Decorating the inside of a wooden house with modern materials. Finishing of wooden houses - features of the work and design examples Examples of finishing of wooden houses inside

The natural beauty and graceful texture of wood always delights everyone, so the interior decoration of a wooden house is intended only to emphasize nature and protect it from the effects of time. Log walls we can simply cover it with high-quality varnish that preserves all the charm of it natural material, and for more difficult decisions it is necessary to maintain an optimal balance of other materials used.

Decoration Materials

Today there is something to decorate the inside of a wooden house. For its design, traditional lining, an innovative Block House, the usual drywall, or an ordinary board () are suitable.

At the same time, it is modern materials that are valuable for their advantages: they are easy to use, attractive, durable and environmentally friendly.

  • Wood cladding traditional and well complements the natural attractiveness of the building, even with its ultra modern interiors.
  • Stone– an excellent and indestructible material that contrasts favorably with wood. The stone-clad fireplace and part of the wall are spectacular and very appropriate.
  • Drywall it is easy to use and relatively light in weight - it will highlight adjacent walls, successfully decorate the ceiling, and its price is low.

  • Assortment of ceramic tiles is striking and we can find the color and texture reminiscent of wood. But an interesting option is its contrast with wood, which enhances its natural advantages.

Finishing nuances

The finishing options for the inside of a wooden house are numerous and varied.

  • When designing a new building, we plan it future interior and choose the cladding method accordingly. And when cosmetic repairs of the old log house we will only update its finishing.
  • Typically, a wooden house takes up to 8 years to shrink, although its greatest degree occurs only in the first year. Let's take this point into account before.

Note! We can apply cladding to laminated veneer lumber and dry logs within three weeks, and before it begins, the room needs to be heated even in summer, because circulation warm air will speed up the drying of wood.

  • It is important to start working with an antiseptic impregnation (Pinotex, Pirilax or Tikkurila), which will make any coating as reliable and durable as possible - they protect the structure from rotting and instantaneous ignition.
  • Instructions from experts state that decorating only load-bearing structures should begin after sanding the surfaces of the walls, and the impregnation here is better than tinting, with a lasting decorative effect.

Interior styles

Interior finishing wooden houses- this is limitless space for our imagination. And the end result is a beautiful, cozy design, as comfortable and functional as possible. Country style and ultra-modern high-tech prefer rough and simple textures of materials to create a nice, cozy interior.

On the picture - Scandinavian style in finishing

Houses made from modern laminated veneer lumber are popular on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Their architecture increases the flow of daylight into the building:

  • big windows;
  • luxurious stained glass windows;
  • glass exterior walls.

Color solutions are also subordinated to this goal - light yellow or colorless tinting of wood, coating it with white paint.

Internal lining with imitation timber

The unique technology made it possible to achieve absolute similarity of the imitation with natural timber.

Work order

Decorating the inside of a wooden house with your own hands always begins with measuring the walls for accurate calculation quantity of materials.

Note that the dimensions of this beam are different.

  • Let's prepare the surfaces of the walls.
  • We stuff a frame of slats onto them.

Note! The slatted frame will hide the unevenness of the walls - obstacles to the joining of the panels. In addition, we will hide communications in this way and at the same time insulate the room with the resulting air cushion.

  • We will attach the imitation timber parts to the slats using clamps and small nails.
  • The tongue-and-groove system speeds up and simplifies our work: we lay the panels horizontally without joining seams.

Decorating the premises with a block house

  • Renovating old houses, insulating them, and decorating them is possible with the help of such innovative panels.
  • The appearance of a prosperous Russian hut, ancient comfort, beauty and warmth is given by a block house.
  • The material is also made from tree species, but similar to rounded logs, only without cracks and knots.
  • Advanced technologies ensure high resistance of these panels to temperature changes and moisture.

Plasterboard finishing

The interior finishing of a wooden house is carried out already at the final stage of construction. After the preparatory work, the owners must choose a material that will suit the style of the room, taking into account its characteristics and properties. There are several types of wall decoration, differing in quality, price and installation complexity.

Decorating the inside of a wooden house with your own hands not an easy task, as it requires certain technical skills from the owners, as well as a clear plan for installation work.

