Project management in 1s. PM Project Management. Project organization management

To calculate the full cost of implementing the 1C:PM Project Management ERP system, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary survey of the business processes of the enterprise being automated and make a number of organizational and administrative decisions to fix or optimize the current management technology. Cost of licenses for software known immediately.

License costs:

Code Name
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 1 workstation
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 5 workstations
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 10 workstations
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 20 workstations
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 50 workstations
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 100 workstations
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 300 workstations
1 800

Composition of products in the 1C:PM Project Management line

Product "1C:Enterprise 8.P.M.Project management PROF" (article 4601546122681) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • configurations "PM Project Management PROF";
  • Functional configuration model "PM Project Management PROF";
  • ITS DVD release;
  • Set of documentation for the configuration "PM Project Management PROF";
  • PIN code for software protection of the "PM Project Management PROF" configuration for one workplace;
  • Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and the PM PROF Project Management configuration for one workplace;

Product "1C:Enterprise 8.P.M.Project management CORP" (article 4601546122698) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C:Enterprise 8.3";
    • configurations "PM Project Management CORP";
    • configuration "Design system application solutions";
  • Functional configuration model "PM Project Management CORP";
  • ITS DVD release;
  • A set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform;
  • A set of documentation for the configuration "PM Project Management CORP";
  • Set of documentation for the configuration "System for designing application solutions";
  • Activation envelope 1C:ITS Industry Preferential;
  • PIN code for software protection of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for one workplace;
  • PIN code for software protection of the "PM Project Management CORP" configuration for one workplace;
  • Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and the PM CORP Project Management configuration for one workplace;
  • Pin codes for registering on the user support site.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 workstations) and client licenses for 1C:PM Project Management ( for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 300 jobs). It is possible to use the PROF or KORP version platform for 1C:PM Project Management products, regardless of their versions. "1C:PM Project Management" client licenses are intended for licensing workstations that will use the functionality of the "1C:PM Project Management" products, with the exception of the functions of time tracking and communication management within the project.

To use application solutions from the 1C:PM Project Management line in the client-server version, you need a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

An upgrade to the products "1C:PM Project Management PROF" and "1C:PM Project Management KORP" can be performed from the software product 4601546036568 "1C:Project Office Management" to general rules. Under the terms of an upgrade, you can purchase the main supplies "1C:PM Project Management PROF" and "1C:PM Project Management KORP". For users of "1C:PM Project Management PROF" an upgrade to "1C:PM Project Management CORP" is provided according to the general rules. For users of "1C:PM Project Management PROF" or "1C:PM Project Management KORP" an upgrade to "1C:ERP+PM Management" is provided design organization 2" or to "Module 1C:PM Project Management for 1C:ERP" according to the general rules.

When users of "1C: Project Office Management" switch to the product "1C:PM Project Management PROF" or "1C:PM Project Management CORP", a separate upgrade of client licenses "1C: Project Office Management" to client licenses "1C:" is also provided. PM Project Management". Users can surrender licenses when purchasing new licenses according to the upgrade scheme.

The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: cost of purchased software products minus the cost of the product being handed over for an upgrade, plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products.

Project management– this is a large and complex work that requires thorough compliance with all boundary conditions and absolute control over the process.

Often project management is not given due attention and this is the reason for the poor quality of the company’s work. Some tasks are forgotten, others are relegated to the background. Important role The human factor plays a role. This is where the ability to properly structure project planning comes into play. But making one such planning is not always enough.

Sometimes required show intermediate results for the customer so that he can see that the work is being carried out regularly, and is not being done on his knees on the last night before delivery. In addition, the intermediate stages of a complex project sometimes, or better yet, always, require timely consultations with the customer and an interim analysis. This way, bottlenecks are identified, possible shortcomings are eliminated, and it becomes possible to quickly respond to any market changes.

Now let's remember that there are different technologies project management.

Now we will briefly recall what is Agile? It's like this modern technology project management, in which the project is divided into sprints (or stages) and the customer at each stage of the project has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the intermediate results of this implementation or get a working result, and the contractor has a guarantee of timely payment for work performed. It often happens that if the customer fails to fulfill his payment obligations, this becomes clear after the entire project has been completed. Such situations can destroy an entire company. The customer also has much more benefits compared with classic options . Not all executing companies are capable of fully implementing the project with high quality. In this case, this will be visible already at the first stages of the project in the results of the first sprint. The customer always has the opportunity to flexibly influence overall result development, thereby regulating the number of required actions. If any difficulties arise, the customer already has a ready-made result of the intermediate stage and this result can be used in the future.

Thus it turns out that the customer and the contractor can interact much more effectively when using Agile management technology.

Automation of project management andJira

Obviously, building a convenient plan according to which work can be carried out and monitoring the implementation of this plan is a task for a robot.

As a modern company dealing complex automation, could not allow her own task accounting to be done in Excel spreadsheets or other outdated methods. Automation is extremely important here. After all, the lack of timely reminders or misunderstanding of the status of the project on the part of the manager leads to problems in the implementation of the project and delays in delivery deadlines. You need to either hire a specialist who will deal only with accounting and nothing else, or think about introducing automation. Of course, much a better step would be to implement modern system project management automation.

There are quite a few such systems on the market, but our company chose the Jira system.

Jira is a commercial system designed to organize interaction with users, but a very rich set of tools allows it to be used perfectly for ongoing project management using Agile technology.

Has different versionsdesktop, mobile and classic web interface. This greatly simplifies access to the current work plan and list of tasks, since the software is accessible from any device.

Using Jira solves two problems at once:

  • Allows you to build effective management within the company
  • Allows you to demonstrate the results of your work to a customer representative.

The customer's intervention will help eliminate intermediate errors at the development stage, and in addition, timely monitor the progress of the work.

Application interface quite simple, but a wide network of settings can easily confuse an inexperienced user. ITB Consulting specialists have already gained the necessary experience and can easily set up Jira even for their client. A beginner will need to understand the possibilities for a decent amount of time. An extensive network of settings and many internal intersections do not allow you to simply pick up and start using the system without performing complex optimization for a specific task. However, a large number of settings provides high system flexibility and more simple systems can't boast about this a huge amount opportunities.

Using Jira, you can implement the most complex projects and build management of huge organizations.

Jira creates some convenient base for building a platform for working on a project. According to the project, it is possible to create users and combine these users into groups. Each user has some access rights and editing rights. Users have roles and statuses.

Project Administrator creates a project and connects users to it. Each user or performer sees only that part of the information that he needs to work. The same applies to editing. The project is created using sprints or without them.

Can create a Scrum-type workspace and a Kanban wall. ITB Consulting specialists primarily use Kanban. Within one project, you can create boards of one or another type.

Scrum boards allow you to arrange tasks in a certain sequence. This sequence is limited by the timing and execution sequence. Every Scrum must have a deliverable. It is on the basis of this functionality that project management can be easily organized according to the Agile principle.

Each sprint creates a list of tasks. The space is customizable for specific purposes and can be managed on a large scale. For each project it is possible to create your own task statuses and internal stages their development. The user, depending on the status, sees either only a list of his tasks, or a list of group tasks, or the entire project. An outside observer, who most often is a representative of the customer, is able to see the entire life cycle of the project.

The next sprint cannot be started without completing the work for the previous sprint.

Sprint tasks can be conveniently taken into account in the corresponding section.

Kanban board has a simpler structure and can be included in the project. Kanban is created in a similar way. The panel presents all the tasks that need to be done within the project and their performers.

Each employee sees a kanban, within which his tasks are also recorded by status, type and processing period. Tasks are described in detail, it is possible to attach additional files, comments and maintain a list of urgency of completion.

The project manager has access to all types of reports. It's hard to imagine a report that couldn't be generated in Jira.

All these tools make project management efficient and convenient. Each employee has a convenient work plan, each manager sees the project progress and notes, and the customer understands that work on the project is in full swing.

How ITB Consulting is usedjira

Actively uses the Jira system as effective tool project management and a way to demonstrate intermediate results of work to the customer.

