Craft "rooster" from plastic bottles. We make original country house roosters from plastic bottles and tires Country house rooster from plastic bottles

Beautiful New Year's crafts are great for decorating your home, school classrooms and kindergarten rooms. Such products can be easily made by both children and primary and secondary school students. DIY bright rooster made from paper, cotton pads, plastic bottles do not require special skills - they can be easily made from inexpensive and simple materials. And to make the symbol of the 2017 New Year a bright fiery one, you can use different combinations materials with colorful colors. The considered toy master classes with photos and videos are great for quick execution. They can be used for entertaining handicraft activities in schools and kindergartens. The article also presents original craft for parents - a rooster costume for a matinee.

How to make a beautiful Rooster symbol of 2017 with your own hands - an idea for kindergarten

Very bright and beautiful craft For the New Year, a rooster can be made from such simple materials as plastic bottles and plates, glasses. The unusual symbol of the year, the rooster, is made with your own hands quite quickly. It can be made to decorate a corridor or office or bedroom. This colorful craft will fit perfectly into general interior and it will become a great addition to the New Year tree.

Master class materials: bright DIY rooster craft

  • plastic bottles (brown) - 3 pcs.;
  • plastic plates(red and yellow) - 2 pcs.;
  • plastic glasses (red and yellow) - 5 and 6 of different colors;
  • disposable spoon - 2 pcs.;
  • yellow ball (for the pool);
  • stapler, marker, tape.

Master class on making a rooster with your own hands - an interesting decor for school and kindergarten

  1. The top parts of the bottles are cut off and firmly fastened with ordinary tape, as shown in the photo.

  2. Upper parts disposable glasses cut into fringes and put on the bottle one by one. 2 top glasses and cut into fringe on the other side.

  3. U disposable plates you need to carefully cut off the sides. Internal sides finely chop with scissors to create a bright fringe. Connect the parts together with a stapler.

  4. We make a small cut on the bottle and insert the prepared tail into it.

  5. We decorate the tail with gift or wrapping paper. Wings are cut out from the remaining parts of the plastic plates and attached to the body using double-sided tape. The ball head is also attached to the craft with double-sided tape.

  6. A comb, beak and “earrings” are cut out of plastic plates. The parts are glued to the rooster's head with double-sided tape. Eyes are made from disposable spoons and glued to the head. The pupils are marked with a marker.

  7. Additionally, you can make a small stand. For example, from flower pot.

Original do-it-yourself paper rooster for school and kindergarten - crafts with photos and videos

It is very beautiful to make a rooster - the symbol of 2017 - with your own hands using plain paper. This craft can be supplemented with a magnet, photo, to get original decoration for the refrigerator. Do a simple rooster Both kindergarten and school students can make their own paper crafts. Entertaining New Year's craft Can handle even babies 3-4 years old.

DIY materials for the “Rooster Magnet” master class for kindergarten and school

  • different colored paper;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • magnet, photographs.

A simple and clear DIY master class - New Year's rooster 2017 for school and kindergarten

Do-it-yourself soft New Year's toy Rooster for the senior group of kindergarten and school

Not just paper or plastic crafts can be prepared in the form of a symbol of the New Year 2017. To solve this problem, you can also use felt. Beautiful New Year's toy a rooster with his own hands can become a wonderful gift for mom or good friend. The idea is suitable for middle and high school: children from primary school and it will be difficult for a kindergarten to make such a New Year's toy.

Materials for the master class DIY Rooster toy for the New Year 2017 for school

  • felt;
  • beads;
  • needles, threads;
  • padding polyester (can be replaced with regular cotton wool).

Step-by-step instructions for the master class: DIY New Year's rooster as a gift

Unusual DIY crafts for the Year of the Rooster 2017 - for school and garden with photos and videos

Every child and adult knows how pleasant it is to give and receive. new Year gifts. For such an occasion, children can make a simple craft that can become excellent decor for kitchen, room, hall. It’s not at all difficult to make gifts for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands: you just need to follow the instructions given and ensure that they are executed correctly.

