Open a kebab shop in the city from scratch. Assessing the level of competition. Criteria for choosing a location

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

Objective of the project– opening of a kebab shop in Rostov-on-Don, operating in the format of a mini-cafe and “takeaway”. The kebab house is a small establishment with an area of ​​30 square meters. meters offering shish kebab as the main dish. Target Audience establishments are residents of the Aleksandrovka microdistrict and the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as guests of the city. The main services of the kebab shop are: preparation of kebab for takeaway, mini-cafe and summer cafe services, delivery services. Menu establishments include:

1. Pork kebab;

2. Lamb shish kebab;

3. Beef shish kebab;

4. Chicken kebab;

5. Salads;

6. Snacks;

7. Drinks;

The cost of opening a kebab shop will be 1,101,700 rubles. The main investments will require the construction of a kebab shop building and the purchase of equipment - 811,700 rubles. The project is planned to be launched using our own funds. The payback period for the project from the start of sales will be 14 months.

*during peak months

The construction and finishing of the premises, as well as the design of the necessary establishments, is planned to be completed within 5 months. The kebab shop is scheduled to open in June 2016.

2.Description of the industry and company

The goal of the project is to open a kebab shop in the city of Rostov-on-Don. At its core, a kebab shop will represent a “one-dish establishment” - shashlik. It was decided to choose two directions as a work format - a self-service mini-cafe format with 12 seats and a take-away format. Between April and early October, it is planned to double the number of seats by adding outdoor tables. Thanks to this, it is planned to make full use of the establishment’s capabilities in the warm season, when barbecue is in greatest demand among Rostovites and city guests.

The kebab shop is located on one of the city’s busiest streets - 40th Anniversary of Victory Avenue (Aleksandrovka microdistrict), on the first line of houses. The distance from the city center (Teatralnaya Square) is 5 km, the distance from the M-4 Don federal highway is 3 km.

An individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (6% of income received) was chosen as the form of ownership. The management structure of the establishment is extremely simple. The project is managed by an individual entrepreneur, the functions of receiving clients and fulfilling orders are performed by two full-time employees working in shift mode. In the warm season, due to increased sales and the opening of a summer cafe, it is possible to attract hired personnel. Hired employees are also hired to provide delivery services.

3.Description of goods and services

The main dish of the kebab shop is shashlik from various types meat: pork, beef, lamb, poultry. A detailed price list for kebab shop products can be seen in Table. 1 of this business plan. The main advantage of the kebab shop will be the quality of meat, which is purchased from a local peasant farm, and the actual cooking is done by the individual entrepreneur himself, who has many years of experience in preparing kebab and grilled dishes, as well as two full-time employees. The quality of shish kebab will also be facilitated by timely delivery of meat and compliance with storage conditions worked out in personal experience methods of marinating and frying. You can order shashlik and other dishes to go with it without visiting the kebab shop: the establishment provides delivery services. At the time of writing this business plan, the project is at initial stage: the plot has been transferred from individual housing construction status to commercial real estate, developed design and estimate documentation, a preliminary agreement has been concluded for the supply of meat with one of the peasant farms.

Table 1. Prices for products sold

To provide the services described above, registration as a business entity (IE) with OKVED code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” is required. The operation of a kebab shop will require a sanitary and epidemiological report, registration of medical records, permission to locate a catering establishment, confirming that the kebab house can be equipped in this place. The following is full list documents that will need to be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor:

1. Evidence of property rights to the premises;

2. Design conclusion for a catering facility (or the project itself, if a conclusion has not been drawn up);

3. Calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;

4. Permission to accommodate;

5. A copy of the BTI plan with an explanation for the food establishment;

6. Copy master plan territories;

7. Scheme of communications (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);

8. Arrangement diagram technological equipment;

9. A copy of the current agreement with Vodokanal;

10. Passports for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;

11. Certificate of inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, testing of heating and refrigeration equipment in the catering department;

12. Service agreement ventilation systems and air conditioning systems, incl. disinfection;

13. Copy of bacteriological and chemical analysis drinking water;

14. Copy of certificate of state registration kebab shop

15. A copy of the tax registration certificate;

16. Bank details (in full), certified by the director’s signature and seal;

17. Copies of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for PC (production control);

assortment list of products;

18. Copies of contracts for waste disposal: solid waste, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;

19. Copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials;

20. A copy of the contract for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection work (+ license);

21. A copy of the agreement for periodic medical examinations (+ license);

sanitary passport for the facility (issued in the disinfection service);

22. Decorated consumer corner;

23. Journal of accounting and consumption of disinfectants with an approved calculation;

completed medical records of employees.

The customers of the kebab shop are almost all categories of the population who love this dish and are partial to meat. It is worth noting that in last years meat consumption in Russia began to grow. The recession of the early 1990s, which lasted until the early 2000s, when per capita meat consumption fell by a third, has passed. According to Federal service According to state statistics, at the end of 2014, meat consumption in Russia amounted to 74 kg per capita. At the same time, the indicators for meat consumption in the Southern federal district traditionally higher than the Russian average and today is about 78 kg.

