Planning educational work in the senior group on the topic "Late spring. Insects." Summary of nodes on the formation of a holistic picture of the world (cognition) with the pursuit of an integrative component of development and correction. topic: “insects” will surprise

Abstract of the educational activity "Insects" Older age

teacher: Brovkina M.A.

Target: Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Insects.”


1. Fix the names of insects, external characteristics, their structure;

2. Teach children to compose descriptive stories about insects, using a plan - diagram;

3. Fix the use of nouns in the genitive case;

4. Activate the vocabulary on the topic: “Insects” (insects, butterfly, beetle, grasshopper, ladybug, dragonfly, wings, legs, antennae);

5. Cultivate a sustainable interest in the life of insects, a friendly attitude towards nature, improve general motor skills and coordination of movements.

6. Develop memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking.

Material for the lesson: Subject pictures depicting insects, a plan - a diagram for compiling a descriptive story about insects, flowers for a spring meadow, sheets with graphic dictations.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures with insects and children's magazines. Encyclopedias, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Cockroach”, V. Bianchi “The Adventures of the Ant”, watching cartoons. Butterfly and ladybug applique.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Main part:

Guys, today I want to offer you an unusual trip to a clearing and into the forest, do you agree? So you and I came to the clearing. Look how beautiful the clearing is.

When in a fragrant pine forest
Sit down on a stump in the spring,
Take a careful look around -
You'll notice a lot there, friend!
An ant drags the larva
He hurries somewhere between the roots of a large pine tree.
A golden beetle sat on a thick branch.
A light moth flutters,
Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis,
And the bee collects honey,
Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do!
My friend, take a close look,

Magic, you will see life!

Who is this poem about?

Children's answers: About insects.

Correct about insects. Insects are the oldest and most numerous inhabitants of our planet. They appeared about 250 million years ago and are very well adapted to life on Earth. What insects do you know?

Now I’ll tell you riddles, and who will guess and find the insect that is mentioned in the riddle. Then he will put it on the flowers in our clearing. Let her come to life.


1. Flies. Squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed:

He will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

2. I don’t buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

I don't buzz when I walk

I'm buzzing. When I'm spinning. (Bug)

3. In a clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million residents. (Ant).

4. It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

5. Housewife

Flew over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share some honey. (Bee)

6. From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

The spring jumps -

Green back. (Grasshopper)

7. Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

8. I don’t sew clothes,

And we always weave. (Spider)

9. Red, small lump,

There are a few dots on the back

Doesn't scream or sing

And it crawls along the leaf. ( Ladybug)

10. He flies all day long,

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Guys, what a beautiful clearing we have! How are insects different from animals? (Children's answers)

Let's try to compose a story about insects according to the basic plan - diagram:

I ask the children questions about each point of the diagram and ask the children to answer with a complete answer.

Then one child tells a story from beginning to end based on the same picture.

Then I invite 2-3 children to choose a picture with any insect and write a story following the points of the diagram.


I'm a big dragonfly.

Very round eyes

I'm spinning like a helicopter

Right, left, back, forward.

I flew and flew

I didn't know if I was tired.

I sat on a daisy and flew again

Game "Fourth wheel".

The teacher names four words, the children must identify the extra word by ear and explain their choice:

Beetle, bee, ant, cat;

Elephant, butterfly, bumblebee, caterpillar;

Ladybug, mosquito, plate, dragonfly;

- Christmas tree, cockroach, fly, grasshopper;

Spider, firefly, locust, bed.

Call the game affectionately:

A mosquito is a mosquito, a cockroach is a cockroach, a bee is a bee, a dragonfly is a dragonfly, a beetle is a bug, a fly is a fly.

Children sit at tables and work with graphic dictations.

Guys, tell me who we talked about today? (children's answers).

Right. When you come to the forest or to a clearing or meadow, do not rush to run or scream, but rather watch the life of insects. And now I suggest you return from our clearing back to the group and draw the insects that we talked about today.



Abstract of the educational activity "Insects"

Senior group

Educator: Brovkina M.A.

Target : Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Insects.”