Materials for the master class: DIY paper rooster

  • paper plate;
  • newspapers;
  • paper tape;
  • dye;
  • PVA glue.

An interesting master class for kids - simple DIY crafts for the Year of the Rooster

Do-it-yourself small New Year's rooster made from cotton pads - crafts for school and kindergarten

Funny small rooster can be made from scrap materials. Regular cotton pads are great for this task. Even primary and secondary school students can make a small rooster with their own hands in kindergarten. preparatory group. Fun craft is a simple children's applique.

The symbol of 2019 is the Rooster and it should be in every home. It will not only decorate the room, but will also serve as a good gift for family and friends. This is a difficult symbol, he loves comfort and cannot stand dull everyday life. You can make it at home yourself or with the help of your children. Working together with your child will allow you to become even closer to each other and help you develop faster. Let's figure out how to make a rooster craft with your own hands from a variety of available materials - for yourself, for New Year's decor at home or with children for school or kindergarten.

A good gift and decoration own interior there will be a cockerel sewn with your own hands. This pillow can be used in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen. By choosing materials by color, you can add coziness to any room. You can update an already sewn toy and add different appliqués and beads. If you have even minor sewing skills, you can make such a toy yourself.

First, take sheets of A4 or old paper unnecessary wallpaper. Draw details on it. Choose a special fabric. You can make the pillow a single color, or vice versa. For example, the wings are one color, the body is another, the beak and crest are a third. For the pillow, fabric from which pillows or duvet covers were previously sewn is suitable. If desired, you can make not only a rooster, but also additional chickens.

2. Postcard with a cockerel

It’s always nice to congratulate family and friends, but giving something else and a handmade craft is much nicer. For example, it could be a postcard with a rooster - the symbol of the New Year. For this you will need very little.

You will need:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. PVA glue, but a glue stick will also work.
  3. Scotch tape, preferably double-sided.
  4. Scissors.

Add a little of your imagination.

Layouts with the image of a cockerel can be found very a large number of in the Internet. But if you can draw, then you can draw the image of this symbol yourself. If this is a New Year's gift, then a blue background will do. You can draw snowflakes on it.

You will need two more cockerel figures. You can do more - the postcard will turn out more voluminous. On reverse side Each card needs to be glued with double-sided tape and glued to the center of the card. Under the picture, write an inscription with a congratulation, For example, “Congratulations,” “Happy New Year,” or “Merry Christmas.”

Open the card and write your wish beautifully inside. Or choose a wish on the Internet, print it, cut it out and stick the wish on double-sided tape. Such a voluminous postcard with a rooster will definitely delight your family and friends. You can prepare such a congratulation together with your child.

3. We crochet and knit a cockerel

For women who know how to knit, this will be ideal option make a cockerel. This knitted rooster will decorate your kitchen or bedroom, and is also suitable for a gift.

To make this craft you will need:

  1. 4 black buttons.
  2. Textile. An old sheet or other thick fabric may come in handy. You can choose the color you like best.
  3. The hooks are small.
  4. Threads 4 colors. You can recycle old sweaters that are no longer needed. These can be wool or cotton threads.

You can make a symbol as follows:

  • First of all, make a pattern of a cockerel on paper or old wallpaper. Cut it out carefully with scissors.
  • Transfer it to the fabric, keeping a slight margin of 5 millimeters for the seam.
  • Now tie the cockerel's head and body. Gray threads are suitable for this.
  • Knit the tummy in brown.
  • Make the comb and beak red.

You can knit individual parts or make the entire cockerel. Fill the toy with padding polyester, cotton wool or pieces of fabric that need to be finely cut. Sew buttons instead of an eye to the symbol of 2019. You can replace the buttons with beads from an old necklace. The craft is ready.

