Pool film: correct selection and installation. How to make a swimming pool out of film with your own hands at the dacha? PVC pool film blue

Interest in finishing swimming pools with PVC film is a global trend due to excellent performance qualities material and affordable cost. Finishing a pool with film is several times cheaper than similar work using ceramic or glass tiles(mosaics).

The time required to finish a swimming pool with PVC coating is significantly less than that required to carry out finishing works other materials. This finishing option does not require preliminary waterproofing of the bowl. The material, in addition to good decorative and heat-shielding properties, is an excellent waterproofing agent that ensures complete tightness of the structure.

Finishing the pool bowl with PVC film - beautiful, reliable, fast.

To finish the pool bowl with PVC film, we offer the Italian Flagpool coating, made on the basis of plasticized polyvinyl chloride, Spanish film with CeFil reinforcement, non-woven insulation as a base, fastening strips and corners, as well as seam seals in the color of the selected base material. The Aqua Flagpool coating is impregnated with a bioprotective composition that prevents the development of microorganisms. CeFil film has a special varnish coating and impregnation with additives that prevent the formation of mold. Film color range: white, blue, blue, blue with imitation of solar glare, mosaic. The Caraibi Flagpool material used for finishing will make you believe that you have plunged into the waters of the Caribbean Sea!

Finishing the pool bowl with film PVC is better entrust it to specialists - in addition to accuracy and precision, dexterity is required. Laying is usually performed by 2-3 people. The process consists of the following steps:

  • the bowl is checked for surface irregularities, leveled if necessary, then thoroughly cleaned;
  • the non-woven insulation is laid out and secured with a fastening strip (this operation is not always performed);
  • the material is cut - the film should cover the entire surface;
  • the seams are fastened with a welding gun, then treated with a seam sealant to match the color of the material;
  • corners of steps and other differences are fixed with mounting angles;
  • the bowl is filled with water (approximately 300 mm in height), the strips of material are tightened so that there are no creases left;
  • the film is welded and then fixed with a fastening strip.

Having a swimming pool in your backyard is a pipe dream for many. It all comes down to serious financial costs, and this is not surprising, because building a swimming pool is a very labor-intensive and high-tech business. The issue price is often measured in several thousand USD. However, there is one option that many will find affordable.

This will be a completely homemade pool made of tent fabric measuring 4.5x2 meters and a side height of about 1 meter, assembled on wooden frame. It is installed on site in one day by one person. The work planned is creative, extremely constructive and very interesting.

The cost of all materials will be about 5-6 thousand rubles. Well, is it possible for such and such money to deny yourself the pleasure of basking in cool, clean water at least every day, when there is sweltering summer heat outside, from which there is nowhere else to hide. And how happy the kids will be...

In addition, this is a decent supply of water heated by the sun, which is about 8 tons. I’ll tell you a secret, the pool was intended as a container for watering the garden.

We cook PVC

The basis for our pool will be PVC fabric, it is used to make awnings for trucks, awnings, inflatable boat and so on. This material has very serious strength, almost does not stretch and does not allow water to pass through at all. There are many companies offering awning fabric in a variety of colors and densities; you can also purchase all necessary accessories and even order the production of a finished container according to your dimensions.

In our case, we will use a gray Belgian-made fabric 2.5 meters wide, with an average specific density of 650 g/m2. Please note that if the fabric has one of the whiter smooth sides, then for ease of maintenance it is advisable to turn it glossy towards the inside of the pool.

Absolute tightness and the highest strength of seams can only be achieved by hot air welding, although there are adhesive options. To do this, we need a special construction hair dryer with an operating temperature range from 20 to 700 degrees and a crevice nozzle

Soldering iron for PVC

Work with PVC cloth must be done on a flat, clean surface. It is advisable to have at your disposal spacious room, in which the finished product will easily fit. On the floor covered fiberboard sheets or chipboard, it is convenient to cut and glue our container without fear of damaging the material.

Need a place to work

The operating temperature of welding is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the blade manufacturer. We lay the awning fabric with an overlap of 20-30 mm and heat it with a hot air gun until it melts slightly, avoiding burning. The softened material is pressed tightly by a rolling roller with a hard silicone or rubber roller.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the weld; the tightness of all connections will depend on it. If necessary, you can practice on scraps of film - work out the speed of movement, temperature and other operating parameters.

