Why does the sink smell? Getting rid of smell from the sink: the most effective means. Eliminating smell from the kitchen sink with your own hands: basic techniques and rules

Many people are familiar with the sewer smell emanating from pipes. Living space and unsanitary conditions are two completely incompatible concepts, and therefore the smell from the sink in the kitchen or bathroom must be eliminated in a timely manner. The first step is to identify the reason for the appearance of the “aroma”, and then proceed to active action.

Use of household chemicals

Many housewives, when a smell appears from the sink, begin to actively look for a product that, when poured into the pipeline, will eliminate the nuisance. All compositions that are used for cleaning pipes can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Industrial;
  2. Household.

The first ones are those that produce chemical industry. These products are developed by chemical scientists to get rid of organic blockages in pipes. Most well-known representatives This group includes the following brands:

  • "Mole";
  • "Rowdy";
  • "Odorgon";
  • "Domestos" and others.

Household products are called improvised compounds that are most often found in every home. The smell from the kitchen sink can be eliminated with mustard powder, table salt, soda ash or baking soda diluted with vinegar.

All these products are poured into the sink and filled with water, after which the pipes are not used for some time. Important: everything household products

for cleaning pipes can be used for preventive purposes once every 7-10 days. For work you will need rubber gloves and a gauze mask for the face. After cleaning the pipes, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

It is worth noting that inorganic pollution cannot be eliminated using household chemicals. It's just a transfer of money and time. This fact is not mentioned either in advertising on TV or in the instructions for the drugs themselves.

Possible plumbing defects

If there is no effect when cleaning the pipes in the kitchen sink and the sewer smell continues to emanate from there, the owners should think about mechanical damage to the pipeline. All pipe joints are carefully studied, because improper installation can cause blockages. sewer system. If you hear a rustling noise of unknown origin or a strange gurgling sound, it means that the water seal is most likely broken. In its normal state, the water seal is designed to serve as a barrier between sewer “odors” and the air in residential premises.

In addition to the malfunction of the water seal, the reasons for the appearance unpleasant odor drainage from your sink may include the following:

  1. Vacuum air lock in the riser;
  2. Pipe length is too long;
  3. Lines located under sharp slopes;
  4. Poor ventilation in the sewer system;
  5. The diameter of the riser pipe is too small;
  6. Incorrectly installed siphon or corrugated pipe;
  7. Other reasons.

Rarely using the sink can also cause odors to appear. This becomes possible due to the evaporation of water from the water seal. Machine oil may be a way out of the situation.

If you plan to be away from home for a long time (business trip, vacation, etc.), you need to add a few tablespoons of oil into the water seal. The rate of evaporation of machine oil molecules is incomparably lower than that of plain water. There will be no smell from the sink when you return home. Sometimes the way out of the situation is to replace the gaskets on the pipes and check the functionality of the siphon on the drain.

The need for sewer cleaning

If half measures, namely attempts to clean the pipes with household chemicals, do not help, there is only one conclusion: a blockage has formed in the pipeline. This is what causes the kitchen sink to stink.

You can clear the blockage using various devices:

  • cable;
  • plunger;
  • professional equipment.

The choice of one method or another depends on the scale of the blockage. If it is impossible to eliminate it with available materials, you must contact professionals.

Ways to get rid of sewer blockages yourself

The first steps to get rid of sewer odor and eliminate blockages in pipes are self-control measures:

  1. Using a plunger. This type of equipment is present in every home and is familiar even to children. Outwardly, it looks like a rubber bowl, which is mounted on a plastic or wooden handle. A plunger can only cope with small blockages in pipes that form a short distance from the drain. The algorithm for working with a plunger is as follows: the rubber bowl of the device must completely cover the drain hole, after which the person makes translational movements with the handle (up and down). The pressure created by the injection of air helps to destroy the blockage and push it further along the pipe. The final step of the work is flushing the system with water.
  2. Cleaning pipes with a cable. A plumbing cable is a common and accessible device that can be used to remove blockages further away from the drain. Externally, it is a steel cable equipped with a handle at one end. In the process of screwing the cable into the pipe, the blockage is destroyed mechanically - long fibers, threads and hair are wound around the device.

