Why does fuchsia have limp leaves? Why do fuchsia leaves wither and fall off? Fuchsia sheds buds

People who prefer brightly and unusually flowering plants always try to have fuchsia. The shape of the fuchsia flower is very attractive. Diversity color range will not leave any amateur gardener indifferent. But in order for a flower to please you with its appearance, it needs appropriate care. Therefore, when you decide to keep this at home ornamental plant, prepare to study the features of its cultivation and maintenance, and find out what to do if the flower withers and leaves fall off.

Proper care

For active growth and flowering of fuchsia, it is necessary to provide good conditions for its content. From proper care a lot depends. Why is this so important? Let's take a closer look at what the flower loves.

  1. The plant is very demanding on lighting. Bright and diffused sunlight is important for him. The flower needs long-term lighting, but without direct sunlight, since it does not like the heat. The best rays for it will be morning and evening rays. So place it on north or west facing windows. And also, do not move the flower during the flowering period, otherwise you risk losing all the buds.
  2. The most favorable temperature for flowering is considered to be from 18 to 25 degrees. But we understand that in the summer heat this is extremely difficult to achieve. An increase in temperature to 30 degrees can cause the leaves of the flower to begin to dry out and therefore fall off. From direct sun rays the plant dies. It will be difficult to save him. In autumn, fuchsias provide a temperature range of 5 to 12 degrees, since during this period higher temperatures will cause leaf shrinkage and plant disease.
  3. Water the flower abundantly all the time except winter, after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. In winter, watering is slightly limited. The water used for it is settled. The flower does not like dry soil and excess moisture. When caring for the plant, do not forget about spraying the leaves; you can also place a container of water next to the pot. Fuchsia loves this procedure very much, but this cannot be done under the rays of the sun. The best time The day for spraying will be early morning or afternoon. It cannot be carried out in winter, since excess moisture during this period is harmful.
  1. The flower needs constant feeding, but only except in winter. For this purpose, special solutions are purchased in stores specifically for this plant. Fertilization is carried out once a week. You can add a single weekly dose to water for irrigation and moisten the flower. Before the buds open, add additional fertilizer to the water for spraying. After flowering, the plant is not fed for some time, and then it is renewed again.
  2. Proper wintering is important for fuchsia. If all the conditions for this are not created, then flowering may not be seen. A good place during this period would be a basement, garage or storage room. You don't have to worry about lighting. It is important to ensure the correct temperature regime (5-12ºС) and prevent the soil from drying out.

Care during the flowering period

After the flower has overwintered, pruning is done. During this process, all dried leaves and flowers are removed and the shoots are shortened, leaving only a third of them. Don't forget about the branches that grow inward. They are also removed.

During the spring growth of the flower, the tips of the branches are pinched. This must be done so that subsequently the crown does not become bare, but rather branches out more. The last pinching is carried out in May.

Fuchsia is replanted every year in the spring. You should not choose a large pot; you need to have less space at the roots. Otherwise, shoots will grow, and flowering, on the contrary, will decrease. It is worth noting that the soil changes only when the roots have entwined the entire pot. When replanting, do not forget about the drainage layer. The soil should be loose with the addition of sand and humus.

Causes of leaf falling

It often happens that the plant withers and its leaves fall off. Let's figure out why this happens?

  1. Transferring the plant to another location. Due to the fact that the lighting has changed, such a reaction occurs in the flower. It is important to help him during this period with additional spraying. It may take some time to acclimatize him,
  2. In winter, fuchsia itself can shed its leaves. This is considered normal.
  3. With improper watering. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots. To solve this problem, the plant is removed from the pot and the damaged roots are removed. A flower is planted. If this is not done, the plant dies.
  4. Overdrying the soil can also lead to leaf fall. In this case, gradually moistening the soil can save the flower. It is not worth filling it with a large volume of water immediately. Then you need to spray, avoiding overheating of the soil.
  5. The tips of the leaves can dry out due to changes in humidity. If the flower has not been acclimatized, its foliage will begin to dry out. Drying may indicate a problem with the root system.

How to help a flower after flooding?

It is best to water the flower in the morning. If it is carried out in the afternoon, then due to the fact that the stomata are closed, the roots will be in the water at night and may rot.

