Oatmeal proportions of milk and rolled oats. How to cook oatmeal porridge

Hercules porridge is not the most favorite product among children and adults if consumed without various additives. But breakfast with such porridge becomes very healthy and satisfying at any age, and if you put some dried fruits, nuts or berries in it, you can turn the unpleasant cereal into a work of culinary art.

Cooking time

On water is an excellent recipe for a diet, because even with the addition of honey and prunes or raisins, the flakes will retain their attractive properties. Some women note that by eating oatmeal for breakfast every day for a month, a smooth process of losing excess weight occurs.

Good to know! They sell a lot in stores ready-made mixtures in portioned and large bags that can be prepared in 5-10 minutes. The manufacturer often adds dried fruits, dried berries, and spices to them. Porridges are steamed according to the instructions, and it is impossible to find a single recipe for them.

You can also find rolled oats on the shelves instant cooking, which differs from standard cereal in the degree of cutting of the flakes - they are lighter and airier, so they are brewed in literally 5-7 minutes. In other cases, the cooking time for oatmeal porridge in water looks like this:

  • in the pan the liquid boils quite quickly - up to 10-15 minutes;
  • the poured cereal is boiled in about 18-20 minutes;
  • if the porridge is cooked in the oven, then it takes half an hour.

You can cook porridge quickly in a microwave oven. This will require about 10 minutes of time, taking into account the preparation of water.

How to properly cook oatmeal porridge in water

Hercules flakes, if they are not cooked, turn out dry, hard and lose all the charm of their taste. The same thing happens if you overcook them, only then the porridge becomes not the most pleasant in consistency.

Good to know! U different manufacturers flakes can have a different size, thickness, shape, so porridge prepared using the same technology can turn out different. The best way To cope with this, practice and always choose a familiar manufacturer.

The most common method of preparing oatmeal porridge in water looks like this:

  1. For 1 cup of porridge, take 2 cups of filtered water and a little salt. Sugar can be added as desired, or replaced with honey and dried fruits.
  2. The water is brought to active bubbling, then flakes are placed in it. They can be pre-rinsed, but rolled oats usually do not require careful preparation.
  3. If you take regular flakes, then after boiling they are boiled for 20 minutes, if you take quick cooking, then 5-7 minutes is enough. Don't forget to reduce the heat on the stove to medium, but so that the porridge gurgles slightly.
  4. After this, the product is salted and covered with a lid. You need to infuse the porridge and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. But not longer, otherwise it will begin to thicken greatly.

You need to infuse the porridge by removing it from the hot stove so that it does not burn. It must be stirred during cooking. After the specified time has elapsed, add a piece of natural butter to the rolled oats and mix well.

Can be cooked delicious porridge, which will differ significantly in consistency from that cooked on the stove in pots.

Hercules porridge in pots

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into a large pot and place a cup of rolled oats flakes.
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Cook for 30 minutes.
  4. Add salt, sugar granules, a piece of butter and other additives to taste, let stand in the oven for 10 minutes (turn it off first).

Novice cooks do not always know the difference between boiled and baked oatmeal. But their taste is significantly different. Thus, the liquid in the baked product is much less noticeable, and the aroma is retained more fully.

Cooking porridge in the microwave

Good to know! The easiest way to prepare porridge in water with rolled oats is to use a microwave. Pour into a glass container boiled water in the amount of 2 glasses and place it in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Then add a glass of flakes and cook them for 5-7 minutes at a power of 1000 or 800 W (100%).

Cooking in the microwave takes minimal time. After the porridge is ready, salt, sugar, and butter are added to it. You can also add dried fruits, but they should be soaked first.

Tricks of a true porridge lover!

There are several small nuances that will help make the porridge very tasty:

  • if the finished porridge is not eaten immediately, then you need to add a third less flakes to it, then it will not thicken too much;
  • leftover porridge can be used in cutlets, casseroles and even cookies, so you can simply put the product in the refrigerator and use it after a few hours;
  • When using rolled oats for weight loss, adding oil is not recommended;
  • The porridge will turn out even tastier if you pre-caramelize the peaches and apples - fry them in sugar and butter for 15 minutes and put them in the porridge.

Simple recipes for oatmeal porridge

Having a neutral taste, oatmeal “loves” different fillers. It turns out especially tasty with fresh or frozen berries - cherries, blueberries, strawberries. It is ideally complemented by apples, peaches and apricots, as well as all types of dried fruits and nuts. But there are others interesting recipes, which will diversify the everyday dish and make all family members eagerly gobble it up. For example, with fragrant pumpkin!

