Stove with a heat exchanger: how to make water heating from a stove. Water heating system from a wood stove Do-it-yourself heating stove

The essence of stove heating is the direct heating of rooms by a heat source due to convection and infrared radiation emanating from the hot walls. Important condition, which is also the main drawback: the heater must be located in a heated room. This is why homeowners often want to build a furnace with a water circuit connected to remote radiators to heat the entire house evenly. It is worth noting that this question- difficult and not always solvable. So let's take a look different variants implementation of this idea in practice.

Ways to solve the problem

Obviously, in order to heat the coolant and supply it to the radiator system, the wood stove must be equipped with an additional heat exchanger. There are two ways: purchase a ready-made metal or cast-iron long-burning stove with a built-in water circuit for your home, or make it yourself. We initially follow the second path - we put in work, but save money.

Note. A separate problem is the organization of water heating in brick oven, burning wood and coal. If it has already been built, then redoing the structure can be quite difficult, if not impossible.

There are several varieties homemade heat exchangers and options for their installation:

  1. Tank is a boiler built directly into the firebox or into one of the chimney ducts.
  2. A register welded from pipes, sometimes in the form of a coil. It is also placed inside the combustion chamber or in the flue.
  3. Samovar-type heat exchanger (technical name - economizer). It is installed purely on the chimney to extract heat from the exhaust gases.
  4. Full water jacket. In a simplified version, a similar fireplace stove with a water circuit is shown above in the diagram.

Tank-boiler for heating coolant

Reference. The simplest, but not the most effective solution, which you can adopt, is implemented in some wood-burning sauna stoves. Metal tank with water, it is mounted on top of the body or suspended from the side if the firebox has a rectangular shape.

The water circuit can be made from the following materials:

  • black or stainless steel;
  • cast iron;
  • copper.

Steel heat exchangers are practical and inexpensive, and therefore the most popular. The price of copper is too high, but the melting point is low, which is why such a structure can “float” when burning coal. As for cast iron, you won’t be able to cast a register from it yourself, unless you install an old MS-140 heating “accordion” into the flue, as shown in the photo. But remember: the battery will instantly burst when cold coolant is supplied to a hot stove or as a result of water freezing during a long period of inactivity.

Pros and cons of various heat exchangers

Installing a tank inside a brick kiln has been practiced by craftsmen for decades. This is proven and reliable way, which allows you to constantly heat water and even organize its natural circulation, you just need to lay pipes large diameter(about 50 mm) respecting the slopes. A properly made boiler tank very rarely burns out, because it contains a large volume of coolant that cools it.

The disadvantage of this option is the large size of the container. It will only fit into a heater made of brick, and there is too little space in metal potbelly stoves. Unlike a tank, the size and shape of a register made of steel pipes can be changed and built into any stove, but other problems arise here:

  1. When installed inside the firebox, the coil is constantly exposed to high temperatures(at peak up to 1000 °C) and condensate with soot, and therefore will last 4-6 years, after which it will burn out. Stainless or heat-resistant pipes will last longer - up to 10 years.
  2. A more reliable way is to install the water circuit inside the chimney duct, where the temperature is lower. But then the heating intensity will drop and to organize normal heating the heat exchanger will have to be increased in size. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
  3. The coolant circulation inside the register must be non-stop. Otherwise, the water will boil, turn into steam, and its pressure will rupture the pipeline in weak point- somewhere at the junction. This means that it is impossible to organize gravity flow, and the operation of the circulation pump will have to be secured with a block uninterruptible power supply in case of power outage.
  4. The capacity of metal heaters is very limited, so it will not be possible to insert a high-quality heat exchanger there. Practice shows that a steel factory furnace with a water circuit can serve no more than 2 radiators with a total power of up to 4 kW.

Types of welded registers

Important point. Any heat exchangers mounted inside the firebox take a decent portion of the generated heat. This reduces the already low heat output of the stove, plus it reduces the burning time from one load of wood or coal.

Economizer (left) and a conventional tank for installation on a chimney (right)

The samovar heat exchanger (economizer) is free from all of the listed disadvantages. It is a water jacket for the chimney and takes away the heat of the exhaust gases. And their temperature in furnaces operating on wood or waste reaches 300 °C. This solution is often used in sauna heaters to heat water for washing. A combined option is a tank through which a chimney pipe is passed.

For obvious reasons, the idea with an economizer cannot be implemented on a brick stove. But for Buleryan, Breneran or another steel potbelly stove, regardless of its size, this option is well suited. And the last one, the most effective method– arrangement of a water jacket around the heater body. Essentially, it turns any metal stove or fireplace into a heating boiler. One problem is that the option is quite difficult to implement.

