Personal development plan for the year. Example: individual development plan (IDP) for an employee

  • What is self-development
    • Willpower
    • Motivation
    • Memory
    • Time planning
    • Discipline
    • Psychology
    • Self-esteem
    • Self confidence
  • Relationship
    • "Secret"
    • "Pay someone else"
    • Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching"
  • What is self-development

    A person’s personality is an unstable quantity. Over the course of life, it undergoes many changes depending on what tests we withstand and what tasks we set for ourselves. And even living in the same rhythm and adhering to a stable schedule, we change. Often – not for the better, since lack of development almost always leads to degradation.

    Many people experience an identity crisis at the age of 30-35. At these moments we understand that simply living and working is not enough. That we want something deeper and more global from ourselves, that minimums do not suit us, and that not everything can be measured with money and other tangible measures.

    Some people come to this earlier, some later, and some don’t come at all. For some people, the trigger is shock; for others, insight occurs naturally and gradually. As a result, there is a desire to take the path of self-development, stop making demands on the world and start working on yourself, engaging in self-development.

    What is self-development? This is a constant and comprehensive process of working on oneself, developing one’s positive qualities in different spheres - physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, spiritual. Self-development is characterized by voluntariness and self-control, when a person learns new information and applies it in practice without any external coercion.

    Why is it important to engage in self-development?

    Really, why all this torment? Learning new information, tiring exercise, constant pressure... After all, you can calmly relax on the couch, watch TV series and enjoy “doing nothing.” But idleness is imaginary happiness, the other side of which is fraught with depression and disappointment in life.

    Man is designed this way: he needs constant growth, searching for something new. Stopping moving (not only in the physical, but also in the mental sense), he begins to degrade. Swimming can be used as an example - in order to stay on the water, we must make an effort. Having relaxed and lost control, the swimmer immediately goes to the bottom.

    Look around and compare happy and unhappy acquaintances. What is the difference? Happy people open a new business, attend training courses, play sports, travel constantly, and learn something new. Unhappy people work at the same job for decades, have fun only with the help of beer and are constantly looking for someone to blame for their failures.

    The answer to our question is simple - you need to engage in self-development in order to become happy. Anyone who has set foot on this path understands that both the process itself and the results bring pleasure. And that this resource is inexhaustible, because the upper level of perfection simply does not exist.

    Where to start self-development and self-improvement

    The very, very first step that precedes any action is thought. Desire, idea - call it what you want. They are individual and formulated differently for everyone. From the vague “I don’t want to live like this anymore” to “I plan to learn five languages ​​and earn at least one hundred thousand a month.”

    The first thing you need to do is want it. Moreover, you need to want it long, persistently and continuously. At first, you won’t understand how to even get down to business, doubt your abilities, wander in the dark due to a lack of guidelines...

    Then the answers will start coming. They appear in a book that someone gave, in an unusual person, in new opportunities (for example, going on a multi-day camping trip).

    At this moment, you need to accept all constructive suggestions and all unexpected challenges. But you yourself need to constantly look for these answers, strive for them, and not sit idly by. Read articles on the Internet, watch videos on self-development, look for books, try some of the recommendations in practice. From all this, a methodology will begin to emerge, the first results will appear, and you will see your path.

    This may take a lot of time - it all depends on the person himself and his starting position. For some, a month will be enough, while others will be searching for a year or two. The main thing is not to give up and remember that the search will definitely be crowned with success.

    8 reasons why people don't develop

    It would seem that everything is simple - you take it and develop. You bought a book and read it. Or go to the gym, pick up a barbell, and lift yourself whatever you want. But no! If everything were simple, there would be a lot more people involved in self-development.

    There are many factors, the absence of which prevents us from improving.


    Psychologists have long argued about what willpower is, why some people have it and others don’t, and what to do about it. We conducted a ton of experiments and research and came to the conclusion: willpower is a personal quality that can be developed like a muscle. And its presence is mainly determined by upbringing and habits established in childhood. Lucky were those who had disciplined and strong-willed parents who developed these qualities in their children. If this is not the case in the family, well, the path will be long, but everyone is capable of going through it.

    What is important in defining willpower as a concept is this: thanks to this personality quality, we can follow our decisions and do everything necessary to achieve our goals without succumbing to laziness, reluctance or procrastination.

    How to develop willpower? There are two main methods: doing and not doing. Doing is performing unpleasant or boring, but useful actions, for example, exercising in the morning. Non-doing is the conscious refusal of actions that cause harm. For example, from smoking or overeating.

    By the way, church post This is precisely a practice aimed at training willpower: through refusing certain foods, we learn to control ourselves. If you dig even deeper, you will find that all religions have similar practices of renunciation - food, comfort, property, certain thoughts or actions. This is because the technique of not doing strengthens willpower much more strongly.

    Willpower is a spiritual quality premium, one of the most important for a person. By developing it, you can radically change your life. Have you heard the phrase: “I know what’s right, but for some reason I do the opposite”? This is what people with undeveloped willpower say.


    Motivation is a powerful force. When a person wants something very badly, he is ready to move mountains. Did something go wrong? That means they didn’t want it well. After all, when you really want a cake, are you ready to walk three kilometers to a late-night supermarket to get it?

    So, it turns out that you need to teach yourself to want correctly? Exactly! Our cunning brain is aimed at saving energy, as Mother Evolution ordered. And he will come up with excuses to dissuade his owner from unnecessary work: “Well, why is this necessary? We're already doing well! Oh look, there's a new message in the messenger! Look, look, there are kittens in the picture!”

    Therefore, you need to use cunning against the attitudes of your own subconscious, which is lazy and only wants to have fun.

