Decorative decoration of the arch. Design options for arches in interior doorways. Ways to decorate an arch

Arched openings are used as a zoning element for combined adjacent rooms or instead interior doors when it is necessary to achieve visual increase space. Thanks to the capabilities of drywall, this architectural element has lost its elitism, becoming affordable and popular. It is important to choose the right way to finish a plasterboard arch so that such an opening fits seamlessly into the interior.

What to consider when choosing a design

There are different shapes of arched openings. Just by the look of the arch, there are at least a dozen of these options. And a specific shape is chosen at the stage of developing a design project, so that its geometry meets the requirements of the ergonomics of the opening, fits into the geometry of the room and meets the style of the interior.

According to their functional purpose, arches are distinguished as passive and active:

  • Passive arches have a form from the standard architectural range: classic, modern, romantic, trapezoid, oriental, etc. decorative properties determined to a greater extent by finishing materials
  • Active arches have a complex shape, characterized by non-standard geometry of the opening and lines. They may include shelves and niches for accessories, and decorative lighting. The opening itself can be decorated with a forged installation or decorative finishing elements made of valuable wood. Such arches serve as one of the central elements of room decor.

But regardless of the type and purpose of the arch, the process of its design usually comes down to finishing the opening and adjacent sections of the wall with the most popular finishing materials.

Preliminary stage

Whatever material is chosen as finishing, the surface of the arch must be prepared for this:

  • All gypsum board corner joints are treated with a perforated corner
  • The seams of individual cladding elements and the interface lines between the structure and adjacent walls are covered with serpyanka mesh.
  • Surface - primed, puttied and sanded

As a result of the preparatory work, the surface of the entire arch and adjacent walls should be even and smooth.

Popular finishing options

Among the most common finishing materials are the following types:

  • Decorative plaster
  • Liquid wallpaper
  • Wallpaper, including paintable wallpaper
  • Cork
  • Stone
  • Tile
  • Mosaic

Decorative plaster

Typically, for these purposes, building mixtures are used, ready-to-use or in “dry” form, which before application must simply be mixed with the specified amount of water, and then follow the sequence of work specified in the instructions. Some of the most popular types can be done by hand by adding stone chips or screenings to regular plaster. These include “lamb” and “bark beetle”.

There are two main ways to create relief:

  • Ready-made or home-made mixtures, which contain “bulk” fillers that create the necessary decorative effect (crumbs, screenings, coarse quartz sand, flocks)
  • Formation of relief using textured rollers and stamps

Each method (and even each type of mixture) has its own characteristics final stage to create a three-dimensional relief. But the main part of the work is carried out according to the standard scheme - plaster is applied to the prepared base with a trowel (trowel) and smoothed with a trowel to a layer of uniform thickness. The size of the layer is largely determined by the type of plaster.

If it is a “bark beetle”, then the initial layer for interior work is about 5 mm, which is then leveled to the grain size of the filler. After the initial hardening of the composition, they begin to form the relief with a grater, rolling the grains in a certain direction (vertical, horizontal, circular, chaotic movements).

Homogeneous by mass plaster compositions Apply in a thinner layer with a thickness of 1.5 mm. And when the composition has set a little, the surface is rolled with a relief roller or the design is imprinted with a decorative stamp.

After the decorative plaster has dried, it is painted. And in this case there are different techniques:

  • Painting one color using a brush, spray gun or long-haired roller
  • Painting in two colors, when a second layer is applied over a dried base coat of paint with a short-nap roller
  • Applying the design by hand or by rolling a roller through a stencil

The main disadvantage is the vulnerability of the coating to mechanical damage, especially in the area of ​​the edge of the opening.

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Liquid wallpaper

This is the case when the name of the material does not correspond to its properties. It is more correct to call it, taking into account the method of application, silk or cotton plaster - depending on the type of filler fibers.

Like regular decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper is sold either in finished form, or in the form of dry mixtures, which must be diluted with water before use.

Liquid wallpaper is distinguished by a wide variety of colors and shades. In this indicator they are almost no different from decorative paint- one of the world's leading manufacturers, Silk Plaster, has more than a hundred shades. If we consider that additional decorative fillers in the form of flocks, sparkles or pearlescent chips can be added to the “standard” composition, in reality the decorative possibilities of this type of coating are even greater.