Iron stove designed by Butakov with a convection casing and a water circuit on back wall firebox

Conclusion. The best way get hot water from a steel heater using wood or exhaust (these are used in garages) - make a samovar-type heat exchanger or a container on the chimney pipe. For a brick oven there are few options - building in a container or register.

The original design of an external heat exchanger with an improvised economizer is demonstrated in the video:

Calculating register sizes

To make a water circuit for the stove with your own hands, you need to determine its dimensions, or more precisely, the area of ​​the heat exchange surface. To do this, use the following algorithm:

  1. Find out the area of ​​the heated rooms and multiply it by 0.1 kW. If you live in one of the cold northern regions, multiply the square footage of the premises by 0.2 kW. For a house of 100 m² you will need 10 and 20 kW of thermal energy, respectively.
  2. From practical observations it follows that a register installed directly into the firebox is capable of transferring up to 10 kW of heat to the coolant from each square meter of its surface. Divide the heat requirement by this figure to get the radiator area.
  3. For an economizer and a tank mounted in a chimney duct, where the temperature is lower, take the specific heat transfer value not 10, but 6 kW per 1 m² of surface.
  4. Knowing the area, dimensions rectangular container easy to calculate. But the length of the pipes from which the register is made is calculated by the formula: L = S / πD (S – area, D – pipe diameter).

Diagram of a brick oven with a hot water boiler placed in the firebox

Note. When calculating the heated area, you do not need to take all 100 or 200 square meters at home, take away from them the rooms that the stove heats directly.

If we take a dacha room with a square area of ​​100 m² as an example, then the heat exchange surface of the radiator built into the firebox should be at least 1 m². When installed in a flue, this area will increase to 10 / 6 = 1.67 m².

We build the tank into a brick oven

First and important rule: it is necessary to plan the installation of the water circuit even before building a brick heater. It is almost impossible to remake a finished structure; you will have to disassemble at least half of it again. This applies to all purely heating stoves - Russian, Dutch and Swedish, which do not have a hob.

In this case, the register is mounted in the smoke circuit of the stove, and not in the firebox

Reference. If you have a heating and cooking stove at home or in your country house, then it is sometimes possible to remake it. Lift up cast iron surface with burners and evaluate whether it is possible to place a boiler under it and what shape to give it. Be sure to consult with a master stove maker.

We offer the option of a simple stove with a heating boiler installed in the path of combustion products, but outside the firebox. Thanks to this, the tank is made of metal 3 mm thick, which is enough for a long and reliable operation. Schematically the unit looks like this:

Advice. If you choose another design, where the container is mounted in the firebox, then make its walls facing the flame from metal 5 mm thick, the rest - 3 mm. To make the register, use pipes with a wall thickness of 3.5 mm, and when installing, do not connect it to the walls of the stove, since metal and brick have different expansion coefficients.

The procedure for laying the hob

The laying of a furnace with a water circuit located in the combustion chamber is described in the following video:

Making a contour for a steel stove

To make a samovar-type heat exchanger for a chimney, select 2 pipes: one in diameter should be equal to the size of the stove pipe, and the second should be 3-4 cm larger (for example, 102 and 133 mm).

Homemade samovar-type heat exchanger

  1. Determine the heat transfer area as described in the previous section, then cut both pipes to the calculated size.
  2. Make 2 holes 20-30 mm in the water jacket casing and weld the supply and return pipes with threads to them.
  3. Insert one pipe into another and weld together, making jumpers from a steel strip. From it, make the upper and lower covers for a homemade water circuit.
  4. Check the unit for leaks and install it on the chimney as close as possible to the oil or wood stove. More details about production are shown in the video.

Unlike internal water circuits, the economizer can be connected to various systems heating - with forced and natural circulation of coolant. In the second case, it is important to slope the lines 2 mm per 1 m of pipe and install an open expansion tank at the top point.


It is not easy to judge how useful a homemade stove with a water circuit is in operation. According to user reviews, in small country houses and garages, such units work flawlessly. We must also take into account the fact that the craftsman who made the heater with his own hands will not criticize it, but will try to find positive aspects. One thing is clear: there are cost savings when all rooms of the building are heated evenly. But in houses with an area of ​​over 100 m², it is worth considering installing a solid fuel boiler.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from Eastern Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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Warmth in the house is one of the most important factors of coziness and comfort. Nowadays, there are many ways to heat a home, and every year this list is updated with new technologies and developments. However, old and proven methods do not fade into the background. Stove heating with a water circuit is one of the old and proven ways to create warmth and comfort in your home. It combines the advantages of two methods at once: stove and water heating, which significantly increases efficiency. In this article you will find the necessary diagrams and manuals for building such a stove yourself.