Important: to enhance cleaning efficiency, plumbing cables are often special nozzles, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

Plumbing cables come in the following types:

  • rope type, the thickness of such a product is 6 mm with a standard length of 5 m, this type of equipment can be called the most durable and durable, its flexibility ensures high efficiency in cleaning pipes;
  • spiral cable, diameter – 9 mm. Household tools are in second place in terms of distribution;
  • professional cable, its length is 25 m, and its thickness is 13.5 mm. It is used to clean large horizontal pipes and sewer risers;
  • cable having a diameter of 16 mm. This device is a solid steel rod wrapped in a spring and is used only by professionals. Possesses tension structure, capable of modifying the cable - from a flexible tool it turns into a rigid rod.

Features of professional sewer cleaning

If there is a smell from the kitchen sink and independent measures to remove blockages do not bring results, it’s time to turn to the services of professionals. Firms that perform this type of work specialize specifically in cleaning sewer systems.

The promising method they use to achieve their goal is called hydrodynamic. The method does not harm the environment, is safe for any pipes and is highly effective. The essence of the technique is the destruction of contaminants with water jets directed under high pressure. A wide range of nozzles allows you to remove blockages of any type of complexity.

Professional equipment for cleaning sewer pipes has the following advantages:

  1. High degree of reliability;
  2. Stepless pressure regulation;
  3. Reverse function;
  4. Ease of maintenance - the machine is controlled by only 1 operator;
  5. Possibility of water intake from water supply and autonomous sources;
  6. Transportation – equipment can be installed on trolleys with pneumatic tires.

All machines that clean sewers in private houses and comfortable apartments are connected to a regular electrical network of 220 W.

Often, the smell from the kitchen sink can be eliminated by simply flushing the system with household chemicals, but there are cases that require more serious measures. To combat dirt and blockages, household appliances (cables and plungers), as well as machines, are used. professional class and hydrodynamic methods for cleaning the inner surface of pipes. For selection the right way it is necessary to analyze the situation by carefully checking all the joints of the pipeline and studying the features of draining water into the system.

A common cause of sewer smell in the kitchen is a malfunctioning water seal. The water seal in the siphon under the sink is a necessary barrier to unpleasant odors. When planning your departure, you need to take care to reduce the rate of evaporation of water from the seal; to do this, pour 1/3 or 1/2 cup of machine (or any other) oil into the drain.

Every home has its own characteristic smell. But the room does not always smell of pleasant detergents, refreshments or flowers. It’s not very good when an unpleasant smell spreads throughout the entire apartment. Perhaps it is simply clogged and needs cleaning. Many housewives do not know how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink, so we will look at the reasons for its appearance and what to do about it.

The main reason why there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen is sewerage problems. The main function of washing is to remove different types mud. The drain installed under the sink is directed to the sewer pipes.

The causes of sewer system malfunction may include the following:

  • siphon clogged. A siphon is a small curved part of a waste pipe. Its role is in maintaining the water level inside the bend, as well as dividing air environment indoors and sewer pipe. Over time, a greasy coating may form inside the pipe or siphon due to poor care. Small particles of food waste stick to it;
  • airing sewer riser. This malfunction is indicated by a characteristic gurgling sound inside the sink. In this case, only a housing office employee can fix the problem, because this is a malfunction of the main system;
  • mechanical damage to the drain pipe;
  • contamination of the inner surface of pipes with fats and food residues;
  • deformation of the corrugated pipe. Over time, the corrugation has the ability to stretch and sag. Such situations happen even with proper installation. Due to the stretching of the corrugation, water is unable to be retained and is drained directly into the sewer. In addition, it can return back;
  • violation of the seal between such parts of the sewer system as the riser and drain. This is a mistake made by sewer system installers. Quite often they don't worry about sealing and just insert the corrugated pipe into the riser hole;
  • evaporation of moisture from the water seal due to non-use of washing, location heating pipes under the shutter. If the sink is rarely used, water evaporates from the water seal, which is formed in the bend of the siphon and prevents the spread of sewer odor;
  • installation flaws (workers may choose the wrong pipe diameter).