4. Rooster made of multi-colored scraps

This toy is ideal for decorating the Christmas tree, lifting the mood and just for decoration. home interior. You can do it at home yourself. During periods of bad mood, you can crush it in your hands and it quickly lifts your mood. Or put it on the window to look at it in the morning after waking up.

You will need pieces of multi-colored bright fabric. The best fabric is bright with beautiful design. Additionally, you will need threads to match the color of the fabric, small buttons or black beads.

In order to make a bright, beautiful cockerel, you will need to do the following:

  • Cut out a square from bright fabric. It can be small, medium or large, depending on the size of the toy you want to make.
  • Separately, take red fabric. Any other color will not work as you will be making the beak and scallop.
  • The details need to be sewn into the corner of the square. You need to put padding polyester or cotton wool inside the symbol's body. You can use the filling from an old jacket instead.
  • The edges of the figure need to be sewn together to form a pyramid.
  • You can sew long legs on the cockerel and place it on the refrigerator.
  • The tail can be made from thin strips of the same fabric. For a brighter, more cheerful betta, a multi-colored tail works well.

5. Plasticine cockerel

You can make this craft with your own hands, together with your child. This will help develop hand motor skills. For this symbol you will need play dough or plasticine different colors, a special board for this lesson.

Take plasticine of any color except red (this will be the beak and comb).

  • Make three balls different diameters. The head should be small, just like the head. The torso is the largest circle.
  • Make a comb and beak from red plasticine; of white and black - eyes.
  • The tail and wings can be made from several colors at once. The wings can be made specifically in the form of a droplet. They can be made simply from paper or thick cardboard.
  • The place where the wings will be inserted must first be prepared. Make a mark with a knife and secure it with plasticine.

6. DIY paper rooster

Just as easily as using plasticine, you can make a rooster out of paper with your own hands. All you need is colored paper or plain paper and paints or markers and a little imagination. You can draw the cockerel yourself, or you can find ready-made stencils. It can also be either voluminous or flat. With children, you can make a cockerel from a yellow cone - look at the photo, and find some more complex and naturalistic solution as a New Year's souvenir.

7. Rooster made of ball and thread

Another very easy way to make a symbol of 2019 is to make a cockerel from a ball and thread. All you need is one or two balloon, bright yellow, orange or red threads, PVA glue, as well as buttons and scraps of fabric or colored paper to decorate the toy and give it a finished look.

Craft rooster ball and thread + fabric

How to do:

First we inflate to the right size ball. Then we dip the threads in glue and wrap our ball - tightly or not too tightly, as you like - there we will prepare the frame for our future toy. There is nothing complicated, so this craft can be done using New Year and together with the children. By the way, this can be not only a cockerel, but also any other animal.

After the glue has dried, simply pierce the ball with a needle and pull out the remains from the frame. We have the body of the rooster and his head - if you decide to use two balls. Now we take buttons and make eyes out of them, gluing them to the frame on Right place. We make wings and a tail from scraps or colored paper and also glue them on. Paws can be made from felt, paper or wire and scraps. Here's what you might end up with:

8. Craft a rooster from felt

You can sew a cockerel not only from fabric or multi-colored shreds, but also from felt. By the way, this is almost the most popular idea, since felt does not crumble and does not need edge processing, which means it will be very easy to make figurines and toys. Simple rooster crafts are made from multi-colored sheets felt: just cut out the necessary parts and stick them on top of each other - you get an easy flat craft. But more complex ones three-dimensional figures You will have to sew from felt, and here it is better to use ideas already created by someone. Here are four ready-made diagrams on how to make a felt rooster yourself, all you have to do is download, print, apply to fabric and cut out:

Felt cockerel - ready-made diagram

And if you think that this is too difficult, then look at the photos of other figures made from this material, perhaps you will like some idea more. By the way, good does not mean difficult. There are very simple solutions for similar crafts, which look very cute and are quite suitable for New Year's souvenirs. For example, pay attention to the heart-shaped cockerel.