Heating Features

Conventional stove heating is characterized by uneven distribution of heat - there is always intense heat near the stove itself, and the further away from the stove, the cooler it is. The water circuit makes it possible to evenly distribute the heat generated by the stove throughout the entire area of ​​the house. Thus, with the help of one stove, several rooms of the house are heated at once. Such a stove operates on the principle of a solid fuel boiler, but in addition to heating the coolant and water circuit, the stove also heats the walls and smoke channels, which play a significant role in heating.

The main structural element is a heat exchanger, most often called a coil. It is installed directly into the firebox, and the entire water heating system is connected to it.

Advantages of stove heating

Disadvantages of stove heating with a water circuit

Advice. If heating with a water circuit is installed in a country house where no one lives regularly, especially in winter, then in order to avoid freezing of the water in the circuit, it is better to use an antifreeze liquid.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of heating with a water circuit is quite simple. The water is directed to a heat exchanger located in the firebox of the furnace, where it is heated by the combustion of fuel. Further hot water is distributed over the radiator batteries, where it gives off its heat and, when cooled, returns back to the coil.

Installation and installation of equipment

Is it possible to make stove heating with a water circuit with your own hands? Perhaps if you already have experience in arranging stoves or laying bricks. First of all, you need to prepare the most important element designs - heat exchanger. It can be bought in specialized stores, and can also be made from pipes or sheet iron. Self-construction of a stove gives you the opportunity to show your imagination and build your own version of the stove, which will take into account all the needs and features of your home.

Attention. Stove heating is potentially dangerous, so design and installation must be entrusted to specialists if you do not have sufficient skills.

Creating such a heating system is possible in two ways:

  • installation of a heat exchanger and subsequent laying of the furnace;
  • installation of a coil in an operating furnace.

The second method is considered more labor-intensive, since to implement it it is necessary to disassemble the firebox, and installing a coil in it will significantly reduce its size.

Installation requirements

The thickness of the water layer in the heat exchanger should exceed 4 cm, since with a smaller thickness the water will boil.

The walls of the coil must be at least 5 mm, and if coal is used, even thicker. Failure to comply with the thickness can lead to burning of the walls.

Under no circumstances should the heat exchanger be mounted close to the firebox wall. Leave at least 2 cm. This space is necessary for thermal expansion of the coil.

Particular attention must be paid to the fire safety of the system. Between the oven and wooden partitions must certainly remain air gaps, because it is overheating wooden structures is the first cause of fires. It is best to line it with brick or other fire-resistant materials.

Furnace heat exchangers

The diagram shows one of the coil options. This type of exchanger is good to place in heating and cooking stoves, because its structure easily allows you to place a stove on top.

In order to reduce the labor intensity of the manufacturing process, you can make a few changes to this design and replace the upper and lower U-shaped pipes with profile pipe. Besides, vertical pipes are also replaced by rectangular profiles if necessary.

If a coil of a similar design is installed in ovens where there is no hob, then to increase the efficiency of the exchanger, it is advisable to add several horizontal pipes. Treatment and removal of water can be done from different sides, it depends on the design of the furnace and the design of the water circuit.

Sheet steel coils

The steel thickness for this type of exchanger must be at least 5 mm. The design also uses a 60 x 40 mm profile and 50 mm pipes, which serve for water inlet and outlet. The size of the exchanger depends directly on the length of the firebox of your stove.

If a steel exchanger is planned to be built into a heating and cooking stove, then it would be more expedient to build the structure in such a way that the hot gas flows around the top shelf of the exchanger and exits into the smoke circuit located in the front part of the coil. In this case, you can install a hob above the coil.

In addition, there is an option to make a heat exchanger from sheet steel in the form of a book, connecting the walls of the exchanger with pipes or a profile. In this case, the register does not have top shelf, and for better circulation you can add connecting pipes at the top of the register. Deposits and withdrawals can be made both on the back of the exchanger and on the side wall.

In this case hob can be placed directly above the surface of the register.

How to install a water circuit

Installation occurs in the same way as installation with any other heating system. The only point that needs to be taken into account is that the “return” for stove heating is located higher.

There are three types of coolant circulation:

Furnace installation

The installation of the stove is usually entrusted to a specialist, because without experience it is unlikely that it will be possible to put together a competent structure on your own.

The size of the stove depends on the area of ​​the house - than bigger house, the larger the oven should be. If the weight of the stove exceeds 750 kg, then a special foundation must be prepared in the place where it will be laid. The pedestal of the stove must be separated from the main foundation by a gap filled with sand. It is also important to properly insulate the floor in this part.

