Parfenchikov Artur Olegovich personal life. Who is Artur Parfenchikov? Early years. Education

She is young, beautiful and, of course, talented. Her film career began very successfully: with one of the main roles in the television series “Poor Nastya,” and this despite the fact that Anna is not a professional actress at all.

“Becoming a model made me feel like paradise”

Anna Gorshkova was born on November 28, 1983 in Moscow, she grew up on the Patriarch's Ponds, graduated from a specialized English school, which was like a cage for her - the girl never felt free there. The class also included children of high-ranking parents, the demands were high, and Anna was very shy. “Only when I started my modeling career did I feel like paradise; I couldn’t even imagine that this could happen,” the actress noted in an interview.
Anna achieved everything herself, but, as the actress says, she would not have succeeded without the warm support of her mother and grandmother. They took her to different clubs and approved of Anna’s dreams of becoming a ballerina, figure skater, and singer. She really wanted to sing, so there was a music school, Popov’s children’s choir, and even Gnesinka, where the future actress studied vocals for some time. Since then, she has had the dream of recording her solo album.

After school, Anna decided to receive a standard education, to study the subjects that always interested her: psychology, philosophy. Therefore, I entered the evening department of the Faculty of Sociology and Personnel Management Russian University management. To the question “Why not GITIS or “Pike”?” confidently answers that in such establishments certain stereotypes are laid down, and this, she believes, in some situations even interferes. Much more important is the experience you gain during practical work.

And Anna ended up in the cinema completely by accident: “Before working in “Poor Nastya,” I belonged to a modeling workshop for three whole years. My life on the screen began after taking acting courses at one of the most famous theaters in the country. There are many recognizable models in my group. My friend Yulia Nachalova also studied there with her now ex-husband. The audience was very diverse. All the people were busy - a lot of work. From morning to evening, adults, locked within four walls, for several months did nothing but learn the basics of acting. At the same time, few of them planned to become an actor. For freedom-loving models, involuntary confinement was a very painful matter.

The habit of managing my time independently took its toll. However, the students were excited to work on a common cause. The team we selected was very interesting.

I think I was very lucky - I was the only one from the group who was chosen for one of the main roles, which, in principle, came as a complete surprise to me. I studied very mediocrely, without showing any special talents, I paid more attention to my studies at the university. The first half of the day was spent on courses, and in the evening I ran to classes at the university. Just at this very time, the subjects of the strictest teacher began. Absenteeism was simply unacceptable. I wasn’t with the guys at that time. I was very upset when at the end I was simply not allowed to the last show because of my passes. I was incredibly upset. How is it possible, I worked equally with everyone else, but all my efforts were completely in vain! The director of the series “Poor Nastya” did not pay any attention to my absenteeism. He saw an actress in me, and I consider him my godfather.”

“Polina is a mixture of grief and heroism”

Director Pyotr Stein invited Anna Gorshkova to try out for the role of Polina in the TV series “Poor Nastya.” “There is something about her that is both simple and demonic. With such a characteristic face, I think Gorshkova will definitely play a negative heroine,” he later said. Anna immediately liked the role of a serf weaving an insidious web of intrigue on the Korf estate, although at first, as she admitted in an interview, she was suspicious of her heroine: she did not know how to show her more competently. “But then I realized,” says the actress, “that Polina is just an unhappy woman who has been unlucky in life. A serf, lonely, not understood by anyone, and even unable to get on stage. And she really wants to live for her own pleasure - beautifully and happily. That is why the maid Anna Platonova is jealous, that is why she decides to take desperate steps and helps Olga Kalinovskaya at her own peril and risk. I would really like the viewer to see in Polina this hellish mixture of grief, a difficult female lot and at the same time some heroism and charm. After all, not every woman is capable of achieving her desired goal with such tenacity. You need the character of a tough nut to crack, not weakness and whining. And, believe me, playing such an ambiguous heroine is a pleasure. Besides, villains are almost always attractive and good-looking.”

The role of Polina brought Anna wide popularity. They began to recognize her on the streets, stop her and say good words, ask for an autograph. And besides, she opened the way for the actress to other film sets. Anna played one of the main roles in the series “Dear Masha Berezina”, and was invited by Karen Shakhnazarov to play the main female role in the film “A Horseman Named Death”. But she refused because of the sex scenes, because she is sure that it is possible to convey the fullness of feelings without exposing the body on the screen. True, having played another role in the film, I was extremely surprised when at the premiere I learned that all the sex scenes were cut out.

Anna considers the series “Two Fates-2” to be a very important stage in her career. “I have never had such a role before,” admits the actress. – My Dasha is not just an absolutely positive girl, she is also a person out of this world: pure, naive, touching. She looks at life, as they say, with her eyes wide open. Since my heroine decides to go into modeling business, fate takes her to Paris. Filming took place in difficult conditions. I hope our suffering was not in vain, and the audience liked our work.”

