DIY panel made from wooden slats. Wooden panels for your home: choosing the right option. DIY panel for mom

Old wood in the interior - actual topic, which inspires designers all over the world. Today you have the opportunity to order the most original decorative panels from barn and retro boards.

The point is not only that old, antique wood fascinates with its original texture. Former boards, calibrated and selected by color, thickness and width, smoothly flowing from tone to tone, are transformed into real works of art, while meeting all the requirements for modern finishing materials.

Decorative panels from the Retro-Doska company

  • replace plaster and wallpaper,
  • keep warm,
  • maintain the indoor microclimate,
  • improve soundproofing qualities,
  • meet European standards of quality and safety for the environment.

Retro boards are used to decorate walls and ceilings. With their help they close engineering Communication, design protrusions and openings. Recently, architects and interior decorators are increasingly using the “ accent wall", covering only one wall or part of it with wood. The result is a strong artistic element.

Unique decor is your main advantage

By purchasing decorative panels from the Retro-Board company, you create unique interior, because in nature there are no two identical boards, each has its own texture and its own pattern. Yes, in our production we use modern industrial equipment, but in fact, we only emphasize the true, natural beauty of wood.

Laying pattern, color scheme, depth of texture, contrast and even volume - all these are parameters that can be set when creating a wall or ceiling panel from old wood. We use the best barn boards as materials - sun-tanned, seasoned fresh air and carefully processed in our production.

Making a wooden panel. Turnkey orders

Laying panels is similar to making a wooden mosaic. You can attach the elements to bars, plywood base or smooth plaster(using glue). The panel can be laid in one plane, forming a smooth and flat wall, or with differences in thickness, which allows you to create a stunning three-dimensional surface with a 3D effect. The details of the wooden panel can be the same size or different thicknesses, configuration, which also gives the composition a special charm.

Natural wood has virtually no limits to your imagination. In our showroom and at exhibitions, we have repeatedly observed how retro boards surprise and delight even the most experienced architects and the most experienced interior decorators.

Don't have time to come to us and choose the material for the wall panel? The craftsmen of the Retro-Board company work according to the designers’ specifications. Knowing the sizes and color layout, we manually select the boards in accordance with the given palette, features of the composition layout and the design of the entire interior. Then we lay out the future panel, photograph the “prototype” and transfer the photo to the customer. If changes are made, we take pictures again and send them for approval. Once approved, we number each part and ready set elements are sent to the object.

With the help of our consultations, installation will be possible to an experienced master. But, as a rule, we receive turnkey orders. By the way, if you have already completed renovations and really don’t have time to decorate the walls, you can buy a ready-made removable wooden panel in a frame from us.

There is a special offer for designers and architects:

We hold meetings, seminars and consultations;
- we provide samples absolutely free of charge;
- individual terms of cooperation for repeated applications.

The showroom and warehouse are located in Moscow. Delivery is available throughout Russia (St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, etc.)

The Retro-Doska company works professionally with wood. Retro woodworkers are open to dialogue and experimentation, so implementing even daring and unexpected ideas with our help is easy and simple. Contact us.

Majority designer interiors They all have one drawback in common - the lack of warmth and home comfort. Of course, over time new interior it will take on a lived-in look and little things that will be pleasant for the owners will appear in it, but only hand-made decor can become a real decoration.

In this article we will tell you how to make a panel on a wall made of wood, and we will describe two methods of making it, and you can already choose which option is closer and more pleasant to you.

Two different wall panels

Wall panels are a decorative element designed to create thematic and semantic accents in the interior. Sometimes even the smallest panel can say more about its owner than a carefully crafted design.

You can make a panel from any available materials: paper, glass (see Glass panel on the wall: how to make it and hang it correctly) and even pieces of wallpaper. Much more important is the soul put into the product, and of course, the sense of style. In fact, there are no restrictions on the appearance of the panels, but we will tell you about two ways how you can make them yourself and not infringe on the family budget.

All the wooden wall panels presented below will not require any specific knowledge or skills from you, moreover, you will not even need a sophisticated set of tools. Everything you need will probably be found at home, and even if not, then in a hardware store the price will not be more than a hundred rubles. So, let's start in order.

A very original and stylish wood panel for the wall, which can be made in just a few hours.

To make it we need the following set of tools:

  • Hacksaw. It is advisable to use a hacksaw with a blade for metal work. It has smaller teeth and, accordingly, there will be no video notches.
  • Miter box. A tool that allows you to cut workpieces at an angle of 45 degrees. We will need it to make a frame or baguette.
  • Gun for applying hot melt glue. By the way, you can do without it if you use simple PVA rather than thermal glue.
  • Brushes for varnish or paint. It is advisable to take more expensive brushes, since hairs do not come out of them when working, and you will not have to carefully select them later.

Well, that's basically all. Although we can also include a drill or a hammer drill in this list, we will need them not for making a panel, but for attaching it to the wall.

Now that we have figured out the tool, it’s time to prepare the materials we need, and here we are full flight fantasies:

  • Branches of different thicknesses. It is important that the branches are as diverse as possible. The originality and appearance of our panel will directly depend on this.
  • As a basis for our panel we will need a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the backing is made of, since it will be completely hidden under the decorative layer.
  • Wooden slats with decorative carvings or baguette. We will need them to make the frame. If you have any ideas of your own for making it, feel free to use it. Originality is very interesting.

Advice! If you are using a sheet of chipboard as a backing and PVA as an adhesive, use the side of the sheet that does not have a glossy finish. This way the glue will adhere much better, and the decorative elements will not move off the base.