Types of siphons different types and the principle of their operation

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of stench from the sink, you need to take into account more rare provocateurs of unpleasant odors in the kitchen:

  • severe wear, cracking plastic pipes wires;
  • siphon malfunction;
  • improper design of the drainage system at the bottom of the sink;
  • holes on metal pipes sewerage.

Why is the smell from the sink dangerous?

The stench from kitchen sink not only is it a nuisance for the owner, but also poses a danger to the health of the apartment residents. Humans are able to recognize odors, which is considered a natural mechanism necessary for survival. The body defines an odor as “disgusting” only in situations where the stench can harm it.

The air that enters the premises from the sewer system contains toxic gases:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • ammonia.

These components explain the unpleasant smell from the sink. Sewage air also contains methane. It is formed due to the decomposition of sewage. This gas does not have any odor, but it still remains dangerous. Long-term effects of toxic gases on the body threaten negative consequences.

The smell from the sink is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Important: Methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide harm the respiratory system and can cause partial loss of smell. When exposed to foul odors nervous system, there is a feeling of increased anxiety. Sometimes they provoke nervous breakdowns and fainting.

Considering the above facts, it is better to eliminate the problem with an unpleasant odor than to harm yourself and your loved ones.

Effective ways to eliminate sink odor

You can remove the smell different ways, which are offered by specialists.


When kitchen waste or toothpicks get into the sewer, grease and food remains are retained and a plug is formed, reducing throughput pipes The adhesion of fat and food provokes a putrid odor. It will help to remove the traffic jam metal cable. It should be firmly grasped with your palm, slowly rotated and pushed further. The plug can be pushed further along the pipe or removed from the sewer (in the case when the cable is equipped with a hook at the end).

If the blockage is removed, the water flow returns to normal. The water must first be supplied in a thin stream, then you can open the tap harder. This is necessary to ensure that the blockage is cleared. It is recommended to turn on hot water. It helps get rid of greasy deposits and plug residues from the pipe walls.

After cleaning the system, the special cable for cleaning the sewer should be washed, wiped, and lubricated with machine oil. These actions will prevent rust from appearing on the product. The dry cable needs to be rolled up and stored.

Using a cable to break through blockages

Using a plunger to clean

The siphon needs to be inspected. If the problem is caused by stretching of the corrugation, incorrect installation design, it is enough to install everything correctly and fix it. If the stench is caused by a blockage, the siphon and drain are cleaned with a plunger. It must be new, which has not been used to clean the bathtub or toilet.

The drain hole of the washbasin is covered with a plunger cap, pressed, then the tap is opened with hot water. After the cap is closed with water, you need to firmly press the handle of the device several times. This is necessary to pump water up and down and destroy the plug that has formed in the pipe. Then the plunger is removed to wash away the remaining clog with water.

Disassembling, washing the siphon

Before starting this action, you should place a bucket under the sink. This is necessary to prevent water from pouring out of the water seal onto the floor. Then we unscrew it wrench or use a settling cup with your hands. If you have a non-removable structure installed, then you need to remove the entire siphon. After all the water has drained, we begin cleaning.

The pipe located behind the siphon is checked and cleaned if necessary. The siphon itself is washed using household chemicals (dishwashing detergent, dissolved powder, washing gel). After such cleaning, the siphon is assembled, the tightness of the connections and the position of the entire structure are checked.

Methods to help clear a small blockage in the siphon

Sealing joints

When the smell is caused by depressurization of the joint between the drain and the sewer pipe, it requires sealing. The simplest method is to wrap it with fum tape, but a better solution is to use a special plumbing sealant (Moment, Tytan, Ciki Fix, Ceresit). It will prevent the appearance of mold, mildew, and the proliferation of microorganisms.

To prepare the surface for applying sealant, you need to use acetone, alcohol, and a dry soft rag. Apply the sealant using a soft narrow spatula. The joints should initially be wiped dry and degreased. Then the sealant is squeezed out so that it covers the entire joint in one strip (without breaks). A spatula is used to smooth the seams.

Sealants for sewer pipe joints

Protecting the water seal from drying out

To do this, just open the tap more often, replenishing the water level in the siphon.

