Teen room plan for a girl. Room design for a teenage girl - stylish and practical interior. Wall and ceiling decor in a children's room for a girl


Being a parent of a teenage girl is very difficult: you need to constantly be on the same wavelength as her, follow her hobbies and tastes, listen to her opinion, otherwise it will be difficult to restore communication in the future. 12-15 years old is an interesting age, filled with exciting events. Therefore, the task of parents is to help children fulfill their dreams.

When choosing the design of a girl’s room at this age, be sure to ask how the owner of the room sees it. If neither you nor she yet know what to choose, there are many examples that you can be inspired by before developing own project. And in this article we will help you understand the basic principles of design, arrangement and zoning of children's rooms in a modern style.

Very original way arrangements color accents: Polka dot bed linen goes beautifully with a lamp and small figurines.

Pink and purple complement green perfectly.

Modern design for the comic book lover.

Features of housewives

A big mistake is made by parents who think that their girl is still a little princess and is only interested in dolls. It’s better to check with her yourself whether this is so, and perhaps the answer will surprise you. Therefore, do not rush to buy everything pink and frilly when you start developing the basic design of the room.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely trust your child’s taste. Now his rebellious nature may declare a black metallic color scheme, which will get boring in a couple of weeks.

Keep in mind that a child may not know anything about the practicality of many things. Think together whether you can keep snow-white carpets and suede sofas clean, and whether this fits with her hobbies. Calculate whether there will be room in the room, for example, for a school table or piano.

Carefully look through the photo collections together and come to a common opinion. Even if it takes some time, you can have fun looking at the colorful interiors. Start with our article on bedroom design - girls love this romantic and delicate design direction.

Lighting is the most important element decor that places accents and performs necessary functions. The more natural light you can let into the children's room, the better, especially if the girl has vision problems.

For the freshness of pink and any other shade, dilute it with accents: white, blue, green.

The most fashionable combinations recent years:

  • brown and turquoise;
  • light green and pale blue;
  • black and poisonous green;
  • yellow, red, orange;
  • purple, steel gray, coral shades.

To make the room lighter and more spacious, you should pay attention to White color. It will soften hard and dark colors and visually increase the space.

You should not stick to bright and aggressive colors of the walls in the room - such colors quickly become boring. Keep it in moderation: if your girl looks at a correctly arranged interior in style every morning, her sense of beauty will also improve.

Accents can be placed on anything: from photo frames to colored shelves for books. Facades and door jambs will also cope with this task. However, most often accent colors give to textiles - decorative pillows And .

Compromise in the choice of colors is the key not only beautiful interior, but also mutual understanding between parents and children.

An interesting combination of butterflies on the lampshade is in harmony with the wallpaper pattern and dark chairs.

The English style is still in fashion, so most girls will want this design.

Purple always looks stylish, but it needs to be diluted with contrasting stripes and vinyl stickers.

Room zoning

If the size of the room allows, you need to think about zoning the room. Install screens, curtains, and special partition cabinets. Consider where the sleep area will be and where the hobbies area will be. Zoning will make the child feel that everything in the room has its place, and she will feel at home.

2. Relaxation area

In this area, space can be allocated for ottomans, pillows and shapeless armchairs. If a girl likes to invite guests, then she needs to think about a place for gatherings. Sitting on the bed is unaesthetic and unhygienic.

A good option is folding ottomans with a hard lid. They are easy to flip and turn into small ones comfortable ottomans. The more transformable things good quality in the room, the more spacious and comfortable the girl and her guests will be in the room.

3. Work area

Girls usually do well in school, drawing, reading, playing games and texting. in social networks. These activities can be combined by placing a table by the window and making everything as thoughtful and convenient as possible. The main thing is not to occupy most of the workspace with a computer, otherwise the girl will often be distracted by it and not devote time to her lessons.

4. Hobbies and entertainment

Girls devote a lot of time to hobbies, and many versatile and interesting personalities have several of them at once. The problem is that hobbies often require special equipment that takes up a lot of space. Space should also be allocated for a wardrobe with many hangers and compartments, spacious open shelves, dressing table— girls should get used to taking care of themselves in the morning and before bed.