The main requirements of shish kebab buyers are the taste of the meat. The kebab should be soft, juicy and preferably come to the table “hot from the heat.” An almost obligatory attribute of barbecue is sauce, fried vegetables, appetizers, and salads. In the south of Russia, shish kebab is most often served with lavash.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, in Rostov you can count about a hundred establishments where you can find shish kebab as one of the dishes. At the same time, the kebab shop format is less common - there are about 20-30 kebab shops operating in the city. Basically, such establishments offer take-out services, including hot main courses of Caucasian cuisine and salads. Less common are establishments operating in the format of a mini-cafe or restaurant. Despite the abundance of kebab shops, there are not many truly popular establishments. Only 5-6 establishments in the city can boast of “people's love” and a large share of regular customers. As additional service Most establishments include free delivery of kebab. Among the direct competitors located close to the kebab shop, we can distinguish two establishments that prepare kebab for takeaway and have positive reviews buyers. One of the most common criticisms of kebab shops, in addition to complaints about the quality of the kebab, is low speed service and cooking, low level of service, “wedding” of clients.

Kebabs are sold directly in the establishment (to-go) and through delivery. During the warm season (from April to early October), the kebab shop operates in the format of a summer cafe. The cafe's customers are served shish kebab and salads on disposable dishes. Ready-to-go kebab is packaged in special disposable containers. The client can order salads, drinks and snacks available on the menu. The kebab shop is open daily from 10.00 to 23.00.

To attract customers, an outdoor sign with three-dimensional letters that glow in the dark is used. Distribution of business cards, leaflets with menus, contacts and kebab delivery phone numbers is also used. Prices for shish kebab are set based on average prices in the city, as well as taking into account the cost of production.

5.Production plan

It was decided to locate the kebab shop in the Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don, on 40th Anniversary of Victory Street in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, in close proximity to the owner’s house. The population of the Proletarsky district, according to 2015 data, is 119 thousand people. At least half of this population lives in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, and there are many multi-storey residential buildings in the area. Since the kebab shop is located near the roadway, this location could not be more convenient in terms of visibility of the establishment for passing people. The avenue is a key artery of the city, connecting the M-4 Don federal highway with the center of Rostov-on-Don. In this regard, potential clients can be not only residents of a given microdistrict and city, but also guests of the city.

The cost of building a barbecue area of ​​30 square meters. turnkey meters will require 540,000 thousand rubles at the rate of 18,000 rubles. per sq. meter of area. Equipment of the premises will require another 311,700 rubles. A total of 851,700 thousand rubles will be invested in real estate.

Table 2. Equipment costs

The main duties of taking orders and cooking are performed by two kebab shop employees working in shifts (see Table 3). Hired personnel are mainly used to organize delivery, as well as in warmer months for auxiliary work when the flow of customers increases.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

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In 1 working day, a mini-cafe barbecue can fry up to 50 kg raw meat, that is, the output will be about 37.5 kg. Accordingly, the maximum volume finished products per month will be 1140 kg. Taking into account sales of other products, the kebab shop’s monthly revenue can reach 1.2 million rubles. The main costs of the main period are the purchase of meat and other products. Meat for barbecue is purchased from one of the peasant farms. The cost of a kilogram of pork is 190 rubles, beef – 210 rubles, lamb – 230 rubles. Chicken wings purchased at a price of 90 rubles. per kg, chicken fillet for barbecue - for 175 rubles. As Supplies production favors charcoal and disposable tableware. Other expenses include services of hired personnel (mainly delivery) - 7,000 rubles, costs of utilities and electricity - 5 thousand rubles, printing of business cards and leaflets - 5 thousand rubles, as well as depreciation of fixed assets - 2.6 thousand rubles. taking into account the useful life - 10 years.

6.Organizational plan

Project implementation period, taking into account construction, equipment and design necessary documents will be 5 months. Responsibilities for the general management of the kebab shop remain with the owner. Full-time and hired employees are directly subordinate to him. The process of receiving and serving customers is carried out by two kebab shop employees working in shifts. There are no strict requirements for the qualifications and education of personnel. Training in working and cooking technology is undertaken by an individual entrepreneur.

7.Financial plan

The financial indicators of the project, including revenue, cash flow, variable and fixed costs are presented in Appendix 1. Calculations are made for a five-year period, taking into account seasonality indicators and growing load indicators up to 67% due to the growing recognition of the kebab shop and the increase in the number of regular customers.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The project to open a kebab shop is characterized by low start-up investments and high profitability. The costs of the preparatory period, including construction costs, equipment, decoration, etc., will amount to RUB 1,101,700. When the planned sales figures are reached, the establishment’s payback can be expected within 14 months from the start of operation. The discounted payback period will be 14 months. Project performance indicators are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

*during peak months

9.Risks and guarantees

The kebab shop is a business with low level risks. Start-up investments are minimal, and the production and sales technology is extremely simple. Because the price segment the establishment is average, then the risks of payback and profitability of the project are minimized. The successful implementation of the idea contributes to the ownership of the property. In Table. Section 5 of this business plan provides an analysis of possible risks for opening and operating an establishment.

