Why did the leaves of the seedlings turn white after planting? Why do tomato leaves turn white? Methods of providing emergency assistance. What causes tomato leaves to turn yellow?

The leaves of tomato seedlings turn white - what kind of misfortune? Experienced gardeners are convinced that they need to try hard to ruin tomato seedlings. In their opinion, this is a strong, hardy plant that does not require special care. Tomatoes almost always make you happy good harvest, but the question is, will beginners be able to achieve such a result?
As practice shows, not everyone undertakes to plant tomatoes. This means that in reality everything is not so simple. Seedlings are susceptible to diseases and pests. Unfavorable weather(rain or drought) can also destroy the plant.
Many questions are raised by such a phenomenon as a change in the color and structure of the leaves of seedlings - they curl and. The appearance of white spots on leaf blades can indicate a variety of problems, and the sooner the cause is determined, the greater the chance of saving the tomatoes.

Sunburn on young tomatoes

Why do tomato leaves turn white and dry after planting in the ground? Most often this problem affects young plants. For example, all the foliage turned white, but only the stem remained green. Some of the tops may also turn white - only the emerging leaves of the seedlings.
If these signs are present, we can conclude that the seedlings are affected by sunburn.
Plants could receive it under certain circumstances:

  • unprepared seedlings were exposed to the open sun;
  • The tomatoes were moved from the premises and immediately planted in the ground or in a greenhouse.

What to do?

  • Seedlings need to be accustomed to the sun from the moment young shoots appear. Containers with plants should be placed near a window so that the sun's rays fall on them most of the day.
  • If there is little sun (“northern” windows, cloudy spring), tomatoes are gradually accustomed to the sun. Before planting in the ground, seedlings need to be exposed to the sun for several hours. Every day the time spent on the street needs to be increased.
  • If untrained plants are planted in a greenhouse, it is necessary to cover them with lutrasil, a non-woven fibrous material. It is also recommended to cover ordinary beds with this material placed on the arches.

If there is a greenhouse, . The plant will develop there quickly and without problems. The tomatoes will get used to the sun's rays and at the same time adapt to growing outside.

At first, the greenhouse should be kept covered. It can only be opened to water and ventilate the tomatoes. As the temperature rises, the ventilation time must be increased.

If the foliage is already damaged by a burn, there is no way to return the green color to the whitened leaves. However, you can still try to save the plant. In the evening, after sunset, the leaves are treated with Epin, a biostimulant. Thanks to this remedy, the tomato can cope with stress. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of 7 days.

The affected plant will develop more slowly.

Problems with adult seedlings

Often the leaves turn white due to disease. The disease is indicated not only by white spots, but also by other signs.

Brown spot

Happens at the beginning of fruiting. As a rule, tomatoes grown in a greenhouse suffer from the disease.


  • the leaf plate below is covered with white “fluff”;
  • the plaque gradually acquires a dark brown color;
  • yellow, ill-defined spots appear on the leaves on top;
  • if the plant is sick for a long time, the leaves curl and dry out.

This is one of the reasons why tomato leaves turn white and dry.

The disease progresses quickly and spreads at high humidity and air temperature. The best prevention There will be frequent ventilation of the greenhouse and a decrease in humidity.

At the first signs, tomatoes should be treated with Bordeaux mixture - a solution of copper sulfate in lime milk. The procedure is repeated four times with an interval of 10 days.

White rot

This fungal disease, affecting stems and fruits.


  • plant tissues become soft and slimy;
  • white mycelium appears on the root collar, stem and at the base of the leaf blades;
  • The tomato gradually withers and dies.

The disease spreads quickly at low temperatures and high humidity.

What will help?

  • Establishing a regime.
  • Partial or complete elimination of diseased tomatoes.
  • Treat the cut area with crushed chalk, coal, potassium permanganate solution or copper sulfate.
  • Spraying with Bordeaux mixture.

Powdery mildew

The causative agent of the disease is the marsupial fungus.


  • grayish bloom and white spots on the lower part of the foliage;
  • appear on the top of the leaves;
  • leaves burn out and dry out

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn white? If there is a gray-white coating on the bottom and yellowness on top, then the culprit of the disease is powdery mildew. The disease progresses with sudden changes in humidity. Tomato is very difficult to treat. It is easier to prevent the problem - during frequent rains, spray the seedlings with Zineb, an effective fungicide.

What will help?

  • Trimming and burning diseased parts of the tomato.
  • Treatment with a solution of “Zineb” or “Trichodermin” (fungicide).