Recapture the groom from Kabaeva

Anna is not like her heroines, although each of them, of course, has something of her. In general, in life she, as the actress herself says, is very controversial person, with different moods and different qualities. He loves to read. Moreover, everything in a row: from classics to detective stories. He reads mostly at night because he doesn’t have enough free time. He also loves to travel. After Moscow, Rome is her second favorite city. But Anna doesn’t like to do housework—neither cleaning nor cooking.

Gymnast Alina Kabaeva claimed in one of her interviews that Anna Gorshkova took her fiancé away from her. But the actress, who was accompanied by Shalva Museliani, Alina Kabaeva’s ex-fiancé, at the “Most Stylish in Russia” award ceremony, says that she did not break up the couple’s relationship. According to Gorshkova, she has only friendly relations with Museliani, which began after the man broke up with Kabaeva.

“Therefore, all these inventions that under the cover of darkness, in Kabaeva’s absence, I visited David’s apartment (as Anna calls Museliani) and came to see him at work at the police station are a blatant lie!”

Gorshkova met Museliani in the company of mutual friends. David captivated the actress by watching all the series with her participation. But she still married a completely different man. The actress's chosen one was businessman Mikhail Borshchev. The couple met at a party of mutual friends, after which Mikhail began actively courting Anna, but without much success. Then he decided to change tactics and invited Gorshkova to lead the big sports festival. The actress agreed, and from now on she had to spend a lot of time with Borshchev while preparing for the event. Mikhail constantly gave her flowers and introduced her to her parents. Anna herself did not notice how their romance began. And soon Borshchev proposed to her - in a restaurant where the walls and ceiling were covered in live orchids. A couple of months later, Anna and Mikhail got married.

Gorshkova understands that it is difficult to please a modern man. His ideal woman is either barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, or a self-sufficient lady successfully making a career: “On the one hand, men like that their companions are recognizable and respected women. I say this by trying it on myself. On the other hand, unreasonable jealousy appears. Jealousy is not even towards other men, but towards the profession. They are egocentric, they believe: I, I am loved, you should devote your life to me alone. I, with all my desire, cannot give one hundred percent of my attention to a man... I very often hear from my male friends that what they miss most is comfort. Prosperous people talk about this. It is important for them to come to a house where they are expected to return. For them, it is not necessary to scrub the apartment until it shines and prepare some culinary delights. Men need the feeling that they are coming home to their wife, their beloved, from whom warmth and comfort emanate... Hence their very complex attitude towards public professions.”

And yet, according to Anna, a female actress is different from other women: “They say that women in this profession are more than just women. I probably agree with this. A female actress is much more observant. This is a female goddess. Her intuition is sharpened to the limit.”

My knees are shaking on stage

Relatives like to see Anna on the screen. “In my family, only my mother speaks out, absolutely not sparing my pride,” says Gorshkova. The actress herself also watches her television work: “I try to do this as much as possible. True, I didn’t manage to watch everything from “Poor Nastya”. While watching, I determine what I still need to work on.”

Often funny situations happen on the set. According to the actress, as a rule, these are small get-togethers: only the actors know what they are talking about. It happened that she could hardly restrain herself from making jokes while working with Dmitry Shevchenko. “There are moments when you simply cannot do without humor. This happened while working on “Bachelors,” when I starred with Marat Basharov. At that time he worked very hard and hardly slept for several days. In order to somehow maintain himself in working condition, he did the following: for five takes in a row, he made funny jokes, improvising in such a way that it was almost impossible not to make jokes. These takes, of course, were not included in the series, but they were the ones who created the atmosphere on the set.”

By the way, Anna is not a supporter of experimenting with her appearance for the sake of an interesting role. Gain 12 kg weight and dye your hair green color– this is not for her: “To be honest, I am fighting a fierce battle with being overweight. It’s easier to do this, it seems to me, in Hollywood, when a nutritionist monitors your weight changes. The movie “Bridget Jones's Diary” comes to mind. There, Renee Zellweger easily gets fat and then loses weight... Although, I think, such changes in weight do not pass without leaving a mark on the body. I'm not going to radically change my appearance either. Besides work I have personal life, where I want to look the way I like.”

But to transform into different characters Anna still likes it. She recently played a leading role in the TV series “Ticket to the Harem,” where her heroine, a beauty from a small mining town, had to fend off the advances of an Arab sheikh into whose harem bandits sold her. By the way, sometimes work on the film took place simply in extreme conditions: once film crew she even survived a real sandstorm when the escape scene was filmed in Israel. But Gorshkova really enjoyed working in this film, especially since the people around her did everything possible to make her feel comfortable even in the desert.

Having become famous as an actress in TV series and the theater stage, however, Anna is in no hurry to conquer: “It’s very interesting and at the same time very difficult. I went on stage: I just had to announce the name of the person who won in a certain category... My knees were shaking with horror. I just don’t remember myself on stage. You still need to get used to this adrenaline. In general, there are no limits to perfection..."

Why does a great athlete not allow journalists into her private life?

Our sports columnist Sergei LATYNIN decided to comment on the news of a new stage in the biography of the great athlete, which caused a flurry of the most controversial responses on the Express Gazeta website.