You can begin finishing the interior of the house after the base material has settled. After the construction of any buildings, a certain time must pass for the structure and supporting structures to settle. Wooden houses in this case are no exception. Shrinkage can occur throughout the whole year. Of course, the time period always varies depending on the type of wood, the amount of moisture and resins in the log house, the thickness of the logs or boards, air humidity and the climate where the house was built.

At first, the logs and beams gradually dry out, losing a certain percentage of moisture. Accordingly, the structure is slightly reduced in size, and insulation materials are compressed. Shrinkage of even a couple of millimeters can lead to premature installation of the facing covering becoming distorted or bursting (a crack will appear along the fibers of the boards). If the interior decoration of the house is not done in a timely manner, the panels will become distorted and may fall off over time. Then the work will need to be done again.

The duration of shrinkage is also affected by the type of construction of the house itself and the time when construction was carried out. The shortest shrinkage time is about 4 weeks. In this case, the building is made of glued pressed timber. It will give the main shrinkage within a month. If other materials and compositions were used during construction, the process can last from several months to 2-3 years. Usually, owners begin decorating a wooden house with their own hands after 11-12 months. During the waiting period, the installation of water supply and electrical networks is completed.

If we're talking about about an old house that needs to be replaced old cladding, then to installation work you can start at any time. Provided that there was no need to replace the supporting structures at the base of the building.

Video “How to trim correctly”

From the video you will learn how to properly decorate the inside of a wooden house.

Types of wall decoration

The interior decoration of a wooden house is always carried out according to the ideas of the owners, who select a certain style for themselves. The main task of the final stage of construction is to give the room a beautiful appearance. Therefore, cladding can be carried out according to individual projects that were made to order, or based on one’s own ideas.

Often large wooden log houses, which retain their original and attractive appearance, are left unchanged and not sheathed. This method can significantly save on finishing materials. The timber or logs are carefully sanded, tinted and coated with special solutions (for example, mastic).

Varnish is usually used to cover a material that is subject to severe abrasion - floors. Varnish provides good protection wood, and also prevents moisture from penetrating into the pores so that it does not swell. It is customary to treat ceilings and walls with water-based paint and antiseptic impregnations that protect the wood from insects (ants, termites, bark beetles) and fungus. When finishing, such impregnations do not paint over the wood texture; they give it a rich shade and allow the pattern to look more distinct.

When finishing, you need to caulk the joints and seams at the junction of the wooden bases. To seal these areas, twisted cords and twine made from natural materials have long been used. This looks unusual and quite attractive. But more importantly, the cord protects against drafts.

How to cover the walls

When building a new house and having sufficient funds, they give preference to natural wood. It lends itself to various processing methods, which makes it possible to give a living space a unique appearance and style (for example, decorative carvings).

However, for finishing you can use other options that are much cheaper and more convenient to install. The work uses lining, drywall and special wall panels.

In old houses, it is better to make the cladding from lighter materials - lining. This is necessary to reduce the load on load-bearing walls and other designs.

Regardless of the choice of facing material, experts recommend lathing. This will allow you to install the interior finishing evenly, despite the fact that the surface of the walls is uneven. The advantage is that air can circulate freely behind the sheathing, preventing blackening of the wood and the development of fungus. The sheathing is made from wooden beam, which is installed vertically on the walls. Sufficient distance is maintained between the crossbars so that between the wall and facing material laid communications (electrical wiring or non-flammable pipes) were placed.

Cladding inside the house

Today, lining is one of the most common materials for interior decoration of a wooden house. There are several advantages of clapboard coverings: low cost, good value for money, available in different materials (plastic, wood, metal), lightweight and easy to use.

The lining can be used both outside and inside the house. The only difference is that different coating treatments (paint, impregnation) are used. Lining has many different types, shapes, textures, sizes and other characteristics. Taking into account this feature, each owner can choose the right type of coating for his home. Another advantage of lining is that the material does not require shrinkage. The finished lining already has protective covering, and after installation there is no need to carry out additional work.

Typically, slats up to 2 centimeters thick are used for interior decoration. You can lay it on the ceiling. It is not suitable for flooring, since the lining is not intended for mechanical load. The slats can be placed in a vertical, horizontal position and even at an angle. By combining various combinations, you can give the room a non-standard appearance.