Disinfection with soda and salt

These folk remedies are considered good disinfectants that will help remove bad smells from the sewer. To do this, you need to pour it inside the drain hole of the sink, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse the sink with large quantity water. This method can also be used for prevention.

Soda + vinegar

To flush out a simple clog, you can use baking soda + vinegar. Inside sewer drain pour out half a pack of soda, pour vinegar into this mass, and plug the hole with a rag. The sewer must be flushed after 20 minutes.

Note: To improve the smell of the room, you can add flavored oil (mint, lemon, rose, lavender, etc.) to the mixture. Thanks to this simple method, the room will smell nice.

Lemon acid

Can also be applied citric acid. A large pack of powder is poured inside the drain hole and poured with boiling water. This improvised means will help eliminate unwanted odors from the kitchen sink at home.

Products for removing odor from pipes

Washing with special means

There are many different household chemicals that are produced for cleaning drains. Its purpose is to eliminate plaque on pipes, dissolve blockages, disinfection, and eliminate unpleasant odors. Very popular and effective remedies are “Mole”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Floop”, “Pothan”, “Tiret”.

Products for removing blockages and prevention

We have already looked at how you can remove the smell from the sink if it appears in the kitchen. Now we will give you ways that will prevent the appearance of stench from the sink:

  • Do not clean off food residues in the sink;
  • for prevention, pour soda + vinegar into the pipes once a week;
  • Use personal protective equipment when cleaning chemical pipes. means (gloves, glasses, bandage);
  • Every time you wash dishes, rinse the drain hole with hot water;
  • If you are away from home for a long time, pour into the sink a product that prevents the evaporation of water in the bend (sunflower or other oil). This perfect option for a summer residence;
  • install a removable siphon;
  • ventilate the room if you use “Mole” and its analogues;
  • do not use aggressive chloride products for metal sinks;
  • install .

If there is a stink from the sink, you already know what to do and therefore in most cases you will be able to cope with the problem yourself. You should not endure the unpleasant and rather dangerous smell of sewage in a place where the whole family gathers, and the housewife spends most of the day preparing everyone's favorite dishes.


It would seem that constantly maintaining order in the kitchen or bathroom is the key to freshness and cleanliness. However, regardless of the degree of tidiness of the housewife, sometimes the kitchen air does not smell like fragrant baked goods, and the smell in the bathroom is reminiscent not of the freshness of the sea breeze, but of ominous footage from horror films.

Let's consider, how to get rid of smell from sink , and at the same time check the serviceability of the sewer drain.

Checking the serviceability of plumbing fixtures

The very first thing to do when an unpleasant odor appears from the sink or bathroom is to disassemble and clean the siphon. Very often, it is the dirt accumulated in this device, consisting of food residues or grease, that stinks. Sometimes the siphon may burst due to sudden changes in the temperature of the hot and cold water. In this case, you can try to solder it using construction hair dryer and a piece of plastic, or seal it epoxy glue and fiberglass. But it is better to replace this part to be completely sure of its serviceability.

Often the cause of an unpleasant odor lies in a faulty siphon.

In addition to problems with the siphon, there are a lot of other possible reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the kitchen and bathroom, namely:

  • Clogged sewer;
  • Leakage of water from water seals;
  • Cracks in pipes or loose joints;
  • Poor adjustment of sewer riser revisions.

To eliminate the causes of the malfunction, the defective location is first localized and then repaired.

Clogged drain pipes

If a blockage appears in the drain line, it must be removed. To do this, you can use a plunger after drawing a small amount of water into the sink. A vacuum cleaner can be used for the same purpose by setting its hose to blow out and then connecting it to drain pipe. It is only necessary to first seal the connection point.

A plumbing cable can help remove severe blockages.

To remove more severe blockages, use a plumbing cable. Rotate this device and periodically turn on the water supply. This will help you deal with clogged drains faster. In the case of plastic pipes, this method should be used very carefully.

If there is no plumbing cable, then a long thin hose can correct the situation. It is inserted into the pipe, and then the entry point of the hose is blocked and water is released. Under the influence of water pressure, the blockage is gradually washed away. Additionally, it is necessary to disassemble and wash the siphon.

