How to make humus yourself. How to make high-quality compost at your dacha? Tips for gardeners and vegetable gardeners on setting up a compost heap

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Everyone knows the truth - plants develop best and bear fruit in fertile soil. But where can you get it if plants are planted on the site from year to year that absorb useful material from the ground. To nourish the soil, many chemicals. But don’t forget that this is chemistry, and everything you put into the soil will end up in the crop. But there is an alternative - make your own compost.

What is compost and how to make it yourself

“What is compost and how to make it?” - this is a question that novice summer residents often ask. Compost is organic fertilizer, obtained by decomposition of various raw materials of plant or animal origin.

You can make your own compost at summer cottage.There are two options for making natural fertilizers for the garden.

  • Compost heap. This is the most common option for producing compost; it is also cheap and simple. You will need to make the frame in such a way that air and moisture can get inside. The best material wire mesh will be used for manufacturing. Preparation of compost from the beginning of laying to full maturation takes from six months to 9 months.

Compost pile at home

  • In a special box for receiving organic fertilizers. You can buy it in the Sad-Ogorod store departments. This device is protected from insects getting inside. Inside the box there is a drum that turns the substance. In addition, in the middle of the container there is a hose for moistening the waste.

Methods for making compost?

Experienced gardeners recommend preparing organic matter with your own hands. The options that give the most effective results are a compost heap or compost pit. In these cases, waste decomposition and rotting occur best, because inside the layers the temperature and humidity are practically unchanged. The ripening time of organic matter directly depends on the volume of filling: the most filled pits and the largest ones become ready for use more quickly.

The most acceptable are compost heaps with the following parameters:

  • width – 1.5 m;
  • length – 2 m;
  • depth - about a meter.

You can double the size and make two compartments: one for storing finished compost, the second for laying new one.

Accommodation compost heap perhaps directly on the ground. It will also be well ventilated in natural conditions. Excessive moisture should be avoided. When putting waste in a pile, don’t get carried away, optimal sizes for her:

  • base perimeter – 1x1 m;
  • in height – 1 m 20 cm.

Compost bin

Necessary components for a normal composting process:

  • oxygen;
  • water;
  • nitrogen.

In the presence of these factors, beneficial bacteria begin to act and participate in the decomposition process, and thus compost is prepared.

How to start preparing compost?

Before you start composting, you need to prepare a shallow hole (the depth is approximately equal to the bayonet of a shovel). The lowest layer in the pit should be small twigs, cut from fruit bushes or trees. This layer acts as drainage, allowing excess liquid to flow down.

If you already have ready-made compost, then a small part of it should be placed on the branches. This will speed up the decomposition process; beneficial bacteria from the finished humus will enter new layers. For all subsequent layers, food grade ingredients are used. vegetable waste or grass, leaves from the site. They are evenly distributed on the surface, trying to compact them, and watered with water. Sprinkle earth on top.

To prevent the pile from falling apart and being blown away by the wind, it is worth surrounding it with a fence made of boards or wire mesh with large cells. The top is covered with a special covering material (spunbond); in extreme cases, straw is used. So you have a finished composter with your own hands.

Making compost for the garden

What components does compost consist of?

Compost is a natural nutrient that helps restore soil structure and increase its fertility. But first you need to know how to properly prepare compost. T It is necessary to create certain conditions for composting to proceed normally:

  • Creating an optimal moist environment inside the compost heap. It should approach readings from 45 to 70%. But if it is not possible to measure humidity readings, then this is done “by eye” - the normal moisture of a substance resembles a wrung out sponge. The temperature indicator is also important - within 28–35 degrees. Waste that is overdried will not decompose, and waste that is too wet will begin to rot. In hot and dry conditions weather conditions compost needs watering. If it rains constantly, then you should definitely turn over the contents of the pit. It is unacceptable to overheat the substrate above 60 degrees, because at this temperature all beneficial bacteria die.
  • A prerequisite is oxygen access to all layers of the compost heap. To do this, it needs to be shoveled constantly (about 2 times a month), with the lower layers lifted up, and the side layers moved to the center.
  • The presence of bacteria and earthworms in the compost pit will have a positive effect on the process of composting biomaterials. They participate in the decomposition of waste.