At the first signs of flooding, and these are drooping shoots, wilted buds, leaves that become covered with brown spots, dry out and crumble, the following measures must be taken.

  1. Place a flower in the shade.
  2. Get rid of excess moisture in the soil, for example, place napkins, paper or sand under the pot.
  3. Transplant the plant into new soil, which should be light and airy.
  4. Just in case, cut the cutting and root it, in case the plant cannot be saved.

You can try to revive the flower if you quickly perform all the manipulations. And next time you are unlikely to allow this to happen, especially in the heat.

Diseases and pests

Fuchsia is practically not susceptible to disease, but requires increased attention to itself. Provide her with good conditions, and she will not cause you any trouble.

The plant has high humidity indoors, small dewdrops may form on the foliage, or powdery spots may appear. In this case, treating the flower with a solution containing Fundazol and water will help.

Rich green leaves will always indicate the health of the plant. But as soon as yellowness appears on them, then know that this is most likely chlorosis, which appears due to excessive watering. It could also be a lack of nitrogen or magnesium. The appearance of yellowness between the veins will indicate the need for manganese. Dry spots Brown will indicate the need for Molybdenum.

The roots of the plant have White color, and they are short. If you see an excessive number of them, then know that it’s time to replant the flower. The brown color of the roots will tell us about a disease called root rot. It also occurs due to abundant watering. If you find a lot of such roots, then the plant cannot be returned.

Fuchsia can often suffer from diseases called blackleg and rust. If you discover these diseases, then the infected leaves should be removed immediately. Since they can infect healthy people located nearby. Tools used to work with flowers are thoroughly disinfected. After removing the infected material, the bush is treated with special antifungal solutions 2 times every 10 days.

In indoor conditions, the flower may be susceptible to mites and whiteflies. They harm it by sucking out the juice and leaving ugly marks on the leaves. Because of this, the foliage may turn yellow and fall off. It may help in this case warm shower and treatment of the crown with Fitoverm. It is carried out once a week. If the whitefly is not noticed in time, it will spread to all nearby plants, and they can simply be thrown away.

Selection of seedlings

If you want to purchase this flower, then when purchasing you should follow certain rules:

  • make purchases only in a trusted specialized store;
  • pay attention to the attractive appearance of the flower;
  • check the availability of a certificate indicating the variety;
  • the foliage must be clean and free of stains;
  • make sure that the top of the plant is not damaged.

Among the bright indoor plants Having decorative inflorescences, fuchsia is the most noticeable. Every summer this fabulous tree or bush amazes with its abundance and bright colors graceful and incredibly shaped flowers. Fuchsia is actually an animated flower; it adds a touch of playfulness to a strict garden. It is not surprising that fuchsia, with its delicate petals and elegant stamens, has always been compared to a ballerina.
The more decorative and exotic indoor flower, the more demanding care is needed for it. Therefore, caring for fuchsia at home for your full development must be organized with knowledge biological features plants, subject to certain rules.

Lighting requirements

When growing fuchsia at home, special attention should be paid to lighting. Any type of fuchsia needs bright, diffused light. It is necessary to create intense lighting, but with shading from the burning rays of the sun. Fuchsia does not tolerate daytime heat, but is very happy with morning and evening sunlight.
Lighting conditions directly depend on the plant variety. Fuchsia with bright inflorescences responds favorably to sunbathing in the morning and evening. There is a rule: the darker the color of the flowers, the brighter the lighting should be. That is, delicately colored varieties should be kept in openwork shade, but those with red and purple flowers can be grown in full sun.
When placing a flower in the house, you should take into account its lighting requirements and opt for north-eastern or western windows.
During the flowering period it is forbidden rearrange or rotate the plant: all flowers and buds may fall off.

Temperature requirements

Fuchsias are very difficult to tolerate heat. For the growing season, temperatures from +18°C to +25°C will have a very favorable effect. In summer, it is extremely difficult to provide such conditions at home. IN summer time(especially in August) open ground is perfect, but when the temperature rises to 30°C, fuchsia can shed its leaves, stop blooming and begin to dry out. In particularly hot weather, the plant will feel better on a loggia or balcony, where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight, which can lead to death.
To protect its sensitive roots from overheating, it is better to use a large ceramic pot: it never gets very hot (unlike plastic ones).
With the onset of autumn, the room temperature should be reduced from +5°C to +12°C. Keeping fuchsia at higher temperatures leads to the fact that the foliage will become smaller, the buds may fall off, and the plant itself will begin to hurt.

