First work in the garden in the spring. What work should you do in the garden in spring? Work in the garden in spring

Long before the arrival of spring, summer residents are thinking about how to plan their activities for this difficult time. After all, even before the end of frost and before the onset of persistent warmth, you need to do a lot of things in the garden and in the vegetable garden, prepare the soil for growing crops and the plants for a new life cycle. And in order for this process to be successful, you need to schedule all your upcoming classes in advance, adjusted for the time of year and the type of tasks that can be accomplished. So, the topic of our conversation today will be spring work in the garden and vegetable garden; let’s look at the calendar of spring work in the garden and vegetable garden.

Spring work in the garden and garden

Spring work in the garden

Spring is characterized by a constant alternation of frosts and thaws. And such temperature fluctuations are very dangerous for plants. After all, the melted snow is again covered with a crust of ice, which is why a sufficient amount of air ceases to flow to the root system and lawn grasses. This is fraught with growth disturbances and even death of many plants. That is why the resulting ice crust must be broken as it forms.

It is also a good idea to remove snow from the treetops. After all, March snow picks up moisture during the thaw, which increases its weight by an order of magnitude and can lead to broken branches.

In spring, rodents become especially active, having become hungry after a long and cold winter. That is why it is worth periodically trampling snow near tree trunks, this will prevent damage to the bark.

With the beginning of spring, coniferous trees that are located in open areas of the garden plot may be burned by the sun's rays. If you pulled the bark of conifers with twine until severe frosts, wrap them in burlap or some other covering material that protects from ultraviolet radiation. You can also use protective screens - they will create a shadow. Such shelters must be removed after the snow has cleared.

Too sharp an increase in air temperature in the spring before the ground thaws can also be harmful coniferous trees. After all, at this stage the needles begin to actively release oxygen, while the roots cannot provide the plants with enough moisture. Conifers suffer from dehydration. To preserve plants, it is advisable to water them with warm water immediately after the snow melts.

The bright spring sun can also harm fruit trees. If you did not whiten the trees in the fall and did not renew the whitewash in February, you should wrap the trunks higher with light-colored paper or newspapers. Such dressings must be removed from the beginning of April. And after the snow melts and the temperature rises (up to +5C or more), renew the whitewash. It is advisable to carry out this manipulation before the leaves bloom.

After warm days arrive, but the snow has not yet completely melted, you can begin pruning the trees in the garden. Of course, you need to cope with such an activity before the sap flow begins. Carry out pruning in the morning, but remember that you cannot thin out a very thick crown at once. This activity should take you two to three years. Otherwise, the trees will be greatly weakened due to numerous wounds. Start working with large branches.

While there is still a lot of snow on the site, store it in different containers. This will come in handy when planting in greenhouses or garden beds.

After the snow melts, start mulching the tree trunks, as well as shrubs and perennial crops. Create beauty around! It is worth using fresh compost, sawdust, bark, wood chips, straw, rotted leaves or covering fabric.

In addition, immediately after the snow melts, young seedlings should be planted. Planting should be done while such plants are at rest; there should be no buds on them.

As soon as sap flow begins, graft the trees with previously prepared cuttings for grafting.

Be sure to clean containers, flowerpots, and flower pots. Restore their integrity and treat with herbicides.

Towards the end of March (depending on the weather), you should begin to ventilate roses covered for the winter and other heat-loving plants (rhododendrons, hydrangeas, etc.). It is best to ventilate them in sunny weather, when the temperature rises above zero. Such measures will provide the plants with access to oxygen, prevent the accumulation of condensation, and accustom the plants to warmth.

Be sure to take care of draining melt water from the lowlands of the garden, if necessary. After all, there is practically no oxygen in such water, and due to its stagnation, the roots of various trees can suffocate.

If the snow melts particularly actively in areas, beds with plants planted before winter may be exposed (perennial plants may also be damaged). To prevent them from freezing, it is quite possible to sprinkle the beds with peat crumbs or cover them with film.

After the layer of snow thins or completely melts, release the daffodils and lilies from the shelter. They will cope well with light frosts.

After the average daily temperature reaches five degrees above zero, it is worth carrying out the first spraying of the trees in the garden against pests and various ailments. Before the buds bloom, you should start treating the trees with insecticides. Such measures will help cope with apple honeydew eggs, scale insects, various aphids, fruit mites, leaf rollers and apple moth caterpillars overwintering on the bark.

In April, you should definitely treat the bushes, as well as... The bushes need to be equipped with supports as needed, and the raspberries need to be tied up.

In March or April it is necessary to start fertilizing the soil. The most commonly used are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. They can be purchased in the form of granules (Nitroammofoska or Azofoska), combined with water, or simply scattered over the soil along with melting snow.

Spring work in the garden

You need to prepare for work in the garden from February. It is in this month that you should start preparing the seeds. Sort them out and leave them warm. Soon you will need to start planting seedlings.

In the southern territories, already in the month of February, you need to start freeing up space on the site for planting various cold-resistant crops, represented by parsley, dill, onions, radishes and peas. You can easily clear the snow yourself small area garden intended for such crops, so the soil will thaw and warm up much faster.

In the last month of winter, it is worth starting to build a greenhouse. Of course, it’s too early to sow the seeds of tomatoes and peppers; you can only start sowing early cabbage. In any case, the greenhouse should be prepared in advance, so the soil underneath will have time to warm up.

It is also worthwhile to start planting seedlings; another two months should pass before they are planted in the soil.

With the arrival of spring comes the busiest time to work in the garden. As the snow melts, it is necessary to thoroughly clean up - remove winter debris from the beds. It is extremely important to get rid of insects and larvae on the ground. The banal removal of all living things in the beds will help you reduce the number of pests by an order of magnitude. If you find that weeds have hatched in your area, remove them from the moist soil.

In the spring it is also necessary to apply organic fertilizers. Even before the start spring planting it is necessary to saturate the soil with a sufficient amount of nutrients. For this purpose, it is necessary to use ready-made compost; you can also stock up on purchased peat or rotted manure (humus).

If the soil in your garden is heavy, you need to add coarse sand and/or fine gravel. This measure will help moisture stay in the soil for a long time, and nutrients on the surface of the beds.

Loosening the soil in the beds is also considered an important activity. According to experts, constantly digging up the soil in the garden does not bring any benefit; such a measure significantly disrupts the structure of the earth and leads to the fact that nutrients go deep into the soil. At the same time, loosening to a shallow depth (about ten centimeters) will be a wonderful way to prepare the soil for upcoming planting work. After all loose soil is porous and granular, thanks to which plant roots feel great, actively gain strength and grow.

In the spring, you also need to start inspecting your lawns after winter. All last year's grass should be removed with a rake, and potholes should be filled with earth, mixed with sand (in equal proportions). The entire surface of lawns must be sprinkled with fine sand, and it is also important to level the surface. On the bald spots that appear, fresh seeds of the lawn mixture should be planted.

After the snow melts and warm days set in, you should start sowing cold-resistant plants, including onions, parsley, and dill. Towards the end of March you can also sow beets. In the south, radishes are already being planted at this time. But such areas must be covered with a dark film, so that weak shoots will not freeze, and the soil will be able to warm up under the sun.

Closer to April, it is worth getting potato tubers out of the basement; they should have time to sprout.

Create a rough diagram of the beds for planting. If your site is uneven, you need to arrange the rows so that they extend across the slope. In order to get perfectly even beds, stretch the string on the pegs or draw grooves with a special marker. It should be noted that in swampy areas it is necessary to make the beds higher, and in dry areas – lower.

Towards the end of April, it is necessary to start planting mid-season varieties of cabbage, as well as tarragon and onions for sets and turnips. Just at this time, crops are planted, represented by anise, peas, common beans, mustard, parsnips, radishes, table turnips, coriander, chicory root, asparagus, spinach, etc.

In April, it is necessary to care for the growing seedlings. And in greenhouses, as well as in greenhouses, you can plant tomatoes and cucumbers. Closer to May, it is worth planting prepared early potato tubers in the ground.

