House ferns. Care and propagation of indoor fern at home. Is it possible to keep a fern at home?

Indoor and ornamental plants can have a serious impact on the body, so the benefits and harms of ferns need to be studied. The domestic variety of fern, unlike the tropical variety, is considered hardy. Delicate plants with very small leaves have a “lacey” appearance, but this impression is deceptive due to their peculiar properties. Maintaining their growth and development indoors can be quite a challenge. It is also necessary to know all the features of their cultivation.

Description and characteristics of fern

House fern is part of the genus Adiantum, which includes more than 200 species found throughout the world. The genus name comes from the Greek word adiantos, meaning "unidentified".

The leaves of the plant have unique properties - they reflect water. The plant has thin, fan-shaped leaf segments that are usually grouped along tough black stems.

Ferns of this species are known to grow in places where there are usually no other plants. Therefore, there is an opinion that they can cause harm to a person.

In the wild, they can be found on rock walls and between rocks, where they feed on moisture from seeping water.

Types of ferns

Even with a great passion for indoor plants, few will be able to name all the types of ferns: there really are a lot of them.

The following varieties are most often grown at home:

  • Nephrolepis – the most voluminous indoor flower. Its leaves have a bright green tint. They are rigid and grow upward, after which they bend to the sides.
  • Common ostrich- received this name because of its external resemblance to the feathers of this bird. The flower does not have any special properties or requirements, so it is easy to care for.
  • Male shieldweed– looks like a goblet-shaped rosette. It is characterized by slow growth, spores form at the bottom of each leaf.
  • Adiantum - has the most “lacey” appearance, the most demanding of humidity. The leaves curl beautifully at the ends, creating an openwork pattern. Outwardly, it looks like a bracken fern growing in wildlife.

Regardless of what variety the gardener wants to grow, such a plant will be a good interior decoration.

Attention! The main benefit of fern for humans is its aesthetic appearance. The main task of the owner is to learn how to properly care for the plant.

What beneficial substances are contained in fern?

As a rule, wild bracken fern is eaten.

According to its chemical composition, fern is an excellent source of protein, along with nuts. Other useful material include fats, flavonoids, tannins and saponins.

Young shoots of the plant contain many vitamin compounds, including riboflavin, tocopherol, niacin and carotene.

The benefits and harms of fern for the human body are ambiguous, so it is better not to abuse this edible plant.

Medicinal properties of fern

Bracken fern has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is considered useful in the treatment of problems with the intestines and spleen, for the treatment of diarrhea, jaundice, and joint pain.

To do this, fern root powder is mixed with an essential infusion of the plant. Then the mixture is drawn into a 2 cc syringe. see. The entire medicine is divided into 30 servings.

The day before treatment, you should replace food with liquid: kefir, juice, etc.

On the second day, instead of breakfast, you should take one portion of the medicine every two minutes for one hour.

Five hours after taking it, be sure to drink a spoonful of castor oil.

The medicinal properties of fern root also include its benefits for varicose veins. To do this, the root of the plant is crushed into a paste, mixed with sour milk and applied to the skin. Afterwards, wrap the areas with the mixture in a bandage and leave for 5 - 6 hours.

Eating ferns

Bracken fern has been eaten for a long time by residents of Japan and Korea. It is distributed as a food product and Far East. Nowadays it is consumed in a variety of ways.

The health benefits of bracken are due to its high protein and vitamin content.

Young shoots and leaves are used to make snacks and salads. Thick stems are pickled or salted, fried or boiled. They are often used as seasonings various dishes: Fern stems taste like mushrooms.

Important! Bracken stems should not be eaten raw!

Use of fern on the farm

Speaking about house fern, it is worth mentioning separately useful properties ah plants. Not only can it absorb dust, but it can also attract electromagnetic radiation, which usually comes from various household appliances. This means that a houseplant not only improves the interior, but also benefits by cleaning the space around it. This is the main beneficial property of fern for the body.

The properties of the plant are also used in folk medicine. In such cases, crushed leaves of the plant or freshly squeezed juice are used. However, it is worth carefully studying the likely benefits and harms, especially when consuming the plant product internally: most often, in this case, the edible bracken is used.

Fern harm and contraindications

Can ferns cause harm? According to experts, this plant has no proven harmful properties. However, experienced gardeners recommend not placing a pot with a plant in the bedroom, especially next to the bed. It is also worth noting that this rule is general for any indoor flowers.

There is only one contraindication to the use of this plant – an allergic reaction, especially to spores. But this is observed quite rarely.

Therefore the benefit indoor fern clearly exceeds the possible harm.

If we talk about bracken, everything is much more complicated. Despite its consumption as food, it is considered poisonous plant, especially in large quantities. It is extremely contraindicated during pregnancy.

Important! All folk recipes from bracken should be used with caution, since an overdose can cause severe poisoning.

Signs and superstitions about ferns

Using fern as home flower is assessed differently by signs. Some believe that it can be beneficial and generally has positive properties (for example, it helps to avoid troubles, protects the owner, and so on).