The work begins with the project administrator creates new project in the jira system. The project appears in the database and you need to make basic settings.

Users connected to work see the project they have access to among their projects.

Inside the project workspace is created. Any project includes two types of panels - Scrum and Kanban. Both of these types have a number of features.

The user selects a project and finds himself in a convenient workspace. This space includes formulated statuses, tasks and tabs. Both of these triage items are created arbitrarily by the project administrator and are formulated based on the project requirements.

IN in this example we created the statuses: Task planning, For execution, In development, In testing, Task closed. All these formulations reflect the project life cycle in the best possible way.

In addition to statuses, tasks filtered by groups or epics. Epics allow you to divide tasks according to their essence.

For example, in this case, during automation, we created the following groups: Warehouse, Management accounting, Transfer of balances, Rework, etc. This made it possible to distribute all tasks according to their execution logic and simplify the planning process.

Grouping tasks improves the process of recording them and the way they are completed. In addition to organizing work with main tasks, the system has the ability to work with subtasks within one task. This is convenient because often one task includes a number of different subtasks, for which there is no point in creating an entire task. For ease of use, the system itself saves the entire life cycle of the task and the history of its changes.

To control all tasks within the project, a list of current tasks has been implemented with the ability to apply a number of filters. Moreover, filtering is possible according to the most different parameters. In addition to filtering, the ability to sort tasks has been implemented. At least 15 standard sorting filters are available, taking into account parameters such as production time, priority, author, etc.

Now more Let's take a closer look at the tasks themselves and their working interface. The interface consists of such standard parameters as task author, details, priority, comments, subtasks, due date, activity, priority and much more. The user receives a task from the administrator or can create it for himself. The task can be considered in Kanban.

Task creation process It is quite simple and does not cause any difficulties for both advanced users and simple performers of local tasks. During the creation process, it is possible to control the formulation of the problem within a wide range; all the fields that we mentioned above are open.

On the Kanban board can be checked Latest updates and sort tasks by last modified. By the way, if you don’t know what kanban is, then remember – it’s a board with a table in the cells of which there are stickers with tasks. Initially, such a board had exactly physical fitness, and then was implemented on virtual platforms.

When talking about the structure of organizing kanban-type tasks, it is important to note that kanban pillars not only have customizable names, but also take into account access rights. For example, a user cannot move a task from one category to another if the administrator sets such a condition. You can set up Kanban posts in such a way that a user who has taken a task to work cannot return it back. This is necessary so that planning does not fall apart due to the constant mixing of tasks by employees. In addition, you can limit the number of tasks in work for one employee or set other special conditions depending on access rights.

Tasks can be organized not only within one kanban, but also expand sprints with kanbans. This feature is also very convenient and allows you to organize work not only within the general board, but also for each participant at a specific stage.

Implementation resultsJira in ITB Consulting

Thanks to the implementation of automated task accounting Jira, ITB Consulting was able to almost double the efficiency of its work. Despite a slight increase in labor intensity for the deployment of a new project, the speed of project processing has increased and the quality of work has reached a fundamental level new level .

The jira system provided us with many reports, thanks to which we constantly see the effectiveness of the work performed. This information allows you to eliminate your own mistakes and control your interaction with the customer. Customers also received a number of bonus features that allow them to access our boards in Jira at any time and get comprehensive information about the tasks of our employees and the status of completing these tasks.

Automation of task accounting simplified the work of all our structural divisions and improved their interaction. As a result of this, we were able to take on a larger number of projects and establish close cooperation with both our employees and invited freelance specialists.

Possibility of flexible configuration, which is not always typical for similar systems automation, allowed us to adapt this tool to the specifics of ITB Consulting’s work. Accordingly, we were able to develop our own Kanban options for each type of project and organize interaction between employees, prioritizing tasks and access rights to these tasks. In some cases, it was necessary to make sure that an employee could not refuse a task or would not be able to take on more than 5 tasks at the same time. Sometimes it was necessary to establish interactions between these tasks themselves.

An important result was implementation automated system technical support based on Jira. If work before was carried out primarily through the use Email or other means of communication, which prevented the transparent management of the entire application, now all requests are accumulated in one place. This greatly simplifies their processing and speeds up the response to the client. Accordingly, it has become much more convenient for clients to use the services of ITB Consulting. Now questions are not lost and the client always receives an answer.

The work process at ITB Consulting has reached a fundamentally new level thanks to the use of an automated task accounting system. This relatively simple mechanism greatly simplifies all work (after studying Jira itself) and guarantees our clients highest level services that even large companies cannot always boast of.

The solution is designed to support management activities:

  • research, design and design and survey institutes
  • machine-building enterprises, design bureaus, engineering companies
  • IT and consulting companies, system integrators
  • management and investment companies
  • project media business (organization of exhibition activities, media, advertising agencies)
  • any other project-oriented enterprises and organizations that use in their work the concepts: “project”, “project portfolio” and “project program”

Basic business processes automated using "1C:ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2":

  • Estimating the cost of the project before starting work. Preliminary estimate of the cost of work for the announced competition (tender).
  • Organization effective management finances of the company using project budgeting technology, using BDDS (traffic budgets) Money) and BDR (income and expenditure budgets).
  • Project contract management. Fixing the terms of the initial contractual relationship, fixing changes and additional agreements. Establishing connections between the work schedule under the contract and the work schedule design work. Creation of income and expense budgets and a cash flow budget for the project based on the terms of the contract.
  • Project monitoring based on key performance indicators. Providing operational data on key indicators to achieve strategic and tactical (operational) goals.
  • Ensuring effective management of a company with various organizational structures(functional, project, matrix structures). Division of areas of responsibility between project managers, project team leaders and functional managers when planning work and monitoring its execution.
  • Ensuring communications and effective interaction between the design and functional services of the organization.
  • Promptly providing company managers with up-to-date and reliable information by providing access to a single information space, design, financial, primary documents and data.
  • Efficient distribution of resources between projects. Objective analysis of project priorities and assessment of the degree of impact of deviations on the implementation of design work.
  • Increasing the pace and quality of project implementation. Constant monitoring of project progress, identifying deviations at the most early stages project. Providing the company's management personnel with the necessary information about emerging problems and violations of plans.
  • Timely response to deviations arising during the implementation of design work. Providing the company's management personnel with accurate, timely and non-redundant data on such deviations.
  • Management of risks. Increasing the likelihood of the occurrence and impact of favorable events and reducing the likelihood of the occurrence and impact of events unfavorable for the project.
  • Collection and analysis of the history of work on projects, accumulation and analysis of historical and statistical data, identification of “Best Practices”. Fixation of design solutions for the possibility of their use on subsequent projects. Determination of standards for each type of design work.
  • Workplace project manager
  • Automated functions and areas of project management
  • Certification of projects
  • Project Options
  • Project indicators
  • Project statuses (states)
  • Project registration
  • Appointment of a project manager
  • Approval of the project plan
  • Start of design work
  • Stopping design work
  • Change of project manager
  • Resumption of the project
  • Completion of the project
  • Project phase management

The project passport allows you to record and store general information about the project in the system. The project passport displays details that describe the main parameters of the project, such as the current manager, current status, division, project portfolio, project program and other parameters.

The project life cycle within the system consists of five stages:

  • Project initiation. At this stage, the intention to complete the project is recorded and a project manager is appointed. The project appears in the system as an object.
  • Project planning. At this stage, a preliminary project plan is developed, the composition and timing of design work, and the required labor, material and financial resources are determined.
  • Project approval. At this stage, the fundamental feasibility of the project is analyzed, resource conflicts with other projects are identified, adjustments are made, and the basic plan of the project is approved.
  • Project implementation. At this stage, work is distributed among labor resources, and work is monitored and controlled. Based on actual data received from performers, the project plan is regularly updated. If necessary, prompt rescheduling is carried out. Also at this stage, data is collected on the actual costs of material and financial resources.
  • Completion of the project. At this stage, the fact of termination of work on the project is recorded and an analysis is performed results achieved, identification and analysis of deviations (in terms of timing, cost, quality, etc.).

