Differences between plastic windows. What points to pay attention to when purchasing. How do plastic windows differ from each other? PVC and plastic windows are the difference

Combined windows are rightfully considered the standard of quality, because they combine the advantages of several materials at once. The most common windows are made of metal and plastic: they are durable, resistant to large temperature changes, have an excellent appearance and amazing thermal insulation and noise absorption properties. If you decide not to skimp on quality and install windows in your home that will last for decades, you will undoubtedly need complete and detailed information on how to choose the right metal-plastic windows.

What is the difference between plastic windows and metal-plastic ones?

Their main difference is in their profile. The plastic profile consists entirely of polyvinyl chloride, abbreviated PVC (not counting the sealant and intermediate profile). At the moment, they have abandoned the production of such windows, since the plastic itself, without a rigid frame, cannot withstand the weight of the sash, the profile quickly bends and becomes unusable. In the case of metal-plastic windows, PVC plays only one role; it protects the structure from external factors. The basis of the window is a special metal (reinforcing) insert made of galvanized tape 1.2-2.0 mm thick, which gives the window additional rigidity and strength.

In addition, the metal-plastic profile differs in the following:

It is much more durable, lasting about 50 years.

Has a higher level of heat and sound insulation.

More rigid and stable, can withstand the weight of a multi-chamber double-glazed window.

Where should you start choosing metal-plastic windows?

Before choosing metal-plastic windows, you need to decide what exactly you expect from them: thermal insulation, sound insulation, safety, or maybe good room ventilation?

Of course, all these characteristics can be combined, but in this case the price of one window will go beyond reasonable limits. Therefore, you need to set priorities. For example, if you live in a country house, the degree of sound insulation of windows is not important to you, but for rooms with low level humidity does not require a natural ventilation system at all.

Only after understanding your needs can you begin to choose metal-plastic windows, decide which profile to choose and which double-glazed window is best for you.

Thermal insulation of the room

1) Number of cameras in the profile.

If you are familiar with how to choose the right plastic windows, then you should know that there is ordinary air inside. The heat transfer resistance coefficient depends on the number of chambers - important parameter, showing the relationship between the temperature on the outer and inner sides of the profile and the heat flux density. The higher the coefficient, the warmer the room. In a three-chamber profile, this figure is on average 0.64, in a four-chamber profile - 0.67, in a five-chamber profile - 0.72.

Each profile must have at least three cameras:

The main one is the one that is located in the middle of the profile; it is in it that the reinforcing insert is mounted.

The chamber for fastening accessories is the one located on the side of the room. It is divided by additional horizontal partitions for extra rigidity.

The drainage chamber is designed to drain water that can get inside the profile when the external sealant and spar (part of the window that secures the glass unit in the profile) are destroyed. It has a sloping shape and extends slightly from the bottom from the frame or wall.

2) Number of cameras in a double-glazed window

The next thing you should pay attention to before choosing the right metal-plastic windows with excellent thermal insulation is the double-glazed window. In it, as in the profile, the number of cameras is very important. Three to five chambers will provide excellent thermal insulation, but in this case the window sash will be too heavy and its fittings can quickly become unusable.

To facilitate the design, additional measures can be used, such as filling inert gas chambers and energy-saving glass.

3) Inert gas

Special gases significantly reduce the amount of lost heat. This is due to the fact that they have very low thermal conductivity.

Argon or krypton is used to fill the chambers of the glass unit. Both of them are absolutely non-toxic and even if a window is broken they will not cause any harm to a person.

Argon is found in small quantities (1%) in the air, so it is easier to obtain and its price is correspondingly lower. Krypton is a more expensive gas, but its thermal insulation properties are twice as high as argon.

Heat transfer resistance coefficient in a single-chamber double-glazed window with inert gas- from 0.30 to 0.34, in a similar double-glazed window without inert gas - only 0.28.

4) Special glasses

Speaking about which metal-plastic windows are best to choose and how to ensure maximum thermal insulation, it is worth talking separately about glass. There are tempered, tinted, laminated and other glasses. All of them are much thicker than usual, thanks to which they additionally protect the room from the cold. But their thermal protection indicators cannot be compared with similar ones.

This glass is created specifically to retain the maximum amount of heat indoors. Its operating principle is similar to that of regular mirror- it simply reflects thermal radiation back into the room.

Soundproofing the room

1) Profile thickness

For residents of large cities, silence in the house is of particular importance. In this case, which metal-plastic windows to choose depends on the thickness of the profile; it should be at least 70 mm. As a rule, in a profile of this thickness there are 3-4 air chambers, their number also has a positive effect on the noise insulation of the room (for example, which in its heat-insulating properties is not inferior to a brick wall).