Other superstitious people claim that the plant causes harm because it attracts a lot of negativity.

What are the benefits and harms of ferns in the apartment, according to popular belief?


For skeptical people, the harm and health benefits of ferns according to signs mean nothing.

But several folk beliefs The beneficial properties of the plant still deserve attention. For example:

  1. Fern is able to bring harmony to the family, as it can charge the atmosphere in its home positive energy. All this leads to the elimination of negativity, reconciliation of quarrels, and so on. As a result, trusting relationships are established in the family.
  2. The fern will also be beneficial in improving relationships between spouses. It is most suitable for couples with different temperaments. Beliefs say that this plant helps people better find compromises.
  3. One of the most common signs about the benefits of indoor fern is that this indoor flower can bring profit, including for gambling people.
  4. In general, the beneficial properties of fern are to attract good luck to the house. But do not forget that the plant will not help in case of constant thoughtless spending.
  5. Signs also speak of the benefits of transplanting a flower from a pot to open ground: then it becomes a talisman. Owners of summer cottages should pay special attention to this.
  6. If a home flower suddenly begins to fade, signs indicate that, while protecting its owner, it has absorbed negativity.
  7. The plant is said to be able to fulfill wishes. However, for this you need to wait for it to bloom. Flowering plant considered especially useful on the night of Ivan Kupala. If you find it during this period and bring it home, then it will become a reliable amulet for the whole year.

Advice! Fern is also considered useful in the workplace, as it has the property of purifying the air.


There are also stereotypes that this flower can cause harm because it carries negative energy.

What negative signs say:

  1. The plant can cause headaches. This opinion is quite justified, since harm can be caused to the owner with allergies or individual intolerances.
  2. It is widely believed that fern is capable of drawing out negativity and illness from a person. If, after purchasing this flower, the owner begins to feel well, there is no need to keep the plant in the house.
  3. Some signs also apply to garden plants: crops growing next to them may begin to wither. In this case, you just need to transplant it to another area of ​​your summer cottage.
  4. There is also a sign on how to avoid possible harm from house fern. To do this, it is best to place it in the part of the apartment where there are many electrical appliances. This way the plant will begin to draw energy from them and will not cause harm to the owner.

Where is the best place to put a fern?

These plants require certain conditions to thrive indoors. House fern needs shade. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, and especially avoid bright light.

This plant requires moisture warm air. It will die or wither in dry, hot air. In order to achieve the right conditions moisturizing, you should water it with warm water a couple of times a day. This will retain moisture on the leaves. In addition, the soil should be kept moist, but not soggy.

Advice! A humidifier or pebbles can support optimal conditions growing fern indoors.

Why you can't keep a fern at home

Signs vary greatly regarding the benefits and harms of keeping ferns at home. However, the explanations for its negative properties are quite logical.

The most common esoteric opinions are as follows:

  1. It is believed that you cannot plant a plant obtained from the forest on your plot. From the point of view of esotericists, the fern has magical properties, especially in the wild. If you take a flower from its “native” place, it will begin to cause trouble.
  2. Regarding the transfer of a plant previously kept in the apartment to your site, opinions are also divided. The main reason is the ability of the fern to draw energy from space. If at home the plant can feed from household appliances, in the garden it will begin to draw vitality from crops growing nearby.
  3. The fern absorbs a large amount of oxygen, so you should not place it in the bedroom. Otherwise, it will cause harm in the form of headaches.
  4. If a plant makes you feel unwell, you should not continue to store it in the house. In the future, the harm from it will only increase. If this happens, you should get rid of the flower.

Since beliefs do not exclude contradictions, you should only pay attention to your well-being: if everything is good, then the plant can be considered useful. The same can be applied to a flower in a summer cottage.

How to care for a fern

Since ferns do well in humid conditions, it is recommended to plant them in a pot with drainage holes. Ideally, you should keep the plant in a plastic container with holes, and once in such a container, place it in a more attractive outer pot. This will make it easy to check the humidity level.

Drainage holes will prevent dry soil clods from forming. It is better to keep the plant at temperatures above 20 o C. It should not be exposed to cold drafts or temperatures below 15 o C, otherwise this may cause harm to the flower.

If necessary, fertilize with a weak liquid fertilizer twice a week, and only during the growing season, and not during winter months. This is the only way the plant will receive all the nutritional benefits of the fertilizer.

Ferns can be replanted annually or every two years, depending on the size of the pot and growth rate. A cramped container will not cause them much harm. You only need to replant when the roots begin to fill the pot.

In order for this process to be beneficial for the plant, you should use a knife or shovel to separate the roots. Maintaining at least two to three healthy leaves in each divided seedling will also be beneficial. Each section must be planted in its own pot and make sure they are good watering. Fertilizers cannot be used immediately, as this will cause harm by burning the roots.