Stove heating with a water circuit is one of the most practical and cheap solutions for heating a private home. For all its effectiveness, installation of such a system does not require large material costs, in addition, this type heating can add zest to the design of your home.

Construction of a brick kiln with a water circuit: video

Oven with a water circuit: photo

Water heating systems continue to hold a leading position. Despite some complexity in installation, they ensure uninterrupted delivery of heat to heated rooms, taking thermal energy from gas boilers . If there is no gas in the house, the systems are powered from alternative heat sources. IN In this review we will look at how to organize water heating in a private house from a wood-burning stove - in some cases, such stoves become the cheapest heating option.

What is a water circuit oven?

Traditional wood stove It has an extremely simple design - it contains a combustion chamber with a loading door, an ash pan with a blower and a chimney. It turns out to be a kind of potbelly stove, characterized by simplicity. But this simplicity deprives the stove of the ability to heat several rooms at once. This disadvantage is eliminated using a water circuit. As a result, we get a unit consisting of the following parts:

  • Firebox – firewood, coal and other types of solid fuel are loaded here;
  • Ash pan - the ash formed during combustion is poured into it;
  • Chimney - through it combustion products are released into the atmosphere;
  • A stove heating coil is a heat exchanger through which coolant circulates.

It is the coil that is the most important link here, because it is responsible for transferring heat to the heating system.

Let's look at the main advantages of water heating with a wood-burning stove:

The choice of firewood should be approached very carefully, because the efficiency of the stove depends on it.

  • Opportunity self-assembly stoves - nothing prevents you from assembling it yourself, focusing on the drawings and procedures;
  • Low costs for maintaining the system in working order - due to the low cost of firewood;
  • Availability of fuel – firewood can be purchased or chopped yourself.

In the latter case, we get almost free water heating with free firewood. But there are also disadvantages:

  • The need for regular cleaning of the furnace for water heating - it needs to remove ash;
  • Storage Needs large quantity firewood - for this you will have to build a woodpile;
  • Low efficiency - it rarely exceeds 80%, although some factory models have good efficiency, reaching or even exceeding 90%.

In addition, to maintain the functionality of water heating, the stove will have to be constantly fed with firewood. It is the frequent approaches to loading the next portion of logs that are the main disadvantage. But this disadvantage is neutralized by the pyrolysis combustion scheme.

The ash formed during the combustion of firewood is recommended to be used as a fertilizer for feeding flowers and agricultural crops.

The operating principle of a water heating system with a wood-burning stove is incredibly simple - burning wood releases thermal energy that is absorbed by a heat exchanger. From there, the heat is sent to radiators installed in the rooms. To control the temperature, a thermometer is installed in the system. Coolant circulation can be natural or forced (using a circulation pump).

Water heating with natural circulation is suitable for heating small households. It is characterized by simplicity and lack of extra expenses on installation work. If the house is large, a scheme is implemented with forced circulation– after the wood-burning stove, a circulation pump is installed in the system, driving water through the system. Stove water heating can be open or closed type– in the latter case, the circuit is sealed; to compensate for the expansion of the coolant, a special membrane tank is built into it.

Making a stove with your own hands

A big advantage will be the purchase of a pyrolysis unit - it is different long burning firewood and increased efficiency.

Stove heating with a water circuit can heat buildings big size– it all depends on the power of the oven used. If it is possible to purchase a factory-made wood-burning stove, then this is a plus. Factory units are more accurate and efficient, but they require funds to purchase them.

In case of shortage Money stove heating with a water circuit is implemented on the basis of self-assembled wood-burning stoves. They are assembled from sheet metal and brick. Metal stoves are simple - to assemble them you need welding machine. They are also extremely compact and do not take up much space. Their brick versions are more voluminous, but they retain heat longer and have a more aesthetic appearance.

Wood-burning brick stoves have always been an attribute home comfort. And when supplemented with heat exchangers for organizing water heating, they will give warmth to the entire house, and not just one room.

Assembling a simple stove with a water circuit for heating a house with your own hands is not difficult for those who know how to handle tools. In this review we will look at two schemes - one of them will help you assemble a stove from metal, and the second from brick. But first, we need to talk about the manufacture of the coil, which is the heart of any heating unit that runs on wood.

We make a coil

Stove water heating begins with the manufacture of a heat exchanger. If desired, you can equip an existing stove with it, adapting it to the size of the firebox. In this case, the costs will be minimal. In principle, the coil can have any design, and the basis for its manufacture is steel pipe with a wall thickness of 4-5 mm - this thickness is necessary to prevent the coil from burning out from burning wood. It is also possible to use a profile rectangular pipe size 60x40 mm.