In the worst-case scenario, bankruptcy of the enterprise is not possible, since the investments are made in a liquid tangible asset. In particular, it is possible to sell ready-made business, or renting it out.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences



Main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

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rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

Business plan for opening a pie cafe in a city with a population of 1 million people. Starting investment – ​​1,245 thousand rubles. Net profit for the first year of operation – 6.6 million rubles. Payback period – 7 months.

The profit of a kebab shop depends on the operating mode and assortment. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 20%. Payback periods range from one year.

The initial investment is about 600 thousand rubles - they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn up to 2 million net profit per season.

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The estimated cost of the project will be 1,552,000 rubles. The predicted break-even point from the start of the project is 5 months, the payback period is 16 months.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Many supporters healthy image lives foaming at the mouth prove that fried meat is harmful to the body, vegetarianism is becoming more and more fashionable, but all these changes in the gastronomic consciousness of the population do not affect the popularity of one of the favorite dishes of Russian people - shish kebab. Most Russians strongly associate juicy meat exuding an amazing aroma, cooked over an open fire, with a holiday, a hearty feast and friendly company.

An entrepreneur who decides to start a kebab business must take into account the competition factor. In some areas, kebab shops have grown up like mushrooms after rain and are now strangling each other. It is not worth starting your own business in such conditions. A place where there are no other kebab shops is suitable for a kebab shop. large quantity cafes and canteens, but there are a lot of people, and it is better to choose a busy part of a densely populated residential area rather than the city center. Likewise, you can benefit from the rental price and be closer to the main consumers of barbecue - people who decide to eat well after work or on a day off. If the establishment is lost in the depths of courtyards, then you will have to spend a lot on various outdoor advertising (banners, signs, stands, etc.), and many potential clients will never reach the kebab shop because they are too lazy to look for it in the alleys. It is also worth mentioning that a kebab shop located in a residential area will attract mainly residents of this area, but an establishment opened near a road with a lot of traffic will be noticed by everyone passing by.

Now let's talk about the premises. The size depends on whether the establishment will be focused on preparing barbecue for takeaway or attracting visitors to the hall. In both cases, the area of ​​the kebab shop must comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements. An entrepreneur may find official documents containing these requirements useful:

1. SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Public buildings and structures.”

2. SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings.”

3. SNiP “Enterprises” Catering».

4. SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

5. "Rules" fire safety in the Russian Federation" PPB-01-93.

6. SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials."

7. SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.”

The kebab house can be located either in separate building, and in terms of residential or public building, but the proximity to a catering establishment should not worsen the living conditions of people. It is best to rent or buy premises that have already been used as a cafe, since refurbishment of the premises is fraught unnecessary costs and paperwork. In the case where the premises have already been used by a catering company, preparing the area for opening a kebab shop (purchase of equipment, furniture) will cost from 200 thousand rubles.

If the kebab shop is located in a residential building, then its entrance and emergency exit must be isolated from the residential part of the building, and food intake must be carried out from that part of the house that does not have windows. The parking area for personnel and visitors' vehicles should be located on the side of the roadway, and not in the yard.

The premises of a catering establishment must be equipped with water supply and sewerage. The operation of a kebab shop that does not have a bathroom is prohibited. The bathroom must be equipped with an autonomous ventilation system. All sinks must have hot and cold water supplied. The kitchen walls are tiled to a height of 1.7 meters. The floor must have an anti-slip coating. The decoration of the walls of the barbecue hall should be easy to clean and comply with fire safety requirements.

spring-cleaning catering premises should be carried out at least once a month. For cleaning industrial premises and toilets, separate equipment is allocated, which is stored separately and has special markings.

Cutting equipment is marked into groups in accordance with the products it processes. Since a kebab shop is, in fact, a one-dish establishment, cutting equipment is used for meat, fish, vegetables and bread. After all technological operations, knives and boards are thoroughly cleaned using detergents And hot water and are stored in a specially designated place. The block for cutting meat is installed on a special stand or cross, firmly fastened metal hoops. Every day after finishing work, the deck is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt.

Industrial sinks and brushes are used to wash dishes and equipment. Dishes are dried overturned on racks or lattice shelves. In the washing area, instructions are posted on the rules for washing dishes and equipment and indicating the concentrations of detergents. It is most convenient to use a two-section sink. Welded sink made of of stainless steel costs from 7 thousand rubles. Racks for drying and storing dishes and equipment will cost 8-15 thousand rubles.

Now about food storage. All products are separated by type and stored separately. Raw and prepared foods are also stored separately. And spices and other strong-smelling products are stored in well-closed containers. Storage conditions and expiration dates of products should be carefully observed. Don't be greedy and feed your visitors spoiled meat. At best, they will find another kebab shop. At worst, you will pay fines and compensation. Refrigerators should be equipped with easy-to-clean racks. Chilled meat carcasses are hung on hooks so that they do not come into contact with each other or with the walls. Poultry is stored in supplier containers on racks or stock shelves in stacks. To ensure air circulation between the tanks, slats can be laid. Best kebab It is obtained from fresh meat that has never been frozen, but if you still plan to use frozen raw materials, then you should equip a place for defrosting the products. The meat is defrosted in a defroster or on a production table. Defrosting meat in water and re-freezing meat is not recommended. The bird is defrosted in air, washed with running water and laid cut side down. Fish can be defrosted in air or in cold water at a temperature not higher than 12 degrees. It is better not to defrost sturgeon in water.

