Why does the foliage of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Delicious Vegetable Garden Delicious Vegetable Garden: The tomatoes turned yellow after being planted in the ground. Advice from gardeners. Viral and mycoplasma diseases of tomatoes

Nowadays, tomatoes are one of the popular crops due to their valuable and nutritional properties. For normal development To grow a tomato, it is necessary to maintain a temperature within 23-25C.

Soil humidity should be approximately 70..80%, while air humidity should not exceed 60%. It is very important to provide the tomatoes with air. If there is a lack of air in the soil, the normal nutrition process is disrupted.

why tomatoes turn yellow in a greenhouse - tomato diseases Probably everyone who is involved gardening work, I had to deal with the disease of my favorite plants. And what a shame, when so much work and effort has been spent, so many wise books have been read, to find yourself in front of a helpless tomato bush, the leaves of which are painted yellow. Very often in a greenhouse, where, it would seem, absolute care and care is provided, tomatoes also turn yellow. What causes chlorosis of tomato leaves in a greenhouse?

When the seedlings are overgrown, the roots do not have enough space in the boxes or pots and they begin to die. Such roots are woven into a ball.

When the plant is planted in a greenhouse, the dead roots are replaced by new, grown ones, and young green leaves appear, but the old leaves no longer receive any nutrients and they begin to turn yellow. There's nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that the transplant does not occur too late.

The soil temperature may also be unsuitable for the plant, leading to leaf chlorosis.

Another cause of yellowing is excess water. In greenhouses, water does not evaporate as quickly as in outdoors, so don’t be too zealous with watering.

If the weather is too hot and dry, it is difficult for plants to acclimatize. This is another reason for yellowing leaves.

An overabundance of fertilizers also leads to yellowness. Perhaps you shouldn't go too hard on them. List of reasons for yellowing of leaves due to chlorosis

The root can also be damaged mechanically, due to human fault, then it only turns yellow Bottom part plants. But the yellowness will go away as soon as the root grows.

Lack of calcium, sulfur or iron also leads to chlorosis of the leaves.

When the soil is poor in copper (for example, peaty), the leaves also acquire an unhealthy yellow color.

When the leaves not only turn yellow, but also begin to dry out, this is a sign that the plants do not have enough manganese.

An excess of phosphorus also causes the leaves to change their color, but a lack of it great harm will not bring, yellowed areas are quickly restored.

Plants may also lack nitrogen, and then they have a yellow-green color. Test “Why do tomato leaves turn yellow.”

After planting, I found yellowed lower leaves of the tomato bush. - It's not scary. The bush may have suffered a little damage during replanting, but as soon as it takes root, everything will be fine.

Sometimes when weeding I find larvae chaferwhite worm. – The fact is that this worm, damaging the rhizomes of the tomato, disrupts the supply of moisture and substances beneficial to the tomato to the bush.

The soil in my garden bed is mostly peaty. – Feed your tomatoes with fertilizers that contain copper.

The yellow leaves on the tomato bushes have become hard. – Feed the tomatoes with sulfur.

I water my tomatoes every day. – Tomatoes like to be watered rarely but generously.

I water the tomatoes with a stream of water from above. – The tomato bush does not like watering from above, try to pour water between the rows.

The tomato bed is located in an open area with direct sun. – If the temperature on summer days does not exceed 30 degrees, everything is fine; but if the mark on the thermometer goes off scale, the leaf simply burns. When planning the bed, try to provide light shade.

The tomato leaves turned yellow and the bush stopped growing. – Perhaps fusarium wilt has reached your tomatoes. This is a fungal disease. It is necessary to renew the seeds (since the fungus can be transmitted precisely through them), and change the bed. It is better to burn the affected tops.

From now on, before planting seedlings, the tomato bush (root) must be treated with Bordeaux mixture.

I water my tomatoes with fertilizer every day. – Try to temporarily stop feeding the bushes - perhaps they are oversaturated with minerals and vitamins. And there’s no need for you to absorb extra fertilizer.

Tomatoes grow in a greenhouse. – Most likely your pets need a little too much moisture. Provide ventilation. I hope my test was useful for you and your pet tomatoes will now be beautiful and juicy. And you will enjoy gardening and the taste of tomato dishes.

How to save tomatoes from yellowing leaves?

The moment of planting plants in the greenhouse is very important. You shouldn’t keep them at home for too long for the roots to outgrow; you need to adhere to certain deadlines in everything.

Or, if you just can’t say goodbye to your favorite tomatoes, keep the seedlings in large boxes to prevent the roots from intertwining and dying.

But these are, so to speak, preliminary warnings. And when the tomatoes are already planted and their roots turn yellow, only spraying can help.

The fertilizer solution should be made weak, approximately one percent (the plants are still young and high concentration fertilizers can simply burn them). Solutions of fertilizers such as nitrates, phosphates, chlorides and others like them help well.

First of all, you need to ensure that the plants do not lack moisture. Water them well in the morning and evening.

A tincture of mullein with ash also helps well: one liter of mullein per ten liters of water, you need to take a glass of ash per liter of water, leave for two days, then pour this mixture over the tomatoes.

Tomatoes really like green fertilizer. Any green grass is mowed. Then a plastic container is filled with it, according to calculation 23, and filled with water. The fertilizer should be infused for two weeks.

Then a liter of fertilizer is diluted in a bucket of water and the tomatoes are watered with this solution.