    How to motivate yourself to work? First of all, you need to set the right goals, because even the best motivation will not work when you do not understand what you want or set false goals imposed by society. For example, money or status. By listening to yourself, you may suddenly discover that what you really want to do is hitchhike or volunteer in Africa, and not spin around like a squirrel in a wheel to satisfy other people's needs.

    So, having set the right goal, we concretize and visualize it. Business - what? What will you do, the target audience, idea, team, slogan, theme colors? What kind of house? How many floors, is there a garage, basement, sauna, how many rooms?

    For example, you want to start your own business, but have never done business. Create conditions in which you can understand how suitable this activity is for you: for example, register withfree business game"Your start" . This is a business simulator where you can start and develop your business in a fun and safe way, gaining a lot in the process useful information about entrepreneurship.

    Once concretized and visualized, we must remember our goal and its positive emotional components. Constantly imagine how you will practice interesting projects as part of a business or choosing curtains for the bedroom in your home. Think positive.

    Do not doubt your abilities, believe in victory and do not assume other options. People who have achieved high results in life are often asked: “How were you able to implement such a complex project?” In response, many of them say: “I made the decision that I must follow this path to the end, whatever it may be.”


    Memory is very important for a harmonious personality. We constantly need the ability to remember information and operate with it: in study, work and even entertainment. You can only carry on a conversation if you have something interesting to say. How can you do this if you don’t remember the plot of the book you read or the ups and downs of your own journey?

    For successful work, memory is one of the main tools. The more a person achieves, the greater the flow of information rushes through him. How to deal with it if the flash drive does not hold large volumes? Write everything down? Well, no, this is not an option.

    Memory, like all other qualities, can be developed through exercise. For example, readhow to become smarter in 15 minutes a day, and apply this information in practice.

    Time planning

    It is impossible to complete complex and multi-stage work without planning all its steps. This also applies to self-development. Anyone who wants to change their life for the better must have a plan for the year, month, week and day.

    But you also need to be able to plan. Not everyone is able to make realistic and feasible plans the first time. Therefore, we recommend studying25 rules for planning timeso that this skill makes the job easier, not more difficult.

    There are planning secrets that optimize work so much that you wonder - where did I spend so much time before? To learn how to use all 24 hours wisely, go throughfree course to help improve productivity.


    Discipline is another pillar of self-development that you can’t do without. All practices aimed at improvement require constant and routine repetition. Anyone can go for a run once, every third person can last a week, and only a few can turn running into an integral part of their schedule.

    Discipline is necessary both in order to give up bad habits, and in order to adhere to a daily routine, and to accustom yourself to proper nutrition.

    It also takes discipline to deal with one of the worst enemies development - laziness. Finding the answers to the questionhow to overcome laziness, we become closer to our goals.


    Our results depend greatly on our mindset and attitudes. If you think “I won’t succeed anyway,” then that’s what will happen. If we consider all rich people to be thieves and scoundrels, then we will never become rich - we don’t want to be bad. If you are sure that “all men are assholes,” then you will meet such a companion.

    How to think and what to think is up to us. Find out,how to think effectively- and you will save a lot of time and effort that you spent on soul-searching, worries and destructive emotions.


    A person accepts only what he considers himself worthy of. Everyone sets their own level of income, attention from the opposite sex, and other life criteria.

    Unrealistic self-esteem (overestimated or underestimated) prevents its owner from realizing himself in life. We do illogical things and choose to lose, subconsciously believing that this should be our fate. Failures, suffering, communication with toxic people - these are all the choices of a person with unhealthy self-esteem.

    To correct the situation, you need to understandreasons for low self-esteemand try to eliminate them. Often they are hidden in deep childhood, associated with parental divorce or bullying at school - letting go of such things is very difficult, but necessary.

    Self confidence

    I will succeed, successful people tell themselves. They are confident that they are capable of achieving more, and even in case of failure they continue to believe that they will succeed, but next time.

    A person’s most important resource is himself. You need to trust yourself, believe in yourself, respect yourself and love yourself.

    But how many people hate themselves... They don’t even want to buy themselves beautiful clothes because they “don’t deserve it.” Before you start developing, you need to find the answer to the question:how to love yourself? Self-improvement without self-love is impossible...

    A harmonious personality is strong in all planes of life at the same time. To develop yourself evenly, you need to compose step by step plan, which will include all the main growth vectors.

    This plan is individual for everyone. One solves integrals in his head, but has not yet learned how to build relationships with the opposite sex, the second throws a two-pound weight with one left hand, but has read only one book in his entire life. And the third may even come to the understanding that he really doesn’t know how to do anything and has not developed any of the vectors.

    When building a plan, you need to take into account all directions, but at the same time carry out supporting work where you have already achieved success (so that there is no imbalance in reverse side) and devote more time to those aspects that have not yet been developed.

    Spirituality is a complex and multifaceted issue. We will not talk about religion and philosophy now, these are too complex topics to discuss now. Let's talk about those aspects of spirituality that make a person happy.

    Gratitude. By learning to be grateful for every little thing, we always experience joy even in difficult times. A grateful person will be able to find a ray of hope in the fluttering of spring leaves and the games of a kitten. He easily forgives the shortcomings of his loved ones, remembering that they were there when he needed help. Gratitude is wealth.

    Love. Loving unselfishly, without possessive manners, of course, without demands - this is a high art. It brings joy, just like playing your favorite instrument or looking at the ocean. Real love knows neither fear nor pain.

    A spiritual person always feels responsible for his actions, lives consciously, and strives to be better. He does not lose faith and does not allow himself to fall into despair, he strives to explore the world and be free from passions, addictions and negative thoughts.

    What do you mean by “personal growth”? This is the improvement of indicators responsible for intellectual activity and wealth inner world, improving the quality of life at the mental level. Achieving goals, positive thinking, developing memory and intelligence - all this is included in the concept of personal growth.