Mounting methods

Interior wall decoration in wooden house It starts with the sheathing. It is on this that the cladding will be attached in the future. The fastening of the vertical crossbars of the sheathing must be very strong and reliable, since this structure will bear a high load. The smaller the pitch of the installed bars, the more of them will need to be installed. Accordingly, the load will be evenly distributed.

The beams themselves will be secured with steel pins. There can be from 4 to 7 fastenings along the entire length.

After marking, you will need to drill a through hole in the sheathing, and then make fasteners for the bolt in the wall. To prevent the wood from bursting when tightly tightened, you need to install a wide nut. It is imperative to take into account that the sheathing will shrink. Therefore, it is advisable to dry the wood before installing it.

The sheathing should not be attached close to the floor and ceiling; a gap of 3-4 centimeters should be left. The gaps will be closed with facing material.

Wall panels can be laid on a flat surface, and not just on the sheathing. In this case, special glue is used.

Wall panels

Decorating the inside of a wooden house with wall panels gives a completely different stylistic result. This finishing material is made from different materials with different textures:

They come in typesetting or panel form. Stacked - long thin elements connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove principle. The structure of the lining is a wall panel; it has simply been used for a long time as an independent category finishing materials. Panel wall panels differ in geometry; they have comparable length and width.

Wall panels are attached to the sheathing

How to sheathe with plasterboard

Very often, plasterboard is used to decorate the inside of a wooden house. This material is quite cheap and can be used to quickly sew up large area. However, drywall has a dull appearance. After cladding, the finished room will have to be restored to its normal appearance. A thin layer of putty is applied to the drywall, and then wallpaper is glued and the walls are painted.

Drywall is installed on a strong sheathing. Him large mass, so you need to make sure that all fastenings are secure.

A prerequisite for installing drywall indoors is complete shrinkage of the house. Gypsum is very fragile, so the slightest bend or distortion of the supporting structure will cause the sheet of drywall to simply burst. As a result, a large crack will appear on the wall, and the finishing will have to be redone.

Construction of houses from natural wood belongs to the classics. Since ancient times, people have built their homes from this material. Because life in a wooden house is full of its charms. Nowadays, such buildings are preferred by those who want to live in harmony with nature. Interior decoration is what this article will discuss.

Start any interior work in a wooden house you can only after complete shrinkage of the tree. This takes 1-2 years.

Attention: complete shrinkage of a wooden mansion will occur after 5 years.

If you don't want to wait long and you can't wait to move to new house When choosing finishing materials, you need to take into account many different nuances. Namely, materials are selected with special characteristics.

Houses made of timber or rounded logs do not need to be finished. The timber can be sanded and treated with a special impregnation, which will protect the wood from mechanical damage and extend the life of the material (read:). The same applies to log house In addition, the interior decoration of such a house is carried out by analogy with a wooden one.


Treat wood with special impregnation it is mandatory. This will prevent the wood from absorbing different odors.

Many owners wooden buildings give preference plaster. With its help, you can level the walls and prepare them for painting. If you correctly follow all the technological aspects of preparing and applying plaster to the surface, it will serve its owners for more than a quarter of a century. But covering walls with plaster is a long and very labor-intensive process.

Also, when decorating wooden premises, people use various panels. They are distinguished by ease of installation, practicality and a wide variety of textures and textures.

And if you want to create an original and exclusive interior at home, use it when decorating it facing. Or you can resort to wall decoration artificial stone.

You can sheathe the walls inside a wooden house clapboard. This is the most affordable and convenient option.

Wooden house - interior finishing step by step

Before starting interior finishing work, take care of exterior decoration . The house must be protected from negative factors. This will extend its service life. Also, the exterior decoration of the building will increase its sound and heat insulation qualities and make the wood fireproof.

Treat the wood with special antiseptics. This will extend the life of the material and protect it from the formation of fungi and mold, special means also slow down the process of wood decay and prevent the appearance of harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of fungi.

And before you start treating wood with antiseptics, you need to carefully prepare all surfaces. They must be dry and free of dust and various contaminants. Antiseptics are applied using a brush, roller or spray.

Important: treating wood with antiseptics should be carried out in dry and sunny weather.

Caulking at home and features of this process

Next preparatory stage before starting interior decoration is caulk. At this stage, all cracks and joints are processed, both inside and outside the building.