Observing all the conditions, you can prepare compost at your dacha with your own hands quickly and easily.

What ingredients can you use to make compost?

We have learned how to make compost, now we need to figure out what ingredients are suitable for this. Symbolically, all components can be classified into two varieties:

Components with increased level nitrogen, otherwise they are called green mass. These include:

  • cultivated herbs;
  • massive parts of vegetable and fruit plants;

Making compost from greens

  • food waste plant origin;
  • bird droppings, domestic animal manure.

This content stabilizes the carbon and nitrogen balance of humus:

Components containing carbon or brown mass. This includes sawdust from trees, straw, fallen leaves, trimmed branches, crushed and soaked cardboard and paper waste. In them a large number of fiber, which provides food for beneficial bacteria. These components are also involved in loosening the biomaterial and saturating it with useful substances.

Before adding all the components to the compost heap, they need to be crushed. Then the processing time will be reduced. It is also important to make the correct laying, alternating a layer of green mass with a layer of brown mass. This layered arrangement will saturate the compost with oxygen and speed up its maturation.

What is better not to add

To understand how to make compost good quality, you need to remember the main rule - do not put unacceptable components into it:

  • Under no circumstances should you add plant matter from diseased plants; infections are not killed by composting.
  • Do not use large branches and other bulky pieces of trees for laying; they take a long time to decompose and slow down the maturation of humus.
  • Weeds with seeds, even if the seeds are not yet ripe.
  • You cannot use synthetics, plastic, glass, or glossy paper for pits.

Do not throw bottles into the compost pit

  • Organic, difficult to decompose waste - bones, fat, lard.
  • The use of citrus waste is unacceptable - it kills beneficial bacteria and insects.
  • You cannot use potato and tomato tops, lily of the valley, castor beans - they contain toxic components that destroy some valuable microorganisms and slow down decomposition.

How to tell when compost is ready

Ripe compost has several characteristics:

  • the substance inside the compost heap looks solid, there are no single components in it (leaves, stems, peelings, etc.), only thin branches can be seen;
  • organic matter acquires a dark brown color, sometimes black;
  • humus smells like forest soil after rain;
  • In terms of thickness, the mass becomes loose and flows well.

In general, mature compost resembles black soil, sometimes it contains particles that are not completely decomposed, and it is because of them that the porosity and friability of the organic mass is obtained.

How to cause rapid ripening of humus?

Typically, as already noted, compost becomes ready in 6–9 months. But if you urgently need to speed up the process, there are some tricks:

  • Herbal infusion. Take 5 shares of finely chopped herbs, combine with two shares of chicken manure and add 20 shares of water. Stir and incubate for several days.

Herbal infusion for compost

  • Regular baking yeast will also speed up the preparation of humus. A tablespoon of dry yeast should be dissolved in a liter of warm water, add 200 g of granulated sugar. The liquid is ready. It moisturizes the contents of the compost heap.
  • The use of special drugs (biodestructors) helps. They consist of organic matter and include many bacteria, which is why the composting process is accelerated. In store departments you can find “Baikal-Em”, “Shine” and other similar products.

Unforeseen situations during the maturation of organic matter

Sometimes when preparing humus with your own hands, small problems arise. What to do in such cases? Here are some examples:

  • If there are ants in the heap, it means that it is very dry inside and decomposition has slowed down. You need to loosen the contents and water generously.
  • If you notice fungus gnats above the compost, take a closer look at their numbers. If their number is small, there is no need to worry; these midges are always present in such places. But if there are quite a lot of them, then this is a sign of waterlogging in the heap. Wait until it's a hot, dry day and aerate the compost by removing the lid for a couple of days. You can also add fine clean sand from the river (dry) or sawdust.
  • If the pit smells unpleasant, and the substance itself feels slimy to the touch, then this indicates the presence of a large number of components of plant origin. It is necessary to equalize the balance by adding solid components - shredded cardboard or paper, leaves, small branches, straw.
  • If there is no change in the compost heap, then it has probably dried out. In this case, adding fresh grass or potato peelings will help solve the problem, and you need to moisten the entire contents.