    To make it completely clear, I will say that the results of personal growth remain with us forever, even if we find ourselves completely bankrupt without a roof over our heads. A mature person will have enough knowledge and skills, fortitude and motivation, determination and self-confidence to withstand the most difficult situation. A person with low personality indicators is dependent on material possessions, and therefore lives in fear of losing what he has.

    People who have gone through illness or lost their ability to work understand the importance of health more than anyone else. You can work, study, develop, love and explore the world only if you have the strength to do so.

    Young people often neglect their health. It seems to them that they will always be strong, no matter how they eat, drink alcohol or smoke. In adulthood, feeling the consequences of their frivolity, they grab their heads and bite their elbows. Some people come to their senses in time and manage to restore their health, but it is often too late.

    We have enough information and understand wellhow to be healthy. We know very well that we cannot indulge bad habits, overeating, working until exhaustion, being nervous a lot. But how often do we use this knowledge in practice?

    The problem of modern busy people is especially common - they do not know how to relax properly. But rest is the key to productive work. Breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation in nature, voluntary solitude, quality sleep - points that need to be given enough attention.

    You definitely need to implement it in your life physical exercise, at least a walk in the park. We’re not talking about professional sports – it’s more of a traumatic activity than a useful one. But light physical activity puts the body in a state of vigor and gives energy. Let it be dancing, badminton, cycling - whatever brings you pleasure. The main thing is that they should be regular.


    Each has its own type of relationship. They are different, but they require the same permanent job: this is building a framework, expressing love, caring, spending time together. Unhappy is the one who earns a lot of money but does not see his children grow up.

    The relationship with one more person is very important - yourself. In fact, it is from them that the building of all other connections begins. Anyone who respects and loves himself knows how to respect and love others. The one who can't find common language with himself, will never make friends with others.

    All people need to realize their potential at work, make a difference to others, and do something they are proud of. This is such a deep-seated need that ignoring it makes a person unhappy, even if outwardly everything is going well for him.

    Therefore, it is important to choose a business for career development that is fun and enjoyable to do. When you wake up thinking: “Hurray, today there are so many interesting work!”, the issue of money and promotion will be resolved by itself.

    Of course, not everything in this world can be bought with money, and in general, their role is too exaggerated. But it’s impossible without them. Having financial freedom, we feel calm and confident, we can afford to travel, spend money on cultural and mental development, eat right, provide for your family, help your parents.

    Most of us are employed. You can earn a good income from such a job, especially if you are a good worker and are constantly moving up the career ladder. But this is not always the case, and many specialists, having reached the career ceiling in some organization, come to the conclusion that it is time to go free. You just need to understand how to start correctly.

    To do this you can gofree training to help you start your own business. By working for ourselves, we can achieve much more financially.

    How are you spending the New Year? I’ll try to guess: put up the Christmas tree, set the table, buy champagne and ring your glasses as the chimes strike, making wishes. There are brave souls who break the system to smithereens - they do not cook Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat.

    Why not order a quest for the whole family? Or go to the forest, light a fire and decorate a real Christmas tree? Or do something else crazy?

    And we would like to, but we don’t know how, right? So it turns out that our imagination is enough to refuse Olivier at the New Year's table.

    Many interesting adventures and unprecedented undertakings do not require serious expenses, physical training or a lot of time. We just don't have enough ideas. In order to turn into a person rich in inventions, you need to know How develop creative thinking.

    Making your life bright is not as difficult as it seems. This is not a whim or a luxury - our soul and brain need emotions, impressions, joy, delight. All this makes our personality richer, nourishes us like a sweet elixir.

    In the process of self-development, not only the mood is important, but also the quality of information. We mainly get it from books and films, which we will discuss below.

    10 best films for self-development

    Films useful for development can be divided into three categories: feature films, where deep philosophy and motivation lie; documentaries, where you can learn more about the world around you, human psychology and the path of civilization; and biographical - about people from whom you can take an example.

    You can bring a wholelist of biographical filmsabout outstanding people, but I will remember only one thing: this documentary BBC about the greatest scientist who discovered many physical laws. He unraveled the nature of light and gave us the law universal gravity. But what kind of personality was Newton, what allowed him to become the most enlightened mind of the era and what secrets did he hide?

    A film starring the unsurpassed Jim Carrey. This story is about a loser named Carl Allen, whose life passes him by. Karl always answers “no” to all proposals and is content with the existence of a hermit, because he is afraid to even leave the apartment. But an event happens that forces Karl to say “yes” to any, even the most insane proposal. And this is where his new life begins.

    A comedy film about life priorities and how important it is to be attentive to your words. Brings a special charm main character in the role of Eddie Murphy - this is the one who can chat endlessly and with great speed. Successful literary agent Jack McCall, who knows how to persuade even the dead, pushes family and love into the background, devoting all his time to his career and money. But after learning that there are only a thousand words left in his life, and that after saying the last he will die, Jack begins to think about what is more important to him.

    - a French comedy about two completely different people who meet each other at the most difficult moment in their lives. He tells viewers that in dark days we can be helped by those from whom we did not expect it, and that there are no chance meetings.

    is both a feature and a documentary film about planet Earth, our Home. Its author is photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who once became interested in video shooting with hot air balloon and was able to capture many beautiful and unexpected views. Director: Luc Besson.

    We can see the beauty wildlife in all its scale, and the traces of human exploration of the planet are so small from a bird’s eye view, but have so globally changed the appearance of our Home forever. Who are we, and what is the role of each of us in the destruction or creation of the Earth? Are we ready to take responsibility for preserving our monastery?


    "Secret" - a documentary interview about how a person attracts events with the help of thought, about the power of desire and the materiality of information. The film consists of a series of interviews with different people, outlining the philosophical basis of the “law of attraction” using examples from their own lives.