Popular styles

Remember: your daughter's opinion may not coincide with yours. Therefore, try to understand the child and find common ground of tastes.

1.Romantic. Delicate style in the style of Barbie and romantic films - very light fabrics, images and floral motifs, graceful figurines. Dilute pink with cool shades of lilac, blue, and light green.

2.High tech. Modern decor with added techno. Good for lovers of computers and gadgets.

3.Minimalist style. The main feature is a minimum of things, free and functional space. Often older girls choose this style themselves, getting rid of unnecessary things that aimlessly occupy space. Will fit into the style simple furniture, clear accents.

A modern children's room for a girl can be a mixture of styles. Be sure to select a sketch in color so as not to make a mistake in the placement of accents and combination of tones. If some furniture has already been purchased, be sure to take this into account in the sketch.

Going for materials is one of the final stages, and is carried out only after everything has been thought out. Children will feel on the same page with their parents if, in the end, their common idea comes true.

Keeping a child's room in order is almost impossible, so some parts will have to be replaced and redone. But if you make a room for a girl that will completely suit her, she will begin to clean it herself and try to maintain that atmosphere of cleanliness and order that will be comfortable for her.

Advice: the most practical and stylish idea— furniture covers: they will help keep the furniture clean and tidy. Then you can simply replace the covers or remove them when the girl grows up.

It’s better to stick to light-colored finishing options: in this case, the interior will be much easier to remodel, and it will be slower to get boring. But dark shades visually narrow and make the room smaller.

For posters and memorial notes you can make cork board with your own hands. You can attach all papers to it with buttons without damaging the wallpaper.

Give your daughter beautiful paintings that fit into the interior. Her hobbies may change, and paintings and decor - The best way quickly change the style of the room.

Be sure to think about the place where the girl’s things will be stored. Lots of baskets for small items would also work best.

Shelves in the couch, hangers in the closet, hanging handbags - all this helps to organize things in their place.

It doesn’t matter how old the girl is: she always needs to furnish her home in a stylish and beautiful way, taking into account her individual style.

A black and white interior must be diluted with accents.

Here the light green and purple colors combine quite well.

A bed near the window looks very romantic, but such a room needs dark curtains.

Stripes of such shades look very lively and stylish.

Who said that only boys dream of the sea?

A name made from wooden letters looks stylish and adds personality.

Sometimes there is too much English, but this is a matter of taste.

Getting started with interior planning rooms for a teenage girl 14 years old, you must definitely take into account the opinion of psychologists who argue that you cannot ignore the child’s wishes, no matter how extreme they may seem to you. Otherwise, your “surprise” may not make the impression you expected when you started renovating your children’s room.

Photo 1 - Room design for a teenage girl in light colors

But joint decision-making, after carefully studying specialized sites and photos from glossy magazines, will not only help form a common point of view on this issue, but will also bring you spiritually closer to your daughter and make her tastes clearer.

A room for a teenage girl should be functional

Before choosing finishing materials and purchasing furniture, maximum attention should be paid to zoning of space. After all, in his room the child not only relaxes, but also studies, meets with girlfriends and friends, and devotes time to his hobbies. Therefore, in the interior it is necessary, at least visually, to separate work area , recreation area, clothing storage area And of things.

Photo 2 – Design of a teenage girl’s room

If there is at least a minimal possibility, separate recreation area from the rest of the room. Can be used as a partition stationary racks, cabinets for storing clothes or light portable screens, extending as needed. For a very small room you can purchase transformable bed, which can easily be converted into a bookcase or vertical panel with a folding table during the daytime. This model will undoubtedly appeal to teenagers who appreciate extraordinary things.

Be sure to give your child a corner where he can spend time with his hobbies. And they can be very different, from embroidery and beadwork to computer games and communication on social networks. Try to plan with your daughter where to store her numerous CDs, boxes of jewelry and cosmetics, and glossy magazines. Don't forget about large mirror, because teenagers at this age spend a lot of time on their appearance.

Photo 3 - Interior design of a room for a teenage girl

And, of course, you need to think about the organization workplace, where a computer and shelves with textbooks and notebooks must fit.