Industrial cutting tables with sides cost from 2.5 thousand rubles. When using different cutting boards and a small production volume, you can get by with two tables.

The main equipment in a kebab shop is, of course, a kebab maker. There are special barbecues for cafes, equipped with an exhaust hood and a damper, which ensures fire safety. Cost from 20 thousand rubles. The device can also be electric or gas. The kebab maker has automatically rotating skewers, ensuring uniform frying of meat in the shortest possible time. a short time(from 15 to 25 minutes). The cost of equipment starts from 25 thousand rubles for an electric oven, and from 40 thousand rubles for a gas oven. A kebab maker for indoor spaces is used during the cold period. In the summer, if there is room, shish kebab is cooked in the best traditions over coals on outdoors. This is possible if the kebab shop has its own yard.

The kitchen of a catering establishment is usually equipped with an exhaust (ventilation) hood, which is installed in the system exhaust ventilation over any type of heating equipment to purify the indoor air. The cost of an umbrella is from 10 thousand rubles.

The barbecue room is usually furnished with several tables at which visitors can eat or wait for their order, and a bar counter. Cost of one wooden table with four stools is 5-10 thousand rubles, a bar counter - from 10 thousand rubles.

In addition to kebabs, sauces, bread, onions and vegetables and drinks are usually served. Most kebab lovers prefer to eat their favorite dish in combination with alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, red wine, beer. The presence of a bar will attract many visitors and bring additional income, but then you need to think about a spacious hall and purchase a license to sell alcoholic products, which costs 40 thousand rubles.

Permission to open a public catering establishment is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain a permit, you need to collect a large package of documents. Various law firms provide assistance in preparing documents, asking for their services from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. It is difficult to obtain permission on your own, but it is possible, you will just have to spend a lot of time and effort, but if every penny counts, there is no choice. When an enterprise is already registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, is registered with the tax authorities and has a current account, the following documents should be provided to Rospotrebnadzor:

Ready ideas for your business

  • premises rental agreement;
  • copy design conclusion for catering facilities (or the project itself, if a conclusion has not been drawn up);
  • calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;
  • permission for the possibility of placement;
  • a copy of the BTI floor plan with an explanation of the food establishment;
  • a copy of the general plan of the territory;
  • communication diagrams (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);
  • layout diagram of technological equipment;
  • copies of current contracts with Vodokanal;
  • passports for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;
  • act of inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, testing of heating and refrigeration equipment in the catering unit;
  • contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, incl. disinfection;
  • copies of bacteriological and chemical analysis of drinking water;
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration of the kebab shop.
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • bank details (in full), certified by the “living” signature of the director and the “living” seal;
  • a copy of the company's charter (if an LLC is registered);
  • copies of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for PC (production control);
  • assortment list of products;
  • copies of contracts for waste disposal: solid waste, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;
  • copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials;
  • a copy of the contract for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection work (+ license);
  • a copy of the contract for conducting periodic medical examinations (+ license);
  • sanitary passport for the facility (issued in the disinfection service);
  • decorated consumer corner (registered book of complaints and suggestions, Federal Law 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, “San. rules for the organization of public catering and additions to them”, “San. rules for the implementation of the plan production control», « Hygienic requirements to the expiration dates of food products”, “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”, etc.);
  • a log of accounting and consumption of disinfectants with an approved calculation;
  • completed medical records of employees.
Kebab shop workers must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as professional hygienic training and certification. Compliance with these requirements is monitored by the employer, who is responsible in case of violations. To ensure the operation of a kebab shop, a cook, a waiter, a cleaner, and a dishwasher are required. Since the establishment must operate seven days a week, and people cannot work in this mode, it is necessary to provide shift work. If you plan to open an establishment with big hall, then you will need several waiters and an administrator. Usage disposable tableware will allow you to save on a dishwasher, and serving customers through the bar will allow you to avoid hiring waiters, which is very useful at first.

What attracts visitors to a kebab shop is not beautiful interior, not a cozy atmosphere, but a delicious kebab, which is obtained by observing two equally important conditions: using fresh meat and the right technology preparations. Let's take a closer look at the meat.

In order for the cook to always have fresh meat at his disposal, he needs to enter into an agreement with a supplier who will bring required amount products every day or every other day. After a couple of weeks of work, it will become clear how much meat you need to order, and the size of the order can be adjusted. The supplier must have documents confirming the quality and safety of the products. It is prohibited to use meat without a brand and a veterinary certificate for cooking in public catering. Direct manufacturers prefer cooperation with large buyers, among whom it is quite difficult for a kebab shop to become one, unless, of course, we are talking about a chain of establishments. Therefore, you will have to look for a supplier through resellers and, therefore, pay more. But this also has its advantages: you can choose from a wide range of products different manufacturers and there is no need to organize meat delivery. The choice of meat suppliers on the market is quite large. When deciding to start cooperation, you need to make sure you have the necessary documents and look for reviews about the company. Notoriety usually spreads faster than any advertising, and if you are not too lazy, you can find interesting information on the Internet. The larger the batch, the lower the price of meat, but you shouldn’t save in this way, otherwise you’ll have to decide what to do with the excess perishable product.