    - a feature film-parable with handsome James Marsden in the title role. The hero of the film, Neil Oliver, makes a wish for his birthday “to get the answer to your life,” and it is miraculously fulfilled by a nearby wizard. From this moment on, a series of amazing events unfold that go beyond the usual understanding and perception. Everything that the hero goes through forces him to rethink his attitudes, learn to trust himself and make the main decision: who he should be.

    - a film about goals. In the face of death, when there is nothing to be afraid of, when all conventions and attitudes turn out to be just dust, a person can achieve any goal he sets. We live as if we are immortal, constantly postponing life until later. But in reality, we have very little time, and we need to realize our dreams right now.

    "Pay someone else"

    "Pay someone else" - a touching film about a boy Trevor, who came up with an interesting system of mutual assistance. He did good deeds absolutely unselfishly, but at the same time asked to “pay someone else,” that is, to do good to a stranger. So the chain of good deeds grew and went not only beyond the city, but also beyond the state. One child changed the lives of many, and this makes us think: after all, we too can change the world, we just need to want to.

    This mystical and deeply psychological film is based on the book of the same name by Stephen King. It tells about the final place of prisoners, where they are prepared for execution. Death is in the air, everyone becomes real in front of its face: someone demonstrates nobility, someone demonstrates baseness of spirit. Staying true to yourself and helping even your executioners - only a strong person is capable of this. It is he who changes the worldview of everyone who meets him.

    10 best books for self-development

    It is known that the most successful people read a lot, mostly specialized literature - on psychology, self-development, and their profession. Fiction books should also be read - they enrich our lexicon and develop imagination.

    You need to read a lot and regularly - it is advisable to create a schedule for yourself and set reading standards for each day so that the work moves in the same rhythm. Your schedule should includelist of books on meditation, psychology, business and finance, history of the country and the world, biographies, philosophical literature and motivational books.

    And so that you can cover large amounts of information without much stress, we recommend taking a free course"Reactive Brain" . Its developers took speed reading techniques as a basis and enriched them with exercises to speed up thinking and structure information.

    The author of the book independently walked the path to success from scratch. Even without finishing school and starting his work as a laborer, he became the vice president of the company. By exploring his own experiences and the stories of others, Brian Tracy became a famous psychologist and wrote many books about success and how to achieve it.

    Have you ever wondered how much resource we spend on being nervous, worrying, suffering from failures and worrying about the future. Our nerves and emotions also require energy, and by ceasing to worry about the inevitable, we free up a lot of time and energy for work. Mark Manson teaches us how to achieve goals without being held back by unnecessary emotions, and to move on even after the most epic failures.

    A long time ago, in the 1960s, in the vastness of Mexico, anthropologist Carlos met the Yaqui Indian Don Juan, who turned out to be a magician. He passed on all the knowledge to his new student, and Castaneda wrote it down in the form of field notes, later published in ten volumes. We don’t encourage you to read all ten, but we recommend volume three, “Journey to Ixtlan.” It contains a summary of don Juan's philosophy - the path of the warrior, relationships with the world and oneself. The concept of feeling is important self-importance, slowing down a person in achieving goals. Advice: think of the book itself as a fairy tale with a moral, since the main thing in it is philosophy, not plot.

    An autobiographical book by an American journalist who managed to change her life and make her dreams come true in a situation from which there seemed to be no way out. A girl from a family of 11 children, Regina went through difficult trials in life and managed to cope with them. These tips are about learning to live with your past and let go of grudges while moving forward.

    Robert Kiyosaki: "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

    It's always interesting to read books by people who have lived colorful lives. Robert Kiyosaki was a marine, a pilot, a sales agent, a businessman, and a teacher. Today he is a successful investor and writer whose books have become bestsellers. He teaches not how to make money, but how to change your thinking, because it is the main key to wealth.

    Bruce Lee "The Way of the Leading Fist"

    Who hasn't heard of the legendary Bruce Lee? We know that he was a martial artist and a famous actor, but we forget that he was also a philosopher and reformer in the field of martial arts. His notes were published in 1975, after the author's death. They seem to be dedicated to martial arts, but in reality they are full of deep reflections on the development of the warrior’s personality.

    We have already talked about willpower and its importance for development, and now let’s pick up a book about the method of cultivating this property in ourselves. Psychologist and teacher Kelly McGonigal has carefully studied this issue and came to the conclusion that in attempts to develop willpower, we are often guided by false ideas and are captive of stereotypes. The book talks about research, experiments, people who put Kelly's advice into practice and the results they were able to achieve.

    Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching"

    It is not for nothing that this book is placed at the very end - it is better not for weak minds to mess with it. Lao Tzu is an ancient Chinese philosopher who is credited with authoring a treatise on the two principles of life: Tao and Te. It is better to read it little by little, several sentences a day. You can study Lao Tzu all your life, but never fully understand it. Therefore, do not be alarmed if at first his sayings seem like sheer rubbish. Even one meaningful idea from the treatise will bring a lot of practical benefit to the reader - for example, about non-action as an important component of activity.

    Elena Vetshtein

    Everything you wanted to know about planning in detail

    In previous materials about planning The system for constructing a personal development plan was examined in great detail. In the questions that come to the project’s email, I see details that require clarification and clarification. So, where does it start and what does a personal development plan include? Let's look at it step by step.

    1. Start

    Planning begins with understanding your priorities. Personal growth plans are not daily to-do lists! Conscious movement in the desired direction begins with a clear idea of ​​where you need to end up.

    If it seems to you that you are a person without goals, if you are sure that you have no idea where to start and where to move, there are still ways to understand your own guidelines.

    In the very general view The most important for a person are four components of life: health and physical form, relationships, self-realization and financial independence.

    Simple question, what (what results) do you expect in each of these areas in 5-10 years, will help you honestly answer what you really want. It is better to write down all your answers.

