Ice cream kcal per 100. Calorie content of ice cream: which dessert is the healthiest? Ice cream made with vegetable fat

How nice it is to eat a portion of delicious ice cream on a hot day. If this is a one-time event, then nothing bad will happen to you. But daily consumption of this delicious product can be hazardous to health.

Firstly, this is a high-calorie product. The calorie content of ice cream is 260 calories per 100 grams; creme brulee and chocolate ice cream have almost half as many calories - about 130 calories. But this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that ice cream contains a lot of fast carbohydrates and they instantly enter the blood, increasing glucose levels, and then are just as easily stored as fat. After all, the body simply has nowhere to put the glucose it gets so easily. Therefore, for those losing weight, this product is prohibited.

Well, and, perhaps, the most important drawback of ice cream is that it contains more vegetable fats. Nowadays it is very difficult to find ice cream on sale without adding palm oil or other vegetable fats. But they are very poorly absorbed by our body and, if consumed daily, these harmful substances will gradually accumulate and lead to illness. Therefore, if you care about your health and want to lose weight, avoid this product.

Calorie table for different types of ice cream per 100 grams






Creme brulee ice cream



Ice cream milk



Strawberry milk ice cream



Cream brulee milk ice cream



Milk nut ice cream



Milk chocolate ice cream


Ice cream sundae



Ice cream sundae creme brulee


Ice cream nut ice cream



Chocolate ice cream



Ice cream



Creamy strawberry ice cream



Creamy crème brulee ice cream



Creamy nut ice cream



Creamy chocolate ice cream



Fruit ice cream



Ice cream popsicle



Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

The favorite treat of many children and adults - ice cream - simply attracts the eye. Cold dessert is especially in demand on hot summer days, and various types and tastes will please almost any customer. What can be exciting about such a safe dish that literally symbolizes a carefree holiday? First of all, of course, the calorie content of ice cream: completely unnoticed, you can eat your daily calorie intake, just allowing yourself to relax for a few servings. You can understand the wealth of offers if you carefully study all the subtleties.

Calorie content of sweet dessert

Even an ordinary cold treat is a fairly high-calorie dessert, and if you consider that in the battle for buyers, manufacturers generously add caramel, chocolate, sugar icing, nuts and all kinds of syrups, the caloric content of ice cream increases sharply. And this happens completely unnoticed by the consumer. Regular creamy ice cream can thus double the number of calories, or even more.

In most cases, exciting figures for weight watchers are indicated on the packaging, it is worth carefully studying this information when buying ice cream. Calorie content per 100 grams of product in the average price category is approximately 200 units. This is without all kinds of fillers and sweeteners.

The so-called soft ice cream is a little lighter. Due to the airy whipped structure, the serving contains much less fat and carbohydrates, but this is not due to the dietary composition. It's just that soft ice cream is lighter; a 50-gram serving looks almost as big as a 100-gram package of the traditional dessert.

Calorie content of ice cream "seal"

One of the most popular types of ice cream is ice cream. The specific content of milk fat in a dessert can reach 20% in the fatty version and up to 15% in its classic version. This product also contains a large proportion of chicken eggs and various types of sugar. This ice cream has a delicate creamy taste and pleasant texture, without crunchy ice crystals.

The standard calorie content of ice cream "seal" is 227 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Depending on the manufacturer’s standards, a serving is approximately 70 grams on a stick or 60 grams in a waffle cup.

Ice cream

Almost as tasty as ice cream, creamy ice cream is made using natural milk cream. The fat content is 8-10%, the amount of sugar and other sweet additives is optional, depending on the technical conditions for the product. The standard calorie content of creamy ice cream without various additions is 165-180 kilocalories per 100 grams. The taste is somewhat lighter than in ice cream, since the content of eggs and sugar is reduced. The dessert should be homogeneous, without any ice inclusions.

Due to the fact that a regular waffle cone holds approximately 60 grams, the calorie content of ice cream in a cup is less than stated above. By reducing the serving size, you can significantly reduce the nutritional value of the dessert, so if you are calculating your daily calorie intake, you need to check the data on the packaging and take into account the difference in serving sizes.

Chocolate ice cream

Probably one of the most successful combinations of flavors and textures is ice cream and chocolate. There are several varieties of this dessert. It can be creamy or milk ice cream with the addition of cocoa, and the delicacy takes on an appetizing chocolate appearance. There is also a chocolate ice cream on sale.