Liquid wallpaper has no disadvantages ordinary plaster- in addition to decorative functions, filler fibers reinforce the layer throughout its entire depth. This is how you can finish the edges of a plasterboard arch so that they do not deform during use. And to increase the strength of the surface of the arch and its edges, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish on top.

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The most affordable type of finishing is wallpaper.

Cover the arch with any traditional wallpaper not difficult:

  1. Along the edges of the arch, in the vertical part of the opening, two sheets are glued from the ceiling to the floor. And they do this so that each sheet protrudes beyond the edge of the opening by 2-3 cm;
  2. These edges are cut from the side of the opening in the part where the vertical part of the arch passes to its dome (semicircle, oval, trapezoid);
  3. Bend each side and top part and glue it at the end of the arch;
  4. Paste the following sheets of wallpaper over the dome of the arch to the right and left of the first two strips, cutting their length so that 2-3 cm extend into the opening;
  5. Then these wallpaper releases are trimmed with scissors according to the same principle as the edges arched profile, and then glue them;
  6. Then they cut out a strip (or two strips) from the roll with the width of the end of the arch and the length (or half the length) of its entire opening, trying to ensure that the wallpaper patterns on the wall and in the vertical part of the arch coincide with each other;
  7. Glue this strip and smooth it, removing bubbles and glue residues.

The disadvantage of this type of finishing of a plasterboard arch is the low resistance to mechanical damage to paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, which is inevitable during the operation of the opening. But paintable glass wallpaper does not have this drawback.

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Another simple option for solving the question “how to cover a plasterboard arch” is
using rolled cork (cork wallpaper) or thin tiles for wall decoration.

Thin cork is easily cut with a knife or scissors, so finishing the arch with it is not difficult:

  1. First, a blank is cut out of the cork to finish the inside of the arch. The width of the strip (or tiles) should be with a small margin;
  2. Then a special contact adhesive (like liquid nails) is applied to the plug and the end of the opening;
  3. Make a short shutter speed, apply the workpiece to the surface and press it tightly;
  4. The edges of the workpiece must fit exactly into the width of the opening, so if necessary, they are trimmed with a knife;
  5. Then the adjacent part of the wall is trimmed with cork so that the edge of the sheet exactly repeats the geometry of the opening - the size and shape of the outer part of the trim depends on the design of the arch.

To increase the strength of the cork surface to mechanical loads, it is coated with varnish.
The only drawback of this type of arch decoration is the specificity of the material, which does not fit into every interior style.

Stone or tile finishing

The nature of this finishing option differs only in the labor intensity of cutting different types of tiles:

  • The hardness of natural stone tiles depends on the type of stone, and the hardest is granite
    Artificial stone tiles are easier to cut - they are thinner, and the composition is based on Portland cement reinforced with microfiber
  • Ceramic or glass tiles are cut with a glass cutter or a special tile cutter
  • Porcelain tiles and clinker tiles, like natural stone, are cut to size using a grinder

They begin to finish the opening from the bottom. The tiles are fixed with special adhesive solutions, and the most difficult thing is the design of the corners of the opening.

If the tile is uniform in color throughout its entire depth, then you can use a finishing option like a cork - lay the outer layer overlapping the end part of the arch finishing.

Thick clinker tiles or natural stone coverings can be laid with the seam of each row shifted (odd - internal, even - external relative to the opening).

The soft end of the ceramic tile is cut at an angle of 45° and thus joined.

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To decorate an arch, you can use piece mosaics, but this technology requires a lot of time and effort.

It is easier to work with mosaic tiles. This finishing method will be simpler if the size of the end part of the arch is a multiple of the size of a single mosaic element. In this case, the blanks for the interior of the opening are cut out of the mosaic tiles using construction scissors.

Finishing the wall in the vertical part of the arch and joining it with the mosaic inside the opening is also not difficult.

The most difficult part is cutting the wall trim elements in the dome area of ​​the arch. Waterjet cutting produces the cleanest and most accurate radius cut surface. But such equipment is considered professional, and the service must be ordered from a specialized company.

As an option, you can consider cutting with a grinder with a diamond abrasive wheel. But in this case, the cut surface will have to be cleaned manually.