Recipe! For 7 spoons of flakes take 250 g ripe pumpkin, a spoonful of nuts, preferably walnuts, 20 g of butter and a little sugar with cinnamon. The pumpkins are boiled until soft, and the cereal and nuts are fried until golden brown. Add the dry ingredients to the pumpkin and add 150 ml of water. Boil until boiling, salt, add sugar and serve after 3 minutes.

Oatmeal doesn’t have to be tasteless or have an unpleasant consistency. at proper preparation and adding other components, the porridge turns out to be aromatic, satisfying and attractive in appearance!

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You can treat oatmeal as you like, but no one can deny its benefits. With the launch of steam processing of cereals into production, the taste of porridge became less specific, and the consistency became more delicate. It gained more fans, and thanks to its valuable nutritional properties, the name “hercules” was assigned to it. It is believed that water, the recipe for which will be given in our article, is suitable both as a main dish on fasting and fasting days.

Why didn't the Scots add milk to their oatmeal?

First oatmeal began to be prepared in Scotland in the 16th century. The chefs immediately began experimenting with the recipe and even managed to add spices to the dish. To achieve the ideal taste, even superstitions and certain rituals were used. Thus, it was believed that during cooking it was necessary to stir the porridge exclusively right hand clockwise. This action supposedly scared away those who had gathered around. According to the chefs of those years, milk spoiled the taste of the dish, so it was customary to cook oatmeal only in water. However, milk for porridge was served separately, in a glass, so that the dish could be washed down.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge on water: the best breakfast

  • Oatmeal - 2 cups.
  • Water - 4 glasses.
  • Butter - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • You can add sugar to taste.

Hercules flakes do not require pre-rinsing before placing in the pan. But even in the product premium various foreign particles, husks and pebbles come across. Therefore, we will sort out the flakes before adding them, so as not to pull them out of our mouth more than once later. crushed grains. Hercules porridge with water, the recipe for which readers see in this moment, can provide up to 15% of the daily needs of the human body for vitamins and microelements. Milk in this situation is seen as an unnecessary product, especially on fasting days.

Cooking process

First, put the water on the fire. When the water boils, add salt, and then gradually add the flakes. Additional stirring at the time of adding is not required, since the flakes themselves will be evenly distributed throughout the liquid without forming lumps. Cook over moderate heat until thickened, stirring slowly occasionally so that the porridge does not burn. After 7-10 minutes, the cereal is already capable of completely boiling. Turn off the heat, add butter, sugar if required, and cover with a lid. It is advisable to cover the pan with a terry towel and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.

What to serve with?

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and diversify your daily diet. Some people eat every day, and it would be a good idea for them to know what goes best with the finished dish. A good addition to the porridge served on the table would be pre-well-washed raisins, honey, and pieces of fresh fruit. In the summer, you can add berries, of which raspberries, strawberries and cherries are best suited to the taste of the finished dish. And how beautiful and appetizing a composition of porridge will look, decorated on top with several raspberries and mint leaves! Our rolled oatmeal porridge with water, the recipe with photo of which you see, is ready! After such a beautifully decorated breakfast, in addition to a surge of energy, good mood all day.

Rolled oatmeal porridge with water: recipe in a slow cooker

People have long appreciated all the delights of a multicooker: it can save the housewife’s personal time and provide the family with a hot breakfast immediately after waking up. When every minute counts in the morning, oatmeal porridge with water, the recipe for which we will now analyze in a slow cooker, is a real salvation. In addition, it is believed that this unit retains an order of magnitude more valuable nutrients than traditional cooking.

As ingredients (for one serving) we take:

  • 0.5 cups oatmeal,
  • 1 glass of water,
  • salt.

So, for a family of 4 people we will add 2 cups of cereal and 4 glasses of water, and for a family of 5 people - 2.5 cups of cereal and 5 glasses of water. In both cases, 0.5 teaspoon is enough salt. As you can see, there is no butter or sugar here. This oatmeal porridge with water is a recipe for weight loss and a slim figure!

Bookmark ingredients

In the evening we will put all the ingredients into the slow cooker, which can be mixed if desired. We set the “Porridge” mode, then the delay timer until the hour when the family is ready to get ready for breakfast. For those who have time in the morning, you can bookmark it after waking up. In this case, we’ll get by with just the “Porridge” mode. The positive thing about cooking this way is that there is no milk. In this case, the finished dish will definitely not burn.