9. Rooster made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are a very popular material for country and children's crafts. We already wrote here, and today we’ll tell you how to make a rooster out of them. Most easy option crafts is to take one bottle and using colored paper, buttons, disposable tableware and any other available materials to decorate it with the symbol of the New Year.

More complex options is a creation voluminous cocks, with which you can decorate your cottage. Here you can no longer do without abstract imagination, the ability to create the necessary forms and combine different colors, because ready-made schemes There are simply no such figures. You will have to cut out the “feathers” for the tail and plumage yourself, make a comb and assemble it all into a single shape. But for some, these birds look just like life-like ones - look at the photo for yourself:

10. Crafts from salt dough - rooster

Another popular material for children's crafts is salty dough. It’s not difficult to make, sculpting is as simple as using plasticine, but the figures are stronger and more durable—you don’t have to worry that your child will break everything just because he squeezed his fingers on the toy a little tighter than necessary.

Salt dough cockerel recipe:

Mix 200-250 grams of flour and half a glass or a little more fine sea or regular table salt in a bowl. Add about 150 grams of water and mix everything thoroughly. At the end, pour in 20-30 grams of glue - it is better to use PVA so that the dough holds its shape better and the figures do not fall apart.

Next, we begin to sculpt the figure - we make a body, add a head, attach wings and a tail to it, and also do not forget about the comb and beak. Afterwards we paint with gouache or some special paints. We make all the parts separately, and then glue them together with glue or water. To make small parts and shape them, use a scalpen or thin and sharp knife, when working with children, it is better to take safe plastic tools- a spatula or something that will help you make cuts and create the necessary elements.

Video: DIY Christmas rooster craft

Craft - fire rooster

Everyone remembers that 2019 is the year of the fiery rooster, which means that if you are going to make a figurine, then you should focus on these bright colors. It could be a red rooster, orange, yellow, or you can combine all these shades in one toy. You can make such rooster crafts from different materials- from felt and shreds, from fabric and paper, from plastic bottles, cups and other disposable tableware. You can also make a fiery rooster for the New Year from ribbons, tinsel and Christmas tree balls to decorate with such figures christmas tree or use as a craft for kindergarten.

Bright fiery rooster - great idea for New Year's crafts

Volume craft rooster with children

If a flat figure is not your thing, why not make volumetric crafts in the form of a rooster, which can also be kindergarten Give it to your children and give it to your friends for the New Year? We have already talked about how to knit a cockerel with hooks or sew scraps or fabric - this is the most popular way make voluminous toys. Crafts for the garden for the year of the rooster are easiest to make from paper, napkins or plasticine, and if everything is clear with plasticine, then with paper you can use various ways, for example, first make a cone out of colored paper, and only then turn it into a cockerel. You can also use techniques such as volumetric quilling or conventional or corrugated paper, origami, papier mache and use complex circuits and patterns. Some even manage to make a rooster out of cotton pads and sticks, and for a Christmas tree out of Christmas balls, cereals, pasta, coffee beans, pine cones, chestnuts, acorns and other natural materials.

Bonus: rooster made from cereals for kindergarten

And another bonus craft is a cockerel made from cereals, which can be made for both kindergarten and elementary school. You can use a wide variety of cereals; this composition can be made from millet and buckwheat, peas and beans, semolina, rice and other cereals. The more options you have, the more interesting the craft will be - there is a chance to win the competition with your child.

The technology is simple: we draw a cockerel on a piece of paper - parents can do this, and if it’s difficult to draw it yourself, you can always download a ready-made stencil, print it and use it for decoration. Next, use a brush to apply glue to the entire surface that you will fill. natural material. All that remains is to pour in the cereal and let the glue dry. After this, we simply shake off the excess grains and get a finished craft. Cunning: if you use several different grains, then so that they do not mix, it is better to apply layers one by one, “painting” with glue only the areas of the picture that are needed now. But laying out panels of beans or peas is more difficult - here you will have to place the beans in even rows to each other, after also applying glue to the paper. Here's what you might end up with:

Photos of rooster crafts

What else can a cockerel be made from? Yes, from anything, from buttons or plastic bottles (you can decorate your garden with such a craft). It can be made of wood or thread, from old things or some other improvised materials, for example, disposable plates. A painting using the quilling technique with a cockerel - the symbol of 2019 - can also be an excellent gift. You can use satin ribbons, feathers and beads to make decorations for a paper or fabric cockerel.