It should be noted that ferns are several exquisite plants for keeping indoors. If the leaves curl, often fall off, and their tips are too limp, this indicates that the air is too dry and the plant needs more moisture. If green leaves turn brown, this may indicate that the plant is watered with hard water or is receiving too much direct sunlight. After adjusting watering and light conditions, dry or yellowish leaves must be carefully cut off.

Advice! Regular pruning will help the fern grow denser foliage.

Preparation of fern

Wild fern is collected for medicinal purposes. This happens at the beginning of spring or at the end of autumn. Only the roots of the plant that have a pistachio-green color in the middle are valuable. For such harvesting, the roots are completely removed from the ground and cleaned.


If you know for sure what the benefits and harms of ferns are, you can safely keep this flower in the house. Talking about growing wild, it is allowed to be eaten and used for medicinal purposes only with sufficient culinary processing and certain caution.

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About 400 million years ago, planet Earth was almost completely overgrown with tall tree-shaped ferns. Now most of them are terrestrial species, others grow on branches like epiphytes, there are even aquatic species. It is not surprising that ferns also exist as houseplants.

Types of indoor ferns

Main decorative types:

Ferns in nature

  1. Nephrolepis exaltata is the most famous type of fern grown at home. The most common varieties are Pulmosa with dark glossy leaves and Rooseveltia with lobed leaves. Noteworthy varieties include Can Can with corrugated leaves, Norwoodii with double pinnate and frilly leaves, Whitmanii with very thin curly leaves;

Nephrolepis exaltata

  1. Maidenhair. This is an elegant fern with a fine structure, the height of which reaches 30-40 cm. Its leaves are bright green, reminiscent in shape of the leaves of the Gingcobiloba plant. It is characterized by very fast growth (it doubles its size in one season) and rapid regeneration. It is not as popular as Nephrolepis, also because it is highly sensitive to changes in place, and quickly fades if the conditions are uncomfortable for it;

Maidenhair Fern

  1. Platycerium alcicorne is a home fern with the most exotic look. The leaves grow up to 70 cm in length, are gray-green in color and similar in shape to elk antlers. This plant is an epiphyte. The lower leaves are large, rounded, with a brownish tint. Under natural conditions, they, clinging to the branches of the host tree, act as a kind of container in which water from precipitation accumulates. Gradually, the old leaves die off, forming humus, which is also contained in these containers and serves for root nutrition of the plant;

Platycerium alcicorne

  1. Pellaea rotundifolia. Her homeland is New Zealand, where the soil in the undergrowth is rich in limestone rocks. The leaves are round, dark green, leathery. The plant is small in size, up to 30 cm in height;

Pellaea rotundifolia

  1. Asplenium nidus. It is characterized by shiny, bright green leaves forming a funnel-shaped rosette. Depending on the variety, they can be wavy, jagged, narrow or wide, and can be up to 1 m long.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping houses

Indoor fern is ideal for growing indoors. Cultivating it does not pose any particular problems. In addition, the original shapes of the leaves bring a magical, exotic atmosphere to the apartment.

Decorative value

The ability to decorate the interior of a home determines decorative value plants, various varieties of ferns give florists a wide choice for using one or another species. Each of them has its own distinctive features, expressed in the shape and size of stems and leaves. Outdoor fern is effectively used in landscape design, decoration of gardens and personal plots.

Benefits and harms for the inhabitants of the house

Numerous legends and superstitions are associated with this plant. There are scientifically proven beneficial and harmful properties plants.

The benefits that fern can bring at home:

  1. Effectively absorbs toxins. For example, Nephrolepis purifies the air from formaldehyde and xylene;
  2. Thanks to intense transpiration (the movement of water through the plant), it humidifies the air.

Important! Ferns are able to absorb electromagnetic radiation, which in the conditions of modern apartments, saturated with electromagnetic fields from various devices, is a very valuable positive property of the plant.

In addition to their benefits, ferns can cause harm to humans:

  1. They can provoke headaches if they are in the bedroom, due to the release of carbon dioxide at night;
  2. Allergy sufferers sometimes experience a negative reaction to plant spores.

Poisonous properties of individual species

The poisonous properties of fern appear when the plant is used for food or for making medicines. The fact is that street and wild varieties are used in cooking and medicine, including many folk recipes that use various parts of the fern.

Interesting. During the First World War in England, the population replaced asparagus with young fern shoots.

Toxic effects are exerted by substances found in the rhizome of Shield and Ostrich. Bracken is poisonous, the young shoots of which are eaten by people. Moreover, a toxic effect on humans can be exerted even through milk if the animal has eaten the plant.

To avoid poisoning by fern and drugs made from it, you need to know the rules for its preparation and strictly follow the dosage of medications.

Is it possible to keep a fern in an apartment?

The esoteric glory of the plant gives rise to doubts: is it safe to keep a fern at home? According to mystical beliefs, it brings with it a negative and positive influence on a person.