Porridge with dried fruits

Hercules porridge with water, the recipe for which we have discussed, is prepared simply, and all additional ingredients are added to the finished dish. Are there options where additional ingredients are cooked along with the cereal? Yes, they do exist. Pieces of dried fruit soften well during the simmering process, and also impart their incomparable sweet and sour taste to the main dish. To prepare we take:

  • Oatmeal - 200 g.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Olive oil.
  • A mixture of dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes, dates).
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

The recipe for oatmeal porridge in water with dried fruits can sometimes be modified for variety. For example, take water and milk in equal proportions.

Cooking method

After the water boils, add the flakes and cook, stirring slowly, for no more than 10 minutes. By this time, dried fruits should already be washed, scalded with boiling water and cut into pieces, with the exception of raisins. It itself is so fine that it does not require grinding.

As soon as the flakes in the pan thicken, add salt, sugar if desired, as well as a mixture of dried fruits, mix. Then reduce the heat to low or turn it off and cover the dish with a terry towel. Total time languor - 10 minutes. We will use olive oil instead, which will add piquancy and oriental flavor to the dish.

Benefits of the dish

There are people who still do not understand and do not accept the taste delights of oatmeal. Sometimes life forces you to make adjustments to your diet and, for one reason or another, give up unhealthy foods. And then, willy-nilly, people turn their attention to such a dish as oatmeal porridge with water, a recipe whose benefits are described here. In people's minds, the idea about this dish, laid down by the monotonous food of children's institutions, about this dish changes, and they discover oatmeal with new side. If you complement your dishes with suitable ingredients, the taste will play with new colors every time.

Oatmeal is healthy and nutritious. “The porridge of English aristocrats” is what many nutritionists call it. I don’t know if the British eat oatmeal every day, but in our family this is a must for breakfast. For convenience, I buy oatmeal flakes rather than oat grains, since they cook faster than cereal.

How to cook oatmeal porridge: add water or milk, add sugar and salt to taste and boil for a couple of minutes. Depending on my mood and immediate preferences, I add fresh herbs and cheese (very tasty!) or raisins and figs to the porridge.

Rolled oats porridge turns out to be very tasty if you cook it in milk and add bananas cut into slices. Hercules in water has less calories, and if you fill the flakes with milk alone, the porridge turns out viscous and very nutritious.

Lately I prefer to dilute the milk with water (one to one) and cook the cereal that way. Hercules porridge turns out tasty and not so dense and viscous.

Cooking steps:


Oatmeal 1 cup, milk 1 cup, water 1 cup, dried fruits in portions, salt to taste, sugar to taste.

Have a hearty breakfast and stock up on energy for the whole day - oatmeal porridge will help with this. Traditionally it is boiled with milk, we will provide the recipe. We will also offer delicious variations so that everyone can choose a dish for themselves. Let's get started!

Hercules porridge with milk: “classic”

  • "Hercules" - 90-100 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • high-fat milk - 500-550 ml.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • sugar - 40 gr.

We tell you how to cook delicious oatmeal porridge with milk.

1. Pour milk into a fireproof cooking vessel and heat it until it starts to boil. When the mixture begins to rise, add salt.

2. Immediately add the flakes, stirring the ingredients. Reduce the burner power to between medium and minimum.

3. Time it for 10-12 minutes, no need to constantly stir the porridge. Do this periodically to prevent the flakes from sticking together.

4. About 2 minutes before the end of boiling, sweeten with sugar in the amount according to the recipe (vary to your taste). Also throw in the oil and turn off.

5. Let the dish brew, after 10 minutes you can taste it. When serving, add fruits, berries, nuts or even cookies to the porridge.

Hercules porridge with diluted milk

  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • milk - 300 ml.
  • water - 250-300 ml.
  • salt - a pinch
  • cereal - 120 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.

Hercules porridge, cooked entirely with milk, turns out to be quite satisfying. We suggest the recipe with the addition of water to make the dish less rich.

1. Pour in water and let it boil. In just a couple of minutes, add the milk and wait for it to heat up. When the first bubbles appear, add salt.

2. Immediately add the cereal to the boil, stir and reduce power. Simmer the dish over low heat for 8-12 minutes, sweeten it at the end and turn it off.