2) Soundproof double glazing

Such double-glazed windows differ from ordinary ones in that in one of the chambers the spacer frame is slightly enlarged (an aluminum plate located inside the double-glazed window), and the glass itself has different thicknesses.

The noise level in the room where sound-proof double-glazed windows are installed is 20-30 dB. For comparison: complete silence - 0 dB, rustling grass - 10 dB, quiet music - 30-40 dB, loud speech - 60 dB, street noise - 70-80 dB.

3) Inert gases

We talked about the excellent thermal insulation properties of argon and krypton above, but in addition to this, inert gases perfectly muffle noise. Using a special double-glazed window and inert gas, you can achieve impeccable silence in the room.

Premises security

When it comes to choosing metal-plastic windows for a house or apartment, the level of security is of particular importance. A window without metal bars alone will not be able to completely protect your home from burglary, but it will greatly complicate the task of intruders.

1) Anti-burglary fittings

Anti-burglary handles, latches and hinges differ from conventional fittings in a more durable frame and a special mechanism that completely eliminates the possibility of opening the window from the street.

In addition, you can install special sensors on the fittings that will give an alarm signal if a break-in attempt occurs.

2) Laminated glass (triplex)

Laminated glass consists of several layers, usually two glasses connected with a special composition or one glass covered with a special film. When struck, it does not break into small pieces, but becomes covered with cracks. This technology is used in the manufacture of standard windshields and is great for adding extra protection to your home.

3) Tempered glass

This glass undergoes a more thorough processing process and is tempered at high temperatures. The result is glass that is 5-6 times stronger than usual.

You can use laminated and tempered glass at the same time in one double-glazed window, this will further increase protection against burglary.

Room ventilation

When thinking about which metal-plastic window to choose for the kitchen, one cannot help but take into account one feature of this room - it requires frequent ventilation. The same can be said about any other room with high humidity. To solve this problem, experts advise buying windows with different ways opening.

2) Comb

This type of limiter is very effective for windows with only one opening method. This mechanism is attached directly to the profile itself.

3) Ventilation supply valve

It is a small hole at the top of the window, thanks to which fresh air continuously enters the room. The supply valve does not affect the temperature inside the room in any way, since the air from the street immediately mixes with the warm air under the ceiling.

Inside supply valve Special filters can be installed that will clean the air from dust and harmful contaminants.

How to choose a window supplier?

Now that you know which metal-plastic window to choose, you need to find the right company whose services and products you will use. To do this, you need to carefully study all available information. Particular attention should be paid to the following nuances:

If your relatives, friends or acquaintances have recently installed new windows, ask them about all the options. Word of mouth benefits not only manufacturers, but also buyers, because this way you are less likely to purchase low-quality products.

Company experience

Another guarantee of quality is the experience of the organization. If a company was able to stay in this market for more than 10-15 years, this indicates the quality of its products and confident competitiveness.

Professionalism of employees

You should not choose a company whose employees are not competent in their field. A competent employee will be happy to answer all your questions.

Availability of our own installation team

Good companies not only produce and sell windows, but also install them. Find out in advance whether such a service is included in the company’s price list.


Conscientious manufacturers must enter into an agreement with their clients. It must clearly state the responsibilities of both parties, the deadlines for completion and payment for services.


High-quality metal-plastic windows can last 40-50 years, and if the company is confident in its products, it will provide you with a guarantee of at least 10 years. Otherwise, you should not contact this company.

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Every day the market construction services, is filled with various innovative developments. Starting with professional tools and ending with structures and fittings. For example, a couple of decades ago, each of us had standard wooden windows installed, then the era of plastic windows came, and now all this is considered a relic of the past. Currently technology frameless glazing enjoys great success, displacing the classical technology of mounting frames and vertical racks. Plastic windows have been replaced by metal-plastic ones, which are characterized by increased wear resistance and reliability.

Differences between metal-plastic windows and plastic ones

At first glance, not everyone will be able to distinguish metal-plastic windows from plastic ones; outwardly they are identical, since both use plastic on the outside. But their design features have been significantly modified. In the production process of metal-plastic windows, reinforcement is used metal frame for PVC profile. As a result, even under the scorching rays of the sun, the frame and fittings are not deformed.

If you analyze and compare metal-plastic windows with plastic ones, you can highlight common functional properties - excellent sound and noise insulation, as well as burglary resistance. But there is undeniable advantage with a metal-plastic profile, if you wanted to glaze a balcony with windows in the form of an arch or some other shape, then plastic windows will not suit you, since they are produced only in a simple rectangular shape.