There are options with chocolate chips as part of regular white ice cream, desserts dipped in chocolate glaze, or with syrups and cocoa pastes as fillers. The aroma and delicate taste have won many fans; this is a great way to cool off in the heat and eat a portion of a sweet, mood-improving dessert. In the battle for a slim figure, chocolate ice cream is declared to be one of the main enemies: the calorie content is 236 kilocalories per 100 grams, if we are talking about ice cream. That is, the increase is approximately 10 kilocalories - not so much as to deny yourself your favorite taste.

Dairy ice cream

Among all kinds of desserts, the calorie content of milk ice cream is approximately in the range that can already be considered close to dietary. Only 126 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. If we are talking about the equally popular creme brulee, then this figure is slightly higher - 134 kilocalories. Thus, an ordinary glass weighing 60 grams will add only 76 kilocalories to the daily amount of calories consumed. This is not so much to spoil your mood and engage in self-flagellation.

The most insidious is McDonald's milk ice cream - the calorie content of one serving, for example, of strawberry dessert, is 265 kcal. The increased sugar content in one serving is 44 grams, almost half the daily requirement, which is responsible for such crazy numbers. Caramel or chocolate ice cream from this establishment is already addictive with 315-325 kcal per serving.

Fruit ice and sorbet

The most dietary and lightest cold desserts are, of course, fruit ice and sorbet. It’s not even really ice cream: the calorie content per 100 grams is on average 100 kcal. Popsicles are simply frozen juice from fruits, while sherbet in most cases is pureed fruits and vegetables frozen by continuous whisking. Sweeteners and colorings should ideally not be added to these desserts, but here, as always, it all depends on the manufacturer.

The main function of cold desserts in the summer heat is precisely cooling, so the taste of fruits or berries can be quite a sufficient decoration for the day. Frozen yogurt is no less popular; if its fat content is reduced, then its calorie content approaches that of light desserts.

How to reduce the calorie content of a serving of ice cream

If your favorite was and still is a fat ice cream, this does not mean that you need to crunch on fruit ice while dreaming of the most delicate creamy taste. In fact, the calorie content of ice cream in your diet can be reduced without sacrificing your own food preferences.

To begin with, it is recommended to reduce portions. If you get the main excess calories from ice cream, you should stop buying kilogram packages - they provoke significant overeating. A regular serving of 60 grams fully fulfills its function: it improves your mood and pleases you with your favorite taste. You can also combine ice cream with fresh berries and fruits, while very little ice cream is required, only as a decoration. Taste preferences will only benefit, and the amount of fat in such a dessert can be significantly reduced.

You can add a spoonful of your favorite ice cream to your coffee, which will completely replace a full serving of dessert, reduce the amount of sugar in the drink and enrich it with a pleasant taste.

Are cold calories really that dangerous?

Is it really ice cream that is to blame for extra pounds? First of all, the sugar and milk fat contained in the delicacy are blamed, and the calorie content of ice cream speaks for itself: if there are calories, they will certainly be insidiously deposited on the sides.

However, it is worth considering other nuances. Ice cream is a cold dessert; the body spends calories to warm it up to body temperature. Fast carbohydrates are absorbed almost instantly, blood sugar levels rise, how does this affect your well-being? Many people note that if you eat a portion of ice cream on a hot day, your mood improves and the sleepy lethargy inherent in the hot period disappears. That's right, sugar fuels mental functions, it is thanks to this that consciousness becomes clearer and well-being improves. You could say that ice cream is a unique summer tonic.

Only excess, unspent calories are stored as subcutaneous fat. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the source of energy is not so important; it can be conditionally harmful ice cream or a large portion of healthy salad. Enjoy your favorite tastes in moderation, and your figure will not suffer.

The taste of this sweet milk delicacy is familiar to all of us since childhood. And anyone who lived through the Soviet Union will probably complain that today's ice cream is no longer as great as it used to be. Of course, just a few decades ago its recipe was controlled by government agencies, but today the consumer is forced to buy and eat what the manufacturer, at his discretion, decided to put inside the product.

The calorie content of the milk treat has also changed, and those who watch their figure would like to know more about it.

Energy value depending on type

There are many different varieties of ice cream, and their calorie content will vary. It's all about the composition of the product. Milk ice cream has a fat content of 4%, cream ice cream – 10%, and ice cream – 15%. Accordingly, the fattier the product, the higher the calorie content. Fruit or berry ice cream will not contain even 2% fat in its composition. How many calories are in ice cream? Dairy milk has only 120–130 kcal, creme brulee has 10–20 kcal more. Airy soufflé ice cream contains only 115–125 calories, but everyone’s favorite ice cream has surpassed all other types and already contains about 230 Kcal.