In the last month of spring, you should start mass planting the remaining seeds, as well as seedlings. The seedlings must first be hardened off, the boxes must be removed from warm window sills and placed temporarily on a glassed-in balcony. The period of exposure to cool air should be gradually increased.

Gardeners who planted cold-resistant plants in March can begin harvesting the first harvests of radishes and herbs (dill, parsley and onions).
In May it is necessary to start planting in open ground cabbage seedlings, you should also sow radishes to get a second harvest and plant mid-late varieties of potatoes.
In the south, it is recommended to plant grown tomato seedlings in open ground at the beginning of May; as for central Russia, it is better not to rush with this process. Cover the seedlings with film until the middle of the month. Don't forget to provide support tall varieties tomatoes, plant them near the fence or prepare special pegs and stretch the wire.

By May, you should also start thinning out the carrots and beets that have already sprouted. And closer to the middle or the end of the month, it is advisable to plant seedlings of sweet peppers and eggplants.

It is worth noting that by the end of May, drought may begin in many areas. In such conditions, planted plants will need regular watering. Install an irrigation system on your site, for example, drip irrigation.

You should not get carried away with mineral feeding of plants; it is much better to underfeed them or overfeed them. So, if you added fertilizers when digging your garden, you don’t need to feed the crops additionally when planting seedlings.

Here is a calendar of spring work in the garden and garden, such work on the ground. Spring time requires a lot of effort from gardeners and gardeners. But if you plan this period correctly, the results will definitely please you.

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Spring work in the garden

Work at the dacha after winter begins with caring for the garden. It is important not to waste precious time, since many activities need to be carried out before active sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. The health of trees and shrubs depends on how correctly the spring work in the garden is done.

Spring work in the garden

With the arrival of spring, the first thing you need to do is clear the garden of last year's leaves, windbreaks and other debris that has accumulated over the winter. Spores of fungal diseases and larvae of pests can overwinter in plant debris, so they are taken outside the site and burned. As the air temperature rises, winter shelters are gradually removed from trees and shrubs.

Before sap flow begins, it is necessary to prune fruit and ornamental plants in the garden. Young seedlings, as well as decorative early flowering shrubs, are not pruned in the spring; only damaged branches can be removed. For fruit trees, formative and rejuvenating pruning is carried out.

Early spring is a time to prevent garden diseases and pests. Before the buds swell, the trees are sprayed with iron sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or urea to destroy fungal pores. If a pest invasion was noticed in the previous year, the garden is treated with Agrovertin, Iskra-Bio, or Fitoverm.

In spring, tree trunks need protection. After winter, they may develop wind damage and frost holes, which need to be covered with clay mash or garden varnish. To protect against pests, trees are whitewashed with special paints, or they are used “the old fashioned way.” lime mortar with addition copper sulfate.

Fruit trees are grafted in April. First stone fruits, and a little later pome fruits. Pre-prepared cuttings or material after early spring pruning are used as a scion.

In spring, plants in the garden need feeding. Dry nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammophosphate, ammonium nitrate) are scattered around the perimeter of the crown. After this, surface loosening of the soil is carried out, adding fertilizers. From organic matter, you can add an infused solution of chicken manure or rotted manure. After applying fertilizers, the soil under the trees and bushes is mulched with humus.

Work in the garden in spring does not stop even after the trees begin to bloom. Return frosts often occur, and to protect against them, fumigation of gardens with smoke bombs or fires is used. A humid environment also helps reduce the impact of low temperatures, so place containers of water under the trees, spill the soil and wet the branches.

Work in the garden in spring

In the spring there is no less trouble in the garden than in the garden. During this period, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetables in order to get a good harvest. As soon as the snow melts, the beds are cleared of debris accumulated over the winter. It is advisable to burn waste outside the site to prevent the spread of diseases and pests overwintering in them. They clean not only the soil, but also the garden paths, where garden debris accumulates and moss can grow.

After completing the cleaning, add mineral fertilizers. In spring, urea, nitrophoska, ammophoska and other fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are used. When the soil dries out a little, add compost or humus. After this, the beds are dug up or deeply loosened. During loosening, young weed shoots must be immediately removed, as well as pests encountered.

Spring work in the garden includes measures to improve the soil structure. River sand, mature humus, and fine sawdust are added to areas with heavy soil. Clay is added to sandy soil to make it more moisture-absorbing. If necessary, adjust the acidity of the soil. To deoxidize, add lime, ash, or dolomite flour, and to increase the pH level (acidification) use sulfur (70 g per sq.m.), apple or acetic acid.

When the soil is prepared and fertilized, beds can be made on the site. To plant early vegetables, artificially heat the soil. To do this, the beds are covered with dark material (black agrofibre or polyethylene) about two weeks before sowing.

While working in the garden in spring Special attention You need to pay attention to the beds with strawberries and raspberries. The cover is removed from the strawberries, dead bushes are removed, the soil is loosened and mulched. Raspberries are tied to trellises and sanitary pruning is carried out.

In the spring, cold-resistant vegetables and herbs are sown in the garden: radishes, peas, lettuce, sorrel, onions, early carrots, and beets. These crops develop well and produce a harvest even when sown in cold soil.

In flower beds in the spring, the rhizomes of perennials are divided. Plants with wintering foliage are renewed by removing frozen and damaged shoots, and plantings of early flowering bulbs are loosened. Mineral fertilizer complexes are added to flower beds as fertilizers. To prevent diseases, flower beds are treated with copper-containing preparations.

Lawn care after winter

With the arrival of spring, the lawn also comes to life. Already at a temperature of plus 5 degrees Celsius, the grass begins to grow and requires attention. As soon as the snow begins to melt, mineral fertilizers, which are dominated by nitrogen, are scattered over the lawn: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea.

Lawn cleaning begins after the soil dries. Leaves and debris are raked with a fan rake, after which scarification is performed. This procedure is also called "combing" and is performed with a garden rake, a special manual device, or a device - a scarifier. It is necessary in order to disrupt the integrity of the dense grass turf, renew it, and give young shoots the opportunity to develop.

After stratification, it is necessary to carry out aeration - piercing the turf and top layer of soil to saturate the soil with oxygen. This is done using a pitchfork, an aerator or special shoe covers.

After cleaning, potholes are clearly visible, which may remain from accidental movement on a damp lawn, or when the soil settles. If the turf layer is not disturbed, dig it up and add sand under it. Damaged areas of the lawn are cut out with a shovel and removed, and the resulting holes are also filled with sand. They are then seeded to restore a uniform lawn.

Bottom line

With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to pay attention to the garden and prepare fruit trees and bushes for the new growing season. In the garden, you need to improve the quality of the soil so that vegetables produce a good harvest, and in flower beds you need to take care of perennials. Gardening in the spring requires effort, but as a result, your garden will be well-groomed and the plants on it will be strong and healthy.

Spring is the period of nature's rebirth from winter hibernation. Everyone is looking forward to her arrival, the appearance of the first emerald greenery on the sun-warmed earth, trees and bushes, the fresh aromas of foliage and the first flowers. For summer residents, this is also the need to prepare their land plots for planting, so it is wrong to say that there is less work in the garden in the spring than in the fall. Now you can see this for yourself.

Stages of spring gardening

This article is a small approximate instruction for the step-by-step implementation of spring activities that guarantee favorable conditions for plant life in the garden. Adapt it to the specific situation in your region, and you will be able to most effectively exploit your land.

The timing of the start of spring work depends on the climatic zone in which the summer cottage is located, taking into account the weather conditions of the current season.


Garden work in early spring, this is the time when the snow begins to melt.

At this stage, the main tasks of the gardener are:

  • Try to slow down the flow of melt water from a sloped area as much as possible.. To do this, it is necessary to arrange windrows and furrows located along the slopes along the entire height.
  • In low-lying areas opposite, we clean existing drainage ditches and organize new ones.
  • It is better to free young trees from snow that has dusted their crowns, since when melting, the resulting crust can harm them.
  • Crusts of snow under are loosened using a fork or sprinkled with peat, which speeds up the melting.