The situation is similar with suppliers of vegetables and bread: you need to check the company’s documents and decide whether the proposed working conditions are suitable.

The profitability of a kebab shop can be high if there are a sufficient number of visitors. Wholesale purchase of pork, for example, will cost 130-150 rubles per kilogram, and a kilogram of ready-made pork kebab costs from 600 rubles. Establishments that usually prosper are those that have many regular customers who return time after time for cooked meat. These people buy themselves and recommend the establishment to friends, neighbors, and relatives.

If you have transport and a driver, you can offer customers a service that is in increasing demand in big cities: kebab delivery. Often people simply do not have enough time to get to the kebab shop, so fast delivery will definitely be in demand. Delivery is usually free if the order price exceeds a certain amount, for example, 800 rubles.

On the ready-made business market, there are periodically offers for sale of kebab shops. In the regions, the average cost of kebab shops is 400-600 thousand rubles, Moscow establishments cost from 1.5 million.

Natalia Merkulova

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Shashlik - tasty dish, which never loses its relevance among visitors to fast food establishments. Therefore, the kebab business is the best solution if you want to open your own business.


Business Description

A shashlik house is a specialized establishment whose menu is dominated by variations of marinated meat cooked over a fire or grill.

Unlike relatively new types of public catering (fast food and sushi bars), traditional kebab shops continue to be popular among Russian visitors. best option to start a business.


The main thing in a kebab cafe is high-quality and tasty cooked meat. Traditional kebab is made from lamb, but recently dishes made from chicken, pork and other types of meat have become increasingly popular. Also a significant addition to the menu will be: grilled meat, various side dishes of vegetables, salads and desserts. It is advisable to include in the list of services alcoholic drinks, and special attention should be paid to the wine list.


Barbecue business - good decision for those who want to have a constant profit. Previously, kebab shops were considered summer business, but over time there are more and more establishments operating all year round. The operating principle of a seasonal cafe is not very different from an establishment that operates permanently. Therefore, you can determine the time frame yourself. It is also important to map out the location of the cafe.

Kebab options

You can open a barbecue business:

  1. In the city. If you want to open a full-fledged cafe within the city, you need to choose the right premises. It is desirable that it be located in the central areas of the city, but you can choose the center of the microdistrict. The main thing is that the place is crowded and your kebab shop does not go unnoticed.
  2. On the road. It is also important to be visible here. A large highway with several lanes, along which motorists often travel, is best.

The kebab shop on the street is a small tent with a barbecue and a terrace. Such cafes are popular on the roads to attract the attention of people passing by. Another option for an outdoor kebab business could be a cafe on wheels. Mainly kebab shops open type installed for the summer.


Kebab house closed type is a room with a counter, furniture for visitors, a kitchen and all the necessary amenities. To open a kebab shop, you need to select a premises that meets all sanitary standards and fire safety rules. Electricity and water must be provided.

Food delivery business

Over time, more and more people are ordering food home. This trend may serve as an idea for opening a takeaway kebab shop. Or you can add home food delivery to the list of services provided.

The video describes in more detail the idea of ​​delivering kebab from the Peasant channel.

Description and analysis of the sales market

So that the kebab shop brings good income, you need to decide:

  • expected number of visitors;
  • how you can stand out;
  • how to promote your establishment and attract customers.

The target audience

Before opening a cafe, you should determine who is expected to be regular customers in your establishment. If you are targeting people with above-average income, you need to create the appropriate conditions and properly decorate the interior. If the kebab shop will be located near the road, the design of the hall should be cozy, reminiscent of a home environment.

Competitive advantages

The main advantage of the kebab shop is domestic cuisine, that is, dishes familiar to Russian people. And if they are also deliciously prepared and the visitor likes the food, he will definitely return and recommend your kebab shop to friends and acquaintances. It is important to think through pricing policy, focusing on the place where the kebab shop is located.

You can also come up with your own feature that will distinguish your cafe from other establishments. For example, offer an assortment of sauces prepared according to special recipes for meat dishes. Many people like to experiment, so they will want to come back again to taste a new taste of meat seasoning.

Promotion and advertising

When opening a business, it should be promoted in order to acquire visitors and, accordingly, income. You can distribute flyers on the street, order promotional banners, hold promotions and sweepstakes. Radio advertising can also be good option. It all depends on the amount you have and can spend on promoting your kebab shop.

What do you need to open?

To start your own kebab shop you need:

  • collect relevant documents and licenses;
  • find premises;
  • purchase equipment, products and production equipment;
  • gather a working team.


To open your own business, you first need to register yourself as an entrepreneur. If you are going to open only one cafe, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 55.30 (“Activities of restaurants and cafes”). Next, you should decide on the tax system; it is better to choose the simplified tax system + payment of a single tax (15% of the income/expense difference). You should not delay the registration, otherwise the state will assign OSNO, which is an unprofitable method for an entrepreneur.

Documents needed:

  • SES hygiene certificate;
  • permission to open a catering establishment in a specific territory;
  • licenses for the purchase and trade of certain products, as well as alcohol;
  • medical books for staff.

If you plan to transport the meat purchased for dishes yourself, the transport must also have permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station.