Choosing finishing materials for a teenager's room

Two criteria should be fundamental for selection: environmental friendliness And practicality. That is why, choosing finishing material for walls, it is better to buy inexpensive ones rather than give preference plastic panels, not allowing the walls to “breathe”.

Photo 4 - Room design for a teenage girl

Wall coverings made from bamboo, sisal, reed or traffic jams. In addition to the beautiful texture, these natural materials the vast majority have excellent heat and sound insulating properties, which will allow your girl to freely listen to loud music in her room without disturbing the rest of the household. A good solution would be plastered walls, the color of which can, if desired, be changed frequently.

Photo 5 - Room design for a teenage girl

How to finish the floors in a girl's room? Undoubtedly, the championship in environmental friendliness belongs to natural wood . That's why solid board or parquet, coated with high-quality varnish, will be optimal in a children's room. But the abundance of carpet is not welcome, because too much dust accumulates in its thickness, which you have to breathe. This option is especially not acceptable if the child is prone to allergies. For the same reason, you will have to abandon suspended ceilings in favor of a plastered surface.

What color to choose for a little girl's room

While little girls adore Barbie pink, the tastes of teenage girls are much more varied.

Photo 6 - Room design for a girl 12, 13, 14 years old

You should start by defining general style who will dominate the room. So, if a child gets carried away marine theme, then his room will be dominated by all kinds of turquoise, blue-blue tones, shaded silver or gray details. Originality is emphasized nautical style And individual elements decor: plastered walls, decorated with inclusions of real or decorative shells, twisted cords on striped curtains, a clock in the form of a steering wheel, seascapes on the windows.

Photo 7 - Room design for a girl 12, 13, 14 years old

For glamorous young ladies can use bright, stunning colors in the interior, glossy surface, an abundance of mirrors and shiny details. It would not be amiss to use fabrics such as silk and brocade to decorate the room. All kinds of rhinestones and crystals, colored feathers and pieces of fur are appropriate for the “glamor” style.

Photo 8 - Design of a glamorous room for a girl

Techno style, with its iron racks and abundance of strict geometric shapes is more likely to attract girls with a mathematical mindset than romantic ones. His fans categorically reject the presence of all kinds of souvenirs or memorable trinkets. But great amount ascetic metal lamps, an abundance of computer equipment, strict blinds instead of curtains are welcome. Cool colors(gray, white, metallic) can be slightly diluted with bright spots of burgundy, red, ultra-green. It is unlikely that we, parents, will find such a room cozy, but putting it in order is often quite simple.

Photo 9 – Design of a room for a girl in lilac tones

But even if you don’t like the interior of the room that your child has chosen, you should be tolerant. Indeed, in this case, you are guaranteed the title of “advanced” ancestor and the love of your offspring. And his tastes at this age are not so constant. Maybe we should just wait a little?

Photo 10 – Design of a room for a girl in blue tones

Adolescence is a difficult period in a girl’s life, which requires enormous strength both from herself and from those around her. Rebellion and the spirit of contradictions, frequent changes in preferences and blind adherence to fashion, the desire to be “no worse” and attempts to stand out from the crowd of peers - all these feelings and tormenting torment a teenage girl.

Design of a room for a teenage girl 12-13 years old

In order for a girl to feel as comfortable as possible at home, to feel not only the care of her parents, but also the comfort of home, it is important to choose the optimal room design for her.

What to look for when choosing

Sooner or later, every girl gives up romantic princesses on the walls, posters with bears and an abundance of toys on the shelves. A teenager's room differs from a child's room to the same extent as a girl of 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old differs from herself in preschool age.

Design of a room for a teenage girl 14-15 years old

Tastes, priorities, moods, desires and needs change - the room must change accordingly.

Design of a room for a teenage girl 16-17 years old

A teenager’s room differs from children’s and adult rooms in that it should combine different directions and moods: nostalgia for toys and a carefree childhood is adjacent to growing responsibility and the desire to become an adult.