If it is possible to make a heat exchanger for water heating using a wood-burning stove from of stainless steel, then this is even better - stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion. Coils made of bent copper pipe have good characteristics.

Diagram of the most successful coil.

For example, a coil can be arranged according to the drawing in the figure on the left. It is made from metal pipes various diameters. The firewood here burns as if inside a heat exchanger, and the heat is transferred to the circulating water. If necessary, you can make the coil according to any other pattern. There is an alternative solution - a brick stove with water heating is built in the house, in which the heat exchanger is the simplest cast-iron battery.

How to make a brick oven

A brick stove with a water circuit for heating a house is a reliable and nice solution. The only catch is to lay out the masonry beautifully, which not everyone can do. We will take this order as an example.

To assemble a wood-burning stove we will need:

  • Fire brick;
  • Mixture for laying stoves - sold in a form ready for mixing;
  • Tool for working with the mixture – “trowel”;
  • Building level.

In the presented order we see a fairly simple stove for water heating with a built-in heat exchanger. Nothing prevents you from choosing any other arrangement without a coil - you can equip almost any brick stove with it, placing it directly in the firebox. You can calculate the preliminary dimensions of the firebox based on the dimensions of the bricks used and, based on the data obtained, calculate the dimensions of the coil.

Please note that the dimensions of the heat exchanger should be slightly smaller than the firebox - the thermal expansion of the metal when heated will cause a change in its size.

We proceed in the same way with any other arrangement - we calculate the size of the future firebox and make a heat exchanger for it. Other layouts of heat exchangers are also possible, for example, inside smoke ducts. This option will be optimal when using a cast iron battery.

When creating water heating for a private house from a stove, it should be noted that the room in which the stove itself is located does not need to install radiators - it will be heated by the heat emanating from brick walls. Radiators are placed in other rooms where the heat from the heating unit does not reach. By the way, it is possible to save a little on radiators if you mount the stove so that thermal energy came from its walls into two or three rooms at once.

Making a metal furnace

Stove heating with water circuit in wooden house can be made on the basis of a metal stove, although nothing prevents you from giving preference to brick. But there is less fuss with metal, and such a stove will take up minimal space. As a basis, let's take the diagram of the simplest potbelly stove and remove the internal partitions from it.

We offer you a drawing of one of the simplest, but at the same time effective metal furnaces.

These partitions are necessary for the implementation of the pyrolysis combustion scheme, but in the case of our water heating they become unnecessary. Instead, the entire internal volume will be occupied by a heat exchanger. It can be made from pipes or sheet metal - in the latter case, its area will be slightly larger, which will increase the thermal power of our unit.

To make a furnace you will need sheet metal 4-5 mm thick. We cut out the walls and make a grate from the reinforcement. We mount the base, put the heat exchanger inside, and assemble the structure together. We install the chimney, connect the stove to the water heating system, fill in the coolant and conduct a test run. Please note that the room in which the metal stove is located is heated by its own heat, without additional radiators.

It’s not difficult to create a water jacket for a stove with your own hands. And it can already be installed in any stove - metal or brick. Heating a house with wood is fraught with frequent fiddling with heating equipment, but in the absence of gas, other alternatives look more expensive. To implement more efficient home heating, use our recommendations:

  • Do not skimp on the thickness of the sheet iron - remember that the service life of the furnace depends on this;
  • Be sure to use thermometers and pressure gauges to monitor the operating parameters of the heating system;
  • Do not use alternative coolants that are not resistant to high temperatures;
  • Ensure that you get rid of heat losses - this will allow you to count on economical use of firewood for heating your home.

These tips will make heating a private home using wood more efficient.


Despite the fact that consumers increasingly prefer to use natural gas For heating their homes, wood stoves still do not lose their relevance. True, a brick or metal stove itself causes a lot of trouble when lighting and is not very effective. In our material we will talk about how to make water heating from a stove so that the house is heated more efficiently and energy efficiently.

Pros and cons of traditional stove heating

Heating the house with wood brick stove is traditional for Russia, although recently it has been practically replaced by water systems. This transition is largely due to the disadvantages of heating from a stove.

However, here are a few positive aspects of using stoves:

  • Heating of the room from the stove is carried out by transferring thermal energy through waves, which have a beneficial effect on the human body - this is what scientists believe.
  • A traditional stove, decorated in ethnic style, gives the room a certain flavor, and sometimes allows you to observe an open flame.
  • You can increase the efficiency of a brick stove with the help of smoke channels, through which heat will be transferred throughout the house.
  • The stove does not require electricity to operate.
  • Some designs of solid fuel stoves allow you to heat a room on the second floor of the house due to built-in smoke channels.