Plant watering requirements

For home maintenance and care, fuchsia is absolutely unpretentious. Caring for it is very simple. During the spring-autumn seasons water fuchsia stands abundantly as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. But in winter time Watering should be moderate. The water should preferably be settled: it is then softer and healthier.
When the growing season ends, watering should be reduced. But for the period October-November, you can stop altogether.
At low temperatures, homemade fuchsia can be watered 1-2 times a month.
In general, the requirements for watering boil down to the following: the soil should always be slightly moist, but an excess of liquid should not be allowed in the flower container. Fuchsia does not tolerate overdrying, waterlogging and acidification of the soil - this negatively affects the well-being of the flower.
Caring for fuchsia involves not only proper watering, but also spraying . During growth, it is useful to spray the leaves with a spray bottle, and to humidify the air, you can place a small cup of pebbles filled with water near the pot. The plant loves spraying, but this absolutely cannot be done when sunlight. Like watering, spraying is best done in the early morning or in the afternoon with settled water. In hot weather, fuchsia will gratefully respond to spraying. And for autumn-winter period Excess moisture is not recommended, so there is no need to spray the plant.

Rules for fertilizing and feeding fuchsia

Indoor flowers require fertilizing. Fuchsia needs fertilizer all year round, with the exception of winter. There are even special fertilizers for fuchsias. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of complex fertilizers. It is necessary to fertilize once a week, starting to do this towards the end of March. You can fertilize the plant with each watering, but then the weekly dose must be divided by the number of waterings per week.
If fuchsia grows in open ground, then the effectiveness of biofertilizers will be high, but for those growing indoors, any ready-made fertilizers for feeding indoor plants will be suitable.
Until the flowers open, sometimes add a little fertilizer (1/3 portion) to the water for spraying. When the fuchsia fades, it is given a short break in feeding, which is resumed after some time.

Conditions for proper wintering of plants

Fuchsia is a seasonal plant. In summer it has a period of active growth, but in winter it needs to be provided with a period of rest at a temperature of +5°C to +12°C and placed in other conditions. If fuchsia is kept in a warm room in winter, then it may not bloom the next season, despite good care.
A pantry, garage, insulated basement or balcony may be suitable for wintering fuchsia. In this case, lighting does not play an important role. Winter maintenance implies a refusal of fertilizers, scanty watering and a decrease in temperature, but the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out.
After wintering, the plant is pruned and gradually accustomed to rising temperatures.

ADVICE☞ Fuchsia does not tolerate overheating of its roots, so it is recommended to choose light-colored flowerpots and pots.

Rules of care during the flowering period

After a period of rest, home care should be performed in the following order:
♦ Spring pruning is carried out in March. Its volume depends on how the plant was pruned in the fall (after flowering). Proper preparation by winter it is stipulated that all branches should be shortened: old ones by 2/3, and this year by 1/3. All leaves, flowers and buds are removed at the same time. In this case, in the spring you need to shorten the branches by 2 more buds, remove dried branches and those that grow inside the crown. If pruning was not done in the fall, then the spring pruning must be done taking it into account.
♦ In addition, these plants at home also require regular rejuvenating and formative pruning (to maintain the neatness and health of the crown). This is very important care, otherwise the crown will be exposed, become loose and unpresentable. Therefore, in the spring, after new branches grow, you need to pinch them twice (to limit the shape of the crown and more branching). The last pinching should be done in the last ten days of May, otherwise the beginning of flowering will be delayed.
♦ Mandatory annual transplant. At the same time, there is no need to try to give the roots a lot of space - this will lead to increased shoot growth and reduced flowering. The new container should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter and height than the previous one. You can shake off the old soil a little and clean the roots (only for old plants). But you can only replace the top 3 cm of old soil. Young bushes up to 3 years old are simply transferred to new pots.
Fuchsias are long-lived plants. If you provide competent care at home, then one tree-like plant can delight you with flowers from 20 to 50 years. But bush and hanging fuchsia quickly lose their attractive crown shape, so it is advisable to update these forms every 4-5 years, especially since they reproduce well from green cuttings.