When creating a harmonious interior for a girl 13-17 years old, designers advise focusing on several factors:

  • room dimensions;
  • degree of illumination of the room;
  • tastes and wishes of the baby;
  • fashion trends.

Choosing a style

Since girls are extremely fickle and flighty individuals, choose perfect style difficult for their home. Today she dreams of romantic Provence, tomorrow she dreams of complex eclecticism, and the day after tomorrow - of a strict classical style.

Designers advise creating a single style based on several that appeal to the future owner of the room. Such a mix can be actively changed and transformed during operation, and a lively interior is always interesting to active and determined teenage girls.

ADVICE. Mix styles without fear: teenagers tend to go against the rules, so bold experiments will be accepted with constant enthusiasm.

Among the obvious favorites, which appear more often than others in the bedrooms of girls aged 13-14 years, it is worth noting:

How smaller room teenager, the simpler the style solution should be: in tiny rooms there is no place for complex, multi-layered trends.

Room zoning

The room of a 14-15 year old girl does so much different functions that even experienced designer difficult to place harmoniously on, as a rule, limited area all the most important things. In addition to the usual and familiar classic children's areas for sleeping, playing and studying, a teenager needs a place for friendly gatherings, a spacious dressing room and a “beauty studio”.

A modern room for a teenage girl should not only be beautiful, but also functional. Parents need to help their daughter choose, and she has the final say in design.

When a girl grows up, she doesn't like it anymore cozy room with children's wallpaper, which is decorated with teddy bears.

Important: The room for a girl who is already 14 or 15 years old becomes her personal space. She wants to arrange it according to her taste preferences.

Parents must be patient and have a sense of tact, listening to their daughter's wishes. She herself will be able to choose furniture, wallpaper, curtains, and mom and dad will only tell her how to arrange everything and install it correctly.

Important: You should choose furniture of good quality and safe for health. Although the girl is already as tall as an adult, she is still a child.

Cabinets, cabinets and tables must withstand the pranks of teenagers so that games do not lead to injury. It’s worth thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, because rooms for children are usually small, especially in old buildings.

Advice: For a grown-up young lady, it is important that the living space be spacious. Therefore, try to use mobile furniture that can be easily moved to another place or used as desired.

  • If you don’t want to buy a new cabinet or table because the old ones are still in use good condition, then take the interior items that clutter up the space into the corridor or another room
  • Thanks to this, you will free up the room, and the girl will be able to invite friends to visit her.
  • The design of a girl’s room should be so that later you don’t have to finish or redo it
  • If there are racks with things under the ceiling, then provide a special decorative ladder so that the girl can independently get everything she needs

Tip: Choose textiles from natural fabrics. The color will depend on the overall interior design of the room.

If the walls are bright, then the curtains are chosen in soothing colors, and vice versa, if the walls are made in pastel colors, then the curtains can be made the “highlight” of the room.

Grown-up girls are no longer interested in pictures and posters with cartoon characters. All this is replaced by clippings from magazines depicting singers, actors and other idols.

In the girl’s room, everything should correspond to the owner’s hobbies, because her individual and creative abilities will manifest themselves.

Advice: If a girl likes bright walls, do not interfere with her choice. Decorate the room in red, green or purple tones. This will stimulate the girl to do creative work.

The walls of a teenager's room can be decorated original panel, photographs of the owner, paintings and bright posters. All elements should fit together and look harmonious in the overall design of the room.

Important: Creative teenagers will appreciate having a stylish mood board in their room. This is a board on which photographs, magazine clippings and postcards are attached.

Walls painted with slate paint look very interesting.

Remember: Not all girls like doll-like furnishings in their living space: pink walls, delicate color curtains, ruffles and flowers.

Find out about your daughter's preferences and choose renovation materials, textiles and furniture in the style she prefers.

  • When decorating a room for a grown-up beauty, its decorative component is important. But functionality comes first. This is especially true for furniture for a teenager’s room.
  • In the teenager’s personal space there should be comfortable table, for which the girl will study. To do this, it is better to choose a place near a window.
  • On the wall near the desktop it is necessary to place shelves in the form of modern racks for notebooks, textbooks and stationery

Important: If your daughter has creative abilities, for example, is interested in drawing, then you need to add another table to the room. On it she will make sketches, lay out finished works and paintings.