Despite all the listed advantages, authentic stove heating is now practically unheard of, although sitting near warm oven and warming up from the cold can be very pleasant.

Arguments against the use of stove heating can be formulated as follows:

  • Heating from such a unit occurs unevenly - it is very hot near the stove itself, and cool in the corners.
  • A Russian stove with smoke channels and other elements takes up a lot of space.
  • From this heating device Only those rooms into which its walls open are heated.
  • Air temperature in different rooms cannot be adjusted at will.
  • Low efficiency. As a rule, the maximum efficiency of a furnace is no more than 60%, and for gas boilers, for example, it can exceed 90%.
  • A wood stove must be constantly maintained - clean out the ash, melt it, adjust the draft with dampers and periodically add fuel. Not everyone likes it.

Some of the listed disadvantages can be compensated for by equipping stove heating with a water circuit by integrating a heat exchanger into it.

Stove heating with water circuit

To organize stove heating with a water circuit with your own hands, you need to build a heat exchanger into the stove firebox, which will be connected to the batteries. As it passes through the heat exchanger in the furnace, the water will heat up and carry heat from the furnace to all the radiators. Thanks to this system, more comfortable conditions are created in the house in winter. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the stove is located in one room, and all other rooms are heated by hot water circulating through the radiators.

Of course, equipping a stove with a heating radiator cannot solve all problems, however, to some extent it can improve its operation. In particular, you can achieve more uniform heating of rooms in the house and, to a certain extent, regulate the air temperature in them. As for metal wood and coal stoves, they operate on the same principle.

Types of systems

There are two options for heating a house using a stove. In the first case it will be a system with natural type coolant circulation, and in the second - forced circulation.

Steam heating from a natural circulation stove does not require an electrical connection, since water circulates through the heating circuit due to the laws of physics. However, in this case, the heating pipeline must be of a large diameter, which leads to an increase in the volume and inertia of the system. Such a stove will take quite a long time to heat up when lit. At the same time, when the wood burns out completely, the coolant in the circuit will remain warm longer.

Among the disadvantages of natural circulation in steam heating from a stove in a private house, it is also worth mentioning the fact that the supply pipes must be placed either under the ceiling or at the level of the radiators. If the house is two-story, a pipe comes out from the top of the stove, through which the coolant disperses through the radiators of the second floor, and only then falls to the first floor and heats the rooms on it.

Do-it-yourself stove heating with a natural circulation type is not highly efficient, since the water in the circuit moves slowly and does not supply enough heat to the premises.

In the second case, a water-heated brick oven is equipped with a circulation pump, which ensures constant movement of the coolant inside the circuit at a certain speed. By changing the speed parameters, you can regulate the degree of heating of the rooms. Thus, this type of system is more efficient. However, it requires electricity to operate. If there is a power failure, the pump will turn off and the coolant inside the operating furnace will boil. To avoid such troubles, in case of sudden power outages, the circulation pump should be connected to an uninterruptible power supply with a battery. If there are regular power outages, you will also need a power generator, and this is quite expensive.

A compromise option between the two described types of systems is mixed or combined stove water heating. In this case, the heating circuit is connected to the wood-burning steam heating stove in such a way as to ensure natural circulation. But at the same time, the system also includes a circulation pump, which works if there is electricity. When the power supply is turned off, the coolant continues to move independently.

Heat storage system

Many owners of private houses are wondering how to make heating from a stove so that the house is constantly warm. The fact is that due to the cyclic type of operation of the stove, the temperature inside the house is constantly changing. While the wood is burning, the rooms are warm, and when the stove is no longer lit, it becomes cold, especially at night.

The solution in this case could be to install a heat accumulator, but it will require a powerful stove. Such a battery is a large-volume container filled with water, which is installed between the stove and the heating system. Thus, a self-installed stove with steam heating is equipped with two independent heating circuits.

The first of them is with a natural type of circulation. It ensures the transfer of heat from the furnace to the coolant. According to the second, hot water enters the radiators. As a rule, a circulation pump is installed on it.

The advantages of this type of heating are that as the fuel burns in the stove, the water in the container is heated. It can heat up to 60-80℃ and keep radiators warm for 10-12 hours. Thus, it is completely ensured comfortable temperature indoors without cold or excessive heat.

Installing a battery or buffer tank significantly reduces the risk of water boiling in the circuit. Thanks to circulation pump, in the second circuit the water will not boil anyway, but in the first circuit it is important to correctly calculate the volume of the buffer tank. This is necessary to create the optimal speed of movement of the coolant in a system with a natural type of circulation, so that it does not have time to boil.