When buying this frozen milk sweet in a store, you cannot determine its energy value by eye. After all, today it is almost impossible to find ice cream or any other variety in its pure form.

To attract buyers, manufacturers began to add additional ingredients to their product:

  • dried fruits;
  • syrup;
  • glaze;
  • berries
  • nuts;
  • chocolate.

All these additives significantly increase the energy potential of the treat. In addition, we must not forget about all kinds of flavorings, dyes and preservatives, the calorie content of which is generally difficult to calculate.

Therefore, it is different in different varieties of ice cream. How many calories are in an ice cream cone? "Ice cream in chocolate"?

Already about 270 kcal. If, in addition to this, there are also fruit additives, then you can safely add another 10–20 units. Of course, people watching their weight have good reason to worry about this high-calorie delicacy: it is quite filling and quite capable of causing damage to the figure, but only if a person consumes more than 3 pieces per day.

How much can you eat without damaging your figure?

A woman needs about 2000–2500 calories per day, a man about 1000 Kcal more. If you continue to eat in the way you are accustomed to, and even add a couple of servings of cold treats to your daily diet, after a while you will notice that your figure around the waist has blurred.

But if you allow yourself to do it only occasionally - 2-3 times a week or less, then it will not cause any damage to your own forms. You can safely eat a portion of ice cream as a dessert after a not too filling lunch and not worry about your own appearance.

But if the problem of excess weight is too acute, and when drawing up your daily menu you calculate the calorie content of foods, then you can do this: remove any product with a similar calorie content from your diet and replace it with ice cream.

In this way, you will relieve stress, relax and take a little break from pressing problems, and will not cause harm to your figure.

After all, this delicacy contains more than just fat. It is rich in amino acids, salts and vitamins extremely necessary for the body. The pleasure of consuming it is incomparable to anything, especially in the hot summer heat.

Therefore, eat for your health, but remember that everything is good in moderation.

And this statement applies not only to ice cream, but also to other products. In addition, you can always refuse store-bought treats and prepare it at home yourself from the ingredients that you consider necessary for yourself.

Approach this issue wisely and do not try to correct the situation only by adjusting your diet: sport is also important in losing weight. Good luck!

Oh that word “calories”. Just a few small numbers make us give up our most favorite foods and delicacies. Among the unwanted products, it is equally easy to include both mother’s and grandmother’s favorite pies, and simply sweets that we have adored since childhood. One of the most significant losses can be called ice cream. But is it really so harmful to our figure? Let's find out how many calories are in Ice Cream ice cream and try to find out how expensive this momentary weakness can cost us.

Ice cream - there is so much in this word

As soon as we hear this word, we immediately begin to imagine that same waffle cup filled with a slightly frosty creamy delicacy. But wait! Ice cream is not just about cups. In fact, it boasts a wide variety of shapes, colors and therefore tastes.

You can easily find briquettes in stores, and in a cafe they will make balls right in front of you by dropping a spoon into a large container with dessert. And if everything is simple with the form, then what can we say about the taste?

Of course, you are all very familiar with chocolate ice cream, varieties with fruit and berry flavors, chocolate and nuts, not to mention. All this can also be a filling! After all, it got its name not because of the flavoring fillers and additives, but because of the composition of the base. But do not forget that there are other types, such as milk or cream ice cream. This is something worth dwelling on in more detail.

Such a different ice cream

It is not difficult to guess that the basis of any ice cream, no matter what its flavor, is made up of various dairy products: pasteurized milk, condensed milk, cream, butter and whey. So, the main difference in ice cream lies precisely in the presence of one or another component.

Dairy ice cream, as you might guess, is made from whipped and frozen milk with various additives. These include sugar, flavorings and special stabilizers that serve to increase the viscosity of the milk mass.

If you do not take into account frozen desserts such as, dairy varieties can be called the lightest. The mass fraction of fat in them does not exceed 3.5%. But here it is worth considering that depending on the recipe and raw materials, these indicators may vary.

The second variety is a creamy delicacy. Here, too, everything is clear: it is not milk that is whipped and frozen, but cream, so the taste of the dessert is more delicate. The fat content of cream is much higher than that of milk, so in ice cream this figure can reach 10%.

So, if in the first case milk was used as a basis, in the second - cream, then what is the ice cream made of? And even the name doesn’t give any clues! Its "secret" ingredient is butter and thicker, thicker cream. It is because of them that the taste of the ice cream is the most delicate and rich. As for the fat content, for this type it is even higher and can be up to 16%.

So how many calories are in a cup of ice cream?

But let's return to the main topic and try to find out how many calories are in ice cream sundae.

Depending on the recipe, 100 grams of regular ice cream without additives contains from 200 to 370 kilocalories. But the standard portion of this delicacy is somewhat smaller. So, for example, an ordinary ball weighs only 50 grams, and a cup and a briquette on waffles weighs about 80.

In the second case, do not forget that you will eat ice cream along with a glass, which is generally a pastry. 100 grams of such a waffle, by the way, contain about 341 kilocalories, but in one glass there are, of course, much less. Crispy waffle cones are even more high in calories. Their energy value per 100 grams is as much as 417 kcal!

Do not forget that about 5% of the total mass is waffles, respectively, the weight of the ice cream itself is 76 grams, the weight of the cup is 4 grams. Let's take the average caloric value of the ice cream equal to 280 kcal/100 grams. It’s easy to calculate that the energy value of one such serving will be equal to 212.8 kcal. For a waffle cone, this figure will be about 13.64. We add it up and get the calorie content of a conventionally standard cup or briquette of ice cream - 226.44 kilocalories.

But it's not that simple

The calorie content of the finished product consists of the energy value of all the main components. Dairy products may be the basis of the delicacy, but in terms of calorie content, along with them, it is worth paying attention to the main enemy of a slim figure - sugar.

In all of the above types of ice cream, the amount of sugar is approximately the same level and is about 15%. Essentially, these are carbohydrates in their purest form. And everyone who watches their figure knows perfectly well that it is sugar that covers our ideal bodies with a thick layer of fat. Why is this happening?

As soon as the stomach finishes digesting the sweetness, the glucose obtained from it enters the blood. The pancreas is immediately activated, producing insulin, which neutralizes this same glucose. However, it also slows down the process of breaking down fats, both those entering our body with food and those that have already been deposited “in reserve.”

It turns out that the main harm is caused not by the calories contained in food, but by sugar, which gives ice cream that very desired sweetness.

Fortunately for everyone who adheres to a healthy diet, there are special varieties. They not only contain no sugar, but also contain special additives: protein, fiber and a complex of microelements necessary for the body.

For example, 75 grams (servings) of such ice cream contain only 112.7 kcal and 7 grams of carbohydrates. Huge difference, isn't it?

Here you may have a question: “What about without sugar? It won’t be easy!” But no! This ice cream is no less sweet and tasty than the varieties we are used to. It’s just that instead of regular white sugar, it contains natural sweeteners. For example, erythritol or stevia extract are substances isolated from plants and fruits.

In terms of sweetness, erythritol is only barely inferior to regular sugar, but stevia even exceeds it several times. It turns out that significantly less of this sweetener needs to be added.

But the most important thing is that their calorie content (and therefore their carbohydrate content) is practically zero. This means that you can enjoy this ice cream after a grueling workout or a hard day at work. The presence of a large amount of protein in the dessert will even come in handy, because it will serve as a “building material” for your muscles.


We hope we were able to satisfy your curiosity about how many calories are in a cup of ice cream. And even more: now you know that you can safely treat yourself to certain ice cream if you want something sweet. And all this without harm to your figure!

Thank you for your opinion!

Ice cream is the most favorite treat for children and adults. Its coolness saves you in the summer sun, and its unforgettable taste attracts you to eat another portion of this magical dessert. Until a certain point, it never occurs to anyone to count the calories of ice cream when the body is young and healthy. But when problems with the digestive system and blood vessels begin, excess weight and shortness of breath appear, people begin to wonder what led them to this state and analyze all the foods they eat. This also applies to ice cream, the calorie content of which is considered quite high.

Useful properties of ice cream

If you judge the nutritional value and calorie content of ice cream, its benefits and contraindications, then you should find out the composition of this product. It is worth understanding that the question: how many calories are in ice cream will not worry those losing weight if they are aware of the composition of vitamins and minerals in the product, in particular the protein content.

What is ice cream made from now, the calorie content of which many are interested in? The product contains: milk with at least 10% fat content, milk powder, proteins, lactose, up to 15% sugar, about 0.5% stabilizers and emulsions. Also, the composition of ice cream can be complicated by various flavors and fillers. Ice cream calories lead to the following indicators: in one glass - 270-375 kcal per 100 grams of product.

There are several types of ice cream: milk ice cream with a fat content of up to 4%, cream ice cream with 10% fat content, ice cream ice cream - up to 15%, and fruit ice cream - without fat content. Also on sale is medicinal ice cream, the calorie content of which is low, since it has no fat and is intended for those who are very worried about their figure.

Despite the calories, ice cream is enriched with an acidophilic additive in the form of lactobacterin, which helps improve digestion. Also, a high percentage of calcium and magnesium in combination with vitamin A can improve the health of the heart and blood vessels. It will be interesting for women to know that it is possible to improve the condition of their skin and vision with the help of beta-carotene in ice cream, the calorie content of which raises a lot of doubts among many who want to lose weight.

Yogurt ice cream enhances intestinal motility, relieving a person of constipation and colitis. It is also interesting that lactic acid bacteria can retain their beneficial properties in this type of ice cream for about 3 months. Therefore, when counting ice cream calories, you should first consider how much benefit everyone’s favorite dessert can bring to the body.

Ice cream contains approximately 100 substances that are beneficial to us: 20 amino acids, 24 fatty acids, 30 mineral salts and more than 20 vitamins. The “happiness hormone” contained in the product attracts us to eat this sweetness. Therefore, no matter how many calories there are in ice cream, many simply cannot resist enjoying the gastronomic pleasure.

This product also has contraindications. Overweight people should give it up. Thus, ice cream is contraindicated for those who often suffer from ENT diseases.

How many calories are hidden in ice cream?

There are different opinions about eating ice cream, which is high in calories. Some people find it healthy and eat it with joy. Others look for flaws in it, believe that it contains a lot of preservatives and harmful chemical compounds and try not to include this product in their diet. How to judge ice cream? How many calories are in ice cream? What are the benefits of it and can children and adults eat it?

According to the results of the studies, the mere consumption of ice cream, the calories of which are significant, cannot lead to obesity. After all, this product contains only 10% of the daily requirement of fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The stores offer a wide variety of types of ice cream: in a cup, by weight, on a stick, in chocolate, fruit, with various additives and dried fruits. As you might have guessed, the calorie content of ice cream sundae will differ from its relative in chocolate glaze. Therefore, in order not to harm your figure, you need to know which version of ice cream to give preference to, and whether it is worth eating it at all if you are losing weight.

How many calories are in ice cream? The number of calories in a product depends on its type. So, regular cream has up to 150 kcal, ice cream - up to 230 kcal per 100 g. If ice cream contains fruit additives, the calorie content of ice cream also increases by 10-20%. An ice cream covered in chocolate or white glaze will cost up to 270 kcal. Dairy ice cream has the lowest calorie content - 120-130 kcal.

What is the calorie content of ice cream sundae?

Those with a sweet tooth probably know that ice cream is considered the most delicious ice cream. There are many types of it, so you can choose a product to suit your taste. Ice cream, which is quite high in calories, consists of full-fat milk cream, so its taste is incomparable to any other type of ice cream.

Ice cream got its unusual name from the French town of the same name. Confectioners made ice cream sundaes by including a lot of eggs and cream from cow's whole milk in the recipe. To improve the taste and give the product some charm, vanilla, almonds, strawberries, chocolate, and nuts were added. Today, the recipe for ice cream sundae, the calorie content of which is essential for those losing weight, has changed somewhat.

If we talk about dietary nutrition, the ice cream sundae, whose calorie content is approximately 232 kilocalories, is not suitable for people who have problems with metabolism and are overweight. The high content of sugar and fat in the ice cream (15% each) indicates a significant energy value. Comparing the calorie content of milk or regular cream ice cream (3% and 8% fat and sugar, respectively), a significant difference is noticeable.

As the recipe for making an ice cream sundae, which has a significant calorie content, says, there is a special ratio of fats and carbohydrates to create a truly tasty treat for children and adults. But don’t let the amount of fat in the ice cream scare those who are scrupulous about keeping their body slim. After all, it is better to consume a quality product than to be content with milk ice cream. You won’t notice any benefit from such a replacement, and the extra calories in ice cream due to sugar, which a regular treat is rich in, can cause irreparable changes to your waistline. Therefore, it is better to eat a pack of ice cream than two of regular milk.