Plaster and all types of wallpaper are the simplest finishing method and the most affordable materials. Their strength and durability have intraspecific differences, but are generally low. The advantages of an arch decorated with mosaics and tiles are resistance to high humidity, mechanical loads and long service life. But these are the most complex and labor-intensive types of finishing work.

It doesn't matter what material your arch was built from. It will become a full-fledged decoration of the interior only after you complete its decorative finishing. If ordered general project, then the experts will definitely tell you how best to decorate the arch in the apartment so that it fits perfectly into the design concept of the room.

However, if you like any decor, you can always choose it yourself, and after that you will only need to finish the cladding of this architectural element. There is no need to worry about the complexity of the process - you can handle it yourself. The main thing here is that there is a desire and necessary tools/materials. Let's talk more about finishing the arch right now.

The good thing about arches is that you can decorate not only the door with this design. This architectural element will effectively decorate a niche in your wall in a particular room; this method is also chosen when you want the window decoration to look original and exclusive.

It is precisely because of the variety of options that the requirements for arch finishing vary. If the arch is interior, it will definitely experience serious loads. The decor in this case should be distinguished not only by its external aesthetics, but also by a certain strength - this rule should not be ignored.

Review of finishing materials

The modern market of finishing materials offers a sufficient number of solutions so that a through opening can be finished.

If there is an arch, how to finish it? Let's look at the most popular materials:

  • Decorative rock;
  • Wallpaper (a classic solution that has been proven for more than one decade);
  • Mirrors - used for decoration not so long ago;
  • Mosaic;
  • Textile;
  • Cork;
  • Ceramic or tiles;
  • Facing brick.

Arched corners

Vulnerable spots of the arched structure are necessarily marked with corners - that’s just the way it is. Protection is not required only for their hard lining.

If the arch is finished with some kind of hard material, you don’t have to use arched corners - this is not necessary.

But, if you have a completely different design, it is the corners that are needed in order to protect the entire architectural structure from mechanical damage. This way you will maintain the aesthetic appearance of your arched opening for many years.

Today on sale you can choose arched plastic corners of various widths - they produce products for structures of any volume. But experts note that the following solution is a convenient size: 1 by 2 cm. The wide side of the corner is glued inside the arch - liquid nails are used specifically for this procedure. The narrow side of the corner is fixed to the facade of the arched structure.

To achieve maximum effect and finish the arch with high quality, the corner must be pressed against the base for a long time. It is best to wait about 12 hours. Therefore, use masking tape to secure the already securely glued plastic element to the arched structure.

Decorating an arch with wallpaper is not difficult

When there is an arch, what is the easiest way to finish it? Of course, you can choose wallpaper for this task. Such cladding is not only very economical, but also simple - the design can be easily done with your own hands, the help of specialist finishers is not required.

Perform gluing

So, you have decided that wallpaper for the arch is exactly what you need. In what order should the work be done?

  1. First, you need to level the surface to be finished - for this, most often, putty is used;
  2. When the base is puttied, you can start preparing the glue. Stir the composition construction mixer, you can also use a drill - if you have the appropriate attachment;
  3. The strip of wallpaper is pasted vertically - next to the opening, the edge is folded over the arch. The bend amount is about 30 mm, no more. Next to the first strip, glue the second strip in exactly the same way - near the first;
  4. An allowance must also be made when gluing all subsequent strips - this is necessary;
  5. Next, using scissors, the corners are cut out in these allowances - this is done specifically so that there are no folds. They are glued to the arched structure and carefully smoothed out.

As part of the last stage the vault is being pasted. How to do this part of the finishing?

It's simple:

  • First of all, cut a strip of wallpaper as wide as the width of the arch. The length is made a little longer - so that you can combine the pattern on the canvas;
  • This strip is glued at the top of the arch, then goes down.
It is customary to smooth the wallpaper on the arch from top to bottom, then do it towards the edge. It’s better to act this way – so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the future.

Another popular question - What are the advantages of such cladding?? Indeed, we figured out how to decorate an arch with wallpaper, but is it worth doing this in your apartment?

The undoubted advantage of using wallpaper when decorating an arch is that you have a lot of patterns and colors of the material to choose from. That is, you can choose perfect option, which will easily fit into almost any room.

The cost of such cladding is also pleasantly pleasing - especially those people who really like to count money will be delighted.