Eating ferns

Particularly mysterious are the legends about the fern flower, which is very difficult to detect due to a few moments of flowering, but whoever finds it will receive incredible luck.

Mystical powers attributed to the plant:

  1. Promotes favorable family relations, especially between different generations;
  2. Strengthens vital energy, harmonizes the state of mind. Depending on the habitat, it can, on the contrary, take away energy and contribute to the appearance of ailments;
  3. Protects the inhabitants of the house from negative influences, damage, etc.;
  4. Reduces the tendency to financial extravagance.

Suspicious people may be wary of planting a fern at home, believing that the plant attracts troubles and misfortunes. However, for most florists, esoteric myths are not an obstacle to growing a plant in an apartment, enjoying its exotic appearance.

Planting a fern in a pot

The roots of the fern grow quickly, and the pot becomes cramped for them, so the plant needs to be replanted annually. The stems and leaves are also characterized by intensive growth. At the same time, the soil rapidly loses nutrients, which is the second reason for frequent replanting.

Important! If young shoots become pale in color instead of rich green, this is a signal that the fern should be planted in new soil.

The mature plant stops intensive growth, the frequency of replanting is reduced to once every 3 years. Optimal time for the procedure - spring, immediately after a period of rest.

Most ferns are forest dwellers, which is why they prefer moist, humus-rich soil. The best decision– purchase special soil for ferns. If you prepare it yourself, then you need to mix in leaf compost, increasing the amount of humus. The soil should be light, airy, well absorbing moisture, but not preventing its seepage.

To grow ferns, an acidic substrate is used; plants cannot tolerate an alkaline environment. When preparing the soil yourself, leaf and turf soil are mixed with peat, coarse sand, and leaf compost. The prepared substrate is placed in a preheated oven for 1-1.5 hours. This will serve as a preventive measure against pests.

Fern transplantation

A good pot for a plant is heavy, preferably ceramic, capable of absorbing and releasing moisture. Light containers can tip over when the fern grows asymmetrically.

Transplant stages:

  1. Immerse the fern directly in the pot into a container filled with water, wait 15-20 minutes, then turn the flower container over and remove the plant with a lump of earth;

Important! If the fern remains healthy and the root system also does not contain rotten or dried areas, the plant can be planted in a new location. If there are rotten or dry roots, they should be cut off, the sections should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with charcoal. Then begin the planting process.

  1. Place a layer of drainage (small pebbles, brick chips, etc.) at the bottom of the pot;
  2. The container is filled to the middle with ready-made soil;
  3. The plant should be planted carefully, gradually sprinkling with soil, leaving the root collar free;
  4. Generous watering after planting is very important. The next irrigation cannot be carried out until the soil above has dried out.

After 15 days, when the fern has taken root, care resumes as usual.

Fern care

Ferns have an unfair reputation for being difficult and troublesome to grow. In fact, after some period of adaptation, this is one of the most unpretentious plants. Most species are woodland and prefer shady and moist warm environments. The ideal place in the apartment is an east or west window, a bright kitchen. If the window faces south side, the plant should be shaded in spring and summer afternoons.

Watering and fertilizing

Important integral part fern care is regular spraying of leaves and frequent watering. The plant is sensitive to drying out of the substrate, but at the same time it does not like waterlogged soil.

Watering the fern

During the growth period, irrigation should be done every 2-3 days with soft water. room temperature. Tap water too hard, it contains a lot of calcium carbonate. The ideal liquid for irrigation is settled rainwater.

From March to August, the fern needs regular feeding, but no more than once a month. It is better to use specialized fertilizers for ferns, containing a lower concentration of nutrients than universal ones.

Important! In winter, the plant begins a rest period; watering should be limited (but not less than once a week), and fertilizing should be stopped.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature during the growing season is 18-21°C, during winter holiday it should be a little lower, within 15-18 °C.

At home, caring for indoor ferns requires creating high humidity– over 60%. It should not be placed near radiators or other heat sources. The plant likes regular spraying. Humidifying the air next to it has a good effect. For example, setting ceramic tableware filled with water.

Important! The fern species Platycerium alcicorne (Staghorn) does not tolerate wiping of its leaves. They have a layer of hairs that help cope with dry air. To remove dust from the leaves, simply spray them with water.


Even experienced gardeners avoid propagating ferns by sowing spores. Although it is interesting to observe the individual stages of development of young plants, they are more demanding on the environment and require a long growing time.

In addition to spores, ferns can reproduce in three ways that are more acceptable to gardeners:

  1. By division. The method is suitable for all species with widely branched rhizomes. The rhizome simply splits into several parts containing the heads (attachment points for the leaves). Areas with at least two shoots are separated. Then the resulting parts are placed in separate containers;

Fern propagation by division

  1. The plant has shoots in the form of arrows. They bend down to the soil in adjacent containers and are thus secured. After some time, the shoot takes root, and the time comes to separate it from the old individual;
  2. Lateral buds. Brood buds are separated when roots form on them. Young shoots are transplanted into greenhouse conditions with high humidity and a temperature not lower than 23 °C. They can be created in plastic container. After new leaves appear, the sprouts are transplanted into separate containers.