You should also choose a room that will meet all the requirements and be located in a public area, attracting potential visitors. To begin with, you can rent a small area and expand over time.


When choosing a place to open a kebab shop from scratch, you should consider several rules:

  • the premises must comply with fire safety regulations;
  • plumbing and electricity must be supplied;
  • there must be a special room with amenities for guests (you can purchase a dry toilet);
  • It is desirable that the cafe is located in a crowded place (near shopping centers, markets, parks).

Equipment and inventory

Regardless of what kind of kebab shop you are going to open, you will need to buy equipment:

  • refrigerators (at least two: for raw meat and prepared foods, but three is better);
  • meat cutting tables;
  • counter for serving food (separates the hall and the kitchen);
  • kitchen utensils, dishes, special equipment (barbecue, skewers);
  • furniture for the hall (tables, chairs);
  • powerful hood.

If your kebab shop will operate all year round, take care of the wardrobe.


To start a business you need 5 people:

  • barbecue maker or cook;
  • waiter;
  • administrator;
  • bartender;
  • cleaner (cleaner).

Each employee must have a health certificate.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start opening a kebab shop, you need to decide where to start. Having step by step business plan, you will save your time as much as possible.

  1. Collection of documents. Decor necessary licenses It takes quite a lot of time, so it’s better to do the paperwork first.
  2. Search for premises. Finding the right room for you is not so easy. You must take into account its location, the presence of electricity, gas and water supply, as well as your financial capabilities.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Search for suppliers of meat, products and industrial raw materials. You can negotiate with farmers at the market or in a butcher shop. Meat must have special certificates. The supplier is also obliged to inform you where the raw materials are delivered from.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Decorating the premises “for yourself”. At the very end, you need to decorate the interior of your establishment, arrange the furniture, and pay attention to table setting. Each table should have a set of seasonings (salt, pepper), napkins and toothpicks.

Financial plan

Before opening a kebab shop, you should decide on cost estimates. To begin with, an amount in the range of 1,000,000-1,500,000 rubles will be enough. You can distribute expenses into one-time expenses or into initial and permanent ones.

Primary investments (example):

  • purchase of equipment and utensils - 160 thousand rubles;
  • furniture, uniforms for staff, packaging materials (with you) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs and decoration of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles;
  • registration: individual entrepreneur - 800 rubles, LLC - 4,000 rubles;
  • rank documents for staff - 600 rubles. and higher per person.

Regular investments

In planning monthly expenses includes the following items:

  • payment for premises and utilities - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (for 5 people) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw meat and other goods - 70 thousand rubles.

Opening dates

How quickly the kebab shop starts working depends on you. But if you consider that collecting documents takes more than two months, then if there is initial capital The minimum period for opening a cafe is 3-4 months.

Risks and payback

In order to reach a net profit as soon as possible, you need to compare the pros and cons of the business and calculate possible expenses and income. How quickly your kebab shop will pay for itself depends on the work schedule and the number of dishes offered. According to experts, the kebab business pays off within 1.5-2 years with a turnover of 12,000,000 rubles. One cook can prepare 170 servings of shish kebab per work shift at a cost of 150 rubles per piece. About 25,500 rubles come out per day. And in a month you can get 765,000 rubles. If you subtract monthly costs, net income is approximately RUB 500,000.

Thus, the profitability of a barbecue business is estimated at 20%.

Kebab house – catering establishment small size. It specializes in serving meat dishes, cooked in tandoor, on the grill and on the grill. Lately this species entrepreneurial activity is becoming increasingly popular, replacing Western fast food. It’s not difficult to draw up a business plan for a kebab shop – you just need to know some important points.

Features of the establishment

The kebab shop is not an ordinary cafe, since the menu is dominated by one dish. Only variations in the cooking method are allowed. Some believe that the establishment’s products can only be sold during the season. This statement is only true for settlements small size. In big cities, kebab shops are in demand all year round.

Regardless of the regularity of work, the owner of the establishment will have to obtain a whole package of documents, permits and certificates that are mandatory for the project of a public catering establishment.

Collecting documents

Any business must start with registration. Organizing a kebab shop is no exception. If the company will not have branches, it is enough to register as individual entrepreneur. The cost of registration is about 800 rubles. In the code list all-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED) you should select clause 56.10 “Activities of restaurants and food delivery services.”

In order for an entrepreneur to open a kebab shop, the business plan must be focused on a specific form of taxation. This will help to notify the tax office in a timely manner and avoid the establishment of a regime common system taxation. OSNO is extremely unprofitable for small business, what a kebab shop will be like at the very beginning of its existence.

For a beginning entrepreneur, it is optimal to choose a simplified system (STS): minimal reporting and the ability to choose the optimal deduction scheme will allow a small business not to close at the very beginning of its existence.

What you will need for the activity

List of permits for work:

  • a hygienic certificate issued by the SES for a period of 5 years and confirming that the premises and methods of storing products meet all quality standards;
  • work permit;
  • sales license individual species goods;
  • employee medical records.

In some cases, entrepreneurs independently supply meat for their cafe. In order for this to comply with the law, transport must have the appropriate sanitary and epidemiological documents. The issue of delivery of raw materials should be resolved at the stage of developing a business plan.