Planning the scope and timing of the project

  • Planning the project breakdown structure
  • Planning project milestones
  • Project schedule calculation
  • Fixing the project baseline
  • Import and export of data from/to "MS Project"

Project plan– a set of structural decomposition of work, calendar deadlines, milestone events and data on the involved labor, material and financial resources– can be entered into the system in several ways.

  • Manual entry of relevant documents through the project control panel.
  • Loading/unloading project data from/to MS Project.
  • Loading project data from a template stored in the system.

Also, the project plan can be entered into the system in a combined way: part of the data is taken from the template, part is loaded from the MS Project file, part of the data is entered and/or adjusted manually.
The system supports two methods of operational planning of project work:

  • Using the role structure of labor resources and a matrix management structure. In this case, the "project" manager manages the project plan, and the "functional" manager manages the execution of the work. The assignment of labor resources to specific jobs is made taking into account the roles performed.
  • Without using the role structure of labor resources and the matrix management structure. In this case, the “project” manager manages both the project plan and the execution of the work. The assignment of labor resources to specific jobs is made without taking into account the roles performed.

The visual tools of the system allow the manager to obtain information about the project in different views: table views, data tree, Gantt charts, project milestones map, network diagram.

Planning project volumes and deliveries

Supply planning and project scope planning - entering information into the system about the planned results of completing a project task. The supply and volume plan is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. In this case, the planned results can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed over the task period.

The planned results can be included in the planned income budget of the project task with detail by department.

Planning subcontracts and material costs of the project

  • Planning the use of project materials
  • Planning the use of equipment in a project
  • Planning subcontracts and additional project costs

Planning the use of materials, equipment, subcontracts and additional project costs - entering into the system information about the planned costs necessary to complete the project task. The plan for the use of materials and equipment is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. The plan for the use of subcontracts and additional costs is entered into the system in total values. In this case, the planned costs can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed over the task period.

Planned costs can be included in the planned cost budget of the project task, detailed by department.

Personnel and project labor planning

  • Changing the Project Task Manager
  • Assigning labor resources to the project
  • Assigning roles and planning labor costs for a project task
  • Assigning roles and planning work costs

The system allows you to appoint a manager for a specific project task, and automatically its subtasks, different from the manager of the project as a whole. A distinctive feature of the system is the role structure of labor resources, which is aimed at facilitating the process of planning, managing and analyzing not only labor resources, but also project management in general . An employee within the system represents a specific individual holding a certain position in the enterprise.

A labor resource is a unique set of human resources and hardware, involved as a performer of those design works that are elementary within the system (not decomposed). The role of a labor resource is an abstract labor resource that combines qualifications, job responsibilities and place in the functional hierarchy of the enterprise. Human resource roles are used in developing a project plan, analyzing project feasibility, and operational planning of labor resource load.

Assigning labor resources to a project - entering information into the system about which specific labor resources of the enterprise are supposed to be used to perform work within the framework of a particular project. Assigning roles and planning the labor costs of a project task - entering information into the system about which specific roles of labor resources enterprises are intended to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task. In this case, the volume of labor costs and their cost are indicated. The cost of attracting labor resources can be entered either manually or using the previously specified normalized cost of using resources.

Assignment of specific labor resources and planning of labor costs for a project task - entering into the system information about which specific labor resources of the enterprise are expected to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task.

Managing workload and working time for projects

  • Analysis of labor resource utilization and feasibility of the modeled project portfolio
  • Planning the operational load of specialists on projects
  • Project time tracking

To analyze the feasibility of a modeled project portfolio, the system provides the “Resource Load Analysis” processing, which allows you to timely track the conflict in the resources used between approved, ongoing and planned projects of the enterprise (resource conflict).

To analyze the load of labor resources, the system provides a corresponding report, which is intended to obtain information on the planned load of labor resources in the context of projects, project tasks, elementary operations and time periods.

To plan the operational workload of specialists on projects, the system provides appropriate processing, which is designed to promptly distribute the hourly time of specialists between tasks of different projects.

To record working time on projects, the system provides a document “Distribution of working time for the week”, which is intended for entering into the system data on the distribution of working time spent by a labor resource, during a calendar week, on project and non-project tasks, as well as for entering into the system data on lost (unproductively spent) working time.

Recording actual data and project events

  • Registration of material resource costs
  • Registration of additional costs
  • Recording the fact of a milestone event (passing a milestone)
  • Linking business transactions to the project

For each project task there are plans for earned volumes, material costs and plans for additional costs. During the implementation of a project, actual data may differ from planned data. To register actually completed mastered volumes, costs of material resources and additional costs, the system provides appropriate documents.

To record the fact of a milestone event (passing a milestone), the system provides a document “Closing a project milestone”.

To collect and visualize information about business transactions (represented by primary documents), which were produced within specific project, the system provides for processing "Project Business Transactions".

Project financial management

  • The principle of forming project budgets
  • Formation of a budget for project income and expenses
  • Formation of the project cash flow budget
  • Recording actual project budgets
  • Plan-actual analysis of project budgets

The system allows you to create, store and update plans for three project budgets: a project expenditure budget, a project income budget, a project cash flow budget (receipts and payments). Budget elements are stored in the context of project tasks, budget items, counterparties and contracts (agreements with counterparties).

For the budget of project expenses, the system provides a function for automatically generating budget elements. The cost budget is formed based on information about the costs planned for attracting labor, material and financial resources to complete the project task. Automatic formation is carried out on the basis of a distribution scheme for the amount planned for attracting a particular resource, according to cost items. The distribution scheme is configured by the user, and a situation is acceptable when not the entire planned amount is distributed among expenditure budget items, but only some part.

A key feature of the project financial management loop is the implicit linking of budget elements to calendar periods. When planning budgets, the period is specified as a set of rules that describe the binding of a budget element to the time frame of the project task. When the timing of a project task changes (including when updating the project), the system automatically recalculates financial plans.

Entering data on actual receipts and payments, as well as on the accrual of actual income and expenses, can be done at any stage of the project life cycle, and even after the completion of the project.

At the project budget level, the system allows you to:

  • Plan-actual analysis of the budget of income, expenses and cash flows for the project in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors, contracts and calendar periods.
  • Analysis of deviations between current data financial plan, any version of the financial plan and the actual state of affairs, identifying deviations.

The system's visual tools allow the user to obtain project budget data, both in a tabular and graphical format (charts and graphs). Within one screen form, you can get a detailed and summary plan of any of the budgets, a comparison of income with expenses and receipts with payments, a comparison of planned and actual data, etc.

Dispatching of design work

  • Life cycle of a project task
  • Planning and execution of work
  • Risk management in the area of ​​project timing
  • Analysis of work results

The methodology embedded in the system determines a number of features for design work that increase the efficiency of planning and control processes. Namely:

  • The specific work performed by a workforce on a project should be located at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure.
  • This work can have one and only one performer. If it is necessary to involve several performers to complete the work, it is necessary to either decompose the work into a number of elementary operations, or combine the performers into one labor resource. The principle of "one job - one performer" is the cornerstone of the work management loop.

The life cycle of project work consists of the following stages:

  • Pre-planning. At this stage, an elementary operation appears in the project plan, the performer, duration, complexity and cost of the work are indicated. The role of the labor resource appears as the performer at this stage.
  • Operational planning. At this stage, the performer of the work is determined, and the exact deadlines are determined. The labor resource appears as the performer at this stage.
  • Acceptance for execution. At this stage, the performer receives information about the task assigned to him and confirms his participation in its implementation.
  • Performance. At this stage, data on the working time spent on the task is periodically entered into the system.
  • Performance report. At this stage, the contractor reports on the completion of the work, indicates the actual deadlines and his actual labor costs.
  • Completion. At this stage, the manager confirms the completion of the work and, if necessary, adjusts the actual deadlines and labor costs.