For two years, this private media holding headed Kirill Kovalchuk- nephew of the chairman of Rossiya Bank Yuri Kovalchuk.

So that you understand the scale of this business, let me explain. National Media Group (NMG) owns 68 percent. shares of REN TV, 72.4 percent. Channel Five, 25 percent. “Channel One”, the radio station “Russian News Service”, as well as 49.9 percent. News Media holding (it includes the newspapers Izvestia, Life, Your Day, Marker, the LifeNews TV channel, Bubble magazine and the Internet portal At the end of 2013, the profit of the NMG holding amounted to 2 billion 388 million rubles. This is what the 31-year-old woman found herself at the head of: Alina Kabaeva!

Is this a coincidence? Hardly. Six years ago, Kabaeva became chairman Public Council"National Media Group". In addition, she has experience working on television, in particular at REN TV. After finishing her sports career, Kabaeva hosted a weekly author’s program “Steps to Success” on this channel. They came to visit the Olympic champion famous politicians, artists and athletes. Alina stood quite confidently in the frame, and in herself was a highlight of the program.

It is no coincidence that in 2006, Kabaeva was recognized as the sexiest athlete in Russia. Millions of men secretly dreamed about her. Perhaps the player who courted the world champion most actively was the Spartak and Russian national team player Maxim Buznikin. He gave her flowers and gifts and wore a T-shirt with her portrait under the club T-shirt at matches. And he even wrote a song about Kabaeva, “Alina - half of my destiny.” The romance between the football player and the gymnast lasted six months. But it didn’t come to marriage. They say, Irina Viner, Kabaeva’s long-term coach and her guardian angel, made it clear:

Take your time, girl. You are a bird flying high, you may have a more worthy party.

Soon a police major appeared in Alina's life Shalva Museliani- Georgians with money and connections. On the day of their engagement, Shalva gave the gymnast a luxurious blue Mercedes. Perhaps the matter would have ended with a registry office, but it suddenly turned out that the impressive cop was already married! Alina sent her lover to resign and made a promise to herself: her personal life would never again be available to the press.

Since then, Kabaeva has devoted journalists only to her parliamentary affairs. In rare interviews, she talked about how she promoted the “law Dima Yakovleva", prohibiting US citizens from adopting Russian children. About how her charitable foundation built sports complex in war-torn Tskhinvali. How she helped rural libraries in Tatarstan and put so much soul into holding children’s rhythmic gymnastics festivals. About his work on REN TV and Channel Five.

But the people were interested in something else. Several years ago there was a rumor that Kabaeva had given birth to a boy. And then Internet gossips reported that Alina lives in a luxurious villa in a gated community of Gazprom. But the famous athlete only grinned in response to journalists’ attempts to sniff out her innermost secrets. And only once in the program “Temporarily Available” (TVC) to the question Dmitry Gubin She answered in the affirmative: yes, she has a beloved man and she is a truly happy woman.

The girl is happy with her lover!

- her closest friend, actor and predictor Jean Daniel is sure

Actor Jean DANIEL is not only talented in his profession, but also has a mystical gift. For example, he saved one friend from the boyfriend she was planning to marry - the guy turned out to be a marriage swindler, as Jean predicted. He strongly advised another friend not to board the plane - and the plane ended up in a plane crash. Daniel helped more than once necessary advice and Alina KABAEVA.

My friend introduced us back in the late 90s. When Alina came from training camp, we arranged various gatherings and tea parties with her,” Jean recalled. - Once we celebrated my birthday together in Sardinia - the villa was then fully paid for by my childhood friend from New Zealand Edouard Memarne. Alina then brought me a luxurious tea set as a gift. Now it stands in my sideboard in the most visible place!

I miss those times. Now Alina is very, very busy! She does so much: she opened two sports schools in Kazan, she helps the disabled, children, and artists a lot. But for some reason no one talks about this. And they write all sorts of, excuse me, nonsense about the poor girl! We used to sit with her and laugh. The funny thing is that she learns all this nonsense from me. She doesn’t read this nonsense, thank God. So we laugh, they say, she has already given birth to two children, now, probably, it remains to write that she is expecting a third from a black man!

I dare to assure you that everything is fine with her personal life. Alina has a lover. I also know him - a very pleasant young man. It is clear from everything that Alina is happy with him. They are not officially married. Bye. Wait, the time will probably come soon. We'll let you know!

11 years have passed since a rumor appeared in 2007 that Alina Kabaeva had become the secret lover of the then married Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, even in 2018, talk continues about who Alina Kabaeva and her children share their lives with. Photos appear online that allegedly show her new husband.

For all the time that the show business star was featured in the press, as many as 3 men were predicted for her as husbands, sometimes at the same time.

Alina Kabaeva. Photo

Her narrowed ones became:

  • police captain Shalvo Museliani
  • footballer Maxim Buznikin
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Alina Kabaeva is credited with having an affair with Vladimir Putin

Novels by Alina Kabaeva

The scandalous love affairs in the gymnast’s life began long before the intrigue and joint photos with Putin that continued unabated until 2018. Alina Kabaeva, at the age of 17, out of her youthful inexperience, openly said that her future husband and father of her future children was policeman Shalvo Museliani. Alina, still just a girl, eagerly gave interviews left and right, talking about her affair with the police captain.