Rules for replanting fuchsia

Fuchsia transplantation at home should take place Every year and certainly V spring period . You need to replant the plant and change the soil only when the root system completely fills the container of the pot. This is necessary for additional air flow, rooting and as a method of reproduction.
This is done in the same way as with other indoor flowers. For these purposes, it is customary to use special soil, which is sold in stores, or any fertile soil will do. And of course, drainage is necessary so that the plant does not draw in too much a large number of water. The use of sand or humus is suitable as a useful additive, and if the plant is grown on a loggia, then loam, which perfectly retains water.
You need to replant into a larger pot, on the bottom of which you first place drainage layer from pebbles (or expanded clay) up to 3-4 cm high (this will make it easier to care for), then pour in fresh fertile soil, place the plant with a lump of earth and sprinkle with soil.
Fuchsia loves moist soil, but the slightest stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots. The substrate must be loose and breathable, which can be achieved by adding 1/3 of leaf humus. Optimal composition: turf land, leaf humus, peat, sand in the ratio 3:3:1:1.
Fertilizer after a recent transplant can be resumed only after 3 weeks.

Methods for propagating fuchsia

The main goal of reproduction is to increase the number of plants. There are several options for this:
1) cuttings;
2) seed propagation;
3) propagation using leaves.

Propagation by cuttings

The propagation period for fuchsias by cuttings occurs in February-March, less often in August-September (for those varieties that grow slowly). Doing so better in spring or in the fall, since the plant does not tolerate heat well and the cuttings may not take root.
You need to take a 10-20 cm cutting from the mother plant and place it in a container with water and wait for the roots to appear. When placing the cutting in water, it is necessary to tear off the lower leaves, because they quickly rot and render the entire cutting unusable. After 20-25 days, roots will form and it can be planted in the ground. The recommended soil composition for planting fuchsia includes equal parts of leaf and turf soil, sand, peat and humus.

To get a lush, luxurious bush, you need to plant the cuttings in such a way that there are several of them in one pot. The young ones will bloom the same year.

Propagation by seeds

Propagation by seeds is carried out only for breeding purposes. When propagated by seeds, artificial pollination is necessary for their maturation. By mixing different varieties of fuchsias yourself, you can get many new hybrids that will delight the eye with their riot of colors and beautiful bright shades.

Propagation by leaves

Propagation of fuchsia at home using leaves implies the following scheme: you need to tear off the stems in tandem with the most developed leaves and place them in loose soil no deeper than 1 cm. Then they can be covered. A plastic or glass lid is suitable for this. In order for them to grow well, they need to be sprayed every day. The water should be boiled and warm. As soon as small rosettes appear at the very base of the stem, you can begin replanting into small pots.

Diseases and pests of fuchsia

If negative changes occur to the plant, you should immediately help it. In general, a flower such as fuchsia is practically not susceptible to disease. If the humidity is too high, small dewdrops may form on the fuchsia leaves. The leaves may also be covered with powdery spots. To eliminate this problem, you need to prepare a mixture of water and Fundazol in a ratio of 11:1. You need to spray the plant with this solution.

Healthy leaves are easy to determine: saturated green color is a good sign.
If the leaves turn yellow, this is a signal chlorisa, which indicates abundant watering of the plant. It is also possible that the plant lacks substances such as nitrogen or magnesium.
If yellowness appears between the leaf veins, this means that the plant needs manganese.
If dry brown spots appear, you should know that the plant needs Molybdenum.

They will give us roots more information for plant diagnostics.

A favorable sign is if the roots are white and short. If the roots densely intertwine a clod of earth, then this is a signal that the plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot as soon as possible. If there is no white color in the roots, but on the contrary they are brown and very dark, then this indicates that the plant is suffering root rottenness. This is also a sign of excessive watering and most likely the plant will need to be thrown away.
Most frequent illnesses fuchsia is blackleg when rooting cuttings and rust on the leaves . Rust can be recognized by the appearance of brown concentric circles at the bottom of the sheet. All leaves that are affected should be removed immediately. After all, there is the possibility of very easy transfer of spores: from the wind, insects or human hands. This disease is infectious and easily spreads to healthy plants. It is necessary to check in a timely manner whether other fuchsias are infected. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and disinfect all equipment that was used when working with an infected plant. And you definitely need to carry out the same manipulations with your hands if you accidentally come into contact with infected leaves.
After removing diseased leaves, you need to spray with such preparations as: "Topaz", "Vectra", "Strobi", " Bordeaux mixture", "Kuproksat". Treat 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