Often the cause of the smell is an improperly installed siphon. When assembling it, pay attention to the location of the plastic pipe. It should not reach the bottom of the flask and at the same time be 2-3 cm in the water.

Lack of water in the water seal

To prevent odors from the sewer system from penetrating into the house, water seals are installed at all drain holes, which in the simplest case are a U-shaped elbow filled with water. It is the liquid that prevents the spread of stench. Water from the water seal may evaporate if the tap is rarely opened.

Also, the lack of fluid may indicate a failure of the water seal. This is what is called suction of water into the riser. This is possible in case of malfunctions in the ventilation of the sewer system, which occurs when foreign objects enter the riser, as well as when it freezes in winter. To make sure that the main sewer pipe is properly ventilated, you need to go up to the roof and inspect it.

The water seal prevents the penetration of odors from the sewer

A broken water seal is indicated by hissing or squelching sounds coming from the sink as water flows out, so to detect this malfunction, listen to the sounds coming from the drain hole.

Often a water seal is installed by installing a bend in a corrugated pipe instead of a siphon. Over time, this pipe can sag, thereby contributing to failure. To avoid this phenomenon, secure the bend with wire or insulating tape.

In case of a long absence, before leaving, you can pour a little machine oil into the siphon to eliminate evaporation of the water seal.

Elimination defects pipeline

Cracks, crevices and leaking joints are common in older sewer systems. To eliminate them, use various ways. Small cracks in straight sections of pipelines are repaired by applying bandages or sealing clamps. Large holes sealed with patches and epoxy resin. Leaks in pipe connections are eliminated using tarred asbestos cord packing.

In some cases, the cause of an unpleasant odor may be depressurization of the junction of the drain and sewer pipes. It is necessary to carefully inspect the connection point and, if necessary, eliminate leaks using silicone sealant.

When examining the drain pipe and riser, pay attention to Special attention for the tightness of inspection hatches of risers.

Methods for eliminating unpleasant odors

Using household chemicals

Modern industry produces a variety of chemicals designed both to clear even the most severe blockages and to remove the unpleasant odor coming from the drain hole. Such drugs come in both liquid and gel form, and even in the form of granules.

To clean sewer pipes, chemicals containing caustic soda are used, so handle them carefully and carry out all work with rubber gloves.

Chemicals used to remove blockages and unpleasant odors from drain pipes

Good results are obtained by using the compositions “Mole”, “Brawler”, “Odorgon”, as well as “Domestos”, “San Clean”, “Tiret” and others. These products are poured into the drain and left for a certain time (usually 2-4 hours), which is indicated on the packaging. The drain is then washed with plenty of warm water.

If the drain in your apartment is made of plastic pipes, use the Israeli product “Pothan”. These granules are suitable not only for metal pipelines, but also do not destroy plastic products.

Good results can be obtained by using household chemicals, which contains chlorine. For example, you can use “Whiteness” or dry bleach powder. The use of such substances will also save your finances. Even greater savings can be achieved by knowing one secret. Namely, all of the above preparations are based on the action of soda ash, so you should always have a package of this substance on hand.

When purchasing cleaning chemicals, pay attention to the possibility of using them for plastic pipes, if such drains have been installed in your home.

Traditional methods

If you don't have special ones on hand chemicals to clean the drain, don't worry. The compositions discussed below can be prepared in any kitchen.

To eliminate sink odors, stir three tablespoons of regular baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. Then this solution is poured into the drain hole and left for at least 30 minutes. After this, rinse the drain with hot water. Instead of soda, you can use table salt.

When flushing the drain with hot water, take into account the material of the sewer pipes. If you use plastic products, the line can be damaged by boiling water.

In the same way they use table vinegar or solution acetic acid. Pour at least 0.5 liters of liquid into the drain and wait 20-30 minutes. Then the pipeline is washed with warm water.

Simple drain cleaners can be found in any kitchen.

Often, to remove unpleasant odors, both soda and vinegar are used simultaneously in a 1:1 ratio. First, baking soda is poured into the hole, and then vinegar is poured.