There are also disadvantages, they are:

Decorating an arch with wallpaper is not durable. The material can quickly turn yellow; after a while you will feel that the cladding has lost its novelty and has lost its freshness. But that’s not all: unfortunately, wallpaper easily deteriorates due to moisture. An arch trimmed with stone does not know such shortcomings - so this is a reason to think about choosing some other facing material.

Be sure to watch the educational video: decorating arches with wallpaper. Perhaps this particular video will help you decide whether it’s worth using wallpaper to decorate arched structures, or whether it’s better to invest more money, but really get beautiful design for many years.

Finishing arches with cork

Decorating arched openings with cork is a very popular trend today. Everything is simple here: the material is chosen because it is very warm, natural and safe from an environmental point of view.

Finishing arches with cork can only be done when used for this work roll view material. In addition, you can easily cope with the application of self-adhesive cork wallpaper.

How can you decorate an arch with cork in an apartment? Here everything is approximately the same as with a simple wallpaper sticker - no particular difficulties can be identified. Perhaps, in order to increase the strength of the coating, after lining the arch, it is customary to cover the cork with a layer of varnish.

A small recommendation for working with cork rolls: if you are going to decorate a kitchen arched opening, choose a material that has a wax coating. Due to this, moisture will be repelled and the original appearance of the arch will remain for many years.

Watch the video: arch – finishing with cork. The material will help you avoid mistakes, especially recommended for beginners.

We use decorative plaster

Today, finishing arches with decorative plaster is not so rare - people often choose just such a cladding for their structures. And there are reasons for this, which we'll talk about right now:

  1. Applying decorative plaster to an arched opening is very simple; no difficulties arise here. Finished finishing it will be durable - you can’t argue with that;
  2. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that work aimed at restoring the finish is not so easy to carry out. In addition, keeping the relief clean is not as easy as just washing it. Keep this in mind if you decide that finishing the arch with decorative plaster is exactly the solution from which your interior will benefit.
  3. To cover the surface of the opening with decorative plaster, you will need relief stamps or rollers.

    Please note: using slow-drying mixtures for finishing arches (we are talking about ready-made compounds) is the right option to make the whole process easier. While the plaster is damp, it is easy to create relief on it - any craftsman will confirm this.

Execution order

  • The mixture must be distributed over the surface. To avoid mistakes, carefully read the instructions: the recommended layer thickness is given there. As a rule, this figure does not exceed 15 mm;
  • Then, using relief stamps or rollers, the relief is created. Rollers are generally a very convenient option for such work - they will help save not only time, but also the material itself. The same cannot be said about stamps;
  • When the above procedures have been completed and the relief has already dried, the arched opening is primed (more precisely, the finish that was applied to it).

Then you have to wait - usually at least twenty hours. And you can color it. There is a special scheme here:

  • To effectively highlight the relief, first apply dark paint with the roller that has a longer pile;
  • The organization of the second layer looks like this: light paint is applied with a roller (the tool has a shorter pile than in the first case).

Sometimes they even choose a rubber tool. That's all - only one thing remains: you need to paint all the tops of the relief so that the work looks finished.

Stone for finishing openings

An arch trimmed with stone is a beautiful solution that will decorate any room in your apartment. Spectacular design These architectural designs with tiles or stone can be symmetrical: this is a worthy choice for country or eco style.

You can also make an asymmetrical cladding - if you decorate the arch with stone in this way, you will get a magnificent flourish in the Art Nouveau or deconstructivist style.

Place the stone in an arc

If you want the arch to be finished with stone, there is a great way - laying the material in an arc:

  • Laying is carried out only on the surface, the preparation of which has been carried out carefully;
  • First, it is customary to try on the tiles, and mark the cut line from the inside;
  • Along the line that is drawn, you need to draw it several times with a construction knife. Then the unnecessary part is easily broken off with pliers, and the edges are smoothed with a file;
  • 24 hours after completing the work, you can begin sealing the seams.

Laying tiles

  • Before this work, the surface of the arch must be plastered and then primed. In addition, it is necessary to make notches;
  • The solution is prepared from glue, sand, lime, cement (or the tiles can be secured with liquid nails - if the instructions for the material do not prohibit this).
If you glue the material overlapping, you won’t have to seal the outer corners later. They glue them end to end in the first row, in the second it is customary to shift them inwards.
  • That is, in each of the odd rows the edge of the tile should be aligned directly with the border of the opening. But they are attached with an overlap in each of the even rows.

