Removing and draining water from a bathhouse - how to lay a drain pipe under the floors and make a drainage system. Do you need a drain in a steam room? How to drain a bath?

Any bathhouse is a place where you can take a break from the worries of the day, relax and steam to your heart's content, so a large amount of water always accumulates in such a room. To keep the bathhouse in working order for a long time, the problem with the drainage of this water must be solved. In this article we will describe how to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands, and also present the main types of such structures.

You need to make a decision on the type of drain at the bathhouse design stage. Some people prefer not to complicate their lives and rely on the outflow of water into a pit under the floor of the bathhouse.

However, the consequences of such a decision may be as follows:

  • begins to grow under the floor mold;
  • appears unpleasant musty smell;
  • the structure of the bathhouse may shrink due to the destruction of the top layer of soil.

At the same time, we note that the location of the waste pit directly under the floor of the bathhouse is sometimes impossible due to the composition of the soil, for example, with inclusions of clay. Such soil does not absorb water well, therefore, all the described troubles will appear much earlier. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is best to organize a complete outflow of water from the bathhouse.

A do-it-yourself bathhouse drainage device can be organized in two ways:

  • construction of a special septic tank on the site;
  • insert into the central sewer system.

Types of floors in baths

If you decide to drain the bathhouse yourself, then the first thing you need to consider is the type of flooring, since they bear the main load from increased temperature and humidity, regardless of how well the drain is made. Therefore, the process of arranging floors must be treated with increased attention and scrupulousness.

There are two types of floors - concrete and wooden, each of which is applicable to one or another type of bathhouse. If your bathhouse is a massive capital structure with a relaxation room, dressing rooms, shower or swimming pool and steam room, then it is best to stop at concrete floors equipped with a waterproofing layer. In addition, this option is relevant if you plan to use the bathhouse all year round.

But in the case of wooden log houses, which are mainly used only in summer time, wood floors are quite acceptable, as a more profitable and inexpensive construction option with a small amount of work.

However, we should not forget that wood, despite all efforts to protect it, treatment with antiseptics and other materials, will eventually become unusable and the flooring will have to be replaced.

Concrete floors

The construction of a concrete floor requires the following layers:

  • compacted layer of crushed stone;
  • sand-cement mortar;
  • layer vapor barrier material;
  • insulating layer made of expanded polystyrene;
  • cellophane film for waterproofing;
  • another layer of sand cement;
  • mesh of reinforcement covered with concrete screed.

You can lay tiles on top of the screed. floor tiles, or use wooden ladders.

Wood floors

Wood floors can be made in two versions - leaky and non-leaky. In the first case, under the boardwalk there is concrete screed, which is filled with a slope towards the water drain hole. This type of floor takes a very long time to dry, so it often deteriorates very quickly.

In this case, the boardwalk itself is laid out along the joists, without nailing it and leaving gaps of 0.5 cm. Through the cracks, water will flow freely under the floor, and if necessary, all the boards can be removed and dried in the fresh air.

Organization of water outflow from the bathhouse

First of all, to understand how to properly drain a bathhouse, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • the composition of the soil at the site where the bathhouse was built;
  • groundwater level at the site;
  • the size of the room and the expected number of users of the bathhouse, the frequency of its operation, on which the volume of the septic tank depends and throughput drain hole. If a bathhouse is being built on water, then, naturally, the requirements for the construction are completely different.

Based on these parameters, when designing a bathhouse, a decision should be made on the design of the drain, as well as its size, materials for its manufacture and method of fixation in the ground.

Well with a filter at the bottom

Design drain hole with a filter bottom is used primarily for cleaning wastewater from dirt and chemical elements, as well as to retain bacteria. Subsequent filtration of water is carried out directly by the soil layer. But at the bottom of the well, crushed stone, crushed brick or sand are used as a filter.

To ensure the outflow of water from a bathhouse designed for 3-4 people, a well with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 2 m is sufficient. It can be either rectangular or round in shape - last option preferable due to the uniform distribution of pressure on all walls. The cylindrical design will need correction much less often.

