process, iodine protects plants from fungal and bacterial diseases, and boron promotes the setting of new fruits. Using potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) instead of iodine has a positive effect on fruit formation. Experienced gardeners recommend alternating fertilizing with manganese and iodine for more uniform plant development.

    Fertilizers based on organomineral mixtures

    During the period of active formation and development of fruits, good results allows the use of fertilizers from a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers. To make fertilizer you need:

    • Mullein 1 l.
    • Complex mineral fertilizer 16-18 g.
    • Copper sulfate or manganese 1 g.

    As a mineral fertilizer, you can use Kemira Universal or Mortar. All ingredients are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Tomatoes are watered with the resulting mixture at the rate of 1.5 liters per bush of determinate varieties or 2.5 liters per bush of tall varieties.

    Fertilizers with the addition of humates

    Humic acids are the basis of biological humus (humus). The sodium and potassium salts they contain, also called humates, have many beneficial properties. Humates activate metabolic processes, help increase productivity, bind sandy soils, accelerate soil warming and retain moisture. Feeding with fertilizers containing humates should be done in combination with other fertilizers.

    • In order to fertilize tomatoes with homemade manure, you should remember that it already contains a certain amount of minerals (such as phosphorus and nitrogen). Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of mineral fertilizers to prevent their excess in the soil. Otherwise, this may affect the development of the fruit.
    • The tomato is one of the so-called chlorophobes - it reacts very sharply to the increased content of chlorine and its salts in the soil. Therefore, fertilizing tomatoes with potassium chloride is extremely undesirable, especially in greenhouse conditions.
    • In addition to fertilizers, experienced gardeners recommend the root-pulling method. To do this, each bush is slightly pulled bottom part stem to cut off some of the small roots. Then the plant is watered and hilled. As a result of stress, tomatoes direct all the nutrients from the soil to fruit development.

    Tomato is a rather capricious plant that places high demands on soil quality and requires timely application of various fertilizers. At first glance, fertilizing a tomato, especially during the fruiting period, is a labor-intensive and painstaking process. However, with proper care, the plant will give a bountiful and tasty harvest in due time.

    By feeding, vegetable growers create conditions for tomatoes in which the development and growth of bushes occurs in parallel and as quickly as possible. This ensures abundant fruiting and good taste fruits

    Feeding tomatoes during harvest ripening

    The tomato harvest is formed in several stages. Fertilizing is carried out so that the plant has enough nutrients both for the formation and ripening of fruits, and for the further growth of the bush.

    The first brush is poured

    After the formation of the ovary on the first cluster, it is necessary for the plant to send nutrients to the future fruits. Potassium and phosphorus help redistribute carbohydrates accumulated by leaves. To do this, root fertilizing is carried out. potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Depending on the size, pour from 0.5 to 1 liter of solution (15–20 g of potassium monophosphate per 10 liters of water) under each bush.

    Video: feeding tomatoes with potassium monophosphate

    Those who do not want to use mineral fertilizers can feed the tomatoes with ash: pour 200 g (2 cups) of sifted ash into a bucket of water, stir well and immediately water the beds with 0.5 liters for each bush.

    Ash obtained from burning painted and laminated wood (chipboard, fiberboard) cannot be used as fertilizer.

    The second and third brushes are formed

    To form fruits on the following clusters, the tomato bush needs to grow its leaf apparatus. This means the plant needs nitrogen. Therefore, during the formation of the second and third clusters, foliar feeding is carried out with complex fertilizer. It should contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions. Examples of such fertilizers include:

    • Plantafol with the formula 20x20x20;
    • POLIFOSKA 15x15x15;
    • Master-Agro 20x20x20.

    Plantafol is a complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

    When feeding, you need to treat leaves on both sides on all tiers, starting from the lowest.

    Spraying should be done in the early morning, evening or on a cloudy day so that moisture on the leaves does not cause sunburn. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, the spraying time is chosen so that the leaves have time to dry before it closes.

