Why eggplants don’t set: improper watering, excess nitrogen and other possible reasons. Why do eggplants bloom but not set? Why do eggplants have no ovaries?

Eggplant is one of the most difficult crops to grow. Often, a gardener successfully brings the bushes to the flowering stage, but for some reason the fruits do not set. To eliminate this trouble, you need to imagine it possible reasons.

Why don’t eggplants set in greenhouses and open ground?

There are many reasons why eggplants do not set: both weather conditions and the gardener may be to blame.

Wrong choice of location for the garden bed

Eggplants should grow in full sun. If there are buildings nearby, tall trees or even vegetable plants that create permanent shade, ovaries are formed in very small quantities. Even the eggplant bushes themselves, if they are planted in too dense a pattern, can shade each other. In the latter case, you can simply thin out the plantings.

In greenhouses, even glass can absorb light, so they must be systematically cleaned of dirt.

Unsuitable temperature

Eggplants are one of the most heat-loving garden crops. Best temperature for their development is 25...28 o C, even at night it should not fall below 20 o C. At temperatures below 15 o C, the bushes do not grow or develop at all, and at 32 o C and above, pollen becomes sterile, ovaries are not formed . Sudden temperature changes are most harmful to the plant. And if in a greenhouse it is possible to regulate the indicators (by opening and closing the windows, using insulation), then in open ground we have to rely on a good summer.

Poor soil and errors with fertilizers

Eggplants love breathable, fertile soil with a neutral acidity level. They suffer on clays; podzolic soils are also not for them. When preparing the bed, it is well seasoned with a complex of organic and mineral fertilizers. However, moderation is needed in everything, and especially when applying nitrogen fertilizers (both when digging and during subsequent fertilizing). Excess nitrogen provokes the growth of lush foliage, but very few flowers and, consequently, ovaries are formed.

Huge leaves can interfere with fruit formation

Incorrect watering

Be sure to water the eggplants with warm water. This is done infrequently, but abundantly: the soil should be moderately moist at a depth of up to half a meter. Both a lack of moisture and its significant excess lead to shedding of the ovaries, even if they have time to form.

Prevention and control of the problem

In order for eggplant ovaries to form and not fall off, you must avoid the mistakes given above. The bed is placed in the sun based on the characteristics of the soil. When thickening the bush, remove excess leaves so that they do not block the flowers and ovaries from light; First of all, yellowing and damaged leaves are cut off. The greenhouse is systematically ventilated to prevent hypothermia. When the temperature drops sharply, covering nonwoven materials are used.

Water the beds both in the greenhouse and in the open ground no more than once a week, but with a large amount of water with a temperature of at least 25 o C. For 1 m2 of area with this mode, 4–5 buckets are required. Be sure to loosen the soil soon after watering or rain. Nitrogen fertilizing is given only 2–3 weeks after planting the seedlings; subsequently, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used.

The task when watering is to wet the soil at least half a meter

To help pollination, periodically, especially in a greenhouse, lightly shake the bushes. You can stimulate the formation of ovaries with special preparations (Bud, Gibbersib, etc.). Spraying plants with a 0.1% solution of boric acid also works well in this regard.

Artificial pollination is often carried out in a greenhouse using a brush.

If it is known in advance that the gardener has gone too far with nitrogen, its effect can be weakened by introducing increased amounts of wood ash into the soil (at least a glass per 1 m2). It is also worth checking for pests that can simply gnaw flowers.

Video: secrets of growing eggplants

If eggplants do not form ovaries, they can often be helped. Although it is easier, of course, to avoid mistakes and carry out all plant care activities correctly on time.

Barren flowers on eggplants are quite common, despite the fact that the vegetable is self-pollinating. It is very disappointing when so much time and money is spent on plants, but they do not live up to expectations.

First of all, you need to deal with the reasons that provoked the barren flower. And then start solving the problem.

There are plenty of reasons for the appearance of barren flowers. Eggplant is unpretentious plant, but changes in weather conditions and insufficient care affect its development and fruiting.