The lightning-fast feelings were cut short in the midst of it - it suddenly turned out that the peace officer was married and had a child.

Alina Kabaeva and Shalva Museliani

Museliani’s wife calmly countered Kabaeva’s enthusiastic childhood speeches on the page of one major print publication and made it clear that the romance between the young gymnast and the adult policeman would most likely come to an end.

Kabaeva, having learned that her lover was married, immediately asked the media to spare her, not to pester her with questions and to leave her alone for a while. However, she did not ruin the relationship and demanded that the gentleman make a choice and break up with his wife. Museliani divorced his wife, but clearly not in order to marry Kabaeva. The police captain at that time had already paid attention to the spectacular actress Anna Gorshkova and began openly dating her.

However, this romance did not last long. Museliani and Gorshkova quickly broke up, and a little later the actress disappeared from the big screens. They say that the angry Kabaeva was involved in the breakup of the couple and Anna Gorshkova’s departure from show business.

Alina Kabaeva broke up with the millionaire after 5 years of relationship

Shalvo Museliani returned to the gymnast. But attempt number 2 did not bring happiness - the couple dated on and off for about 5 years. During this five-year period, Alina managed to soar to the very top of popularity in big-time sports. The girl participated in all possible competitions, winning the most prestigious awards.

At the same time, the athlete started an affair with football player Buznikin. In 2007, Alina Kabaeva triumphantly retired from gymnastics, and at the same time from the life of a police officer.

Such a decisive step came as a shock to fans; no one could understand what was going on in the life of the former gymnast. People were at a loss, and the answer began to suggest itself a little later.[

In 2007, Alina left big sport

Kabaeva and Putin

After breaking up with Museliani, media-loving Kabaeva, who had previously willingly shared her secrets with the press, suddenly fell silent. When asked who occupied her heart now, Alina was mysteriously silent, and then everyone else began to speak.

Legends about the man whose passion Kabaeva has now become blew up the Internet and central television.

Kabaeva and Putin

In 2008, a resonance in society was caused by the news of the Moscow Correspondent that Alina Kabaeva was for Vladimir Putin. Not only all of Russia, but also Europe choked on their morning coffee while reading the article about the wedding and looking at the accompanying photographs. Putin openly laughed at her and called the article “nonsense of journalists.”

The head of the “Moscow Correspondent” then muttered mysteriously, saying, “there was nothing to pay the employees,” and the publication ceased its activities at the same time.

And yet the wave of rumors could no longer be stopped. Only the lazy did not write about a possible romance between the head of state and the former most popular athlete. But both participants in the events carefully protected their personal lives from prying eyes and ears. It was impossible to prove anything and all that was left was to wait. Not only Kabaeva’s fans, but also the whole country, as well as foreign media, froze in anticipation.

Vladimir Putin denied rumors of a wedding with Alina Kabaeva

Alina's children

About a year has passed since the publication of the Moscow Correspondent, and in in social networks information appeared that Alina Kabaeva had a son. The boy was named Dmitry. Many said at the time that the child was named after the new president Russian Federation Medvedev.

This conjecture was first put forward by the European press, and the Russian media volubly picked it up. The star herself did not give any comments.

Alina Kabaeva then disappeared from the sight of gossips and journalists. A careless step was the appearance of a girl with a small child in public. But later the star refused to admit that the photo from the event was her son. The gymnast said that her nephew Senya was in her arms that evening, and later stated that she had taken a photo with her friend’s child.

Analysts began tracking the star's private flights, and in 2013 they noticed that she landed with a small child in Sochi.

Alina Kabaeva with her child (same photo)

“Most likely, she flew to Putin,” the writing fraternity decided and began to wait again. Then, in 2013, Alina Kabaeva, according to rumors. The athlete has not flown anywhere from Sochi with her two children for a long time.

After Vladimir Putin’s official divorce from his wife during the Olympics in Sochi, the president appeared on video in the media with wedding ring. A similar decoration was seen at the Olympics, on Kabaeva’s ring finger.

Alina Kabaeva wears a wedding ring

In 2015, Alina, according to various sources, gave birth to her third child. And since then she has completely disappeared from the sight of the press and public. Until 2018, Alina Kabaeva, her husband and her children remain the core of controversy not only in their country, but also at the global level.

The Internet community is replete with photos with obvious traces of editing and images from which it is very difficult to determine whether they are real or skillfully edited.

In 2018, journalists tirelessly compare photos of the location of the president and the gymnast, vying with each other to speculate who her husband is and where her children are. And Alina Kabaeva herself is still one of the most mysterious figures in show business, and the gymnast’s personal life remains a big mystery that the whole country is painfully trying to unravel.

Alina Maratovna Kabaeva is a magnificent woman, a beauty, an elegant athlete and an incredibly versatile person. Kabaeva has been one of the most famous athletes in the Russian Federation for many years, who has made a significant contribution to domestic gymnastics.