IN room conditions fuchsias are most often affected spider mite And white flies(whiteflies). White flies are small insects, no larger than 2 mm in size. They were given this name due to the presence of two pairs of white wings. In general, white flies are nothing other than representatives of the moth family. The larvae of these insects usually take root in the lower part of the leaves. They cause harm by sucking out the juice and leaving traces in the form of white sugary discharge. Leaves that are too damaged may turn yellow and fall off.
If these pests have just appeared, then the plant should be bathed in warm water (from +36°C to +38°C), but not immediately exposed to the sun, but allowed to dry completely. If this does not help, you need to treat the entire crown three times with one of the preparations: “Aktara”, “Agravertin” or “Fitoverm”. Treat every 7 days. Spray the crown and place it in a plastic bag for half an hour, then dry it in the shade. Water the substrate with a twice diluted dose for spraying. In this case, all pests die, and new ones do not develop from the soil.
There is an option to wash the leaves with green soap, but this method will only be effective for small plants.
If the white-winged fly is not noticed in a timely manner, its rapid reproduction will lead to damage standing nearby fuchsia.
It is better to simply throw away diseased plants, and be sure to disinfect the substrate with a bright solution of potassium permanganate.


Why does fuchsia not bloom?
Reasons why fuchsia does not bloom:
. if the wintering regime is not observed: fuchsia is kept in a room that is too warm;
. if it is watered too much;
. if in the summer it receives insufficient feeding or watering;
. if she lacks natural light while growing.

How to make fuchsia bloom?
In order for the plant to bloom, it is necessary to correct the mistakes made in caring for it. If everything was done correctly, and the fuchsia does not bloom or the flowering is not abundant, then you can additionally stimulate flowering by pruning it and feeding it with a special herbal preparation from a flower shop.
The side shoots are removed, and the apical shoots should be pinched. The plant can be shaped. In this way, you can grow beautiful flowering plant for a flowerpot or a standard tree that needs to be supported.
If flowering is poor, you can also try to correct the situation with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

What to do if fuchsia leaves wither, dry out and fall off?
This indicates excessive dryness of the air, and the soil suffers from a lack of moisture. The problem can be solved very easily: you need to make watering and spraying more intense.
If the plant withered leaves, but the pot has damp soil - the fuchsia’s root system has rotted. Cuttings for propagation should be taken from the plant as quickly as possible, because mother plant it will no longer be possible to save.

What to do if fuchsia buds do not want to open?
If fuchsia's unopened buds begin to fall off, this means that the plant was disturbed during its abundant flowering. As you know, fuchsia does not like this. This can also be caused by excessive watering. It needs to be moderated so that the soil can dry out halfway. It is advisable to replace the top layer of soil. You need to fertilize at least once a week.

How to determine the quality of a fuchsia seedling in a store?
Firstly, the plant must have an attractive appearance, and the roots must not protrude above the substrate. Secondly, the plant must have a certificate indicating the variety, bush shape (ampeloid, erect, bush) and a photograph of the flowers. Leaves should be free of spots, dry tips, and uniform in color. Also, examine the top of the central shoot: it should be intact and unpinched. This will allow you to independently form the crown in the desired shape, of which there are three types: hanging, bush and standard. If everything is clear with the first two, then read on how to grow fuchsia on a trunk.

Growing fuchsia on a trunk at home

A rooted cutting of an erect fuchsia grows quickly and turns into a tree in just one season. When the shoot grows 15 cm, its central part must be tied to a peg, and all side shoots must be removed. When the shoot grows to the desired height (1.2-1.5 m), you need to leave several upper side shoots and pinch the central one.
During the first season, care for it is as follows: you need to pinch all the remaining shoots at least 2 more times. It is advisable to limit flowering by removing buds. Next, for the standard tree, make reliable support and provide standard care.

The most important thing is to always remember that any plant requires attention and care. It won't always be difficult. Treat them with kindness and warmth, because they are also living beings.