Dry mustard powder, which is poured into the drain and then poured boiling water over it, also gives a good effect. However, this method is not suitable for plastic pipes.

There is no need to treat this with irony traditional methods. The fact is that any unpleasant smell from the sewer is the result of the activity of bacterial colonies. As these bacteria are eliminated, the stench goes away. You can fight them with any alkalis or acids, even if it is regular soda and vinegar. Plus, by using these substances instead of “real” chemicals, you save the environment.

Preventing blockages is the key to avoiding unpleasant odors.


In order not to wait for the drain to deteriorate and an unpleasant sewer smell to appear in your kitchen and bathroom, make it a rule to flush the drain once every two weeks with hot water and any detergent. Once a month it is necessary to disassemble and clean the siphon, and every six months it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance for the pipes using caustic soda or any special cleaner. And then your kitchen will smell only of fragrant pies and hot tea, and a fresh sea breeze will blow in your bathroom again.

Video. How to clear a clogged sink with your own hands

When receiving guests, everyone strives to present their home in a positive light. An unpleasant smell in the kitchen puts apartment owners in an awkward position. As a rule, the problem arises due to a blockage in the sewer pipes. As a result of this outcome, water stagnates and food waste gets stuck, which is not so easy to remove. There are several universal methods, which will help solve the problem without calling a specialist. Let's look at the steps step by step and highlight important aspects.

Cleaning pipes and siphon

The siphon is a curved pipe that is located under the sink. It serves as a kind of barrier that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the room from the sewer. There are 2 types of siphons: barrel-shaped and self-flushing. The first option consists of a removable part that can be easily unscrewed and cleaned, and it does not have to be removed. The second type of siphon is a curved pipe.

  1. First you need to check the pipes for integrity. It is not uncommon for a hose to become disconnected, a joint or a crack to form, causing a stench to escape from the riser. To properly check, inspect the connections below the siphon. If you haven't noticed any damage, but your sink still drains slowly, the problem is a clogged drain. For the most part, the problem can be fixed without the help of a plumber; even a single woman can solve the problem.
  2. The most in a simple way cleaning pipes is considered to be the use of a plunger. Pour water into the sink so that the tool niche is covered with liquid. Create a vacuum, then slowly raise and lower the handle. At the same time, you cannot tear the thicket from the bottom, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Increase the speed of the handle gradually. Periodically, you need to pass liquid into the drain to assess the rate of water loss.
  3. If you notice that using a plunger is ineffective, use store-bought products to clean the sewer openings and pipes. Such compositions dissolve food residues, greasy inclusions, hard growths, wool and hair. As a rule, the technology of use is quite transparent; it all depends on the degree of blockage and the interval during which treatment was not carried out.
  4. Read the manufacturer's instructions on the back of the bottle. Typically, pipes are cleaned as follows: the composition is poured into the drain hole, a certain interval is waited, after which the pipes are washed with water. As practice shows, thick gels are considered the most effective, rather than liquid serums or powders. In this case, carry out cleaning only in protective gloves, since most of the products are extremely toxic.
  5. In cases where the pipe blockage has formed deep from the drain hole, use a plumbing string (cable). The tool looks like a long wire twisted into a spiral (spring), to which a handle is attached for ease of use. To carry out cleaning correctly, insert the cable into the drain hole and start moving it back and forth to feel the new growths.
  6. You can determine whether there is a blockage or not by lightly pressing all the way into something soft. Try to push the dirt deeper by pressing it vigorously. In cases where such manipulation is impossible, you need to pull the lump out using back-and-forth movements. The cable will follow the bend of the pipe, so feel free to push it deeper. To increase efficiency, it is allowed to open the water.
  7. Evaluate the pipe design. If possible, try removing the siphon and rinsing it thoroughly. There are often cases when hair, a toothpick, food and other waste get stuck in the curved part, which “grows” on top of each other, thereby forming a blockage. Modern siphons are equipped with a plug; you can unscrew it and clean the cavity without disassembling the structure.
  8. Another option for cleaning pipes is to use a hose with a cone-shaped tip in combination with strong water pressure. This technology is designed for cleaning small-diameter pipes, and this is exactly what is installed in the kitchen. To carry out the procedure, pass the device down the drain, pour water into the niche, and then cover the area around the hose with rags and plastic bags (you can use cling film). This move will prevent the water from flowing back. The method cannot be used after sewage treatment. chemicals. If the blockage is severe, the water will flow out under pressure, taking the cleaning composition with it.
  9. If all of the above methods for eliminating unpleasant odors are ineffective, use the following recommendation. Open the water under low pressure and listen to the sound of drainage. If you find an incomprehensible gurgling sound, it means that the water seal that prevents the penetration of stench from the sewer is broken. The reason for this is the vacuum at the base of the riser or sharp slopes of the pipes and the length of the connections.
  10. In cases where a corrugated pipe is installed in the kitchen, a blockage may occur because it has become bent. Purchase a new device and install it in such a way that water flows freely and does not stagnate. In addition, such a move will not allow food debris to accumulate on the walls, forming a lump. Twist the corrugation as needed and secure it with electrical tape or tape.