The ovary falls off or does not appear the following reasons:

  1. The air temperature in open or closed ground has warmed up above +28°C. The fact is that high temperature makes the pollen of nightshade plants sterile. From the stamens it enters the pistil, but fertilization does not occur. The eggplant blooms as usual, no external changes does not happen to him, but the fruits do not appear in the end.
  2. Untimely or excessive application of fertilizing. Excess nitrogen or lack of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and boron leads to barren flowers.
  3. Sudden changes in weather conditions. The reason for this is prolonged rains, which reduce the air temperature and excessively saturate the air and soil with moisture. If at night the temperature does not warm up to +18°C, then fruit set does not occur, the plant accumulates all its energy for survival in unstable conditions.
  4. Insufficient watering. Eggplant, like all nightshades, is heat-loving and moisture-loving. A lack of moisture leads to the fact that the ovary does not form, since the plant does not have enough strength to form flowers and their further development.
  5. Increased acidity soil. A vegetable crop will not develop normally, much less bear fruit, in conditions of acidified and heavy soil.
  6. Lack of sunlight causes the flower buds to fall off.
  7. Poor self-pollination.

What to do?

Depending on the reason that led to the lack of ovary, use the following recommendations for normalizing eggplant fruiting:

  • You cannot influence the air temperature in any way. But it can be softened a little. In the garden bed it can be reduced by shading with awnings, which will absorb 50-80% Sun rays. If you grow vegetables in a greenhouse, then the reduction will help installed containers with water along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, as well as shading and ventilation.
  • It is impossible to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers during the planting period. Use boric acid, potassium, and phosphorus as fertilizers.

Helpful advice!

For processing eggplants boric acid you only need to dissolve a few drops of the substance in ten liters of warm water. To saturate the plant with potassium and phosphorus, use complex fertilizers (30 grams per 10 liters of water per 1 m²) or wood ash (1 cup per bush).

  • If for a long time It rains and at night the temperature drops to +15°C., cover the eggplants with agrofibre at night. This will protect the plants from cold air masses, and this will contribute to the formation of the ovary.
  • Set a moderate mode for watering vegetables. It is recommended to irrigate eggplants with warm, settled water. To avoid wasting electricity or gas heating the liquid, fill the barrels and leave them in the sun. Over the course of the whole day, the water will warm up, and by evening it will be possible to water the plants. Irrigate the eggplants at the roots so that the water soaks at least 15 centimeters deep.
  • The acidity of the soil can be reduced by adding wood ash, slaked lime, dolomite flour, and chalk. Consumption per one square meter is 200-500 grams, depending on the degree of soil acidification.
  • Under no circumstances should eggplants be planted under trees. Choose light or slightly shaded areas in the garden.
  • You can help with pollination artificially. Shake the flower buds periodically to ensure that the pollen from the stamens gets into the pistil.


Simple but effective agricultural techniques will help prevent the absence of ovaries:

  • To prevent eggplants from suffering from sudden changes in weather conditions, grow them in a greenhouse. Under closed ground it is easier to monitor temperature and moisture, which is an influential factor in the formation of the ovary;
  • in the fall, after harvesting, dig up the soil and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers;
  • do not wait until the absence of ovary appears, take care of regular watering of eggplants;
  • During the period of bud setting, spray with ash infusion or a solution based on boric acid.

Helpful information!

Infusion on wood ash is an excellent nutritional supplement for eggplants. To prepare, you will need 200 grams (a glass) of crushed ash and water. Take a two-liter saucepan, pour in a liter of water, bring to a boil and add the ash, boil for 20 minutes. Leave to infuse for a day. After that, dissolve the resulting ash mixture in a bucket of water.

Experienced gardeners recommend.

Eggplant is an overseas guest from India. It is recognized as one of the most difficult crops to grow. Since the vegetable is capricious, demanding on the level of humidity in neutral and organic-rich soil, it grows with humidified air, the presence of sufficient nitrogen, sunlight and warmth. Today you will learn why eggplants do not set in a greenhouse, the main reasons and ways to eliminate them.

Temperature violation

In order for crops to grow normally and fully develop, they require a temperature regime of 25 - 27 degrees Celsius. If the temperature in the greenhouse is below + 15 - 18 degrees, the plant will not only stop developing, but will freeze.

During flowering, this is fraught with drying and falling off of the barren flower. Because in this case the ovary will not be able to form. If, on the contrary, the thermometer rises to +32, then you should not expect either pollination or the formation of ovaries.

Video “Causes of absence of ovary”

From the video you will learn why eggplants may not set.