When the “trough” is ready, the film is folded 50-70 mm along the upper perimeter and boiled. Metal rings (eyelets) are mounted through this side, intended for tensioning and fastening products using cables and ropes. The rings consist of two parts, which are installed through pre-punched holes corresponding in diameter. The eyelets are installed at approximately 500 mm intervals using manual flaring or a special press.

Preparing the foundation

To install a non-buried frame pool, you will need a perfectly flat, stable base, so it is better to choose an appropriate location in order to avoid labor-intensive excavation work and large-scale soil leveling.

It is imperative to remove upper layer soil and uproot all plants in a certain area. The soil must be clean, without solid protruding particles, pebbles, etc.

Preparing the site

Next, we make a leveling sand cushion with a layer of 50 to 100 mm. To do this, we install beacons from a CD profile according to the level and stretch the sand as a rule, obtaining a perfectly flat surface. This procedure will have to be repeated after installing the frame.

sand cushion

Assembling the frame

To build the frame, we will use pine beams with a section of 100x50 mm, unedged and semi-edged boards 25 mm thick. All lumber must be cleared of bark and treated with an antiseptic. Ideally, you need to use dry wood, in extreme cases “dried”, that is, dried.

First of all, we mark the corners of the building and be sure to check the rectangularity of the frame. To do this, measure the diagonals - they must be equal. If necessary, we make adjustments.

Next, using a shovel or garden hand auger, we prepare wells about 500 mm deep. We will install two posts on the long side, in addition to the corner ones, the spans will be approximately 1.4 m. There will be one intermediate post on the short sides.

The pillars are installed strictly vertically along one line; a cord and a building level will be indispensable here. The racks are placed in the wells, after which free space filled with small or medium crushed stone. All this backfill is thoroughly compacted.

Parts of the timber that will be in the ground must be thoroughly covered bitumen waterproofing, especially the ends.

Waterproofing of posts

When the timber is installed and securely fixed, you can tie them with a board. A semi-edged board is placed along the top, at a height of about a meter from the ground, strictly horizontally. Bottom harness fencing can be made with a shank, the height is taken approximately 200 - 400 mm from the ground. The entire board is sewn onto the beam through the body using “black” self-tapping screws 45-50 mm long.

Upper harness

Intermediate posts need reliable spacers, since they will be subject to pressure from a large amount of water. To do this, from the top of these pillars, using braces from timber with a cross section of 50x50 mm, triangles are formed that stabilize the frame. This ensures resistance against forces acting from within.

Stabilizing struts

Once the posts are tied, you can trim them. It makes sense to leave outlets of some size, then in the future it will be convenient to knit auxiliary structures to them: a canopy, shelter or, for example, a ladder.

Making a staircase

We install an additional stand at a distance of 600 mm from the corner. From unedged boards we make two bowstrings, which are attached to the support platform at the bottom, and screwed to the posts at the top and at the same time rest on the upper harness.

Attaching bowstrings

Every 250 mm along the level we mark the location of the steps and install support bars in these places.

We cut the treads from a wide shawl and install them in their places. There are four steps in total, and the top one is also attached to the frame, forming a platform at the very edge of the pool.

The staircase is ready

Installing PVC sheeting

Before installing a product welded from awning fabric, you need to level the sand backfill again.

Now we screw the sides of our pool strictly horizontally. As fasteners we use self-tapping screws with a press washer 35 mm long and additional large washers with a diameter larger than the holes in the eyelets. All this fastener must be galvanized.


The fabric must be stretched very well and pressed tightly with self-tapping screws. All this work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the PVC fabric.

Stretch the fabric


Such a simple pool can be erected by one person in 12 hours, including PVC welding.

This is what happened

Its cost turns out to be more than affordable:

As a result, we received a multifunctional, inexpensive outdoor pool that can be improved indefinitely, using everything modern devices and systems inherent in the professional construction of structures for such purposes. Some simple useful options include a fitting for draining water, a shelter, and a ladder to exit the pool.

It should be noted that our design is not only prefabricated, but also collapsible, which makes it possible to change its location without any problems. And the PVC base can be easily dismantled in a few minutes by unscrewing three dozen screws and stored for winter storage.

Turishchev Anton, rmnt.ru

A swimming pool is a useful building because it cools off in hot weather. summer heat, helps you relax, escape from everyday worries and have a good rest. The most important stage in the construction of such a structure is its interior decoration. Usually the pool is lined ceramic tiles or mosaic - materials that are not only aesthetically beautiful, but of high quality and durable. But, as we know, technology is moving forward with enormous strides, based on this. Now there is another material that has won an honorable place among such facing materials as tiles and mosaics. What is the appeal about? This is a PVC film for a swimming pool. More and more often, pools are covered with just this material, and for good reason. Since the price of such film is significantly lower than other materials, and working with it is much easier and faster. Moreover, PVC film can act not only as a finish, it is fully possible as the main material for the manufacture of a pool. Let's determine how to make a PVC pool with your own hands.

PVC film 2 in 1 – waterproofing and finishing

Polyvinyl chloride film (PVC), in addition to looking aesthetically beautiful, has another serious advantage - it can serve as a waterproofing material. Water will not pass through such a film, so you have the opportunity to save money on waterproofing the pool bowl itself. The nice thing is that, in addition, if there are cracks in the concrete, and all the work was carried out without waterproofing, appropriate waterproofing putties and primers, the PVC film will be able to hold all the water in the pool, regardless of the enormous pressure of the water column.

Due to this property, the film is quite often used in the restoration of dilapidated swimming pools, the bowl of which is cracked and problems with waterproofing have arisen. Covering the pool with PVC film will help save the situation. And what’s most unusual is that this can also be done without removing old material, for example, mosaic. Under such conditions, it is fundamentally important only to take care of the strong adhesion of the tile to the surface so that it does not peel off. So, choosing PVC film as finishing material pool, it is possible to kill two birds with one stone.


Manufacturers took into account different preferences, people's financial capabilities and the purposes for which the film will be used. That is why you can choose a pool cover from several types of PVC film:

  1. A simple, unreinforced film. There is an economy class material that anyone can afford. This is the most inexpensive material of the three types of films. Its thickness varies from 0.65 to 0.85 mm. This film cannot be called very durable, but it still copes with its functions. It is impossible to make a frame pool from such a film, but it is quite possible to sheathe the bowl of a small pit pool.
  2. Reinforced film. The most common option. The price/quality level ratio is completely justified, since this film not only has a thickness of 1.5 mm, which is 2 times more than a simple one, but it is additionally reinforced with polyester threads, which gives it enormous strength. A pool with such a finish can withstand heavy mechanical loads without deforming. This property is especially useful for those who want to make a frame pool, where the role of the walls is played by the film. She takes on the entire burden, being load-bearing structure, based on this, it is obliged to withstand enormous pressure, which it copes with.
  3. Anti-slip film. Its difference from all others is its ribbed surface, which is why it is usually used to prevent sliding on the surface of the pool. Families with small children cannot do without such a film.

Please note that there is also a material that has an acrylic coating. What does it give? Thanks to it, the film is protected from bacteria and algae, which can colonize micropores. Experts say that with such a coating, the film will last twice as long and will better retain color and elasticity. But what are the advantages of PVC films compared to other finishing materials?

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

One of its main advantages is its affordable price. Building a pool in itself is an expensive pleasure, so finishing with PVC film is a salvation for some. More important point that, as already mentioned, it acts as both a waterproofing and decorative material. Moreover, this material is hygienic, resistant to ultraviolet rays and sudden temperature changes. The material is easy to care for because it is not dangerous chemicals for care.

to emphasize that it is possible to purchase film different colors. It is created in various tones of blue, light blue and green; they are able to “illuminate” the water and give it a wonderful “sea” tint. It is also possible to purchase material that imitates a mosaic of beige-white, light blue-white and similar tones. One of the main advantages is that the film is easy to install if you have a special tool.

It is clear that, like all materials, film also has its disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • During operation, scratches will form on the surface, which leads to rupture;
  • over time, the saturation of colors is lost, all this will happen in 6–10 years, based on this, the material will need to be changed;
  • butt seams spoil the non-specialized type of coating;
  • at a time when on the territory where the swimming pool is located, groundwater are close to the surface, covering the pool with film is prohibited.

So, having considered all the material options, their advantages and disadvantages, it is possible to get down to business .

Work on the installation of a pit pool

If you want to make a pit pool at home or in the country, you need to follow the following sequence:

If you want to install a drain, it is better to do this in advance, even at the pouring stage.

Finishing works

In order to install PVC film, it is fundamentally important to follow the instructions. The process itself is simple, but requires attention. In addition, if you are a layman, the recommendations below will help you cope with this matter.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the surface: remove all debris, leaves and everything unnecessary. If the poured walls and floor are not level enough, they need to be leveled with plaster. A flat surface is needed, because under water pressure the PVC film will repeat the relief of the bowl; if the surface turns out to be curved, it will be very noticeable after installation.
  2. To finish the pool with film, a fastening strip or corner is laid around the perimeter, which must be secured with screws. On one side, the strip has a plastic coating, to which the film will eventually be welded; if it is a corner, then the film must be secured with screws. When the pool is huge, stripes are also attached to the walls.
  3. Now lay a special insulation over the entire surface, which will reduce the friction of the film on the concrete, it will not wear off, and the service life of the material will increase. When the pool is located indoors, it is possible to lay geotextiles instead of insulation. The substrate is attached with fastening strips, and in difficult places it is fixed with glue.
  4. Then a film is spread on the surface with a page overlap of 8 cm and a distance of 1–2 cm from the wall. To ensure that the film adheres well to the corners, use a corner.
  5. Using special equipment for gluing PVC films, weld the drain seams and additionally seal them with sealant.
  6. On last stage PVC film must be connected to the mounting profile on the edge of the pool.

You can see how this work is done in the video below:

All that remains is to fill the pool with water and test the new coating. Now your pool is ready for full use. To complete the job you will need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • sharp knife;
  • sealant;
  • equipment for gluing PVC film;
  • silicone roller;
  • corner;
  • the PVC film itself.

Frame pool made of PVC film

If you do not have the opportunity and space to build a pit pool, you have the opportunity to make a frame pool from PVC, which will be installed on the ground. We will look at a homemade pool made of wood and PVC film, which will have dimensions of 4.5 x 2 m and a wall height of 1 m. It can be made in a day.

That's all, all that remains is to check the tightness of your new pool by filling it with water. It is possible to make such a pool quickly and inexpensively, but it will be beneficial a large number of.


To simplify your task, you can use wooden pallets as a frame:

Read also:

How to make a pool in a bathhouse

PVC film for a swimming pool is a modern coating that is widely used in its finishing. The material simultaneously performs two functions: waterproofing and decorative. It turns the tank into an airtight bowl in a teal hue. What types of products exist, how to choose the right film for a pool and how to finish it are described in detail in this article.

A modern coating that is attached to the walls of the tank is a polyvinyl chloride film. It has another name - liner. The film is made of dense PVC, between the homogeneous layers of which a reinforcing layer in the form of polyester fiber is placed. During the manufacture of the liner, special stabilizers are introduced into the mixture, due to which the final product exhibits increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

The product is treated with a fungicidal and antimicrobial composition, which protects the material from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and spores that are in the water. PVC film intended for swimming pools is certified, which indicates the safety of its use. So that the coating has a shiny appearance, several layers of acrylic are applied to the product, which also improves the strength characteristics of the product.

You can buy a pool film, the price of which starts from 300 rubles/m², in a width of 3.05; 6.1; 9.15; 12.2; 15.2 m. The length of the product is usually 15.2; 30.5; 45.75 and 61.0 m. The material is supplied in rolls.

Types of finishing materials for PVC pools

There are three types of PVC film:

  • single-layer;
  • multilayer;
  • butyl rubber.

Single-layer blue or light blue PVC film for the pool is presented in a product with a thickness of 0.65-0.8 mm. This covering is often used for a collapsible pool and comes with it. Covering frame base, the material takes on the pressure from the water that has filled the pool. The outer surface has a rough coating, which creates an anti-slip effect. All constituent elements material fold compactly, acquiring small-sized view. The weight of the product is only 1 kg.

Multilayer PVC film for a pond, the price of which starts from 1,500 rubles. per 1 m², feels like linoleum. The film is presented in the form of a three-layer material with a thickness of 1.5 mm. The liner consists of two layers of PVC, between which there is a fabric layer with Kevlar fibers. The layers are connected by welding. This durable material is used for stationary pools. The outer surface may have a glossy or textured finish. The liner is characterized by a wide color palette. The product can be plain or with an applied pattern in the form of a mosaic, imitation of natural stone or a photograph. This decoration will become a real decoration of the yard.

Collapsible pools are equipped with PVC bowls. For stationary tanks, the material should be cut and welded on site. However, both options can be used if the collapsible tank is large. In this case, the film for the frame pool included in the kit is immediately installed, and then the surface is covered with a liner bag made of reinforced fabric, which is welded and secured around the perimeter of the structure using a bandage tape.

The most durable, wear-resistant and reliable is a two-layer butyl rubber membrane without reinforcement. The material exhibits increased resistance to mechanical stress and sudden temperature changes. The liner is able to withstand high and low temperatures without compromising the integrity of the structure. The film is characterized by high elasticity, due to which it does not require special effort when tiling the pool. This liner is used for large volumetric tanks.

Advantages and disadvantages of a liner for swimming pools

High-quality PVC film has a service life of about 20 years. Thanks to its elasticity and stretchability, the material is quickly and easily applied to the tank frame, clearly following its contours. During the manufacturing process, the film is impregnated with special substances, which makes it resistant to biological and chemical influences. Compared to other finishing materials that are used to finish a swimming pool, PVC film has the lowest cost.

There is no risk of cracks or chips, which are possible when using ceramic tiles or mosaics. If there is a violation of the integrity of the product, its repair is carried out quickly and inexpensively.

When covering the surface with PVC film, there are no sharp edges, which eliminates the possibility of injury. Thanks to the wide variety of material designs, the liner is not only a reliable waterproofing of the pool, but also a real decoration.

Helpful advice! Using a liner, you can eliminate small pool leaks.

Among the disadvantages of the material are the following:

  • the likelihood of scratches and abrasions on the surface of the product;
  • labor-intensive process of cleaning the pool;
  • impracticality for tanks with complex configurations;
  • violation of the integrity of the surface when exposed to cutting or piercing elements;
  • cannot be used in heaving soils;
  • the visibility of butt seams disrupts the harmonious, holistic appearance of the surface;
  • does not tolerate liner without acrylic coating low temperatures, which causes bubbles and cracks to appear.

How to choose the right PVC film for swimming pools

PVC film for a pond or pool must meet the following criteria:

  • be durable, not wrinkle or crumble;
  • exhibit resistance to UV rays, low and high temperatures;
  • withstand high pressure without significant deformation and damage to the integrity of the material;
  • be resistant to mechanical stress.

Choosing suitable material, you should pay attention to the thickness, design of the film and the manufacturer of the product. To optimize material costs and ensure sufficiently strong, reliable and durable coating The depth of the pool bowl should be taken into account. If it is within 2 m, the film should have a thickness of 0.5-0.9 mm. It is necessary that in other cases the material is no thinner than 10 mm. For pools with complex configurations, the liner must have a thickness of at least 15 mm.

Helpful advice! For reservoirs with a relief shape, it is advisable to buy thick, expensive products in the form of bubble wrap for swimming pools. For small structures with a smooth bottom, you can use budget options.

The film has different designs, which affects operational properties material. A conventional liner has the lowest cost and is characterized by low strength. It is advisable to use it for prefabricated small-sized pools. The reinforced liner can withstand significant loads, has high performance characteristics and can be used for any tank.

To ensure safety, you should buy a PVC film with an anti-slip coating for the pool, the price of which will be higher than other analogues. Liners with acrylic coating have bactericidal protection. The material does not deteriorate. Microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not multiply on its surface. Such products are characterized by the highest service life, which undoubtedly affects their cost. The price of PVC film starts from 1500 rubles/m².

To choose quality material, a cut should be made along the end of the product. If the structure of the material crumbles and flakes, this indicates a low-quality film that will not last long. A high-quality product has a homogeneous structure with evenly spaced threads. The fabric should stretch evenly in all directions. The relief pattern should be uniform.

Popular manufacturers and prices of PVC films for pools

Today the liner is presented in a wide variety of species. The product is produced in rolls, so the price of pool film is determined per square or linear meter products. The cost of the product depends on the type of material, its thickness, elasticity and manufacturer. The cheapest option is a single-layer coating. The price of blue PVC film for a swimming pool is on average 300 rubles/m². A multi-layer product will cost 1,500 rubles/m². A liner with a textured anti-slip surface can be purchased from RUB 1,800/m².

Among the popular manufacturers who have proven themselves with the best side in the construction market, the following can be distinguished: Elbtal (Germany), AlkorPlan (Belgium), Flagpool (France), Ceplastik (Spain), Lazur (Russia). German company produces a wide range of high-quality PVC coatings with reinforcement, reflective effect and decorative patterns. The cost of the liner starts from 1,400 rubles/m².

The Belgian company specializes in coatings with imitation under natural stone. You can buy PVC film for a swimming pool from 1,500 rubles/m². The French and Spanish manufacturer offers a less diverse range. Mostly monochromatic models of different shades are presented here. of blue color. The cost of the material starts from 1000 rubles/m². Offers the most affordable products Russian manufacturer. Average price of classic film blue color will be 650 rubles/m².

How to make a pool from film: the main stages of work

Today, using PVC film, you can use PVC film to line a pool with your own hands, cheaply, quickly, and very simply. Installation consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of the base;
  • geotextile backing devices;
  • film cutting;
  • installation of the liner;
  • seam processing.

Before you begin installing the PVC film, you should make sure that you have the necessary characteristics for the pool bowl. The structure must have a flat and smooth surface. It is necessary that the edges of the pool walls have sufficient strength to withstand drilling. The tank must be equipped with adequate groundwater protection.

To perform the work you must have following materials and tools:

  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • a backing made of non-woven material;
  • corner or fastening strip;
  • welding hot air gun with the necessary accessories in the form of an iron brush and nozzles;
  • silicone roller;
  • screws, dowels;
  • pressure roller for butt joints;
  • elastic glue;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • construction knife or scissors.

DIY pool made of PVC film: preparatory stage

Before starting work, you should thoroughly clean the pool bowl. This will help identify all surface defects, which should be perfectly smooth. If the walls are made of brick, they should be pre-plastered and then sanded. If the surface is concrete, it will have to be puttied. In case of serious damage to the bottom surface, it is recommended to fill in a self-leveling screed. Particular attention should be paid to the sides and corners. In these places it is necessary to ensure maximum adhesion of the solution to the base.

All embedded parts of the pool must be flush with the surface and be equipped with sealing flanges that provide a tight connection. Flanges are selected from of stainless steel or plastic with a chlorine-resistant rubber gasket. Next, you should remove all debris from the pool.

Helpful advice! If you are reconstructing an old structure where the waterproofing is damaged, PVC installation film can be applied directly to previously laid ceramic tiles.

At this stage, a diagram is drawn up for fastening the substrate fragments and installing fastening strips. There is no standard option, since all pools differ in configuration and linear parameters. However, one recommendation should be followed: the strips are placed in such a way as to ensure a minimum number of butt joints.

The arrangement of fastening elements for geotextiles (and, accordingly, for film) is selected individually, based on the geometry of the pool and the number of strips of facing material. The liner is laid overlapping with an allowance of 5-10 cm at the bottom of the pool, 4-5 cm on the walls of the structure and 15 cm in the corners of the structure.

Creation of a reliable insulation layer in the form of a geotextile substrate

During operation, the pool film, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will be subjected to significant loads, as a result of which its service life may be significantly reduced. To protect the liner from damage and at the same time to create a sealing layer on the entire surface of the pool, a geotextile backing is installed. The material will help reduce heat loss through the bottom and walls of the pool, which will contribute to a slower cooling of the water in the tank.

To fix geotextiles, a metal tape is used, represented by a fastening strip with a plastic coating. It is to this that the PVC film will subsequently be welded. Therefore, it is extremely important not to confuse the top and bottom of the tape. The length of the product should be 2 m, width – 8 cm, thickness – 2 mm. The film is attached to the inner surface of the pool using screws that are screwed into pre-installed plastic dowels. The distance between the fasteners should be 10-12 mm, which will ensure reliable fixation of the liner to the surface of the pool bowl over its entire area.

If the structure has rounded sections, triangular cuts are made in the metal strip in several places to ensure a secure fit of the strip to the surface. If the pool is equipped with steps, it is better to use corners rather than stripes on their edges. With their help, you can fasten sections of film with tension, which will reduce the number of points of attachment of the material to concrete. In some cases, the tape may be fixed to the bottom. This will prevent the bottom sheets from moving and wrinkling the liner.

According to the chosen scheme, holes are drilled in the concrete and dowels are driven in. Next, geotextile fragments are laid out over the entire area, starting from the walls of the pool. The strips should fit tightly to each other, without forming gaps or folds. A special adhesive for PVC pool film is applied pointwise to the back of the material, which will prevent displacement individual elements. The strips are laid loosely on the bottom of the pool.

Important! If there are embedded parts in the pool, it is necessary to make corresponding holes in the substrate.

The final stage is the installation of metal strips and their secure fixation with screws. To protect the geotextile from melting when welding the film to plastic fasteners, the joints should be covered with self-adhesive foil.

Do-it-yourself finishing of a pool with PVC film

Before laying PVC film, the price of which depends on the type of product, cutting should be done, which is an important and responsible step. Here it is necessary to take into account that when filling the bowl with water, the liner will stretch. Therefore, the film fragments are overlapped by 5-8 mm, which depends on the thickness of the product. The strips should be placed freely on the surface without unnecessary tension. It is required that the overlap is for corner connections was at least 12 mm.

The work of laying the material begins from the bottom of the pool. The quality of all other stages will depend on the accuracy of the installation. Do-it-yourself finishing of pool film walls is done from the bottom up. The liner fragments are leveled using a plumb line.

Helpful advice! Work on finishing the pool with PVC film should begin in the hot season. Material at high temperature environment becomes more elastic, which ensures its easy installation on the walls of the tank bowl.

Laying the liner is a complex undertaking that requires special attention and precision in execution of actions, the price of finishing a pool with PVC film starts from 600 rubles/m².

After installation, the defect cannot be easily eliminated. The whole piece will need to be replaced. Adjacent strips are immediately laid, which should be aligned and secured in one of the following ways. If a thin liner is used, spot connections can be made using solvent. It will melt the material at the points of contact and glue it securely. You can use construction hair dryer heat the film in certain places and then fix it.

At the next stage, the film fragments are welded. The joint areas should be heated with a hairdryer using necessary nozzle(depending on the installation location of the material). Hot air, the temperature of which is regulated, melts the seams. By pressing adjacent elements to each other using a silicone roller, after the material has cooled, you can obtain their reliable soldering. When performing this step, the following rule should be taken into account: the lower the ambient temperature, the hotter the air should be. In addition, when soldering film fragments together, you will not need such hot air, as when soldering the liner to the corners or fastening strips.

Helpful advice! The nozzle of a construction hair dryer should be periodically cleaned of accumulated carbon deposits using a special metal brush.

After covering the bottom, you can begin finishing the walls of the pool. The sheets are placed with the necessary allowance. The fragments are immediately soldered to the fastening tape along the entire perimeter of the pool. Then the transition seam is joined between vertical wall and the bottom of the structure. Lastly, the fragments in the corners are welded.

The final stage of work in finishing the pool with a liner

Once the installation of the pool finishing material has been completed and all welding work It is necessary to carefully inspect each seam. If defects are found, they should be corrected immediately. After thorough check You can proceed to sealing the butt joints. For this purpose, a special seal is used in the form liquid mixture. The substance must remain on for 30 minutes outdoors until a plasticine-like state is formed. The sealant covers the entire surface of the seam. It should be applied to vertical stripes from bottom to top, thereby creating an additional sealing layer.

Helpful advice! The sealant for the seams can be matched to the color of the liner.

After the seal has completely hardened, which will occur in 30-45 minutes, the pool is gradually filled with hot water at a temperature of 40 ° C. You should immediately add no more than 30 cm. This helps to ensure good tension on the vertical film strips. At this time, holes are made and flanges are installed on the embedded parts. Next, decorative elements are installed, after which the pool is filled to the top with water.

Today, the choice of facing materials for swimming pools is quite extensive. However, PVC film is the most popular option. This is due to its affordable cost, environmental friendliness, high performance characteristics, ease of installation and ease of maintenance. To ensure that the coating pleases the eye for many years, it is important to choose a high-quality, certified product from a reputable manufacturer.

Holidays in the country should be associated with comfort: steam room or barbecue, playground or tennis court, swimming pool. Until recently, only some summer residents could afford a swimming pool - installing the equipment took a lot of time and required a fairly large investment. Now it’s easy to build – you just need to do it right choice films. This article describes the technology for arranging a country pond from film, with photos and videos to help.

Swimming ponds for summer cottages

A swimming pool in a country house is not uncommon these days. These structures were built from different materials, have different sizes– the financial capabilities of the owner of the garden plot are taken into account.

Important! Using new technologies using PVC film, pools can be built at low cost, which guarantees ample opportunities for constructing a new reservoir or major renovation existing.

It often happens that the concrete bowl of a built pool begins to leak. Repairing the bowl in the shortest possible time using polyvinyl chloride film has become important. Minimum time spent and Money– the pool at the dacha is like new.

What kind of film is used for ponds

To repair a swimming pool and install a new reservoir, a two-layer PVC film reinforced with a special layer of geotextile is mainly used. The thickness of the material reaches 1.5 mm. The film is being processed by special means, which guarantees preservation of color, repelling lime deposits and dirt, as well as inhibiting the proliferation of pathogens and other microorganisms.

The pool is usually located on sunny side so that the water can warm up. Ultraviolet rays affecting the film do not cause its deformation, change in color or strength. Chlorinated water does not react with PVC film, and no harmful substances are released into the water or air. The strength characteristics of the pool film are very high; its service life is close to 20 years.

Pool Film Design

The industry produces several types of film coating for reservoirs:

  1. PVC film without reinforcement – ​​thickness from 0.65 to 0.85 mm. The usual film density does not guarantee high strength and durability of the coating. The cost of this type of material is not high.
  2. A two-layer coating reinforced with polyester threads is the most common option for using film for arranging a pond. Film thickness – 1.5 mm. The fabric is resistant to deformation and has high strength characteristics. The film is suitable for constructing deep pools with high level water.
  3. Coating with anti-slip effect - a ribbed pattern is applied to the surface of the film coating, due to which the film has an anti-slip effect. This coating is more expensive than simpler analogues, but the application is justified. Safety film is most often used in pools with differences in height, as well as in family and children's swimming pools.
  4. PVC film with acrylic coating - a layer of acrylic applied to the surface of the PVC film provides a bactericidal barrier:
  • does not allow microscopic algae to multiply;
  • repels dirt;
  • does not accumulate limescale;
  • prevents the negative effects of salts on the film surface.

How to arrange a film covering correctly

To save money, a swimming pool is often built with your own hands. The work must be carried out with special care, following all the rules, then the constructed reservoir long years will delight you with its impeccable cleanliness and high strength.

Preparing the pool for film installation

  • It is best to install film coatings in the summer, when the air temperature reaches +15 degrees.

Advice! Be sure to purchase or rent an industrial hair dryer for welding film sheets.

  • Before starting work, the pool should be thoroughly cleaned of debris, leaves, and dust.
  • Existing pools lined with ceramic tiles can be lined with PVC film directly over the old coating, but before that it is necessary to repair the surface: strengthen the tiles, replace broken ones. If there is delamination of the tiles, it is best to remove them by leveling the concrete bowl with mortar. The surface must be perfectly flat, without potholes, chips or bumps.

Geotextile backing

Non-woven fabric serves as an excellent substrate for a pool film covering. The geotextile is secured to the fastening strip using screws. The fastening strip is installed in such a way that the plastic coating forms a surface layer; subsequently, the film will be welded to it PVC coating. A geotextile backing is placed between the pool walls and the fastening strip.

Advice! In some cases, when the configuration of the pool is very complex, it is possible to glue geotextiles to the walls of the bowl. The adhesive composition must be elastic.

Cutting PVC film and installing the coating

Welded sheets of film coating are treated at the joints with a special mass - seam sealant. The sealant must be purchased to match the film. The liquid composition quickly hardens in air, protecting the seams from destruction. Seams treated with sealant must be exposed to air for at least 30 minutes, after which work in the pool can continue.

PVC film for the pool: video

Pool film: photo