Extreme enthusiasts can water yellowed tomatoes with a solution of chicken droppings. One liter per ten liters of water.

You can find a sufficient amount of fertilizers in a store or market; they will be especially useful when plants lack potassium or nitrogen microelements; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Tomatoes can be “fed” with fertilizer prepared with your own hands. To do this, put dandelion grass, nettle with roots in a barrel, fill it with water, then cover it with a lid and infuse it in a sunny place for 10-14 days, stirring occasionally. Then take out the grass, add 1-2 liters of solution per bucket of water.

© medmoon.ru

Comments: 67, to the article “Why do the leaves of tomatoes in a greenhouse turn yellow”

  • Nina

    In 2 days, the tops of all the tomato bushes turned yellow, and yellow veins appeared on the lower leaves. What to do? I sprayed it today with a solution of “Fitosporin-M”. What else can be done?

    Tomato expert

    There are no initial data to even try to guess. Weather conditions, feeding, age of plants, growing conditions, varieties, what was/was done to the plants before... Even better - photographs... Then MAYBE it will be possible to guess what happened...

    Nina 06/27/2010 at 04:39 · Reply

    The weather was bad until the last week until June 19, it was cold, during the day 14-16 at night 8-11 degrees and it was constantly raining. Now, for several days, t25 and every day it rains. On June 23, I sprayed both tomatoes and cucumbers with the “ovary” preparation, and on June 24, I fed the tomatoes with “AGRICOLA” for tomatoes and on June 25, the tops of the heads turned pale, and yesterday they almost turned yellow.

    Tomato expert

    Does Agricola contain boron? It’s just that the ovary is, as far as I remember, a solid forest. If there is also a lot of it in agricole, there could be, for example, an excess of boron. Signs of an excess (overdose) of boron: “The leaves of the plant turn yellow and become deformed, and they can curl down and take on a dome-shaped shape. Older leaves are affected first. The upper leaves first have a normal appearance, then curl. Signs of damage to young leaves and the top of the plant in advanced cases of excess boron can be mistaken for a lack of boron" (I’m guessing here on the coffee grounds, so know that the probability of the assumption being correct is not as high as we would like)

  • Regina 06/13/2011 at 06:12 · Reply

I planted tomatoes and after two weeks the leaves on some bushes began to disappear and only sticks remained. I looked at the rest of the bushes - everything is fine there - there are no signs of damage (no caterpillars, no snails, so you could say that something had eaten the leaves).

The same goes for eggplants and cucumbers. I’m very worried! This is my first year of gardening! I really wanted to help my garden with something!

Alexander 05/02/2012 at 15:27 · Reply

I have been growing tomato seedlings in greenhouse soil for several years. This year large bald spots have formed. The seeds did not germinate, and if they did, the seedlings did not grow. A previous soil analysis did not reveal any pathology.

I didn't check for salt. Your advice other than tests. How to help seedlings grow? What to do with the soil?

Hello, please advise how to protect a tomato from the cold at night, I planted it in the ground on May 20th. Frosts are transmitted, how to cover each root?

Alena Andreeva

Probably put the arcs in a tunnel and lutrasil on top. And if one is not tall, then cut off the top of the 5-liter bottle.

Petr Dmitriev

Hello, there are no problems with the tomato except yellowing of the leaves of the bush, tell me how to fix the situation? Thanks in advance

Tomato expert

Depending on how and what leaves turn yellow, if only immediately after transplanting into a greenhouse or greenhouse, then don’t worry, wait a week or a week and a half.

Victor Shrantz

Hello, for some reason my tomato leaves began to turn yellow a week after planting in the greenhouse, how many years have we been planting this has not happened, also on cucumbers the edges of the leaves along the contour have become light green, please tell me. Thank you.

Tomato expert

Hello, Victor. Were there any weather anomalies this year? Maybe the ground is a bit cold?

Hello, on the leaves yellow spots and underneath there is a light green coating. What to do?

Tomato expert

Hello, it would be nice to look at the photos, but just at a glance - it could be cladosporiosis if you have them in the greenhouse... Although with it the coating on the bottom is brown, but at the beginning it can be light.

But two weeks after planting, the newly formed leaves began to turn yellow. The weather outside is cool. It rains almost every day. At night we turn on the heating.

Tomato expert

If the ground is cold (measure - bury the thermometer 10-15 cm), then you just have to wait until it warms up. Must be 14 degrees or higher. Maybe cover the ground with transparent polyethylene to help it heat up faster.

Just not black - it's of little use.

Hello. I planted the tomatoes in the greenhouse, they started growing normally, new leaves, flowers and fruits appeared, but now the leaves are starting to turn yellow, the flowers are turning yellow and falling off. The bushes are drying up. How to save?

Tomato expert 06.06.2013 at 19:22 · Reply

Well, if the bushes dry up, I don’t know how to save them. In general, it can’t happen that your pets are starving?.. Then give them a leaf of calcium nitrate!

Or potassium. Depends on the soil... If, on the contrary, you feel unwell, due to illness or bad weather, then you need to determine and think.

It’s better to insert photos on the forum, or through third-party services - insert a link to the photo.

I don't think they are starving. Maybe I'm too much cow dung added to the beds before planting? Can manure have this effect?