So, first of all we need to make a frame. It doesn’t matter what size your wooden wall panel is. It all depends on personal preference.

A miter box will help you cut the corner evenly. We simply put a strip in it and use a hacksaw to cut it along the tool stops. Thanks to the miter box, the corners will be smooth and the diagonal of the frame will be accurate.

Now lay the frame face down and apply glue to the joints. It will take quite a long time to dry, and the parts will have to be constantly held in place, so it is more convenient to use hot-melt adhesive, which hardens in just a few minutes after application.

When the frame is dry, inside We attach the backing to it. This can be done using a construction stapler or small nails.

The foundation is ready, and it's time to take on the most important thing. And first of all, we need to cut nickels from branches different sizes. There is no need to strictly observe the thickness of the heel; the more varied they are, the more natural the panel will look.

First of all, we place the largest nickels on the canvas. They should not stand close to each other; it is advisable to place them in different parts canvases. Now we take smaller nickels and arrange them just as chaotically. Lastly come the smallest cuts, which completely fill all the voids on our canvas.

Look at the work of your hands from the outside. All good? Then you can start gluing them. We carefully take each patch and apply glue to it, after which we return it to its place.

After all the elements are glued, all that remains is to wait for the glue to dry, and as an additional decoration, you can apply a layer of transparent varnish to the entire composition, which will highlight all the nuances of the wood and make the picture glossy and shiny. That's all, our panel is ready, all that remains is to hang it on the wall and enjoy the result, while we move on to the next, no less interesting option.

Ikebana panel

Ikebana is the Japanese art of creating artistic compositions from various plants. Strictly speaking, our panel cannot be called ikebana, since it implies a three-dimensional composition, and a wall panel is a two-dimensional composition. But this is not so important, the main thing is that we will use tree branches as materials, and such a work looks very original.

So, we need a frame or baguette. We have already described its production in the previous section; there will be nothing new here.

Any material can be used as a base, and it can be painted to give a certain style. We will not give any advice on this matter, as well as on the placement of branches in the composition.

It all depends entirely on your imagination, but there are several general advice and recommendations that must be followed when making such a wooden panel for the wall:

  • Be sure to cover the branches with paint or varnish. This way they will last much longer, and most importantly, they will not lose their appearance.
  • If you use branches covered with bark in your composition, be sure to clean small area, on which the glue will be applied. This is necessary in order to ensure reliable adhesion to the surface and so that our work simply does not crumble.
  • If you decide to paint the substrate, do not use nitro paint for this.. It will quickly lose its color and the panel will peel off. A good option will car paint in aerosol cans.
  • Shoe nails can be used as fasteners instead of glue.. They themselves are very small, and when hammered in, their caps will not be visible.

Important! Under no circumstances should you work with spray paint indoors and without funds personal protection. It is best to go outside for this work, but if this is not possible, then at least put on a respirator and open all the windows in the house for ventilation.

As you can see, the process is very simple, but it is difficult to describe it in words, so we invite you to watch the video in this article, which shows instructions and a master class on making wooden wall panels.

And in conclusion

In fact, this is only a small part of what can be made from wood. Wooden wall panels can be so diverse that your imagination is not limited at all. And most importantly, don’t hold back. The more extravagant your work is, the better, the more soul invested in it will be felt, and this is the most important thing for any work of art.

By the way, do not forget to involve your child in this process. This will not only give you the opportunity to spend time doing something together, but will also help your child better feel the process of the birth of a work of art, and who knows, maybe one day he will become a famous artist, and it was you who started his journey.

Wall panels are an opportunity to create an individual interior by decorating walls using available materials. If we talk about the panel as a product, then it is always the author’s, handmade work, which has quite high cost. Decorating an apartment with such fakes is not always relevant, because the product is selected according to existing interior and if repairs are made, then the panel becomes unnecessary, and the money spent is a pity. But it’s a completely different matter when the panel is made independently. This makes it possible to choose the theme, size, texture, material, color, but at the same time the cost of money is minimal.

How to do it?

In fact, there is nothing difficult about making a panel yourself; no special skills or knowledge are required. The first thing you need to do is choose the place where it will be placed, choose thematic direction and prepare necessary materials, which are most often found in any housewife.

A few important points

  • If the room is not large sizes, you should not use large panels, they will not look harmonious and will make the room visually smaller.
  • When the room is large and a bare wall is being decorated, you can use a large panel or several small ones of the same theme.
  • If the room is colorful and has plenty decorative elements, panels should be chosen in soothing colors, with a minimal combination of colors.
  • When using several panels on one wall, they need to be perfectly combined with each other, support the same theme, or be perfectly harmonized in color.

Made from improvised materials

Materials that are suitable for making panels are, as a rule, what is at hand. You don’t need to purchase anything special, and the technique is reminiscent of the handmade forgeries that many people made in schools.

Of course, stores offer a variety of products where they are used:

  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • photo printing is used.

But our panels, which we will learn to make today, have nothing in common with decorated tiles and photo wallpapers. Unless they have one goal - to make everything beautiful and unique.

You can use:

  • threads;
  • fabrics;
  • buttons;
  • ear cancer;
  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • cereals;
  • coffee beans.

You can consider the features of thematic products.

Panel on the wall in the kitchen

This is perhaps the only place where the use of food for decoration purposes will be completely justified. Appropriate here:

  • cereals;
  • grains;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

But, by the way, coffee beans are a universal material and can be used in any room. They are easy to work with, and during operation they do not lose their appearance and colors.