3. Place a slice of butter inside, cover with a lid and let the porridge stand for about 5 minutes. Taste, sprinkled with nuts or fruits.

Porridge "Hercules" with milk and berries

  • milk - 0.6 l.
  • granulated sugar - 40 gr.
  • berries (fresh or frozen) - 2 handfuls
  • "Hercules" - 90-100 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch

Since you can prepare aromatic oatmeal porridge with berries and milk, please yourself with a delicious dish.

1. Heat the milk in a saucepan, let it rise and add salt. Add the flakes and simmer them over low heat for about 8-12 minutes.

2. Finally, add sweetener to the dish, stir and turn off. Add butter.

3. If the berries are frozen, immediately throw them into the pan and cover with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes and taste.

4. When adding fresh fruits, they must be washed and added to rolled oats porridge with milk immediately before serving. Here is such a simple recipe.

Milk rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker

  • cereal - 180 gr.
  • milk - 650 ml.
  • dried apricots/prunes - 2 handfuls
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • cinnamon powder - 2 pinches
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • butter - 30 gr.

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker, flavored with dried fruits and cinnamon, is prepared with milk. Delicious and nutritious!

1. Regardless of what you choose (prunes or dried apricots), they must be soaked and dried. Next, chop the dried fruits and place them in a greased multi-bowl.

2. Prepare the multicooker for use. Set the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” function for 20 minutes.

3. Pour milk into dried fruits, add sweetener, cinnamon powder, salt, cereal and mix.

4. When the timer beeps to indicate the end of cooking, open the appliance, add oil and close. Tasting can be done after a quarter of an hour.

Hercules porridge in the microwave

  • apple - 1 pc.
  • milk - 0.3 l.
  • “Hercules” - 1 glass
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • granulated sugar
  • filtered water

Hercules porridge is prepared simply with milk. In this case, consider a microwave recipe.

1. Place instant oatmeal in a deep bowl. Pour in the milk. Add salt if necessary. Place the cup in the microwave and cover with a special lid. Warm up for a couple of minutes.

2. Stir the porridge and repeat the procedure. After the signal, leave the container with the contents in the microwave for a while. Start making caramel.

3. Pour sugar into the pan and pour in a little water. Melt the grains to a characteristic amber color. Add apple slices here. Wait a few more minutes.

4. Serve the finished porridge in a plate. Water it caramel syrup with apple. Enjoy.

Porridge "Hercules" with nuts in the oven

  • peanuts, walnuts - 40 g each.
  • "Hercules" - 0.1 kg.
  • medium fat milk - 0.5 l.
  • granulated sugar - 50 gr.

Hercules porridge cooked with milk in the oven takes on unusual notes. Review the detailed recipe.

1. Grind the prepared nut kernels into coarse crumbs. Grease 2 small clay pot butter. Pour 50 grams into the dishes. cereal. Add 25 gr. Sahara.

2. Also add equal amounts of the nut mixture into the pots. Pour in the milk. Place the molds in the preheated oven. Cook for a third of an hour at 160 degrees.

3. Turn off the oven and cover the pots. Insist for a while. Carefully serve the treat in a clay dish.

Milk oatmeal porridge with honey

  • filtered water - 0.3 l.
  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • nuts - 120 gr.
  • "Hercules" - 0.4 kg.
  • honey, vanilla, cinnamon

It's easy to figure out how to cook oatmeal porridge on milk. Let's take a closer look at the process.

1. Mix water and milk, boil. Add the cereal and cook for 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

2. Then add nut crumbs, honey and spices. Stir the ingredients and simmer for a few more minutes. You can serve it to the table.

Porridge "Hercules" with bananas

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk, water - 200 ml each.
  • raisins - 1 seed
  • "Hercules" - 0.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon, vanilla

Consider how rolled oatmeal porridge with bananas and milk is prepared. The recipe is simple.

1. Fill the raisins with water to swell. Then delete excess moisture. Take the water according to the recipe and boil it. Add the cereal. Wait for it to bubble again.