For your information!
Many people mistakenly believe that slowing down the melting of snow crust under trees improves the situation.
Not at all, this can only do harm, since the tree crowns, heated by the sun, wake up and require moisture and nutrition from the root system.
But this is difficult, since the ground is still frozen.

In March, you need to make sure how well the trees overwintered. This can be checked in areas that appear visually damaged by making a shallow longitudinal incision. If no blackness is found at the cut site, its shade is close to light green, then everything is in order, wintering was successful.

At the very beginning of spring, there is a danger for trees to get sunburn on the trunks and at the base of the branches. This phenomenon is possible due to the sharp difference between day and night temperatures at this time; whitewashing the trunks and forks of branches will help to avoid such damage.

March ends with pest control by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.


Basic gardening work in the spring this month should be completed before the buds swell:

  • Dry, dead branches are pruned at all times. The bark around the kidneys is removed.

  • Cleaning of the soil surface in the garden continues. All excess is raked from the dried earth and burned.
  • Next, cleansing and treatment work is performed:
    • If trees or bushes in the garden were previously susceptible to aphids, mites, psyllids or copperheads, they are sprayed with nitrophen just before the buds swell.
    • If there are gnawed areas, hollows and wounds on the trunks and branches of plants, they must first be cleared, then disinfected and covered with petrolatum (garden pitch).
    • Detected egg-laying ringed silkworms are removed along with the branches.

After the completion of preventive pest control measures, it is time to feed the plants:

  • To stimulate active growth and development of shoots on pome trees, 1/2 of the annual norm of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is applied in April.
  • After fertilizing the soil under the trees at the end of April with organic, phosphorus- and potassium-containing fertilizers, it is dug up.
    Estimated fertilizer consumption per 1 m2 of soil:
    • 1/2 cup superphosphate.
    • 1/2 cup potassium sulfate or 1/5 cup potassium chloride (can be replaced with 2-3 cups wood ash).
    • One bucket of organic fertilizers (when using peat or humus, you don’t have to dig up the soil and leave them on the surface as mulch).

    • In the last days of April, young and fruit-bearing bushes are also fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, loosening the soil underneath them to retain moisture and incorporate fertilizing.

Remember that fertilization of mature trees is carried out locally in the area of ​​​​the vertical projection of the plant crown onto the ground with a spades of no more than 50-100 cm.

At the end of April, you can start planting gooseberry and blackcurrant seedlings. In areas prepared in the fall for shrubs, plants are planted, followed by watering and mulching the soil under them. Shrubs planted in the fall are heavily pruned, leaving 2 to 4 well-developed buds on the shoots.

During the same period, they take care of the fruit-bearing trees and plant young raspberry bushes:

  • Pure, healthy seedlings are placed in clean, even grooves with the base of the stem immersed by 2-3 cm. Areas for raspberry seedlings must be properly prepared in the fall and generously fertilized.
  • The soil around the plants is watered and mulched with peat.
  • Then the bushes are pruned, leaving a height of 40 cm.
  • Overwintered raspberry shoots are lifted, untied and cut back to the first living bud untouched by frost.
  • Damaged, diseased, poorly developed, as well as excess shoots should be removed, viable shoots should be tied to a trellis.


Perhaps the most important period for every gardener who grows and cares for plants with his own hands is rightfully considered May.

The price of correctly holding May events is the success of the entire dacha season as a whole.

  • Before flowering begins, all trees must be watered in the amount of two buckets multiplied by the age of the plant.
  • If the foliage on the trees is paler than usual, additional nitrogen fertilizing should be done.
  • The end of May is suitable for breeding berry crops layering. To do this, the strongest one-year-old branch is bent and pinned into a groove sprinkled with soil.

We continue to care for the garden, not forgetting about gardening chores, taking into account the principles of crop rotation. The health of all plants, their proper development and a good harvest depend on the correctness and timeliness of doing work in the spring in the garden.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a plot of land for summer season no, all the actions that need to be taken do not require any monetary or physical costs. But no matter how simple it all may seem, it is necessary to carry out the above actions, if, of course, you want to reap a good harvest and enjoy the fruits of your work in winter.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Lesson topic: "SPRING WORK"

Goals of the teacher's activities : create conditions for familiarization with spring work in the fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds, promote the development of connected speech.

Planned learning outcomes:

Subject: will learn to observe spring work in the fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds; will have the opportunity to learn to participate in the work of caring for plants in a corner of nature.


Regulatory: planning- take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the educational material in collaboration with the teacher.

Cognitive: general education - consciously construct messages orally; subject - gets acquainted with spring work in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, flower beds: cleaning last year's foliage, whitewashing trees, planting vegetables, laying out flower beds and preparing seedlings for planting.

Communicative: interaction - conduct oral dialogue in accordance with grammatical and syntactic norms native language, listen to your interlocutor.

Personal: moral and ethical orientation - demonstrate cooperation skills in practical activities, the ability not to create conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations when working in groups.


laptop, screen, projector, information and educational environment: slides about spring work.

Material for practical work: seeds, soil.

During the classes

l . Organizational moment, message of the topic of the lesson.

Teacher (U):

Spring has come. The busy time has come, the time of great worries.

How do you understand the saying: “Spring feeds the year”? slide number 1

- What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson, what is the topic of the lesson?

About spring work.

ll . Learning new material.

Please open the textbook on p. 72, look at the illustrations. Try to tell me what kind of work will be discussed in the lesson?

(Remember that when working in a group you must work together)

D: children's stories

People understand that spring feeds the year. They try not to miss more than one day: they germinate seeds, prepare the soil for sowing, and sow seeds in the ground. In the fields where rye and wheat were sown in the fall, winter crops are rising and turning green, like green velvet. Slide number 2

Why do you think they are called winter crops?

- Winter plants are sown in the fall, before the onset of winter they germinate, and in the spring they continue their life cycle and ripen somewhat earlier than spring plants - annual crops sown in the spring.

Tractor drivers go out into the field and plow the ground, why do you think? Slide number 3

So that the soil is soft and loose for better germination seeds

U: But after the field has been plowed, it needs to be made even softer, for this it is harrowed slide No. 4

Guys, how do you think sowing rye or wheat seeds occurs?

Since the fields are very large, a person cannot cope without the help of a seeder; it goes into the fields and scatters grains. Slide number 5

After conducting the experiment, we can tell you what is needed for the seeds to germinate?

Light, air and water

There is always light and air, but what if it rains infrequently and the plants do not have enough moisture?


People come to the aid of plants. They install sprinklers in the fields and irrigate the land. Slide number 6

Irrigate means water, let's repeat this word to remember IRRIGATE.

With proper care, people get a rich harvest from small seeds in the fall.

Guys, what do you think besides fields and vegetable gardens, what other spring work is there?

They remove last year's leaves and whiten the trees Slide No. 7

Who knows why people whiten tree trunks?

Rid them of pests for beauty.

Well done guys, today we will also do some spring work, who can guess what?

lll . Practical work.

Work in groups.

For practical work, a box, soil and seeds are prepared for each group.

Tractors and machines will be working in the fields all spring. But it’s not only in the fields that work is in full swing. All villagers will be able to work in their gardens. Vegetable seeds ask for warm soil: carrots, beets, cucumbers, radishes, peas, beans. It is very important to properly prepare the seeds for sowing.

While the seed is at rest, the vital processes in it proceed sluggishly and are very difficult to notice, but as soon as the seed finds itself in favorable conditions, they are activated, and the seed germinates and gives life to a new plant.

Let's think about how we will act, what to do.

What should you do first?

1.Pour soil into the box;

2. Align it;

4. Make a groove;

5. Place the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other;

6. Cover the seeds with a layer of soil.

You have signs on your table, what do you think they are for?