Important! Adiantum, Pellaea and Pteris species are suitable for propagation by lateral buds.

Why do leaves dry out and turn yellow?

Most often, plants suffer from physiological diseases, which are the result of inadequate care for house ferns. What should you pay attention to?

In particular, it should be of concern when the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, the rest of the leaf becomes bad color. The cause may be too much watering causing root rot, or low humidity air.

If such alarming symptoms appear, diseased leaves are removed at the very base. After pruning, you need to eliminate the mistakes made, allow the plant to recover and continue to care for it correctly.

Drying leaves on a fern

A fern can also dry out due to an attack by pests or diseases, but they do not play a big role in the life of these plants. If ferns are exposed to low temperatures for a long time and the air humidity is high, they can become infected with fungus. In this case, round or oval gray-brown spots appear on the leaves, sometimes surrounded by a border. Leaves infected with fungus should be removed and destroyed, then the plant should be sprayed with fungicides.

The most common pests are scale insects; they feed on the underside of the leaf, sucking the juice from it. The leaves become covered with yellow spots, then turn yellow completely and die. Damaged leaves should be cut off and the entire plant should be treated with insecticides.

Another reason for fern drying out is poor watering. In this case, it can be revived by immersing the pot in a large container filled with water and leaving it there for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days.

Ferns and their species are popular as houseplants due to their easy care and excellent decorative capabilities. Although there is no flowering, they grow very quickly, and the mistakes of novice gardeners can do little harm.

In the house, a fern will be an unusual and very attractive indoor plant. There is a lot about this flower interesting legends and legends. But to grow it at home, you need to know not only the legends, but the rules of care. This article will tell you how to grow indoor ferns in your home.

Probably the most mysterious plants on Earth are ferns. This species has existed for millions of years. Despite the fact that every year on the night of Ivan Kupala people go in search of a fern flower, this plant does not actually form inflorescences. Therefore, the fern flower continues to remain only a beautiful legend.

As a houseplant, fern, especially in last years, began to meet quite often. It is valued not for its beautiful flowering, but for its decorative leaves.

Both in the wild and at home, the fern at home has the appearance of an openwork bush. In the wild, these plants grow in swamps, meadows and forests. This must be taken into account when growing this flower in your home (especially when selecting soil for the fern).

Today, modern science knows over ten thousand species and 300 genera of ferns. Flowers grown at home come from tropical species. In addition, some species have increased winter hardiness, which makes it possible to grow them in winter gardens and in their garden plots.

Most bushes of this flower have feathery and lacy leaves. Many plants can produce pinnately dissected leaves. But there are species with whole leaves various shapes and sizes. Botanists call fern leaves fronds.

It is worth noting that young fern leaves have a different appearance from old ones. sheet plates view. Typically, young leaves are curled into a snail shape, which unwinds as they grow.

The leaves of the fern are also a container for reproductive organs. They are placed on the bottom of the sheet plate.

A fern as a houseplant is a very profitable purchase, since it will, in fact, play the role of an “ecological inspector”. The fact is that even if the fern care is correct and complete at home, the plant can still die due to air pollution. If there is a lot of dust in the air, then the plant in such home conditions will react to it very quickly. The flower will become lethargic and if nothing is done, it will soon die. Therefore, when growing a fern at home, you need not only to know the rules of care, but also to choose the right place to place it.

Video “Fern. We grow the plant at home”

The video describes how to grow ferns.

Where to put

In the wild, ferns can survive for a long time without watering, fertilizers and other manipulations that are necessary conditions growth and development. At the same time, the unpretentiousness of these plants remains the same when grown at home. But, despite this, there are a number of conditions, compliance with which is a guarantee that your decorative flower will be strong and healthy.

When choosing a place for a pot of fern, you must remember that this plant serves as an “indicator” of air pollution. You cannot place this flower in a room where the following situations often occur:

  • smoke;
  • overcrowding;
  • dry air.

As you can see, in the kitchen your beautiful homemade fern will not survive and will wither away, but in rooms located away from the kitchen, the fern will feel great. Although some people, on the contrary, place this flower in the kitchen to have a living “indicator” at hand. After all, at the slightest gas leak, the plant will begin to wither, which will help you quickly find the cause of its withering and avoid negative consequences such a state. But in order to create favorable conditions for growing it in the kitchen, you need a hood in the room. Also an excellent solution would be to install a humidifier. As a result, both you and the plant will be comfortable in the kitchen.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the fern needs both light (not direct light) and shadow. Therefore, it would be best to place it in a corner opposite the window. Also, at home, this plant needs to provide a flow of fresh air.

When choosing a place to place a fern in your home, you need to take into account the characteristics of its growth. This flower can grow quite large, forming lush and large leaves around itself. Therefore, he clearly won’t have enough on the windowsill. Otherwise, the fern leaves will rest against the walls and glass, becoming deformed. This will make you suffer decorative look flower.