Tasks :

  1. Fix the names of insects, external characteristics, their structure;
  2. Teach children to compose descriptive stories about insects, using a plan - diagram;
  3. Strengthen the use of nouns in the genitive case;
  4. Activate the dictionary on the topic: “Insects” (insects, butterfly, beetle, grasshopper, ladybug, dragonfly, wings, legs, antennae);
  5. Cultivate a sustainable interest in the life of insects, a friendly attitude towards nature, improve general motor skills and coordination of movements.
  6. Develop memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking.

Material for the lesson:Subject pictures depicting insects, a plan - a diagram for compiling a descriptive story about insects, flowers for a spring meadow, sheets with graphic dictations.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures with insects and children's magazines. Encyclopedias, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Cockroach”, V. Bianchi “The Adventures of the Ant”, watching cartoons. Butterfly and ladybug applique.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Main part:

Guys, today I want to offer you an unusual trip to a clearing and into the forest, do you agree? So you and I came to the clearing. Look how beautiful the clearing is.

When in a fragrant pine forest
Sit down on a stump in the spring,
Take a careful look around -
You'll notice a lot there, friend!
An ant drags the larva
He hurries somewhere between the roots of a large pine tree.
A golden beetle sat on a thick branch.
A light moth flutters,
Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis,
And the bee collects honey,
Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do!
My friend, take a close look,

Magic, you will see life!

Who is this poem about?

Children's answers: About insects.

Correct about insects. Insects are the oldest and most numerous inhabitants of our planet. They appeared about 250 million years ago and are very well adapted to life on Earth. What insects do you know?

Now I’ll tell you riddles, and who will guess and find the insect that is mentioned in the riddle. Then he will put it on the flowers in our clearing. Let her come to life.


  1. Flies. Squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed:

He will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

  1. I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

I don't buzz when I walk

I'm buzzing. When I'm spinning. (Bug)

  1. In a clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million residents. (Ant).

  1. It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

  1. Housewife

Flew over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share some honey. (Bee)

  1. From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

The spring jumps -

Green back. (Grasshopper)

  1. Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

  1. I don't sew clothes

And we always weave. (Spider)

  1. Red, small lump,

There are a few dots on the back

Doesn't scream or sing

And it crawls along the leaf. (Ladybug)

  1. Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Guys, what a beautiful clearing we have! How are insects different from animals? (Children's answers)

Let's try to compose a story about insects according to the basic plan - diagram:

I ask the children questions about each point of the diagram and ask the children to answer with a complete answer.

Then one child tells a story from beginning to end based on the same picture.

Then I invite 2-3 children to choose a picture with any insect and write a story following the points of the diagram.


I'm a big dragonfly.

Very round eyes

I'm spinning like a helicopter

Right, left, back, forward.

I flew and flew

I didn't know if I was tired.

I sat on a daisy and flew again

Game "Fourth wheel".

The teacher names four words, the children must identify the extra word by ear and explain their choice:

Beetle, bee, ant, cat;

Elephant, butterfly, bumblebee, caterpillar;

Ladybug, mosquito, plate, dragonfly;

- Christmas tree, cockroach, fly, grasshopper;

Spider, firefly, locust, bed.

Call the game affectionately:

A mosquito is a mosquito, a cockroach is a cockroach, a bee is a bee, a dragonfly is a dragonfly, a beetle is a bug, a fly is a fly.

Game “Find a path to a friend”:

Children sit at tables and work with graphic dictations.

Guys, tell me who we talked about today? (children's answers).

Right. When you come to the forest or to a clearing or meadow, do not rush to run or scream, but rather watch the life of insects. And now I suggest you return from our clearing back to the group and draw the insects that we talked about today.

Regional state educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, « Orphanage With. Chernigovka"

Senior group, Teacher - Chelyadina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic "Insects"


Correctional and educational:

  • Activating a dictionary on a topic "insects" , consolidate and expand ideas about insects and their characteristic features;
  • Form nouns with diminutive suffixes; agree nouns with numerals;
  • Continue to teach how to solve riddles and justify your answer.

Correctional and developmental:

  • Develop coherent speech, speech hearing, visual memory, attention;
  • Develop fine motor skills fingers;

Correctional and educational:

  • Foster love and respect for nature and beneficial insects.