On the plates we will write down the name of the plant, the date of sowing, and on the back we will write down the names of the group members.

Why do you need to write down the names of the children?

To know who should care for the plants.

That's right, guys, as soon as the plants gain strength and it gets warmer outside, we will transfer our seedlings to the club, something will remain on the windowsills.

lV Summary of the lesson.

What kind of work do people do in the spring?

How do you prepare the soil for sowing?

What conditions are necessary for seed germination?

V. Reflection.

The options are written on the board:

· Fast, right

· Correct, but slow

· Correct, but with the help of others

· Fast, but not right

- Guys, you have flowers on your table, evaluate your work, glue the flower next to the line that says how you worked in the lesson.

Ekaterina Fedyakina
Spring work in the field, garden and vegetable garden

Lesson on the topic “ Spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden»

Target: activate the dictionary by topic: « Spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden»

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about spring work in the field, V garden and vegetable garden; teaching retelling on a topic.

1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's remember what you can do in field, garden and vegetable garden .

Guys, what do you call a person who drives a tractor? (tractor driver)

And the person who working in the garden? V vegetable garden? (gardener, gardener) .

And people who work in the field and plow the land(plowmen).

Guys, what do you call people who grow and harvest bread? (grain growers).

2. Articulation gymnastics:

"Smile - tube"

If our lips smile,

Look - a fence appears.

Well, what if the sponges are a narrow tube,

So we can play the trumpet!

"Brushing our teeth"

With a soft brush in the morning

Cleaning the children's teeth.

Your teeth will be strong,

White, beautiful.


Under a tall pine tree

We found the fungus with you.

So that the boletus grows,

Lift the tongue up.

3. Retelling the text about spring work.

« Work in the garden»

Vitya and his family live in the village. Vitya's mother is a gardener. Dad is a tractor driver. It was warm spring day. The boy Vitya went out to help his grandmother in vegetable garden. The grandmother asked her grandson to bring a shovel and a rake. Vitya brought tools and they began to work. Grandma was digging the ground, and Vitya was loosening it with a rake. They prepared the land for planting, fertilized it and began to plant vegetables. By the evening the work was finished!

Questions about the text: where does Vitya live with his family, who Vitya's mom works, by whom Vitya's dad works, where Vitya helped his grandmother, what the grandmother asked to bring Vitya, what the grandmother did, what Vitya did, when they began to plant vegetables, when it was finished Job?

4. Physical exercise "The flowers grew in field» .

Flowers grew in field.

It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

A cheerful wind blew

The stems swayed (Children wave their hands.)

They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward.)

Right, left, back and forth -

This is how the wind bends the flowers. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body.)

5. Clap your hands when you hear the sound R in words: (P sound hard or soft)

Combine operator, Gardener, Grain grower, Gardener, Poultry breeder, Rabbit breeder.

Clap your hands when you hear the sound R words: (P sound is hard or soft)

Plowman, Shepherd, Tractor Driver, Miller.

6. Organizational moment

What did we talk about today? (O work in the garden, V field, V garden)

What can you do in field, garden and vegetable garden(plant, dig, sow, plow, water, clean, furrow).

What professions did you hear today (gardener, tractor driver, plowman, grain grower, gardener, combine operator, etc.)

Who did you listen to a story about today? (about Vita)

We have prepared brief instructions on spring work in the garden and several “cheat sheets” with brief general information about plant life.

Early spring is the time to prepare beds, sow and care for seedlings. And since we are taking plants into our care for the coming weeks and months, it won’t hurt to refresh our heads with a brief general understanding of their lives.

The main thing

Vegetable plants need 5 main factors to survive environment: sunlight, heat, moisture, air, nutrition. If all this is in abundance, then only then can one hope for full growth and a rich harvest. But the lack of any of these factors cannot be replaced by an excess of others, and it is this deficiency that will determine the future fate of the plant.

Photo: AiF/ N. Belyavskaya

Preparing the greenhouse

As soon as the weather permits, the soil in the greenhouse should be dug up using a shovel. At the same time, fertilizers are applied: to the future cucumber bed - 5-6 kg of humus, 50 g of nitroammofoska or other complex fertilizer and 300 g of ash per 1 m2. Where tomatoes, peppers and eggplants will grow, the dose of humus should be halved.

Warm beds

If you plan to do it in a greenhouse warm beds for early sowing or planting, you need to remove part of the soil (10-15 cm) and add biofuel in a 20-30 cm layer into grooves 40 cm wide. Then pour 15-20 cm of fertile soil on top. Make ridges and cover them with film to speed up heating and reduce heat loss.

Film greenhouse

You need to stretch the new film over the greenhouses in such a way that by the end of April you can sow cold-resistant, early-ripening vegetables in it.

The first step is to prepare the frame. If necessary, it is repaired and painted white, since the film ages faster on a dark surface. It is better to wrap sharp corners and protruding parts of the frame with strips of old film or non-woven fabric.

Film for greenhouses can be combined into a single sheet of the desired size using a soldering iron or iron through tracing paper or paper (the melting point of the film is 120-140 °C). This way it will be easier to cover the greenhouse - in calm weather, the panel is thrown over the frame and the edges are attached to the bottom of the structure.

Photo: AiF/T.Zavyalova


When purchasing seed material, choose varieties recommended for your area - they are better adapted to the local climate and are more reliable. How do you know that a particular variety is zoned, since this information is usually not indicated on seed packets? Buyers have to trust sellers and specialized literature.

Clarifications from the editors

A zoned variety is a variety included in the current “Register of Breeding Achievements” Russian Federation"and recommended for cultivation in one or several regions (it is in them that it has already successfully passed state tests).

Those with Internet access can find out whether a variety has been zoned or not by going to the official resource of the “State Commission of the Russian Federation for Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements”: We find the “Registry” section there and go to “ State Register selection achievements approved for use.” We select the crop we need (for example, we took zucchini) and open the corresponding plate with varieties.

It may seem complicated, but we only need three adjacent columns - the name of the variety, its “year of birth” and recommended cultivation regions, indicated by numbers from 1 to 12.

Residents of the Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk and Tula regions belong to the Central region. In the register, it is always designated by the number 3. The gardens of summer residents of the Vologda, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver and Yaroslavl regions are located in the North-Western region, which is marked by the number 2.

If the number of your region is indicated next to the variety, it means it is zoned there. For example, our table recommends Apollo, Astoria and Aeronaut zucchini for the Moscow region, and Arlika and Aeronaut for the Leningrad region.

How many seeds do you need?

You can follow the seeding norms. For the final calculation, you need to know the approximate area of ​​the beds.

Seed sowing rate, g/1 m2
Culture Consumption
Pumpkin, zucchini, squash 0,3-0,5
Peas 15-25
Cabbage 0,2-0,3
Carrots, parsley 0,4-0,6
Radish 1,5-2,0
Radish 0,5-1,0
Turnip 0,1-0,2
Salad 0,1-0,3
Beetroot 0,8-1,6
Beans 7-14


Last year's seeds should not be used without checking germination. This is done like this: you need to take 10-100 seeds of each type of vegetable, spread them in an even layer between sheets of paper napkins, place them on a plate and moisten them well. The temperature should always be around 20 °C, and the napkin should be damp all the time. After seed germination, conclusions are drawn: if germination does not exceed 10%, then sowing does not make sense. If 40% of the seeds have germinated, you need to double the seeding rate.

Preparing for sowing

There are many ways pre-sowing preparation seeds aimed at obtaining friendly shoots healthy plants and increasing productivity.

First you need to select the largest and most “poured” seeds. Tomato and pumpkin seeds (except cucumber) are kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes and then washed in water. Against fungal and bacterial diseases of cabbage, carrots, parsley, celery and beets, the seeds are heated in water at a temperature of 45-50 °C for 20 minutes, followed by cooling.