Tomato expert

Uv. Vitaly, tomatoes “don’t like” excess nitrogen; with severe overfeeding, flowers/ovaries may fall off and a characteristic torsion of the top and upper leaves. Yellowing due to excess nitrogen is theoretically possible if you overfeed too much, but I can’t say for sure.

Thank you, I’ll try to spill it with water, maybe I’ll save something.

Vitaly 07/06/2013 at 00:35 Reply

Hello, dear Tomato expert. thanks for good advice and tips. Most of the bushes were preserved and restored. After “washing” the roots with water, the fruits were cracked and burst.

Now everything is back to normal. All the best.

There is an opinion that without timely picking, growing a healthy and strong seedlings tomato is impossible. This is not entirely true. Some gardeners grow tomatoes quite successfully without picking.

To grow tomato seedlings without picking, the seeds must be sown immediately in individual cups or pots.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in late April - early May, so the greenhouse should be ready by this time. Preparing a greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings involves covering the greenhouse with film, installing vents and preparing the soil.

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Many summer residents prefer to grow tomatoes not in open ground, but in a greenhouse. Tomato seedlings intended for growing in a greenhouse are planted in closed ground in late April - early May. Exist various schemes planting tomatoes.

The planting pattern mainly depends on the tomato variety and their height.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse: 7 things every summer resident needs to know

To receive in the future good harvest, tomato seedlings after planting in the greenhouse must be provided proper care, which consists in creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of a given crop: sufficient lighting, timely watering, ventilation, tying, pinching, pollination and fertilizing.

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in open ground

Some mistakes when planting tomatoes in open ground can ruin the seedlings. To prevent this, before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to clearly determine the timing and planting pattern, as well as further care of the tomatoes in the garden.

How to care for tomatoes after planting seedlings in open ground

Good seedlings are the key to a good harvest, but improper care of tomatoes after planting them in open ground can negate all your efforts in growing seedlings. To prevent various diseases tomatoes, falling flowers, decreased yield, deterioration in taste and size of fruits, tomatoes in the garden need to be properly cared for.

How to avoid tomato diseases when growing in a greenhouse

Anyone who has experienced growing tomatoes knows firsthand that they are susceptible to numerous diseases that can spoil the quality of the fruit and significantly reduce the yield. This problem is especially acute when growing tomatoes indoors.

Many factors contribute to the development of various tomato diseases in a greenhouse. Read about how to reduce the risk of infection of tomatoes when growing them in a greenhouse.

How to protect tomatoes from pests

Pest control annually causes gardeners a lot of trouble. Pests can significantly spoil the quality of fruits and reduce the amount of harvest. To protect tomatoes from pests, you need to be able to identify them and know how to combat them.

This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Is there something wrong with your tomatoes? Perhaps it's a fungus

You so carefully selected seeds for sowing, grew seedlings, planted them in the ground, protected young plants from frost and drought in the hope of getting a good harvest, and suddenly your tomatoes began to deteriorate before your eyes. If this continues, it seems that soon there will be nothing left of the plants: the tomato leaves dry out, become stained, and the disease mercilessly affects green tomatoes and the stem. Most likely, the cause of this is a fungus.

Viral and mycoplasma diseases of tomatoes

Unfortunately, tomatoes are susceptible to so many diseases that it is sometimes difficult for a gardener to identify the cause of plant damage. In addition to the fungal diseases that we talked about in the previous article, tomatoes can suffer from viral and mycoplasma diseases.

There are no effective methods to combat them, but it is possible to reduce the likelihood of their development. Knowing the signs of a disease, you can identify it and analyze the causes of its occurrence in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future when growing tomatoes.

How to water tomatoes after planting

17.05.2014 |

Today I’ll tell you how to water tomatoes after planting seedlings. permanent place. The correct watering regime can protect plants from diseases and death, promotes good survival rate and rapid adaptation to a new place. In order for planted tomatoes to feel good, you should: simple rules watering and temperature conditions.

When purchasing seedlings, ask where they were grown, in a greenhouse or cold frame. After all, their further care depends on the conditions in which the tomato seedlings grew. If you grew the seedlings yourself, it will be easier for you to figure out how to properly care for them.

Tomatoes grown indoors on a windowsill require additional hardening. It’s good if you take them outside during the day so that they get used to the wind and sun. If not, when planting the plants will become very sick, if not die.

It’s the same with greenhouse seedlings: pampered leaves will suffer greatly from the effects of direct sun rays and fresh air flows.

How to water tomatoes after planting them in the ground

Do not forget that watering planted tomato seedlings depends on several factors:

  1. Quality of planted tomato seedlings; Physical qualities of the soil; Weather conditions.

Hardened seedlings do not require shading; they can be watered generously once a day. Average consumption water is as follows: 2.5-3 liters of water for each hole (one bucket of water for 4 holes). If plants were planted in a trench, calculate the consumption according to the number of plants in the trench.

It is better to water in the morning, before the sun sets. If the scorching sun manages to dry the soil before the evening, then you can water it after the heat has subsided, consumption is approximately 1.5-2 liters per plant. This way you will provide the seedlings with moisture while maintaining the lightness of the soil: the roots also need oxygen.

If the soil becomes too compacted, the tomatoes will begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, you should not fill them too much.

It is enough to provide light soil moisture, this will be enough for the plants to feed and take root. Daily watering is carried out for 7-10 days until the tomato seedlings take root and begin to grow. When you notice that the plants have begun to grow, you can loosen the soil.