How to use compost?

Ready compost is used for all plants twice a year - in spring and autumn. It is added when digging up an area, when transplanting trees and shrubs it is placed in holes, and when planting seedlings it is added to the beds. It is also used as a mulching material.

The amount of compost is the same as the amount of manure, that is, 15–20 kg of organic matter per square meter.

Summer use of matured compost is also possible. It is suitable as mulch and as an infusion for feeding vegetation.

There is a place for using unripe biomaterial. In the first autumn days, liquid fertilizer is prepared from 3-month-old humus. To do this, add 1/3 of water to 2/3 parts of the unripe substance and leave in a warm place for 72 hours. It is most well received by tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, beans, and beans. Apply with daily watering.

On heavy soils with high content clay will be helped by the autumn application of unripe humus directly into the upper layers of the soil. During the cold period, the mass will rot, and in the spring earthworms will appear in it and act as soil looseners.

That's all the wisdom of how to make compost in a summer cottage. Take advantage and grow big harvests!

The people who work most successfully in vegetable growing are those who love nature, have a special vision of the most insignificant changes in the life of plants, and know how to evenly distribute physical activity, do your job patiently.

Oleg Ivanovich Pomidorkin possesses all these qualities - an active person, a certified specialist, a true expert in his field. But the work of a vegetable grower, like any other work in agriculture, requires, in addition to knowledge of the specifics of growing and caring for plants, physical effort.

You must be able to loosen the soil, weed the plantings, add soil, work with fertilizers, prepare seeds vegetable crops to sowing. Then sow them with vegetable seeders or by hand and lime the soil.

Currently, Oleg Ivanovich applies the knowledge accumulated over 43 years of practical activity on his site, which he has been successfully engaged in for more than 10 years.

Soil fertility is important parameter. It will determine how quickly and well the plants grow on plot of land. Therefore the owners suburban areas Special attention pay attention to soil fertility. This property of the earth can be improved with the help of fertilizers. Today there is a wide range of such products on the market. But compost, which you can make at the dacha with your own hands, is especially popular.

Compost is an indispensable component of fertile soil, which can be made in the country with minimal financial costs. It is mainly made from waste. With the help of such fertilizer, you can replenish the plants’ needs for certain nutrients, as well as improve the soil structure. Therefore, the application of fertilizer is an important undertaking.

Preparing high-quality fertilizer at the dacha yourself

Some rules for making compost

Composting, like aeration, is a rather important and responsible process that must be approached very carefully. Many people think that such fertilizer is just a heap in the corner of the plot where you can throw anything you want. It's very easy and quick to do. But in order for it to be useful and safe for plants, you must follow some rules.

First of all, you should pay attention to what kind of waste you need to make fertilizer from at your summer cottage with your own hands. So, for composting they use:

  • hay, straw and grass clippings;
  • weeds and green parts of a healthy plant;
  • sawdust, remains of wood and branches;
  • high-quality fertilizer is obtained from food waste of plant origin;
  • special composting accelerators;
  • coal and ash;
  • eggshells and others.

Composting is carried out on separately allocated land. Many people use the compost heap for other purposes, throwing various garbage there. This is absolutely impossible to do. If you want to get high-quality compost, then you need to know what waste you should discard:

  • from animal waste, which leads to rotting and persistent unpleasant odor;
  • feces of people and some animals, which may contain worm eggs;
  • bones, stones and other substances that do not decompose during the composting process;
  • plants that have been damaged by various viral and other diseases;
  • chemicals and disinfectants.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


As already mentioned, fertilizer needs to be made on specially separated land. For this purpose, a special compartment or hole in the ground can be constructed. If you choose the right place and set up a composting site, then the waste will not emit an unpleasant odor.