At the same time, Alina Maratovna did not focus on artistic gymnastics, since she had achieved a lot in social, political and charitable activities. The woman actively supports talented children from orphanages and those who find themselves in difficult life situations.

With the help of Kabaeva, sports centers and children's playgrounds were built throughout the country, training sessions and master classes were organized for world sports luminaries, who constantly proved that healthy image life is fashionable, modern and incredibly cool.

At the same time, Alina Maratovna is a person who cannot be treated unambiguously, since she is not only very talented, but also has an incredible talent for getting into various scandalous situations. Special attention she is attracted by her mysterious personal life, since journalists never tire of coming up with sensations about the children and the wedding of the famous gymnast with Vladimir Putin himself.

By the way, Kabaeva’s fans cannot understand what to believe in and what they shouldn’t trust, so you should only turn to your common sense.

It is worth noting that most fans want to clarify what the height, weight, and age of Putin’s possible favorite is. How old Alina Kabaeva is can be found out quite easily based on the woman’s date of birth.

Alina Maratovna was born into this world in 1983, which means she has already reached thirty-five full years. The woman is still young and full of strength, however, she has already completed her career as a gymnast, like all athletes.

The zodiac circle endowed Kabaeva with character traits inherent to Taurus, including ambition, determination, assertiveness, a craving for sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Wherein Eastern horoscope gave the woman the sign of a loving, trusting, stylish, good-natured, brave, businesslike, intelligent and friendly Pig, who has the rare gift of winning over people and organizing them into a team.

Alina’s height does not exceed 164 centimeters, and the gymnast weighs a little, namely 56 kilos.

The biography of Alina Kabaeva is a truly fascinating and instructive story strong man about how increased ability to work can elevate a person to the highest pedestal, from which one must step down in time.

Alina was a rather active, cunning and persistent girl, she constantly found adventures, so it was decided to channel her irrepressible energy into a peaceful direction. At the same time, little Kabaeva never agreed to do anything she didn’t like; she actively protested and often disobeyed her parents.

Alina amazed everyone with her lively facial expressions and incredible plasticity; at the age of three she was attracted to figure skating, so the girl was sent to this section of the Ice Palace.

After the girl was taken from the amateur section, her parents began to look for the ideal sport for her - beautiful and promising. As a result of a long search, five-year-old Alinka ended up in gymnastics, which amazed her with its spectacle, the persistent girl won over the coaches, so the twelve-year-old beauty ended up in Moscow.

The capital's sports school frightened the provincial plump and unprepossessing girl because hazing and cruel methods of education flourished there. Coach Irina Winter suffered for a long time with Alina, but managed to teach her proper nutrition, grace and the ability to stand up for yourself.

The girl won her first gymnastics competition when she turned thirteen. Then no one could even think that in front of them was the future record holder and four-time European champion.

When Alina turned eighteen, the young and fragile beauty managed to conquer everyone and receive the prestigious title of world champion. This helped me to believe in myself, because at the age of seventeen I received bronze at the World Championships due to the fact that I lost points due to the ridiculous fall of the hoop right in the final.

The girl constantly experienced a series of joys and sorrows, for example, as soon as her name unexpectedly found its way into the Guinness Book of Records, she found herself at the center of a doping scandal. Alina and her teammates were banned from taking part in world-class sporting events for a year, but the worst thing is that the girl lost the medals she earned at the Goodwill Games.

In addition to gymnastics, Kabaeva found herself in many other industries, as she appeared in music videos, films, hosted sports news and showed herself as an aspiring model. Alina is active as part of the president’s party, she is an activist in many public and social programs, the woman is especially active in issues of mercy, helping children, sports development and an accessible sports environment for people of all ages, including those with disabilities.

The girl finished her sports career on time, so she can travel and help people in need. Kabaeva is a fairly educated person, since she can boast of two higher education, she was at one time a student at MGUS and the St. Petersburg University of Physical Education and Sports.

The personal life of Alina Kabaeva is a sealed secret that constantly causes a sea of ​​rumors. The talented athlete was so quiet and non-public that she categorically refused to talk about her loved ones and dear people.

Alina caught Cupid's arrow for the first time when she was barely seventeen. Her chosen one is not at all the same age and not an athlete, but policeman Shalva (according to other sources, David) Museliani. The captain was the first handsome man, and he never promised Alina to marry her, although the girl in love often confessed her love to her chosen one at world-class competitions.

It turned out that the reason for this handsome black-browed behavior was banal; he was happily married and raising his beloved daughter Ninochka. At the same time, Olga Museliani, the guy’s legal wife, constantly gave unflattering interviews in the press, where she never tired of throwing mud at the gymnast, calling her a girl of easy virtue and a destroyer of families. The wayward Kabaeva simply demanded that her lover divorce his ex-wife.

The guy freed himself from family ties, but immediately rushed to cheat on his chosen one with the bright actress Anna Gorshkova. However, Anya did not enjoy her personal happiness for long, because the same influential and cunning Alina forced the couple to break up.