With their help, you can lay out any pictures, for example, a cup of coffee, which already matches the theme. You can cut out photographs of beautiful fruits and vegetables, complementing them with cereals.

Coffee beans are a universal material

New Year's panel

In this case, the brighter the better. Such a picture should speak of celebration, fun and in a great mood. Here it is permissible to combine any materials and surrender completely to your imagination. And if you are invited to visit, a hand-made panel will be an excellent gift.

Suitable use:

  • spruce branches;
  • cones;
  • rowan berries.

As a background, you can use a New Year's picture, for example, printed on a printer, and decorate it. Snow-white snow can replace crumbled polystyrene foam, cotton wool and even semolina.


If a girl is into dancing, you can make a painting of a ballerina. This kind of work on a fake will definitely interest your child, so you can make a joint fake.

Macrame panel

When making such products, you need knowledge of weaving techniques. If you have made macrame, you can create incredible beautiful decor. The advantage of the products is that everything will depend on desire and imagination. They can be:

  • large;
  • small;
  • round;
  • square.

You can decorate them:

  • beads;
  • stones;
  • ribbons.

Material selection

Knowing about the main points, you can consider in more detail how to make panels using this or that material.

Made of wood

Additionally, you need wire, thin tree branches, and glue. You can use wooden planks for the frame if you want a square or rectangular picture. For an oval or round frame, you can also use thick wire, and for decoration, wrap it tightly with thread.

For the background you can use plywood, white cardboard, burlap or leave it empty. In the latter version, all elements are attached to each other and secured to the frame.


So that the tree has glossy surface, it is varnished.

Design ideas:

  • You can place spots on the branches that are attached with glue. To prevent the bottom from looking empty, you can fill it with the same blanks.
  • A composition of patches laid out in the shape of a flower will look beautiful, if this is a large product you can use cones or dried flowers.
  • It could be a laid out heart or a star.

In order not to spoil the impression, it is better not to use synthetic materials in the composition.

From fabric

The fabric is easy to work with, and its variety allows you to create amazing pictures. With its help you can create:

  • abstract drawings;
  • sew animals;
  • nature;
  • create whole pictures.

Fabric is a material that is easy to work with

  • Absolutely any fabric is suitable for work; the more different fabrics there are, the wider the choice when implementing ideas.
  • You will need threads, frames, cardboard, elements.
  • As in the previous version, you can make the frame yourself. The panels will look great without the use of frames.
  • You can choose any basis on which the picture will be created: thick cardboard, fiberboard or chipboard, plastic and other available materials. It needs to be covered with material and secured on the reverse side with glue or a stapler.


Don't throw away small pieces of fabric and shreds; they will be useful for future work.


1 It could be nature, flowers, trees. To make a tree or flower look alive, you should use the following technique. The trunk or stem is drawn on the fabric and cut out, glued to the canvas. The leaves are also cut out, but only one side is glued to the canvas. For a flower, you can first create a composition using a needle and thread, secure it, and then glue it.

2 Nowadays, many interiors use panels using one material, without any additional elements. The idea is as follows, for example, you have a living room where two or three primary colors are used in the interior: beige, orange, red. You need to choose a material with a pattern, where red flowers are painted on a delicate background. Or take a fabric with a red background with small beige flowers on it.

Ideally choose three different options fabrics. Next, take a base, a square or rectangular sheet of plywood and cover it with fabric. The sizes of plywood can be different, the main thing is that in the end they look harmonious.

3 Pictures look great, for this you need to choose a drawing as an example. Then cut out the parts and glue them onto the base. This is a bit of a time consuming process and it is better to start with simple drawings.


To add volume, you can place cotton wool under the fabric elements.

From photographs

The use of photographs to decorate apartments has been used for a long time and, probably, every family uses such a technique. And although it won’t be possible to surprise you with the material, the design method will definitely work.

  • Absolutely all photographs are suitable for this method.
  • Black and white photos look beautiful.
  • Additionally, you can use photos of nature and beautiful landscapes.

Design ideas:

Framework. Depending on what kind of panel is expected in the final result, you need to choose a frame. It can be made from cardboard, where only the front part of the frame is cut out of thick cardboard and glued to the photo; on thick cardboard, it can also be glued to the back, as a base. If the photo will be glued directly to the base, but a frame is not needed. You can use the fabric for the front of the photo as a frame.

A family tree looks very beautiful in the interior; it brings comfort and creates a special atmosphere. Making it is quite simple, you will need a base, you can work with cardboard, the main thing is to find the dimensions. It can be painted or wrapped in fabric. Then a tree trunk and branches are cut out of the same cardboard. Covered with paint, if something doesn't work out, problem areas easy to close. Then photos are attached.

On the same basis, you can place photos in a chaotic order, and decorate the empty spaces additional elements. To delimit the photo, you can use colored tape or thick thread.

Another original version, take a large frame and stretch the threads horizontally. Then use clothespins to attach the photo to them.


Photos of different sizes look beautiful, but geometry and accuracy should not be observed.

From paper

Paper is another convenient and available material, which is easy to work with.

Paper is another convenient and affordable material that is easy to work with

Design ideas:

Butterfly panels are widely used. For this purpose it is taken colored paper, and butterflies are cut out according to approximately one sketch. You can use one color or several, only in one color palette, for example, from soft pink to burgundy. Then butterflies are glued onto the base (cardboard, plywood) or directly onto the wall. It can be in the shape of a heart, with the lightest color at the bottom and ascending to the top. This could be a flying composition. Only the body needs to be glued; the wings should lag behind the surface.