How to make a composter

To make high-quality fertilizer with your own hands, you need the right approach to setting up a compost heap. It is quite simple to carry out such a structure. The main thing here is to strictly follow some rules and recommendations of professionals:

  • Choose a place on your garden soil where you will make a compost heap. Often, a composting site is set up in a remote corner away from a residential building. The location should be in the shade to prevent the components from heating up.
    Level the area and fence it with boards, slate sheets and shields. A cushion is poured onto the bottom, which consists of sand, gravel and fairly large wood debris. Thanks to it, water will easily drain from the compost heap. You also need to put a layer of ready-made fertilizer, which contains bacteria that ensure the fermentation of waste.
  • Before adding fertilizer components, they should be crushed. So, grass or straw can be chopped garden shovel, cut or break branches with your hands. The size of the components directly affects the ripening period of the fertilizer. If a large amount of sawdust and coniferous wood is used for composting, then additional potash-phosphorus fertilizer. This is due to the fact that conifers wood reduce the concentration of potassium, which negatively affects the properties of natural fertilizer.
  • The components must be placed in several layers, the thickness of which does not exceed 15 cm. The best option would be to alternate food waste with wood. The amount of plant components should not exceed a third of the total volume. This is due to the fact that the remains of vegetation are difficult to ferment and rot. If a large number of plants and grass are used for composting, then they are first dried in the sun. This will significantly speed up the fermentation of the components.
  • Manure or droppings are placed between the layers of components. Also for this purpose, liquid fertilizer or composting accelerator is used, which can be found in specialized stores. For composting, it is best to use horse or cow dung. As for droppings, chicken feces are the best option. Before using such components, it is worth considering that they are concentrated fertilizers. This means that their number should not exceed 10% of the entire compost heap.
  • The compost heap must be laid in the form of a pyramid or cone. This arrangement of components increases the stability of the heap and improves air exchange in it. Boards, stems or straw are laid on top of it. Many people use plastic film as a cover. But in reality it is not advisable to do this. The film prevents air from entering the heap, which leads to a clayey odor.

Compliance with all these rules will allow you to create high-quality fertilizer with your own hands. country land. It should be taken into account that the compost maturation period directly depends on the components used. So, in some cases, fertilizer can be obtained within a week after the start of composting.

Compost fermentation

Creating fertilizer at the dacha with your own hands, as well as aerating the site, is a very responsible process. Before you begin, you need to know how to place the components correctly. The maturation of the fertilizer will depend on this and other factors.

Maturation may continue for several months or years. It all depends on the size of the components, as well as the fermentation mode. Therefore, if you want to quickly prepare fertilizer, you need to use as few components as possible.
An important role in the fermentation of waste is played by temperature regime inside the heap. So, in order to make fertilizer in the country, it is necessary to raise the temperature to 60 degrees.

Thanks to this temperature, the components begin to decompose faster under the influence of certain bacteria. Also, this temperature regime prevents the germination of weed seeds and also kills insects.

When composting waste, you should seriously think about not only the temperature regime, but also the balance of air and moisture inside the heap. You can achieve optimal results thanks to simple advice from professionals:

  • If the weather outside is hot and dry, then the pile must be thoroughly moistened with water. It must go through all layers. It is best to carry out the wetting procedure using a hose, since this will require a fairly large amount of water. Watering is carried out in the morning, when the heap has not yet had time to warm up under the sun.
  • Before watering, a composting accelerator is added to the water. Also, water infused with fresh manure is used for this.
  • The pile is periodically shoveled, which speeds up the fermentation process. Thus, the top layers are transferred to the middle, which improves their processing. Also shoveling allows you to supply a pile required quantity air.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, the pile is insulated, which allows you to maintain the temperature regime inside it. This prolongs the period of active fermentation. Here the pyramid is covered with peat and covered with fresh straw or leaves.

Compost has quite a wide range of uses. It is used only when it acquires a homogeneous structure. Ripening is determined by smell. The fertilizer smells like rotten leaves and damp earth. At the same time, it should be free of fungus and mold. It is often used when planting trees and bushes in the country. It fits directly into the planting hole. Also, do not forget about such a concept as aeration, which plays important role in soil fertility.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

» Medicines

The annual use of the site for growing various crops greatly depletes the soil. To restore its fertility, it is necessary to periodically apply fertilizers. One of the most accessible types of food, which has a rich composition of nutrients, is compost. This fertilizer can be made at the dacha with your own hands.