Relations with Museliani were in limbo for almost five years, until the girl sent the policeman to the bench.

In addition to her first whirlwind romance, Kabaeva had a relationship with promising football player Max Buznikin, which quickly fizzled out. Already in 2008, persistent rumors appeared that Vladimir Putin himself was looking at Alina with too much love eyes and was pinning a medal to her chest for a suspiciously long time.

And, although they rushed to cover up the scandalous publishing house “Moscow Correspondent” in disgrace, the rumors about a romance between celebrities of this level did not dissipate, but on the contrary, information appeared that Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin were having a wedding video. Later it turned out that the information about the wedding of the president and the gymnast on Valaam was just another newspaper rumor, but it caused a lot of problems.

Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin wedding on Valaam video and photo is another scandalous information that periodically appeared on the Internet and remained at the level of ridiculous rumors.

The fact is that after the divorce of the presidential couple, people started talking on the sidelines that a secret wedding ceremony had taken place in 2013. Observant fans and ill-wishers noticed that the head of state and the gymnast went somewhere together, and then similar wedding rings appeared on their ring fingers. There was no answer to the question about the origin of such complex decoration, although neither side was in a relationship.

In 2013, Alina already broke up not only with Museliani, but also with Buznikin, and Vladimir defiantly got rid of the family ring immediately after his and Lyudmila’s divorce was announced.

After this, they started talking about the fact that Putin and Kabaeva not only got married, but also got married in secret that same year. This event took place on the beautiful Valdai Lake, however, the monks of the Iversky Monastery do not confirm that the ritual was performed.

At the same time, in Wikipedia and state encyclopedias both parties are called bachelors, and Putin’s press service said top level It was stated that Vladimir Vladimirovich is not married and does not live in a civil marriage with anyone.

Alina Kabaeva’s family was athletic, so the little girl knew from childhood that sports and activity are the key to good health. Alina also learned to be tolerant of religion different people, because she was born from the love of an Orthodox Christian and a Muslim.

Father - Marat Kabaev - was an athlete, he played for football club with the world name "Pakhtakor".

Mother - Lyubov Kabaeva - in the past was not inferior to her famous husband, since she was a famous Uzbek basketball player, and then raised her daughters.

Sister - Leysan or Lisana Kabaeva - is a representative of a sports dynasty, she is younger than Alina, but also shared her interests. The girl did gymnastics, fencing and figure skating, but found her future profession in the legal industry.

At the same time, Leysan continues to play sports, but only to keep himself in good shape, and at the same time he is the head of one of the Moscow real estate agencies. She dreams of earning her own money for her own luxury hotel, but for now this is a pipe dream.

By the way, the parents wanted their daughter to engage in a sport in which she could achieve high success and become a champion, so Alina left the amateur section. It was the family that taught the young girl to set high goals for herself and achieve their conquest.

The girl happily ran to training and went to training camps, because she often watched how her family and loved ones did this.

The father got his daughter interested in a far from girlish sport - football, so little Alina was known in the stands by absolutely all the athletes and most of the avid fans. The baby did not miss a single training session of Marat Kabaev or football championships in which the Pakhtakor football club took part. She enjoyed communicating with the team players and kicking the ball during training with her dad.

Now mother and father are happy about their daughter’s success, especially happy is Marat Kabaev, who is always ready to talk about his Alina. By the way, in Uzbekistan the famous gymnast is still called simply “the daughter of football player Kabaev,” which the girl is incredibly proud of.

Does Alina Kabaeva have children and who is her husband? Vladimir Putin?

Does Alina Kabaeva have children and who is her husband? Vladimir Putin? – these issues constantly appear in the media, the Internet and on television shows. The woman doesn’t even try to make excuses or talk about her family life, which gives rise to even more rumors.

Thus, journalists often attribute many children to an officially childless gymnast, making her a mother of many children. In 2009, they started talking about the fact that Kabaeva gave birth to Putin’s long-awaited heir, named after Dmitry Medvedev. The scandalous statement was supported by a photo in which Alina was holding a serious, fair-haired boy in her arms. However, it soon became clear that this was Kabaeva’s nephew named Arseny.

Fans of the “couple” were outraged that it was Kabaeva who took charge of refuting the rumors, clarifying that the country’s president did not even want to support his beloved. Moreover, information immediately appeared in the press about the birth of a daughter to the president and the gymnast in 2013, as well as about Alina and her children moving to the city of Sochi to a country residence.

Later, information about the birth of children from Vladimir Vladimirovich appeared on the Internet several times, but no one was going to comment on it. In addition, as evidence, photoshopped photographs were posted on the Internet in which children of different ages were attached to Kabaeva.

Kabaeva has already said hundreds of times that she has never been pregnant and has not given birth to even one baby, which she greatly regrets. The fact is that she has not yet found a beloved guy to whom she would like to give a little son or daughter.

As for her husband, Alina Maratovna is officially not married; she was disappointed in her former lover Museliani, the relationship with whom did not even develop into a civil marriage.