  • Subject pictures with insects: dragonfly, bee, ant, butterfly, ladybug, beetle, ball, cut-out pictures.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation, looking at pictures from the series "Insects" ;
  • Reading poems about insects, guessing riddles, drawings of insects, learning finger games;
  • View presentations about insects;
  • Observing insects in nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point:

  • Name the seasons, starting with winter.
  • What time of year is it now?
  • Name three spring months?
  • What month is it now?
  • What season comes after spring?

2. Thematic conversation about insects:

The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess, find the picture and put it on the magnetic board.

* She has four wings,
The body is thin, like an arrow.
And big, big eyes
They call her... (dragonfly).


How did you guess that it was a dragonfly, what words helped you find the answer?

* Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers,
Gives us both wax and honey.
She's nice to everyone
And her name is... (bee).


What words helped you guess that it was a bee?

* He is a real worker
Very, very hard working.
Under a pine tree in a dense forest
Builds a house from needles (ant).


What words helped you guess that it was an ant?

Ants are beneficial insects. They have a head, chest, abdomen and three pairs of legs. They are very small and very hardworking.

They are called "forest orderlies" . In one day they destroy a large number of harmful insects. Ants live in anthills. Anthills must be protected and preserved!

* She is bright, beautiful,
Graceful, light-winged.
She looks like a flower
And loves to drink flower juice (butterfly).


What words told you that it was a butterfly?

Most butterflies occur in May and June. In May, white butterflies with black spots on their wings begin to fly over the garden. Flying from leaf to leaf, the butterfly lays its eggs on them, from which caterpillars emerge. When the caterpillar is full, it wraps itself in sticky web and becomes a cocoon or pupa. Inside the cocoon work in progress- transformation of a fat caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.

Butterflies land on flowers and feed on their nectar, reaching it with their proboscis.

* She is dearer than all the bugs,
The back is scarlet.
And there are circles on it
Little black dots. (Ladybug).


And in this riddle, what words suggested that it was a ladybug?

A violinist lives in a meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (Grasshopper.)

To be confirmed with children characteristics structures of a grasshopper.

The body of grasshoppers is oblong, the head is oval with the same shaped eyes. Limbs are long (especially the rear ones) jumping type with very long thighs and lower legs.

3. Physical education minute:

Raise your shoulders
Jump, grasshoppers!
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
We sat down, sat down and ate some grass,

Listen to the silence
Higher, higher, higher,
Jump on your toes easily
The teacher asks a riddle:

On a warm day, in spring, in May,
Everyone will know about me.
I'm not a fly, not a spider.
I'm buzzing! I'm May... (Bug.)

What are the body parts of a beetle called?

Where are the paws attached? (To the chest.)

What is the body covered with? (Hard wings.)

What's on your head? (Eyes, ears, mouth, mustache.)

Transparent thin wings chafer hidden, visible

they are only in flight. It was named so because it was in May

they appear. There are especially many of them in the evenings. They fly low

above the ground and buzzing. The beetle gnaws the bark of trees.

How can you call in one word those depicted in the pictures?

What is the main characteristic of all insects? (All insects have 6 legs.)

Guys, what are insects for? (serve as food for birds, pollinate plants) Children's answers.

Finger gymnastics:

I am a cheerful cockchafer, clench your fist, forefinger And

I know all the gardens around. spread the little finger to the sides - "mustache" ,

I circle over the lawns, move them.

And my name is Juju!

4. Didactic game "Who is missing" And I'll check who is the most attentive?

Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. You will have to tell me who I removed, who is gone?

(the game is played 2-3 times).

But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, and birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you cannot kill insects, but only take care of them, love and protect them.

5. Didactic game "One - Five"


one mosquito
one wasp
one beetle
one bee

one dragonfly
one grasshopper
one ant
one fly

one butterfly children
five mosquitoes
five wasps
five beetles

five bees
five dragonflies
five grasshoppers
five ants

five flies
five butterflies

6. Didactic game "Call me kindly" (with a ball)

Mosquito - mosquito
Beetle - bug
Bee - bee
Mustache - mustache

Paws - paws
Head - head
Ant - little ant
Anthill - anthill

Fly - fly

Dragonfly - dragonfly

7. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

The cockchafer is big, and the ladybug... (small).