Compost is one of the types of organic fertilizers that can be prepared independently using various household and vegetable waste. A high-quality composition containing minerals and valuable trace elements is equivalent to humus. The nutrient mixture reaches readiness as a result of the decomposition of organic matter under the influence of heat and moisture. A compost heap is identified with a living biological reactor. The process of converting waste into a valuable nutritious product occurs thanks to intensively developing microorganisms.

Preparing compost is not a labor-intensive process, but the technology still has some features. Only correct composition is able to restore the vitality of the soil, increase its fertility and improve its structure. There are a great many recipes and methods for preparing organic fertilizer. Every experienced gardener has its own exclusive secrets, which consist in the use of various additives, the combination of certain components, etc.

For those who did not take care of setting up a compost pit in advance, bagged humus is offered. But before purchasing, you should collect information about the manufacturer, otherwise you may get a neutral or negative result after fertilizing the land.

Natural compost is rotten organic waste

What is it made from?

No matter how tempting the offers to purchase ready-made compost may be, you can only fully trust a product you prepare yourself. To obtain organic fertilizer you can use:

  • waste and peeling of vegetables/fruits;
  • eggshells (only from eggs that have not undergone heat treatment);
  • tea leaves, coffee grounds;
  • mown grass;
  • dry leaves;
  • peat;
  • domestic animal manure, bird droppings;
  • thin branches, stems;
  • paper, natural fabrics, feathers (raw materials in crushed form);
  • straw, shavings, seed husks.

All or part of the ingredients are filled into a box or pit in a certain order. To start the fermentation process, it is necessary to create a favorable temperature regime and high humidity.

Compost is prepared from the remains of fruits, vegetables, eggs, straw and other things.

The following ingredients should not be placed in a composter or pit:

  • vegetable waste and fruits that have passed heat treatment (there are practically no useful microelements in them, the composition will turn out to be non-nutritious);
  • weeds(all types of weeds contain poisonous or toxic substances that pose a danger to the soil and cultivated crops);
  • plants affected by any diseases or pests(compost with such a component will provoke the spread of the disease on the soil and plants);
  • synthetic material(it is not subject to the process of decomposition and rotting);
  • citrus waste (essential oils inhibit decomposition processes; a large number of crusts can increase the acidity of the soil).

According to popular rumor, you can add dog and cat feces to compost, as well as used toilet filler. Experts do not recommend using this type waste, since animal waste products may contain worms that are dangerous to human health. Being in a warm and humid environment, they survive well, and then successfully colonize raspberries, strawberries and other fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages

To appreciate the full benefits of using compost, you need to consider its effect on the soil environment and plants.

  • Compost contains a large amount of valuable minerals and trace elements in the correct proportion. When it enters the soil, a rapid metabolic process occurs, as a result of which the deficiency of missing substances is instantly compensated.
  • Organic matter, when combined with soil, forms a single structure. After heavy watering or rain, micronutrients remain on the surface, unlike mineral fertilizers, which settle into deeper layers of soil.
  • Compost allows moisture and air to pass through well, which allows it to improve the soil structure in upper layers. This is important for the normal development of the root system.
  • The fertilizer contains a large amount of humus, which increases the fertility of the land.
  • It is almost impossible to overfeed plants with organic matter. All components are of natural origin. They undergo natural decay processes without contaminating the soil with various toxins.
  • Compost from organic fertilizers is the most accessible a way to enrich the soil with useful substances.

Real compost has virtually no downsides and mixes completely with the soil.

Compost has virtually no disadvantages. However, it is worth noting that when arranging a compost heap or pit, you need to choose a place away from the recreation area and home, since the process of rotting is accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor. In addition, this object attracts flies, ants and other insects. Arranging a special box equipped with doors will help to avoid problems with such a neighborhood. Insulating a compost heap in this way also has aesthetic value; the corner of the site will not look dull.