Choosing a room

When developing a business plan for a kebab shop, you should determine in advance the functions that the enterprise will perform. In other words, will it be a summer cafe or an establishment with a year-round work cycle. In the first case, you will need a tent, as well as an equipped open (partially closed) area.

Opening a kebab shop is advisable in the following areas of the city:

  • center (you can focus on preparing grilled dishes);
  • working-class neighborhoods;
  • sleeping areas.

Whatever location is chosen, great importance has to do with how well it meets fire safety standards. It is imperative that the premises be connected to the water supply system and city sewerage system.

What equipment will you need?

The work of a kebab shop is impossible without. The list of things you can’t do without looks like this:

  • barbecue;
  • grill;
  • skewers;
  • cooling chamber;
  • furniture, stand;
  • hood.

Separately, you should worry about equipping the room for storing visitors’ belongings. For the barbecue business to operate profitably, the business plan must include an item of expenses for decorating the hall, if it is a year-round establishment.

We are planning the assortment

A barbecue shop cannot operate without raw materials. Its supplier must have everything permits, as well as quality certificates. Even if you are a novice entrepreneur, it is recommended to marinate meat yourself rather than purchasing ready-made meat. This will ensure the freshness of the purchased product.

The profitability of an enterprise depends, and very significantly, on the availability of the opportunity to purchase alcoholic beverages there. To be able to carry out such activities, an entrepreneur must have a license.

Also, the profitability of a kebab shop is determined by the variety of its menu. Of course, the dominant dish is shish kebab. But we should not forget about the additions:

  • bread (including lavash);
  • various sauces;
  • snacks;
  • Dessert;
  • salads;

It is also worth taking care of the variability of the main dish. Don't get hung up on just one type of kebab. It is better if the menu includes fish and meat different types, grilled vegetables and mushroom kebabs have become popular in recent years. Customers should also be able to choose between cooking options - open fire or grill.

Some kebab shops offer a service such as home delivery of hot kebab or grilled meat. it's the same good way establish yourself and increase the profitability of the enterprise.

In this material:

A kebab shop business plan allows you to predict the development of your own business from scratch, minimize costs and prevent losses, achieving a stable profit. How to insure yourself against seasonal downturns and how to attract customers, beating your competitors?

The aroma of barbecue evokes thoughts of relaxation, sea, sun. Rarely is a picnic complete without meat grilled over coals. But it is not always possible to light up the grill whenever the desire arises. This is exactly what barbecue houses are for: a hospitable and skillful cook, in front of an astonished audience, will turn pork, beef, lamb, chicken into a hearty and tasty dish that Russian people like so much.

Features of the kebab business


Despite great amount catering establishments operating in different formats, the popularity of kebab remains unchanged. Neither fast food, nor a coffee shop, nor a deli can compete with a kebab shop. Shish kebab is self-sufficient (although this does not exclude the possibility of diversifying the menu with cold appetizers, vegetable slices and salads), it acts as a separate dish and is an ideal snack for both beer, wine, even champagne, and stronger drinks - vodka, cognac. The idea of ​​opening a kebab shop will pay off quickly enough if you approach the organization wisely. First of all, you need to decide on the format:

  • seasonal trade involves organizing a mobile point - a grill under a canopy (the chef cooks in front of clients) and tables for visitors;
  • a stationary establishment, decorated and equipped in accordance with all rules and regulations.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • relatively small starting capital;
  • payback period – 14-16 months;
  • The cook is not required to have the ability to prepare other dishes, which greatly simplifies the task and reduces the waiting time for an order;
  • the presence of alcoholic beverages on the menu significantly expands the range of orders and increases the quantity of kebab ordered;
  • mobile kebab shops can be moved from one point to another, in search of best place and more profit.
  • seasonal fluctuations affect business profitability;
  • meat is a perishable product, therefore violation sanitary standards(especially in the hot season, during the season) is fraught with either loss of money or problems with visitors.

Meat cooking technology

To prepare a classic kebab, you will need fresh meat - lamb, beef (veal), pork, goat; 3% vinegar, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, green and onions, lemons.

The meat is cut into cubes, the weight of one cube is 35-40 g. There are 4-5 pieces per serving of kebab. The meat is salted and peppered, sprinkled with vinegar. If veal, lamb (fish and chicken) are used in cooking, then the meat does not need to be marinated, vinegar is not needed and onions are not added to this kebab.

In other cases, the meat is mixed with onions, cut into rings, and left for 5-6 hours.

The shish kebab is fried on coals or on a grill, after placing the prepared meat on a skewer.

Not everyone adheres to the classic recipe, and not always; masters have their own versions of marinades; in addition to meat, they fry vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, Bell pepper, zucchini.

Where to start a kebab business?

Objective of the project

The goal that an entrepreneur sets for himself when opening a kebab shop is to organize a stationary or mobile catering point, the main dish of which will be kebab. Business involves conducting an advertising campaign and attracting customers in order to make a profit.