Since it is necessary to drain the bathhouse at the dacha without damaging the building itself, it is advisable to retreat from it at a distance of about 3-5 meters. Such a gap will ensure, first of all, the safety of the bathhouse foundation from being washed away, and will also prevent penetration into the bathhouse unpleasant odors their well. But if you locate the drainage hole further, you will inevitably have to purchase additional pipes for water drainage. Besides, correct angle tilt by long distance difficult to provide.

If the soil on your site is dense enough, then simply dig a hole for drainage and lay filter materials at the bottom - sand, crushed stone and broken brick. Additional strengthening of the walls is not required.

However, most often the boundaries of the well still need to be strengthened. Quite good material for this are well rings, brickwork, plastic barrels or metal tanks. Alternatively, the drain is made from car tires. So that the upper edge of the well can be covered with a lid and sprinkled, it is deepened 30-40 cm from the surface of the soil.

According to the drainage diagram in the bathhouse, a trench can be dug from it to the pit, through which water will randomly flow by gravity into the well. However, it is best to equip the drain with pipes made of asbestos, metal, plastic or ceramic, with a diameter of 50-100 mm. In this case, a trench is also necessary, but its depth will depend on the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 50 cm. The pipes are laid at a slope of 20 mm at every meter of distance.

At the design stage, the future design of the drain and the features of the floor organization are thought out in detail. An economical option for draining a bathhouse in a country house is to make the floor sloping towards the drain hole. With this design, wastewater enters the pipes and is discharged directly into the drainage pit.

Please note that the arrangement is in accordance with step by step guide Draining a bathhouse with your own hands is only possible in cases where the groundwater runs deep enough. Otherwise, the drainage pit will be filled not so much with wastewater as with groundwater, that is, it will lose its functionality.

An alternative to a drainage pit is to use a sealed septic tank, such as one made of plastic. Such a device will be especially relevant in cases where the bathhouse is equipped with a toilet, that is, the nature of the wastewater will require more thorough cleaning.

Another type of drainage from a bathhouse involves the presence of a filtration well and the subsequent discharge of wastewater into a drainage pit.

The outflow of water from the bathhouse into the sewer system

If there is a running central sewer system at the location of the bathhouse, then the optimal solution would be to drain the water directly into it. However, everything plumbing work and the organization of drainage in the bathhouse must be done before laying the finishing floor covering.

Before cutting into the central sewer system, you must obtain special permission from the company servicing it.

You will need to obtain a number of documents:

  • a concluded agreement with a design bureau authorized to carry out installation and excavation work, which is confirmed by certificates;
  • consent signed by neighbors to carry out any work on the site.

In order to always be able to access the connection point and make repairs, it is necessary to provide manhole. It is the main condition for obtaining permission to tap into the sewer system.

The air in the steam room will always remain fresh and fragrant if you follow a number of useful tips when installing the drain:

  • If water is to be drained into the sewer system from several points in the bathhouse, then each drain hole must be equipped with a water seal, in particular, a siphon of any design. This device prevents unpleasant odors from entering the room by means of a water plug inside it.
  • Ventilation of the sewer system, carried out from a 5-centimeter pipe leading to the roof of the bathhouse, serves the same purpose.

Thus, by following the instructions, you can drain the sauna yourself to ensure long-term and hygienic operation of the sauna.

The main problem of a bathhouse with a washing room is the removal of waste from it. Therefore, technology options for how to drain water in a bathhouse with wooden floors made from leaking or solid flooring are relevant for each individual developer.

Let’s immediately define the terms; by wooden floors in the article we mean - wood flooring(ladders), i.e. finishing coating for the floor in the bathhouse. The floor underneath them can be either wooden (on beams) or concrete (on the ground).

The main nuances of the construction and use of a bathhouse are:

  • the building is usually heated wood stoves, not intended for connecting heated water floor circuits;
  • sewerage is necessary in the washing room, less often in the steam room;
  • with periodic heating, wood on floors heats up faster than a concrete screed or slab;
  • maximum heat loss is traditionally present in the floors of the lower floor, so they need to be insulated;
  • a budget option for a bathhouse on an MZLF, columnar or pile grillage is a floor on the ground without overlap;
  • Overlapping with beams, which has a shorter lifespan compared to a concrete structure, is a little more expensive.