Another name for the disease is white spotting. This is a fungal disease.


  • at the beginning of the disease - brown marks on the bottom of the leaves;
  • growth of brown dots into white spots with a yellow frame;
  • the appearance of dark spots on spots;
  • spread of the disease to young shoots.

What to do?

The affected parts must be cut off. The entire bush is treated with Fitosporin, a new generation biofungicide.

Late blight

Another disease that threatens tomatoes. It usually attacks potatoes first, and then moves on to tomatoes.


  • foliage and branches become covered with brownish spots;
  • from below sheet plate– white spots in the form of plaque;
  • brown spots are found under the skin of the fruit;
  • they grow quickly and cover the entire fruit;
  • The tomato becomes hard and then quickly turns limp.

What to do?

The affected parts of the bush must be removed, and the plant itself must be treated with Bordeaux mixture. Fruits removed from diseased bushes should be placed in a hot water(from 60 degrees). This is necessary for disinfection, even if there are no visible stains.

So, why do tomato leaves turn white? This can happen for several reasons. The culprit of the problem is often a banal sunburn. This happens after or primer.

Various fungal diseases pose a great threat, the most dangerous of which is powdery mildew. To prevent illness it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity in a greenhouse or greenhouse, regularly ventilate and periodically treat the bushes with fungicides. If infection occurs, the affected parts are cut off, and the bushes themselves are sprayed with the same fungicide.

Tomato seedlings grown at the cost of difficult efforts and laboriously transported to the dacha can die in a moment if you are not aware of some of the nuances when planting in the ground. It seems like just yesterday that green and strong plants today look lifeless, and the leaves have turned white. Read our article for the reasons for this phenomenon and how to avoid it.

Unhardened tomato seedlings are poorly adapted to the climate suburban area, wind, cold and sun can ruin all efforts to grow tomatoes.

Gardeners are faced with the problem of yellowing leaves, the reasons may be different.

The main reason for the appearance of whitish leaves is exposure to the sun. Tomatoes grown at home react extremely painfully to direct sunlight. When planting in a greenhouse, you need to take into account that glass and carbonate are a kind of prism that enhances the impact of the sun.

Poor soil can also cause leaves to become discolored.

Watering on leaves sundial- one of the main reasons for white leaves, water acts as a lens through which the sun's rays act, burning the leaves.

How to prevent leaves from turning white on tomatoes

To prevent the loss of emerald color on tomato foliage, you need to follow interesting recommendations when preparing pets for planting in the garden, namely:

  • Before planting, plants need to be hardened off by placing them in a shady place for several hours. For hardening, you need to choose windless days;
  • Seedlings need to be watered on time, preventing the soil in the containers from drying out;
  • Before planting, the plants are sprayed with a stimulant solution, which helps overcome the stress of replanting; this is done a couple of days before relocation;
  • When placing tomatoes in a greenhouse, arcs are placed on the beds and non-fabric is thrown over them after planting. It will protect from both sunlight and frost;
  • When planting a tomato in a garden bed, arches are first placed and the plants are also covered with non-fabric.

A week after transplantation, on a cloudy day and in the absence of night frosts, the plants are opened.

What to do if you find whitened tomato leaves

When tomato leaves turn white, you need to spray the plants with a solution of stimulants, it can be epin, zircon or nb-101, the water should be warm.

Shading of plants in the form of non-fabric is mandatory.

On poor soils, tomatoes are watered with a solution mineral fertilizer with the addition of ash extract. Alternatively, fertilizers are applied dry between the bushes and then watered. However, with this method, the effect of fertilizers will not be visible immediately; the plants will need some time to absorb the dry fertilizer.

Whitened tomato leaves will not color again. green color, but timely application of fertilizers and spraying will help the plants gain strength for further recovery.

Whitened leaves will not affect the harvest; with proper care, tomatoes quickly return to normal.

How to please tomatoes and get a good harvest

When preparing the soil for tomatoes, you should not add an excessive amount of compost, humus or rotted manure; it is even better to refrain from such natural fertilizer altogether. It contains nitrogen, which causes rapid growth of the leaf mass; as a result, all the strength of the tomato is spent on the formation of stepsons to the detriment of fruiting.

When preparing the soil for tomatoes, you should add sifted ash, a spoonful of superphosphate and complex mineral fertilizer.

The soil must be carefully dug up and loosened, simultaneously removing the roots of weeds and pests such as mole crickets and wireworms.