Non-linear progression of project work through stages is allowed: the task can be returned to the contractor for revision, the task can be completed with the sign “unsuccessful” (in this case, a new copy tasks and is transferred to another executor), etc.

The mechanism for escalating project work implemented in the system allows the contractor to convey to management information about expected delays in the completion of work. This data is used by the updating mechanism - “bad news” affects the project’s calendar timeline upon its registration in the system.

At the level of design work, the system allows you to:

  • Collection and subsequent analysis of data on the distribution of working time of performers between project and non-project tasks, as well as data on non-productive costs (losses) of working time.
  • Analysis of accumulated statistical information on the execution of work, plan-fact analysis of the duration, labor intensity and cost of work, identification and analysis of deviations that have arisen.
  • Analysis of accumulated statistical information on the escalation of design work, identification and analysis of the reasons for failure to meet deadlines, analysis of the consequences of such failures.

The visual tools of the system allow the user to receive information in a convenient form about the work in which he is either a performer or a manager. The task list view actively uses color and graphic coding; it is possible to display the task list in the form of a Gantt chart.

Project update

  • Updating project deadlines
  • Updating % of project readiness

The key mechanism of the project management loop is the mechanism for updating the project: based on data on the actual completion (or failure of execution) of project work at the lower level of decomposition, the system makes a complete recalculation of the calendar dates of all project elements. Updating the project, carried out regularly, allows the manager to receive reliable information about the status of work and quickly respond to emerging problems.

Project versioning

The system allows you to create and store an unlimited number of versions of the project plan in the information base. The main task of the versioning subsystem is to enable system users to maintain several plans for one project in parallel. Simultaneous maintenance of several plans is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Be able to plan in several sections (for example, basic plan, approved plan, current plan)
  • Be able to track the history of change (dynamics) of each section and compare it with the fact.

Plan-actual analysis of the project

  • Project S-curve
  • Analysis of project economic dynamics
  • Plan-actual analysis of mastered volumes
  • Analysis of earned value by labor costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of labor costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of resource use
  • Plan-actual analysis of material resource costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of additional costs
  • Analysis of the status of design tasks
  • Plan-actual analysis of project timing
  • Plan-actual analysis of project control events (milestones)

At the project level, the system allows you to analyze the dynamics of the project economy, plan-actual analysis of mastered volumes, analysis of mastered volume by labor costs, plan-factual analysis of labor resource costs, plan-factual analysis of resource use, plan-factual analysis of material resource costs, plan-factual analysis of additional costs, analysis of the status of project tasks, plan-fact analysis of project deadlines, plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project, analysis of the project by indicators, and also building the S-curve of the project.

Project Communications Management

The system allows you to create and store project tasks in the information base. Project tasks are intended for entering and accounting for internal work of the project office. Tasks can be tied to a project or project task, or be an independent unit.

The system provides a mechanism for commenting on tasks and a mechanism for managing task statuses.

Knowledge management, standardization

  • Project typification
  • Library of design work templates
  • Standardization of design work
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Saving a project to a template
  • Comparative analysis projects based on templates
  • Fixation of design solutions

The system allows you to create and store project templates in the information base. The template can represent either a complete project plan or any fragment of a project plan. The template data structure is almost completely identical to the project structure: structural breakdown of work, information about labor, material and financial resources, budgets. The main difference between a template and a project plan is that there are no calendar deadlines in the template. Essentially, a project template describes the technology used by an enterprise to carry out typical projects.

The system implements the ability to exchange data between project management and knowledge management circuits. Any project plan can be saved as a template. Any of the templates can be loaded into the project plan, and the project plan can be replaced or supplemented with template data - the project plan can be assembled from several templates. When performing any data exchange operations between the knowledge management and project management circuits, the information base maintains a connection between the template element and the corresponding project element.

At the project template level, the system allows you to:

  • Analysis of statistical information on the use of technologies adopted at the enterprise in real projects.
  • Analysis of deviations (in terms of duration, labor intensity, cost of design work) arising in standard projects. The results of the analysis are used to identify bottlenecks and best practices", and are also used to make decisions on improving project implementation technologies.

Project evaluation and contract price calculation

  • Project evaluation
  • Formation of a project plan using a template and assessment

The system provides a document that allows, based on the information on the number of man-hours by role required to implement the contract and the amounts of other costs, to generate a report reflecting the planned cost of the contract, possible profit and profitability, and calculate the planned cost of the contract at a given % profitability.

Based on the document "Contract Price Calculation" and the project template, the system allows you to create a project plan.

Project contract management

  • Relationship between project stages and contract
  • Registration of changes to the project agreement by additional agreements
  • Formation of BDDS and BDR according to the stages of the project agreement
  • Formation of a printed form of an agreement using a template

The system allows you to detail the composition of the contract of counterparties to the activated stages, specify the terms of payment under the contract and establish a connection between the contract and the stages of the project.

Information about the terms of payment under the contract is used when forming the cash flow budget for the stages of the project.

Project Document Management

Options for working with documents:

  • Storing documents in the information base
  • Storing documents in "1C: Document Flow"

The system allows you to use the internal subsystem for working with files or the external one - “1C: Document Flow”.

Basic actions with documents - opening, capturing for editing, writing a new version) are available directly from the system.

For certain types of objects (projects, design tasks, etc.), the system allows you to create, store and modify links to documents located in the 1C: Document Flow repository.

Project Risk Management

  • Project Risk Identification
  • Project risk assessment
  • Planning activities to deal with risks
  • Recording the occurrence of risks
  • Monitoring project risk management

A subsystem is being developed that will allow identifying project risks, assessing project risks, planning activities to deal with risks, recording risk occurrences, and monitoring project risk management.

Project portfolio and program management

  • Project portfolios
  • Project programs
  • Workplace of the project office manager
  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects
  • Analysis of project indicators
  • Analysis of projects by milestones
  • Plan-actual reporting on project portfolios and programs

The system allows you to combine projects into programs and portfolios. One portfolio and/or one project program may contain projects at different stages of the life cycle. The project portfolio and project program represent additional analytical sections for all reports and analytical tools of the system, in which projects appear in one capacity or another.

At the project portfolio level, the system allows you to:

  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects. Modeling the composition of projects included in the thematic plan, with various indicators for planning periods;
  • Analysis of milestone events of the project portfolio. Consolidation of information about milestones of different projects in one view. Formation of a graphic map of project milestones. In case of actual or potential failure to meet deadlines, the predicted financial sanctions are calculated. The results of the analysis are used to make decisions in the process of operational and financial control of the enterprise’s activities;
  • Analysis of the current state and dynamics of changes in key indicators of projects included in the portfolio or program. The values ​​of key indicators can be entered manually by project managers, or can be automatically calculated by the system, if the initial data for the calculation can be obtained in the information base.

Project organization resource management

  • Structure of the enterprise's labor resources
  • Workforce capacity planning
  • Material resources of the enterprise
  • Rationing the cost of resources

The system supports three options for the management structure of an enterprise:

  • Project management structure. Project plans, workforce, and work execution are managed by project and task managers.
  • Functional management structure. Project plans, labor resources and work execution are managed by the heads of divisions and departments.
  • Matrix management structure. Project plans are managed by project managers, labor resources and work execution are managed by department heads.

The system uses a role structure of labor resources and two-level planning of project work: at the preliminary planning stage, work is planned by role (specialty), then at the operational planning stage, work is distributed among labor resources.

The system allows you to standardize the cost of attracting labor resources to perform work; for one labor resource and/or role, any number of discount rates can be stored in the system.

At the labor resource pool level, the system allows you to:

  • Modeling the resource constraints of an enterprise by entering planned capacity into the system for each of the roles (specialties). Comparison of planned and actual capacity of labor resource roles, identification of bottlenecks.
  • Analysis of the planned and actual load of resources, identification of “overloaded” and “underloaded” labor resources.
  • Service capabilities
  • Checking the project structure
  • Search for problematic objects IS subsystems

Technological advantages

"1C:ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2.0" was developed using latest version technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", which allows:

  • ensure high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
  • organize work with the system via the Internet, in thin client or web client mode (via a regular Internet browser), including in “cloud” mode;
  • create mobile workplaces using tablets and smartphones running iOS or Android;
  • customize the interface for a specific user or group of users, taking into account the user’s role, his access rights and individual settings.