The long-standing exotic ancestors of fuchsia are shrubs and trees, whose homeland is Central America and New Zealand. The earliest evidence for the existence of fuchsia is petrified seed , found in New Zealand. It is believed that he is approximately 30 million years , but experts say that the species itself appeared in South America even earlier.

Aztecs and Incas built their cities in the mountains and, although they were surrounded by wild fuchsias, these flowers did not carry any economic or cultural significance. In their drawings and decorations, on pottery or ceramic products the image of fuchsia is not found. Ancient peoples did not pay attention to the bright fuchsia inflorescences. One of the varieties grew among the ruins of the famous Incan city of Machu Picchu. It is believed that the most famous Inca houses were decorated with these flowers.
When spanish conquistadors destroyed the Inca civilization, fuchsia began to play a different role. The Spaniards appropriated crop fields and other sources of food for themselves, and the aborigines were forced to eat fuchsia berries rich in vitamins. Also, Spanish flower hunters were looking for plants that were useful from a medical point of view and had nutritional value. So the fuchsia turned out to be a minor find, unlike their earlier finds of potatoes and tomatoes.

The name fuchsia comes from the name of Leonart Fuchs (1501-1566), German botanist and physician, one of the “fathers” of modern botany, who lived in the 16th century.
The first attempt to bring fuchsia to Europe failed. Specimens of the plant were lost in a shipwreck. Despite this failure, introduction of fuchsia to Europe was inevitable. In 1700, a plant-hunting expedition rediscovered the plant and brought it to Europe. Thanks to its exquisite flowers, it quickly gained popularity in the Western world. A century earlier, Fuchs could hardly have imagined that a plant named after him would have such a profound impact on the world around him.
In 1788, the first fuchsia varieties were introduced to Britain; sailors brought them from South America. In 1793, expensive fuchsias flooded the market, and the public was fascinated by this exotic new flower. Every now and then expeditions were organized to collect plants. Collecting fuchsias has become profitable business. The popularity of fuchsias increased so much that attempts to grow them in winter increased significantly, and within a few years fuchsias amazed the public with the variety of sizes and shapes of flowers. However, the First World War also affected the existence of the bizarre fuchsia. Gardeners and flower growers switched to cultivating edible products for the nation, and fuchsias were quickly forgotten.
By the end of the war, fuchsia had become a flower of the past, and only 15 years later after the war The American Fuchsia Community was created. Inspired by the pre-war popularity of fuchsia, passionate California gardeners began to fight for the future of the flower. Their efforts and enthusiasm contributed to the rapid spread of fuchsia.

A wide open window into the World of Fuchsia

Many people consider fuchsia annual plant, but actually it is perennial . Fuchsias are evergreens perennial shrubs Fireweed family. In nature, there are about 100 species forms growing in the jungles of New Zealand, Central and South America. But flower growers liked the flower so much that today tens of thousands of varieties and hybrids with buds of the most amazing shapes and colors have been bred. In New Zealand, fuchsias can grow up to 10 meters in height, and unique tree sometimes used as a building material.

There is about 125 species of wild fuchsia species , most of which are found in the West Indies and Latin America. Fuchsia grows in mountain crevices and forest edges where the soil is nutritious and well-drained, as well as in high and moist mountain forests.

Despite this diversity, all fuchsias retain their unique characteristics.
The first to be described was the South American fuchsia trifoliate (The conquistadors also brought it as a gift to the King of Spain). This species is distinguished by very unusual narrow long flowers. The species itself, like all hybrids bred with its participation, is distinguished by its extreme unpretentiousness: one shoot, accidentally dropped on a flowerbed, will produce a lush flowering bush by the end of the season, despite the fact that all care will consist of maintaining soil moisture. In the fall, you can dig up a bush, trim it, place it in a temporary container and keep it in the basement in winter at a temperature of +5°C to +8°C. And in the spring, after the last frost, plant it in the flowerbed again.

Fuchsia flower petals are rich in variety color range . They can be one-color, two-color or three-color. The flowers of most of the original species have a very interesting color: a mixture of purple, scarlet and brick tones, which is presented in a separate shade - fuchsia. Light and dark inflorescences delight the eye with their variety of colors and beautiful bright shades. They can be either white or purple, purple or with red sepals.