Description of services

  1. Cooking shish kebab from different types of meat and fish over an open fire (charcoal). The more varied the assortment of main courses, the more popular the establishment will be. Required condition– the kebab stated in the menu must be on the client’s table within the allotted time. Nothing harms the image (except for stale products) more than the phrase: “Sorry, there is no beef (pork, fish, veal) at the moment, we can offer chicken kebab.”
  2. Sales of related products - drinks, bread/lavash/unleavened flatbread, vegetables, sauces, herbs.
  3. Delivery of barbecue and vegetables to the specified address, takeaway trade.

You can diversify the leisure time of visitors by organizing musical accompaniment (live music) and hookah.

The target audience

The establishment is designed for young people aged 20-35 with average income. As a rule, men prevail, but with due diligence, the kebab shop will become a place of leisure for youth groups and family recreation. Parties and holidays in a free format without officialdom will optimally fit into the concept of a kebab shop. However, it is important to maintain a balance here: a low bill is justified by high traffic volume and the kebab shop expands due to turnover. Companies that, after ordering a portion of shish kebab, spend several hours at the table, become a hindrance to new visitors, and therefore threaten profitability. For organized events, it is important to agree on the check amount in advance and encourage subsequent orders.

Assessing the level of competition

The kebab business cannot be called low-competitive. In addition to direct competition from kebab shops, trade is influenced by nearby catering establishments, especially fast food. However, a competent marketing campaign and tasty, smoky meat will allow you to advance in the market and recoup your business.

Risk assessment

A stationary indoor establishment is less susceptible to seasonal changes and decreased profits, which cannot be said about a mobile outlet or an open kebab shop. When choosing a format, it is important to assess the risk of downtime during the low season. It is especially important to take this factor into account in regions with short summers and low average annual temperatures and high humidity.

In addition, the work of a kebab shop is directly tied to a stable supply of meat. When choosing a supplier, you should make sure of his reliability and integrity.

In general, a kebab shop is characterized as a business with low risks. The starting capital is low and is mostly invested in liquid assets. If the business does not go well, you can sell it entirely or sell off the acquired property to cover the losses.

Organizational plan

Business registration

To open a kebab shop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authorities. However, if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, you will have to register entity with the preparation of all necessary documents and compliance with formalities (production of a seal, opening of a current account).

To operate the establishment you will need:

  • sanitary and hygienic conclusion;
  • permission to operate a kebab shop;
  • trade license (if necessary);
  • medical records for each employee.

Search for premises

Like any catering establishment, the premises for a kebab shop must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and not cause complaints from the fire inspectorate.

The location in a noisy, crowded place, on the one hand, ensures an influx of customers, on the other hand, it guarantees huge competition. It is profitable to open kebab shops on the outskirts of the city, along the highway. There should be convenient access to the establishment and the ability to leave a car. The idea of ​​opening your own establishment in a space that previously housed a cafe or bar is justified from several points of view. Firstly, it will probably have the necessary communications, and secondly, visitors will be interested in the new point and stop by, at least out of curiosity. Whether they will come again depends on the employees of the kebab shop.

Menu creation

For obvious reasons, the center of the menu, its main dish, will be shish kebab. The more diverse the options offered, the more fans the kebab shop will gain. However, it is worth considering the possibility of timely delivery of all necessary types meat.

The shish kebab will be complemented by: charcoal-grilled fish and seafood, baked and fresh vegetables, savory pastries, salads, and drinks. The format of the establishment also determines the price range of the menu.

Equipment and furniture

To work you will need:

  • grill (one or more) with skewers;
  • grill grates;
  • kitchen utensils and dishes;
  • distribution counter;
  • furniture for visitors (tables, chairs);
  • hangers for outerwear.

Chairs can be replaced soft sofas, armchairs - the choice depends on the design and style of the room.

For storing meat and other products you need refrigeration chambers, a modern, powerful hood will help provide ventilation; a dishwasher will be a useful purchase.

A separate item of expense in a stationary establishment is the equipment of the sink and bathroom.

Barbecue staff

In addition to a qualified cook (or two, if the kebab shop will work seven days a week for 10-12 hours a day), waiters, kitchen workers, cleaners, an administrator, an accountant, and a security guard are needed. In order not to keep visitors waiting, a kitchen assistant can cut salads and serve orders.

Advertising and Marketing

A bright, catchy name and an attention-grabbing sign are the tip of the iceberg. Start off advertising campaign necessary several months before opening, during renovation and equipment of the premises. Information on the Internet, distribution of flyers and leaflets, advertising in public transport, on light screens, billboards - the more active the work on preparatory stage, the more interest the opening of a kebab shop will generate. It’s worth celebrating this day with treats and discounts, showing yourself in all your glory. For regular customers, you can provide bonuses, promotions, a cumulative or incentive discount system.

Financial plan

Investments in business

  • purchase of equipment, furniture, kitchen utensils – 350 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of workwear, packaging materials for takeaway trade – 40 thousand rubles;
  • arrangement and renovation of the premises - 300-350 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - 4 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rent – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • salary – 150 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food, coal - 100 -120 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles.

Income, profit calculation

Profit calculations can be determined only after the location has been selected and the estimated attendance of the establishment has been assessed.

If it is possible to process and sell 0.5 centners of fresh meat per day (about 38 kg of fried meat), then the figure per month is about 1.1 tons. Purchasing meat from peasant farms guarantees reasonable price and a stable supply of quality meat.