2. Then pour in the milk, add the raisins and mashed banana. At the same stage, add the necessary spices.

3. Stir the porridge and cook for a few more minutes. Remove from stove. You can try.

Milk oatmeal porridge with pumpkin

  • milk - 0.7 l.
  • pumpkin pulp - 0.3 kg.
  • "Hercules" - 0.25 kg.
  • sugar - 40 gr.
  • vanillin - 2 pinches

1. Bake the pumpkin pieces in the oven. Boil milk and add oatmeal. Mix systematically.

2. When the first bubbles appear, add pumpkin, vanilla, and sugar. Cook until cereal is cooked through (8-12 minutes).

Hercules porridge is cooked with milk in different ways. However classic recipe always takes place. The dish is best served for breakfast. This way you are guaranteed to charge your body with energy for the whole day.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

Hercules porridge is a legendary porridge that is known to each of us since childhood. But do you know all its secrets and cooking recipes? Find out about them in the article

15 minutes

70 kcal

5/5 (1)

It is worth noting that the terminologically correct oatmeal is called oatmeal. Let's talk about its features and recipes for making oatmeal porridge with milk.

The benefits of rolled oatmeal

An amazing feature of rolled oats porridge is that it is suitable both as a hearty breakfast option and as a dish for those who want to lose weight at the same time, since the calorie content of oatmeal porridge is low. This is also possible because oatmeal gradually absorbed by the body without causing a feeling of heaviness, and at the same time it contains a lot of fiber, protein compounds and fats.

Oats - source vitamins A, B2, B1, E, K, B6 and PP. It is also rich in minerals. Among them are iron and magnesium, manganese and fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium and even manganese and sulfur. The benefit of oatmeal porridge is that it helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blood clots, increases muscle tissue in the body, and cleanses the body as a whole.

“Complex” carbohydrates found in oatmeal - volumetric energy source. If you eat oatmeal in the morning, it can even relieve drowsiness, depressive thoughts and energize you. in a great mood all day. In addition, by eating just a bowl of oatmeal, you can easily “stretch out” without eating until lunch.

Regular consumption of oatmeal can reduce acidity, relieve colitis, indigestion and constipation, normalize the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, improve memory, have a beneficial effect on thinking and improve the ability to concentrate. Porridge is ideal for consumption by people with heart or stomach problems, as well as by patients diagnosed with vegetative-vascular disease.

However, it should be taken into account that along with very useful properties, oatmeal also has “unhelpful” sides. When consumed daily, especially easily soluble, you can provoke the removal of calcium from the body and interfere with the absorption of vitamin D. Therefore, at least a couple of times a week, alternate your “English breakfast” with buckwheat or steamed omelet.

How to make delicious oatmeal using milk

Preparing the porridge

Before you start preparing the porridge, rinse the rolled oats thoroughly, especially if a child will eat it. The flakes may contain husks, pebbles and uncrushed grains. There is no need to soak the rolled oats. To make it easier to rinse the porridge, use a colander. You can cook rolled oats with milk or water, but it will taste better with milk.

How to cook properly

  1. So, pour milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and add sugar and salt.
  2. It is usually recommended to replace sugar with a healthier sweet analogue - honey, but remember that at temperatures above 40* honey loses its beneficial features, and even becomes harmful. Therefore, it is better to eat it with ready-made porridge as a bite.
  3. After 2 minutes, pour whole or crushed oat grains into boiling milk, cook over low heat for half an hour and stir constantly.
  4. The ratio of cereal to milk depends on the degree of grinding and is always indicated on the package. Follow the instructions and you will have the perfect porridge consistency. To prepare oatmeal you need 10 minutes, of which the first four minutes the fire should be larger, then it should be made smaller.
  5. Once the 10 minutes are up and your porridge is ready, turn off the heat and let the oatmeal let sit for 7-10 minutes. If cereals are not cooked through, or there is a “bitterness” in the finished porridge, which means you got bad flakes from poorly processed grains.

What to serve oatmeal porridge with for children

The finished porridge can be served with butter, jam, any berries, dried fruits, and nuts.

To ensure that children like rolled oatmeal with milk, first of all, eat the porridge with your child. There is nothing more motivating for a child than a parental example. And secondly, constantly talk about the benefits that the child will receive thanks to the oatmeal he eats, say that he will become strong and will be able to run a lot, jump and have fun on the playground with other children.

Add to the porridge a product that your baby really loves, but in small quantities: you can eat a nut and eat it with a large spoon of porridge. Or, as a reward for an empty plate, you can give your baby baby cookies or a glass of juice after breakfast, but only on the condition that all the porridge has been eaten.

It turns out that preparing delicious and healthy oatmeal is not at all difficult, so treat yourself and your loved ones with this nutritious and healthy breakfast more often!

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