Loosening in the hole is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots (to a depth of no more than 3 cm). This is the so-called “dry watering”. This way you will disrupt capillary formations, reducing evaporation from the surface of the earth, plus delivering oxygen to the roots of tomatoes. Alternate abundant watering with loosening and rest: after walking with a hoe, loosening the soil well, you can not water for 3-7, sometimes up to 10 days ( in cloudy weather).

When the tomatoes become tall and powerful, it is better to completely mulch the soil: cover it with a 5 cm layer of young grass. This way you will protect the soil from overheating, there will be no need to fight weeds, you will have to water less often: moisture will remain in the ground much longer. When planting in the ground unhardened seedlings, care should be taken to shade them. To do this, it is covered from the sun and wind with agrofibre or spandbond for a while until it is accepted. Watering will be needed in the morning and evening, about 1.5-2 liters for each plant, depending on the weather and soil composition. Remember simple rules control of quality irrigation:

  1. Water should not for a long time stagnate: otherwise the soil will become compacted and acidic; There should be enough moisture at least until the evening, when you water a second time if necessary. If the soil in the evening is much darker than that around the hole, you can water only in the morning. And vice versa: light color, almost the same as around, indicates that you need to water; If, a day after watering, you find that the soil is still very wet, compacted and cracked, the water consumption needs to be reduced.

Once the tomatoes have begun to grow, it is not necessary to water them by hand. It is quite acceptable to water the leaves by sprinkling with a hose using a water pistol, a spinner and other devices. If you have any questions about how to water tomatoes after planting in the ground, ask, I will definitely answer.

Friendly shoots on the windowsill bring not only joy, but also worries. Gardeners are looking for answers to the questions: why do tomato seedlings turn yellow, and how can they help their “pets”? You should approach solving the problem calmly, without haste. There is no urgent need to douse all plantings with potassium permanganate or antifungal drugs; perhaps there is no need for such a procedure. You shouldn’t ignore this sign and do nothing either. Find out why this happened and take the necessary measures. Often there is no serious cause for concern and everything can be solved by creating a suitable microclimate and proper feeding. Cut off damaged leaves: they no longer benefit the plant, they only consume nutrients. Even if you think that there is no infection in the cut parts, for prevention, destroy them and disinfect your hands and tools.

Discomfort on the windowsill

If only the lower leaves turn yellow, most likely the process is caused by natural causes. The seedlings grow, develop, produce a powerful green crown, and set fruit. The lower leaves have already fulfilled their function, now they become only a burden. Individual organs also cling to life and die for a long time and reluctantly. Help your green friend, cut off the yellowed parts, and then all the energy of the seedling will go to the development of flowers and fruits.

Tomatoes love warmth, but this does not mean that they will survive in any high temperature. When it gets warm outside, utility workers usually heat batteries to the melting point of steel. Heating devices the houses are located under the windows, the sun's rays bake the seedlings through the glass, the radiator heats up from below - the poor plants do not know what to do, how to survive. No wonder the leaves turn yellow and curl. Try to find a place where tomatoes will grow at about 22⁰ during the day, and at night it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 17⁰.

If the leaves not only turn yellow, but also take on a bluish tint, check to see if the seedlings are experiencing sudden temperature changes. During the day, the seedlings stand in the scorching sun - the top part is hot, the dark surface of the pots is heated, the roots are warmed up in the warm soil. Evening is coming, it has become noticeably colder on the windowsill, especially if you leave the seedlings under the open window with the curtains drawn. Move containers with seedlings to places where heat and cold do not change so sharply.

Often the leaves turn yellow and curl due to inappropriate soil moisture. Tomatoes have a long root that draws water from deep layers of the earth. There is no point in moistening the soil surface several times a day with small portions of liquid; water infrequently, but abundantly, so that water begins to flow out of the drainage hole. Tomatoes won’t like life in a swamp either; you don’t always need to moisten the soil, sometimes it’s enough to loosen it.

What's missing from the menu?

Often a change in color tells the gardener that the plant is not receiving the necessary nutritional components.

  • The lower leaves become covered with yellow spots, curl and fall off in large quantities - not enough nitrogen.
  • Tomato seedlings turn yellow from the top - lack of calcium.
  • The lower tier of leaves becomes pale yellow– there is not enough copper.
  • The leaves become yellow, thick and hard - the plant asks for sulfur.
  • The leaves turn yellow, curl and dry out - manganese and iron are needed.
  • The edges of the leaves have turned yellow - low magnesium.
  • If there is a lack of phosphorus, the top of the leaf becomes yellow; if the entire surface acquires this color, there is excess phosphorus.

All these difficulties can be easily solved with proper fertilizing, necessary fertilizers and microelements. Sometimes there is enough of a necessary component in the soil, but it cannot be absorbed. To solve the problem, you need to water the tomatoes with special fertilizers or biological products.

Difficulties in moving to a new place of residence

Have you transplanted tomatoes from home to a greenhouse, and soon the lower leaves turned yellow? This happens when root system begins to develop too actively, all nutrition goes to the underground part, and the leaves experience hunger. Typically, this phenomenon is caused by 3 common reasons.