A simple craft with children - a rooster made from a paper plate
Wooden rooster - symbol of 2019
Cockerel made from disposable spoons and paper - simple craft to a kindergarten
Bright and stylish pumpkin hens and roosters - idea autumn decor garden
rooster out car tires- do not throw away old tires

Cute beaded cockerels - finished color scheme
Diagram of a rooster made from plastic bottle caps - decorating a fence at the dacha

A simple rooster made of yarn - a children's craft

Sewing a rooster - pattern for 2019

Funny paper rooster - craft for children

DIY tire roosters

If you want to decorate your site or house in an unusual way, there is no need to spend money on expensive sculptures or Consumables. From various available materials you can make a figurine of a funny, bright cockerel.

Bottles and caps made of plastic are the most affordable material. The big advantage is flexibility. Such plastic can be easily cut with a knife or scissors, and you can use a regular iron to round the surface and edges.

From plastic bottles

You can use multi-colored bottles to make crafts, or you can achieve a suitable color range using spray paints or TEX enamel.

Prepare in advance:

  • several empty plastic bottles;
  • wire or old corrugated hose;
  • Styrofoam;
  • scotch;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue;
  • paints.

How to make a rooster from plastic bottles? An empty five-liter bottle is used as the basis for the craft. Cut off the bottom from it, bend it inside the edges.

The cockerel looks great on the fence of the dacha or serves as an original weather vane.

There is another option for making a cockerel from plastic bottles: a master class designed for beginners. The craft does not require any special skills.

Prepare in advance:

  • three brown plastic bottles;
  • disposable cups and plates in yellow and red colors;
  • yellow ball for dry pool;
  • double-sided tape, regular tape;
  • stapler;
  • black marker.

Cut off the top parts of the bottles and fasten them together.

There is a more complicated option. It makes it possible to get a real sculpture on the site.

To work you will need:

They start by making the body and neck of the future sculpture. They are made from five-liter and one-and-a-half liter bottles. Pipes are used to make legs. For thighs, take a one and a half liter bottle.

Self-tapping screws of various sizes are used to fasten parts together.

The pipes are shaped and given the desired position of the bird's legs. Shift top part bottles a few centimeters and roll up an envelope for the neck from the second bottle. The hips are cut out and attached to the base with self-tapping screws.

Feathers are cut from parts of bottles along the entire length. They cover the body of the bird, starting from the bottom. It is best to attach the feathers to a wire. The body is closed, leaving part of the neck open at the back. Another type of feathers is attached there.

Bend the wire for the paws. The hose will complete the further shape.. A tail is inserted between the pipes and everything is fixed with glue. Long and narrow claws are cut from the bottom of the bottle and secured with glue. Paint the sculpture using a can of spray paint.

While the body and legs are drying, they make the head. It is cut out of foam plastic using a stationery knife. The cuts must be sharp, but not torn. You can cut out the head in parts and then attach them with glue.

Irregularities are removed with sandpaper. Then the surface is treated with acrylic lubricant. Apply a layer of regular glue and wait for it to dry completely. After this, the bird’s head is painted with acrylic paints and the eyes are made.

The head is attached to the body. Prepare the mold for the wings. They are attached to the back of the bird, leaving it open. Painted.

For the tail, feathers from a two-liter bottle are cut to length, painted on each side and attached to the body with wire. To complete the work, cut the feathers short, a couple of centimeters in length, and attach them to the back with self-tapping screws.

The option is difficult, takes a lot of time. But the end result is a real masterpiece.