Photo: AiF/T.Zavyalova


All methods of “home” pre-sowing preparation refer to seed material that has not undergone industrial processing. If the seeds are colored bright colors, they are sown without additional manipulations.

Soaking is carried out immediately before sowing. The seeds swell, their shell softens and is freed from substances that delay germination. Pumpkin seeds, cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, radishes, radishes and legumes need twice as much water for soaking, and carrots, parsley, parsnips, dill, beets, lettuce and onion seeds need four times as much.

The duration of soaking at a temperature of 20-25 °C also depends on the crop. For cabbage, lettuce, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, radishes, pumpkins, 12 hours are needed; for tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beets, carrots, parsley, dill, parsnips, celery - 48 hours, and the water must be changed 2-3 times a day. .

Photo: AiF/ N. Belyavskaya

Admission early harvest accelerates additional stimulation of seeds. An infusion of wood ash is suitable for it: 2 tbsp. spoons are poured with 1 liter of water, left for 1 day, then the seeds are kept in the strained solution for 6 hours. A 24-hour “bath” of seeds in diluted aloe juice is effective: 1 part juice to 2 parts water.

The soil

The loose root layer gives the roots the opportunity to breathe without interference and develop well. As a result root system absorbs nutrients more efficiently, which will have a positive effect on plants and harvests. If the soil is loose, it is easier to fight weeds and pests.

Sowing and planting of cold-resistant crops should be carried out when the soil is in a soft plastic state. It is not difficult to determine: the soil easily rolls into a non-disintegrating rope 3-4 mm thick and does not stain your hands ( we're talking about about loamy and clay soils. - Note ed. ). During this period, the soil has already warmed up sufficiently and contains the optimal amount of moisture. She remains in this state for about two weeks.

Photo: AiF/E. Shutova Plants contain quite a lot of water. It keeps them elastic and participates in all vital processes. With the help of water, nutrients move throughout the plant body, and evaporation protects it from overheating. With its deficiency, vegetables become coarse, tough, and bitter in taste. On the contrary, if there is an excess of water during cultivation, the products will be watery, low in flavor, and tasteless.

If the soil breaks up into small pieces when rolled, but still forms a cohesive piece when squeezed, this is a hard-plastic state, which means that the seeds and seedlings will require additional watering. If, when squeezed, the lump does not change shape and the pieces do not stick together, then the conditions for seed germination and seedling survival are very poor: in top layer there is no water in the soil.

Spring digging

It is necessary to dig up the soil right before sowing or planting so that the moisture does not evaporate. If the digging is done and the sowing is postponed, the prepared bed can be covered old film, carefully pressing the edges with soil or stones.

In the spring they dig up with obligatory rotation of the formation. Even if you did the same work in the fall, this activity must be repeated in the spring in order to detect and select the rhizomes of perennial weeds and soil pests - wireworms (larvae of the click beetle) and others. At the same time, fertilizers and other additives can be incorporated into the soil.

What to contribute?

Before digging, mineral fertilizers are evenly scattered over the entire surface of the emerging ridge. Per 1 m2 add: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, chlorine-free potassium fertilizer (30 g of each per 1 m2) or complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (100-120 g). Organic fertilizers are added right along the way to every third or fourth groove between the dug and undug parts of the soil.

Fresh manure can only be applied to cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins (5-8 kg per 1 m2). If you “treat” potatoes with it, it will cause scab; carrots, parsnips, and root parsley will react by branching their roots; the bulbs of manured onions will ripen later. Semi-rotted manure and compost are applied under cabbage, potatoes, rutabaga (4-6 kg per 1 m2). Carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, onions, radishes, lettuce, and dill are grown in areas where organic fertilizers were applied last year. On poor soils, 2-3 kg per 1 m2 of only completely decomposed manure or compost (humus) can be added to these crops. The duration of action of organic fertilizers on heavy soils is up to 3-4 years, on sandy soils - up to 2 years.

If there is a need for liming in the spring, then chalk, slaked lime, quicklime, dolomite flour, cement dust, wood ash and other calcium-containing materials - 300-500 g per 1 m2 - are scattered evenly on the soil surface along with mineral fertilizers and immediately dug up to prevent loss of nitrogen from mineral fertilizers.

Do you need garden beds?

In the conditions of the North-West and in damp areas, it is better to grow vegetable crops on ridges or ridges - the soil in them warms up faster in the spring and is freed from excess moisture. On light soils, beds are made up to 10 cm high, on loamy soils - up to 15-20, a convenient width is 1 m. During the formation of the beds, the soil is loosened and leveled with a rake. The edges are formed so that along them there are rollers 5-8 cm high: they will prevent soil erosion during watering or rain.

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the main nutrients that plants need. What they need most is nitrogen, which promotes the growth of green leaves. Phosphorus gives plants energy and promotes root development, creates disease resistance and affects flower and fruit set. Potassium is involved in the formation of tissues and the construction of the entire plant, promotes the development of powerful roots. Increases plant resistance to diseases and their cold resistance, ensures better preservation of products. In addition to the three elements mentioned above, plants need calcium, magnesium and trace elements in small quantities. In addition to them, vegetable crops need humus (humus).


The optimal temperature for germination of seeds of cold-resistant vegetable plants is 20-25 °C, and of heat-loving ones - 25-30 °C.

Photo: AiF/ N. Belyavskaya

Sowing dates*

Sowing begins when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 3-5 °C. Around this time, coltsfoot blooms en masse. You can sow cold-resistant crops: carrots, parsnips, parsley, dill, radishes, spinach, turnips, onions (with seeds), lettuce, Chinese cabbage, peas, coriander (cilantro), watercress, leaf mustard. At the same time, early and late seedlings are planted white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli.

From May 20, when the soil warms up to 5-8 °C (the benchmark is that birch leaves reach the size of a 10-kopeck coin), it’s time to sow beets and beans. And only in late May - early June, if the soil temperature has risen to 12-15 °C (dandelions bloom), heat-loving crops are sown: cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, beans, fennel, basil.

Affects all life processes occurring in the plant throughout its existence. And although it may seem to us that we cannot regulate the temperature in the open ground, this is not at all the case. Lighter soils, ridges and ridges, a mulched surface allow the roots to warm up faster during the day and cool less at night, and in places protected from the wind it is always warmer. If the weather is too hot, then refreshing watering will help the plants.

If the cold weather drags on, sowing and planting of heat-loving crops and potatoes can be shifted to more late dates. There's no need to rush here.

Sowing technologies

Before sowing, dry soil must be thoroughly loosened and poured to a depth of at least 15-20 cm, then furrows must be made and the seeds sown, trying to maintain the seeding rate. Thickened sowing will bring you a lot of trouble and problems in the future. The shoots in the “brush” will stretch out, the plants will shade each other.

When sowing any crops, add ash (1 cup per linear meter) or superphosphate (20 g), since phosphorus promotes active growth of the root system from the first days.

The lack of nutrients in the soil affects the plant from the first days, and in the future it is almost impossible to completely compensate for their deficiency. Therefore, the basic pre-sowing and pre-planting application of fertilizers (during digging) is mandatory. In the future, periodic feeding will also be needed.

For normal life, plants need oxygen, not only to all above-ground parts, but also to the roots and seeds sown in the soil. Leaves also need carbon dioxide, which is actively involved in the processes of organic synthesis.

The sowing depth depends on the size of the seeds and soil characteristics. Light, loose soils require deeper incorporation compared to heavy soils. The smaller the seeds, the closer to the surface they should be.

Small seeds of carrots, parsley, onions, radishes, and various types of cabbage are usually sown to a depth of 1-2 cm. Larger seeds - beets, spinach, cucumber - 2-4 cm. Peas, beans, melon, zucchini and squash are buried at 3-5 cm, onion sets - 4-9 cm, pumpkin - 6-10 cm.

It is impossible to water immediately after sowing - water will wash the seeds to a great depth and displace the air necessary for seed germination from the soil pores.