Important! For bathhouses, the regulation SP 29.13330 (Floors) remains relevant, according to which the finishing coating in the washing room should be 1.5 - 2 cm lower than the lining in other rooms.

Types of wooden floors in the bathhouse

Wood flooring has a pleasant tactile sensation when walking on it barefoot, unlike other claddings. There are 2 categories of wooden bath floors:

Depending on the design of the foundation, the floor of the bathhouse may have the following design:

On both types of floors, both solid and leaking wooden floors are made.

Organization of drainage

Despite the periodic operating mode, it is prohibited to discharge wastewater onto the ground under the bathhouse. It is necessary to collect and dispose of them in a separate septic tank or centralized drainage system.

Depending on the design of the wooden floor, the drain can be organized in the following ways:

It is physically impossible to thermally insulate a leaking floor, so the insulation is laid below a large-format funnel made from the materials discussed above.

Important! Maximum heat loss in floors is observed when there is an underground space in the building, that is, in hanging grillages. Therefore, the floor and sewerage of a pile or columnar high grillage should be insulated without fail.

It is prohibited to discharge bath drains directly onto the ground under this building for the following reasons:

  • detergents lead to gradual contamination, not only of one’s own area, but also cause similar troubles for neighbors;
  • moisture inevitably accumulates in the backfill cavities and destroys the foundation;
  • even with partial replacement of soil with crushed stone/sand, heaving forces sharply increase due to the swelling of clay in a humid environment.

The septic tank must be placed on the site in accordance with the requirements of SP, SanPiN standards at a distance of at least 4 m from the foundation of the bathhouse, and not under its floor. This will improve the quality of service for water treatment chambers, an infiltration well or a field through which clarified water is discharged into the ground for natural purification.

Leaking floor

This option ensures quick drying of the wood and increases the life of the floor covering. Depending on the design of the bathhouse ceiling, a leaking floor can be constructed different ways:

A funnel under a leaking floor, collecting liquid, is constructed from the following materials:

Advice! Leaking floor joists are treated with antiseptics or penetrating compounds to increase their service life in a humid environment.

A leaky floor is inconvenient from a hygiene standpoint - in wide gaps Large debris inevitably penetrates into the funnel (for example, broom leaves carried on the body from the steam room), so it is better to make the boards removable. A compromise is made with lattice pallets or fastening boards into special nests.

Another option is flexible board ladders for baths. The board is connected in these structures with a cord or cable; after laying on the logs, such wooden mats retain spatial rigidity. After washing, they can be rolled up and put away to dry.

Flexible wooden ladders for baths.

tongue and groove board

This option is more convenient to use, but moisture takes longer to evaporate and the boards warp when dry. A non-leakage floor can be made using joists laid on a floor slab or floor on the ground, or beams wooden floor. Therefore, the design of the drain unit is different:

There is no constant heating in the bathhouse, so insulation under the floor is necessary solely to reduce the time it takes to reach steam mode and increase operating comfort.

Selecting a drain unit

The periodic operating mode of the bath causes the water seal inside the classic bottle or U-shaped siphon to dry out. Therefore, in these outbuildings, dry drains of several types are more often used:

When installing a dry drain, harmful gases will not be able to penetrate from the septic tank through the pipes external sewerage into the bathhouse, relieving users of the smell of hydrogen sulfide and methane.

Attention: Natural ventilation under the wood floor covering provided decorative hatches(2 pieces per room are enough) and cuts in the joists. Hatches are located diagonally, decorated with gratings, usually located under shelves and benches.

Thus, in wooden floors can be equipped sewer drain on our own. For most of these outbuilding projects, there are at least two options, allowing you to choose the most economical one. Nai the best option There will be a floor on the ground with a leaking floor laid on joists.

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Having your own bathhouse is the dream of most homeowners. Many of them are starting self-construction to make your dream come true. One of the most important moments during construction, the organization of water drainage is considered. Well designed and installed structure will protect the foundation and wooden parts from destruction, will prevent the possible appearance of fungus and unpleasant odors. How to drain a bathhouse according to all the rules? Let's figure it out.