Fuchsias, especially the red varieties with long tubes, are excellent flowers for attracting hummingbirds to the garden.

The flowers are very unusual in shape and consist of a calyx and corolla with bent edges. Long stamens protrude from the calyx, and the petals are always shorter than the calyx. They are often compared to "Chinese lanterns" that hang from the end of a long thin stalk. Various varieties of fuchsia include many non-double, semi-double, double, and densely double hybrids, the difference between which is the number of corolla petals. Fuchsia flowers can also appear collected in crumbly inflorescences or so-called racemose hybrids.

Despite the fact that there are more than 100 breeds and more than 8,000 varieties of fuchsia, gardeners divide them into only 5 main groups. The first one includes single-flowered fuchsias, which always have only 4 petals. The second group is semi-double fuchsias; they have 5 or 7 petals. The next group is double ones, which have 8 or more petals. Another distinctive group is the trifoliate fuchsia, which has one flower but very long tubes. And finally, unique among all fuchsias are creeping fuchsias , whose flowers look up.

What is interesting is that formed after flowering berries on long petioles - edible, have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and healing properties. In the cuisine of the Indians of South America, they are used as a seasoning for meat dishes. The Maori people of New Zealand used the juice of fuchsia berries to preserve the severed heads of their enemies.

Fuchsias are shrubby and tree-like; the leaves are opposite, oval, pointed, and often have jagged edges. In tone - mostly dark green, although already bred variegated fuchsia varieties.

The most popular varieties of fuchsia

For home grown Many varieties of fuchsia are popular, but according to reference books it is known as “Hybrid Fuchsia” or “Fuchsia hybrida”. Homemade fuchsia has flowers unusual shape: somewhat similar to bells or small lampshades. The following varieties can be grown in the garden and at home:

. "Annabel"- white semi-double flowers with pinkish sepals. The shape of the shoots is slightly drooping.

. "Deep Purple"- the branches droop under the weight of large double flowers of a rich blue-violet color with white sepals.

Scroll frequently asked questions on fuchsia diseases with photos and treatment from specialists. Problems of growing fuchsia.

Why do fuchsia leaves fall off? This happens for a number of reasons:

Why does fuchsia shed its leaves? This may be the result of the soil in the pot being too dry.
where the flower grows. If fuchsia has dropped its leaves, this indicates problems with the root system. If the plant is drying out, it is impossible to sharply increase the frequency of watering. In summer, you need to water the flower after the top layer of soil has dried. Carry out frequent spraying. To avoid overheating of the soil in the pot and thereby aggravating the situation, the plant is removed from bright sun, but the light level should remain high.

Why do fuchsia leaves dry out? This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the tips of fuchsia leaves can dry out from a sudden change in air humidity. So, if the plant was grown under a hood, and then it was moved to a room with dry air without acclimatization, then the fuchsia leaves may dry out. Secondly, fuchsia is not entirely healthy when the leaves dry out, this indicates problems with the root system. Violation of the functioning of the root system always affects the appearance of the flower. The roots of fuchsia can rot due to excess moisture, root rot, or overdrying of the soil. If fuchsia leaves begin to dry out, you need to carefully follow the rules for caring for your indoor flower.

Fuchsia leaves dry out, wither, die off - why? How to save fuchsia? How to treat the plant? In today’s article we will tell you the reason for the drying of fuchsia leaves and help you choose a working treatment system.

  1. The lower leaves dry out + sheet plate lethargic + brown spots, and buds are falling off – flooded.
  2. Dry and wrinkled leaves throughout - temperature increase.
  3. Leaves dry out and become patchy yellow spotsstraight rays.
  4. The leaves wither and dry out, there is a general lethargy - little light.

In caring for fuchsia It is best to stick to the golden mean: do not fill, but add the amount of water necessary for life; do not place under direct rays, but do not shade excessively; set the air temperature at +22-25° C.

How to save flooded fuchsia?

When over-watered, fuchsia experiences a general sluggish state; the buds of flowers that have not yet opened fall off, if they have had time to grow. Root system Unable to process the incoming volume of water, moisture continues to accumulate in the soil, which is why the structure of the substrate becomes dense and oxygen exchange is disrupted.