Photo: AiF/T.Zavyalova


Zucchini, squash and cucumber seeds cannot be germinated. In the future, this threatens diseases of the root system - rot. They can only be soaked for 12-24 hours in aloe extract, or in an infusion of ash, or in a solution of baking soda (5 g per 1 liter of water) or soluble complex fertilizer (1 g per 1 liter). In the same solutions you can soak the seeds of beets, onions, radishes and other crops.

It’s good if tall plants grow in open ground on adjacent rows on both sides of the cucumber and zucchini: beans, corn, peas. With such protection, the air temperature in cool weather around the “sissies” will be 2-5 °C higher than in the open space.

Early ripening greens: dill, lettuce, coriander, watercress, Chinese cabbage can be sown in portions throughout the summer at intervals of 10-15 days. In the North-West, it is better to sow radishes before the end of May, then take a break for the period of white nights until the end of July. With long daylight hours, this crop does not form a root crop, but immediately proceeds to flowering.

Crops can be covered with old film, paper or lightweight non-woven material that allows air and moisture to pass through. Non-woven fabric can remain on the beds for a long time - under it, young plants will be better protected from frost, and then from pests.

Seeds germinate if there is at least 10% oxygen in the soil air. Usually it is sufficient, but with severe waterlogging, dense soil and under the soil crust, gas exchange in germinating seeds becomes difficult, which often leads to oppression and death of seedlings.


When planting any seedlings in a permanent place, it is good to add 0.5 handfuls of humus, 5-6 peas of superphosphate or one tablespoon of ash into each hole.


From about May 20, you can plant seedlings of cauliflower, celery, head lettuce, onions, onion sets, garlic, potatoes, and seedlings of medium varieties of white cabbage.

The end of May is the right time to plant broccoli, kohlrabi, and leek seedlings in open ground.

Tomato seedlings and pumpkin crops are assigned to a permanent place of residence in the open air no earlier than June 10, when the danger of frost has passed. In the greenhouse, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are planted earlier - be guided by the weather and cover the plants just in case.

This is the main source of energy that is spent on the formation (synthesis) of organic matter in leaves, vitamins and other necessary for the plant connections. All vegetable plants need light, but some crops are considered more demanding (vegetables with edible fruits: tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, beans), others less demanding (root vegetables, lettuce, cabbage, perennial vegetables).

Photo: AiF/ N. Belyavskaya

Landing nuances

Onion bulbs for seedlings for easy germination before planting are soaked in warm (40 ° C) water for 2-6 hours and cut “at the shoulders” if it has not yet sprouted, or the bottom is cut crosswise.

It is better to plant seedlings of all crops in the evening; before planting, the holes are watered abundantly to the depth of the arable layer. Plants are buried in the soil up to the first true leaf, being careful not to cover the growing point. The soil around the plants is mulched with a 1-2 cm layer of peat, wet compost, humus and not watered, but only sprinkled with water. Post-planting watering will compact the soil, which may become crusty.

To be on the safe side, the planted seedlings can be covered with non-woven material.

It is important to prevent thickening, thin out and remove weeds in a timely manner. It is better to place rows of plants from north to south so that they are evenly illuminated in the first and second half of the day. In a greenhouse, it is advisable to keep the roof clean: wash glass or polycarbonate, replace the film on time.


Spring work in the garden in April

In April, a truly labor-intensive period begins for summer residents. If at the very beginning of spring the capricious changeable weather still interfered with plans and forced to postpone certain events “for later”, then with the arrival of the second spring month the list of gardening work not only increases significantly, but also requires execution. Let's take a closer look at what kind of spring work we have ahead of us in the garden.

Everything about spring work in the garden: stages of work with photos

Every day the sun warms up more and more, the earth and plants are waking up right before our eyes, so there is no time to hesitate. We need to try to implement the entire planned program of events for the summer cottage for April, or at least carry out basic work in the garden. Typically this includes:

  • Final determination of planting and sowing locations.
  • Preparation of soil and planting material.
  • Work in greenhouse structures.
  • Treatment of damaged trees and shrubs, protection from garden pests.

In addition to the above actions, in April, gardeners make up for what they did not have time to do in March - they repair old equipment and purchase new equipment, carry out sanitary and cosmetic pruning of pome trees.

We, for example, are in a hurry to do all the pruning early because along the eastern border orchard a mixborder of perennials is placed, and by circling around the tree with a hacksaw, it is easy to trample out the hatching sprouts of tulips and decorative onions. Other perennials wake up later (hostas, black cohosh, etc.), but bulbous ones wake up immediately after the snow cover melts.

Features of spring soil preparation

If the soil in the beds is not prepared, then before late crops (peppers, eggplants, sweet potatoes) we sow either greens or green manure - this agricultural practice has a double benefit: before June you will have time to eat plenty of radishes, lettuce, shallots. The soil under them will not erode and, after cutting off the tops, their roots will remain in the soil.

And if there is already a lot of greenery, then green manure will bring the same benefit - they will enrich the soil with roots, and increase the green mass, which can be used for mulching the same bed.

Yes, even for crops that we plant in open ground in May (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins), sowing green manure is very useful - green fertilizer that has grown by 10-15 cm will save tender seedlings from sunburn. In this case, the holes should be made directly among the green manure, and after 1.5-2 weeks they should be carefully cut off.

But there is not always time or desire to tinker with sowing green manure. In this case, the bed must be protected from weathering moisture and weed growth. Black non-woven fabric is perfect for this, but organic mulch is still better. It hasn't been mowed yet in the spring lawn grass, so you can pour in wood chips ground after pruning fruit trees.

For those whose soil structure requires radical improvement, and who have accumulated enough strength over the winter, we can recommend laying a high bed in April. Then the ground is dug up once, and organic fertilizers, ash, and clay on sandstones, sand on loams are added there at the same time.

Spring work on the lawn

If you didn’t have time to comb your favorite lawn in March, it’s not too late to do it in April. In general, it is advisable to carry out this procedure every time the green carpet changes shade, becoming light brown. This indicates that there is too much dry grass, and it interferes with the growth of young ones. The easiest tool for clearing your lawn of dry grass, felt and debris is moderately hard fan rake. This type of lawn work is one of the most labor-intensive, since you will have to walk both lengthwise and crosswise with a rake. Otherwise, a good effect will not be achieved.

In the spring, aeration is also carried out - piercing the turf for better air access to the roots. In a small area, this can be done with ordinary pitchforks, and if the grass cover occupies a large area, then you cannot do without an aerator - special device for making holes in turf.

At the end of April, the lawn is mowed for the first time after winter. It is advisable to set the lawn mower blade lower (for example, 3 cm) in order to remove the remnants of dry felt remaining after combing along with cutting the green grass. Of course, in the evening of the same day, the mowed lawn should be watered abundantly.

As you understand, carding felt is a traditional agricultural technique, similar to how fields on agricultural land are cleared of crop residues. Poor soil microbes and worms have nothing to crunch on. So you can do without such bad work. But! It is advisable to water the lawn with some natural fungicide immediately after the snow melts and after a couple of weeks. We water it with Fitop Flora-S. You can, of course, treat it with a richer microflora - Globiome Biota Max. If you have neither one nor the other, then simple Fitosporin-M will help out.

When the snow melts, pathogenic fungi will likely multiply, and spilling or spraying with biofungicides will disinfect the microflora and improve the soil health. Then, on such a lawn, during the first warm days, it’s not scary to let your crawling grandchildren run across it—there won’t be pathogenic microorganisms on your arms and pants. It is advisable to treat the entire area of ​​the site - lawn, vegetable garden, shrubs, walls and fences - so that pathogens are discouraged. And on May 1st you can safely invite everyone to a barbecue and the opening of the new season!

Well, where the lawn has dried out, you need to carry out precise repairs - cut off the green turf on the outskirts of the site and replace the yellow spots that have not overwintered. Bald spots with a diameter greater than 15 cm should be replaced - smaller bald spots will heal on their own.