In a teenager's room you need to provide a large number of places to store clothes and other things. For this purpose, hidden modular boxes, modern cabinets, chests of drawers and nightstands.

Room for a teenager 12 - 14 years old
  • At the age of 12, a girl begins to grow up. Favorite toys are already gathering dust in the corner, and the daughter begins to take care of her appearance, she gets her first cosmetics and other personal items
  • Therefore, a room for a teenager aged 12-14 should be arranged in such a way that there is plenty of space for relaxation and activities.

Important: Parents are obliged to provide psychological comfort for their daughter and do everything the necessary conditions for her normal physical development.

If a girl likes romantic colors, then the main tone of the decoration can be made, for example, pink. But it should be dim, since at this age the child’s psyche is unstable, and active influence from the outside is extremely undesirable.

If the girl is active and energetic, monochromatic interior design may seem gloomy to her.

Tip: Help your daughter choose good combination colors that correspond to her character traits.

Photo wallpaper will help revive the room. They may contain images of nature, favorite heroes, film actors, pop singers or other idols.

Lighting plays important role in the teenager's room.

Tip: Make many lights so that they illuminate each work area. The intensity should be varied at the child's discretion.

The room of a girl aged 15 to 17 years is a private closed area. Here, no longer a child, but not yet an adult, creates his own space where only the closest people have access.

Important: When parents enter their 16-year-old daughter’s room, it seems to them that it is a complete mess: posters and photos with some faces, something written on the walls, an always unmade bed. But for a girl, everything is in its place, and if the bed is not made, then that’s how it should be.

The rooms of teenagers aged 15-17 for adults are an endless mess. But if a girl chooses the right furniture, and her parents will help her with this, then her space will become more tidy.

Tip: Don't insist on choosing super beautiful curtains and other textiles. If a girl wants to make everything in her room as simple as possible, so be it.

Teenagers at this age love to sit on the floor, even while doing their homework. Therefore, you need to lay it on the floor warm carpet or make electric floor heating.

For every young beauty it is important to have free space so she can try on her favorite dresses, dance or yoga.

Tip: If the apartment is small, then it is worth using for room design modular furniture: folding sofas, beds with gas lift, mobile consoles and drawers inside poufs.

Usually, in small rooms of teenagers, only the essentials for the owner are left; the rest of the furniture and objects are removed to other rooms.

Important: Things that a girl rarely wears should be moved to a large dressing room or put away on the mezzanine.

The main task of parents when creating a room for their grown daughter is to delimit the space. It is necessary to allocate a recreation area, study area, beauty studio and a place to meet friends.

This can be done by using different types and colors of wallpaper, furniture or lighting. Designers offer the following ideas and options for a teenage girl’s room: Dividing a teenage girl’s room into zones with an original partition Video: Room design for a teenage girl 12-14 years old photo selection

During adolescence, boys and girls already have formed interests, tastes and hobbies. It is this factor that should be taken into account first of all when decorating a room for a schoolchild aged 10–16 years.

In addition to the personal wishes of the future owner of the premises, it is also necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room, the available budget, and fashion trends (for example, in), of course.

Teenager and interior styles

Incarnate own desires and the child's dreams should be very carefully and thoughtfully. Especially when it comes to a teenage girl. At this age, young ladies want everything at once, and I am often capricious. The first suitors and, possibly, crushes appear, and with this - sudden changes in mood.

Pleasing a teenage girl can be difficult, but nothing is impossible. We need to offer several options, and one of them will definitely work.

Timeless classic

Any girl, even a fan, will probably like a room in this style modern trends. Classic is conducive to both good fruitful work and romantic thoughts. The young housewife will be able to complement the room with photographs or paintings in beautiful frames, interesting figurines and elegant accessories.

The classic style is characterized by:

How to choose materials and decor for a teenage girl’s room in classic style a professional designer will tell you in a video:

Modern high-tech

Many girls, in an effort to grow up quickly, prefer to live in a fashionable and modern room in high-tech style. A little imagination and effort. and even such a rather cold interior can be adapted into a nursery.