In case of lack of moisture The stomata close first, then the leaves and cuttings dry out - leaf drying spreads evenly in both directions. From the outside, the fuchsia is wizened and drooping. If you add an increase in temperature to the problem of lack of moisture, then fuchsia can be lost.

How to solve a watering problem:

  • Water moderately in small portions after checking the top layer of soil in the pot - if it’s dry, add water. Change the frequency of watering and volumes depending on the season: in the summer a little more often, but better in smaller portions, in the winter - less often, check the condition of the soil, do not forget about the necessary rest.
  • Solve the problem with drying fuchsia leaves in summer you can use spraying - an additional procedure that is needed only during the hot period.

A few more nuances: water room temperature, settled, without impurities.

Air and lighting temperatures on the way to healthy fuchsia

If fuchsia leaves dry out due to rising temperatures, set it between the permissible levels of +22-25° C and enjoy flowering against the backdrop of green, healthy leaves. Remember spraying as an additional care procedure. Avoid direct sunlight from the midday sun by shading the fuchsia. You can hang blinds or special diffuser grilles on the windows - interesting and beautiful for the interior, useful for fuchsia.

If there is not enough sun in spring and autumn periods , say, when the weather has not yet returned to normal, additional lighting will be required. Place it under lamps, increase the sunny day in the brightest place, and when the weather returns, return it to the previous conditions.

What to do if fuchsia dies?

Timeliness of procedures plays important role in caring for fuchsia. If the leaves dry out and the fuchsia continues to die even after normal care has been restored, the process of death of the root system is likely irreversible. What can be done: transplant the fuchsia into another pot, cut off some of the affected roots, treat it with a fungicide, arrange the conditions according to the listed principles. .

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Fans of bright indoor flowers should definitely have fuchsia in their home. This beautiful plant boasts flowers of stunning shape and beauty. There are a wide variety of colors fuchsia. But to achieve flowering, you need to know how to properly organize the care of this exotic beauty. What to do in this or that case, what to do, for example, if the fuchsia leaves begin to wither and fall off.

Rules for caring for fuchsia

Fuchsia requires certain conditions so that it can grow and bloom normally. First of all, we need to deal with the issue of lighting. Fuchsia loves bright, but at the same time diffused light. You cannot place the flower in direct sunlight, so it is best to place it in the west or north side. Another important rule- during the flowering period, you cannot move the flower, otherwise all its buds may fall off.

The next point is watering the fuchsia. The plant must be watered abundantly in all seasons except winter. Watering should be carried out after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, watering is more moderate. For irrigation, use settled water. In addition to watering, fuchsia responds well to spraying. You can even place a container of water next to the fuchsia pot. It is recommended to spray the flower in the morning or evening. In winter, spraying should be avoided so as not to cause excess moisture.

(reklama)We must not forget about temperature conditions. The most suitable temperature for flowering is the range from 18 to 26°C. In the summer heat, when the temperature exceeds the indicated degrees, the leaves of the plant may begin to dry out and fall off. If at the same time the fuchsia is also exposed to the scorching direct rays of the sun, then the plant is likely to die. With the onset of autumn, the plant must ensure that the temperature decreases to 6-12 ° C, otherwise, with more high temperature the plant may begin to hurt, and its foliage will become smaller. Winter months It is best to do it in a garage or basement. At this time, lighting will not play any role for the plant, and the temperature should not fall below 4°C or rise above 12°C. The soil should not be allowed to dry out during these months.

Be sure to take care of fertilizing, which should be carried out throughout the year, except winter. For feeding, you can buy a ready-made solution specifically for fuchsias in the store. The flower should be fertilized once a week. Until the buds open, fertilizing can also be added to the water with which you will spray the plant. After flowering ends, the plant is not fertilized for some time, and then fertilizing is started again.

Why do fuchsia leaves fall?

Due to improper care, fuchsia foliage may begin to dry out and fall off. There may be several reasons for this.

Firstly, foliage may fall when the plant has been moved to another place. Due to changes in lighting levels, a similar reaction is quite possible. More abundant and frequent spraying will help to cope with the problem. It will need to be carried out until the flower is completely acclimatized in the new place.

Secondly, the problem with foliage may arise due to improper watering. Due to waterlogging, the plant's roots may rot. To cope with this, you will need to remove the fuchsia from the pot and get rid of the damaged roots, after which the plant is replanted.