The mechanism of functional options, implemented in "1C:ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2.0", allows you to "turn on" or "turn off" various functional parts of the application solution without programming (configuration changes).

Product cost

Cost of additional licenses

Name Price
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 1 rub.m. 21 600
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 5 rubles. 74 400
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 10 rubles. 144 000
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 20 rubles. 240 000
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 50 rubles. 480 000
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 100 rubles. 720 000
1C:PM Project management. Client license for 300 rubles. 1 800 000

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Products of the "PM Project Management" line (versions PROF and KORP) are designed to automate a wide range of tasks within the framework of project management, project programs and project portfolios at enterprises and organizations in various industries, and are a development of the " " solution. Implemented on managed forms.

Online demo version of the "Project Management" program

According to the vendor's licensing policy, demo access to 1C:Enterprise products is possible only upon prior request. After submitting your application, you will be able to connect, review and test the trial in detail. demo version of PM online:

Request for demo access:


There is no need to download a demo - the demo version of PM is available right now on the Internet!

Price list for software products of the "PM Project Management" line

From 02/15/2016 the following software products go on sale:

Name Price, UAH
PM Project Management PROF 12 331
PM Project Management CORP 39 993
PM Project Management. Client license for 1 rub.m. 8 998
PM Project Management. Client license for 5 rubles. 30 995
PM Project Management. Client license for 10 rubles. 59 990
PM Project Management. Client license for 20 rubles. 99 984
PM Project Management. Client license for 50 rubles. 199 969
PM Project Management. Client license for 100 rubles. 299 954
PM Project Management. Client license for 300 rubles 749 886
Enterprise 8. PM Project Management PROF 39 993
14 172
98 735

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 workstations) and client licenses for PM Project Management (for 1 , 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 300 jobs).

It is possible to use the PROF or CORP version platform for PM Project Management products, regardless of their versions. "PM Project Management" client licenses are intended for licensing workstations that will use the functionality of "PM Project Management" products, with the exception of the functions of time tracking and communication management within the project.

The software products "PM Project Management PROF", "PM Project Management KORP" and client licenses "PM Project Management" are supplied with software configuration protection; if it is necessary to use hardware protection, an additional purchase order must be filled out.

To use application solutions from the "PM Project Management" line in the client-server version, a license for the "1C:Enterprise 8" server is required.

Evolution of product development

  1. The very first product was released "Project Office Management"
  2. Subsequently, on the basis of this product, " " was created, which is a development of the functionality of the first main solution
  3. The last in the chain is the complex product “Project Organization Management” (essentially it is an integrated solution of several configurations:

  • PMO Project Management +
  • ERP Resource Management +
  • KPI Key performance indicator management +
  • FRM Financial Management +
  • CRM Relationship management with customers, suppliers and contractors
  • if necessary, additionally integrates with Document Flow

New line 1C:Enterprise for project management

In February 2015, the solution "ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2.0" was released. The product "ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2.0" is designed to support the management activities of enterprises implementing projects and is aimed at reducing operational and transaction costs. This product is developed on the basis of the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" solution with the inclusion of all ERP functionality.

To include the project functionality of this product in integrated information systems operating on the basis of products containing the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration (including industry ERP solutions), the "PM Module Project Management for ERP" was released. Organizations using software products containing the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration can purchase a separate "PM Module Project Management for ERP" and integrate it into a unified information system.

Organizations that do not use software products containing the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration can use the solutions "PM Project Management PROF" or "PM Project Management KORP" to automate project management tasks, incl. together with "Accounting" and "Document Flow".

When the needs for the functionality of the information system increase and the transition to the use of ERP solutions is possible, it is possible to switch on the terms of an upgrade from the solutions "PM Project Management PROF or CORP" to "ERP+PM Project Organization Management 2.0" or a separate module "PM Project Management for ERP "(in conjunction with a solution containing the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration), while all accumulated data of the project block will be saved, all listed solutions of the new "project line" use single client licenses "PM Project Management" (investments in previously purchased client licenses will be fully retained in case of transition to a more functional solution).

Integration with other applications

  • The “Project Office Management” configuration is integrated with the “Archive” document management system (Archive is the solution on the basis of which the Document Flow system was subsequently developed)

The configuration contains integration tools with standard solutions:

  • Accounting
  • Document flow.

To integrate with Ukrainian versions of these products, you need additional work on setting up, adapting and supporting integration with localized configurations.

Functionality of the PM Project Management products

Comparison of the functionality of the products "PM Project Management PROF" and "PM Project Management CORP":

Functions PROF CORP
Project evaluation and contract price calculation - +
Project management + +
Planning the scope and timing of the project + +
- +
Project budgeting + +
Project contract management + +
Personnel and project labor planning + +
Managing workload and working time for projects + +
Planning project volumes and deliveries + +
Planning subcontracts and material costs of the project + +
Recording actual data and project events + +
Dispatching of design work + +
Project update + +
Project versioning + +
Plan-actual analysis of the project + +
Project Communications Management + +
Project Document Management + +
Project Risk Management - +
Project portfolio and program management + +
Standardization, design solutions - +

Support for the software product "Project Office Management"

We draw the attention of users and partners that the software product "", which is successfully used in a large number of organizations, is not withdrawn from sale and support. This product is designed to automate project management tasks in the case of lower functional requirements compared to new solutions in the PM Project Management line.

When switching from using “Project Office Management” to “PM Project Management” solutions, it is possible to transfer basic regulatory and reference information to the new information base.

Sales procedure

Distribution and implementation of the software products "PM Project Management PROF" and "PM Project Management CORP" is carried out only by partners. Mandatory requirements There are no certified specialists available.

APPENDIX 1: Prices for software products

Name Price, UAH
ERP+PM Project organization management 2.0 162 475
PM Module Project Management for ERP 39 993
PM Project Management PROF 12 331
PM Project Management CORP 39 993
PM Project Management. Client license for 1 workstation 8 998
PM Project Management. Client license for 5 workstations 30 995
PM Project Management. Client license for 10 workstations 59 990
PM Project Management. Client license for 20 workstations 99 984
PM Project Management. Client license for 50 workstations 199 969
PM Project Management. Client license for 100 workstations 299 954
PM Project Management. Client license for 300 workstations 749 886

APPENDIX 2: Functionality of the software products "PM Project Management" (Versions PROF and KORP)

Solutions "PM Project Management" is a product, the development of which took into account international standards for managing projects and project portfolios, as well as the experience of automation of project-oriented enterprises.

Solutions are designed for:

  • Research, design, research institutes, machine-building enterprises, design bureaus
  • Engineering, IT and consulting companies, system integrators
  • Project media business (organization of exhibition activities, media, advertising agencies)
  • Any other organizations that use in their work the concepts: “project”, “project portfolio” and “project program”

Main business processes automated using "PM Project Management":

  • Estimating the cost of the project before starting work. Preliminary estimate of the cost of work for the announced competition (tender).
  • Organization of effective financial management of the company using project budgeting technology, using cash flow budgets (cash flow budgets) and BDR (income and expense budgets).
  • Project contract management. Fixing the terms of the initial contractual relationship, fixing changes and additional agreements. Establishing connections between the contract work schedule and the design work schedule. * * Creation of income and expense budgets and a cash flow budget for the project based on the terms of the contract. Project monitoring based on key performance indicators. Providing operational data on key indicators to achieve strategic and tactical (operational) goals.
  • Ensuring effective management of a company with various organizational structures (functional, project, matrix structures). Separation of areas of responsibility between project managers, project team leaders and functional managers when planning work and monitoring their execution.
  • Ensuring communications and effective interaction between the design and functional services of the organization.
  • Promptly providing the company's management personnel with up-to-date and reliable information through access to a single information space, to design, financial, primary documents and data.
  • Efficient distribution of resources between projects. Objective analysis of project priorities and assessment of the degree of impact of deviations on the implementation of design work.
  • Increasing the pace and quality of project implementation. Constant monitoring of project progress, identifying deviations at the earliest stages of the project. Providing the company's management personnel with the necessary information about emerging problems and violations of plans.
  • Timely response to deviations arising during the implementation of design work. Management of risks. Increasing the likelihood of the occurrence and impact of favorable events and reducing the likelihood of the occurrence and impact of events unfavorable for the project.
  • Collection and analysis of project work history, improvement of enterprise technologies. Accumulation and analysis of historical and statistical data, identification of “Best Practices”. Fixation of design solutions for the possibility of their use on subsequent projects. Determination of standards for each type of design work.

The project passport allows you to record and store general information about the project in the system. The project passport displays details that describe the main parameters of the project, such as the current manager, current status, division, project portfolio, project program and other parameters.

The project life cycle within the system consists of five stages:

  • Project initiation. At this stage, the intention to complete the project is recorded and a project manager is appointed. The project appears in the system as an object.
  • Project planning. At this stage, a preliminary project plan is developed, the composition and timing of design work, and the required labor, material and financial resources are determined.
  • Project approval. At this stage, the fundamental feasibility of the project is analyzed, resource conflicts with other projects are identified, adjustments are made, and the basic plan of the project is approved.
  • Project implementation. At this stage, work is distributed among labor resources, and work is monitored and controlled. Based on actual data received from performers, the project plan is regularly updated. If necessary, prompt rescheduling is carried out. Also at this stage, data is collected on the actual costs of material and financial resources.
  • Completion of the project. At this stage, the fact of termination of work on the project is recorded, the results achieved are analyzed, deviations are identified and analyzed (in terms of timing, cost, quality, etc.).

Planning the scope and timing of the project

  • Planning the project breakdown structure
  • Planning project milestones
  • Calculation of the project schedule
  • Fixing the project baseline
  • Import and export of data from/to "MS Project"

The project plan - a set of structural breakdown of work, calendar dates, milestones and data on the involved labor, material and financial resources - can be entered into the system in several ways.

  • Manual entry of relevant documents through the project control panel.
  • Loading/unloading project data from/to MS Project.
  • Loading project data from a template stored in the system.

Also, the project plan can be entered into the system in a combined way: part of the data is taken from the template, part is loaded from the MS Project file, part of the data is entered and/or adjusted manually.

The system supports two methods of operational planning of project work:

  • Using the role structure of labor resources and a matrix management structure. In this case, the "project" manager manages the project plan, and the "functional" manager manages the execution of the work. The assignment of labor resources to specific jobs is made taking into account the roles performed.
  • Without using the role structure of labor resources and the matrix management structure. In this case, the “project” manager manages both the project plan and the execution of the work. The assignment of labor resources to specific jobs is made without taking into account the roles performed.

The visual tools of the system allow the manager to obtain information about the project in different views: table views, data tree, Gantt charts, project milestones map, network diagram.

  • Typing control points(quality gate, Gate)
  • Relationship between control points (quality gates, Gate) and project phases
  • Passing control points (quality gates, Gate) after making design decisions
  • Visualization of control points (quality gates, Gate) with selection in a Gantt chart
  • Visualization of associated milestones and project phases with KPI Phases

The functionality can be used in project management, where, for example, decisions are made on the continuation of the project and the allocation of funding according to the budget of the next phase investment project carried out only after the completion of the current phase according to strictly formalized criteria. Top-level control of the project is provided for the transition from phase to phase of the project through the passage of control points (quality gates, Gate) after making major design decisions with KPI monitoring for the current Project Phase.

Planning project volumes and deliveries

  • Project supply planning

Supply planning and project scope planning - entering information into the system about the planned results of completing a project task. The supply and volume plan is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. In this case, the planned results can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed over the task period.

The planned results can be included in the planned income budget of the project task with detail by department.

Planning subcontracts and material costs of the project

  • Planning the use of project materials
  • Planning the use of equipment in a project
  • Planning subcontracts and additional project costs

Planning the use of materials, equipment, subcontracts and additional project costs - entering into the system information about the planned costs necessary to complete the project task. The plan for the use of materials and equipment is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. The plan for the use of subcontracts and additional costs is entered into the system in total values. In this case, the planned costs can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed over the task period.

Planned costs can be included in the planned cost budget of the project task, detailed by department.

Personnel and project labor planning

  • Changing the Project Task Manager
  • Assigning labor resources to the project
  • Assigning roles and planning labor costs for a project task
  • Assigning roles and planning work costs

The system allows you to appoint a manager for a specific project task, and automatically its subtasks, different from the manager of the project as a whole.

A distinctive feature of the system is the role structure of labor resources, which is aimed at facilitating the process of planning, management and analysis of not only labor resources, but also project management in general.

An employee within the system is a specific individual occupying a specific position in the enterprise.

The labor resource is a unique set of human resources and hardware, involved as a performer of those design works that are elementary within the system (not decomposed).

The role of a labor resource is an abstract labor resource that combines qualifications, job responsibilities and a place in the functional hierarchy of the enterprise. Human resource roles are used in developing a project plan, analyzing project feasibility, and operational planning of labor resource load.

Assigning labor resources to a project is entering information into the system about which labor resources of the enterprise are expected to be used to perform work within a particular project.

Assigning roles and planning labor costs for a project task - entering information into the system about which roles of the enterprise’s labor resources are expected to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task. In this case, the volume of labor costs and their cost are indicated. The cost of attracting labor resources can be entered either manually or using the previously specified normalized cost of using resources.

Assignment of specific labor resources and planning of labor costs for a project task - entering into the system information about which specific labor resources of the enterprise are expected to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task.

Managing workload and working time for projects

  • Analysis of labor resource utilization and feasibility of the modeled project portfolio
  • Planning the operational load of specialists on projects
  • Project time tracking

To analyze the feasibility of a modeled project portfolio, the system provides the “Resource Load Analysis” processing, which allows you to timely track the conflict in the resources used between approved, ongoing and planned enterprise projects (resource conflict).

To analyze the load of labor resources, the system provides a corresponding report, which is intended to obtain information on the planned load of labor resources in the context of projects, project tasks, elementary operations and time periods.

To plan the operational workload of specialists on projects, the system provides appropriate processing, which is designed to promptly distribute the hourly time of specialists between tasks of different projects.

To record working time on projects, the system provides a document “Distribution of working time for the week”, which is intended for entering into the system data on the distribution of working time spent by a labor resource, during a calendar week, on project and non-project tasks, as well as for entering into the system data on lost (unproductively spent) working time.

Recording actual data and project events

  • Registration of material resource costs
  • Registration of additional costs
  • Recording the fact of a milestone event (passing a milestone)
  • Linking business transactions to the project

For each project task there are plans for earned volumes, material costs and plans for additional costs. During the implementation of a project, actual data may differ from planned data. To register actually completed mastered volumes, costs of material resources and additional costs, the system provides appropriate documents.

To record the fact of a milestone event (passing a milestone), the system provides a document “Closing a project milestone”.

To collect and visualize information about business transactions (represented by primary documents) that were carried out within the framework of a specific project, the system provides for processing “Project Business Transactions”.

Project financial management

  • The principle of forming project budgets
  • Formation of a budget for project income and expenses
  • Formation of the project cash flow budget
  • Recording actual project budgets
  • Plan-actual analysis of project budgets

The system allows you to create, store and update three plans project budgets: budget for project expenses, budget for income for the project, budget for cash flows (receipts and payments) for the project. Budget elements are stored in the context of project tasks, budget items, counterparties and contracts (agreements with counterparties).

For the budget of project expenses, the system provides a function for automatically generating budget elements. The cost budget is formed based on information about the costs planned for attracting labor, material and financial resources to complete the project task. Automatic formation is carried out on the basis of a distribution scheme for the amount planned for attracting a particular resource, according to cost items. The distribution scheme is configured by the user, and a situation is acceptable when not the entire planned amount is distributed among expenditure budget items, but only some part.