Tomatoes like rare but abundant watering, about once a week.

When growing tomatoes, you need to remove shoots in a timely manner. When fruits form on the lower clusters, all leaves up to it are removed to avoid the outflow of nutrients into the leaves. At the beginning of August, the growing point is cut off so that the tomatoes have time to form a harvest before the onset of a disease such as late blight.

To prevent the disease, spraying with special preparations is carried out at intervals of two weeks, starting from the end of June.

High quality, strong seedlings tomatoes planted in the ground sometimes makes you worry. Its green, elastic leaves can turn white immediately after planting, without changing turgor. What is it - a disease, a problem with nutrition or soil? The reason is completely different.

Tomato seedlings are usually grown in room conditions: stable air temperature, absence of precipitation and wind, contribute to the fact that seedlings grow together, become stronger, and grow green leaves. The only disadvantage of growing seedlings at home is the lack of lighting, which is usually compensated for by artificial light lamps.

In such favorable conditions, seedlings grow of high quality, but tender. She was not used to changeable weather, sharp temperature fluctuations, bright ultraviolet rays, and cold spring precipitation.

Having planted seedlings under open air, after a few days you can see that upper leaves changed color - became completely white. If in adult plants the cause may be a disease, attack by pests or a lack of microelements in the soil, then in seedlings this happens for a completely different reason.

Tender plants transplanted into the ground experience stress. It manifests itself in a change in the color of the leaves from green to white, while the whiteness appears evenly, without spots or dots. After some time, these leaves may fall off.

Main Causes of Stress

  • bright sun rays;
  • sudden changes in day and night temperatures;
  • cold ground;
  • cool rains;
  • strong gusts of wind.

For tomatoes planted in a greenhouse, the main cause is bright sunlight.

What to do if the leaves of tomatoes turn white

Leaves that turn white may fall off over time. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because the growing point is the top of the plant. New green foliage will emerge from it.

To avoid this problem, after planting, it is advisable to cover the seedlings with agrofibre. Low density non-woven covering material is suitable. To prevent the seedlings from breaking, you need to install arches over the bed that will prevent the shelter from sagging.

The cover is removed gradually after a few days. First, the tomatoes are accustomed to the morning and evening sun, then left open for the day. After 10-14 days, the agrofibre is completely removed.

To protect young plants from the bright sun, you can use the old proven method. Branches are broken from birch, aspen, or other trees with large foliage. They are stuck into the ground near a tomato with sunny side. A light shadow is formed. After a few days, the leaves on the branches dry out, and during this time the seedlings adapt to the bright sun.

What to spray

To boost the immunity of tomatoes and make it easier to adapt to new conditions, it is recommended to spray with a solution of “Epin” or “Zircon”. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.

The treatment is carried out one day after planting, spraying the leaves in the morning or in the late afternoon.

If, according to the weather forecast, cold weather is expected on the days chosen for planting seedlings, then it is better to postpone it to a warmer time. The less stress the seedlings experience, the faster they take root in a new place and begin to grow.

The leaves of tomato seedlings may also turn white if part of the roots are damaged during replanting. This shock can be eliminated if the seedlings are grown in individual cups. The transplant is carried out together with a lump of earth, which contributes to better survival in the new place.


You can prevent the leaves of tomato seedlings from turning white. To do this you need:

  • pick up tomato seedlings into separate containers;
  • a week before planting, spray with a solution of microelements;
  • prepare agrofibre to shelter seedlings from the bright sun and night coolness;
  • two weeks before transplantation, carry out hardening;
  • choose a day for planting, following the weather forecast;
  • one day after planting, spray with Epin, Zircon or other growth stimulants.

Hardening is carried out in stages. This is especially important for tomatoes that grew under artificial light lamps. In the first days, plants are taken out only for a few hours, avoiding sunlight. After a week, the boxes with seedlings are left overnight, covered with thin insulation. You can cover it overnight until transplantation, it depends on the weather.

A week after the start of hardening, they are accustomed to the sun. First, the plants are left in diffuse sunlight, then taken out to bright light for two hours. The time is increased by 2-3 hours daily.

The full hardening cycle lasts two weeks.

Kira Stoletova

Tomatoes are quite strong and strong plants, caring for them is not difficult. But there are times when people who have little experience in growing tomatoes often encounter situations where the leaves of your tomatoes turn white. Why do tomato leaves turn white?