Thus, the choice of where to grow a fern at home should be based on the following care parameters:

Let's look at these parameters in more detail.

Lighting requirements

According to many gardeners, ferns are considered shade-tolerant plants. But if the flower is constantly in the shade at home, it will simply die. In order for the plant to form strong, large and healthy leaves, bright and diffused light must fall on it. Therefore, according to this parameter perfect place In order to grow ferns, there will be a southwest window in the house. In this case, the pot should be placed not on the windowsill, but on a separate flower stand.


One more important parameter When choosing a place of growth in the house for a fern, the temperature regime is important. This plant grows well in temperature range+15-+22 degrees. But some varieties require a certain temperature:

  • heat-loving species (nephrolepis, adiantum, asplenium and platicerium). During the cold period, the room temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees;
  • winter-hardy varieties (polypodium pimply and pellea). In winter, the temperature should not fall below +12 degrees.

At the same time, compact types of ferns and caring for them in this aspect will not be very difficult. The main thing is not to place the flower in the path of drafts and cold air. But the room in which this plant is grown must be ventilated frequently. In summer, you can even take the pot out onto the balcony. It must be placed in such a way that the fern does not receive direct sunlight.


When growing ferns at home, you need not only to care for them correctly, but also to choose the optimal soil. Without this, all your efforts to create favorable conditions for the flower will not be crowned with success.

The following soil is suitable for ferns:

  • the soil must be loose for good air and water passage;
  • A little increased level acidity;
  • with a lot of rotted leaves;
  • the soil should have a small content of pine needles and peat. You can also add a little humus and sand.

It is this kind of soil that is found in the forest - a favorite place for ferns to grow in the wild.


At home, an important parameter for caring for ferns is properly organized water regime. This is due to the fact that although these plants can tolerate dry soil, overdrying the soil is contraindicated for them. Water is added to the ground when the top layer of soil dries out. If you allow the soil to dry out, subsequent watering will no longer be able to revive the flower.

However, remember that excess moisture is also undesirable. After all, if water stagnates in the soil, then the root system of the plant begins to rot. Therefore, it is very important to care for the fern correctly. The optimal watering for it is once a week. For irrigation, it is better to use rain or well-settled water.


At home, ferns reproduce as follows:

  • disputes. A very difficult way to home grown flower. Moreover, under such conditions it turns out to be ineffective;
  • dividing the bush (through shoots). The most convenient and only possible option for propagating ferns at home.

To divide the bush, it is recommended to use exclusively young root shoots (rosettes). Only in such a situation can you count on a positive result. In this case, it is necessary to separate the rosette from the mother bush with some caution so as not to damage mature plant. also in this issue It must be remembered that as much ground as possible should be retained on the separated outlet.

Having received the material for propagation, after which you can begin planting it in new pot. After planting, for high-quality rooting of the planting material, as well as its rapid adaptation, it is necessary to create an optimal water regime for the plant and fresh air. This way, you can quickly and efficiently propagate ferns with your own hands.

Disease and pest control

  • violation of conditions of detention. Drafts, improper watering(especially stagnation of water in the soil), poorly selected soil;
  • infection of the plant from other indoor flowers.

When the air is dry, thrips, scale insects and aphids may appear. To prevent their appearance, you need to spray the flower periodically.

As you can see, caring for indoor ferns at home is not so difficult. You just need to create the right growing conditions and watering, and ultimately you will get a wonderful decorative flower.

Video “Ferns – millions of years of struggle for survival”

The video details how to grow ferns at home.

Lovers of comfort in the home and indoor flowers increasingly prefer house fern. What attracts them to this amazing plant? Unusual appearance or its beneficial properties?

Description and characteristics of indoor fern

The fern belongs to the fern family, which is distributed throughout the world. The indoor fern is an unpretentious and ornamental plant, with wide and spreading leaves.

One of characteristic features fern is the absence of seeds. Despite this, the plant has the ability to reproduce due to the presence of special spores (soruses) near its roots.

The appearance of the fern is very different from the usual indoor flowers. The leaves of the plant look like dissected feathers. The color of indoor fern is usually light green, and its height can reach 1 meter.

The benefits of indoor fern

Fern has many beneficial properties. The root of this plant is widely used in folk medicine, and the amazing leaves are used in cooking.

An ordinary indoor fern perfectly absorbs dust and purifies the air. In addition, the flower neutralizes electromagnetic rays that come from a TV, computer monitor, microwave oven. By placing a pot with this plant in close proximity to the source electromagnetic radiation, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue and many other consequences of using electronics.

Fern in treatment: properties and benefits

In addition to absorbing electromagnetic rays and dust particles, fern is widely used in folk medicine, as it has an analgesic, diuretic and laxative effect, and also removes all harmful toxins from the body.