Attention: sealing of cracks is carried out twice - after the construction of the house, and after its complete shrinkage.

To carry out caulking at home, you will need to prepare insulation. The selected material should be:

  • resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • moisture resistant;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • hygroscopic;
  • resistant to fungi and mold;
  • have breathability.

The ideal material for insulating a wooden house is moss. He has such positive characteristics, such as antibacteriality, antiseptic qualities and the ability to purify indoor air. This material has a very long service life.

In the process of caulking at home, you can use linen tow, jute or felt from natural materials.

For this technological process you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • type-setting spatula;
  • crooked shoulder blade;
  • road worker;
  • breaking caulk;
  • mallet.

Laying utilities in a wooden house

Regarding the gasket engineering communications, then these include:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewer system.

At the same time, you need to carefully consider how the pipes will be located in your house so that they do not interfere with the arrangement household appliances and furniture and so that they do not spoil the interior of the premises.

As for the requirements for carrying out engineering communications, these works should be carried out qualified specialists. Since an ill-designed water supply system or sewer drain can lead to damage and rotting of natural wood.

The same goes for electrical wiring. Incorrectly routed and connected wires can cause a house fire. Therefore, special requirements are placed on electrical wiring in such a house. All wires must only be used with the appropriate markings, and they must be laid in special metal or plastic tubes.

Materials for interior wall decoration

Let's look at everything below available options finishing the walls of a wooden house from the inside and common materials for interior decoration.


Insulating a wooden house involves laying a heat insulator in the space between the frame and the wall. Most often people use mineral wool for such purposes. This material copes well with sudden temperature changes and high humidity.

But the use of this heat insulator implies the installation of a vapor barrier, since it is a synthetic material and does not allow air to pass through. After this, you can begin cladding the walls. finishing materials.


Lining is natural and safe material. It is customary to use it not only for internal, but also for exterior finishing wooden buildings. Due to its versatility, lining is used when finishing ceilings, walls and floors. Its advantages include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • strength and durability;
  • ease of installation and further maintenance.

With its help you can without any effort special effort Perfectly level any surface. You can also hide all engineering communications under this material.

Wall panels

Panels for interior decoration are also in incredible demand. The types of wall panels are:

  • rack and pinion;
  • leafy;
  • tiled.

Each individual option has its own characteristics, but they all have the same advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • wide variety;
  • ease of installation;
  • reasonable prices.

Attention: when choosing wall panels pay attention to their fire resistance.


Also a good option would be to choose. With its help, you can level all surfaces by covering the walls in a wooden house. For the work to proceed correctly, it is necessary make a reliable frame and evenly attach the drywall to it. After this, carefully seal all the seams and you can begin applying the finishing coat.

Important: if in the room high humidity air - choose moisture-resistant drywall.

After installing plasterboard on the walls or ceiling, it can be covered with wallpaper, painted, plastered or glued with ceramic.


Plastic is a material that is quite attractive and easy to work with. It has a favorable price and a wide range. In wooden houses, plastic is used in areas such as: kitchens, dining rooms, bathrooms, hallways.

Its advantages include:

  • moisture resistance;
  • practicality and durability;
  • resistance to negative factors.

To cover the walls with plastic and improve your home, there is no need to resort to the services of professionals. This material is easy to install, is lightweight and, if necessary, can be easily cut and sawed with any hand or power tools.

How to finish the ceiling

All work on the interior decoration of a house begins with ceiling surface. Development modern technologies opens up endless possibilities for consumers. In modern interiors, ceilings can be improved using plasterboard, plastic, but you can also do stylish stretch ceilings.

Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard ceilings are divided by type into:

  • simple;
  • stepped;
  • complex.

Simple ceilings may have rounded or straight lines. According to the type of construction, they can be one- or two-level. This is the most common option for finishing the ceiling surface in private homes.

Stepped structures are also popular. With their help you can make it into the interior of the premises original design, thanks to oblique and smooth lines.

A complex ceilings delight consumers with intricate and original patterns and ornaments. They are used in designer renovations.


If the height of the room does not allow you to remove 10-15 cm, then from multi-level ceiling structures It's better to refuse. In this case, you can make a single-level ceiling, which can later be plastered, painted or wallpapered.