Heating registers

Before installing stove heating, it is worth deciding on the type of heating water circuit, also called a register, heat exchanger, coil or water jacket. Most often it is a rectangular flat container or several tubes connected together.

But before connecting the heating to the stove, two pipes must be welded to the register. The first serves to draw hot coolant from the furnace, and the second supplies cooled water back to the heat exchanger.

The size of the heat exchanger can be determined by the level of heat loss in a particular house. So, if 10 kW of thermal energy is needed, the heat exchanger area should be 1 m 2. It is worth considering that the oven does not work all day, but for about 1.5-3 hours, depending on the outside temperature. This time should be enough to warm up the water in the heat accumulator. Consequently, to calculate the register area, the daily consumption of thermal energy in the house is determined.

So, with heat loss at home of 12 kW/hour, daily consumption will be 288 kW of energy. Let's assume that the oven operates 3 hours a day. It turns out that every hour 288÷3=96 kW of energy should be released. Then the area of ​​the heating register will be 96÷10=9.6 m2. The shape of the heat exchanger in this case is not important, the main thing is that the surface area is no less than the obtained data.

Please note that with the stated heat exchanger size thermal power The oven must be larger to produce the required amount of heat. In addition, the size of the heat accumulator tank should also have a margin of 10-15% to prevent water from boiling.

When using antifreeze as a coolant, you can further increase the volume of the heat accumulator, since water and antifreeze have different heat capacities.

If the buffer tank is additionally insulated, the heat will be retained in it further, and the efficiency of stove heating will increase.

Installation of a heating register in a finished stove

Of course, it is much better if the heat exchanger is installed before construction of the furnace begins. However, how to make heating from a stove - water heating in particular, if it is already folded - is far from an easy question. In this case, it will be necessary to somehow place a sufficiently large heat exchanger and ensure its secure fixation. In addition, it will be necessary to connect the supply and return pipelines to it.

Another difficulty is that the register must be placed in such a way as to prevent its direct contact with fire, but to ensure heating of the coolant from hot gases. It will be quite difficult to carry out such a task, although it is possible in principle.

Heating issue winter period time is acutely facing everyone who plans to build their own Vacation home. Electrical equipment for most consumers it is too expensive, and connecting to the gas supply network is not always available everywhere. In this case, the alternative will be the well-known wood-burning stoves for summer cottages, which have not lost their relevance for many centuries.


Depending on needs, consumers can choose furnace equipment with a water circuit different power. There are stoves equipped with a tank for storing wood pellets, as well as an automatic pellet feeding mechanism. It is a screw conveyor or pneumatic device.

Modern wood-burning stoves are equipped with a control system that allows you to set the optimal operating mode, providing a specific temperature for a certain period of time. With a light load, loading fuel and cleaning ash does not need to be done often.

If for different household needs a large volume of water is required, it is recommended to purchase units in which 10% of the heat is spent on heating needs, and 90% is spent on heating water, which will subsequently be sent to the heating system or to the storage tank.

There are furnaces with a water circuit, which are equipped with a system forced ventilation, automatic programming and remote control.

Such equipment can be called universal heating devices that simultaneously combine the functions of titanium and a boiler. This makes water heating from a wood stove an ideal option for country houses, dachas and cottages.


A classic stove consists of the following main elements:

  • chimney;
  • boilers through which combustion products and smoke rise upward;
  • a firebox in which wood is burned;
  • ash collector for effective cleaning of the firebox from ash.

During operation of the furnace unit, all four walls of the structure are heated. Briquettes or firewood can be used as a heat source. The main material for constructing the stove is red brick.

Principle of operation

Units with a water circuit are equipped with a heat exchanger built into the firebox or chimney duct. There are models that can operate in steam circulation mode.

A stove for heating with wood can be made of boiler steel, cast iron, designed to work in conditions high pressure pair. These devices are used both as additional equipment and as the main heat source.

A heat exchanger is installed inside the furnace unit. Heated gases move through the channels of the heating reservoir, transferring heat to the liquid. A furnace with a boiler in its design can have several tanks at the same time, which can significantly increase its efficiency. Water is heated in one tank, and with increased heating, the process of vaporization occurs in the second.

To warm up large building with traditional stove heating, several stoves will be required, and the consumption of coal or fuel will be quite high. Therefore, more economical and alternative option There will be a stove for water heating of a wood-burning house, equipped with a special hot water boiler built into the firebox. Even in severe frosts for such heating system Lighting the stove twice a day is enough.

Such devices are capable of heating the building even during breaks between fireboxes. During the cooling process, the pipelines give up their heat for another 5-6 hours, thereby providing heating without consuming fuel. Water heating from a wood-burning stove has an efficiency of 80-85%.