Plywood figurine

You can make a cockerel from plywood. Even a schoolchild can do this kind of work.

Prepared for work:

Making a cockerel with your own hands– work for the diligent and patient. It requires attention, time and effort. But with desire and patience, everything will work out for beginners. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step algorithm.

To color the product, take bright colors. At the end of the work You can coat the cockerel with varnish. When using acrylic paints, varnishing is not necessary.

From bottle caps

To make a rooster from plastic bottle caps, prepare a diagram in advance. A suitable option for cross stitch or bead embroidery. The final work will be very impressive.

Collect the required number of caps in the desired colors. For accuracy, you can line the surface, as in the diagram. Glue corks if the panel is horizontal, or nail them if the work is vertical. The lids are easier to attach with the reverse side. They hold on tighter, and the cockerel turns out to be especially impressive from a distance.

If suddenly there are not enough caps of any colors, the problem will be solved acrylic paints. In places where it is impossible to nail the cork, attach it with a gun or glue.

After completing the work, remove the auxiliary lines.

The application can be done on external wall or inside the apartment.

From old tires

Old car tires- beautiful raw material for creativity. The dacha will be decorated with a colorful cockerel. Prepare a pair of tires, two polyethylene tubes, and a piece of plywood for small parts.

The body of the bird is made from one whole splint, the second is used partially for the tail. The tubes are taken for the legs of the rooster.

To cut tires, use a hacksaw or an electric hacksaw. A sharp, large knife will also work. Wooden parts It's easier to cut with a jigsaw. But it is much more convenient to use plastic instead of plywood.

They secure everything with bolts and wire. Metal reinforcement is inserted into the legs so that one end of the rod goes into the ground and the other is attached to the hole in the tire. Then the sculpture is not afraid of bad weather.

A do-it-yourself wooden rooster is a task for a real master. Special knowledge and ability to work with the tool and feel the material will be required. It is very difficult for beginners to cope with such work. Even detailed master classes without certain skills they will not give you the opportunity to truly make beautiful product from wood the first time. And a plastic bottle - light material easy to use and easy to use. TO creative work Even children can be involved.

Attention, TODAY only!

I would like to introduce you to the cockerel Petrunya.
Not a single yard in a village or village can do without this magnificent bird. So I made myself a friend, a bright and majestic owner of the yard!

I will be happy to share with you the stages of its production (based on the idea of ​​​​making birds from plastic bottles by Alena Zinovieva).

To make the mold we need:
1) 5l. canister (I use it from under liquid soap),
2) 5l plastic bottle,
3) metal-plastic pipe (leg height approximately 30-35 cm),
4) two 1.5 l. plastic bottles for thighs,
5) screws, scissors, stationery knife, screwdriver.

For fastenings, I use these self-tapping screws (I buy them by weight at hardware stores).
Small (about 1.5-1.6 cm) - for attaching feathers and component parts to each other.
Large ones (about 5-6 cm) - for attaching the head to the neck.

1) Move the top of the canister about 3cm.
2) We bend the metal-plastic pipe (shape the legs), in my case, the rooster is walking (the right leg is pushed forward), and attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws.
3) For the neck, from 5l. bottles, fold the envelope, attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws.
4) From 1.5 liter bottles we cut out two “thighs”, which we attach to the canister with self-tapping screws.

For the feathers, I used bottles of this shape. We cut off the long neck, cut the bottle into 5 feathers (we are guided by the protrusions on the bottom of the bottle), and use the upper part of the feathers.

We begin to cover the body from the “thighs”. Disconnect them from the canister for convenience.
1) attach the corrugated tube to the neck of the bottle,
2) attach the feathers using wire.

We attach the finished legs back to the canister.

Starting from the back, we cover the entire body, except the back, with feathers (we attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws). We leave the back of the neck open because there will be other feathers there.