Plastic ceilings

Plastic ceilings differ:

  • affordable price;
  • easy installation method;
  • a variety of textures and colors.

With a competent approach to choosing plastic panels, they will not emit harmful and toxic substances. With their help you can do multi-level original designs.
Modern plastic panels can imitate any natural materials. They are light in weight and elastic.

Ceiling plastic is used in rooms such as kitchens, bathrooms and hallways. They practically do not absorb odors, are easy to clean with various means, do not fade or fade, and are fireproof.

Tensile structures in interiors

Stretch ceilings deserve special attention. They differ:

  • various materials of manufacture;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • long service life;
  • originality and exclusivity.

List the advantages suspended ceilings it is possible indefinitely. They will delight their owners with an impeccable appearance from 20 to 30 years.


Specialists should be involved in the installation of suspended ceilings. Since they have both experience working with canvas and special tools and equipment.

As for suspended ceiling designs, the most popular are:

  • starry sky;
  • photo printing;
  • multi-level ceilings.

Their surface can be:

  • varnish;
  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • mother-of-pearl;
  • satin.

It is up to the home owner to decide which option to choose. In this case, you can build on both personal beliefs and the overall design of the room.

Finishing the floor inside a wooden house

After the walls and ceilings in the house have undergone a rough finish, you can move on to floor arrangement. This process is quite complex and time-consuming.

Even before starting interior finishing work in the room, it is necessary to decide in advance on the type of floor construction. It could be like single and double floors. But for year-round living in the house, you need to choose the second option.

Such floors will have high thermal insulation qualities. Moreover, they should consist of the following layers:

  • rough floor;
  • vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing;
  • fine coating.

Floors in a wooden house can be concrete or wood. Wooden floors can be installed on the first and second floors. They differ:

  • high performance;
  • light weight;
  • naturalness.

A concrete floors are made only on the first floors, as they are heavy and can bear additional load on the structure of the house. With your help you can make a perfectly smooth and durable coating. Solid boards or piece parquet can be laid on a concrete floor.

Building houses from wood will always be popular. This is caused unique properties materials, both operational and aesthetic. But when carrying out construction work with your own hands, you need to take into account many nuances that will affect the durability of the walls and the entire building. One of the issues that needs to be resolved will be interior decoration wooden house.

Finishing features

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house from the inside should be done only after careful study of the technology and methods. It is better to cover the walls with materials that allow air to pass through well. You can also use materials that are completely sealed, but in this case the walls of the house will stop breathing.
The same rule should be taken into account when exterior finishing and insulation. If the wall cladding material does not allow air to pass through, a greenhouse effect is created in the room. In this case, to ensure a normal microclimate, you will need a device forced ventilation. Such activities require additional financial investments.

Also interior decoration wooden building with your own hands should be made from relatively light materials. In this case Finishing work from the inside will not have a strong impact on the walls and foundations (the load on them will not increase significantly).

When to start

Carry out finishing wooden log house It is possible only after the completion of its active shrinkage. If we are talking about an old house, then proceed without fear. If the walls were built recently, it is necessary to take into account the material from which they are built:

  • laminated veneer lumber - after 3-4 months;
  • ordinary timber and logs - at least after 1 year.

The exact rate of completion of shrinkage depends on the climatic characteristics of the area. Air humidity has a strong influence and average temperature. Start finishing interior walls from timber and logs is permitted only after they have been caulked. Do-it-yourself work is carried out in two stages:

  • The first caulking of the walls must be carried out a few weeks after the walls are assembled;
  • the second is done after 6-8 months.

To caulk the walls, you will need to prepare sealing and heat-insulating material. Jute or tow is used as it. Sometimes moss can be used. Work must be carried out simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. They start caulking from the bottom. Having insulated the crown on one side, you must immediately move to the other side. Otherwise, the walls may warp.

After completion of the insulation work, the building is raised a few centimeters. Over time, the inter-crown material will become denser and the height will become the same. It is precisely due to the tight fit of jute or tow to the logs (beams) that drafts are prevented and thermal insulation performance is increased.

After the second caulking, it is necessary to periodically measure the height of the walls. If the measurement results do not change within a couple of months, the shrinkage process has stopped. In this case, you can start finishing it yourself.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to decide whether it makes sense to line the walls with inside. If they are folded neatly and interventional insulation does not stick out from the joints, no sheathing is required. It would be cheaper and better to use paint and varnish products.