Unsuitable soil

Apart from a certain temperature, plants are able to fully develop only in soil that has optimal composition. She must be fertile good drainage and neutral acidity level. If you have clay or podzolic soil, which is not only acidic and dense, but also cannot warm up properly, you run the risk of not seeing fruits forming on your crops. Therefore, checking whether the soil composition is suitable for growing eggplants is the main concern of every gardener. The land should be well fertilized.

The disadvantage of this important element, like nitrogen, can lead to the absence of ovary. To plant eggplants, you can use a mixture consisting of turf soil with humus in a ratio of 1:2. A mixture of humus and peat in the same proportion is also suitable. Experienced gardeners place compost or rotted humus in the trenches in the fall to ensure normal heating of the soil. They are excellent biofuels.

Cucumbers, cabbage, and onions are considered good predecessors of nightshades. It is better not to plant them after other nightshades or peppers. It is recommended to replant eggplants in the old place after 3 years. The soil should be moist and well loosened by the time of planting.

Insufficient or improper watering

The reason that the ovaries will not be able to set can also be improper watering. The greenhouse should maintain moderate humidity. From sufficient watering depends good flowering, the formation of ovaries and, accordingly, the opportunity to harvest a rich harvest of your favorite vegetables in the future.

If the plant begins to set, but receives little water, it will respond with a delay in the formation of buds and fruits. Because their natural nutrition will be disrupted. The same thing happens with excessive fluid stagnation. Since sufficient oxygen cannot reach the roots. Normally, eggplants need rare but abundant watering. The soil should be moistened no more than 40 - 50 cm deep.


Why does it happen that eggplants don’t set? You can indicate a number of reasons and make large quantity fertilizing This is the result of the desire to get an early and rich harvest of vegetables.

Don't overdo it with organic and mineral fertilizers. This is fraught with the growth of green mass in crops. In this case, there will be too few flower stalks, they will dry out and fall off.

Excess nitrogen

Nitrogen is what experts call the element in fertilizers that needs to be added to the soil at certain times of the year. It is recommended to do this in early spring. Because if you fertilize with a nitrogen-containing product during the growing season, the crop will inevitably receive great stress.

In response, she will instantly react with the absence of ovaries and flowering. And then one should not hope to receive a harvest of useful and delicious vegetables. Determining excess nitrogen in the soil is not so difficult even for a novice gardener. The signal will be the falling and drying of eggplant flowers, which have just begun to appear on the plants. Adding small amounts of elements such as potassium and phosphorus to the soil will help correct the situation. Fertilizing beds with ash will also be effective. It is known for its ability to combat high nitrogen concentrations in the soil.

Excess pollen

This beautiful representative of the nightshade family is a self-fertile crop. The pollen is quite heavy. Therefore, it cannot be carried over a distance exceeding 1 meter. In order for the ovaries to form in normal quantities, you need to shake them a little in the morning. You need to act carefully so as not to harm the plants. Even when pollination is carried out manually, the possibility of eggplants losing a certain number of ovaries cannot be ruled out. This can happen due to the presence of low or too high temperature environment.

Since the optimal temperature conditions for culture the indicators are within 25 - 35 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to cultivate eggplants in greenhouse conditions. Since in the open ground weather with prolonged rains is dangerous for them. If avoided negative consequences the temperature regime was not violated, use the drugs “Immunodeficiency” and “Novosil”.

When the ovaries fall off and there are no fruits, products such as “Bud”, “Ovary”, “Gibbersib”, which are used to spray the plantings, have proven themselves well in practice. All drugs contain a special substance called gibberellin.

It is necessary for the culture during its flowering period. Eggplant is able to independently produce this component. But in case of absence necessary conditions gibberellin is not released in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the ovaries eventually fall off. After spraying, ovary growth is often stimulated. To do this, the plant needs to be dipped. Cauterizing the pestle with a strong solution of potassium permanganate is also popular.

Video “Growing eggplants”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow eggplants.

In gardening, it often happens that when flowering, a crop such as eggplant simply does not set. Meanwhile, plants could develop and grow perfectly well before this. But the factors that could lead to this problem include many different reasons. And they consist mainly in illiterate care vegetable crop. This often happens when growing plants in a greenhouse.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries

Eggplant is considered a rather fastidious crop, which is why you should provide the plant with everything the necessary conditions for growth and development, while unfavorable conditions should also be excluded.

There can be many reasons why there are no ovaries on eggplants.