Working with facing plastic

Suppose you decide to finish the arch with plastic. This choice can be called successful - such work is considered not very labor-intensive.

If the arch is finished with plastic, you don’t have to putty and prime the base - usually they start making the frame right away.

However, it is recommended to frequently check the level of inclination when performing work, as well as the parallelism of the entire finish. This is the only way to protect yourself from mistakes.

  1. For various plastic panels a frame is being built - any slats, even wooden ones, are suitable for construction
  2. They are attached on both sides of the arch polyurethane foam. In addition, it is necessary to install temporary spacers to hold the structure until the foam has completely hardened.
  3. Next, the plastic parts are cut to the required sizes, and they are mounted on slats - horizontally or vertically. Large staples and a stapler will help you here.


Finishing the arches is a very important step when repair work ah in an apartment and in a private house. This architectural element fits perfectly into any interior and perfectly decorates the room. To carry out finishing work, you can use a variety of wallpaper, lining, decorative plaster, boards (parquet or laminated), natural or artificial stone. The use of any material involves its own characteristics, which we discussed in this article. In addition, pay attention to the instructions for the materials - this way you will not make mistakes.

The easiest way to cladding a trapezoidal arch is to carry out cladding – moreover, this is the design that is called the most economical. Only the vaulted semicircle will have to be finished. For this work, it is best to choose bendable and elastic materials - they will look great on the arched surface.

Nowadays, many people strive to create a stylish and unique interior at home. That is why they try to use the most unusual and fashionable stylistic solutions. A design such as an arch can emphasize the refined taste of the owner and his high social status. To create it, you need to know how to decorate an arch and what are the features of such a design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Decorative arches in the interior have a huge number of advantages. So, they allow you to remove the boundaries between different rooms and thus visually expand the space. In large rooms, arches can help solve zoning problems. The arch is a beautiful architectural element, the shape and decor of which can be very diverse.

If you replace doors with arches, you can save space in the room and add spaciousness to it. Moreover, in this way it is possible to separate different functional areas, but at the same time visually make them more united. The arch looks very stylish and unusual, it can surprise any guest. It can have a simple, uncomplicated design or a variety of shapes. Moreover, all models can be transformed with the help of interesting decor.

You can decorate the arch so that this element of the interior stands out against the background of the rest of the space or, on the contrary, so that it harmoniously fits into the stylistic direction of the interior. Big advantage their is that they make ceilings visually higher. They are perfect for installation between walls and the kitchen, because through the arch you can carry food and other items with your hands full, and nothing will interfere with you. Arches bring freedom and style to interior design. And their decor can become the highlight of any interior.

But such designs also have some disadvantages. So, To install them, you need to completely get rid of the door frame. Before installing such a structure, it will be necessary to carry out a lot of repair work. Also, arches are not suitable if heat or sound insulation is important to you, because all sounds will penetrate into neighboring rooms.

Arches are only suitable for decorating passage rooms in the house, because more secluded, intimate rooms are kept closed. The disadvantage of arches is also that they allow odors to pass through. By installing an arched structure in the kitchen, it will be saturated with odors during cooking. cushioned furniture located in other rooms.

But many people like arches because while in one room they can observe what is happening in another. This way you can keep an eye on small children. That is why arches are very convenient and functional structures. At beautiful design and decoration they look very advantageous.


All arched openings can be divided into two large groups:

  • Active. They are distinguished by their complex shape and unusual symmetrical solutions. They are installed in the widest doorways and perform a purely decorative function.
  • Passive. Models that are distinguished by their simplicity of shape and design. Most often they are used only to mark boundaries in rooms.

All decorative arches in the interior may differ in appearance, or rather in shape:

  • Trapezes are a very stylish and non-standard option, which is most often used to decorate interior spaces in houses with high ceilings. Their characteristic feature are beveled corners. Such decorative arches are perfect for rooms decorated in the style of English classics.
  • Ellipsoidal - beautiful and regular in shape products that represent an arc in the shape of an ellipse. Such models look very luxurious and are most often made of wood.
  • Rectangular arches are the simplest in shape and take up the least space in the opening. This is an option that is perfect for a one-room apartment. A rectangular arch takes up a minimal amount of space, but can be very stylish and unusual decor. Typically, such models are installed in rooms decorated in high-tech or minimalist style.