As you can see, the last month of spring is a very important period for gardeners. If you miss or forget something, it will definitely affect the harvest. And not in the best way. Therefore, before you grab a hoe or shovel, you should think through the sequence of events and draw up a competent plan.

April can be called the most important period for owners suburban areas. This month both the earth and plants demand increased attention and special care. If you do not provide them with proper care and training, good harvests you can't count on it. But this may not be the entire list. gardening work in the spring. So, share your experience about spring work in the garden and vegetable garden in the comments and send original photos of your successes, we will be happy to post information about you.

The last days of winter are dragging on, and the long-awaited beauty of spring is on the threshold - ruddy and perky. Along with spring comes pleasant chores and worries in the garden. Yearning for work, gardeners and summer residents will rush to their plots, freed from frost and with their shoulders straightened.

At this time, summer residents have more than enough work, they need to get everything done, because spring work in the country and in the garden lays the foundation for the future harvest, so they are very important for gardeners. These days, you need to thoroughly clean the area after winter, prepare the area for planting, and tidy up the trees and shrubs.


First of all, let's start cleaning. We remove everything from the site that we used to protect our plantings from the cold. We clean the covering material, wash it, dry it if necessary

We clean it again and put it in the designated place until the next cold weather. In the garden and vegetable garden, we clean everything from the garbage that has accumulated over the fall and winter: leaves, grass, branches and other things. No matter how much you clean in the fall, by spring you will still have a fair amount of garbage accumulated. In addition, greenhouses and greenhouses should be cleaned and washed, and water drains should be cleaned.

Inventory check

And be sure to check your gardening equipment - now you will constantly need it.

Whitewashing trees

At the beginning of March, all trees must be whitened. And coat young trees with a mixture of clay and mullein. This will be a kind of feeding for them after the cold winter.

Shrub processing

In order to combat pests, currant and gooseberry bushes should be doused with boiling water, after placing cellophane under the bushes. When the air warms up to +5 degrees, you can start spraying. Branches damaged by pests should be removed and burned.

In the last days of March, in order to combat pests, plants can be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.

Viability check

Next, be sure to check how your pets survived the winter. To do this, cut seemingly damaged tissue along the trunk or shoot to the base. If the cut is clean, without blackness, and has a light green color, this means that the plant survived the winter well.

Weed control

It is no secret that along with the sun and warmth the first weeds will appear. You should get rid of them while the soil is moist and the roots are still weak.

Garden cleaning

Paths in the garden and vegetable garden need to be cleared of old growth and moss. This can be done with a stiff brush and a fairly strong stream of water from a hose. Next, we check the integrity of flowerpots, containers, flower pots and restore it, clean them of debris and plant debris and treat them with herbicides. We replace the old soil with fresh soil, dry the rhizomes and tubers of the plants. If you have a greenhouse on your property, then this is just the thing. favorable time to repair it if it was somehow damaged during the winter.

Mulching the soil

When everything is cleaned and repaired, you can begin to mulch the soil in the garden, flower beds and vegetable garden. This is necessary, since a thick layer of mulch helps create favorable conditions for plants, warms the roots from the cold and protects them from the burning rays of the sun. In addition, thanks to it, moisture is miraculously retained in the soil, weeds do not grow and harmful insects do not penetrate. In addition, mulched soil has a beneficial effect on the yield of zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and strawberries, and also reduces the likelihood of their rotting. And mulched soil looks much nicer. For mulching, you can use leaves, covering fabric, sawdust and other available materials.

Tree bark mulch

Top dressing

Next, be sure to feed the soil at the beginning of spring, in March (regardless of its condition). In this way, you will ensure good growth and development of your plants, their high yield and excellent decorative qualities. The composition of fertilizers must necessarily include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are part of the well-known fertilizers “Nitrophoska” and “Azofoska”. The easiest way is to scatter fertilizers over the site or beds in the quantities indicated in the instructions.

In addition, on these same days you can dig up the soil and at the same time add mineral fertilizers and ash to it. After digging is completed, the soil should be leveled with a rake. On heavy soils you can make ridges.

The soil

The land for crops should be well fertilized, loose, but not acidic. Such land is prepared by mixing humus, peat, fertile soil, tree resin and mineral fertilizers.

Planting early crops

When the soil is prepared, you can begin planting all kinds of crops. In March, you can plant seedlings of cabbage (white and cauliflower), tomatoes, onions, and beets.

IN southern regions countries in March, you can sow early vegetables and herbs in open ground.

Tree pruning

In March, when the threat of frost has passed and low temperatures above zero, fruit trees and shrubs need to be pruned. Ideally, pruned tree crowns have the shape of an open bowl, which will provide air access to the branches and the necessary lighting. Branches are pruned when the buds on the plants have not yet swelled.

Planting seedlings

At the same time, immediately after the snow melts, tree seedlings can be planted. At this time they are still sleeping, so it is a favorable time for planting. Planting is done in a manner familiar to many gardeners. We dig a planting hole, line its bottom with manure, and cover it with a small layer of fertilized soil. We place the seedling in the prepared hole, straighten the roots, sprinkle it with soil and compact it. It is advisable to install a support peg near the seedling for the first time. To prevent the soil from drying out around the roots, the seedlings need to be watered occasionally.

In the southern regions of the country, early vegetables and herbs can be sown in March.


During the April days, your garden work will not decrease, because you need to continue cleaning the top layer of soil and removing the bark around the buds. By this time, the garbage on the site will dry out well and so will the soil. It should be collected carefully and burned.

Pest Control

Black viburnum aphid

If last season your garden was attacked by ticks, copperheads, psyllids, and aphids, then the shrubs and trees in it should be sprayed with nitrophen. This must be done before the buds open. Care must be taken to dig up and loosen the soil around the trees. This will help improve soil quality and eliminate infections and pests.

Still useful for a while tree trunk circles cover with cellophane so that pests from their winter homes do not rush onto the trees. The cellophane can be safely removed when the moth stops flying.


Spring is the most favorable time for tree grafting. Moreover, grafting can be done either from a bud or from a cutting. Cuttings survive better, but shoots obtained from a grafted bud have a very difficult time surviving the winter. It is better to carry out cutting grafting in the second half of spring. This is done with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The main condition for success in this matter is very close contact between the scion and the rootstock. Having mastered this art, you can plant any varieties on your site, having several basic trees.

Flowerbeds with perennials

Now let's turn our attention to flower beds with perennials. Herbaceous perennials are best divided in early spring. Divided rhizomes of phlox, bells, and chrysanthemums grow more actively, they bloom longer and more luxuriantly. Large specimens of bushes can be divided with a simple shovel. They are cut between the kidneys. The rhizomes of small plants can be cut with a simple garden knife.

Perennial phlox


If you have a green lawn, then in order for it to delight you with its emerald greenery all summer, you need to take care of it in the spring. To do this, you need to feed it, comb it, aerate it and weed it.

Lawn feeding

Lawns benefit greatly from early fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. They need to be applied as soon as the snow melts. Even before the first grass appears, you need to apply a complex fertilizer containing not only nitrogen, but also potassium and phosphorus.

Lawn cleaning

Then you need to remove accumulated debris and plant felt, as they interfere with the growth of grass and impair the lighting. A lawn rake is used for this. They will collect debris and felt and scratch the soil to provide air access to the roots.


You can also use a regular pitchfork to pierce dense soil to allow air to enter.

At the end of spring, weeding is done. If there are few weeds, then manual weeding is sufficient; if it is difficult to do manually, then herbicides can be used.

Pest Control

It is no secret that in the spring, insect pests also begin to actively behave along with plants, causing enormous harm to shrubs and fruit trees in gardens and vegetable gardens.

It is necessary to carefully inspect all the branches and pay special attention to the fastened dry leaves, as they may turn out to be nests of hawthorn and lacewing. They are collected by hand and destroyed (preferably at the stake).