    1. Vector for the result

    Once you have determined what is important to you, it’s time to outline the current state of affairs in each area by answering the question of what exists now. This the gap between what is available and what is desired will form the basis of a self-development plan.

    1. Strategy

    In simple words, a personal growth strategy is a long-term plan. If you have decided on the desired results, set goals, you need to answer the question: how to achieve the desired result.

    1. Deadlines

    The next logical step would be to link major stages of the strategy to specific deadlines. This will be a good guide for clear, controlled movement. The main condition is the adequacy of the deadlines.

    Example. Today you are grade 1 obese, but you want a normal BMI. This means that in five years you need to build new system nutrition and physical activity, which will result in loss of excess weight gradually and step by step. Let's say you want to lose 20 kg, then: the first year - 30% of 20 kg, the second year - 20%, the third year - another 20%, the fourth year - 10%, the fifth year - we maintain the result.

    Further. Today you are a freelancer, and in five years you want to realize yourself in business. So, you are building this path for yourself. For the first year, you develop the concept of your business, make a business plan, attract investors, and launch a project. Second year - create an initial client base. The third year - you are increasing and multiplying your client base. Fourth year - you are again expanding and multiplying your customer base. Fifth year - analyze the results, prepare for exit new level business development (new products and services, new markets).

    Finance: first year - create a safety net, invest in business, redistribute sources of income. Let's say in the third year you want to make a profit from your business. Again questions: how much? And How? And so every year according to plan: income and their sources; expenses and their sources; options for accumulation and multiplication.

    1. Action Card

    Finally we are approaching to-do list – regular, targeted actions, which in total will lead to the planned result. Most main secret action maps is that the closer the stage (plan point) is in time, the more detailed the action map.

    There is no point in planning in detail even for a year. The larger the planning period, the more global the plans are.

    For example, I usually detail the plan for the month and even more detail the week. As a rule, during the week I stop. I make plans for the day when there is so much to accomplish in a day that without a list you can get lost. For several years I have been using the free planning system, when a plan is drawn up for the week, and in free mode all tasks are completed within a week. The main condition is to complete everything planned in a week. In such a system, there are no rush jobs and time pressures, there is no feeling of guilt for not being able to do something today.

    1. Graduality and regularity

    Planning often doesn’t take root because, having created a very good plan, we strive to immediately implement everything planned. This is mistake. Good example: A newbie to figure skating wants to perform the Olympic champion's free program. Will it work? No. It won’t work right away because you don’t have the appropriate skills and abilities; it takes years of training. This is exactly the case in planning and in living according to plan. You need to introduce planning into life gradually, slowly and regularly pumping up this skill, bringing it to automatism, forming a skill. Over time, planning and living according to plan will become integral components of your effectiveness, and a notepad at hand a good helper to not only dream, but also have time to implement your plans.

    Elena Vetshtein.

    P.S. For those who want a deeper dive into the topic of planning and managing life outcomes, proprietary programs and materials have been created. Here you can choose a training model that suits you to manage yourself and your life results.


    Drawing up a personal life plan for self-development using an example.

    Why make a plan

    The point of making a plan for the year is to live a happier year than without a plan. The plan must guide us along the way happy life. Support our growth above ourselves. Expand our capabilities and grow our self-image.

    The annual plan structures our development and pushes us lightly in the back when we stop. It should contain goals, the achievement of which is significant for us. It is extremely valuable to be effective; the annual plan serves this task.

    And “keeping goals in mind” is a slingshot that smoothly turns into a TV remote control.

    I've been planning goals for 5 years now. To convince you of the benefits of drawing up a plan and not clutter up the article, it is difficult for me to give not hundreds, but just one strong argument. I heard that everyone wants to “travel and lie under a palm tree.” Without work is a boring fairy tale. So I work and live in palm countries 260 days a year.

    The plan must expand our freedom, and not squeeze us into the framework of old and imposed goals. If our lives are constrained: the obligation to earn a living or to work towards other people's goals, then it will be more far-sighted to make a plan to change our lives.

    Basic principles of life planning

    At the first stage, we make a draft list of goals. It’s convenient to start collecting goals and taking a closer look at them in December. You can test them to see if they suit you; if it’s vocals, go for a trial lesson.

    But even before starting to draw up a plan, it is useful to accept the principles so that moving according to the plan will be a joy:

    Target Sources

    Main source goals for the year - our personal meaning of life. If we have compiled it, it will be much easier for us in the future: to determine what is valuable to us in the year and what to discard. Or we will start from the idea of ​​what we want to achieve in 5 years. I give abbreviated examples.

    My draft version of the personal meaning of life: figure out “Who am I?” and where I am.
    Goals for the year: read books on psychology, philosophy, religion. Expand the “I” – unusual behavior, roles, habits, self-image, travel.

    Results of year planning

    We don't know what will happen in a year. We can be wrong about our desires. Example – we planned to move to the city center, but went abroad. The plan was not fulfilled - we just changed.

    On New Year we make a plan. If it comes true, we will be delighted. And an unfulfilled plan will remain in our head as an unpleasant burden. That's why we're cunning.

    The plan for the beginning of the year is taken as 100%. We fill that 25% of free space with new goals. We calculate everything based on the original plan, and additional goals- as exceeding the plan.

    A plan is necessary so that we feel better, so that it fills us with the will to move forward, and does not slow us down. An order of magnitude more will happen in life than is written in the plan. Unplanned meetings with friends, spiritual gatherings, some joyful moments. But they will not be taken into account in the plan. Remember that moving according to plan is part of life, not all of life.

    What matters is not the correct plan, but the planning of life itself.

    Personal Development Plan- a plan that includes processes related to a person’s personal development, his spiritual and intellectual growth.