  1. The seedlings were grown in a cell that was too small. After planting, the roots felt freedom and began to intensively explore the new space.
  2. The root system is severely damaged. This often happens when tomatoes are grown in one box in close quarters, their roots become intertwined and are torn off when separated. The same thing can happen if you loosen the soil too hard and too deeply.
  3. Some owners summer cottages The stems are deeply buried in the ground so that a powerful root system is formed on them. There is no need to do this: a buried stem actually produces roots, but after this the development of the above-ground part is inhibited, and you will have to wait a very long time for the harvest.

In order for tomatoes to take root better in a new place, do not water them for the first week after picking and planting. Mulch the soil to prevent it from drying out and protect it from sunlight. If the weather is too hot and the seedlings are wilting, spray them with water. When you are going to plant tomatoes not in a greenhouse, but in open ground, 2 weeks before the “moving”, start hardening off the seedlings. Accustomed to comfortable warmth, it will not tolerate the cold at night and will begin to turn yellow and die.

Sometimes after picking, tomatoes begin to turn yellow. Common reason The problem is that the owners shorten the roots too zealously, and it takes a lot of nutrients to restore them. After such an operation, the plant is weakened, the hot rays of the sun are harmful to it, and the boxes are moved to a dark place. The lack of light also prevents the tomatoes from recovering normally. Install lamps so that the seedlings are illuminated for at least 15 hours a day.

Seedling diseases

Leaves may also turn yellow in case of plant disease. Most often, tomatoes are affected by fungi that are transmitted through the air, water, soil and seeds. In the fall, all seedling boxes and tools should be thoroughly disinfected. Buy soil and seed from well-known companies, but even in this case, before sowing, it is advisable to spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and keep the seeds in this solution. The fungus rarely lives in soil enriched with phosphorus and potassium; add such fertilizers to the ground before planting.

If the bush has acquired a heterogeneous pale yellow tint and, despite all care efforts, the seedlings wither and wither, most likely, an infection with the fusarium fungus has occurred. Take one of the most wilted seedlings and cut its stem crosswise. If you see brown rings, the diagnosis is confirmed. Special drugs, such as Fitosporin, are not effective enough against this disease; it is better to destroy the affected specimens.

The causative agent of fusarium wilt loves clay soil. If you have such soil on your site, add it a large number of sand.


The change in color of tomato seedlings cannot be ignored. Plants cannot convey their request to the owner in words; they use other signals. If the leaves turn yellow, curl, or fall off, it means the tomato is asking for help or wants to tell the gardener about his mistakes. Improper care, illness, uncomfortable conditions, excess or deficiency of some minerals or trace elements change the color of seedlings.

Damage to the root system after picking or planting immediately affects the condition of the above-ground part. If you, following the advice of inept “agronomists,” greatly shorten the root when picking or bury the stem in the ground when transplanting, all the nutrients will go into the underground organs, and the leaves will begin to turn yellow and die. If you don’t make mistakes and do everything right, you can save both yourself and your plants from unnecessary problems.


Victor, have you planted tomatoes in the ground? Last year you planted early under cover + film, but now? I still won’t risk planting. The tomato seedlings are in the house. It's a little dark for them.

zabrn911 comments...

Victor, have you planted your tomatoes in the ground? Last year you planted early under cover + film, but now? I’m focusing on you, it’s even colder here than here in OB-1. Today, for the first time, I grew seedlings of MY SWEET, BALCONY miracle, Pudovik (Sevruga). And, my own permanent, folk variety, like Grandma’s Secret.

Nadezhda asked about planting tomatoes, Barnaul. For some reason, this time Google didn’t ask me to write my name and just sent me with my account.

Viktor Sergeenko comments...

Yes, I planted tomatoes under cover 5 days ago. All 90 roots. They endured the cold well. They've already gotten a little stronger. The main problem is hurricane winds. Today is actually something scary! The roofs of some houses are breaking! I had to put a lot of bricks on to secure the film!))) But the covering holds on. At night when it's freezing, I also put some plastic on it. And with the account - everything is correct! If you have it open, then you don’t have to write the name (although you can). Google automatically writes your account login.))) By the way, yesterday I planted peppers. As always, because all the seedlings grew ahead of schedule. Although I sown tomatoes for seedlings after April 10!)))

Anton (Barnaul) comments...

I confirm that the seedlings have grown very quickly this year, and not only for me. I kept them on the balcony for half of April so they would stop, and they still bloomed by May 1st. I planted them in the greenhouse on the 1st, and covered them with a cover for 2 weeks, everything held up perfectly, I already opened and tied them up, and even the tomatoes began to set. Perhaps it will be a good year for tomatoes. The main thing now is not to freeze the seedlings. For those who cannot shelter and do not have a greenhouse, it is better to wait for the end of frost and wind. But the raspberries froze, and the grapes opened early, and did not have time to cover in the frost, the buds died ((

Viktor Sergeenko comments...

Anton. I, too, despite the vagaries of the weather, am quite pleased with the tomato seedlings after planting. Looks good, not a single plant died. And protection from winds and frosts is prepared and works well! It’s a hassle, of course, to tinker with the shelter, but there’s nothing terrible about it. Soon the cold and wind will end, and we will breathe easy. In the meantime, overall everything is going well. And it’s a pity for the raspberries, of course, but it happens here, we’ll survive!)))

Viktor Sergeenko comments...

Hope. Separately, I would like to say a few words of praise about the Sevruga variety! Very tasty, beautiful, large fruits! And the harvest is good in any weather! Moreover, the variety is determinant and not tall! In general, I love Sevryuga! And I’m glad that it will be in your tomato bed!)))