  • Eastern - models of arches, the decor of which is characterized by the presence of a dome on top with a sharp end. These are very elegant models, which are most often decorated in bright colors.
  • Roman ones are models that are made in the shape of a symmetrical regular semicircle. In this case the width doorway equal in size to the diameter of such an arch.
  • Thai. They are also called semi-arches. The design of such structures is different in that one side is semicircular, classic, and on the other side there is a straight line, that is, the structure is externally beveled. These asymmetrical models look very beautiful. Their decor is also distinguished by symmetry and unusual solutions.


The size of the arch usually depends on the width of the passage. Also, their size depends on the height of the ceilings. Arches can be narrow. Such designs replace single-leaf swing doors. There are also wider models that replace double doors or accordion doors.

Narrow models are used more often for installation in rooms whose exit leads to a corridor, and wide ones - in passages leading to the hall or dining room, as well as for zoning spacious rooms. The arch must also be selected according to its height. So, if the ceiling is 2.5 meters high, then the arch should be slightly lower, about 2.2 m.

But if the ceiling is 3.2 m, then the arch should be 2.6 m. These are ideal parameters that allow the structure to fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The radius of the arch should be determined by the width of the doorway. Before the purchase It is necessary to measure the height and width of the opening. It is also important to use the depth indicator, which reflects the thickness of the walls. Moreover, the depth should not be greater than the thickness of the arched structure.

Decorative elements

To create decorative elements on arches, stucco molding, paint, natural and artificial stone are used, decorative panels, marble, tiles. Very often in this case they resort to a combination of several materials. So, stone can be combined with wallpaper and paint. Moreover, the decor in this case can be done by arranging the stones in different orders. They can be folded into patterns where each pebble complements the other or, on the contrary, you can make a more chaotic arrangement of these

You can also use a plastic decorative bending corner for finishing. It will highlight the shape of the arch and make it more durable. Also in this case, decorative overlays are used. To decorate the arch, a decorative element is also used that connects the top of the structure with the horizontal projection of the cornice. Most often this element is decorated with carvings or stones.

Bamboo or fabric curtains can also serve as decorative elements. You can also hang beautiful colored silk threads, wooden curtains or even beads in the opening of such an arch.

Vine is also used for decoration. Some even decorate them with shells or beautiful stones, such as granite.

Design options

The framing of an interior doorway can be very diverse. Most often, the design of the passages of a square arch is done using decorative plaster. This method of decoration will allow you to create the most diverse and unusual shapes. Moreover, you can create an interesting texture and relief.

The arch can be covered with bright contrasting wallpaper, thereby highlighting it in the interior. You can also use patterned wallpaper for decoration, the color of which will match the color of the wall coverings in neighboring rooms. For the hallway, you can use mosaic tiles or mirrors. Such a design at the entrance will attract the attention of guests and add narrow corridors extra space.

The arch in the living room can be decorated with a pattern. These can be either geometric or abstract images, or entire works of art in the form of paintings. The edging of an arched door can have three-dimensional shapes.

For the classic style, you can use images of people, angels and entire three-dimensional statues.

Balconies with an arch opening into the living room can be decorated with large, interesting columns. This is a pompous and luxurious option that is perfect for decorating a room in a classic style. Very inexpensive option finishing is painting. In this case, the arch must first be plastered and then covered with several layers of paint. Moreover it is better if the paint color matches color scheme rooms connected by a passage.

Looks very nice in the design of the arch frosted glass or glass with a lumpy structure. This is a great solution for dark rooms. You can also make a transparent glass arch with LEDs located inside. This design looks very stylish and modern. Moreover, in the arched structure itself, you can provide shelves and decorate them with beautiful vases or other accessories.

Some people use this when finishing design move like an arched corridor. In this case, in long corridor Several decorative arches are made, each of which complements the other. This way you can carry out proper zoning of the corridor and make it more elegant.

You can decorate an arch not only with the help of unusual finishing materials, but also in another way. Lamps are often used. By correctly placing light accents, you can transform the interior space and expand the room. In this case, spotlights with LEDs are often installed.