You can create a composition of flowers. Here it is better to use soft paper; cardboard will be difficult to handle. We take a square sheet of paper, it needs to be folded like an accordion. Next, the accordion is folded in half and these edges are secured with glue or a stapler, the free ones are stretched and also fastened. To make the edges of the flower appear curly, cut the folded paper with an accordion at both ends.

It can be beautifully decorated with small beads, pebbles or seed beads.


If you have a panel of butterflies, you can place them additionally around the room!

From plaster

They can be called luxurious and elegant. Stucco molding from gypsum has always been valued, and now it is possible to make panels using gypsum yourself. Plaster can be purchased at any store, as well as forms for future compositions. But if you put in a little effort and time, you can do it without forms.

  • Masters who do this professionally use special devices. For homemade You can use any available means, pencil, spatula. That is, those objects that will be convenient for drawing.
  • You should start with the simplest forms to become familiar with the material.
  • Difficult works of art It’s unlikely to work, but once you master the basics, you can produce beautiful drawings.

Design ideas:

  • You can work with plaster directly on the wall, but then you need to have a perfectly flat surface.
  • Apply a little plaster so that it does not have time to dry. You can decorate flowers and patterns. If you draw well, you can create complex compositions.
  • The material itself is not bright, so you can decorate it with a bright frame and paints. In the latter case, you should not overdo it so that the material does not resemble plasticine.

To create, you can use any available means - pencil, spatula


In the first stages, you can simply get acquainted with the material to know how it behaves in work.

From threads

Using ordinary threads and nails, you can make a panel that will make you admire it. Such crafts belong to the art of string art and are popular all over the world. And on sale they are highly expensive.

  • It is better to use wood or plywood as a base.
  • In addition to multi-colored threads, you will need nails or pins; nails with beautiful heads will look beautiful.
  • A sketch of the future panel (drawing) is applied to paper. Next, it is applied to the base and secured. Nails are hammered along the contour of the pattern; the less they are hammered, the more voluminous the pattern will be.
  • Then the paper is torn off.
  • A thread is wound around the nails horizontally and vertically.


  • Flowers and stars. It could be three large flower or several small ones. Flowers will look beautiful when used different color threads
  • It could be a big heart, a cat, a dog or a bear. Even the simplest drawing will look original and unusual.
  • You can make a drawing from several elements, but it will require patience and time.


When using thick threads, the consumption will be lower and the work will be done faster.

From beads, buttons

Such panels can be safely called bright and original jewelry. Beads are used in many fakes; thanks to the multi-colored palette and durable material, you can create incredible compositions.

  • To create such fakes, you can use beads separately, combine them with buttons or with other materials.
  • You can use fabric, polystyrene foam, wood, cardboard as a base.
  • The material is attached with glue.
  • Before creating a bead pattern, you need to draw an outline with a pencil and fill it in small areas. First, glue is applied with a brush, then covered with beads.

Ideas :

  • It is better to start artistic fakes with simple drawings, for example, flowers, trees, animal themes. Try making a butterfly; to do this, draw an outline and highlight areas where different colors will be used.
  • If the picture is large, you can use buttons, so the picture will be filled out faster, but will be no less beautiful.
  • When you have artistic talent, you can draw a picture and highlight some of its elements with beads.


It is better to hang a beaded panel on an empty wall so that it serves bright accent in room.

From plaster, putty

This work is similar to gypsum, but if gypsum is used in small areas, then plaster is most often used as a material for large panels. This is not to say that this look is easy for beginners in this business, but with a little training, everything will definitely work out.

This way the panel is made directly on the wall; it is better to practice on some smooth surface.

Work technology:

  • The drawing is applied to a piece of paper, the following work is performed based on this sketch;
  • Then the drawing is transferred to the plaster;
  • According to the drawing, the form is applied layer by layer;
  • To smooth the sheet without damaging the shape, you need to cover this area with film and carefully adjust and smooth it;
  • To give the surface texture, you can use a brush with hard bristles;
  • When the pattern has formed, you need it to dry completely;
  • Further using sandpaper aligns zones;
  • You can paint the canvas.

The process is labor-intensive and requires patience, but the result is worth it.

From the traffic jam

The only difficulty in creating such a panel is finding a sufficient number of corks. If there are houses wine corks, then create original panel not difficult. This material is easy to process, lightweight and comfortable.

  • They can serve as a background if cut into circles.
  • Attached with glue.
  • Combines well with natural materials.

Design ideas:

  • Corks are available in both delicate beige tones and rich brown. If you cut different corks, you can use them to lay out a design.
  • The cut circles can be painted with letters to form a phrase.
  • You can cut out figures from them, which are then attached to the base.

From disks

With the advent of flash drives, disks have faded into the background. Probably every family has these computer accessories. It’s very good that they have been preserved, because there are many ideas on how to make unique, luxurious panels from them.

Design ideas:

For families with children, it would be important to make “Smeshariki”, cartoon characters. To do this, cut out parts from colored paper or fabric (nose, eyes). Then they are glued to the disk using glue. The characters are applied to a base, which can be made of cardboard or thick fabric.

  • The discs are easily cut into different parts, which makes it possible to decorate panels with their help. In the light they shimmer and shine.
  • Another option is to cover the disc with paint; you can choose any background that will suit the interior. When the paint is dry, apply the pattern using a pencil. Next, along the contour of the drawing, a layer of paint is removed using a knife.
  • You can use a floppy disk as the basis of a panel. To do this, it can be decorated with paint or wrapped with thread.

From shells

If a family likes to relax on the seaside, shells are a must-have souvenir. Children love to collect them and replenish household supplies. But very rarely there is a use for them, so from year to year they lie and wait for their time. Now is the time when they can serve as the main element of a beautiful panel.