Collection of wastewater in a bathhouse can be carried out in different ways. Choice optimal option depends on what kind of floors you plan to lay. They may or may not leak. In the first case, it is assumed that a special reservoir will be installed to collect water, from which the wastewater will go into the sewer system. In the second case, an inclined floor is installed, and gutters and ladders are installed through which the water will drain.

In any case, the drainage system must be installed before laying the floors. General scheme its installation looks like this:

At this point, the installation of the sewage system inside the bathhouse can be considered complete. All that remains is to connect sanitary equipment and a toilet to the system, if necessary. Now it's time to tackle the outdoor drainage.

Video - the process of installing a sewer system in a bathhouse with your own hands

Prices for pipes for external sewerage

pipes for external sewerage

How to choose a wastewater disposal method?

There can be many options for organizing an external bath sewer. When choosing one of them, be sure to consider the following points:

  • expected intensity of use of the bathhouse;
  • dimensions of the building;
  • type of soil on the site;
  • soil freezing depth;
  • the presence or absence of a sewerage system on the site;
  • ability to connect to centralized system sewerage.

This is the most important aspects, which will allow us to determine the best way water drainage. For example, for small bathhouse where two or three people will wash once a week in the warm season, there is no need to equip a complex sewer system using ground filtration. A drainage hole or even a pit under the building will be quite sufficient here. Whereas for a bathhouse in which you plan to wash all year round, you will need a more complex drainage system.

The type of soil is also important. For highly absorbent sandy soils The optimal solution would be a drainage well. This is not suitable for clay soils. Here, the best option would be to install a drainage pit, from which wastewater will be periodically removed. When installing the system, do not forget about the level of soil freezing. If this is not taken into account, the water in pipes laid above this level will freeze in extreme cold and destroy the sewer system.

Methods for arranging wastewater disposal

There are several effective and relatively low-cost ways to organize the drainage of water in a bathhouse. All of them are quite easy to do on your own. Let's look at their main advantages and disadvantages.

Drain well

It is a sealed container in which wastewater coming from the bathhouse accumulates. When the well is full, it is emptied using a special machine. Advantages of the system:

  • simplicity in arrangement;
  • It does not require special care;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • need for regular calls sewage treatment plant cars, which entails certain expenses.
  • organizing convenient access for special equipment to the well;
  • the drainage well should be installed at the lowest point of the site.

Drainage well

It is made in the form of a pit filled with filtrate, which cleans the wastewater. Sand, crushed stone, small fragments of brick or furnace slag can be used as filler. Design advantages:

  • low cost;
  • simplicity in arrangement.

Drainage well - as an element for draining water from a bathhouse

The system has one drawback - the need to change the contaminated filtrate or clean it approximately every six months, which requires serious labor costs.


A hole dug directly under the floor of the washing room in a bathhouse. Its bottom is filled with filtrate, through which wastewater passes, is cleaned and gradually passes into the lower layers of the soil. Advantages of the system:

  • the use of pipelines and other structural elements is not required;
  • low installation cost.

A pit is the easiest way to arrange a sewer system in a bathhouse

Disadvantages include:

  • low throughput;
  • the technology is unsuitable for use in the construction of a bathhouse with a slab foundation;
  • Suitable for use only on highly absorbent soils.

Using the ground filtration method

It is a system consisting of a septic tank and pipes diverging from it, through which purified water is discharged. The pipes are laid at a slope so that the liquid flows by gravity and is absorbed by the soil. Design advantages:

  • completely autonomous operation;
  • can be used to equip a full-fledged sewer system with several points for collecting waste;
  • the ability to purify not only “gray” but also “black” wastewater; in this case, at least an anaerobic septic tank is installed.

Significant disadvantages:

  • the need to allocate a site for a septic tank;
  • labor-intensive installation process, the need for large quantities earthworks;
  • quite high cost of equipment and consumables.

As an option, you can consider connecting to a centralized sewerage system. This optimal solution wastewater problems. In this case, no external devices for receiving and processing wastewater. Another plus is the ability to connect several water intake points at once. The disadvantages of this option can be considered high cost services of contractors and bureaucratic red tape, which often arises when obtaining permits.

