How to detect body lice. Clothes lice. Body lice bites are accompanied by

One of the two forms of human lice is the body louse, which feeds exclusively on the blood of its owner, but lives in the folds of clothing.

In short, body louse (linen, clothing or bed) louse lives in clothes. Compared to its older “brothers”, it received many more advantages:

  • increased feeding area - bites occur not only on the head, but on the entire human body;
  • comfortable living conditions - clothes are warmer and safer than on your head and there is less risk of getting caught.

Externally, body lice are similar to head lice. Body length adult 4 mm, the abdomen is elongated, the color of a hungry insect is gray, a well-fed one is reddish-bluish.

The difference lies in the structure of the legs - they are shorter, which is determined by the habitat. Short legs also reduce the speed of movement - a maximum of 20 cm per minute, while head louse moves 2 times faster.

Photos of body lice are widely distributed on the Internet, so they can be identified quite easily. The entire life cycle takes place in clothing - this is where the insect lives and lays eggs - nits. When hunger strikes, it moves to the human skin, and after satiation it immediately returns back. This is why they are called body lice, linen lice and clothing lice.

The classic incubation period of body louse is usually calculated based on the moment of clutch formation until the hatching of nymphs and the development of full-fledged individuals.

Body lice eggs - nits - are attached to the threads with a special secretion. It is almost impossible to tear them off; you only have to destroy them by heat treatment. Visually, they resemble grains of rice up to 0.5 mm long. It is extremely difficult to notice them even on dark clothes.

How quickly do body lice reproduce?

The first bites appear on the body within a few hours after infection. This indicates the instant adaptation of the insect, and also that they cannot for a long time starve. It is believed that the maximum period of absence of food does not exceed a week, after which the insect dies.

Diagnosis of lice is complicated by the fact that even if you know for sure about the presence of body lice, it is almost impossible to find them. But after a month the consequences become noticeable. This time is enough for the first generation of nymphs to grow up and begin to actively attack the warm-blooded host.

You can notice the presence of body lice after 1.5-2 months - the second generation appears, growing up in good conditions. Here the symptoms become more obvious and anti-pediculosis treatment can be carried out with confidence.

What is body lice

It is possible to diagnose body lice by detecting insects only when their number numbers hundreds or even thousands of individuals. This stage takes on average up to six months from the moment of infection and develops rapidly if treatment is not started in time.

Causes of body lice

There is an opinion that infestation with body lice is synonymous with unsanitary conditions. This is far from true - even prosperous families, where they know first-hand about personal hygiene and sanitization at home, are faced with this diagnosis.


  • bite marks that last for 4-5 days;
  • wounds and suppuration at the bite sites;
  • itching and redness caused by an anesthetic secretion that is injected by the louse when the skin is pierced;
  • the appearance of blue spots with a large number of bites;
  • rash, allergies, nervous disorders.

Most often, bite marks can be found on the following areas of the body:

  • neck and ears;
  • stomach and lower back;
  • armpits;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • upper back.

It is extremely rare for the legs to be attacked, but bite marks are also found there.

As soon as bitten areas with dried blood are found on the body, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis. accurate diagnosis. The bite sites resemble a bed bug attack. You also need to get rid of them, but the methods of fighting will be different.

How to get rid of body lice

In general, treatment of body lice is a quick process, with a favorable outcome in most cases. You can often find advice to contact sanitary services so that specialists can sanitize the premises and give recommendations on effective means. This is expensive and not always effective, since the main struggle is in the wardrobe, and not in the room.

There are 2 treatment methods:

  • medicinal;
  • therapeutic.

To completely get rid of body lice, all inhabitants of the house and all things are treated simultaneously.

Processing things

Wardrobe processing is as follows:

  1. Collect all things, bed linen, towels, etc.
  2. Wash at temperatures above +60°C, you can add vinegar to the water.
  3. For those items that cannot be washed at high temperatures, freezing or processing in steam-formalin chambers is recommended.
  4. After washing and heat treatment, the laundry is left outside for at least 15 days - this is enough for the surviving insects to die of starvation.

Beds, chairs, sofas and textiles are treated with anti-pediculosis compounds. Among them:

Body treatment

A pediculicidal agent must be used, which is applied to the head and body. All items that are planned to be worn, including underwear and socks, are ironed with a hot iron.

The following can be recommended as pediculicidal agents:

  1. Para Plus. A combined drug based on 3 active components - malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Pharmacological effectiveness is manifested under the influence of active ingredients, where malathion is an organophosphorus insecticide, permethrin is a neurotoxic poison, and piperonyl butoxide increases its effect.
  2. Nittifor. The drug is used topically, the skin surface treated with the drug retains traces of the main, active substance for about six more weeks. active substance. The effect is especially noticeable in relation to nits that have not yet hatched.
  3. Nit Free. Menthol spray is the first remedy in the prevention of head lice. Contains essential oils mint, which have a strong repellent effect. It repels insects, but does not kill them.