  • Before using the shells, they need to be washed and dried well.
  • To apply them to the base you will need glue.
  • Before work, for convenience, it is better to sort them by size.
  • To diversify the design, you can additionally use sand, pebbles, and beads.
  • You can add color using paints.
  • To make the surface of the shell glossy and shiny, it can be coated with colorless nail polish.


  • It could be a flower made of shells or a chaotic arrangement. Much depends on where the panel will be placed. It is necessary to maintain a marine theme or create big picture.
  • Such elements will look beautiful on burlap, and simple branches tied with thread can serve as a frame.
  • You can use a drawing as a background marine theme and decorate it with shells.
  • To create volume, shells are attached to the sidewall.

As you can see, any thing can be used. Here are some more examples of how to beautifully decorate a wall.

Decoupage panels

This option can be considered an update of old things. In this case, any canvas is taken as the basis. old painting, wooden planks, iron or glass elements. The base is decorated using paints, beads, threads and other materials.

Most often, products do not require a frame. They are hung by a rope or simply on a hook. It is better to use natural materials for decoration. This can be several paintings that are connected to each other.

You can use one intended for photos or paintings as a frame. You can do it yourself if you have thin planks. For the background, the fabric with which the base is covered is most often used. Since the doll has certain weight, the base must be reliable - wood or plywood.

As additional materials can be used:

  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • beads;
  • buttons.

If you have time and desire, you can make dolls that resemble family members and create a family panel.


Now you can buy any wall clock. They have different shapes and sizes, color and texture. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a unique model; making it yourself is much easier. Such panels are convenient because you can choose all the parameters yourself. The only thing to consider is general rules for all products.

The topic can be completely different:

  • time of the year;
  • nature;
  • romance;
  • flowers;
  • abstraction;
  • patterns.

All that is required for the job is the selection of appropriate materials and a base. The base can be foam, wood or plywood. First of all, it needs to be prepared. You can decorate with paint or covered fabric. If you plan to use multi-colored elements, then the base should be chosen in a single color.

It is not necessary that the clock be located in the center. On the contrary, if they are located on the edge, this will significantly expand the possibilities and you can create a beautiful composition. Here you can use all the techniques presented above. If the watch has a voluminous glass and it looks rough in the overall picture, it should be removed.

As a rule, watches have their own background if they have already been purchased and the background does not match general interior, this problem is easy to solve. The watch can be easily disassembled, the main thing is not to damage the mechanism. The removed base can be painted or decorated with beads. You can use pieces of floppy disk that shimmer beautifully in the light.

With pockets

Such a panel will not only bring beauty, but also benefit. It is suitable for the kitchen, bathroom, children's room. Its main advantage is pockets in which you can put any accessories. You can make them in different sizes and shapes, and use as many pockets as you see fit.

This panel consists of a base to which pockets are sewn. A plank is attached to the top; it is better to use a wooden one. Depending on what accessories will be stored in the pockets, the base is selected. The heavier they are, the stronger the base should be. Plywood is perfect; it does not deform and will hold the shape of the panel perfectly.

Regarding fabric, there are no special frames, but it is also better to use thick fabric. Pockets can be of different sizes and placed randomly. You can use pieces of different fabrics, even if they differ in density.

Such panels are made from the pockets of old jeans and trousers, which looks very original. This product will perfectly complement the interior of the corridor.

You can decorate:

  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • buttons;
  • stones.

If colored material is used, then its design is quite sufficient.

You should never give up, because the first successful job will bring positive emotions and pride in the work done.

Topic disclosure

Reliability of information

  • Availability
  • Saving money
  • Unique design
  • Time for crafts
  • Sometimes hard to find materials
  • Often, after an unsuccessful first time, work is suspended

The word deficit is a thing of the past and is even unknown to the modern generation. But now people are faced with another difficulty, namely the same type of goods. This applies to interior items no less. Mountains of identical paintings and interior items do not in any way contribute to the creation of an individual style.

So what to do? Resign yourself? There is a better way to decorate the interior with your own hands, and in this article we will tell you how to make a wooden wall panel yourself.

Option one: three-dimensional panel

The main advantage of creating wall panels is that you are limited only by your own imagination. You can bring any idea to life, the main thing is to have sufficient perseverance and patience. And of course, we will need a certain set of tools.

A three-dimensional panel is an image of some kind, but not applied to the surface, but cut out on it. Wait, you don’t need to flip through this page right away; you don’t need wood carving skills to make a three-dimensional image. Everything can be done much easier.

So, if you have the makings of an artist, then you can create a drawing yourself, but if you don’t, you can simply find a suitable image on the Internet and print it in real size. We will make a stencil from this drawing. We simply cut out everything unnecessary with scissors and leave only the outline, which will later be our drawing.

While you are cutting out the stencil, here is a list of everything we need to make a wood panel for the wall.

Tools and materials


  • Stencil. We have already talked about its production.
  • Elements for a frame or a finished baguette.
  • Electric jigsaw with fine files.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • A drill and a drill for it with a diameter of approximately 6 millimeters.
  • PVA glue or hot melt glue and a gun for applying it.
  • Brushes and roller for painting work.
  • Transparent varnishes and paints depending on the composition you choose.
  • Sandpaper of various grinding sizes.

Of course it's not full list, since in many ways it will be supplemented depending on what materials you have chosen for production and how complex your drawing will be. In any case, the process is creative, and many interesting thoughts and solutions come at the time of work, so we will simply give you a guide to making the option we have chosen and from our materials.