    Video: foliar feeding

    Does not exist folk remedies For foliar feeding, which would contain a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Yeast can be used as a substitute to get the desired effect. They will accelerate the plant’s absorption of nutrients added during the preparation of the beds and fertilizing before fruiting. For yeast feeding you need:

    1. Dilute 1 kg of yeast in 5 liters of warm water.
    2. Insist for a day.
    3. Add half a liter of concentrate to 10 liters of water.
    4. Pour 0.5 liters of solution under each bush.

    The fourth brush and all subsequent ones

    The tomato bushes continue to grow and form new bunches of fruit. Contrary to the belief of many gardeners that the nutrients necessary for crop maturation have already been applied, plants still need nitrogen, but they also need phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizing is carried out with nitroammophoska or complex fertilizer, which contains all three mentioned substances with the addition of microelements, such as:

    • Kemira;
    • Station wagon;
    • Mortar.

    The dosage of these drugs is indicated on the packaging.

    To feed, 25 g of nitroammophos should be dissolved in 10 liters of water and 0.5–1 liter of liquid should be poured under each bush. The use of humatized nitroammophoska for this feeding is undesirable. Many people consider humates a fertilizer, but this is not so. Humates are growth stimulants.

    Nitroammofoska is a complex fertilizer that can be used at all stages of tomato development

    All root fertilizing is done on moist soil so as not to burn the fibrous roots.

    Video: fertilizing with complex fertilizer

    Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with ash and ammonia. The ash contains phosphorus and potassium, and ammonia is an alcoholic solution of nitrogen in ammonia form. To do this, add 10 ml to 10 liters of ash mash (described above) ammonia and pour 0.5 liters of fat under each bush.

    Fertilizer or tank mixture is a fertilizer consisting of several components.

    Or carry out this feeding in another way:

    1. Spray the tomatoes with ammonia solution - 20 ml per 10 liters of water.
    2. Pour over the ash mixture.

    Herbal infusion and fermented manure or bird droppings can also serve as a source of nitrogen:

    • Preparation of herbal infusion: fill the container 2/3 with chopped herbs, add water, and leave for 10–14 days. To feed 1 liter of infusion, dilute 10 liters of ash mash.
    • 2 kg of manure or 1 kg of bird droppings are diluted in 20 liters of water. Such mixtures are left to steep for two weeks. Add 4 cups of ash.

    Use 0.5 liters per plant.

    When to stop feeding

    Climatic conditions different regions determine the timing of fertilizing and the duration of the growing season of tomatoes. If in the northern regions vegetable growers are forced to stop the growth of tomatoes after the 5th–6th bunch, then in the southern regions this is done after the 8th–10th, and in greenhouses even later. 10 days before finishing, feeding is stopped. This is because phosphorus, which is necessary for the development of a healthy root system, rapid growth, the formation of large fruits, as well as the formation of full-fledged seeds, is absorbed by plants within 5–10 days.

    Topping is the removal of the growing point of a tomato bush.

    What not to feed tomatoes during fruiting period

    During fruit filling and ripening, nitrate and calcium preparations should not be used. This is because:

    1. Nitrogen in fertilizers is found in 3 different forms- ammonia, nitrate and amide. Saltpeter contains nitrogen in nitrate form. Therefore, they are not used to avoid the accumulation of nitrates in fruits.
    2. During the fruiting period, tomatoes really need phosphorus. Fertilizing with calcium preparations will only slow down the ripening of the crop. The simultaneous use of calcium and phosphorus fertilizers negatively affects plant metabolism.

    You can fertilize tomatoes during the fruiting period with mineral and organic substances. The feeding schedule and the amount of nutrients that plants need do not depend on where they are grown - in a garden or a greenhouse. Strict adherence to the dosage of fertilizers and the order of their application will have a positive effect on the development of bushes, which will lead to an increase in yield and improved quality of fruits.