Particular attention is paid to the root of this plant. From different parts home ferns prepare a variety of remedies for the treatment of helminthiasis, removal of tapeworms and tapeworms.

With the help of fern, varicose veins are treated, and also increase immunity and strengthen the body. Salted fern shoots perfectly relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Fern root powder is used to eliminate inguinal hernia in men.

It should be noted that fern has a lot of useful qualities, so it is used in the treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, oophoritis, ulcers, rheumatism and migraines.

How to care for a fern without harming it

When deciding to purchase an indoor fern, you need to take into account that it, like any plant, needs a list of conditions important for successful development and life. Ferns will not thrive in a home that does not meet the following conditions:

1. Lighting
2. Air temperature
3. Regularity of watering
4. Humidity

For house fern optimal temperature is 15-24 degrees. If the temperature of the fern’s habitat in the house is below 12 or above 25, then the plant is likely to wither.

An important point for the life of a fern is air humidity. The plant will feel good in a space with 40-60% air humidity. In order to increase the humidity in the room, you can purchase a special air humidifier, but it is enough just to regularly spray the leaves of the plant.

As for watering, it all depends on the season and air humidity in the house. Basically, the fern is watered 1-2 times a week, but you can also focus on soil moisture: when the soil in the flowerpot is dry, you can water it. It is necessary to pay attention that this amount of watering is optimal, since both dry and too moist soil can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant. Overwatering, for example, will cause the flower's roots to rot. Also, the fern needs watering exclusively with “soft” water. To do this, you need to let the water brew for several days at room temperature.

Gardeners often like to fertilize their plants, but does a fern really need it? Certainly. To fertilize this flower, it is enough to add mineral or organic fertilizers. It is important to note that ferns are not fertilized during the winter season.

If we consider the issue of lighting in which this plant will live comfortably, it is important to consider that the fern does not like direct sunlight. Due to excessive solar lighting the leaves of the flower may fade and turn yellow. The optimal place for a fern is a flower stand. It provides diffused sunlight that is comfortable for this plant.

The fern signals the need for replanting by the light green color of its leaves, but such signs are often found only in young shoots. Usually, the plant is replanted every two to three years in the spring, when the flower no longer fits in its pot.

Types of ferns

The fern family includes more than a thousand varieties of this plant. But which ones can you grow at home? The following types of ferns are adapted for living in close proximity to people:
This type of fern is famous for its unpretentiousness. It performs well as a decorative function for indoor plants, forming a lush and spreading bush. Also, one of the advantages of this type is fast growth.
This species of the fern family has similarities with a palm tree and requires a lot of space in the house.

This species is also called “Venus hair”, as it has quite thin stems and small leaves. Unlike the brothers described above, it needs careful care and self-care.

What harm can a fern cause?

An ordinary indoor fern does not cause much harm. The only points that can be highlighted are an allergic reaction to this flower, which is quite rare, and the release of carbon dioxide. As for the second statement, this point applies to all indoor plants, since when they absorb oxygen, they emit carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches and dizziness in humans. You can avoid the harmful influence very simply - do not place the flower in the bedroom.

If an indoor fern standing in a flowerpot does not cause any particular harm, then eating or treating a home flower can be harmful to human health and also has contraindications. It is important to note that fern is a poisonous plant.

It should be noted that taking tinctures and decoctions based on indoor fern can lead to intoxication of the body. Poisoning with fern products is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and fainting. In the event of a sad outcome from consuming the plant, it is necessary to quickly remove it from the body and cleanse the stomach.

Taking home cactus for food or for treatment purposes is strictly prohibited if the following factors are present:

Kidney and liver diseases
Ages up to two years
Weakened immune system
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage of development

Caring for indoor fern at home is not very difficult, so many plant lovers choose this particular specimen among many. Of the large number of species of ferns, the most popular is Nephrolepis. It has a beautiful and lush crown that can enliven even the most boring interior.

Flower growers love fern for its beauty and unpretentiousness. However, there are still growing peculiarities, and in order for the plant to look attractive, they must be observed.

The main feature of Nephrolepis is its ability to detect dirty air, in which it immediately begins to wither.

Unsuitable conditions for it are being in a stuffy, smoky or dusty room. The fern “does not like” low air humidity.

A flower can stoically endure absence regular watering, tall or low temperatures. But if air environment If it is not clean enough, its leaves will quickly turn yellow and dry out.

Home care

Caring for indoor ferns is easy. Like any other home plant, it requires a certain soil, a suitable location in the apartment, watering and spraying. It cannot do without periodic fertilization. In addition, you should know the features of replanting a flower, since this must be done every year due to its rapid growth.

Soil requirements

The plant prefers loose soil with plenty of leaves and humus. Sometimes it may contain peat or pine needles. The soil should be very loose and airy. Through it, water will easily flow to the roots.

The roots of the plant can rot from overwatering, so the pot needs good drainage.

You can purchase ready-made soil at the store or prepare it yourself if you have sufficient skills for this.