And we will use natural as a substrate wooden board, which, if desired, can be replaced with plywood or fiberboard, which are much easier to work with. So, let's get to work.


Our wooden wall panel will be made from boards, but due to its size, the width of one board will not be enough for us, so we will have to glue several segments together. With PVA glue, the process will look somewhat more complicated, since the glued elements will need to be pressed tightly against each other and kept like that for several days, so the best option You will use hot melt glue, which hardens much faster and holds the parts no less tightly.

So, our boards have frozen and now we have a canvas that needs to be given the required size. We take a jigsaw in our hands and cut off the excess parts. Now it’s time to apply the selected design through a pre-prepared stencil.

We apply it to the canvas and transfer the drawing with a pencil. We have a composition that now needs to be cut, and here comes the most important stage, when you can’t make mistakes.

We drill a hole in any convenient part of the drawing. We need it in order to lower the jigsaw blade there. And now, slowly, trying to follow the drawn lines as much as possible, we cut out our drawing.

Advice! Choose the smallest files for your jigsaw. It is easier to make curly cuts with them and they do not leave behind nicks or chips.

If in some places there are breaks in the lines or complex turns that the jigsaw cannot handle, then we drill another hole in another part of the canvas and begin sawing it on the other side. In principle, everything is ready, and if you don’t know at all how to work with a jigsaw, then the video in this article will help you figure it out, which shows detailed instructions, and in the meantime we move on to the next stage.


Now that our drawing is cut out, it needs to be thoroughly sanded. First, we go through the cut areas with coarse-grain sandpaper and remove large burrs. Next we clean out the remaining irregularities with the finest paper. The drawing is ready.

To give it a more natural look, the surface can be coated with wood stain, and after it dries, scratch along the growth of the fibers upper layer metal brush. This will bring out the grain of the wood and bring out the design more clearly.

Now all that remains is to cover it all with a layer of varnish and let it dry thoroughly. After which you can place our foam in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Option two: photo printing on wood

Have you thought that transferring an image onto a wooden surface is only possible in a special studio? Nothing like that, it can be done at home. Moreover, unlike the first method, here we do not need a power tool or artistic skills at all.

Just choose any photo you like and print it on a laser printer, and we will tell you how to transfer it to a wooden surface.

What do we need for this?


  • Basis for photo transfer. It could be any wooden surface. Choose what you like in terms of texture and color. There are no restrictions.
  • Acrylic gel. Sold at any hobby store. For a panel measuring 50 by 50 centimeters, just one tube is enough.
  • Kit art brushes different sizes and densities. Some of the brushes will be needed for possible painting, if necessary, and some for applying a layer of varnish and gel.
  • Roller with rubber surface, or a special tool called a squeegee.
  • Transparent wood varnish or special colorless paraffin. The price of paraffin is slightly higher, although in appearance it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary varnish.

And of course, our photo printed in real size. All is ready? Then you can begin to create magic, and looking ahead, we note that this process is most similar to magic.

Transferring the photo to the tree

Note that we did not just mention that the photograph must be printed on a laser printer. Only such images can be transferred to wood. Inkjet images will not work here.

So, take our canvas and cover it with a thin layer acrylic gel. Let it sit for a few minutes and place the photograph face down on the surface.

The picture will probably lie unevenly, and there will be bubbles underneath that need to be dispersed as much as possible. To do this, we will need either a rubber roller or a squeegee, which is a small rubber spatula designed specifically for this type of work.

Advice! If after all the manipulations there are still bubbles on the surface, there is a way to get rid of them. Simply pierce the bubble with a needle and smooth out the area.

When the surface is smoothed, it should be left for a day at room temperature and under no circumstances touch it with your hands or try to look under the paper. Be patient, the main magic is yet to come.

After 24 hours, you need to remove the paper. This will not be easy to do, and you will have to put in some effort, but the result will be worth it. In the process of peeling off the paper, you will see how our ordinary wooden wall panel turns into a real work of art.

When all the paper is removed, you will see that our photo has been completely transferred to the wood, and now it needs to be protected with a layer of varnish, and as an addition, you can age it a little. To do this, take a fine sandpaper and lightly rub the pattern with it. The image becomes like an old photo, and it looks very impressive.

That's all, all that remains is to put on a frame and hang our panel on the wall. Agree, nothing complicated, but what an impressive result.

And in conclusion

As you can see, wooden panels on the wall can be very diverse, and we have given only two options. In fact, there are much more of them and it’s all about your imagination.

Don't be afraid to get down to business. Even a bad experience is also experience, and as we know, it is priceless. Try, experiment, and then your home will be decorated with truly exclusive items that you will be proud to say - no one else in the whole world has them.

Home is the place where you want to feel as comfortable as possible. Eat various ways make it even more cozy. But it’s especially nice when the decorative elements are made by yourself. Decorative panels in the interior always attract admiring glances, and making them from scrap materials is not difficult if you follow the technology correctly and follow the instructions step by step.

What it is

The panel is a decorative element and its purpose is to decorate the interior and fill empty space on the walls or ceiling. Sounds a lot like the description of a painting, doesn't it? How does it differ from a painting, if both decorative options are designed to decorate the room? The answer is simple: a painting is a subject of painting art, and a panel can consist of anything. Dough, plastic, plaster, beads, fabric, wood - there is no limit to imagination when it comes to making panels and the material for decoration can be anything. If you want to make your interior unique, then the panel will do it perfectly!