Hope. Barnaul. Ob-1 comments...

Victor, thanks for the answers. I call Sevruga Pudovik, in brackets Sevruga (producer -Siberian Garden). It is indicated that the grade is high. And the seedlings grew low, lower than Sladky moi (listed as a short variety). I thought it was a remake.
How can a small bush grow a large fruit? And now there is a review on the Tomato-Tomato forum: “Plant height 1.20. Large fruits from 300 to 600 g. Fleshy, sweet pulp, excellent taste.”
And I really want a real Sevruzhka!!!

Errors in care, unfavorable conditions and various diseases can cause yellowing of tomato leaves. If the cause is not found and the problem is not corrected, the plants turn yellow and become sicker, resulting in a decrease in yield. What to do if tomatoes turn yellow and dry out? We will help you deal with this problem in this article.

Tomatoes in the soil and greenhouse may immediately or after a few days begin to turn yellow for several reasons:

  1. Low air temperature. If, after planting in open ground, the temperature at night or even during the day is low, the tomato seedlings will begin to turn yellow and wither. Therefore, be sure to harden off the plants before planting in the garden, and cover the seedlings with non-woven material. If frost is expected, be sure to close the greenhouse at night.
  2. Root damage. It is recommended to replant tomato seedlings using the transshipment method, otherwise the roots may be damaged. As a result, the root system will not take root and work well, and the tomatoes will turn yellow. Roots can also be damaged by loosening the soil.
  3. Improper watering. The first time after planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse, tomato seedlings are watered after 10-14 days. Plants should be watered regularly and abundantly. Too rare, or, conversely, frequent watering leads to the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves of tomatoes, which may be a sign of disease. Plants most often get sick from overwatering.

The lower leaves of tomatoes turn yellow - what to do?

Yellowed lower leaves on tomatoes most often indicate unfavorable conditions and errors in care. To prevent the plant from wasting energy on their restoration, remove the leaves using sharp pruners.

What to do:

  1. Do not thicken the plantings.
  2. Protect tomatoes from hypothermia.
  3. Water the plants moderately.
  4. Protect tomatoes from pests and diseases.
  5. Introduce fertilizing in a timely manner. Plants not enough molybdenum, if yellow spots first appear on the first pair of lower leaves, and then the leaves turn yellow completely. Distinctive feature– the veins are green, and the leaves curl upward. Feed the tomatoes with ammonium molybdate by dissolving 2 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water.

Tomato leaves turn yellow and curl

What to do:

  1. Inspect foliage for pests. Aphids or spider mites suck juices from plants, as a result of which the leaves dry out, turn yellow and curl. If pests are detected, use folk remedies or chemicals.
  2. Remember how long ago you fed tomatoes?. With a lack of certain elements and minerals, the foliage may begin to turn yellow and curl. Follow the highlighted link and find out - When and with what .

Tomato foliage turns yellow - the reason is a lack of fertilizer

How can you tell by yellowing leaves what minerals or elements they are missing?

The edges of the leaves turn yellow

In tomatoes, the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow due to a lack of potassium and nitrogen:

  1. Old leaves turn yellow at the edges, and young leaves curl with a lack of potassium. What to do? Feed the plants with a solution of potassium nitrate, dissolving one tablespoon of fertilizer in 10 liters.
  2. The leaves first turn yellow at the edges and then die. The bushes themselves weaken and stretch out - lack of nitrogen. What to do? Pour in a solution of urea (one tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Yellow spots appeared on tomato leaves

If the plant is not sick and there are no pests on it, pay attention to the nature of the spots, since if there is a lack of certain elements, the foliage turns yellow in different ways:

  1. The foliage turns yellow and deforms at the base, and the veins turn brown - boron deficiency. Dissolve 10 grams of regular boric acid in 10 liters of water and water the plants.
  2. Yellow-green veins and yellow spots on the leaf blade - plants need manganese. Spray the foliage with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Yellow spots on the midrib and in the middle of the leaves - iron deficiency. The foliage will restore color within a day if you spray or water the bushes with iron chelate or a 1% solution of iron sulfate.
  4. Red veins, gradual yellowing sheet plate, thin and woody stems - all this signs of sulfur deficiency. Treating the foliage with magnesium sulfate, 10 grams of which is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water, will help.
  5. The buds fall off, the leaves turn yellow and their tips become deformed, the fruits become covered with dark spots if plants lack calcium. An excess of nitrogen in the soil can interfere with the absorption of calcium by plants. Therefore, introduce fertilizer by spraying the foliage with calcium nitrate (20 grams of fertilizer per bucket of water).

Tomato leaves turn yellow and wither

There may be several reasons:

  1. Exposure to direct sunlight. Plant tomatoes in a well-lit place, but do not expose them to direct sunlight at midday. If plants grow in the sun, cover them with non-woven material or shade them.
  2. Lack of moisture. Remember when you were in last time watered the plantings. Maybe they don’t have enough moisture and it’s time to water the tomatoes.
  3. Cooling of plantings. Transplanted seedlings may have foliage that turns yellow and withers when overcooled. Water the plants with settled warm water, and if the nights are cold, cover them with non-woven material.

Why do tomatoes turn yellow in open ground?