Vladimir Vladimirovich never officially became Alina’s husband, and we are not talking about a wedding here. By the way, only relations at the state level have been confirmed, since Putin and Kabaeva are part of the same party, the girl was often awarded medals from the hands of the head of state, but she denies that she became a homewrecker of the strong presidential couple.

In addition, Kabaeva often says that she never married the head of state, so the girl is offended by dirty hints addressed to her. For example, Alina often gets upset when she hears the nickname “Zabava Putyatishna”, which her ill-wishers awarded her. She says that Putin at the ill-fated award ceremony did not smile suggestively, but gratefully and proudly, because he rejoiced at the victory of all Russian gymnasts, and not specifically Kabaeva.

Photos of Alina Kabaeva before and after plastic surgery often appear in the open spaces world wide web, because fans of the talented gymnast simply cannot believe that at your age you can remain so beautiful without ever resorting to the services of a top-class plastic surgeon.

However, one has only to take a quick glance at Alina Maratovna, and it becomes clear that the woman never needed plastic surgery. The fact is that Kabaeva went in for sports from a young age, so a healthy lifestyle allowed her to remain forever young and beautiful.

The gymnast never does liposuction because she doesn’t gain weight, because she limits herself to junk food, and constantly attends Sport halls and goes for a run.

Alina says that circular facelifts and Botox injections successfully replace trips to a trusted beauty salon. Natural masks and peeling, cosmetic procedures and massage help the girl keep her body and face skin toned.

Kabaeva constantly repeats that everyone around her can look as young and beautiful as she does, if only she wants to. At the same time, it is worth developing a tradition of systematic sports, as well as ensuring constant employment.

Alina is constantly on the move, she constantly travels, attends national and sporting events, often forgetting to have a big lunch or dinner after six o'clock in the evening.

The girl, at thirty-five years old, looks so luxurious that many men would be simply happy to see her completely naked, but Kabaeva considers this a sacrament accessible only to a loved one.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alina Kabaeva have existed for quite some time, since interest in the famous gymnast has only increased over the years. For example, from an article dedicated to Alina Maratovna on Wikipedia, you can find out reliable or relevant information on childhood, education, parents, first coaches, sports, social and political activity. At the same time, quite little information can be found about her personal life, as well as family and doping scandals.

By the way, Kabaeva on Wikipedia slightly reveals her income and property status, the love story of policeman Museliani, but does not tell anything about a possible relationship with the President of the Russian Federation.

Currently, no more than forty-nine thousand people have subscribed to the gymnast’s Instagram profile, who will gladly appreciate photos and videos from family, personal and sports archives. At the same time, each photograph will actually be commented on, it is worth noting that increased attention fans will be attracted by information about meetings with world politicians and charitable children's sports programs.

In Russia, interest in one of the most famous rhythmic gymnasts for the history of this sport. Olympic champion. To a beautiful woman. In the recent past - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And now - a media oligarch.

Sports columnist for the Express-Gazeta publication Sergei Latynin wrote a short history romantic hobbies of the head of the board of directors of the National Media Group.

In the mid-2000s of the twenty-first century, Alina Kabaeva, recognized in 2006 as the sexiest athlete in Russia, completely won the heart of a former player of the Moscow clubs Spartak and Loko, a former player of the Russian national team, Maxim Buznikin. Maxim did not hide his feelings. When he scored a goal, he publicly showed a T-shirt under a T-shirt that depicted Alina Kabaeva. And he even turned into a Spanish caballero, singing languid serenades under his beloved’s window: he released an album of songs - declarations of love for Kabaeva.

Latynin writes that Kabaeva could not resist such a passionate onslaught of the forward and reciprocated. But only for six months. The journalist writes that Kabaeva’s mentor, master of world rhythmic gymnastics, wife of one of the richest people in Russia, Irina Viner, dissuaded her ward from walking down the aisle, telling her, “Take your time, girl. You’re a high-flying bird, you can have more worthy party."

Then, as Latynin writes, Kabaeva almost became the wife of police major Shalva Museliani, a Georgian, as the journalist emphasizes, with money and connections. The major gave his beloved a blue Mercedes on their engagement day. But this story didn’t smell of romance for long. Shalva has developed serious problems At work. An official investigation was organized. His managers tried to understand how he used to give his bride an expensive car. Alina becomes darker than a cloud from all the interrogations. In addition, at the same moment she learns from the newspapers the truth about Museliani’s personal life. It turned out that her fiancé was legally married.

Kabaeva’s dreams vanished like morning fog. Shalva's wife is not going to remain silent. Olga gave official interview. A woman on the pages of a major Russian publication shared her point of view in detail. She was surprised to learn about her husband’s upcoming wedding from a journalist:

The publications that Alina was getting married took me aback. I called my husband and expressed my resentment: why did he so quickly cut us, me and my daughter Nana, out of his life?!

Kabaeva pauses, “begs for mercy” from the press and refuses to comment on the love triangle. Shalvo Museliani divorced his wife. It was rumored that it was Alina who persuaded her beloved to divorce, but Museliani betrayed the athlete for the second time. When his relationship with Kabaeva began to take on a spirit of seriousness, he started a relationship on the side. Actress Anna Gorshkova, the womanizer's new passion, went out with Shalva, and gossip columns began to write about their romance.