The cockchafer has short wings, and the dragonfly... (long).

The beetle has thick whiskers, and the butterfly... (thin).

The caterpillar crawls, and the butterfly... (flies).

The bees fly, and the spider... (crawls).

The grasshopper can jump, and the ladybug... (No).

Bees live in hives, and ants... (in an anthill).

The butterfly feeds on the nectar of flowers, and the spider... (flies...).

Well done guys, you completed the task.

There are a great variety of insects on earth. On their abdomen they have transverse stripes, like notches. That's where the name comes from "insects" - from the word "notch" . Insects are gluttons: they eat everything: greens, small insects. Insects are big and small. Some fly, others crawl or jump. In nature they appear only when it is warm (spring, summer). Birds eat insects. Among insects there are pests - carriers of human and animal diseases; There are also useful ones - they pollinate plants, provide food and raw materials (honey, wax, silk).

8. Game: "Transformations"

Educator: Now, children, I want to do some magic: “One, two - now I’m a fairy” . And I will transform you with a magic wand in insects. Insect children fly, jump, flutter, and make characteristic sounds characteristic of a mosquito ("z-z-z" ) , bee ("w-w-w" ) , fly ("z-z-z" ) , bumblebee ("w-w-w" ) .

Educator: We rested in a clearing in the forest, and it’s time to return to kindergarten. But before she casts a spell on the children, the fairy wants to find out from them whether it is good or bad to be an insect.

9. Lesson summary:

Who did we talk about in class today? What insects do you know? Name it. What new things have you learned?

Collect cut-out pictures and name the insect.

(Children come to the table and collect the picture).

What insect did you collect?

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational:

  • Formation of ideas about appearance and the lifestyle of insects
  • Clarification and expansion of vocabulary on the topic (insects, butterfly, beetle, grasshopper, ladybug, dragonfly, wings, paws, mustache)
  • Formation of a general concept insects
  • Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation and use of the genitive case, plural nouns), composing sentences with the meaning of opposition and with the complex conjunction “because”
  • Improving the skill of sound-syllable analysis of words

Correctional and developmental:

  • Development of coherent speech
  • Development of phonemic representations
  • Development of visual attention
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills
  • Development of sensory processes

Correctional and educational:

  • Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility
  • Fostering respect for nature

Lexical material:

dragonfly, grasshopper, butterfly, fly, caterpillar, mosquito, bee, wasp, bumblebee, beetle, ant, mantis, spider, cockroach, snail, bug, locust, tick, worm.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Main part.

Today our lesson, guys, will begin in an unusual way - with a fairy tale... Far, far away, beyond the warm seas, where winter never happens, in a fairy-tale kingdom lived a little fairy. The inhabitants of this small kingdom were flowers. Flowers loved their mistress very much, gave her their flower nectar, from which she created extraordinary, kind miracles. The little fairy's birthday was approaching and the flowers decided to throw a ball in honor of this event. But the trouble was that the flowers could not dance, because their roots were firmly rooted in the ground. The flowers told the owner about their trouble. The little fairy decided to help her favorite flowers. At night, she prepared magic dew from sweet flower pollen and, with the first rays of the sun, sprinkled all the flowers in her city. Oh, miracle! Butterflies fluttered out of the flowers, so similar to bright flowers of unprecedented beauty that it was impossible to distinguish them. Children compare butterflies with flowers (beautiful, light, graceful). Seeing this miracle, the rest of the residents of the flower town hurried to the celebration - the little fairy's birthday. Try to find out with the help of music who came to the holiday. Children guess that bumblebees flew in for the holiday, grasshoppers jumped up, etc. How can we call all the fairy's guests in one word? (insects) Let's get to know them better.

