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Previously, I believed that borscht was cooked exclusively with meat broth, although I also assumed the presence of lean borscht. But one day I tried borscht with sprat while visiting a friend. I liked this dish. The borscht will be tasty, aromatic and quite filling. Soon I cooked borscht with sprat in tomato on my own when there was no meat at home. I will now share this recipe with you.

Method of preparation: boiling.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 6 potato tubers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 medium beet
  • ½ head of white cabbage
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of thick tomato paste or 250–300 ml. tomato juice
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 can of sprat in tomato
  • spices, salt to taste
  • fresh greens.

Cooking method

  • Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Peel and wash the potato tubers and cut them into small cubes. After the water boils, add the potatoes and cook until tender. If desired, you can first fry the potatoes a little on vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • In the meantime, let's start preparing the frying. Cut the onion into cubes and the carrots into thin strips. Fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally, in vegetable oil.
  • Then add the beets, mix and fry.
  • Then put the chopped Bell pepper, mix and add tomato paste. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the roast and simmer for 10 - 15 minutes over medium heat.
  • Then place the stewed vegetables in a pan with boiling potatoes. Cook until the beets change color.
  • When the beets and carrots become soft and the borscht turns a pleasant orange hue, add salt and spices.
  • Then add canned fish - sprat - along with tomato sauce into the broth, stir and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  • After this, add the cabbage, cut into strips, and cook the borscht for 5 minutes.
  • Before removing the borscht from the stove, add chopped herbs and finely chopped garlic cloves. Let the borscht brew for 2 hours with the lid closed.
  • You can serve borscht with sprat in tomato warm, sufficiently cooled. Or you can warm it up, try what works best for you. What else can I say about this borscht? The recipe is peculiar, but it has a right to exist. If there is no meat or chicken in the house, but there are canned sprat in tomato sauce, then this is a completely working option. Bon appetit!

  • 2015-12-18T06:00:05+00:00 admin first meal

    Previously, I believed that borscht was cooked exclusively with meat broth, although I also assumed the presence of lean borscht. But one day I tried borscht with sprat while visiting a friend. I liked this dish. The borscht will be tasty, aromatic and quite filling. Soon I prepared borscht with sprat in tomato on my own when I wasn’t at home...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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