Alina Kabaeva was furious. People close to the athlete said that she threatened Gorshkova to destroy her film career. This story is covered with a “veil of rumors and speculation,” but Anna really soon disappeared from TV screens and Museliani’s life.

After this, Express-Gazeta writes, she gave her word: her personal life will no longer be available to the press.

Several years ago, in the virtual and real community, people were actively discussing the news that Alina Kabaeva allegedly had a child, a boy. And that she lives in a luxurious villa in a gated community owned by Gazprom. Kabaeva raised this topic only once. In a conversation in the program “Temporarily Available,” Alina Kabaeva answered that she has a beloved man and that she considers herself a happy woman.

Alina Kabaeva’s life began immediately new chapter. Her next love story gained widespread popularity all over the world. The only people who didn’t talk about her were the lazy ones in Russia and Kabaeva herself.

On April 12, 2008, in the Saturday issue of the Moscow Correspondent newspaper, a scandalous publication was published about her upcoming wedding with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The news was instantly reprinted by the European media and began to be savored.

Elizaveta Ovchinnikova, Alina’s press secretary, refused to comment on any information about the “Putin and Kabaeva” tandem, and also demanded that the newspaper print a refutation.

On April 18, the Russian President said that there was “not a single word of truth” in the Moscow Correspondent’s publication. On the same day (what a coincidence!) CEO The publication announced the decision to suspend the newspaper. According to him, due to unprofitability, but not everyone believed it. Rumors about the love between Putin and Kabaeva began to gain momentum.

A year later, they began to say that Alina gave birth to Vladimir Putin’s son, whom she named Dmitry - in honor of the then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

In an interview with Vogue magazine, the former athlete stated that the boy, whom everyone considers her son, is her nephew Arseny. And in her diary on Livejournal Alina Kabaeva wrote:

Dear friends! It’s not my rule to comment on rumors, but I decided to make an exception. Because I can’t leave many kind words and wishes unanswered... On my website, on the My Life page, I promised to talk about the most important events in your life, about your family. Therefore, when I become a mother (which has not happened yet), I will definitely write about it. In any case, thanks to everyone who congratulated and worried about me. It was only for your sake that I deviated from my principle: never pay attention to gossip."

More than a year has passed since then, but information about the affair between Putin and Kabaeva still worries the public. But they remain deathly silent.

The Western press has also repeatedly published information about the connection between the athlete and Russian leader. However, it cannot be denied that the only documentary “confirmation” of this is the route sheet of the private plane flight carried out on May 19, 2008, which brought Kabaeva and a number of people close to Putin to Sochi (where Putin was located).

On July 6, 2013, Vladimir Putin officially announced that he was divorcing his wife. And the press again started talking about his affair with Alina Kabaeva. In 2013, the notorious The New York Post reported that 29-year-old Kabaeva gave birth to a girl from Putin in November. According to the publication, Putin settled Kabaeva with their two children in his “Sochi palace.”

If it weren’t for the Olympics in Sochi, the main characters of this story might not have been talked about. At the opening of the Olympics, paparazzi captured a wedding ring on the star's finger. Kabaeva has not yet commented on the photos that appeared on the Internet. B And everything could have come to nothing, but...

Already on February 13, divorced Vladimir Putin appeared in public with a wedding ring on his finger. This is evidenced by a freeze frame from the LifeNews TV channel taken at a meeting between Russian President and Egyptian Defense Minister Abdelfattah el-Sisi. Amazing coincidence!

It seems that a new chapter is beginning in the love story of Putin and Kabaeva. Be that as it may, Alina firmly clung to the title of “first mistress” of Russia. And while these two will remain silent about it, the public will talk about it even louder.

"EG" cites the point of view of the French actor Jean Daniel, who is described by the publication as Alina Kabaeva's closest friend.

“My friend introduced us back in the late 90s. When Alinochka came from training camp, we arranged various gatherings and tea parties with her. Once we celebrated my birthday together in Sardinia - the villa was then fully paid for by my childhood friend from New Zealand, Eduard Memarne Alina then brought me a luxurious tea set as a gift. Now it stands in my sideboard in the most visible place!

I miss those times. Now Alina is very, very busy! She does so much: she opened two sports schools in Kazan, she helps the disabled, children, and artists a lot. But for some reason no one talks about this. And they write all sorts of, excuse me, nonsense about the poor girl! We used to sit with her and laugh. The funny thing is that she learns all this nonsense from me. She doesn’t read this nonsense, thank God. So we laugh, they say, she has already given birth to two children, now, probably, it remains to write that she is expecting a third from a black man!

I dare to assure you that everything is fine with her personal life. Alina has a lover. I also know him - a very pleasant young man. It is clear from everything that Alina is happy with him. They are not officially married. Bye. Wait, the time will probably come soon. We'll let you know."

Compromising evidence from Ukraine and Russia