Flying insects have wings, legs, and a sting. Butterflies, dragonflies, beetles and bees have four wings, flies and mosquitoes have two. Mosquitoes, flies, bees and some other insects make squeaking, humming or buzzing sounds while flying. Their tone depends on the frequency of the wings flapping: the more often the flapping, the finer the sound. This is how mosquitoes make a thin squeak and flap their wings up to a thousand times per second; bumblebees hum in a bass voice and flap their wings two hundred and forty times per second; butterflies fly silently, making only five to nine strokes.

Dragonflies, butterflies, and bees feed on nectar, which they pull from flowers with their proboscis. Wild bees form hives in hollow trees and deposit honey there.

Mosquitoes- blood-sucking insects, fly mainly after dark. Flies crawl through all dirty places and carry a lot of bacteria on their paws. They should not be allowed to sit on food.

There are also non-flying insects: grasshoppers jump in the grass; ants form anthills.

Caterpillars are forest pests and live on trees.

Insects are of great benefit: people get formic acid from ants and use it to prepare medicines; from bees - honey, which contains many useful substances, adults and children love him.

Flying insects, flying from flower to flower, carry pollen on their hind legs and thereby contribute to the reproduction of plants.

And finally, insects are food for birds, and birds such as nightingales and swallows could not exist, since they feed only on flying insects, and each of them catches up to a million of all kinds of midges over the summer.

Speech outdoor game "Dragonfly"(improvisation of movements)

Dragonfly, dragonfly,
Emerald eyes
Quickly spread your wings,
Fly around our circle quickly!

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

"Name the insects"

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Insects”

Clap your hands if you hear me name an insect.

"Choose a word"
Selection of verbs for the word insects: fly, flutter, crawl, jump, suck, bite, sting, collect, drink, buzz, ring, buzz, bother, harm, help, fly over, hide, fall asleep, wake up, crawl out, work, carry.

"Who moves how"
Compilation complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

The ant crawls, and the butterfly...
The caterpillar crawls, and the grasshopper...
The butterfly flies, and the snail...
The beetle crawls, and the dragonfly...
The wasp flies, and the worm...
The snail crawls, and the dragonfly...
The spider crawls, and the bee...
The grasshopper jumps, and the mosquito...
The cockroach crawls, and the dragonfly...
The butterfly flutters, and the fly...

"4th wheel"
Use of complex conjunctions “because”

Bumblebee, bee, wasp, fox.
Ant, fly, rook, bee.
Dragonfly, beetle, caterpillar, dog.
Mosquito, grasshopper, butterfly, squirrel.

"Giant Insects"
Use of words with magnifying connotations.

This is not a spider, but a spider.
It's not a beetle, it's a bug.
This is not an ant, but an ant.
This is not a mosquito, but a mosquito.
This is not a worm, but a worm-like thing.
This is not a bumblebee, but a bumblebee.
This is not a bug, but a bug.
This is not a cockroach, but a roach.

"Who did I see»
Use of the genitive case of plural nouns. A child takes a toy insect from a clearing and says...

It's a beetle. I saw a lot of bugs.
This is a spider. I saw a lot of spiders.

« Divide the word into syllables"
Listen carefully and don’t yawn how many syllables you tell me.

« Collect a picture»
Folding puzzles.

"Guess who I want to name"
Development of auditory attention, syllabic structure of words.

Mel-mel-mel, I'll call it...
Sa-sa-sa, I call...
Mar-mar-mar, I call it a mosquito.
La-la-la, I call...

Guys, who came to the birthday fairy’s ball? That's right, insects. All the guests gave gifts to the birthday girl (sort the pictures according to loudness-deafness and hardness-softness on the tablet)

III. Summary of the lesson.

Review lesson on the topic “Insects” senior group updated: May 14, 2014 by: Oksana Shilova

Subject: Writing a descriptive story about insects using a diagram.
Program content:
· teach children to compose descriptive stories about insects, using a plan - diagram;
· continue to teach coherence, development, continuity of expression;
· consolidate the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech;
· consolidate the use of nouns in the genitive case;
· activate the vocabulary on the topic “Insects”;
· develop memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking;
· cultivate a sustainable interest in the life of insects.
Material for the lesson: an envelope with a letter from insects, a plan - diagram (taken from the Internet, author - MaksFro95), pictures depicting insects or toys - insects, a picture depicting a chamomile with a set of insects (Demonstration material "Chamomile" from the series "Play and Count", publishing house “Fantasyland”, author – Svetlana Vokhrintseva).
Preliminary work: looking at pictures, toys, children's magazines, encyclopedias, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Cockroach”, “Forest Mansions” by M. Mikhailov, “How the Ant Hurried Home” by V. Bianchi “The Happy Bug” by G. Skrebitsky, viewing cartoons, “Butterfly” applique, sculpting decorative plates with images of insects.
Progress of the lesson
Children are included in the group. The teacher offers to play a game.

Game "Four Wheel"
The teacher names four words, the children must identify the extra word by ear and explain their choice.
- Beetle, bee, ant, cat;
- elephant, butterfly, bumblebee, caterpillar;
- ladybug, mosquito, plate, dragonfly;
- Christmas tree, cockroach, fly, grasshopper;
- spider, butterfly, mosquito, bed.
The child answers, to whom the teacher throws a ball or ball.
After the game there is a knock on the door. A teacher's assistant dressed as a postman Pechkin brings a letter from insects. The teacher reads the letter and tells the children:
- An accident happened. It turns out that Winter does not want to release the insects into the wild. So the insects are asking for your help. And to help them, you need to tell Winter about insects, because she has never seen them. Why do you think? (There are no insects in winter).
- If Winter likes your stories, she will definitely release the insects. So we need to try. But first, let's stretch our fingers:
Held finger game "Bee"
Arrived to us yesterday
Striped bee.
(make swinging movements with their hands)
And behind her is a bumblebee -
And a cheerful butterfly,
Two beetles and a dragonfly
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb).
Like lantern eyes.
(we make circles from our fingers, bring them to our eyes),
They buzzed and flew (we wave our palms)
They fell from fatigue (we drop our palms on the table).
And to make it easier for you to tell, I have prepared pictures - tips. Let's see them (look at the pictures and determine what and how to tell).

1. A story in a chain, the teacher asks a question for each point of the diagram and asks the children to answer with a complete answer.
Then one child tells a story from beginning to end based on the same picture.
After this, the teacher invites the children to choose any picture depicting an insect and compose a story based on it, following the points of the diagram. (Tell by 3 - 4 people).
I'm a big dragonfly
Very round eyes
I'm spinning like a helicopter
Right, left, back, forward.
I flew and flew
I didn't know if I was tired.
She sat on a daisy and flew off again.
(Children perform movements according to the text)
A dragonfly was flying, flapping its wings, and suddenly a light breeze blew. (Children blow, lips like a tube).
And then the insects appeared, were glad that you freed them and let’s have fun. We saw a chamomile in the meadow and were surprised. What kind of chamomile was it? (big, white, beautiful, elegant). The insects were having fun, flying, fluttering, and were so tired that they decided to rest on a chamomile. They settled down, there was enough space for everyone, the chamomile was big.
- What insects settled on the chamomile?
- Let's tell us who is where?
And let's play game "Finish the sentence."
· An ant sits near... (a flower)
· Ladybug crawls along... (leaf)
· The bumblebee hid under... (leaf)
· The caterpillar sits on... (flower)
· A butterfly flutters over... (a flower)
· The beetle sits under...(flower)
· A dragonfly flies near... (a flower)
- The insects were resting on the chamomile, they got tired of sitting and decided to play hide and seek. First one will hide, then the other. Let us also play and try to guess who is hiding?
Game "Who's Missing?" (for the development of attention, memory)
Bottom line : A recording of “Winter’s” voice is heard. She thanks the children for their interesting stories about insects and says goodbye to the children until next year.
1. Kuznetsova E.K., Tikhonova I.A., Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old: Lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 96 p. (Series “Development Program”).
2. Shorygina T.A. Insects. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. – M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2004. – 48 p. (Journey to the natural world and speech development)

Integrated lesson in senior group No. 5 on the topic “Insects”

Objectives: Consolidate knowledge about the diversity of insect species, their distinctive features. Updating the dictionary on the topic “Summer”. Expand and clarify the vocabulary on the topic “Insects”. Develop coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement. Develop observation and logical thinking. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate curiosity when creating teamwork. Strengthen drawing skills. Learn to sing expressively, develop the ability to respond to music. Foster a sense of love for nature and a caring attitude.
Material: demonstration material, pictures of insects, a music disc with the recording “Sounds of the Forest”, costumes for the characters: a butterfly, a bear, bee hats, butterflies on a string made by children, whatman paper, felt-tip pens, a ball.
Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, interpreting them, looking at illustrations about spring and summer.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment. The teacher announces the topic and invites the children to go on a journey through the forest.
-And while you and I are walking, will you tell me what time of year it is? (spring).
-What time of year comes after spring? (summer).
-Name three months of summer. Collect petals and name the signs. (Children name the signs and collect a flower from the petals)
2. Thematic conversation. There are a great variety of insects on earth. On their abdomen they have transverse stripes, like notches. That's why they are called "insects" - from the word "incise." Insects are gluttons: they eat everything: greens, small insects. Insects are big and small. Some fly, others crawl or jump. Some live for several years, others for one day. In nature they appear only when it is warm (spring, summer). Birds eat insects. Among the insects there are pests - carriers of human and animal diseases, and there are also beneficial ones - they pollinate plants, produce honey, wax and silk.
3. Guessing riddles. The teacher makes a guess and displays a picture.
Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off
He fluttered and flew away. (butterfly)
Surprise moment. A butterfly appears. The butterfly says that the most butterflies appear in May and June. Flying from leaf to leaf, we lay eggs, from which caterpillars emerge. When the caterpillar is full, it wraps itself in a sticky web and becomes a cocoon or pupa. Work is going on inside the cocoon - transforming a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Butterflies land on flowers and feed on their nectar, reaching it with their proboscis.
The teacher asks the butterfly to make another riddle about insects.
What kind of girl:
The belt is thin,
Huge eyes.
Flies - chirps (dragonfly)
Not a beast, not a bird,
A sock like a knitting needle
Flies - screams,
Sits - silent (mosquito)
Flying all day long
You get bored
The night is coming
Then it stops (fly)
- A fly is a very harmful insect, as it carries diseases on its legs. A fly will land on bread and leave germs there. That is why you should always cover food from flies, wash the table, plates, and hands.
And under a heavy burden
A friend is in a hurry to help.
The people here are good
They won’t suddenly leave you in trouble.
Without work - for the life of me!
Can't live (ant)
- An ant is a beneficial insect. They are called "forest orderlies." In one day they destroy a large number of harmful insects. Anthills must be protected and preserved!
4. Song “Don’t hurt the ant.”
5. Dynamic pause - outdoor game “Bear and Bees”
Guys, do you know which wild animal really loves honey? That's right, bear. No one makes hive houses for forest bees, so they are located in tree hollows. Here we will have a hollow. The bear wants to take honey from the hollow, but the wild forest bees do not let him in, they drive him away, buzzing: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w” (children repeat). A bear appears.
Teacher's words:
The bees flew off to collect nectar and pollen from the flowers. (Children bees run, waving their arms, squatting) Here comes the bear, (The bear walks out with a bear gait and heads towards the hollow) He will carry away the honey from the hollow. Bees, go home! (Children bees run up to the hollow)
The words of the bee children:
This hollow is our house, leave the bear from us: “W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w!” (The bee children flap their wings and chase away the bear)
6. Game “Fourth wheel” Let's play a game with you. I will name a chain of words, and you must guess who is the odd one out. And explain your choice.Butterfly, beetle, spider, bearAnt, grasshopper, worm, bullfinchLadybug, wolf, fox, hare.

7. Breathing exercise"Send the butterfly to flight"
Children hold the “butterfly” by the string and blow on it. The teacher uses words to correct the force with which the children blow.
8. Game “Count the insects.” The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him to count to 5.
- One grasshopper, two grasshoppers, three grasshoppers, four grasshoppers, five grasshoppers.
9. Surprise moment. Meeting with the artist. Drawing insects (team work).
10. Summary of the lesson. Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Tell me, who did we talk about today? What did you like most about the lesson? What do you remember?


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