The next step is to start making the paws. From 2.5mm copper wire (or any other wire, preferably rigid, but not steel, which bends), we bend the shape of the legs (you can see more details in MK Filin). We create the effect of paws from a corrugated tube. We insert the remaining tail between metal-plastic pipe and corrugated tube. You can also fill the bottom with glue for strength.

We cut out claws from the bottom of the bottle (photo). They should be narrow and long. We fasten them with glue (I use “Moment of installation - liquid nails”).

We paint the body and legs using spray paint (I use universal enamel from KUDO).

We cut out the head from construction foam using a stationery knife, it is very sharp and the cuts are smooth and not torn. If the cutting process seems complicated to you, cut out all the parts separately! Then they can be glued together with glue.

By using sandpaper(medium) bring to the shape we need.

We treat the surface with acrylic putty, wait for it to dry completely and sand it again until smooth. After that, we treat it with ordinary PVA glue, so the paint adheres very well.

We begin to paint the head (you can use acrylic paints, it’s more convenient). Glue on the eyes (I bought them at a fabric store).

After fitting the head to the body, the husband said that the comb turned out not like a rooster’s, but more suitable for a chicken. I decided to redo it. I made a pattern out of paper (I tried it on for a long time to make it larger). I transferred it to foam plastic, cut it out and glued it in place of the previous one.

Using wire, we begin to attach the long wing feathers. The back remains open.

I cover the top of the wings with these feathers from 1.5 liter corrugated feathers. bottles The last row goes to the bend, into the inside of the wing.

We paint it with paint, let it dry well and attach it to the body using perforated tape (sold at any hardware store) and self-tapping screws. We bend the mesh for attaching the tail (you can increase its length and the tail will turn out richer).

Let's start making the tail.
We cut feathers from 2l or 2.5l. bottles into 5 parts. We paint separately on both sides (first we applied black, after drying a little blue)

We attach it to the mesh using wire. After coloring, I cut the feathers in half again, so the tail turned out to be more magnificent.

For the feathers on the back, I cut feathers of different lengths, from transparent bottles (this makes it easier to paint with yellow), approximately 2-2.5 cm wide. I attached it to the back using self-tapping screws, 3-4 pieces at a time.

A little astrology.

The Rooster will try to test the strength of many, especially those who count only on luck, and not on own strength and opportunities. The Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28 and will reign until February 15, 2018. The Rooster himself is bright, sociable and elegant. In the coming year, the color of the Rooster and the element it represents will be reflected in all our endeavors and life moments. The color of 2017 is Red, and the element of fire suggests an incredible desire for perfection, the desire for high achievements and unsurpassed heights.

A bright year awaits us with a lot of impressions and events!

For needlewomen it is worth preparing for the coming year. In this article we have collected several interesting and useful master classes that will definitely help you prepare gifts for your loved ones and decorate your home for the coming 2017. So, what can we do to please you? Fire Rooster, win him over and make the coming year easier, more enjoyable and productive?

DIY red rooster

We invite you to organize a holiday - a party in the style of the Red Rooster. To do this, you need to decorate your home and prepare it for the party in an original and symbolic style. For such decor, small interior details are suitable, which will allow guests to immerse themselves in the holiday atmosphere, plunge into a fairy tale and enjoy the coming New Year.

For example, to decorate a children's room, this craft is suitable - a do-it-yourself rooster for the New Year from a plastic bottle. Such a Rooster will last a very long time and will definitely cause a storm of emotions, both among children and adult guests of your home.

To make it we will need:

3 plastic bottles, 2 plastic plates, 5-6 plastic glasses red and yellow flowers, 2 disposable spoons.

The top parts of plastic bottles must be cut off and secured with tape, as shown in the picture.

We cut the glasses into fringes and place them on the bottle one by one, alternating colors.

From disposable plates we make this wonderful tail for our Red Fire Rooster.

Attach the tail to the bottle.

From the remains of the plates we make wings and attach the head of the Rooster, made, for example, from a pool ball.

Finally, you can make a stand from a flower pot and here is our symbol of 2017 with your own hands: