Plane in space - the necessary information. Orthogonal projections of a straight line

We continue the series of publications about the natural beauties of Iran and present to your attention the magnificent mountain peaks of the country. If most of Iran is covered with deserts, then the second half is mostly considered mountainous. From two sides the country is surrounded by the largest mountain systems Albroz (Elbrus) and Zagros. Below you can see the most beautiful mountain ranges of these two systems:

Mountain peaks in Iran: mountain system Elbrus and its peaks

The Elburs mountain system covers the northern regions of Iran. Some of its peaks attract amateurs, which is actively developing in the country, and the state offers more and more options for rock climbing, hiking tours, etc. to attract tourists.

Peak Tochal

Outside Tehran, the majestic peak of Tochal (height 3933) is already visible. From the capital to the top can be reached in several ways. One of the roads leads through the bed of the river Darbend, on the way you can see two waterfalls Abshar dogulu and Sutak. Another road passes through the Velenjak region. From here, a cable car leads to the top. The last road leads through the Pelengchal Gorge. This is the most popular route among locals who stop in the Jengel-Kara valley for picnics. Definitely, the mountain peak Tochal is worthy of attention due to its natural beauty.

A ski center is also open here, which has the longest ski lift in the world (8 km long), mountain slopes 17 km long and of various difficulties. The skiing season lasts about 8 months from November to April, and the whole season ski resort crowded with local adventurers and guests. At the top is the hotel Tochal, restaurants and cafes for a good rest.

Volcano Damavend

The highest point of the Elbrus mountain range is the extinct volcano Damavend (height 5610) (85 km from Tehran). The volcano is considered extinct, but there are still sources of hot gases around the crater, which from afar form a cloud over the mountain. On the way to the volcano, at an altitude of 5100 meters, there is a frozen Obshar Yahi waterfall.
Damavend is quite a popular extreme tourism destination. There are 16 routes leading to the mountain with camps for spending the night and rest.

At the foot of Damavend there is a ski resort, which was the very first in Iran. It is most popular among beginners who are not used to extreme trails. At the top there are 10 slopes that are ideal for snowboarding. There are four lifts and two gondola lifts on the slopes.

Another popular ski resort in Iran, Dizin, is located at the southern foot of Mount Elbrus. The steep slopes attract adrenaline junkies and professional athletes from all over the world. In addition, the level of the ski resort meets the standards for international competitions. The peculiarity of the ski resort is that, due to its high location, the season lasts longer than in other resorts (from November to May). All conditions for comfortable rest are created here.

Mountain peaks in Iran: the Zagros mountain system and its peaks

From Tabriz to Bandar Abbas stretches the Zagros mountain range. Travelers who prefer to stay away from tourist centers, in secluded places where you can get to know the life of Iran, choose a route along the Zagros mountain range. In the meantime, the Zagros mountain range is fraught with unexplored beauty: stormy waterfalls, awesome rocks, salt lakes, gorges and meadows. From here originates the most full-flowing river in Iran Karun.

Mount Dena

Mount Dena and its territories have been considered protected areas since 1990 due to their unique nature. The top is ideal for mountaineering and extreme tourism. The 80 km mountain range runs through the provinces of Fars, Isfahan and Kohkiluyeh-Buyer-Ahmad. FROM south side the river Bechar flows.

On the slopes of Mount Dena there are many picturesque gorges with springs and hot springs that form large and small waterfalls and mountain streams.
The uniqueness of the territory is a large variety of flora, which has more than 1200 species of plants, including medicinal herbs.

Zardkuh mountain range

73 km west of the city of Shahrikord, the province of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiyari, there is a part of the Zagros mountain range - the Zardkuh mountain range with peaks reaching more than 4000 m.

Climbing Zardkuh passes through the settlement of Shahri-Korda, where the nomads settled. The life of the settlers has not changed, and that is why tourists are so attracted to the settlement. The path to the mountain passes through glaciers and lakes.

In the South-West Iranian highlands Zagros is located - a mountain range that separates the highlands from the plains of Mesopotamia. Partially, the Zagros ranges are also located in Iraq.

As in the old days, it is far from possible to cross the Zagros everywhere: if there are quite a lot of roads in the northwest and southeast, then the central section is the highest and inaccessible, there is only one Shiraz pass, along which the Isfahan-Bushir highway is laid, crossing the richest and most flourishing part of the southern half of the Zagros - the Shiraz basin.

In turn, the central Zagros is divided into eastern and western. To the east are high mountain valleys, short and dry. In the west - long narrow river valleys, where the main population of the Zagros lives.

The Zagros is part of the Mediterranean Fold Belt. These mountains are young, they began to grow about 15 million years ago (± 10 million years depending on the site), approximately at the time when the Alpine folding was formed: the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Carpathians, the Balkans and the Elburz. The formation of Zagros itself was caused by the collision of two tectonic plates - Arabian and Eurasian. As for the entire Mediterranean belt, the Zagros orogeny is still ongoing, and the mountains are growing.

The mountains are composed mainly of limestone and shales of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Large salt domes come to the surface in the central part and in the southeast - where there are outcrops of the pre-Mesozoic basement.

Due to the presence of limestones and streams, karst landforms are everywhere - numerous caves and sinkholes.

At the western foot in the central part of the mountains is the majority of Iran's oil fields - one of the largest in the world.

The Zagros Mountains stretch for more than one and a half thousand kilometers - from the northwest to the southeast. From the city of Bokan in the province of Western Azerbaijan, presumably about 3 thousand years ago, this city was called Izertu and was the capital ancient state Manna - until 843 BC e., when the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III invaded the country and destroyed the city, which subsequently recovered for a long time. And to the port city of Bandar Abbas, which controls the most important, and was named so in 1615 in honor of the Persian Shah Abbas I the Great (1571-1629) from the Safavid dynasty.

The predominant landscape is mountain deserts, the slopes of the mountains are covered with steppe and semi-desert vegetation. Salt marshes, a few and small lakes are common in intermountain basins - the centers of oases in which date palm, citrus fruits and grapes. Western part The Zagros is the most humid: forests and light forests of oak, elm, maple and acacia appear in the middle belt. Above are alpine meadows and undersized shrub vegetation.

The typical wild animals of the Zagros are the gazelle, the mountain goat and the ram. There are many types of birds, including flamingos.

The parallel ridges of the Zagros are separated by longitudinal and transverse narrow canyon-like gorges - on Persian they are called tengs.

It is in the Zagros and its foothills that one can find wild analogues of wheat and barley, later domesticated by nomads who switched to a sedentary lifestyle.

In the eastern part of the Zagros, the climate is drier than on the western slopes, hotter and arid, with large temperature fluctuations throughout the year and day. In these places are the sources of the most full-flowing (and the only navigable in the country) Karun River. It flows through Bakhtiaria and Khuzestan and flows into the Shatt-al-Arab (Pers. Ervendrud) river, which is formed at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. The largest Iranian hydroelectric power stations - "Karun-3" and "Abbaspur" - were built on Karun.

The Karun River begins to the west of the city of Isfahan, at an altitude of about 4 km, on the slopes of the highest peak of Zagros - Mount Zerdkuh. Its name in Persian means Yellow Mountain. At the top there are several small glaciers, their uniqueness is that they are salty, and some are also black.

Snow-capped mountain peaks are located in the protected area Shalo-i-Mongasht. For those who imagined Iran as a country of sand and heat, traveling along the roads through the many kilometers of snow-covered winter valleys of the Zagros makes a great impression.

On the slopes of the top of Zerdkuh, the main river of Central Iran, the Zayanderud, also originates. Generally speaking, almost all non-drying rivers of Iran are concentrated in the Zagros mountains.

In ancient times, the tribes of Kassites and Gutians lived in the Zagros region, later - Assyrians, Elamites and Mitannians.

Today, the provinces where Zagros is located are predominantly inhabited by the two largest nomadic tribes of Iran - the Bakhtiars and Qashqais, who have largely preserved their traditional way of life. Twice a year - in autumn and spring - the nomadic Bakhtiari travel hundreds of kilometers along the Zagros in search of a suitable pasture for huge herds of goats and sheep. Presumably, it was the ancient Bakhtiars who were the first people to tame wild goats.

The Bakhtiars inhabited the lands of present-day Iran even before the Arab conquests and call their direct ancestor Faridun (Traetaon), the legendary hero of the national Persian epic Shahnameh. Bakhtiar women have much more rights and freedom than most Iranian women.

The Qashqai people are sure that they appeared in Iran together with the army of Genghis Khan. The Kurdish population of Zagros considers the mountains sacred and even during Muslim holidays they do not forget the ancient custom: young people make a big fire and jump over it.

The settled inhabitants of the Zagros are mainly employed in the countless rice paddies in the valleys.

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes several sites of global historical and cultural significance located in the Zagros Mountains.

In the south -, and Pasargada. In the center - the Behistun inscription - a cuneiform text on the Behistun rock, the Jami mosque and the Meydan-Imam square in Isfahan.

general information

Location : Western Asia, west and southwest of Iran, northeast of Iraq.
Administrative affiliation : Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Ilam, Hamadan, Lorestan, Isfahan, Khuzestan, Cheharmehal and Bakhtiaria, Kohgiluye and Boyerakhmed, Fars, Bushehr, Hormozgan - provinces of Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan (Iraq).
Cities: Isfahan - 1,945,765 people, - 1,460,665 people, Kermanshah - 851,405 people. (2011).
Languages: Farsi, Bakhtiar dialect, Qashqai dialect, Kurdish, Laki.
Ethnic composition : Persians, Bakhtiars, Qashqais, Kurds, Lurs.
Religion: Islam (mainly Shiism, in the west and southwest - Sunnism); religious minorities - Christianity, Yezidism.
Currency unit : Iranian rial.
Rivers: Karun, Zayanderud, Maroon.
Lake: Kukhgol.


Square: 533,512 km 2 (Iran - 83%, Iraq - 17%).
Length: from northwest to southeast about 1600 km.
Width: 200-300 km.
highest point : 4548 m, Mount Zerdkuh.
Other peaks: 4469 m, Ezar; 4409 m, Dena; 4374 m, Lalezar; 4290 m, Putak; 4135 m, Djupar.

Climate and weather

Mountainous and alpine tropical zone, in the north - subtropical.
Dry, with a large range of daily temperatures.
Dry hot summers, relatively cold winters.
January average temperature : (1500/2000/2500 m): +6/-1.5/-4°С.
July average temperature : +30/+24.5/+19°С.
Average annual rainfall : 300-500 mm.
Average annual relative humidity : from 10% in the highlands, up to 60% on the southern slopes.


Minerals : oil and natural gas (mainly at the foot), polymetallic ores, chromium, lead, bauxite, rock salt.

Agriculture : oasis crop production (tobacco, cotton, date palm, citrus fruits, grapes), animal husbandry (grazing - sheep, goats).

Services sector: tourist, transport, resort (mountain ski resort Chelgerd), trade.



    Fresh and salt glaciers on the peak of Zerdkuh

    Tang-e Meyran Pass (Gate of Persia)

    Salt lakes Teshk and Urmia

    Reserves of Shalo-i-Mongasht and Arasbaran

    Waterfalls Margun, Atashgah, Kuhrang and Shivand

    Bakhtegan National Park

    Ercan reserve

    Stalactite caves Gar-Nul and Gar-Mes

    Volcano Sahand


    Shanidar Cave (Iraqi Kurdistan, Neanderthal remains, 50-70 thousand years ago)

    Early Neolithic site of Jarmo (9 thousand years ago)

    The ancient cities of Chogha-Zanbil (XIII century BC), Persepolis (518 BC), Pasargada (546 BC)

    Behistun inscription (VI century BC)

    Cultural-historical landscape of Ized-Khast (from the 3rd century)

Isfahan city

    Temple of the Zoroastrians Ateshgah (III-VII centuries)

    Minaret Ali (XI century)

    Swinging minarets of Manar Dzhonban (XIV century)

    Meydan-Imam Square (XVI century)

    Chehel Sotun (Palace of Forty Columns, 1647)

    Khaju Bridge (1650)

    Vank Cathedral (1655)

    Palace of Hasht-Behesht (Eight Gardens of Eden, 1669)

City of Hamadan

    A salt glacier is formed when an ancient salt dome breaks through the mountains to the surface. It feeds the glacier, soaked in salt. Necessary condition the appearance of such a glacier: the salt dome must be very large in order to
    don't melt. Salt domes of Zagros are made of ordinary rock salt. The black color of some glaciers is due to the fact that there are oil deposits under them.

    During excavations in the Zagros Mountains, near the villages of Haji Firuz and Godin, archaeologists discovered traces of the oldest wine in the world in one of the clay vessels. It is believed that it was made in the era of the Sumerian city-state of Uruk - 5 thousand years ago.

    Shah Abbas I, after whom the city on the southern tip of the Zagros is named, was the first to recognize the new Romanov dynasty in Russia in 1613 when Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected king. As a token of friendship, the shah gave the tsar a loan of 7,000 rubles (a huge amount at that time). And in 1625 he sent him as a gift, among other things, a luxurious riza and a throne.

    The meaning of the name of the mountain Zardkuh - Yellow Mountain - is being interpreted different nations living around this mountain in different ways.
    In the folklore of some, the mountain is likened to a golden stallion. Others point to yellowish rocks at the foot of the mountain. Still others compose verses about yellow flowers covering the slopes of Zardkuh in spring.

    The cuneiform text on the Behistun rock, known as the Behistun Inscription, was carved in three languages ​​- Old Persian, Elamite and Akkadian - by order of King Darius I and tells how the king defeated the Medes rebels. The inscription made it possible to begin deciphering the cuneiform writing of the peoples of the Ancient East. The inscription was deciphered by the British archaeologist, linguist and diplomat Henry Rawlinson (1810-1895), while exposing his life to mortal danger. The reason is that by order of King Darius I Bottom part the rock under the inscription was hewn and made impregnable so that no one could destroy the inscription. Sir Rawlinson 1837-1844 climbed the Behistun rock dozens of times, copying the inscription piece by piece.

Date: Apr 15, 2017 Date:

Geographically, Iran is located in Western Asia and borders the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. The mountains of Iran surround several broad plains, which contain the main agricultural and urban settlements.

The main mountain range is the Zagros Mountains, which, along with the plains, cut the country from the northwest to the southeast with a series of parallel ridges. Many peaks in Zagros are higher than 3,000 meters above sea level, and in the central part there are five peaks that are more than 4,000 meters high.

Average Height The peaks of the Zagros mountain range drop sharply to 1,500 meters as you move to the southeast of the country. On the coast of the Caspian Sea there is another mountain range Elburs. The Damavand volcano, whose height is 5,610 meters, is located in the center of Elburz. It is not only the highest peak in Iran, but also the most high peak in Eurasia, west of the Hindu Kush.

Elburz mountain range

The Elburs Mountains, pronounced Alborz in Persian, are about 900 km long and are the main mountain range in northern Iran. The mountains stretch from the borders of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the northwest to the southern tip of the Caspian Sea and end in the east near the borders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

Elburs is the name given to all the mountains located in the north of Iran. The highest mountains along the southern coast of the Caspian Sea create an obstacle that separates the coastal plains from the Iranian plateau. Proximity to the Caspian coast created humid environment on the coastal plains and the northern slopes of the mountains. In some places, for example, near the coastal cities of Ramsar and Noshahr, the strip of land between the sea and the mountains is no wider than one kilometer.

The southern slopes of Elburz extend to the Iranian plateau. The average height of the plateau at the base of the mountain is about 1,500 m. Unlike the green northern slopes, the southern slopes of the Elbrus mountains are deserted. Meadows, mountain tundra and permanent snow cover the high slopes of the mountain target Elburs. In winter, heavy loose snow falls, creating perfect place for skiing. Sufficient amount of snow provides necessary quantity fresh water nearest cities, including the capital Tehran. The distance between Mount Damavand and the 1,000 m high Kharaz valley in the northeast of it is less than 17 kilometers.

Mount Damavand

Damavand is the highest mountain peak in Iran. The height of the mountain is 5610 meters above sea level. Damavand is an extinct volcano on the Elburs Ridge.

Damavand, like many volcanic mountains, has a conical shape. Although Damavand is an extinct volcano, it still emits sulfur dioxide. This means that Damavand is going through the last stage before the complete transformation into an extinct volcano. However, hot mineral springs, lack of extensive glaciers and frequent earthquakes prove that all this is still a long way to go.

The surroundings of Damavand are one of the most picturesque surroundings along with its fields full of wild poppy flowers and purple lilies, with springs and long green grass. The top and slopes of the mountain are always covered with snow. In the history of Iran, Damavand has always been a symbol of pride.

Zagros mountain system

The Zagros mountain range stretches from the borders of Turkey and Iraq to the Persian Gulf and is the largest mountain range in Iran (but not as high as Elburz).

The Zagros stretches for more than 1,500 km and stretches from northeast Iraq to the Strait of Hormuz. The height of many peaks is higher than 2,987 m. The height of the highest peak of Dena of the Zardkuh mountain range is 4,409 m. This mountain range of folded mountains, consists of limestone and dolomite.

AT winter time there is always snow, and on many peaks there is snow even in summer. Winters are severe, temperatures often drop to -18°C. The rivers Karun and Zayandarud originate in these mountains.

The most common ecosystems are forest and steppe regions, which have a semi-arid temperate climate.

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On the territory of Iran, about 100 coal deposits are known in the Tebes (Kerman) and Elburs coal basins. Coal-bearing intensively deformed sediments of the Triassic and Jurassic. A productive stratum with a thickness of 1.5-4 km (sometimes up to 8 km) contains up to 92 coal seams, of which 4 to 18 have a working thickness (3.8-10.9 m). The coals are low- and medium-grained, high-ash, requiring enrichment. The content of phosphorus is up to 0.1%, the heat of combustion is 35.2-37.4 MJ / kg (a significant part of the coals are coking).

About 40 iron ore deposits have been discovered on the territory of Iran; the largest ones are located in the regions of Bafk and Sirjan, the smaller ones - in Elbrus and in the south of the country. The main deposits are Chogart (explored reserves 215 million tons), Chadarmalu (410 million tons), Zerend (230 million tons), etc. Most of the deposits are skarn and metasomatic, hydrothermal, metamorphogenic, sedimentary and crust-related deposits are also known weathering.

The most important deposits of chrome ores are located in the areas of Minab and Sebzevar. The largest deposit Shahriar (reserves 2 million tons) consists of 31 ore bodies, the reserves of which are measured from 1 to 500 thousand tons each. Probable reserves in the Sebzevar region are 1.2 million tons, promising reserves are 10 million tons. The largest deposit is Mir-Mahmud with explored ore reserves of about 100 thousand tons.

Most raw materials (about 60% since 1979) are exported to capitalist (including the EEC countries and Japan), developing and socialist countries. The main export loading terminals are on the islands of Sirri, Laban and Kharq (1982). Large oil and product pipelines: Tehran - Mashhad; Abadan - Ahvaz; Tehran - Qazvin - Rasht; Abadan - Ahvaz - Ezna - Tehran; Ahvaz - Teng - Fani - Tehran; Marun - Isfahan; Isfahan - Tehran. Total length oil and product pipelines 7.9 thousand km (1982). There are (1982) 6 oil refineries in the country (in the cities of Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz, Isfahan, Bakhtaran and Mesdzhede-Soleiman; one of the world's largest oil refineries in Abadan with an annual production capacity of over 30 million tons was put out of action) with a production capacity of 26 million tons, which does not fully meet the internal needs of Iran.

Field development natural gas started in Iran in the early 70s. 20th century Production is carried out at the Khangiran, Gorgan, Kengan fields (the Pars and Seraje fields are not developed). The main amount of gas is produced in gas and oil fields, in terms of associated gas reserves, Iran ranks second among industrialized capitalist and developing countries (up to 150 m3 per 1 ton of oil). Gas is used for injection into oil fields, in chemical and petrochemical production, and also as a fuel and energy raw material (in 1981, out of 16.8 billion m 3 produced, 1.9 billion m 3 was injected into the reservoir, used for various needs 7, 2 billion m 3 and 7.7 billion m 3 were burned in flares). A small amount of liquefied gas from Hark Island (1982) is exported to Japan (1982). For pumping gas, the main gas pipeline Bir-Boland - Kum - Qazvin - Regit - Astara was built, which has branches for the years. Shiraz, Isfahan, Kashan and Tehran. In addition, transportation is carried out by a system of gas pipelines from the Khangiran field to the cities. Mashhad, Gorgan, Neka, etc. There is also an extensive gas distribution network for supplying gas to local consumers. The total length of gas pipelines is 2.1 thousand km, throughput 18.2 billion m 3 (1982).

Coal mining in Iran reached an industrial scale in the 70s. 20th century The impetus for its development was the need to create a fuel base for the Isfahan metallurgical plant. The maximum production level was reached in 1974 - 1.2 million tons, in the early 80s. - 0.9 million tons (in terms of marketable). Development is controlled mainly by state-owned companies subordinate to National Iranian Steel Corp., as well as Iran Mining and Metal Smelting Co.. In the Tebes coal basin, the main area of ​​development is Kerman (the volume of coking coal in 1980 was over 500,000 tons). The Pabdane and Babnizu mines operate at the largest Kerman deposit (production capacity, respectively, 133 and 87.5 thousand tons of coking coal, 1981). The prospects for further expansion of production are associated with the transition to the underlying horizons and the involvement in the development of new areas of the field. In the Elbursk basin, development is carried out in Agusba (Sengrud mine), Alashta (Karmozd mine), Shakhrud region (Tazare deposit - Kalariz and Mamedu mines). In addition, a large number of small and poorly explored deposits are known in Iran, which are exploited by private companies. Shakhrudskaya, Rigabadskaya, Zerendiskaya, Karmozdekaya and other enrichment plants operate in the country, heavy media separators and flotation units are used. Coal consumed in the domestic market. Part of the high-quality coking coal is imported from the FRG (51,000 tons in 1979). Prospects for the development of mining are associated with the exploration of the northern part of the Tebessky coal basin(deposits Perverde, Masnan, Kadir, Kuchek-Ali).

Mining of copper ore. Industrial mining of copper ore began in the 60s. 20th century The maximum level was reached in 1978 - 20 thousand tons. The development is carried out mainly by the state company "National Iranian Copper Industries Co." and its subsidiaries, as well as the Bonyade Mostazafin (Fund for the Oppressed). The main mining areas are located in the northern part of Iranian Azerbaijan (Sengan and Mezree deposits), southwest of the city of Kerman (Sercheshme and Chakhar-Gonbad) and in the eastern part of the Deshte-Lut desert (Kale-Zere). The most important enterprise for the production of copper-molybdenum ore (design production capacity is 40 thousand tons of ore per day) is the mining and metallurgical complex at the Sercheshme deposit, which includes a processing plant and a copper smelter (design production capacity is 145 thousand tons of copper per year). Operated by the state company "Sar-Cheshmehb Сopper Mining Co.". The method of deposit development is open. The main mining and transport equipment is excavators, wheel loaders, dump trucks (capacity 120 tons). The production capacity of the processing plant is 600 tons of copper concentrate per day, containing 34% Mo, and 10 tons of concentrate with 54% Mo: copper smelter - 70 thousand tons per year (1982). The Kale-Zere field is being developed by Social Maaden Louto with the participation of Japanese firms. In 1980, 225 thousand tons of ore were mined here; the processing plant operating at the deposit produced 14,000 tons of concentrate (design capacity is 50,000 tons of concentrate per year). In addition, enterprises operate at the Sengan, Mezree, Chakhar-Gonbad fields. Some of the concentrates produced are processed into blister and refined copper (the maximum output in 1977-78 was 7,000 tons); the main quantity is exported to Japan. Upon reaching the design capacity of the complex in Sercheshma, the processing of copper ore will be carried out in Iran.

The extraction of lead-zinc ores began in the country in the 20th century, and the export of lead-zinc concentrates began in the late 1940s. Since the beginning of the 60s, in connection with the attraction of foreign capital, ore mining has gradually increased. The development is controlled mainly by the state-owned Iran Mining and Metal Smelting and the Bonyade Mostazafin organization. The main fields under development are located to the north of the Kerman-Yazd line (fields of Kushk, Dere-Zenjir, Mehdi-Abad, Tare), to the west of the city of Isfahan (Hoseynabad, Lekan, Engire-Tiran) and to the south of the city of Miane (Enguran). The underground mining method prevails. Most large enterprise for the extraction of lead-zinc ores (production capacity of about 200 thousand tons of ore per year) has been operating since 1956 at the Enguran deposit. Mining in a combined way; ore is sent to the processing plant. The Kushk deposit has been developed underground since 1957, there is an enrichment plant with a capacity of about 150 thousand tons of ore per year. At small enterprises, extraction and enrichment are carried out manually. Iran has developed a project for the construction of a plant for the smelting of lead and zinc. The main part of lead-zinc ores and concentrates is exported.

The extraction of ornamental stones, mainly turquoise, is carried out at the Nishapur deposit. Its level in connection with the depletion of reserves is constantly falling. In 1972, about 300 tons of turquoise were mined, in 1978 - 35 tons. The main amount of turquoise is exported in raw and processed form. In 1979, exports in value terms amounted to $1.3 million (including $600,000 to and $580,000 to Switzerland).

The extraction of non-metallic building materials is carried out mainly by small private enterprises and state-owned companies. Production was in the late 70s. (thousand tons): gypsum 8000, (treated) 450, 1500, travertine (treated) 350-400.

Mining and Geological Service. Personnel training. The activities of mining enterprises in Iran are controlled by the Ministry of Heavy Industry and regulated by the Mining Law of 1957, geological exploration by the Geological Department of the Ministry. Research is carried out by industry companies, as well as at the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Tehran (publishes papers). Personnel training is carried out mainly at the Abadan Institute of Technology, the Institute of Standards, the University of Tehran, training centers industry companies.

4.1. Plane. Specifying a plane on
drawing. Affiliation of a point and a line
The plane in the drawing can be set:
1 - three points that do not lie on one straight line;
2 - a straight line and a point outside this straight line;
3 - two intersecting straight lines;
4 - two parallel straight lines;
5 – flat figure(for example, a triangle);
6 - traces (lines of intersection of the plane with the planes

Belonging to a point and a straight plane:
1. A line belongs to a plane if it passes through
through two points belonging to a given plane, i.e.
intersects other lines lying in this plane;
2. A line belongs to a plane if it passes
through a point belonging to the plane (intersects another
line of a given plane), and is parallel to a line lying in
this plane;
3. A point belongs to a plane if it belongs
a straight line in a given plane.
To build a point in a plane, you need to build in
a straight line and set a point on it.