  • The landing site was chosen incorrectly. When plants are planted close to each other, a shadow is created, and this is considered a direct threat, since the shadow can have a bad effect on the formation of ovaries. Therefore, planting should not be done near trees or tall crops.
  • Temperature conditions are not suitable. For excellent growth, the optimal temperature is considered to be 25°-27° C. Development stops at 15°-18° C. At a set point of 32° C and above, eggplant fruits simply will not form. Temperature changes will also negatively affect the formation of ovaries.
  • The soil is not suitable for the crop. To obtain a rich harvest, planting should be done on fertile and drained soil, the pH level of the soil should be neutral. Podzolic soil and clay soil with a high level of acidity and high density are considered unacceptable - all this simply will not allow the earth to warm up. It is under such conditions that eggplant fruits will set poorly.
  • Watering is carried out incorrectly. Moistened soil promotes the formation and further formation of flowers, and this will accordingly affect fruiting. Watering should be done infrequently, but the crop should be watered deeply. The soil needs to be moistened to a depth of 50 cm. Frequent watering can lead to a decline in the formation of ovaries, as well as to their further falling off.

  • Excessive influence of fertilizers. When feeding eggplants, you need to carefully monitor the amount of nutrients added. Since oversaturation with nitrogen will lead to a strong increase in green mass in plants, this will only negatively affect the formation and further formation of ovaries. In this case there will be very few flowers. And those that have already appeared will begin to dry out over time, and then disappear altogether. For this reason useful material, which contain nitrogen, are recommended to be applied only in the required dosages.
  • Excess pollen. Eggplant bushes are mostly self-pollinating. And for growing vegetables in a greenhouse this is considered quite convenient. And yet it happens when pollen simply fails to transfer to the inflorescences of bushes growing nearby. This could be due to too much pollen or too much high level moisture. As pollen accumulates over time, it becomes heavier and begins to stick together. Thus, the pollination procedure is disrupted, and then the ovaries do not form.

Too dark area. Sometimes eggplants may not form ovaries for a fairly simple reason - the beds are located in a dark area. Therefore, if trees grow close to the planted crop, you will have to trim their crown so that sunlight can peer through it. Still, it is better to immediately select the right area for planting.

You can always prevent incorrect or poor formation and formation of fruits, the main thing is to adhere to the existing rules.

  • Seedlings need to be planted in a lighted area.
  • Perform soil analysis. In the greenhouse, the soil is specially prepared before planting the crop, that is, turf soil with humus is added.
  • It is necessary to form the bushes correctly, that is, to completely remove incorrectly formed ovaries with leaves that prevent the flowers from receiving sunlight. The main thing here is not to overdo it. You can't remove too many leaves. Because this can disrupt the entire development process of the plant. Diseased, yellowed leaves should be removed in a timely manner. During the formation of the fruit, it is necessary to remove the remaining corollas of the flower, because if this is not done, it will begin to rot. And this can lead to spoilage and subsequent rotting of the fruit itself.
  • The greenhouse should be ventilated more often. You should always monitor the temperature inside. To lower the temperature, several frames can be raised. If the night time is set too low temperature, seedlings need to be covered protective material. In addition, you can use ordinary hay. So that the soil has time to warm up before planting, for example, in autumn period, pre-dug trenches are filled with slightly rotted manure, sometimes compost is used instead of manure.
  • The soil needs to be moistened correctly. Watering should be done once every 7-10 days, and about 40 liters of water are needed per square meter of land. In addition, the soil must be saturated with oxygen; for this it is necessary to loosen it regularly.
  • To prevent pollen from drying out, shake it from the flowers from time to time. You can even increase pollination in this way. With varieties that need pollinators, the procedure is carried out artificial method. Here you can use a brush to take pollen from the yellow ripe anther and then transfer it to the stigmas of the flowers' pistils.

The crop must be fertilized according to a special scheme. The first feeding should be done a few weeks immediately after the seedlings have been planted. The next feeding should be done before the formation of eggplant fruits; here it is better to use a complex of preparations. Final fertilizing should be done during fruiting; it is better to use potassium fertilizers with phosphorus.

Reasons for falling buds

The most common unpleasant problem is the falling of buds on eggplant bushes even before they bloom.

The reasons for this, by the way, are the most common:

  • sudden temperature change;
  • drying out of the soil;
  • insufficient amounts of microelements.

To begin with, you must follow the agricultural technology of the crop itself; the soil must be appropriate, as well as fertilizers. Planting must be done in seedlings, monitor the temperature, water correctly, and care for the plants.