Determining the scope of work

The first stage in creating a wall panel is to decide on the design of the future product. If you already know where it will be located, then this complicates the task. Need to weigh color scheme, dimensions, what it will have, whether the material from which it is planned to be made fits into the overall picture of the interior.

So, we decide: size, color scheme and what materials will be used. This is the first step. If this is possible, then it is worth drawing a sketch of the planned product. This will help take into account all the nuances in completing the task.

If a piece of cardboard, canvas or any other hard surface is taken as a basis, then markings are made on it: where and how the decorative elements will be located. If the base is fabric, then it is stretched onto the base (for example, onto a piece of plywood, board or plastic), and the rest of the fabric is secured on the back side. After the craft is completed, it is placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

There is another option for making panels on a fabric basis. You will need to take a solid base, for example, a plasterboard sheet the right size and glue foam rubber to it. The fabric is stretched onto the resulting soft base. In this case, you can do without a frame.

After all the preparations, you can begin the main part of production: decorating.

Types of panels with your own hands

Let's look at the main types used in decoration:

FabricThese are all variants of embroidery, applique and tapestry techniques that are made on fabric. The technique can be anything: from hand embroidery to machine embroidery, made in mass production.
StoneOften made using mosaic technique. Are used natural stones which are considered noble: basalt, marble and others. Less often, such products also contain artificial stone.
Made of ceramicsThey are made using ceramic tiles and are usually placed in the bathroom or kitchen.
SculpturalA volumetric version of the product, which is made of special plaster, plaster or metal.
GraphicEverything done with various types print. These can be reproductions of paintings, photo printing.
Other typesProducts are presented here self made, which are made using any available materials. Salty dough, wood, dried flowers and plants, shells, clay, beads - there is no limit to your imagination for decoration.

Here are examples of manufacturing different types of panels:

From prints of fruits and vegetables

A child can also participate in the creation of this panel, as it is very simple to make. The bright, colorful design of this creation is ideal for the kitchen.

For production you will need:

  • Solid vegetables or fruits (this could be apples, any citrus fruits, pears, cabbage, etc.);
  • Paint (gouache, oil, acrylic);
  • The basis on which the decoration will be made. It can be cardboard, board, fabric stretched over a sheet of drywall.

The surface of the base is pre-degreased and painted in the desired shade. Cut fruits and vegetables into halves and dip them in paint. It is best to pour the dye thinly into a plate. We apply the cut side of the colored fruit to the base and get a stamp.

Stamps can be made anywhere on the base, but images that are positioned symmetrically look best.

From paper

There are many options for making paper creations. Let's look at the main ones:

Made from round paper designs

This product can be made with your own hands in an hour and is an excellent way to decorate the interior, as well as get a lot of positive emotions.

Let's prepare materials:

  • Colored paper;
  • Paper clips;
  • Scotch;
  • Pins;
  • Stapler.


  1. A sheet of paper is folded like an accordion, like a fan.
  2. We bend the accordion in half.
  3. Using a stapler, we secure the edges at the fold so that the accordion does not fall apart and you get a small fan. We connect three such fans and get a circle.
  4. Accordions of different colors can be combined into one circle, then the panel will turn out even brighter.
  5. Connect many circles together, attaching them to the wall with safety pins. The size of the circles and the composition itself can be as large as you like and take any shape.

From photographs

Essentially, this is a collage of photographs or artistic pictures, which can either have a specific theme or be completely abstract. Photos are combined into one composition and mounted on a wall or other base. Design option: combine multiple images of sea and sky.

From colored paper

There are a lot of options for making crafts from colored paper. Today we offer the “Flowers from Hearts” option, which is suitable even for children's master class. It is very simple to implement and is an excellent tool for development. fine motor skills baby, but it looks amazing!

We will need:

  • Office colored paper;
  • Basis for panels;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard;
  • Paints;
  • Tassels;
  • Frame.

Let's get started:

  1. Cut out a heart-shaped template. To make one flower, we need eight such hearts. All hearts in a flower must be the same size.
  2. Fold the heart in half and get a petal.
  3. Glue a flower from these petals onto the base. This could be cardboard or a wall.
  4. To make flower leaves, you need smaller green hearts.
  5. We lay out the flowers in any order, depending on the overall shape of the desired panel. It can be a heart shape, or you can arrange flowers in the shape of a tree. Let's show your imagination and bring it to life!

From newspaper tubes

Newspapers can be great for making your own panels.

Necessary materials:

  • Newspapers;
  • Knitting needle;
  • Glue;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Knife;
  • Acrylic paint.


  1. We cut the newspaper sheet into two parts with a knife.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to these parts.
  3. We wind sheets of newspapers diagonally onto a knitting needle. You should get thin tubes.
  4. Let's take it acrylic paint and paint the newspaper tubes in the desired color.
  5. We coat the resulting flagella with glue again and wrap the ends of each newspaper tube so that we get a spiral. Both ends need to be screwed into opposite sides, if you want to get the shape of a seahorse. You can make a circle: to do this you just need to roll the entire tube in a spiral.
  6. We secure the spirals with rubber bands and leave them to dry for 24 hours.
  7. We remove the rubber bands and make up the desired pattern from the resulting elements. The elements can be immediately mounted on the wall, or a panel can be created on a pre-prepared base.

Circles from newspaper tubes can be painted different colors, combining several shades in one circle. Circles with a gradient look interesting: a transition from one color to another.

From wallpaper

This interesting solution, which will enliven your interior and give it even more comfort.
There are several ways to make a wallpaper panel yourself:

  • Shred technique

Cut out fragments from existing wallpaper. The pieces can be of any shape, but must fit together. Consider the general appearance of the entire future composition. For example, you can cut out squares with flowers from three different types wallpaper and combine them together in several rows in a certain sequence. In this case, paired elements do not have to be arranged symmetrically.