Heat dissipation

For example, let's take a stove with an iron boiler 35 cm high, 48 cm wide, 75 cm long and a water circuit measuring 1020 x 1020 mm. In this case, the efficiency of the furnace unit, provided correct operation can reach about 85%. With a two-time firebox, the heat output of the furnace will be 6500 kcal/h (7600 W), and the heat output of the boiler will be 15,000 kcal/h (17,500 W).

If you calculate the total heat output of a wood-burning stove with a water tank and boiler, you get about 21,500 kcal/h (25,000 W). Using this heating option in severe frosts will allow you to heat a room up to 300 m2 in size.

Greater heat transfer from the furnace unit is achieved by heating the surface of the water boiler. The body of the metal tank is washed from all sides by hot gases. At the same time, the inner surface of the heating chamber also heats up well, which allows you to maintain a heated state of the water boiler during the break between fireboxes (about 7-8 hours).

Thus, compared to conventional solid fuel boilers, water heating from a wood-burning stove is much cheaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the emergence of an incredible number of technical innovations designed for heating premises, owners of private houses prefer stove equipment. And there are many significant reasons for this.


  • Economical. The services of a stove maker will cost much less than purchasing modern devices, their maintenance and installation. The stove can be made from mortar and bricks that were left over after building the house. Repair and operation of such devices does not require large investments.
  • Design variability. A modern master can build a stove of any shape and size. It can be decorated with exquisite designer decor, painted in various colors. There are designs that combine a fireplace and stove.
  • High degree of maintainability. Over many years of operation, this equipment requires only minor cosmetic repairs. This is much faster, cheaper and easier than taking an expensive unit for service.
  • Possibility of regulation of combustion intensity in the firebox.
  • An atmosphere of comfort that is typical only for Russians old huts with stoves.
  • The intensity and speed of air heating is determined by the position of the dampers.


  • It will take some time for water heating from a wood-burning stove to produce sufficient heat. Brickwork takes a long time to warm up.
  • The presence of dry wood and open fire are factors of high fire danger. When fuel burns, you will have to stay at home and monitor the stove.
  • Ash, soot, sawdust from firewood, dust. The room where the stove is located will have to be cleaned more often.
  • Uneven distribution of heat in the living space reduces the level of comfort.
  • Large dimensions designs reduce usable area building. By definition, a stove cannot be small, since efficiency depends on its size.

Project development

As mentioned above, water heating from a wood-burning brick stove is quite dangerous design. Therefore, development project documentation It is recommended to entrust it to a specialist who will take into account all the details.

Design Features

  • In general, it is advisable to design water heating before the start of construction in order to think through the optimal layout of the living space. The equipment should be located closer to the center to ensure easy access to the firebox. You should not place the front part of the stove in the room; it is preferable to take it out into the interior corridor or hallway.
  • In case of close location of the unit and interior partitions, it is necessary to provide a ventilated indentation or air gap between them to prevent overheating of wooden structures. For greater safety, the furnace side can be lined with fire-resistant materials or the partitions can be lined with bricks. This will reduce fire danger heating systems.

Water heating from a wood-burning stove: diagram

First of all, you need to decide functionality future furnace unit. Will it be used only for heating water or for other purposes? As a rule, a brick kiln for water heating is performed in conjunction with hob, which is relevant for country houses.

Additionally, a complex chimney system should be constructed. As hot carbon monoxide passes through them, the walls will heat up and heat will enter the room. They can take up about 70% of the oven volume, which is not always possible for small houses.

The main component of water heating from a furnace is the heat exchanger. This element transfers thermal energy from the combustion of fuel (coal, firewood) to the coolant. The heat exchanger is located at the rear of the combustion chamber.

Having chosen the most suitable scheme, you can begin construction. The best option would be the purchase of a finished steel model, which can subsequently be covered with protective refractory brick in 1 layer. However, if a large, powerful unit is required, it is recommended to make it yourself.

DIY oven

The construction of the furnace begins with the construction of the foundation. It is important that it is not tied to the foundation of the house. To do this, it is poured into the ground concrete screed, its height should not exceed the floor level by more than 5-7 cm. Only after this can the construction of the structure begin.

  • The first rows of the ash pan are laid in accordance with the selected pattern.
  • Next, the blower door is installed and the structure is lined with brick. The door should be made of cast iron, measuring 19.5 x 24 cm.
  • The combustion chamber is made in a similar way.
  • It is preferable to install a ready-made chimney with a round cross-section.

It is advisable to use fireproof material for the ash pan and combustion chamber. For cladding, you can choose a regular one. sand-lime brick, since it is characterized by good heat capacity.