Not every person knows why the leaves of tomatoes turn white and what signs influence this. Especially if you care for it correctly, water and fertilize. Today, experts see a number of reasons that could affect this.

Sun burns

Quite often this problem occurs in young bushes. If you notice that your plant is only white on the top, this may indicate the fact that it is most likely due to severe sunburn. This happens if:

  • new seedlings that were not ready for the sun were immediately exposed to the open sky;
  • when you transplanted plants directly from the pot into the ground.

Prevention from illness

The most important rule is that from the very early age seedlings must be accustomed to direct sunlight. The easiest way to solve this problem is to simply place the seedlings on the window. If for some reason it is not possible to do this, then there is another option. Its main meaning is Consistency. A week before direct planting in the ground, take the seedlings outside in the sun for several hours, but do this during a period of mild sun activity.

Already After you have planted the tomatoes in the ground, it is also necessary to protect them, so it would be nice if you covered them with lutrasil. If the tomatoes are in the garden, then place arcs and cover them.

The ideal option would be to use greenhouses. The tomatoes will feel safe and develop well there. It is best to keep all greenhouses closed for some time, and open them when it is necessary to water or ventilate. When it gets warmer, you can ventilate longer.

Fighting methods

Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to return the bushes to their previous appearance, but there is an opportunity to try to save them. After the sun is completely hidden, treat everything yellow leaves Epin. This preparation will help tomatoes survive the stress they have experienced.

A similar procedure must be carried out 3 times, 1 time per week, on the same day. You should also understand that the damaged plant will take quite a long time to recover and grow.

Brown spot

Not everyone, even professional gardeners, can say with confidence why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn white. There can be many reasons for this, and one of them is brown spot. Most often, tomatoes that grow in greenhouses suffer from this phenomenon. Symptoms of the disease:

  • the most Bottom part the leaf will always have small area which will be covered with a white coating;
  • then such a coating changes its color and becomes brown with a slight tint of brown;
  • at the top of each leaf there will be yellow spots that look like stains;
  • if the disease is on last stage, then the leaves of the bush begin to curl and then dry out.

How to fight

The main reason why such a disease attacks the bush is the high percentage of moisture in the room and temperature. As a preventive measure, you can use constant and good ventilation.

If you just notice such signs on the bush, then you need to immediately treat it with Bordeaux mixture. This procedure must be done 4-5 times with an interval of 10 days.

White rot

This type of disease is classified as a fungal disease that affects the stems and fruits of the bush. This also applies to plants that are located in open areas and in greenhouses. Symptoms of the disease:

  • the tissues of the whole plant have a slightly slimy and soft consistency;
  • In addition, new growths can be seen on the horse's neck, stems and at the main base. white, very similar to a fungus;
  • as a result, the tomato fruits will gradually dry out and then they will die.

If the room is too low humidity, but here heat, then such a disease can destroy the plant in about 4-5 days, and you cannot do anything about it.

Methods to combat the disease

The main rule is to create completely acceptable and comfortable conditions for keeping plants. Also, if you immediately notice infected areas or particles on the bush, you must remove them immediately so that they do not infect all the tomatoes that are near them.

All leaves and branches that you cut must be treated with crushed chalk, clean coal, also add potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. In addition, spray with Bordeaux mixture - this is an excellent method of prevention.

Powdery mildew

The disease is caused by a pathogen such as marsupial fungus. The disease looks as if someone bleached the leaves on the bush in pieces or carelessly spilled paint on the plant. Signs of the disease:

  • Most often, white spots with a gray tint are found on the lower part of the leaves;
  • sometimes there may be yellow spots on the top of the leaf;
  • as a result, the leaves burn out from the inside and then dry out completely; sometimes there may be plaque and dots.

This disease often occurs in bushes that are located on open ground or a greenhouse. The reason for this is sudden changes in humidity and temperature. This disease is quite difficult to fight; the infection quickly spreads through the root system. If it rained too much and then suddenly became warmer, then you need to immediately treat the tomatoes - any specialized preparation like Zineba will do.

The leaves of the seedlings turn white. What to do?

What do I do if the leaves of the seedlings turn white?

Why do tomato foliage turn yellow?

Treatment of the disease

As soon as you notice the first signs of the disease, you immediately need to remove all areas and get rid of them. After this, all tomatoes must be treated with medications such as: Gaupsina, Trichodermina, Zineba. Select one of them and process 1 time. If the disease manifests itself again, repeat the whole process again.