For cooking you will need to take in equal proportions:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil.

You should also add a little humus and sand. This recipe is the most suitable, creating the very soil conditions that indoor ferns require.

However, clay tends to become covered with fungus, which is very difficult to remove later.

Plastic containers are also suitable. It should be remembered that this material does not allow air to pass through and is not very resistant. In order for the plant to feel great and not fall from the surface, you need to choose a stable and large pot. Its diameter in diameter should be 2 times smaller than the size of the flower crown.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Nephrolepis leaves are large and green, so their need for a large amount of diffused sunlight is quite logical. The plant can tolerate shade, but it will not look as impressive.

Direct rays of the sun will scorch the leaves, leaving brown spots on them. Therefore, it is better to place the fern near the window, but not on the windowsill.

The optimal temperature for keeping is 15-22 degrees. The room may be warmer, especially during the heating season, so during this period it is recommended to moisten the leaves more often by spraying. Minimum temperature The temperature at which indoor fern survives is 5 degrees.

Watering and spraying

You need to water the fern with soft water, slightly warm. In the summer season, this can be done 2 times more often than in winter. Otherwise, in winter the plant will continue to grow and will be too elongated with small leaves, since there is not enough sunlight.

Watering should be such that the soil in the pot remains slightly moist. Excess water, like drought, are not better conditions for indoor fern.

Spraying the leaves must be done daily, especially during the heating season. Excessive dry air is not suitable for nephrolepis. You can also take care of suitable humidity in the room. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier or regularly hang it on the battery wet towel. Such a microclimate in an apartment is useful not only for the flower, but also for people.

It is better to use distilled or rain water, as tap water will leave white spots on the greens.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is recommended to fertilize indoor ferns in spring and summer. This can be done using any ready-made feeding solutions. They must be diluted according to the instructions on the package. Then add the same amount to the resulting solution. clean water. This feeding option is the most suitable for nephrolepis.

How to replant?

One of the main stages in caring for a green flower is its replanting. It needs to be done every year, as the rhizome of the plant grows quickly. The crown also becomes larger, which is why the previous pot may not be able to withstand its weight. Choose a new container that is 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

To transplant an indoor fern, you will need:

  1. Gently holding the flower by the base, pull it out of the container along with the earthen lump.
  2. Shake off some of the old soil from the rhizome. If there are rotting roots, they must be removed.
  3. Place the plant in a new container and cover the surface with fresh soil.

It is best to transplant in spring period. If this is done at another time of the year, the indoor fern will take a long time to take root and will not look its best.

Propagation of indoor fern

The most suitable way to propagate nephrolepis is by dividing the mother bush. This action can be performed during the transplantation period. The plant is inspected for the presence of daughter rosettes, after which they are separated with part of the roots from the common rhizome. They also need to be planted with pre-prepared soil.

At the stage of growing a new fern, it is necessary to carefully monitor the microclimate in the room and strictly adhere to all requirements for caring for the flower. Some of the sockets do not take root, which is the norm. However, dividing an indoor fern is the most simple method for its reproduction.

Plant diseases and pests

Ferns can get sick, like any other houseplant. Most of the troubles are associated with improper care, as well as insufficient attention from the owner at the stage of purchasing and replanting a flower.

To reduce the incidence of nephrolepis, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid preparing soil yourself. Store-bought soil is thoroughly sterilized and pest-free.
  2. Quarantine newly acquired plants.
  3. Do not leave the flower in drafts or under direct sun rays, near the battery.
  4. Monitor soil moisture and do not overwater the soil.

Possible diseases and how to deal with them:

  • Anthracnose

It appears as dark brown streaks at the ends of the leaves. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves from the plant and treat the crown with a fungicide. Watering should be reduced for some time and the leaves should not be sprayed.

  • Rhizome rotting

First the leaves turn yellow, then turn brown. The fern dies quickly. On initial stage It is important to monitor watering and not to over-moisten the soil.

  • Leaf spot

Appears as wet brown spots. It is necessary to completely remove the affected areas, treat the plant with a fungicide and not water for a while.

  • Gray rot

Leaves, stems and soil are covered with a gray moldy coating. The fern should be quarantined, all affected leaves should be removed, and treated with an anti-mold solution.

  • Pests

Ferns are affected by: whiteflies, white duras, mealybugs, nematodes, spider mites, aphids, thrips, scale insects and others. Most pests are caused by improper plant care. Affected areas should be removed by thoroughly treating the entire crown and rhizome with a suitable insect repellent solution. In this case, the plant requires quarantine, since the pests quickly move on to healthy flowers.

Among them are:

  • leaf fall - occurs due to insufficient watering, darkening - consequences of overflow;
  • yellowness on the leaves indicates dry air;
  • slow growth and pale green foliage indicate insufficient feeding.

If you follow all the conditions for keeping nephrolepis, it will decorate any room with the greenery of its lush crown. Therefore, all the effort to care for the flower is definitely worth your time.