    Highlight five to eight areas of life that you consider important. Possible options: work, home, children, relationship with husband, hobby, self-care or other. Draw each direction as a radius diverging from general center. Next, rate how satisfied you are with your success in this area: 2, 5 or 10 points? Having gone through all aspects, set aside the segments corresponding to the point marks. Close the segments into a curve similar to a circle. So, you got a “crooked” wheel of life balance.

    With the help of this exercise, you can more clearly see where the most problematic area is and what requires immediate intervention and development.

    2. Determining the format for working with the plan

    • structured plan using planning with business organizer
    • diary notes of the “success diary” or “achievement diary” type
    • graphic design in the form of a wish map, mind map
    • wall calendar or board with notes and short-term steps.

    3. Writing a detailed plan

    • setting a general vector of development for the long term
    • description of short-term steps for 1-1.5 months
    • writing out things for the week

    This method of solving a problem from the desired result to a description of the steps to achieve it is called Franklin method, named after its creator.

    Unlike traditional planning, which involves moving towards the goal step by step, the proposed method is more effective and efficient. Because in this case, he uses not only the planned efforts, but also uses all resources to achieve what he wants. Seeing the end result in front of you, you use both your personal talents and the current situation, and create additional conditions for implementation even under unfavorable conditions.

    If you set yourself the goal of simply “personal development as much as possible” and write in your plan a small step every day, such as “study German for 15 minutes,” you will not achieve results. Because use time and resources on a residual basis.

    Preparing to Implement a Personal Development Plan

    • Make a two-week plan to tidy up the “tails” and unresolved problems
    • Summarize the results for the previous period.

    Remember your main success of last year and your complete failure. Here it is also useful to search for resources: “what is good that pulls me up” and analyze errors: “what needs to be changed.”

    • Write two or three important goals and prioritize them. Start implementing the most important

    Work according to plan

    • For goals (what to achieve), include training in that area.

    Since you have not yet achieved what you want, it means that you are missing something to realize it. You may not have enough knowledge or practical skills. Fill in the gaps with books, videos, and other multimedia resources. Take courses, sign up for a consultation with a good specialist.

    • For cheerfulness, turn on resourceful things: affirmations, a CD with music that gets you into the mood for work.

    Create special rituals for a good working mood. Play some music for yourself, or read your success diary, or do some other tuning activity. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes, get inspired and take action!

    • To move forward, cross off what is completed. Write new goals.

    A list of completed tasks motivates well. Look how much you have already accomplished. Believe in the power of planning. Without this step, it is impossible to achieve success in personal development.

    • Develop habits.

    According to the main principle of the Fly Lady home management system, it takes a month of daily repetitions to form one habit. Enter one new one at a time good habit every month.

    • Find like-minded people.

    Look for a support group on thematic forums. Those who collectively undergo thematic training tasks. Or start online service with reminders and assignments.

    A good method for implementing your plan is pin calendar. Perhaps this way of planning personal development will suit you. It is a lined calendar with a countdown. Shows how much time is left until the end of the term. Can be reported in hours or days.

    The method is good for sobering up from empty dreams. It shows how fleeting our lives are, how much time is wasted and how little is left for action.

  • Ten ways to develop yourself social network
  • Personal development: more than motivation and positive thinking.
    Personal development occurs when you finally decide to change your life for the better. But the whole process may not only consist of positive experiences or formal seminars. Even negative experiences can help a person find the right direction in life.
    Most personal development coaches try to focus our attention on self-motivation and positive thinking as the two most important components that ensure success in personal development. Yes, they are right in some ways, but a holistic approach to self-development goes far beyond these two factors. Next you will learn about what else you need on your path of personal development.

    Personal development plan.
    First, you need to have a system in place to achieve your development goals. There is no point in talking about how much you want to achieve self-awareness or develop your personality. You need to accept the system and see a vivid image. As you know, personal development covers many different areas of interest, and you can easily get lost if you don't have a plan. You need to put down on paper everything you intend to do with your life and where you want to be after completing the program you have planned.
    Always remember that only by having a definite plan of action will you be able to determine whether you have become a better person or whether the circumstances of your life have improved. If done correctly, your plan will serve as a framework against which you can measure your progress.

    A decisive step.
    You may have enough motivation or positive thoughts, but if you don't take action today, your personal development will never become a reality. Remember, personal improvement does not come overnight; time is of the essence. So take action now, otherwise you may lose the chance to improve yourself. Take risks. Life is supposed to be an adventure, so if you don't step out of your comfort zone, you'll be left rotting in your current situation.

    Be open to change.

    The operative word in personal development is the word “change.” If you can't manage change, you can't improve yourself. But, it can be argued that change will happen even if you do not welcome it. Would you rather be changed by factors beyond your control? It is obvious that it is better to be prepared for external changes or to personally lead changes in your life. This way you will know what actions need to be taken.

    Sit on the shoulders of giants.
    If you want to accelerate your personal development, you need to learn from people who have been in your shoes before you. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel, all you need to do is learn from the experiences of other people, especially those who have been successful in their quest to become better. To save your time and effort, you can always hire personal development coaches or mentors. You can also read a book or listen to audiobooks about self-development.

    Be responsible for your personal development.
    You are what you allow yourself to be. In other words, the things that define you today happened because you allowed them to happen. If you've been lazy or indifferent all these years, you have no one to blame but yourself for where you are now. Even yours environment cannot be held accountable for who you are now. You hold the key to your development, and only you can use it. So, taking the initiative for self-development should come from you, and only you are responsible for the entire result that you get from the individual development program.

    How to start a personal development program?

    Starting a personal program can be achieved by increasing awareness of your current life situation. Has a clear understanding of its starting point great importance for creating successful plan personal growth.
    Although personal enthusiasm for development may include common desire For greater growth and a general understanding of those areas of life where personal development needs to occur, a diligent process of awareness and life planning must include self-assessment in every aspect of daily life.