Reasons and what to do:

  1. Scorching sun rays. In open ground, tomato foliage may suffer from direct sunlight on hot days. It is recommended to cover the plantings with lutrasil or other covering material.
  2. Low temperatures . Low temperatures also have a negative effect on plants. With prolonged cold weather, plant roots stop absorbing nutrients from the soil, as a result of which tomatoes begin to turn yellow. If frosts or prolonged cold snaps are expected, build a greenhouse over the tomatoes or cover them with non-woven material.
  3. Waterlogging of the soil in the garden bed. Tomatoes love plenty, but not frequent watering. In rainy weather, water can accumulate in the beds, which is why plant roots begin to rot and leaves turn yellow. In such weather, it is better to build a greenhouse over the tomatoes and mulch the soil with pine needles or mown grass. It is recommended to feed affected tomatoes with yellow foliage with potassium fertilizers.
  4. Overdrying of the soil. In open ground, in hot weather without rain, the soil quickly dries out, as a result of which the roots also dry out, and the plant itself does not receive nutrients; the tomato leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. Regular and abundant watering will help correct the situation.
  5. Pests. If leaves on tomatoes in open ground have turned yellow, inspect them for pests. Tomatoes can be attacked by whiteflies, cutworms, mole crickets, and aphids, and the larvae of the cockchafer can live in the soil and damage the roots. You can destroy pests using folk remedies(onion or garlic infusion). If there are a lot of harmful insects, use insecticidal preparations “Tomato Rescuer” and others according to the instructions.
  6. Defeat by diseases. Tomatoes affected by fungal diseases are stunted in growth, the foliage turns yellow and withers. Diseased plants practically do not produce a harvest. Follow crop rotation and agricultural practices, treat seeds and soil before planting to prevent tomatoes from being affected by various diseases.

Why do tomatoes turn yellow in a greenhouse?

Unfavorable growing conditions, lack of tillage, dense plantings, and errors in care are the main reasons for yellowing of the leaves of tomatoes in greenhouses.

What to do:

  1. Lack of light. Bushes planted too close over time grow and shade each other. Be sure to keep a distance when planting tomatoes, focusing on the plant variety.
  2. High humidity air. After watering, greenhouses and hotbeds must be ventilated, otherwise the air humidity under the film will be too high and the tomato foliage will begin to turn yellow. Permissible air humidity for tomatoes is 60-70%. High humidity is one of the causes of fungal diseases.
  3. Lack of nutrition. Even if the soil was fertilized during planting, over time the nutrients are washed out when watering. Therefore, tomatoes should be fed regularly. If the leaves have already turned yellow due to lack of nutrition, use complex mineral fertilizers“Zdraven”, “Agricola” or others.
  4. Acidic soil. For tomatoes, soil acidity should be no higher than 6.5 pH. Higher acidity may cause yellowing of the foliage. To reduce acidity, use dolomite flour.
  5. Mistakes when watering. Tomatoes should be watered regularly and abundantly, avoiding drying out or waterlogging the soil.
  6. Pests and diseases. As in open ground, tomatoes in greenhouses and hotbeds are also susceptible to attacks by pests and, under unfavorable conditions, are affected by diseases. The main sign of such lesions is yellowing of the leaves or the appearance of spots on them. You can get rid of pests with the help of insecticides, and use “Quadris”, “Trichodermin” or other fungicides for fungal diseases.

To prevent yellowing of foliage in open ground, a greenhouse or greenhouse, observe crop rotation, maintain distance when planting seedlings, water tomatoes at the root, care for the plants properly and provide them suitable conditions, protecting from high humidity, cold and high temperatures.

7 rules, following which you can get excellent seedlings and big harvest tomatoes.

Any plant cannot live without heat, sun, water and soil. Tomatoes are no exception, they are for normal height required:

  • Quality seeds
  • Fertile soil
  • Sufficient light
  • Moderate watering
  • Optimal temperature earth and air
  • Protection from diseases and pests
  • Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

If you have completed everything the necessary conditions, then the plants will delight you with their powerful appearance and rich harvest. If you made a mistake on at least one of the points, they will upset you with frail shoots and a meager harvest, if any at all.

What to do if the tomato seedlings have become very elongated, thin and long?

After the seedlings have appeared and pleased their owners, the most important stage in plant development begins. At this stage, plants must receive temperatures of the ground and air that are acceptable for growth, as well as sufficient light and moisture. What happens if optimal conditions are violated?

If the soil in the seedling pots is too cold, and the air temperature is either too low or too high, the plants will not be able to fully develop.

They will also not be able to develop normally if they receive too little light. If the seedlings are stretched out due to lack of light, you can save them by giving them enough light.

Why are tomato seedlings purple and growing poorly?

Why in a relatively warm house, if you grow seedlings on the windowsills, does the ground remain cold? Because often and thickly, the cold that comes from the windows excessively cools the pots with seedlings. To experiment, place a room thermometer on the windowsill or on the soil of your greenhouse if you are growing seedlings under film, and measure the temperature. The optimal soil temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees. If the ground is cold, the plants will not grow well and the color of the seedlings may turn purple.

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow: what to do?

The air temperature for seedlings should be from 25 to 28 degrees. Plants will be stunted if temperatures are above or below these levels. Separately, I would like to say about the illumination of plants.

If there is catastrophically little light, the seedlings can stretch out in just a few days. It will have a yellow color and thin elongated stems. You can expect a good harvest from such seedlings only if you can give the plants enough light.

Why do tomato seedlings wither and fall?