Selection of metal-plastic windows

It is important to consider that a metal-plastic profile is much more expensive than a plastic one, but quality is never cheap. Among the leaders in the field of window production are the European companies Rehau and Veka; they have been operating in the construction market for several years and have positive reviews among potential consumers.

The first thing you need to start with is to pay Special attention to the choice of thickness and material of the reinforced frame. After all, the level of corrosion exposure depends on it. The most acceptable thickness is from 1.5 mm, material is galvanized steel. Also on the construction services market there is a cheaper version of the frame, which is made of ferrous metal. It has an undeniable disadvantage - it can quickly begin to rust, causing marks in the area of ​​​​the drainage holes.

Choosing a metal-plastic window is no different from a regular plastic one, here everyone chooses what they want, the number of cameras, double-glazed windows, fittings, profile thickness, etc. But it is important to take into account that the classic plastic profile is mainly chosen for installation in apartments, dachas, and country houses. Metal-plastic windows are installed mainly in rooms where high dynamic loads, sudden climate changes, heavy winds, etc. are common.

How manufacturers reduce the cost of metal-plastic window profiles

Of course, not all manufacturing companies strive to reduce the cost of the profile by using low-quality fittings and reducing the thickness of the profile, but there are some. In connection with this, take into account market value when ordering the installation of metal-plastic windows, because reducing the wall thickness leads to a decrease in strength and durability. Also choose a profile with closed metal reinforcement; it can easily withstand sudden changes in dynamic loads.

Window selection video

Do not forget that even the best and most expensive windows can be damaged by unprofessional installation. Choose only trusted window installation companies, because their durability directly depends on the craftsmen.

The desire to save money often pushes buyers to choose cheap windows, which at first glance do not differ from expensive ones. This is not surprising: there is a great temptation to buy the same thing, but at a lower price. As they say, if you can't see the difference, why pay more? But is there really no difference? Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers often reduce prices at the expense of the quality of their products. And then today's savings can result in double expenses for repairing or replacing windows.

What saving methods are used by unscrupulous manufacturers and how does this affect the quality of the product? Let's look at it in the article.

  • Profile. The manufacturer can save a lot by reducing the cost of the plastic profile. This is achieved in three ways. Firstly, cheaper components and recycled materials are added to plastic. This may cause the profile to change color and cause a bad odor. Secondly, manufacturers can save on modifiers and stabilizers, which ensure durability, strength and resistance of the product to adverse conditions. You can imagine how a profile with inferior analogues of these components will behave. Some manufacturers save by reducing the thickness of the profile walls, which also reduces the strength and durability of the product.
  • Reinforcement. PVC does not have high rigidity, therefore, in the manufacture of windows, reinforcing liners made of galvanized steel are used. Unscrupulous manufacturers reduce the thickness of the liner, use low-quality coating, or even replace the galvanized metal with “black” metal that is not able to resist corrosion. All this has a detrimental effect on the strength and durability of the structure.
  • Double-glazed window. Using cheap, low-grade glass can significantly reduce. However, along with the savings, the buyer receives problems such as fogged, cloudy windows with air bubbles.
  • Seals. In order to save money, manufacturers choose seals made from low-quality material. This can affect the functionality of the window immediately or after a couple of years - the service life and performance characteristics of the structure are reduced, and its appearance may change over time.
  • Accessories. Cheap components will quickly fail, as a result the window will not open and close well or will completely lose this ability, and drafts and dampness will appear in the house.
  • Equipment. Purchasing and modifying quality equipment requires a significant investment. But not all manufacturers are ready for this. Some people set up handicraft production in their garage. where windows are made using improvised means. It is easy to imagine the quality of the resulting product.
  • Work force. Qualified specialists are also expensive. The result of savings in this area is various errors in production: poor-quality welding of corner joints, incorrect installation of fittings and seals, etc.
  • Installation. You should not assume that you can install windows yourself or with the help of friends. The service life largely depends on the quality of installation of the plastic window; you should not save on it. Otherwise, drafts may appear, the windows will begin to fog up, the sashes will not close well, and the fittings may fail.
  • Mandatory certification. The lack of certificates for the manufacturer's products should immediately alert you. This means that the products have not been tested, and their quality has not been confirmed in any way.

Thus, the main criterion for choosing a window should not be price, but quality, confirmed by certificates and a manufacturer’s guarantee.

A window that is blowing requires insulation and sealing... This situation has long been out of date, and the households themselves understand that it is time to install new windows. The construction market offers many options: from cheap to very expensive, but to make right choice it is necessary to study their structure and the characteristics of the materials from which they are made.

Design differences between profiles different manufacturers are based on the implementation of their own developments, which are often company secrets. The trade sector offers products from 4 regions: Europe, Turkey, China, Russia. The production of PVC windows in Russia is not necessarily based on domestic materials, since many European companies have opened their production facilities on its territory.