It is important to take into account that the design of the arch initially assumes the possibility of installing spotlights. Otherwise, you will need to completely dismantle the structure in order to install wires there for installing lamps.

Arches are also often decorated beautiful curtains or tulle. Moreover, in this case, they use both thick sliding curtains and lighter translucent ones.

The arches are also decorated with mirrors. If the mirror is directed towards the window, it will fill the room with light and make the passage more spacious. Glass is often used to decorate arches. Moreover, these are usually blocks installed at the full height of the doorway and small glasses of different widths installed along the arch.

Arched structures are often decorated with colored glass or mosaics. They are usually decorated using stained glass. This design will look very bright and aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, mosaic or stained glass can decorate both the entire arch and its individual elements.

Arches in the romantic or classic style can be decorated with stucco. This way you can even decorate a room in the Baroque style. Stucco molding can be made in the form of columns and beautiful figures. This arched design may be distinguished by baler-reliefs.

Finishing materials

A wide variety of materials are used to decorate arches. It could be:

  • Polyurethane. This is a very smooth and flexible material in texture. It is used to make decor such as stucco or pediment. Moreover, polyurethane is used both for cladding the outside of the arch and for creating the frame of this structure.

  • Stone. This finishing material is used only if the arched structure is reliable. If you have an arch that is empty in design, it is better in this case to give preference to a lighter artificial analogue. To create it, gypsum is used, which is very light, but not very durable.

When finishing with natural stone, preference is given to slate, marble, granite, travertine, and shell rock.

  • Acrylic based tiles. This is a very interesting and versatile material in design. It is able to imitate other materials, such as stone, brick, marble. It is stylish and easy to use and does not require much maintenance. This material has a low price.

  • Drywall. Arches made of plasterboard are distinguished by their graceful shapes and interesting design. In this way, you can show your imagination and create products of the most unusual shape with your own hands. Drywall is a very light material, you can work with it yourself.

  • Polyurethane molding on such structures looks very luxurious. It allows you to create an analogue of the classic structure with columns. Polyurethane moldings are quite strong and dense, so they can last a very long time.

They are not only polyurethane, but also wooden, marble, and metal. But the most practical and lightweight is polyurethane.

  • Laminate. When decorating arches in rooms decorated in Eco, Country or Classic styles, laminate is often used. Such designs recreate the natural wood grain and fill the room with coziness.

  • Brick. Brick arches are quite unusual, because they look both simple and stylish at the same time. This finishing can be done in the form wall panels or individual bricks. Moreover, the masonry can be very diverse.

  • Tree. Wood finishing is usually done in rooms decorated in a classic style. This arch is distinguished by its simplicity of decor. Very often, such models are decorated with openwork carvings or images of animals, birds or geometric designs are cut out on them.

In the era of newfangled building materials and bold design solutions, it is difficult to surprise anyone with standard rectangular doors. Therefore, very often, when choosing a design for their apartment, many owners decide to decorate interior openings in If you show a little imagination, such designs can not only combine the space of several rooms, but also become the most attractive decorative element in the entire room. The decoration of arches can be done in a variety of options, to suit every taste and budget. What materials can be used to decorate unusual shapes and how to do this work with my own hands, we will consider in this article.

Selection of finishing materials

Since arches gained popularity quite a long time ago, manufacturers of modern finishing materials managed to launch production of products focused specifically on this element of the interior. Today, in specialized markets you can find ready-made products made of wood and MDF, which all you have to do is insert them into the doorway.

If you do not want to limit yourself to standard solutions or the passage already has a rounded shape and just needs to be decorated, you can use the following materials:

  • wallpaper (any variety);
  • decorative plaster;
  • cork;
  • molding;
  • polyurethane;
  • mosaic;
  • decorative and natural stone.

The arches can be decorated using any of the options listed, the main thing is that it fits well with the design of both rooms. In order to assess the complexity of the work, we will dwell on each material separately.

Paper and cork wallpaper

Finishing with arch wallpaper is considered the easiest to perform and budget option. Here you don’t have to worry about the combination of materials, since most often the walls and the opening are covered with the same canvases.

It would seem that such a finish would be mediocre and unattractive, but if you are smart, you can give the arch a very impressive appearance.

Using brick-like wallpaper will allow you to create inexpensive

It will help to introduce contrasting notes into the interior bright wallpaper with large drawings. They form only the vault of the arch, and at the joints of different panels there are special corners protecting them from abrasion.