When planting, always treat the plant as much as you can expect; it is best to carry out preventative measures immediately. Use exactly the same mechanism when planting, and especially when transplanting tomatoes.

To be able to fight tomato diseases, the very first thing you must do is understand what exactly you are dealing with, because many diseases can cause spots and white spots on tomato leaves. White plaque on plant leaves - this is always a negative sign that needs to be combated.

Tomatoes are among the most popular and sought-after crops in our country, therefore they are actively grown both in open ground, and in the greenhouse. Non-compliance with cultivation technology, as well as unfavorable external factors often cause various painful conditions of garden plants, including the appearance of white leaves on tomato bushes.

To understand why the leaves on an apparently healthy plant have turned white, and to decide what needs to be done in this situation, you should know what the main, most common diseases affect tomatoes, and also be able to promptly and competently identify the damaging factor.

Why do the leaves on tomato seedlings turn white?

Quite often, gardeners are faced with a situation where seemingly properly grown seedlings turn white. garden crops, and the leaves of young tomatoes lighten greatly literally overnight.

If the agricultural technology for growing seedlings is followed, the foliage on the plants becomes lighter extremely rarely, but there is a risk of damage to the above-ground part of the garden crop sun rays after landing at a permanent place.

If seedlings are planted on ridges of open or greenhouse soil in hot and sunny weather, it is imperative to shade the plants during the first week. Otherwise, young tomato bushes get sick, take longer to take root and may be significantly delayed in growth and development.

If the leaves on adult tomato bushes turn white

Mature tomatoes are more resistant to sunburn, but when growing this heat-loving garden crop, there is no complete guarantee of absence of disease or pest damage, which also often accompanied by a change in leaf color:

Prevention rules

As a rule, in most cases, pale foliage on tomato bushes is a sign of improper care of the crop and insufficient nutrition, which this highly productive plant needs at all stages of the growing season. In this case, it is enough to adjust the fertilizer application schedule and use the most effective and complete fertilizing for this purpose.

You should adhere to the following rules for growing tomatoes in home gardening:

  • must be planted exclusively healthy plants not affected by diseases or pests;
  • Watering should be carried out with warm water, directly at the base of the garden crop;
  • Irrigation activities should be carried out in the morning, which will allow the tomato foliage to dry well;
  • it is very important to promptly remove and destroy all affected plants;
  • it is mandatory to follow the rules of crop rotation;
  • good results are obtained by treating the above-ground part of a tomato bush damaged by the sun with a solution based on the drug “Epin”.

Systematic inspections of tomato bushes allow you to timely detect the problem and work out effective scheme carrying out therapeutic measures.

To enhance growth processes, as well as to increase the resistance of garden crops to temperature and water stress situations, including heat and drought, it is recommended to treat with the drug “Verva”, diluted at the rate of 2.5 ml per 3 liters of water. Spraying of the aboveground part is carried out in several stages, at the flowering stage of each cluster. Average consumption working solution is approximately 300 ml for every 10 sq. m of landing area.

Ways to get rid of the problem

If the cause of blanching of tomato foliage is damage to the garden plant by pathogenic microflora, then it is necessary to immediately carry out therapeutic measures using the most effective drugs. Use in this case folk remedies is inappropriate due to insufficient efficiency and high risk lose a significant part of the harvest.

Damage factor Signs of defeat Standard scheme treatment
White spot The appearance of off-white spots with a dark border on the foliage Dilute the drug "Abiga-Peak" at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water and treat the aerial parts at the first signs of damage
Powdery mildew A very pronounced whitish coating of mycelium forms on the surface of the leaves. Spraying at the beginning of budding and fruit formation with an interval of 7-14 days with the drug “Topaz”, diluted in a ratio of 6-8 ml per 10 liters of water. 5 liters of solution is enough to treat an area of ​​one hundred square meters.
Spotted wilt Formation of small yellowish-white spots on old foliage It is recommended to destroy infected plants by digging and burning
Mosaic The appearance of a yellowish or whitish pattern on the foliage Burn all tomato seedlings showing signs of mosaic damage.

In order to improve the growth and development of tomato seedlings and to increase the overall yield, it is recommended to use the drug “Agat-25K”, diluted at the rate of 140 mg per 3 liters of water. The first spraying of plants is carried out at the stage of the appearance of the third true leaf, and repeated treatment is necessary for tomatoes after about three weeks with a consumption of 0.3 liters for every 10 m 2 of planting area.

Thanks to such treatments, plants grow stronger and are able to actively resist all adverse external influences.