Metal-plastic profile: division into classes

The window frame is a box that is fixed in the window opening. It is made of durable plastic, the rigidity of which is reinforced by a steel profile located inside. The spaces inside the profile are called chambers; their number varies, depending on the conditions of use of the windows. The minimum quantity is 3, the maximum is 6. For the average climatic zone, it is sufficient to ensure technical characteristics is a 3-chamber profile. At the same time, their the quantity is determined by the following conditions:

  • profile sizes,
  • climatic conditions,
  • street noise level.

All manufacturers adhere to the minimum reinforcement thickness, which is 1.3 mm. The width of the box also gives the structure a certain degree of sound and heat insulation. Typically it is divided into 3 types:

  • 58-62 mm (for warm latitudes or non-residential premises);
  • 70 mm (widely produced for 3-chamber profile);
  • from 82 mm ( best quality profile, manufactured only by German manufacturers).

All PVC profiles are divided into 3 types:

  • tender class,
  • middle class,
  • elite class.

They differ in the raw materials that are used for production, because the quality of the design depends on it. That is why, when deciding which plastic windows to choose, you should start by determining the profile class. The most economical tender class has minimum thickness walls, which according to GOST must be 2.5 mm.

Besides this, the most inexpensive designs contain components that cause the frame to change color over time.

Middle-class profiles are manufactured in compliance with all GOST conditions, and at the same time they are affordable. This is the most popular look plastic structures installed in residential and public premises. They are distinguished by their quality and, with proper use, can last for many years. Considered the most durable German profiles. It is in Germany that elite class designs are produced. They meet German quality standards, and, thanks to this, justify themselves with lifetime use without breakdowns.

Double-glazed windows: how to make the best choice?

A glass structure installed in a PVC profile and consisting of two or more glasses is called a double-glazed window. The space between the two glasses is a chamber that is filled with inert gas or air. Complete tightness is ensured by a special way of connecting 2 glasses to each other. It consists of the following layers and parts:

  • internal sealant made of mastic or tape,
  • metallic profile,
  • dehumidifier,
  • external sealant made of mastic.

The properties of a double-glazed window are determined by the purpose of the room, since the number of chambers, the thickness of the glass and their varieties can differ significantly for each customer. For example, it is recommended to install solar reflective glass on the sunny side of the street. For north side It is advisable to install low-emissivity glass at home, which protects against condensation.

The gas used to fill the space between the glasses is the following:

  • argon,
  • krypton,
  • sulfur hexafluoride.

Double-glazed windows filled with argon represent an economical price category for plastic windows. It is the most popular gas used. The heat-saving properties of argon provide sufficient thermal conductivity for houses located in central Russia, while its high noise-absorbing characteristics should be noted. The best materials for providing high-quality thermal insulation are krypton and sulfur hexafluoride, but they are used quite rarely.

What glass thickness should I choose?

The double-glazed window consists of 2 or 3 glasses, respectively, has 1 or 2 air chambers. The two-chamber design increases its heat-saving qualities and sound insulation, but, accordingly, affects the cost. You can achieve an increase in these properties in another way: order a single-chamber double-glazed window with glass of different thicknesses.

Important: the outer glass should be thicker, for example, its thickness is 8 mm, the inner one - 6 mm.

Before choosing good plastic windows, these and other glass characteristics that provide maximum comfort to the room are determined. The two glasses do not have to be the same; you can choose different ones from the following varieties:

  • shockproof,
  • sun protection,
  • triplexes,
  • hardened,
  • tinted,
  • energy saving.

Shockproof glass is installed on the first floors and in children's rooms if children like active games. Sun protection ones prevent ultraviolet radiation from penetrating into the room, and energy-saving ones have increased thermal insulation. Triplex glass is produced using a special technology. It consists of several layers with an interlayer, this design guarantees all the properties of good insulation.

Accessories on which the quality of PVC windows depends

An important component is the tape fittings, on which the reliability of opening/closing the sash and its closure depends. With high-quality fittings, each element is part of a durable and well-functioning mechanism. Good fittings are multifunctional, that is, a person can perform several actions with their help. This means that 4 sash positions must be available to him:

  • open,
  • closed,
  • vertical tilt,
  • slot ventilation.

In addition, when choosing windows, you should pay attention to the following properties of the fittings: it should prevent erroneous actions, that is, performing two actions simultaneously (for example, opening and tilting) should be unacceptable. The fittings may have additional equipment - anti-burglary modules, but even without them it must protect against unauthorized hacking.

A useful video about what a window manufacturer can save on and what you should pay attention to when choosing.