A key feature of the project financial management loop is the implicit linking of budget elements to calendar periods. When planning budgets, the period is specified as a set of rules that describe the binding of a budget element to the time frame of the project task. When the timing of a project task changes (including when updating the project), the system automatically recalculates financial plans.

Entering data on actual receipts and payments, as well as on the accrual of actual income and expenses, can be done at any stage of the project life cycle, and even after the completion of the project.

At the project budget level, the system allows you to:

  • Plan-actual analysis of the budget of income, expenses and cash flows for the project in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors, contracts and calendar periods.
  • Analysis of deviations between the data of the current financial plan, any version of the financial plan and the actual state of affairs, identifying deviations.

The system's visual tools allow the user to obtain project budget data, both in a tabular and graphical format (charts and graphs). Within one screen form, you can get a detailed and summary plan of any of the budgets, a comparison of income with expenses and receipts with payments, a comparison of planned and actual data, etc.

Dispatching of design work

  • Life cycle of a project task
  • Planning and execution of work
  • Risk management in the area of ​​project timing
  • Analysis of work results

The methodology embedded in the system determines a number of features for design work that increase the efficiency of planning and control processes. Namely:

  • The specific work performed by a workforce on a project should be located at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure.
  • This work can have one and only one performer. If it is necessary to involve several performers to complete the work, it is necessary to either decompose the work into a number of elementary operations, or combine the performers into one labor resource. The principle of “one job - one performer” is the cornerstone of the work management loop.

The life cycle of project work consists of the following stages:

  • Pre-planning. At this stage, an elementary operation appears in the project plan, the performer, duration, complexity and cost of the work are indicated. The role of the labor resource appears as the performer at this stage.
  • Operational planning. At this stage, the performer of the work is determined, and the exact deadlines are determined. The labor resource appears as the performer at this stage. Acceptance for execution. At this stage, the performer receives information about the task assigned to him and confirms his participation in its implementation.
  • Performance. At this stage, data on the working time spent on the task is periodically entered into the system. Performance report. At this stage, the contractor reports on the completion of the work, indicates the actual deadlines and his actual labor costs.
  • Completion. At this stage, the manager confirms the completion of the work and, if necessary, adjusts the actual deadlines and labor costs.

A non-linear progression of project work through stages is allowed: the task can be returned to the executor for revision, the task can be completed with the sign “unsuccessful” (in this case, a new instance of the task is created and transferred to another executor), etc.

The mechanism for escalating project work implemented in the system allows the contractor to convey to management information about expected delays in the completion of work. This data is used by the updating mechanism - “bad news” affects the project’s calendar timeline upon its registration in the system.

At the level of design work, the system allows you to:

  • Collection and subsequent analysis of data on the distribution of working time of performers between project and non-project tasks, as well as data on non-productive costs (losses) of working time.
  • Analysis of accumulated statistical information on the execution of work, plan-fact analysis of the duration, labor intensity and cost of work, identification and analysis of deviations that have arisen.
  • Analysis of accumulated statistical information on the escalation of design work, identification and analysis of the reasons for failure to meet deadlines, analysis of the consequences of such failures.

The visual tools of the system allow the user to receive information in a convenient form about the work in which he is either a performer or a manager. The task list view actively uses color and graphic coding; it is possible to display the task list in the form of a Gantt chart.

Project update

  • Updating project deadlines
  • Updating % of project readiness

The key mechanism of the project management loop is the mechanism for updating the project: based on data on the actual completion (or failure of execution) of project work at the lower level of decomposition, the system makes a complete recalculation of the calendar dates of all project elements. Updating the project, carried out regularly, allows the manager to receive reliable information about the status of work and quickly respond to emerging problems.

Project versioning

  • Project versioning

The system allows you to create and store an unlimited number of versions of the project plan in the information base. The main task of the versioning subsystem is to enable system users to maintain several plans for one project in parallel. Simultaneous maintenance of several plans is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Be able to plan in several sections (for example, basic plan, approved plan, current plan)
  • Be able to track the history of change (dynamics) of each section and compare it with the fact.

Plan-actual analysis of the project

  • Project S-curve
  • Analysis of project economic dynamics
  • Plan-actual analysis of mastered volumes
  • Analysis of earned value by labor costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of labor costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of resource use
  • Plan-actual analysis of material resource costs
  • Plan-actual analysis of additional costs
  • Analysis of the status of design tasks
  • Plan-actual analysis of project timing
  • Plan-actual analysis of project control events (milestones)

At the project level, the system allows you to analyze the dynamics of the project economy, plan-actual analysis of mastered volumes, analysis of mastered volume by labor costs, plan-factual analysis of labor resource costs, plan-factual analysis of resource use, plan-factual analysis of material resource costs, plan-factual analysis of additional costs, analysis of the status of project tasks, plan-fact analysis of project deadlines, plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project, analysis of the project by indicators, and also building the S-curve of the project.

Project Communications Management

  • Assignments and commenting in projects

The system allows you to create and store project tasks in the information base. Project tasks are intended for entering and accounting for internal work of the project office. Tasks can be tied to a project or project task, or be an independent unit.

The system provides a mechanism for commenting on tasks and a mechanism for managing task statuses.

Knowledge management, standardization

  • Project typification
  • Library of design work templates
  • Standardization of design work
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Saving a project to a template
  • Comparative analysis of projects using templates
  • Fixation of design solutions

The system allows you to create and store project templates in the information base. The template can represent either a complete project plan or any fragment of a project plan. The template data structure is almost completely identical to the project structure: structural breakdown of work, information about labor, material and financial resources, budgets. The main difference between a template and a project plan is that there are no calendar deadlines in the template. Essentially, a project template describes the technology used by an enterprise to carry out typical projects.

The system implements the ability to exchange data between project management and knowledge management circuits. Any project plan can be saved as a template. Any of the templates can be loaded into the project plan, and the project plan can be replaced or supplemented with template data - the project plan can be assembled from several templates. When performing any data exchange operations between the knowledge management and project management circuits, the information base maintains a connection between the template element and the corresponding project element.

At the project template level, the system allows you to:

  • Analysis of statistical information on the use of technologies adopted at the enterprise in real projects.
  • Analysis of deviations (in terms of duration, labor intensity, cost of design work) that arise in standard projects. The results of the analysis are used to identify bottlenecks and best practices, and are also used to make decisions on improving project execution technologies.
  • Project evaluation
  • Formation of a project plan using a template and assessment

Project evaluation and contract price calculation

The system provides a document that allows, based on the information on the number of man-hours by role required to implement the contract and the amounts of other costs, to generate a report reflecting the planned cost of the contract, possible profit and profitability, and calculate the planned cost of the contract at a given % profitability.

Based on the document "Contract Price Calculation" and the project template, the system allows you to create a project plan.

Project contract management

  • Relationship between project stages and contract
  • Registration of changes to the project agreement by additional agreements
  • Formation of BDDS and BDR according to the stages of the project agreement
  • Formation of a printed form of an agreement using a template

The system allows you to detail the composition of the contract of counterparties to the activated stages, specify the terms of payment under the contract and establish a connection between the contract and the stages of the project.

Information about the terms of payment under the contract is used when forming the cash flow budget for the stages of the project.

Project Document Management

Options for working with documents:

  • Storing documents in the information base
  • Storing documents in " "

The system allows you to use the internal subsystem for working with files or the external one - "t".

Basic actions with documents - opening, capturing for editing, recording a new version - are available directly from the system.

For certain types of objects (projects, design tasks, etc.), the system allows you to create, store and modify links to documents located in the " " repository.

Project Risk Management

  • Project Risk Identification
  • Project risk assessment
  • Planning activities to deal with risks
  • Recording the occurrence of risks
  • Monitoring project risk management

A subsystem is being developed that will allow identifying project risks, assessing project risks, planning activities to deal with risks, recording risk occurrences, and monitoring project risk management.