How to make a compost bin with your own hands

To organize a place for collecting organic waste in order to obtain fertilizer, it is recommended to use compost bin. Making a storage unit is not difficult at all, following simple rules.

Requirements for construction on site

In order for the manufactured container to meet all requirements, it is worth considering important points when assembling it:

  • the side walls must have holes to ensure air circulation (2 cm gaps can be left between the boards);
  • there is no such element as the bottom in the box;
  • the presence of a lid will limit the flow of water during heavy rains (excess moisture will provoke the development of fungus);
  • the lower part of the box should be opening to ensure the intake of fertilizer (the composition ripens faster from below).

Materials for making organic fertilizer

To make a compost bin, bars and boards are selected. You can also use wooden boards. Instead of wooden lid Often a frame covered with polyethylene film or polycarbonate is used. Fixation individual elements The container is secured with hardware and hinges (unlocking fragments).

Optimal box dimensions: height – 1 m, width – 1.2 m.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Clear the area under the compost bin from plant debris and remove the turf layer. Mark according to the drawing.
  2. Dig holes 35-50 cm deep in the corners to install supports.
  3. Install the supports in the holes, level them vertically and fill them with gravel to half the depth. The part remaining to the soil surface is filled with cement.
  4. 1-2 days after the cement has hardened, fill the cement fill with earth.
  5. Connect the supports at the top and bottom with bars (on 4 sides).
  6. Cover the frame with boards around the perimeter, leaving 2 cm gaps for air access. The board needs to be attached to hinges on one or both sides at the bottom so that it can open to collect fertilizer.
  7. The top should be equipped with an unlockable lid made from several boards without gaps.

How to make a compost heap

As an option, prepare a compost heap in one of the secluded corners of the site. A heap does not mean a random dump of garbage, but a systematic collection of organic waste. It is better to choose a place in the shade; in the sun the components will dry out. Shady shelter provides required humidity, which has a beneficial effect on the decay process. Worms, wood lice and other microorganisms also contribute to decomposition.

The right materials

These products are made from natural ingredients and will not cause any harm to the soil or plants. For example, the drug Embiko Compost (Gringo) ensures the ripening of fertilizer in just 6-8 weeks.

How to determine when compost is ready

Ready compost can be identified by its characteristic dark color composition. It should be crumbly, moist, and not smelly. The ripened fertilizer has the smell of forest soil.

By following the rules for making compost, you can regularly replenish the supply of nutrient mixture for your garden with your own hands, without spending additional money on ready-made fertilizers.

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Autumn for me means dahlias. Mine begin to bloom as early as June, and all summer the neighbors peek at me over the fence, reminding them that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by the fall. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. This means it’s time to start preparing the plants for the long, cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Distinctive feature dishes - eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

Compost is humus of organic residues, grass, leaves, branches, etc. This is an excellent natural organic fertilizer rich in minerals necessary for the life of plants. It is as effective as mineral supplements. Making compost with your own hands is very simple; any organic residues that are available at any summer cottage can be used for preparation. Compost can be used as plant food, or as the main soil for planting, including growing seedlings and filling beds.


Making your own compost

You can make your own compost in a composter or directly on the ground by piling organic remains into a pile. Sometimes a compost pit is used for preparation. Organic residues are stacked in layers 5 - 10 cm thick. Layers of organic matter are sprinkled with earth approximately 3 - 5 cm thick. This way the composter or heap is filled. After about 4 months, the first layer will be processed and turn into humus. Ready compost can be distinguished by its characteristic smell; it smells like damp forest soil.

Aerobic bacteria take an active part in the process of preparing organic fertilizer. Under their influence, organic matter decomposes. For aerobic bacteria to thrive, it is necessary to maintain a low temperature and sufficient humidity in the heap or composter, as well as a constant flow of oxygen. Without all these conditions, the bacteria will die, and high-quality humus will not work. Therefore, the compost heap or composter must be placed in a shaded place, periodically moistened and occasionally turned.