  • Whole wallpaper technique

We take wallpaper with the desired image (for example, a sakura branch), carefully cut it out and insert it into a frame, or glue it to the wall and decorate it with moldings or panels.

  • Combination of styles

Here the design is limited only by your imagination! Combine whole pieces wallpaper with small cut out fragments. It's modern and inexpensive way decorate your home.
Important! If you can’t decide on the style of the future composition, then you should take a closer look at the images of flowers and plants in soft shades. It is always appropriate and looks beautiful.

From salt dough

This type of panel is one of the most budget-friendly, since its production requires a minimum of material and usually everything you need is always at home.

We offer a version of a molded panel where your child’s arms and legs will be imprinted. This creation will allow you to decorate your baby's bedroom in an original way and preserve the memory of his childhood for a long time.

We will need:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Colored gouache (optional).


  1. We take flour and salt in proportions of two to one. Two glasses of flour are mixed with a glass of salt, then water is added. The approximate volume of water for this amount of flour and salt will be 125 ml.
  2. Knead the stiff dough. If it sticks to your hands, then add more flour. The dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  3. If you want to make the panel colored, then it’s time to add gouache, decorating the dough with it.
  4. Roll out the dough. Its approximate thickness should be about 2 centimeters. The shape of a piece of dough can be any.
  5. We bring the dough to the baby and gently press his palm and foot into the mass. The pressure should be light, but sufficient to leave a mark.
  6. We make two through holes in the dough - this is for the future ribbon, on which the panel will then hang.
  7. Place everything on a baking sheet and cover with baking paper.
  8. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees and put the dough there to dry. This will take approximately two to two and a half hours. It is necessary to carefully turn the dough once, halfway through drying.
  9. We paint the resulting panel with colored or white gouache, thread the tape through the holes - voila! A very touching and cute decoration for your home is ready!

From fabric

Decorating panels with fabric came into fashion not so long ago: only in last years handmade lovers paid close attention to the fabric. This product is ideal for a Provence style interior. Let's look at the main types of fabric panels that you can make with your own hands:


Various techniques are used to make such panels, but they all have one thing in common: the use of scraps of fabric in the work. There are many patterns for such products on the Internet. Panels can be either on a fabric basis or on rigid structures. You will need any fabric for making: from pieces of tulle to scraps of old bed linen.

Felt for creativity

Felt panels are one of the most popular among needlewomen. All you need are pieces of felt of different colors, a pattern for future parts of the picture, thread and a needle or glue and a base on which you plan to attach all the details of the panel. Felt is a very beneficial material for creativity: it will help bring all your fantasies to life. A felt panel will be an excellent decoration for a living room or hallway.

Burlap looks like an extremely inconspicuous material, but it begins to play with completely different colors when craftswomen use it in their work. Burlap can be used to cover a frame for a panel; it can be used as a basis for other materials: beads, lace and others. This rough material perfectly emphasizes the delicacy and sophistication of other fabrics.

A wool panel is the simplest product in the technique. wet felting. This is an interesting process in which wool is compacted in a specific way to create felt. The design on such a panel can be anything: it all depends on the skill of the needlewoman.

If you want to take a single-color piece of fabric and draw a certain picture on it, then keep in mind that this is not as simple as it seems. It’s worth practicing on a rough draft, and then moving on to the fabric that you plan to use on the panel.

From beads

In this version of the panel, all or part of its elements are made of beads. First, the elements themselves are made, and then they are fixed to the base and, if desired, framed.

From threads and nails

This is far from new, but very interesting way make a panel with your own hands! Minimalism reigns here in the choice of materials, but this does not make the panel bland and boring, but, on the contrary, attracts admiring glances.

The whole point is that cloves are hammered onto a solid base. This can be done chaotically, or it can be done according to a certain pattern, which can be successfully found on the Internet. Threads are stretched between the nails in several layers. Thanks to this, a certain pattern is created.

From buttons

Ideal for beginners! You can use buttons to decorate a panel made of fabric or paper, or you can create a product made entirely of buttons. For this you will need

  • PVA glue;
  • Buttons;
  • The basis.

Execution order:

  1. Draw a sketch on the basis: where the buttons will be located and what pattern they should represent together.
  2. Glue the buttons to the base with PVA glue.

The design can be anything: inscriptions, abstraction, flora and fauna and others.

Mirror panel

A modern panel created from pieces of mirrors. Complex versions of it can only be made by specialists, but simple ones are very accessible to independent work. Mirror panel will become additional lighting in the room.

Necessary materials:

  • Mirror tiles;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • A base with wooden planks, if you plan to stick the mirrors not directly on the wall.

The principle of operation is clear: we combine various mirror pieces and attach them in the required order to a wall or other base using liquid nails.

They are usually made in an abstract style from a variety of wood types. Very profitable in classic interior wooden panels with inlaid semi-precious stones look great.

Dried flowers and leaves

Great for children's creativity. We decide on the plot of the future work, and then glue dried flowers and leaves (juniper branches, tree leaves - any flora will do) onto a solid base (cardboard, fiberboard) using glue. Grains, seeds and twigs would be an excellent addition.

Cereals and seeds

A sketch of the future painting is applied to a solid, already painted base. Then, cereals and seeds are attached to the base using PVA glue. Large grains should be glued individually, and small grains, for example, rice, should be poured onto the glue already applied to the base.