Traditional methods of flushing pipes

  1. Baking soda. The product is able to eliminate blockages and prevent its further formation if the composition is used once every 7-10 days. Mix 100 g into a homogeneous solution. baking soda and 300 ml. warm water, wait until the granules dissolve. Pour the resulting mixture into the sink drain and wait about 40-60 minutes. While waiting for the mixture to take effect, pour water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees into a basin or bucket, add 0.5 kg. soda After the expiration date, pour the liquid down the drain. The method is designed more for preventive purposes, but it can also cope with minor contaminants in pipes or siphons.
  2. Table vinegar. Another effective method, thanks to which the cause of the stench coming from the sink is eliminated. Pour 700-800 ml into the drain. vinegar solution (concentration 6-9%), cover the hole with a rag, bag or stopper so that the composition does not evaporate. Wait about 30-45 minutes, during which time the vinegar will eat away all deposits. At the end of the time, rinse the pipes with two buckets of warm water, if necessary, use a plunger as an addition.

An unpleasant odor occurs due to a clogged siphon or a misaligned valve. Identify the problem, then try to eliminate it on our own. Use store-bought or folk remedies plumbing cable, plunger, hose with a cone-shaped tip. If after all the methods you have tried you are unable to get rid of the stench, call a specialist.

Video: removing odor from the kitchen sink

In principle, the problem of odor coming from the kitchen sink is quite common even among diligent housewives. The smell of the sewer is crazy and makes you think hard about whether to fix the problem yourself or call a qualified specialist. We will be happy to resolve your dilemma and show you that this issue can be easily resolved on your own.

Where does the smell come from?

The first question that comes to mind when their kitchen sink smells bad is where is it coming from? And here, first of all, it is important to turn your attention to the siphon, which often causes an unpleasant odor in the event of a malfunction.

Over time, grease and dirt adhere to the pipe walls, which, when rotting, cause a disgusting sewer smell. Solving the problem is simple - just disassemble the siphon and clean it. But if everything were so simple, this article would not have arisen. The cause of a bad odor is not always the accumulation of grease and dirt.

If an unpleasant odor occurs from the sink, the siphon should be the first thing to pay attention to.

There are many other reasons. But to understand their essence, it is important to understand the operation and structure of the pipes running under the sink. Let's try to get into it.

Everyone who has installed it or at least looked under the sink from time to time knows about the siphon. This is where the so-called water seal or water lock, to be called differently, is contained. In the part that resembles the letter S in shape, after each use of the sink and draining the water, a small supply of liquid remains, blocking the flow of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the kitchen. In other words, water plays the role of a cork.

The principle of operation of this locking mechanism remains the same, whether you have a corrugated or flask (also called a bottle) siphon. As soon as this principle is violated, a deadly smell appears from the sink. So the main reason for its appearance is now clear. But if water stops staying in the siphon, then why and what to do about it? Let's look at different examples. Let's start with the fact that often instead of a siphon they install a corrugated pipe, which has one unpleasant property - to stretch and sag. Even with correct installation pipes, it will still lose its shape over time. To extend its service life by long years , it is better to purchase complete with a pipe special devices

Siphons are installed incorrectly - this is a fact. This usually happens when installing a drain system yourself. The plastic pipe does not reach the water in the flask, and the unpleasant smell finds its way into the world of the kitchen. Solving the problem is quite easy - you need to adjust the pipe. It should be recessed 2-3 cm in the water, but not reach the bottom.