Unfortunately, on the windowsill without additional lighting, even if the windows overlook sunny side, the plants will not be able to receive enough light. The only way out in this situation is to use artificial lighting. These can be special lamps that are used in industrial greenhouses and which are expensive or inexpensive fluorescent lamps.

The same failure may await those gardeners who sowed seeds in greenhouses with film cover. Because in early spring There is not enough sunlight, which can be lost when passing through a dense film.

Mold on the ground in tomato seedlings: what to do?

When watering seedlings, it is better not to add water than to give it in excess. It happens that gardeners are so keen on caring for their plants that they begin to water them every day or even several times a day. They water it because they noticed the top layer of soil in the pots drying out, while inside there is an excess of moisture.

Black leg in tomato seedlings: control measures

Excessive watering leads to suppression of plants, creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases of the root system and ultimately the death of seedlings. How to determine that plants need watering?

The easiest way to deal with this situation is to not water the plants until you notice some wilting due to lack of moisture. In this case, the leaves are less elastic and slightly drooping. Plants need to be watered with warm water. If you are using chlorinated tap water, remove chlorine from water.

To do this, just collect water in a bucket and let it stand for 2-3 days. Chlorine is a gas and is lighter than water, so it will completely leave the liquid during this time.

Feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers. This should be done no more than once a week with complex fertilizers. You need to be careful when using fertilizers like saltpeter. Due to the high nitrogen content in the soil, plants can become very elongated.

Treatment of tomato seedlings against diseases

Avoid infecting seedlings with pests and diseases. Since disease infection in a greenhouse or when growing seedlings on windowsills occurs mainly due to contaminated soil, use only healthy soil for this purpose. If you take it from your garden, then take it from beds where tomatoes and related crops, say potatoes, did not grow.

Phytophthora on tomato seedlings: combating it

Late blight is considered a disease open ground and rainy and cool weather is favorable for its development. In order for plants to become ill with late blight, they need to be exposed to unfavorable weather conditions within 3-7 days.

If the tomato seedlings are under cover or in the house, the likelihood that they will get late blight is very low. To prevent the disease, you need to prevent water from getting on the leaves of plants and water only the ground. If brown spots still appear on the leaves, treat them with fungicides against late blight.

White spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings: what to do?

White spots on the leaves of seedlings may be the result of burns from the sun or lamps used to illuminate the plants. So, if seedlings that are not accustomed to sunlight are transferred to beds or exposed to pots in the sun, the plants will not be able to cope with the resulting load and will get burned.

Preventive measures against burns can include gradual adaptation of plants to the new light regime. If burns have already occurred, the affected leaves can be torn off. The plant will gradually return to normal and produce new leaves.

The leaves of tomato seedlings curl, wither and dry out: what to do?

If the leaves of seedlings curl, this can be either the result of disease or the result of plant oppression by pests. What to do if the plants are sick and their appearance you can't determine what's happening to them?

The only way out in such a situation is to try to correct errors with temperature conditions, lighting the plants, watering them and treating them with fungicides against diseases and pest repellents.

Whitefly - white midges on tomato seedlings: how to fight?

Maybe someone will be surprised that plants located on a windowsill or under a film cover can have pests.

Unfortunately, they exist if the land infected with these pests was used. In particular, the whitefly and its larvae can cause enormous damage to tomatoes, which in a matter of days can turn green plant in the stunted and feeble. They will help to cope with the problem of spraying leaves with products against this pest.

Aphids on tomato seedlings: how to fight?

Aphids may appear on tomato seedlings if soil contaminated with this pest was used. You can fight aphids by spraying the plants chemicals from aphids. Such as tanrek, confidor, spark bio and others.

Unfortunately, it happens that all efforts to improve the health of the plant are in vain. This can happen if improper care of the plant, disease or pest oppression of the plant has been too long. The only way out of this situation may be to replant the seedlings.

How to choose tomato seeds?

Sow only proven, high-quality seeds. If you buy seeds in stores, use only proven ones. retail outlets. Because counterfeits in the seed market have reached catastrophic proportions due to the fact that it has simply become unprofitable to trade in high-quality seeds.

Quality seeds are half the success in growing tomatoes

If you collect seeds from your tomatoes, choose for this purpose only healthy and powerful bushes that have produced a good harvest. Sometimes seed disinfection is required. Because they can be infected with pathogenic viruses. Disinfection, if done correctly, does not affect the quality of the seeds, but may reduce germination. Therefore, you will have to increase the number of seeds sown.

In what soil do tomatoes grow best?

Sow the seeds in soil ideal for this crop. The soil for seedlings should not be too light and not too heavy. It must be said right away that the soil taken from the garden bed will be heavy if your garden is located on black soil. And soil purchased in stores called “for seedlings” will be too light due to the high content of peat in such soil. Therefore, the ideal option would be: thoroughly mix 50% of the soil from the garden bed and 50% of the soil for seedlings and fill the seedling cups or trays with this soil.

You will need to think in advance about what excess water After watering the plants, it should freely leave the cups. This means that they must have a sufficient number of holes at the bottom to drain excess water.

All these wisdom are easy to remember and use when growing tomato seedlings. And most importantly, if you still fail in growing seedlings, do not give up, but roll up your sleeves and correct your mistakes, grow new beautiful, healthy and powerful seedlings.

VIDEO: How to grow healthy seedlings?