If weevils are found, they should be destroyed in cold weather, when they become numb and will not move. To do this, you need to spread cellophane under the tree and shake the branches. Insects will fall off the branches and then they can be burned.

Weevil beetle

Moths and leafworms are destroyed with an infusion of wood ash or mustard, but you can get rid of copperheads with an infusion of garlic and tobacco. Also, in order to combat pests, trees are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate, iron sulfate, urea, Bordeaux mixture, and a solution of laundry soap is successfully used against aphids.

Besides everything else, there is a lot of other work, such as cleaning reservoirs, repairing and tidying up garden furniture, planting flowers.


Planting vegetables

In May, it is time to plant various vegetables and ornamental crops. At this time, in central Russia, carrots, greens, cucumbers, watermelons and melons, onions, radishes and everything they consider necessary are sown, and in the south of Russia, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cabbage are being planted in open ground in full swing.

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up and the time to work begins. summer cottages and in the garden.

With the arrival of spring, nature comes to life

March is the first month of spring and in some regions it may still be frosty for planting to begin. But it’s already quite possible to start cleaning the garden area and vegetable garden.

Preparing for the season in March

Spring work in the garden begins with cleaning. It is necessary to remove the entire area from autumn debris and debris accumulated over the winter period - branches, leaves, grass residues, etc. It is worth taking this event responsibly, since uncollected windfall and other winter debris spoils the impression of appearance area, in piles of such garbage a favorable environment is created for various pests. During the process of clearing the land, remove all weeds remaining from the fall. Now they are easily pulled out along with the root system.

We clean up leaves and grass if we haven’t done it in the fall.

Then you should carefully examine garden buildings and determine the need for repairs. A spring cleaning wouldn't hurt garden house– something needs painting, something needs whitewashing. In other words, both the garden area and the house itself must be put in order.

Inspect the tools: clean, lubricate, sharpen

Conduct an audit garden tools. Some of them probably need sharpening or repair, and some inventory items can already be completely replaced. Pay attention to clothes designed for work in the garden. There is no specific set, it all depends on the local climatic conditions region. Make sure that you have clothes that you can wear in hot weather, rain, and windy cool weather. Don't forget about shoes and gloves.

Work directly on the ground

Spring gardening should begin with planning what will be planted and where. Please note that the planting sites for some garden crops must be periodically alternated. Decide on the sunny sides of the garden and those that are in the shade almost all day. Trim trees and shrubs surrounding the area.

We prune trees and shrubs if we haven’t done it in the fall.

Plants should be fertilized. This must be done even if the soil is fertile. You need to fertilize the soil with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. They influence the growth of roots and shoots and are responsible for the formation of good inflorescences and fruits. You can apply such fertilizers while there is snow on the ground. When it finally melts, nutrients will enter the soil along with moisture.

It is important to properly prepare the designated areas of the field for planting seeds. If necessary, dig up the earth, crush large pieces into small earthen clods, etc.

Dig up the ground if you didn’t do it in the fall and mark out the beds, don’t forget about crop rotation

Assess the quality of the land. In the case when it is heavy, you need to add fine gravel and coarse sand to the soil to increase airiness. In such soil, water will not accumulate near the root system and will not cause its rotting process. And, conversely, if the soil is too crumbly, it is necessary to add some clay-containing soil to it to retain nutrients and moisture.

It is better to fertilize the soil with fertilizers in the fall before plowing. In spring, apply 1/3 of the recommended dose

When loosening the soil, remember that you don’t need to dig it up often, because... useful material at the same time they go deep into the soil. When digging, the soil structure itself suffers. If loosening is required, it should be done to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

Working with seeds

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared for this. The seeds of each plant are prepared differently, but there are general rules. It is necessary to sort through them and select large ones, without signs of damage, disease, or physical damage. In order to separate bad seeds from good ones, you need to heat them on the stove for 2-3 hours. Then in a glass with a solution of 1 tbsp. Drop the heated seeds with a spoon of salt and water. Poor quality ones will float and can be thrown away.

Rejecting seeds before planting

The rest must be placed in cheesecloth before germination. Don't forget about hardening the seeds. To do this, they need to be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. After the seeds germinate, they can be planted in pre-prepared boxes, a greenhouse or greenhouse. The main condition that must be met is that future shoots get as much sunlight as possible.

Using the same principle, seeds of annual flowers are prepared for future planting in open ground. By the way, the area of ​​the field intended for planting flowers also needs to be prepared - apply fertilizer, preferably in the first month of spring, before the ground has completely thawed. The same rule is true for other areas of the garden intended for growing vegetable and garden crops.

Things to do in April

This month, spring work in the garden becomes more intense. If roses or grapes were covered in the fall, the coverings can now be removed. If the area of ​​the field has not yet warmed up and it is too early to carry out planting work, it is time to start setting up greenhouses or greenhouse structures. Before planting seeds, make sure that the greenhouse in the garden stands on the ground with covered with film for some time. This is necessary to warm the soil in the greenhouse.

In April we install greenhouses and greenhouses, plant seedlings

It is also worth paying attention to fruit and berry plantings. It is necessary to trim dry branches, thin out young shoots, and eliminate those branches that grow inside the crown. In order to prevent damage to trees by pests, it is necessary to treat the stem parts with special preparations. The second month of spring is the optimal time for planting new trees and shrubs.

April is the time to plant trees and shrubs

At the same time, strawberries and raspberries are prepared. Dried stems of raspberries are cut out and, if necessary, thinned out. In the strawberry bed, excess tendrils are trimmed and thinning is also carried out.

Garden work in May

May days are the most troublesome and time-consuming days in the garden. And in the same month, numerous pests appear and come to life. That is why it is worth checking the fruit and berry plantings. Inspect the currants for mites. Carefully examine the buds - their large size indicates that they may contain a tick. They must be collected and burned; they cannot simply be thrown away. When the currants bloom, make sure that there are no inflorescences of a dirty pink hue. If they are found, you need to dig up such a bush and burn it.

Active planting of beds begins in May

Inspect seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses. A sign of her defeat spider mite are the leaflets curling down or the presence of convex spaces on them. If an infestation by mites or aphids is detected, it is necessary to treat with biological products against these pests.

We remove old strawberry leaves and thin out all the remaining berries, if you didn’t do this in the fall, or just dig up the ground

If the seedlings are lethargic, with leaves beginning to turn yellow, then you should feed them. In May, depending on weather conditions and the degree of soil warming, you need to plant seedlings. Why first prepare the place - make a hole, pour water into it. It is best to pre-mulch the soil using peat or dry grass. Pay attention to the thickness of the mulching layer; it should be at least 10 cm to prevent it from being blown away by the wind or washed away by rain. Mulching the soil is done to retain moisture and create a comfortable, cool atmosphere in hot weather. This technology is not used for eggplant and pepper seedlings.

We remove the first weeds

Remove any emerging weeds. When weeding an area with perennial plants, be careful. In order to remove weeds along with the roots, it is best to weed with your hands. Those areas where there are no perennial plants, can be treated with special weed control agents.

Planting potatoes

The most favorable time for planting potatoes is the bird cherry flowering period. The soil temperature should be around +12 0 C +15 0 C. Potatoes need to be prepared for planting. Remove tubers that have not sprouted, are rotten or have any other defects. Place the selected potatoes in a warm place to increase the intensity of germination. The potato planting depth should be half the length of a standard shovel. When planting potatoes, you can immediately add fertilizer to the soil - ash or straw.

Preparing trees and shrubs: protecting them from pests

Fruit and berry trees and shrubs should also be treated. Spraying against pests should be carried out at the beginning of the flowering period, then sprayed again after 14 days.

We graft trees

If you were planning to graft trees, now is the time to do it. There is only one limitation - you cannot vaccinate during the waxing phase of the moon. This is due to the fact that during this period most of the sap is in the branches of trees, and during the waning moon - in the root system.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden, of course, does not end there, but if you do all the basic types of work, you can be sure that in the fall you will be able to reap a good harvest.