If the walls are uneven and the caulking seam is unattractive, you should think about finishing. Regardless of what materials are used, it is necessary to protect the wood from fungus and mold. For this purpose they use antiseptic compounds.

Fire retardants are used as additional impregnation; they will increase the material’s resistance to fire.

Finish options

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house can be done in the following ways:

  • clapboard (various shapes);
  • wall panels;
  • drywall.

For all materials, you will need to make a frame along the surface of the walls. It is best to make it from wood. It is also possible to mount without a frame. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully level the base and eliminate all protruding elements. It is worth sheathing on the frame for the following reasons:

  • there is no need to level the base;
  • providing clearance for air circulation and drying of walls;
  • the ability to lay thermal insulation material;
  • You can hide the wiring.

The disadvantages of this method include the likelihood that insects or rodents will settle in the gap between the wall and the sheathing. In this case, it will be quite difficult to get rid of unwanted guests.

Cladding a house made of wood with your own hands should be done with a small gap between the ceiling. It is necessary to level out various deformations and shrinkages. The width is assumed to be 2-4 cm. It is easy to cover the space with a ceiling plinth.


Wall decoration in this case has the most varied appearance.

Application of lining with decorative impregnation

You can use material of different widths, from different types of wood. There are also types of lining depending on the transverse profile:

  • standard;
  • blockhouse;
  • softline;
  • landhouse;
  • American;
  • and so on..

Attaching the finish to the wall surface with your own hands is done in several ways:

  • on nails in the face (now used less and less due to aesthetic reasons);
  • on nails or screws at an angle;
  • on clasps.

The last two methods are quite labor-intensive. The fasteners are nailed so that there is no damage to the front surface of the lining. Instead of nails and screws, a construction stapler with staples is also used. In this case, staples with long legs and a narrow back are required. Fastening elements are made from of stainless steel.

The lining is made of wood, therefore, just like a wall, it can shrink. It is better to buy chamber-drying material, but if this is not possible, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Over time, natural drying planks dry out and gaps appear between the finishing elements;
  • you can leave the surface as it is;
  • for aesthetic reasons, you can remove the lining and re-nail it;
  • during the initial fastening, it is necessary to take into account that the cladding will have to be removed; it is important to choose what will be more convenient to work with: nails or self-tapping screws.

When removing material from the base, you must be careful to prevent damage to the walls.

This option allows you to diversify the interior and give the room a unique appearance. Designers love these types of finishes very much; the flight of imagination is practically unlimited.

Using wall panels you can create an accent in the interior

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house from wall panels can be of different types:

  • wooden;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • leather.

Care must be taken when using glass. Such material is quite massive and can have a strong impact on the supporting structures of the building. It is not recommended to use with small thickness of wall fences.

Fastening is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The cladding can be attached either directly to the sheathing or to a backing attached to the sheathing. The methods are quite varied depending on the material; before purchasing, it is worth studying the features of each individually. We also recommend that you read articles about interior decoration.

Application of drywall

Finishing a wooden house from plasterboard is a common occurrence. Wall cladding can be done quite easily, but the following rules must be observed:

  • Drywall is not a durable material. It is quite easy to damage if broken. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out the cladding 2-3 years after construction. In this case, the building must maintain normal operating conditions (heating must be turned on).
  • When installing sheathing within 1-2 years after construction, it is necessary to attach drywall to a floating frame. This will avoid damage: the base and finish will move independently of each other.
  • To prevent or slow down the opening of cracks in problem areas, it is necessary to glue them with a reinforcing mesh. For work, a mesh is taken from polymer material. Main places of reinforcement: joints, seams and corners.

Old wooden house

When performing work inside an old building, it is necessary to first assess the condition of the walls and carry out a set of protective measures. All suspicious areas on the walls are checked for strength. To do this, you can use a screwdriver, knife or chisel. Areas with the following features are considered suspicious:

  • darker than the main surface;
  • lighter than the main surface;
  • different texture;
  • different density.

If the wood crumbles, it is recommended to contact a specialist who, depending on the nature and extent of the damage, will advise the further course of action. Even if there are no defects on the surface, it is necessary to treat the base with an antiseptic.