The siphon must be installed correctly so that the water lock protects against unpleasant odors.

The simplest example of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the long absence of the owners from the apartment. During this time, the water in the flask has time to evaporate. To significantly slow down the process of its evaporation, it is recommended to add a little to the drain before leaving. sunflower oil. It forms a film on the surface of the water that prevents rapid evaporation. If the water still evaporates, you will need to pour more water into the pipe, and soon the foul smell will disappear.

It’s better not to skimp on installing a siphon - this is the main guarantee clean air in the kitchen

Often self installation or repairing the drain system leads to a problem due to the formation of an incorrect clog. The water either goes down the drain without touching it or rushes back into the sink. Stretching the corrugation is something you already know, and you shouldn’t install it directly on the riser. Saving in this case is only harmful.

Other reasons

Not only these reasons limit the appearance of odor in the kitchen. Sometimes cracks in a pipe or mechanical damage can cause water to leak and get onto the walls and floor, and there, in turn, mold begins to actively grow.

An extremely unpleasant thing - airing of the riser - appears when there is severe blockage. Accompanied by corresponding rumbling sounds when draining the water and the subsequent appearance of a terrible stench. Usually in this case the problem is so great that it will be necessary to invite specialists.

The joint between the sewer and the drain is a rather delicate place, and its tightness can sometimes be broken. Here it is important to timely treat the joint with a sealant, preferably silicone.

Getting rid of the smell

Basically, before calling a specialist, owners try to figure out the problem themselves, and often emerge victorious in the fight against it. Having experience in business matters is a huge help in this case and an opportunity to save a little. In addition, in the age of the Internet, it is quite easy to find an article about solving a corresponding problem and use pictures to study the stages of eliminating it.

If a smell appears, first of all we check the corrugated pipe for stretching and, if it is detected, we fix it in the desired position using electrical tape. This measure is temporary - until you acquire new pipe(and this must be done) along with the fasteners.

You can resort to the use of chemicals. They are easy to get and just as easy to use. They often have a positive effect (unless the blockage is major, of course) and at the same time have quite affordable prices. Among the people, products like the domestic “Mole” and the foreign “Domestos” and “Cillit” are popular.

If you are against chemistry, use folk remedies. So salt is poured into the drain hole and after a while the water flow is opened. The combination of baking soda and water has worked well. Two tablespoons of soda are poured into a liter of boiling water, mixed and immediately sent down the drain.

Photo gallery of chemical and folk remedies for removing blockages

Salt - folk remedy for cleaning pipes
Clog clearer
Clog clearer
Clog clearer Baking soda is a powerful folk remedy for cleaning pipes

Technical means

The simplest technical tool is a plunger. We take a little water to submerge it and make simple jerking movements without lifting the plunger from the sink.

Plunger is the simplest of technical means which is in every home

In addition to the plunger, you can use a plumbing cable (or string, to call it differently). It is essentially a long wire coiled into a spring with a handle on one end for convenience. Its length combined with flexibility allows it to reach the most remote and hard to reach places. This good way removing the blockage (if it was this that caused the stench). To help, you can turn on the water and vigorously work with the cable. If it does not push through, you can return it using a reciprocating motion.

The plumbing cable allows you to get rid of the most inaccessible and complex blockages due to its length and flexibility

A flexible hose with a conical tip has a similar property, with which you can clear the blockage. The hose is used together with strong water pressure in small-diameter pipes, that is, just like those installed in the kitchen. The hose entry point is clogged with rags to prevent water from pouring into the sink.

This method cannot be used after using chemicals, because in case of severe blockage water can flow back together with them.

Removing a clog in the sink (video)

Using the above methods, you can fix the problem without resorting to the help of specialists, except perhaps the most complex cases. And then fresh air will reign in your kitchen for a long time.