    Self-esteem for life awareness.

    So, as we have already found out, we need to create a level of self-esteem in each area of ​​life. Psychological tests can help us with this.
    In addition, it will be useful to make a list of assigned roles and responsibilities for each area of ​​life.
    Limit the list to ten or twelve items that are most important and consume the most time and energy.
    Don't forget about those areas of life that are not important now, but are desirable in the future.
    Next, it is necessary to give a satisfaction rating for each area. Use a rating from one to ten points. Where ten points means completely satisfied, and one point means completely dissatisfied.
    If you are honest with yourself as you complete these tests, you will be able to develop a sufficiently accurate and detailed outlook on life to begin effective planning life.

    The ideal life plan.

    A life plan must include a vision of the future - a life goal that is planned to be achieved.
    Your vision life goal is a combination of all the “perfect ten” scenarios for each of the ten areas of life with which you assessed awareness, satisfaction, role and responsibility.
    When setting a life goal, it is important that you can visualize the outcome. Therefore, when creating a goal for each area of ​​life, you must see yourself there with sufficient detail and accuracy without making any effort. special effort. For example, your goal professional life may include phrases such as: respected, recognized, fulfilling, well paid, has a perfect balance between work and family life.

    Planning goals in personal development.

    Research shows that the best goals are challenging but achievable goals. It has been found that goals that are too easy are not motivating, on the other hand, goals that seem too difficult are also not motivating because the chances of success are reduced. Best Goals– those goals that are difficult, but achievable, and also provide the greatest satisfaction when achieved.
    If your current life satisfaction score is low, ranging from three to four out of ten, it is possible that your vision of an ideal life in this area may be too far from being achieved. Which may seem impossible and lead to de-motivation.
    In this case, you should not jump above yourself, but rather develop a set of life goals that reflect modest personal growth and a level of growth that can be imagined and realized.

    Beginning of a personal development program.
    The beginning of planning for personal growth is done through awareness of life through detailed self-assessment. You will then be able to formulate ideas for your plan, which will serve as your common goal life.

    Set clear goals

    Personal development plan leadership qualities must be specific and realistic. He must mobilize all your abilities and demand your full commitment. We offer several basic rules, derived from practice, that will help you develop such a plan.

    Set clear goals. People sometimes fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for. Try to mentally visualize the end result you want to achieve and write it down in as much detail as possible.

    Set realistic deadlines for yourself. Remember: the habits that you have formed throughout your life cannot be changed in one or two days. It takes persistent and systematic work to change your own thought patterns and behavior patterns. “The one who walks will master the road” - said the ancient sages. Be prepared to work hard. Your current course of action is the result of years of learning, so new model behavior will rather slowly replace the old one. Change requires constant attention and realistic deadlines.

    Determine by what criteria you will judge your success

    Determine by what criteria you will judge your success. Develop a system of intermediate goals. In this way, you can control your progress and give new impetus to your personal plan. Improving leadership skills occurs continuously. As soon as one goal is achieved, new areas of effort need to be set. Continuous rise to leadership positions often involves hard work and constant self-improvement.

    Be happy with modest progress, especially at first
    . It is often said that a big oak grows from a small acorn . An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely succeeds. Success fuels success. Solid but modest progress is consolidated and becomes a feature of the person's attitude towards work.

    list of key goals important for developing leadership skills in initial stage

    To make the task of drawing up a plan easier, we suggest you complete the following exercise.
    Below is a list of key goals that are important for early leadership development. Select at least three goals from the list below to include in your self-directed leadership development program. Supplement them with your own personal goals that are important to you.

    1. During the year, take at least two training courses or self-development trainings. For example, effective business communication, leadership, oratory, personal time management skills, decision making, etc.

    2. Interview - formally or informally - with established and respected leaders to listen to their ideas about leadership and understand how they came to them. Attention! Of these leaders, no more than half should be in your industry or profession!

    3. Ask your friends or colleagues what they value most and least in leadership behavior. Record and analyze their answers.

    4. Read at least one book on leadership during the year and develop at least five practical steps based on it.

    5. Answer the following questions:

    a) What are my career goals?
    b) What purpose in life do they serve?
    c) What importance do I attach to achieving these goals?
    d) When will they be achieved? What is my program of action?
    d) What stage am I at now? Where will I go next?
    f) How can I improve my work efficiency?
    g) Who are my most valuable advisers and critics?

    6. Get accurate information about how the organization you work for assesses your potential. Find out how your bosses and colleagues evaluate your leadership skills. (Warning: It may take a little courage to bring this up with your boss!)

    7. If your current job does not provide you with leadership development opportunities or does not utilize all of your abilities, choose another area in which you can add to your leadership track record. Changing the situation will stimulate you and make you tense.

    8. “Knowledge is power.” Choose one long-term training program (at least four weeks) that will deepen and expand your knowledge in a specific area - financial management, marketing, human resources, etc. - and leadership in general. Develop a plan to convince your company that your training in these courses is in its best interests.

    What goals have you chosen?

    Have you set dates to evaluate progress?

    personal development plan example

    Personal Development Program – Building Awareness.
    Take a look at the following nineteen week personal development plan and then modify it to suit your personal interests.
    A proven success factor for successful people includes having a personal development plan and sticking to it. Next example personal development plan will help you create a structure and template for creating a personal improvement plan. Focusing on one aspect of personal growth each week out of nineteen weeks will help you reap the benefits of cumulative growth.
    Personal development begins with raising awareness.
    Self-awareness is a core component of personal growth. The first half of this plan is about building self-awareness. The second half expands personal growth by external world.

    Week one – personal plan development must begin with an honest and detached view of life. What areas of life are performing well? Which areas deserve improvement? Based on current reality, develop a vision for life.