Drain well: manufacturing technology

Drain pit - practical solution for wastewater disposal. It can be arranged in different ways. The simplest one is to dig a plastic or metal container into the ground. You can make a hole out of iron concrete rings, fill the walls with concrete or lay them out with bricks. Let's consider the last option in detail.

Drain well– an excellent solution for draining sewage

Let's start with choice suitable place. It should be located at the lowest point of the site, since the wastewater will have to move by gravity. In addition, we take into account that the pit will regularly need to be cleared of waste, so it is necessary to provide convenient access for sewage treatment plant cars. Having outlined the location, we get to work:

The drainage pit is ready for use.

Drainage well

Such a system can only be installed in an area with deep groundwater. Otherwise in force design features drainage well it will be constantly filled groundwater, and there will be no room left for waste. Before starting work, we determine the place where the well will be located. It is optimal to place it 2 meters away from the wall of the bathhouse. If the distance is greater, certain difficulties will arise with the organization required slope drain pipe, which is necessary for drainage to drain by gravity.

A drainage well is an excellent way to arrange a sewer system in a bathhouse.

In addition, the close location of the well threatens the foundation with wetting or subsidence. Having decided on the installation location, we find out what materials we will need for installation. It depends on the type of soil. If it does not crumble, we will not need to strengthen the walls of the pit. However, such soils are not found everywhere. Most often, the walls need to be strengthened. This can be done in different ways:

Let's get started:

The drainage well is ready for use.

Tip: If the site has sandy, well-absorbing soil, you can install a horizontal drainage pad instead of a well. It is a trench about 1 m long, 0.3 m wide and 1 m deep. A cushion of crushed stone 20 cm high is laid at the bottom, and soil is poured on top. The wastewater is discharged directly onto this pad, cleaned and absorbed into the soil.

Prices for a drainage well

drainage well


The pit is a wastewater reservoir located directly below the washing room. You need to understand that such a system will only be effective for small baths, which are used infrequently. Work on arranging the pit is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We dig a hole under the future floor, the volume of which will be sufficient to collect water.
  2. We strengthen the walls of the pit with any in an accessible way: brick, wild stone or slate.
  3. We place a filter pad at the bottom of the resulting tank. First, a layer of crushed stone is laid, broken bricks or expanded clay. Place sand on top of this layer.
  4. We install logs on top of the pit. We lay a wooden floor on them, the floorboards of which should not fit tightly to each other so that water can drain into the pit.

Tip: The floorboards of a wooden floor laid over a pit do not need to be nailed to the joists. In this case, they can be removed if necessary and taken outside to dry.

There is another option for arranging a pit, which in this case plays the role of a water collector, from which the wastewater, having reached a certain level, is discharged into the sewer or septic tank. Such a system is usually installed under “leaky” floors. Let's get started:

We install a water seal. This element is necessary to prevent unpleasant sewer odors from entering the bathhouse. The simplest option homemade water seal - a metal plate installed at an angle. We fix it to the pipe in three places, leaving it unfixed bottom part. Important: there should be 5 cm from the bottom of the pit to the bottom edge of the plate. Another option for a homemade water seal is a children’s rubber ball, fixed above the pit drain. When the tank is filled with water, it floats up and opens the drain. As soon as the water drains, the ball descends and closes the pipe.

Ground filtration

One of the main elements of such a system is autonomous septic tank, which is both a settling tank and a distribution well. They are moving away from him drainage pipes, which distribute purified water throughout the area. A septic tank can be purchased at a store or assembled yourself. In the latter case, the simplest option for self-made– construction made of plastic or metal containers. A septic tank made of concrete rings works effectively, as does a structure made of concrete or brick.

A septic tank is an excellent solution for draining sewage

In any case, we begin the installation of the system with the installation of the septic tank. We install the tank at a depth of 1.2-2.5 m. There is no need to lower the tank deeper, otherwise a problem may arise with the post-treatment of wastewater, which is carried out by anaerobic bacteria. We connect a sewer pipe to the septic tank. It must be buried below the soil freezing level. After installing the septic tank, we begin preparing the drains, as drainage pipes are called.