The speed of humus preparation depends on the above factors and the number of aerobic bacteria. Often the composter may lack moisture, oxygen, or the temperature of the compost is too high, for example in very hot summers. All this reduces the rate of bacterial reproduction and increases the time of fertilizer formation. Therefore, when making humus, it is advisable to use special additives containing aerobic bacteria. You can buy them at any gardening store.

It is important to note that in order to obtain a homogeneous composition of organic fertilizer, the rate of decomposition of various elements must be approximately the same. The rate of decomposition depends on the size of the organic residue being composted. So a thick branch will take much longer to decompose than leaves or grass. Therefore, it is not advisable to place thick branches in the composter; they must first be chopped.

To make homemade compost of high quality, you need to follow several rules.

  • To make humus, you can use manure and everything that grows in the country. You can also use peeling vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not throw fat, wool or bones into the composter. They rot within several years, while plants turn into organic fertilizer in 1 to 4 months.
  • Organic waste with a low level of moisture, for example, old pieces of wood, dry thick branches, should be pre-shredded.
  • The composter should be placed in the shade or irrigated periodically to maintain humidity levels. Otherwise, the bacteria that decompose organic matter will die.
  • To prevent the humus from turning sour, you should alternate between wet elements, mown grass and branches, or let the grass dry out a little. It is good to sprinkle soil after each layer of organic waste.
  • The composter should be installed on the ground, so that earthworms will penetrate into the future fertilizer, which will speed up the ripening process.

How to speed up compost making

Traditionally, compost can be made in 3 to 4 months. Of course this is quite long. To speed up this process up to 1 month, you can use hot composting. Its essence is that elements are added to the composter to heat up the heap, such as rotting fruits and manure.

In order for the humus to ripen quickly, the composter should be filled in layers: a layer of grass (branches, leaves), a layer of manure (rotting fruits, vegetables), each layer must be sprinkled with earth.

To quickly ripen the fertilizer and not overheat the heap, it is necessary to have two identical containers. Once a week, you should transfer the prepared organic fertilizer from one container to another, thus the humus cools down and is enriched with oxygen.

Types of composters

A composter is a box enough large sizes. Organic waste leaves, mown grass, branches, etc. are placed on top of the box. As it rots, a fertilizer suitable for use is formed in the bottom of the box.

Composters can be divided into factory-made and home-made.

Factory composters are usually made of plastic. They have a volume of 400 liters. Often such composters are equipped with a door at the bottom for convenient removal of finished humus. Such models should be given preference.


One of the interesting varieties is a drum-shaped composter, somewhat reminiscent of a concrete mixer. This type allows you to rotate the tank, thereby mixing the contents. Regular mixing can significantly speed up the maturation of the fertilizer. However, such models do not have a large volume, which reduces productivity.


The barrel composter has advantages. It allows you to mix the contents, thereby accelerating the maturation of the compost. However, such models have a small volume, which in conditions traditional dacha with many landings it is clearly not enough. This type is suitable for those who have a small plot.


Is it worth making a compost bin?

Sometimes a compost pit is used to prepare humus. To obtain high-quality humus, this does not always happen a good decision. The fact is that without access to oxygen, the compost pit will quickly turn sour and ferment, and no fertilizer will be produced. The main obstacle to oxygen is soil. In addition, the location is close groundwater It also contributes to the rotting of the compost pit.

To prepare compost, it is advisable to use a composter. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. The main advantage is that humus is well supplied with oxygen, which promotes the proliferation of aerobic bacteria. In addition, the composter allows you to maintain sufficient moisture and reduce the temperature of decay of organic matter, which also has a positive effect on the speed of production of organic fertilizer.

As you can see from the above, making compost with your own hands is very simple. For cooking, you need to choose a shady place in your summer cottage, preference should be given north side plot. Make or purchase a composter, as it is more convenient and neat than making a compost heap. When preparing, it is important to regularly moisten the contents of the composter. Aerobic bacteria can be added to the composter to speed up composting. By using this technology, by the end of summer you will have high-quality organic fertilizer, which you can spread in the beds in the fall or take some of it to the city to grow seedlings next spring.