If climatic conditions They are too cold for cultivating eggplant, and the summer season is short and short; in this case, it is better to choose an early ripening variety and plant it in a greenhouse.

In addition to good lighting and regular watering, you should monitor the weeds in the beds, they should not be there, and if they appear, you need to eliminate them immediately. If you follow all the recommendations, the ovaries, inflorescences and leaves do not fall off and remain in their places, and the eggplant will bear excellent harvest. One should not forget about fertilizers, since none cultivated plant is not able to independently produce mineral compounds in sufficient quantities to ensure full fruiting, flowering or growth.

About secrets good harvest eggplant can be found in the video below.

Kira Stoletova

In gardening practice, it often happens that eggplants do not set when flowering, although before this the plants developed well. There are many factors that lead to the problem. They consist of improper care. This usually happens when growing vegetables in greenhouse conditions.

  • Reasons for the absence of ovaries

    Since eggplant is a capricious crop, it is necessary to provide it with appropriate conditions, eliminating all unfavorable factors.

    Inappropriate drop off location

    If plants planted nearby create shade, this can lead to poor formation of ovaries. Therefore, you should not plant next to trees and other tall crops. Thickened plantings can also create shading. Then the bushes will take light into each other.

    Unsuitable temperature conditions

    Eggplants are thermophilic. Optimal temperature The temperature at which they grow well should be at a level of 25-27˚C. At 15-18˚C the bushes stop developing. If they are set at 32˚C or higher, the fruits will not form. Sudden temperature changes have a bad effect on the formation of vegetables.

    Unsuitable soil

    In order for the crop to produce a high yield, it is advisable to plant it on fertile, drained soil with a neutral pH level. Unacceptable for it are clayey and podzolic soils, the high density and acidity of which does not allow the earth to warm up. Under such conditions, eggplants do not set well.

    Improper watering

    Well-moistened soil promotes the formation of a large number of flowers and high fruiting. Watering should be rare but plentiful. The soil should be moist up to 50 cm deep. A decrease in the number of ovaries and their shedding can be caused by frequent watering.

    Excess fertilizer

    When gardeners fertilize to which eggplants respond well, it is important to monitor the amount of nutrients. If you overdo it with nitrogen, the plants will begin to actively increase green mass to the detriment of the formation of ovaries. There will be very few flowers. Those that exist will eventually dry out and fall off. Therefore, it is recommended to apply nitrogen-containing substances in the correct dosage.

    Excess pollen

    Most bushes are self-pollinating. This is very convenient for greenhouse conditions. But it often happens that pollen cannot be transferred to other flowers. The reason is a large amount of it or high humidity air. As the pollen accumulates, it becomes heavy, causing the substance to stick together. The pollination process is disrupted and ovaries are not formed.

    Preventive measures

    Poor fruit formation can be prevented by following these rules:

    1. Plant seedlings in a well-lit place.
    2. Conduct a soil analysis. In the greenhouse, the soil for planting is prepared in this way: 1 part turf soil, 2 parts humus.
    3. The bush is formed correctly - low-quality ovaries and some leaves that cover the flowers are removed, but not in large quantities. This can disrupt the plant development process. It is also necessary to remove yellowed diseased leaves in a timely manner. When the fruit is formed, the remains of the corolla of the flower are removed, as it rots over time. This will also lead to rotting of the vegetable.
    4. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated. Monitor temperature readings. To lower them, several frames are raised. At low temperatures at night, the bushes are covered with hay or special material. To ensure that the soil warms up well before planting the seedlings, in the fall, not too rotted manure or compost is placed in the prepared trenches.
    5. Properly moisten the soil. For this purpose, watering is carried out once every 7-10 days, adding 40 liters of water per 1 square meter. m. It is also worth saturating the soil with oxygen, so it is regularly loosened.
    6. To prevent pollen from drying out, you need to periodically shake it from the flowers. These manipulations will also increase pollination. For varieties that require pollinators, the procedure is carried out artificially. To do this, use a brush, with which pollen is taken from the mature yellow anthers of the flower. It is applied to the stigma of another flower.
    7. Fertilizers are applied according to a certain pattern. The first feeding is a few weeks after planting (nitrogen-containing products). The second is before the formation of fruits ( complex preparations). The third - during fruiting (phosphorus and potassium fertilizers).


    If ovaries do not form naturally, plants are stimulated with various drugs.