Their length and diameter depend on the number of drains. The most commonly used standard plastic pipes with a diameter of 11 cm. You can take ordinary plastic ones sewer pipes and make holes in them. You need to know that in the upper part of the part the diameter of the holes should be smaller than those located in the lower part. This is done to ensure that the outflow of water is uniform. The number of holes at the beginning and end of the pipe also differs. At the very beginning, perforations are performed more often, and at the end - less frequently, and most of them occur in the lower half of the pipe.

To properly arrange drainage, several rules are used:

  • the length of each drain cannot be more than 25 m;
  • the pipe laying depth is about 1.5 m, always below the soil freezing level;
  • the minimum distance between drains is 1.5 m;
  • The minimum width of the trench for the pipe is 0.5 m, the optimal width is 1 m.

After the pipes have been prepared, you can begin their installation:

Scheme - using a septic tank as an element of sewerage arrangement in a bathhouse

Important: The ground filtration system requires periodic maintenance. It consists of replacing the silted sand and gravel cushion and the soil underneath it. Depending on the load on the system, such work is carried out once every 10-15 years or less.

Properly organized drainage of water in a bathhouse is the key to its long and trouble-free operation. It will protect the building from the destructive effects of moisture and prevent contamination of the site with sewage. Even for small baths, the installation of a sewer system is mandatory, especially since it is necessary for large rooms with a separate shower room and toilet. The organization of drainage should be taken with full responsibility, avoiding mistakes and omissions. And then the new bathhouse will only delight its owner with long, impeccable service.

The device for draining water in a bathhouse is one of the most important processes, without proper organization which makes it impossible for comfortable and long-term operation of the structure being built. Therefore, significant time and money are allocated to perform this type of work. The entire system for draining waste and used water in a bathhouse consists of two parts:

  • performing a drain inside the bathhouse, which consists of a special floor design;
  • subsequent withdrawal waste water outside the bathhouse via any of the sewerage options (drain deck or pit, etc.).

Water drainage device in the bathhouse floor

As a rule, drainage of wastewater in a bathhouse is provided directly in the floor structure, and is carried out immediately during its construction. This is the simplest and most effective way to organize the drainage of water in a bathhouse.

In most cases, the three most common design options for draining water in a bathhouse with different floors are used:

  • leaking;
  • leak-proof;
  • concrete.

Draining bath water from a leaking floor

Draining water in a bathhouse from a leaking floor is a fairly simple task structurally and technologically. But despite all its simplicity, the design in question has significant drawback– its operation is possible only in the warm season. Considering the cheapness and ease of the device for bathhouse owners in summer cottages who use them only during the season, then a quite common and convenient solution.

  • a hole is dug to a depth of approximately 60-70 cm approximately in the center of the pit dug to make the foundation of the bathhouse;
  • then from the pit towards sewer well or where the drainage hole is planned, a trench is dug into which a pipe with minimum slope 5-6 degrees;
  • Next, it is necessary to fill the foundations of the bathhouse, then along the edges of the underground it is necessary to excavate the soil and pour the screed. Its purpose is to direct water flowing from the floor of the bathhouse, first into a pit, and from there through a pipe into a sewer or drain well or pit;
  • make bath floors from wooden boards, which are laid on pre-assembled beams.

Do not forget about the mandatory processing of all used wooden structures under the floors. It consists of antisepticizing absolutely everything and waterproofing hidden wooden surfaces.

It is advisable to make beams, logs and boards used for bathhouse floors from hardwood, this will increase their service life. The bathhouse floor covering boards are laid with a gap of at least 5 mm, are not nailed down, but are attached at the edges, which makes it possible to periodically remove them for drying.

Advantages of draining water from a leaking bathhouse floor:

  • low cost of materials used;
  • simplicity of design and technology of the device, which allows you to perform the entire complex of work with your own hands;
  • ease and simplicity of repair work;
  • enough high level comfort provided by the use of wood and the feeling of a “warm” floor.

The disadvantages of this design, in addition to the difficulty of use in cold weather, include a rather short service life. This is partially offset by the ease and low cost of repairs. In addition, installed wooden pallet, taking on some of the water, will also slightly increase the service life.

Drainage using a non-leaking floor

The option under consideration is to drain the water in the bathhouse - the work is somewhat more complex than the previous one. However, it does not have the disadvantages described above, can easily be used all year round, and is more reliable.