Example 1
α(a b)
lα, mα

Example 2
β(c // d)
m β, l β
m // c // d
m" ? l" ?





4.2. Plane traces
Plane traces are lines along which the plane
intersects the projection planes.


αH - horizontal track
αV - frontal wake
αx - vanishing point


N - frontal trace
straight l
M - horizontal track
straight l
If the line belongs to the plane given by the traces,
then the traces of the line lie on the traces of the plane with the same name.

16.4.3. Main lines of the plane

The main lines of the plane are the lines that lie in
planes and parallel to the projection planes. it
horizontal and frontal.
The horizontal is a straight line that belongs to the plane, and
parallel to the horizontal projection plane N. Her
frontal projection h" is always parallel to the OX axis, and
horizontal projection h "is the natural value of this
A frontal is a straight line belonging to a plane, and
parallel to the frontal projection plane V. Its
the horizontal projection v" is always parallel to the OX axis, and
frontal projection v "is the natural value of this


Problem 1. The plane is given by traces.
horizontal and frontal plane.
α(αH αV)
hα, vα


H, V - zero horizontal and frontal





h // H is the horizontal of the plane α
v // V is the frontal of the plane α


Problem 2. The plane is defined by intersecting lines
a and b. Construct the horizontal and frontal of the plane.
α(a b)






29.4.4. The lines of the greatest inclination of the plane to the projection planes. Determination of plane inclination angles to projection planes

The line of greatest inclination (l.n.n.) to the plane H (V) -
this is
perpendicular to the horizontal (front) of the plane.
The line of greatest inclination to the plane H is also called
slope line.
Angles are determined using lines of greatest inclination.
inclination of a given plane to the planes of projections.



Example 3: Determine the angle of inclination of the plane (a ∩ b) to
horizontal plane of projections N.











Algorithm for solving the problem:
1. Draw a horizontal line h in the plane;
h" // OH;
h" - n.v. horizontal.
2. From an arbitrary point (point A) we build a k.s.c. horizontal
perpendicular A"M".
AM is L.N.S.; A"M"h".
3. Determine the actual size of the segment
right triangle method.
< А"M"А0 = <α° - угол между плоскостью и плоскостью Н.


Example 4: Determine the angle of inclination of the plane α (αH ∩ αV)
to the frontal projection plane V.








1. We take point N
2. We build from t. N
trace αV.
3. Determine the n.v.
4. < M""N""M0 =
< ° - угол между
plane α and
plane V.


Example 5: Construct traces of a plane α given by its
slope line MN.
1. MN - line of greatest slope. M'N' horizontals


2. From point M" we construct a perpendicular to M"N". This is the trace of αH.


3. N"" αV.
We connect αх and N"",
we get αV


54.4.5. Projecting planes. Lines and points in projecting planes.

The plane in relation to the planes of projections can
take the following positions:
planes in general position,
projecting plane,
level planes.
A plane in general position is a plane that
not perpendicular to any of the projection planes.

perpendicular to any one projection plane.
If the plane is perpendicular to the plane H, then it
is said to be horizontally projecting if the planes
V - front-projecting, if the planes W -
profile projecting.


Horizontally projecting plane α.
α H, this plane is projected onto the plane H in
straight line. This line belongs to the horizontal
projections of points and lines lying in the plane α.
< ° угол между плоскостью α и фронтальной плоскостью
projections v.


The horizontally projecting plane can be
given in the drawing by one of its horizontal projections.


Frontal projection plane
V, this plane is projected onto the plane V in
straight line.
< α° угол между плоскостью и горизонтальной
projection plane H.


level plane
A level plane is a plane parallel to a
projection plane (this is a special case of a projecting
planes). Depending on which projector
plane parallel to the level plane, distinguish:
horizontal, frontal and profile planes.
Any figure of such a plane is projected onto
projection plane parallel to it in natural
magnitude, and the other two - in a straight line.