Eye-catching wall decor and bright details make this high-tech room mega-stylish and original.

The high-tech style is distinguished by convenience and functionality, which is important for a schoolgirl. Its main features:

  • the presence of metal and glass in large quantities;
  • lack of carpets and curtains;
  • smooth shiny surfaces;
  • a minimum of accessories and decorations;
  • furniture with straight lines and numerous functions.

You can make a room more “alive” with the help of photographs on the walls, modern paintings and many lamps.

Calm modern

A harmonious combination of colors is very important in a teenage girl’s room.

This style is an ingenious combination of several design solutions. There is modern, strict furniture and simplicity of lines, soft classic colors, and natural finishing materials.

A room in the Art Nouveau style can be a compromise solution between the non-standard requirements of a teenage girl and the strict wishes of adults, since it easily “accommodates” elements different styles– from classic to ultra-modern.

Restless Rock

This interior is suitable for a girl who is interested in this type of music or simply wants to express herself with its help.

The “Rock” style in the interior always speaks of the owner’s desire for self-expression

In this case, it is better to entrust the design to the hostess herself:

  • choose colors,
  • hang posters of idols,
  • Place the guitar in a visible place.

A dull color scheme, a lot of leather and a minimum of softness and tenderness - and the rock room is ready.

Luxurious glamor

Many teenage girls love Stuffed Toys, pink color and shiny things. All this can be correctly implemented in the interior of a nursery.

You can make a glamorous room if you use:

  • a purple-pink color palette at the base (it goes well with gray, brown and other muted and soft colors);
  • various accessories: photo frames, soft toys, boxes, etc.;
  • fur textiles and carpets.

Moreover, all this can be safely combined with strict functional furniture.

Furnishings in a teenage girl's room

Whatever interior style is chosen, the schoolgirl’s room should have several unique areas.

In a teenager’s room, the space should be organized as efficiently and functionally as possible.

In order for a girl to feel comfortable in her “kingdom”, it should be organized:

  1. Sleeping area.
  2. Study.
  3. Mini-living room for receiving guests.
  4. and a place where the hostess can put herself in order.

You can delimit a room using different shades walls or plasterboard structures various shapes on the ceiling or walls.

In a teenage girl’s room, it is important to organize both a sleeping and working space.

When choosing furniture for a teenage girl, you should first of all pay attention to its convenience, the number of functions it performs and its size.

Modern manufacturers offer many compact and beautiful headsets. One set may include a bed, a study table and several large and small drawers for things and office supplies. Its design resembles a two-tier bed, only at the bottom there is a workplace instead of a bed.

Furniture in a teenage girl’s room should be safe, spacious and environmentally friendly

Furniture should be as safe as possible and very durable. Color scheme - optional. Headsets that are too dark can “weight down” the room and make it gloomy, so bright hues still preferable.

It is not advisable to install large bulky cabinets in a nursery. A modest cabinet from a set or purchased separately, but matching in style and color, will do just fine.

If all pieces of furniture are purchased separately, then they should be in the same color range and in the general style of the room.

In this case, it is necessary to place in the room: a folding sofa (to save space) or small bed, compact cabinet and a chest of drawers, a study table and shelves for notebooks.

Floor-to-ceiling shelves will help the owner of the room organize her things more efficiently

An addition can be large pillows on which the hostess’s friends will be placed, a table for tea drinking, and shapeless soft chairs.

You should also think about the design sports corner. The best trainer will be wall bars– it takes up little space, but performs many functions, so the girl can always keep herself in shape.

Any teenage schoolgirl will want to have in her room large mirror and a table for women's accessories and cosmetics. It’s not that difficult to carve out a place for it, and there will be a lot of positive emotions.

If funds and space allow, then it would be ideal for such a room to organize a real dressing room. It’s quite easy to make - you just need to fence off a free corner, for example, and place a mirror and many shelves, drawers, etc. in it.

In such a room there is room for two children at once

In any case, a teenage girl’s room should be bright and cheerful so that her owner’s mood is always “A+”!