Sequence of work:

The considered design for draining water in a bathhouse is more technologically complex and is more expensive financially, but it is also much more reliable and has a longer service life without the need for repairs.

Drainage when installing a concrete floor

Concrete floors in a bathhouse have one important disadvantage compared to any wooden option - they are cold. But, despite this circumstance, when building a bathhouse in modern conditions, it is used relatively often. The reason is that they are durable and easy to use, tiles can be used over them, and modern ceramic tile– one of the most durable and reliable materials. In addition, the tiles have an attractive appearance, thanks to which various design solutions. In addition, a wooden pallet is often laid on concrete or tiles, reducing the problem of a “cold” bathhouse floor.

This drainage design is carried out when the foundation work has already been completed, before the start of floor covering work.

Sequence of work:

  • make a hole in the insulation necessary to install a drainage drain;
  • from the bottom drain mark, install a gutter attached to the side of the drain so that the slope is at least 5 degrees;
  • connect the drain with a pipe to the existing drainage system (sewer or drain well, pit, drainage system);
  • When finishing the floor, regardless of whether tiles are used, seal all joints and install gratings on the drain.

With this design, the drain is installed either in the center of the steam room, or in one of the corners near one of the walls. Much the second one is easier option, so it is much more common. After completing the above work, the following diagram is formed:

  • used waste goes into the drain;
  • from there they follow the chute into the ladder;
  • from the ladder they move through a pipe into the sewer system provided and operating on the site.

Subsequent drainage systems

There are several of the most common and frequently used drainage systems:

  • using the principle of natural filtration;
  • drain hole;
  • construction of a drain well;
  • using a pit directly into the soil under the bathhouse;
  • common sewerage system for the entire area.

Natural filtration

Relatively a complex system, which can be used with relatively large volumes of wastewater, except when it contains solid particles. The system consists of a container and an extensive system of sewer pipes that extend from it and are located along the area of ​​the site.

The container contains a septic tank that partially processes water polluting particles. The volume of the container must exceed the volume of waste at least three times. The septic tank in the tank is changed at certain intervals, and a sewage disposal machine pumps out the sediment that accumulates in it.

Drain pit

Enough simple design, can be used when groundwater is deep enough. The volume of container that the drainage pit needs depends on the amount of drainage. For example, if the bathhouse is used by three people, the volume of the drainage pit is quite sufficient - 75 liters. The pit is located 2-3 meters from the building. In most cases, the edges are simply strengthened with ordinary ceramic bricks or a stone, after which filtration material is placed there. It is usually made of two layers: in the lower layer there are fragments and crumbs of brick, expanded clay, crushed stone, and in the upper layer there is construction sand.

Quite often, instead of fixing walls with bricks, they use digging in plastic or metal barrel, in which the bottom is first knocked out, and numerous holes are made in the walls.

Drain well

The design is no less simple and accessible for self-production. Can be used when groundwater is close to the surface and installing a drainage pit is not possible. A drain well consists of a sealed container to which a pipe is connected for the flow of waste. The liquid must be pumped out periodically using a sewage disposal machine. Usually located at a distance of no more than 5 meters from the building.

Pit (soil under the building)

A fairly frequently used design, popular due to its simplicity and reliability of design. The pit is made directly under the steam room floor. It is filled with some kind of filtration material, which is usually expanded clay, crushed stone, sand or a mixture of them. In fact, this system also uses a principle based on the natural filtration of wastewater. Its use is possible when their volume is insignificant or the bathhouse is used infrequently.

Sewage system

If a unified sewerage system is installed and operating on the site, then wastewater is discharged directly into it. For normal operation, it is enough to observe the difference in level marks.


A competently and correctly executed water drainage system will help increase the service life of the bathhouse and the level of benefit and comfort from visiting it.

Today, bathhouses are built not only in villages, but also in dachas and cottage communities. However, before starting construction, it is necessary to determine how to drain the water from the bathhouse. Since time immemorial, drainage has been carried out directly under the building, where it goes into the ground. But then there was no such density of population and special unsanitary standards, which today it is not only stupid to ignore, but also unsafe.

In order to avoid unnecessary difficulties with waterlogging of your area or disputes with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, we will consider how water will be drained from it at the lowest cost and maximum comfort for others.