    Week Two – Discover and clarify your life purpose this week. Every person has goals in life, a set of behavior patterns and qualities, and finds meaning and purpose in life. Reflect on this for a week and write down your personal understanding of your life purpose under the heading “My Life Purpose.”

    Week Three – This week, enthusiasm for personal growth should be focused on personal strengths and passions. What activities are always enjoyable, easy for you and give excellent results? Make a list under the heading: “Personal Strengths and Passions.”

    Week four – learn to meditate. Take a class, read a book, or learn about meditation online. By the way, on our website you will find information about meditation.

    Second month of the personal development plan.
    The first month of personal development is over, it's time to move on to even greater self-awareness. Be open to intuition and new understanding, and refrain from judging the past.

    Week Five – Learn the art of living in the present moment. Life is a series of present moments, lived and lost.

    Week Six – Practice self-awareness of behavior and personality traits this week. This week, keep an eye on qualities or characteristics that have been demonstrated through daily activities. Do they correspond to your personal vision for the development of the first week?

    Week Seven – Focus on core beliefs and values. Starting with the phrase “I believe that,” identify any deeply held beliefs. Repeat these steps with “These are my core values.”

    Week Eight – This week you must face your fears and overcome their limitations. Personal growth often associated with leaving your personal comfort zone. Recognize the fears that limit your growth and resolve to move forward with courage.

    Continued personal growth, month three.
    This month we will introduce some personality development tools.

    Week nine – dedicate this week only to positive things. Refrain from all forms of negativity, including negative talk, derogatory jokes and gossip, criticism, whining and complaining. Acknowledge the negativity and then look for opportunities to improve.

    Week Ten – Learn to set goals effectively by following a vision and personal development plan. Research the SMART process and apply it to this plan.

    Week Eleven – Be grateful and grateful this week. Express gratitude and appreciation for life and all the blessings you have.

    Week Twelve – Dedicate this week to self-care. Make a decision to take care of your physical and mental health on a daily basis. Make some commitments and set goals.

    Personal development plan, shift to the outside world.
    It's time to shift focus from internal work to the outside world.

    Week Thirteen – Increasing self-awareness of work time use, starting with time and activity logging. Briefly write down all activities, keeping records to free up time. At the end of each day, determine how much time you spent maintaining your personal development plan.

    Week Fourteen – Become a Generous Listener. Listen carefully to understand the words being spoken and the underlying emotions. Learn to listen by mentally repeating the words spoken by the interlocutor.

    Improving relationships and more.
    This month introduces aspects of personal development that may seem challenging. Be courageous and see continued growth.

    Week Fifteen – Focus on improving your relationships. The greatest satisfaction in life comes from relationships. Think about the strong and weaknesses every relationship you have.

    Week Sixteen – Practice generosity. Be a generous giver. Be generous to other people easy way become happier.

    Week Seventeen – Set personal boundaries. It is important not only to define personal boundaries, but also to learn to talk about them to others.

    Week eighteen is the week of forgiveness and apology. It's time to make a long overdue apology for behavior that was offensive to others. This is also a week of forgiveness, forgive yourself and other people.

    Week nineteen - think about a few recent months personal growth. Notice where you have progressed well and where your growth has been rather slow. Create your own personal development plan for the next four months by modifying this example plan.

    An effective personal development plan.
    A personal development plan provides the foundation for personal development, which is a proven success factor for successful people: having a vision, a plan, and executing the plan. Change the example of this plan to suit your needs for even greater efficiency.

    Plan Ideal Future

    Bonus "Ideal Future"

    Take a pen and a piece of paper. Imagine your ideal future. There are several characteristics of a quality life.

    First, income. Write where the money will come from. Think of two categories: passive and active income. Passive cash flows are created capital, royalties, income from a business that operates without you, investments. Active income appears with your direct participation. This own work in business, working on projects, grants - ideally something you love to do.

    Secondly, emotions. They are the salt of life powerful engine. Write down what emotions you would experience in your ideal life. This is satisfaction from self-realization, joy from the beginning of a new day, harmony with the world, vigor from playing sports, joy from communicating with a child - everyone has their own emotions. The main thing is that they be positive, make life rich, bright and lively.

    Thirdly, skills and knowledge. Focus on skills. Knowledge by itself gives little, but skills bring specific results. It's about more about business skills.
    List them. Everyone has their own skills: the ability to influence people, speak in public, sell, create successful business and so on.

    Fourthly, joy. There are three types of satisfaction: from consumption, from current events, from achieving a goal. There is a fourth type - from what brings joy to others. Write down what would bring you joy in your ideal life.

    Fifthly, habitat. Write where you live: in the capital or a provincial town, near the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, near the lake. Maybe in summer you live in one place and in winter in another. Describe what is in the house, what you see from the window, what furniture is in the house, how many rooms it has, what the bedroom, living room, and kitchen look like. Think about what kind of car you have, where you will go on the weekend, where you will spend your vacation. Describe everything down to the smallest detail.

    Sixth, relationships. What are they like with parents, children, with a loved one, with friends. How do you see them in an ideal life?

    Seventh, health and sports achivments. Every person wants to be healthy and look good. Write about it all. What sports do you play, how often, what results have you achieved in your ideal life.

    Eighth, time. What are you spending it on? If you have everything, but no time, there is nothing. Time, money, mobility - three components of success. Time is a valuable resource. Write how your ideal day goes, what you spend your time on.

    Ninth, values. What do you bring to the world, what will you leave behind? Write it down.

    Review your ideal future every day. This will become your source of energy that will help you move forward. People often believe that if you earn a lot of money or work around the clock, everything will happen. This is wrong. Everything needs to be done in parallel.
    Every day you do something, you should ask the question: is this bringing me closer to my ideal life?