Treatment of body lice bites on the body

Depending on the patient’s condition, age and general etiology, wounds can be treated with the following compounds:

  • Rescuer - the effect of the balm is based on reducing pain, restoring damaged cells and soothing the skin;
  • Asterisk is a disinfectant wound-healing balm that reduces pain and itching.

Simultaneously with the treatment of clothing lice bites, antihistamine therapy is prescribed. Its goal is to reduce discomfort and discomfort, get rid of itching and burning, and generally improve the patient’s condition.

Home (folk) remedies for body lice

Aimed at treating the body with repellent compounds, disinfecting bed linen and using repellent plants.


Tea tree oil

Used to lubricate bite sites and diluted (3-4 drops per liter of water) for rinsing and washing.

Concentrated cranberry juice

The composition is applied to the bitten areas. If desired, you can dilute it with water 1:3 (one part cranberry juice) and rinse your body.

Disease prevention and prognosis

Regular body hygiene is considered the best method of prevention. It’s hard to argue with this, but a clean body is no less appetizing to body lice than a dirty one.

In order for the forecast to be favorable, it is recommended to avoid crowded places, not to use other people’s things, and to thoroughly wash items purchased at spontaneous markets and second-hand stores.

A few words in conclusion

Many have already forgotten what lice is and how to deal with it, which is why the appearance of lice symptoms literally comes as a shock. There is nothing wrong with this - the use of pediculicidal agents, thorough general treatment of clothing and sanitation of the house will quickly solve the problem.

Body lice cannot live in hair - their legs are not adapted for this, and therefore they usually do not linger directly on a person’s head. But they managed to perfectly adapt to living in clothes - in its folds, between seams, in folds and pockets - confidently clinging to the fabric itself.

What do body lice look like?

Body lice are very similar in appearance to head lice. These are small insects with a body length of about 3-4 mm, whitish or grayish-yellow in color with a characteristic slightly elongated abdomen. The photo shows a body louse at high magnification under a microscope:

Body lice do not have wings, which makes it easier for them to move through hair. On the other hand, due to this feature, they are not able to easily and quickly move between their owners.

In the photo - body lice on fabric:

And the following photo clearly shows what body lice look like after they have sucked blood:

On a note

Body lice larvae differ from adult insects only in size - they reach a length of half a millimeter to 1.5-2 mm. During growth, they molt three times, and after that they turn into an adult insect.

In the photo below you can see what a body louse looks like at the larval stage:

This is interesting

Only that stage of louse development that immediately follows the egg is called a larva. The larva after the first molt is called a nymph.

Body lice eggs are called nits. They are attached to clothing with a special secret, and it is mechanically very difficult to tear them off from it. Each such egg has a slightly elongated shape and a length of about 0.5 mm. Typically, body lice nits can be quite difficult to visually detect on clothing.

The photo below shows what body lice look like when they have drunk blood:

This is interesting

As noted above, head and body lice are different shapes of the same type. Under natural conditions, even on the body of one person, they usually do not meet each other (after all, they are separated purely territorially), but under experimental conditions they interbreed and produce viable offspring. Moreover, the offspring themselves have more signs of head lice as the main form.

Lice avoid shiny, silk and satin clothes; they love wool and cotton fabrics.

This determines the contingent of victims of body lice - tramps, beggars, refugees, soldiers in war who cannot regularly change clothes; lice in their underwear find an ideal refuge. Body lice cannot live on people who constantly wash their bodies and have at least two changes of linen a week. In this they lose to head lice.

Despite being inactive, body lice can spread quite effectively between people. As a rule, they are transmitted through close contact between an infected person and a healthy person, as well as through the use of someone else's clothing. This usually happens in:

  • homeless sleeping areas
  • refugee camps, shelters during natural disasters
  • trenches and tents during military operations
  • kindergartens and schools
  • public transport
  • saunas and public baths
  • on hiking trips
  • children's holiday camps
  • dirty cheap hotels.

On a note

Body lice can survive in water for 2 days, and therefore they can, in exceptional cases, be transmitted through water, even in open water. Such cases have been reported in India and Bangladesh.

By and large, any crowded place can be a source of lice infestation. However, the easiest way for them to be transmitted is when people share clothes and underwear.

Fighting body lice and treating body lice

Getting rid of body lice is not so difficult, and when the right approach This can be done literally in one day.

The easiest way is to contact the sanitary service or a special detention center. The public there, of course, can confuse even the most notorious optimist, but the means and treatment methods there are so powerful that they will allow you to remove body lice literally within a few hours.

You can get rid of body lice at home. To combat them you need:

  • Take off all clothes and load them into washing machine, add any modern remedy against body lice, and in the absence of such - vinegar or tar soap- and wash things at the highest possible temperature. Ideally, items should be boiled or dry-cleaned for processing in a steam-formalin chamber.
  • Swim thoroughly, wash your body with pediculicidal cream or shampoo, leave the product on your body for half an hour, then rinse it thoroughly.
  • Wear clean clothes that have been stored in a closet or aired outside for at least two weeks.

It is advisable to change the bed linen after this. You should not wear untreated clothing when infected.

Treatment of body lice bites involves treating them with alcohol lotions, “Rescuer” type balms, and “Zvezdochka” product. In the presence of allergic reactions, symptomatic treatment is used (headache medications, painkillers, decongestants) and antihistamines.

It is important to remember that fighting body lice and treating the consequences of their bites is always more difficult than avoiding infection in the first place. Therefore, you should avoid places where you can become infected with lice, do not contact with unfamiliar and untidy people, do not spend the night in dubious places, use only your own hygiene items and clothing, and teach children to observe the rules of hygiene and sanitation.

Under these conditions, even in difficult life situations, it is quite possible to avoid infection with lice and never become acquainted with lice.

Be healthy!

Useful information about human lice

Interesting video: where do lice come from and how to deal with it

And this is what pubic lice look like on eyelashes: unique shots

Body lice, compared to head lice, settle not on a person’s body, but on his clothing. This is due to the fact that their paws are not designed to hold securely in hair. If a body louse somehow gets on your head, it won’t be able to stay there for long.

Body lice are similar in appearance to head lice. According to many experts, body lice are the result of the evolution of head lice. In both types of lice, the body has a slightly elongated abdomen. Body length does not exceed 3 mm. Body color is light gray or light yellow.

These insects do not have wings, so they are not able to move long distances and quickly move to another victim.

At temperatures up to +30 degrees, body lice feel excellent. In such conditions they multiply quickly and lead active image life. If the temperature environment drops to +15 degrees, the development of eggs stops, and when the temperature drops to below +13 degrees and above +60 degrees, body lice eggs die.

Females can live up to 45 days, but during this period they manage to lay from 100 to 140 eggs. Males live less, about one month.

Clothes lice differs in one way, but very important feature: lice live, reproduce and develop not on the human body, but on his clothing. Despite this feature, they cannot exist without a human body and die after a while, since their diet includes human blood. The body louse spends most of its life in the folds of clothing, and when hunger sets in, it moves to the human body, where it receives its dose of nutrients. After this, the insects move to their original places, into seams, pockets, folds, etc.

A body louse can feed up to 4 times a day.

The fact that body lice have appeared can be indicated by several factors. For example:

  • Places of bites, if there are none a large number of, heal within 4 days.
  • The bite sites are accompanied by unbearable itching, and not so much the bite site as the area around them.
  • Manifestations of allergic reactions are possible, which are accompanied by headaches, nausea, disruptions in the digestive tract, fever or skin rashes.
  • If there are a lot of bites, bluish spots appear on the body.
  • Unbearable and constant itching leads to sleep disturbances or nervous disorders.

Interesting to know! Children and women react most painfully to body lice bites. Children begin to cry for no apparent reason, sleep poorly and react nervously to various events.

As a rule, in most cases it is possible to find out about the existence of body lice thanks to the symptoms described above. Because not at all large sizes it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. In addition, they find places on clothing where they can safely hide.

  • Waist.
  • Shoulders.
  • Upper back.
  • Small of the back.
  • Armpits.

On a note! Body lice were the main source of the development of relapsing and typhus, which killed hundreds of thousands during the war. human lives. Nowadays, residents of African and Asian countries suffer from these ailments, where their living conditions do not meet the basic requirements of sanitation rules.

How to remove body lice

  • All contaminated items will have to be treated high temperature. They need to be washed in a machine at maximum temperature with the addition of insecticides.

Advice! Alternatively, items can be dry-cleaned by informing the staff.

  • Treat the body with special preparations (it is better to use shampoo), and then wash everything off.
  • After this, it is better to wear clean, uncontaminated clothes and underwear. It is better to hang previously infected items outside in the cold or under the influence of direct sun rays(in summer).

Advice! Clean and untreated items should not be placed nearby. This can lead to contamination of clean items.

Body Treatment Products

To treat the body, you can use shampoos, lotions and sprays. Among the reliable means are:

  • Para Plus.
  • Neti For.
  • Nit Free.

How to use these products is described in the instructions, which must be read carefully. As a rule, the affected areas of the body are treated, after which you should wrap yourself in plastic (food) film for a while. After this, the product is washed off. How long you need to leave the drug on is indicated in the instructions, since different products require different times.

On a note! Possible use folk remedies, such as vinegar or kerosene, but they need to be used quite carefully, as you can burn the skin, and the aroma from these substances is not very pleasant and lasts a long time.

Garment Treatment Products

Previously, when there was no effective drugs, clothes were treated with kerosene to prevent lice. Kerosene was diluted in water for washing, after which it was all boiled and the lice were guaranteed to die. Unfortunately, this method has a number of disadvantages. For example:

  • You should not add kerosene to the washing machine, as this unpleasant smell all other things will be soaked, which will then be washed in the machine.
  • If you wash things by hand, it is better to wear rubber gloves, otherwise allergic reactions are possible.
  • If boiled, toxic fumes are released, which can lead to poisoning.
  • The smell of kerosene lingers for a long time, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

Nowadays, to get rid of body lice, it is enough to use highly effective anti-pediculosis agents. For example:

On a note! The body should be treated in parallel with the treatment of things, which minimizes the risk of re-infection.

Products based on natural ingredients

Products made from natural ingredients help in the fight against body lice when the disease is not advanced. In such conditions, very tangible results can be obtained from the use of such means. For example.

However, sometimes very clean people can get body lice if they come into close contact with insect carriers or visit characteristic places, which are the following:

  • crowded public transport, including trains;
  • apartments with dysfunctional families;
  • cheap hotels or hostels;
  • summer camps and recreation centers;
  • public baths and saunas;
  • reservoirs with stagnant water;
  • used clothing stores;
  • places of detention, as well as barracks.


In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible, but if for some reason the trip to the doctor is delayed, you can use the elimination method. First, you need to understand what the clinical picture is - an allergy or actual bites. The allergy affects larger areas and looks like continuous redness, and the bites are local in nature. In addition, body lice bites have a pronounced puncture point in the center of the inflamed area.

Body lice bites are characterized primarily by severe itching, which occurs due to the fact that when an insect punctures the skin, it injects an anesthetic substance into the wound that helps stop blood clotting. Often the human body reacts to this enzyme with an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of acute urticaria. Burning and discomfort force the victim to comb the affected areas of the skin, which inevitably leads to excoriation, that is, its damage. Open wounds become a path for the penetration of bacteria, causing the appearance of pustular formations - the so-called phenomenon of pyoderma.

If you ignore the process for a long time and neglect it too much, unwanted complications may appear in the form of boils and even abscesses, indicating that the infection has gone deep inside. As a rule, such pictures can be observed in the case of long-term head lice, in which no proper measures were taken. Gradually, the skin of such people loses normal pigmentation, thickens and becomes rough.

So, body lice bites are accompanied by:

If body lice bites are not combed, they will heal on their own within 3-4 days, but you should not ignore their appearance, it is better to start treatment immediately - this will speed up the healing process and prevent the development of more severe consequences. You can help yourself by treating damaged skin with alcohol lotions that promote disinfection, as well as balms aimed at healing, for example, “Rescuer” or “Zvezdochka”. Whenever allergic reaction need to connect use antihistamines which will relieve swelling and itching.

How to get rid of body lice

You can start by processing personal belongings; to do this you need to do the following:

The ideal option for getting rid of body lice on fabrics is to go to a dry cleaner, where the laundry will be reliably processed in a special formaldehyde chamber. There is no need to store treated items with clothing that has not yet been disinfested. In addition, it is recommended to wipe the linen storage cabinets with vinegar and also treat the upholstery upholstered furniture, for example, "Karbofos".

If body lice remain on the human body, you will also need to get rid of them. Modern pediculicides, such as “Para Plus”, “Nittifor”, “Nit free”, “Medifox”, “Bubil”, “Pedilin”, “Nok” can help with this. They are very easy to use: just apply the product to the body, wrap the treated areas of the body with plastic film, and then rinse off after 10-45 minutes. Each drug has its own time, so before use you need to carefully read the instructions. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to disinfect the body and linen at the same time.

You can also say goodbye to body lice through the advice of traditional medicine.

Understanding what body lice look like is quite easy. Especially this process will not be difficult for people who have experienced head lice. The insect's body can reach a length of 3 mm. Its abdomen is slightly elongated, and its color can be light yellow or gray.

A body louse lives for about a month. During this period, the female manages to lay about 100-130 eggs. But, having emerged from the shell, the individual must transform several more times. Full puberty takes 16 days.

A body louse lives for about a month

When a louse needs food, it moves from clothing to the body of its owner, drinks blood, and then returns to its previous habitat. Most often these are folds and seams on clothing. The feeding area for lice is located precisely in the area where they are localized. For example, if an insect has settled in the waistband of trousers, then the place intended for “lunch” will be the lower back or Bottom part belly.