Water drainage methods

So how can you organize a device for draining water from a bathhouse?

The following options can be considered the most popular and widely used:

  • draining water directly under the bath;
  • discharge to the general sewer;
  • arrangement on;
  • uniform distribution of water throughout the area using drainage pipes.

Advice. You need to ask yourself how to drain water in a bathhouse even at the planning stage, and if you decide to drain moisture outside the building (into a septic tank, into a sewer), then you need to take this into account when laying the foundation.
IN strip base sleeves are laid through which the outlet pipes will pass.

Foundation drain

The method with a drain pit is used if you do not visit the steam room very often and in the amount of no more than 1-3 people. In this case, directly under the floor of the used water.

For better absorption, the walls are not lined with solid masonry, but in a checkerboard pattern, which will allow moisture to escape not only through the bottom of the pit, but also to the sides. Unfortunately, this method has a significant drawback: in winter, water can freeze and damage the foundation.

Using central sewerage

If there is an opportunity on or near the site to cut a pipe into a centralized sewer system, this option is the most preferable. You only need to connect or connect to the sewer pipe, and the question of how to organize water drainage will never bother you again.

But if there is no sewer pipe near your site, you will have to solve this problem yourself, fortunately, it is not difficult to do it yourself, even alone.

Septic tank and filtration

This system for draining water in a bathhouse and cleaning it is deservedly considered the most expensive, but at the same time it allows not only to efficiently organize the drainage of water in a bathhouse, but also to use this water for agricultural purposes.

To do this, you need to install septic tanks in which the water is purified and then flows through a pipe into the collector, from where it is used for irrigation. But the disadvantage of such a system is its price, which includes regular replacement of filters and the introduction of microorganisms that take over the purification process.

Drain pit

This is the most used method for draining not only used water, but also sewage from a private home. Making it is not at all difficult and the following instructions will tell you how to do it correctly.

Choosing a location and arrangement of a pit

According to the rules and regulations of the location cesspool it should be no closer than 12 meters from the living space. This rule should be taken as a basis when organizing the removal of moisture from the washing room. When choosing the type of pit, you must consider whether you will clean it regularly or allow for the absorption of moisture into the soil. The second option is preferable due to the fact that it requires less costs not only during construction, but also during operation.

However, you must take into account that a pit without a bottom can only be built if there is no surface groundwater and if no more than 1 cubic meter of water is drained per day.

Otherwise, the bottom and walls of the cesspool must be completely isolated from the ground. This is achieved by laying the walls with bricks and concreting the bottom of the pit.

Since the concepts of bathhouse and water drainage are inseparable, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the future waste receptacle.

Most optimal sizes are:

  • length not less than 1.5 m and not more than 3 m;
  • width from 2m to 3m;
  • depth from 1.5m to 3m.

Such dimensions will provide you with sufficient volume of the structure for the trouble-free functioning of your bathhouse, even with frequent visits.

Operating procedure

  1. You need to start by digging a pit. This can be done manually, but if it is possible to use an excavator, be sure to use it.

Advice: Excavation the most difficult type of work, and you will soon begin to understand this when you decide to take up a shovel yourself.
With the help of an excavator, for a small fee, within half an hour you will have a pit of the required volume on your site.

  1. The walls and bottom of the pit need to be leveled. This can be done manually by trimming bayonet shovel. Such work will not require a lot of effort and time.
  2. Fill the bottom of the hole with gravel mixed with sand, this will slightly improve moisture absorption and prevent clay and earth from penetrating into the hole.
  3. Now you can start laying out the walls with bricks. The masonry is done in a checkerboard pattern, from the bottom to the very top.

  1. The last step is to make a concrete floor with a hole 30-50 cm in diameter for cleaning and the intake hose.
  2. Now all you have to do is install sewer pipes through which water will flow out of the bathhouse.

Only clay and well-fired bricks are suitable for lining a pit; it is not recommended to use silicate or pressed briquettes of unknown composition.


The choice of technology that will ensure the drainage of water in the bathhouse depends not only on your financial capabilities, but also on how often and how many people will use the washroom at the same time. The video in this article will also help you.