Project portfolio and program management

  • Project portfolios
  • Project programs
  • Workplace of the project office manager
  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects
  • Analysis of project indicators
  • Analysis of projects by milestones
  • Plan-actual reporting on project portfolios and programs

The system allows you to combine projects into programs and portfolios. One portfolio and/or one project program may contain projects at different stages of the life cycle. The project portfolio and project program represent additional analytical sections for all reports and analytical tools of the system, in which projects appear in one capacity or another.

At the project portfolio level, the system allows you to:

  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects. Modeling the composition of projects included in the thematic plan, with various indicators for planning periods;
  • Analysis of milestone events of the project portfolio. Consolidation of information about milestones of different projects in one view. Formation of a graphic map of project milestones. In case of actual or potential failure to meet deadlines, the predicted financial sanctions are calculated. The results of the analysis are used to make decisions in the process of operational and financial control of the enterprise’s activities;
  • Analysis of the current state and dynamics of changes in key indicators of projects included in the portfolio or program. The values ​​of key indicators can be entered manually by project managers, or can be automatically calculated by the system, if the initial data for the calculation can be obtained in the information base.

Project organization resource management

  • Structure of the enterprise's labor resources
  • Workforce capacity planning
  • Material resources of the enterprise
  • Rationing the cost of resources

The system supports three options for the management structure of an enterprise:

  • Project management structure. Project plans, workforce, and work execution are managed by project and task managers.
  • Functional management structure. Project plans, labor resources and work execution are managed by the heads of divisions and departments.
  • Matrix management structure. Project plans are managed by project managers, labor resources and work execution are managed by department heads.

The system uses a role structure of labor resources and two-level planning of project work: at the preliminary planning stage, work is planned by role (specialty), then at the operational planning stage, work is distributed among labor resources.

The system allows you to standardize the cost of attracting labor resources to perform work; for one labor resource and/or role, any number of discount rates can be stored in the system.

At the labor resource pool level, the system allows you to:

  • Modeling the resource constraints of an enterprise by entering planned capacity into the system for each of the roles (specialties). * Comparison of planned and actual capacity of labor resource roles, identifying bottlenecks.
  • Analysis of the planned and actual load of resources, identification of “overloaded” and “underloaded” labor resources. Service capabilities
  • Checking the project structure
  • Search for problematic objects IS subsystems

Technological advantages

"PM Project Management" software products are developed on the latest version of the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", which allows:

  • ensure high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
  • organize work with the system via the Internet, in thin client or web client mode (via a regular Internet browser), including in “cloud” mode;
  • create mobile workplaces using tablets and smartphones running iOS or Android;
  • customize the interface for a specific user or group of users, taking into account the user’s role, his access rights and individual settings.

PM Project Management Updates from 05.22.17

Correction of identified errors from 03/16/17

Managing a project organization Transferring tasks between projects (experimental function).

The document “Closing the stage” and the task status “closed”.

Typical roles support RLS for projects in the project outline.

Internal and external labor resource cost standards in design options.

Editing the internal cost rate of labor resources in the project structure (supports dragging with the right and left mouse buttons).

Selecting a “default employee” in personal settings and in the user card.

Selecting the project recalculation delay when adding a task (in the structure) in personal settings.

Filtering by current project is now set only if the report is opened from the desktop.

If the current project is not filled in, then when opening lists of documents, selection for the current project is not set.

The default settings of standard reports have been slightly improved (for example: “Status of project tasks”, “Status of project tasks”).

The program title now displays the current employee.

New fields in the project task: result plan and result fact.

The owner of the work resource is now displayed on the work resource form.

New indicators in the project structure: Cost structure (16 indicators). The calculation is associated with new predefined types of “subcontracting\own forces” - “RK” and “RPO”, as well as setting up exceptions from the payroll in the subsystem settings. The payroll calculation algorithm has been changed.

In project phases, it is now possible to display the executor of a design solution and overdue design solutions are highlighted in red.

In the documents “assignment of technical requirements to work orders”, “time sheet”, “saving project data”, many fields that were previously unavailable for opening can now be opened by double-clicking.

The new role “Add change to timesheet (without restrictions)” provides full access to all timesheets.

Ability to sort tasks in the time sheet. from 11/23/16

New in version

Project organization management

Project tasks

  • Two levels of role planning;
  • The behavior of the "Edit" button on the "performers" tab has been changed;
  • The behavior of the "Fill by labor resources" button has been changed + a new command "Fill by labor resources (without clearing)" has been added;
  • Assigning a labor resource to a work order - now there is no control that the labor resource has already been assigned earlier.
  • Establishing a connection using Ctrl+C on the RDD Code field Ctrl+V on the connection field;
  • Editing roles, two levels of planning and assignment of labor resources;
  • Editing modes (standard, labor planning);
  • Special mark for editable columns in the settings form.


  • Synchronization with tasks via new scheme(statuses, deadlines);
  • Option "Specify task executor";
  • When copying, if there are no rights to view the PP, the field is cleared.
  • Writing off time for tasks related to work orders - time is determined by the deadlines of the task, not the work orders;
  • You can write off time for tasks for which roles are not scheduled.

New functionality

  • New Planner tool;
  • New document "Forecast of labor costs by role";
  • New document "Planning of labor costs by labor resources";
  • New report "Labor productivity by type of operation";
  • "Efficiency of labor resources on commercial projects."


  • New personal settings for project contour reports;
  • Reorganization of information security parameters (new name "Configuring the PM subsystem"), settings common mechanism moved to the "Service" section;
  • New configuration protection settings form; protection is initialized the first time the protected functionality is accessed, and not at system startup;
  • Project labor indicators are broken down into planning levels;
  • Work with versions in the "Project Version Management" processing has been optimized;
  • Optimization of work in web client mode. from 09/26/16

New in version

Project organization management

Executive Dashboard (Metrics Dashboard)

  • Added the ability to select and group by the “Financing Source” field;
  • The name of the loaded setting in the form header;
  • Indicators: Expenses (T), % R (T), Volumes D (F) (V), Volumes D (T), %V D (T);
  • Volume indicators: EV, CPI, SPI, TCPI;
  • Risk indicators: Risks exist, Risks have occurred;
  • Indicators for control of contracts: Contract ex. (control), Expenses contract. (control);
  • Full description of indicators in the panel;
  • When creating a new setting without specifying a name, the name will consist of: “New setting” + current date and time;
  • Fixed error in additional output. fields without heading;
  • Fixed a bug that the panel displayed design tasks that did not exist in the current version.

Project versions

  • Contract version.

Project tasks

  • Amount of sanctions per day of delay; Updating the distribution of volumes in the PP.
  • Proposal to register a project when opening an unregistered structure;
  • For a project, you can define units. duration measurements for new tasks (set in the project card);
  • Counter of allocated lines;
  • Group duration change;
  • Now clicking on the name of a task in the DG behaves like clicking on an interval;
  • After updating, the selected line remains the same, rather than jumping to the first one;
  • Function “Update by subordinate projects” (dates only);
  • Indicators: Expenses (T), % R (T), Volumes D (T), %V D (T);
  • Indicators: Start date according to DP, End date according to DP;
  • Indicators: Amount of sanctions, Days of delay;
  • When an error is displayed that the year is not registered for the calendar, the name of the calendar is now written.

Project card

  • “Project team” page;
  • Project Environment page;
  • Panel of indicators in the project and selection of settings in the parameters (subsystem, portfolio, project).

Project program

  • Button to open a structure in the list;
  • Ability to change the main project.


  • New report “Project Balance”;
  • Explanation fields in the EVA Earned Values ​​report.


  • New document “Working time sheet”;
  • Processing “Management of design model options”;
  • Template import/export buttons in the card and project structure;
  • The type of processing “creating a project from a template”, “saving a project to a template”, “import from MS Project” has been slightly changed. from 06/01/16

Correction of identified errors. from 03/21/16

First configuration release.

The current version of the configuration "PM Project Management KORP" is intended for use with a version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system not lower than