Recently, arches have often been decorated with cork wallpaper. Their use helps to decorate and highlight the interior passage area against the general background. The material can be used even in places of high humidity, but only in this case it is necessary to choose options that have a wax coating.

Arch wallpapering technology

Before you start gluing wallpaper, the surface of the arch and adjacent walls should be well leveled using putty.

Next they prepare the glue. Experienced experts advise mixing a thick adhesive solution. This allows you to achieve excellent adhesion in places where there is a sharp bend and makes it possible to move the blade for better joining.

The first strip is glued to the wall located near the arch. The next one is positioned so that it is half closed. The protruding part of the glued fabric is cut off, leaving an allowance of 25 mm. Along the entire length of the resulting stock, small cuts are made (at a distance of 20 mm from each other), which are folded using a roller inner side and stick. This way the entire opening is covered on both sides.

Next they move to the vault of the arch. A strip is cut out of the wallpaper, the width of which is equal to the depth of the opening itself. Taking into account the location of the elements of the pattern, it is glued to the inner surface of the arch and side walls. To prevent the formation of air bubbles, smooth the wallpaper with a clean roller.

Installing cork wallpaper is no different from working with paper, so we won’t dwell on it separately.

Decorative plaster

Finishing can be done using an even simpler method - applying decorative plaster.

Before using it, it is necessary to eliminate all defects on the wall surface. Using putty and a spatula, smooth out all the unevenness, mask the seams and hide the caps of the fasteners. To ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the base, the arch is treated with a primer and left to dry for a day.

When it is completely dry, it can be painted with special paints or simply treated with finishing solutions.


Often finishing is done by combining various materials, and the highlight of such an interior are the moldings.

This concept usually means a wide variety of decorative elements in the form of curly, narrow and long stripes. They can be made of plastic, foam, wood, MDF, metal and other materials.

Moldings go well with all types of wallpaper and decorative plaster. Such strips are installed at both ends of the arch and secured with liquid nails. For the best combination with the interior, it is recommended to use such elements not only to decorate the opening, but also to decorate the surfaces surrounding it.

Products made of polyurethane

Recently, arches are often finished using polyurethane. It's tight and enough flexible material, from which decorative elements are made white in the form of stucco.

This finishing is attractive because its cost is much lower than, say, decorating with stone or tiles. Installation of polyurethane is very simple - using specially designed glue. The lining of the opening can be done in two versions. In the first, the arch is decorated simultaneously with both the internal and external outside. In this case, the vertical racks can be designed in the form of round or square columns, expanding upward.

If massive structures do not fit into the surrounding interior, you can only make edging of the corners from more elegant elements.

Natural and artificial stone

Finishing an arch with decorative stone is the most labor-intensive process, but the result is always impressive. This type of cladding looks most impressive when not only the passage is finished, but also part of the adjacent walls. Both symmetry and asymmetry are relevant here. If the openings are located close to each other, you can decorate the interior with smoothly transitioning cladding from one arch to another. Regardless of which option is chosen, natural materials always look rich and impressive.

Another advantage of the stone is that it does not require a perfectly smooth surface, which eliminates the need for thorough preparation.

However, there are also difficulties associated with using this material.

First of all, it is its weight. Natural stones It is not recommended to use it for cladding structures made of plasterboard, as this can lead to deformation and even destruction of the opening. Here it is better to use plaster or acrylic imitation, which looks no less elegant.

Also, finishing the arch with stone becomes very difficult in rounded areas. Inexperienced craftsmen have to tinker with it in order to do the job beautifully and efficiently.

Installation of decorative stone

Facing is carried out in several stages:

1. The surface is puttied to remove large irregularities.

2. Prepare the adhesive composition. The most commonly used mixture is lime, cement, sand and glue. If light grades or gypsum imitation were chosen for finishing, you can fasten them using ordinary liquid nails.

3. The first stone is laid at the very bottom, at the junction of the wall and the arched opening. It is leveled and pressed tightly against the wall. To avoid having to seal the corners at the end of the work, the material is overlapped. To do this, the tiles of the first row from the floor are attached flush to the opening, and the tiles of the second row are moved inward by a distance equal to its own thickness. So, by alternating rows, the entire cladding is done.

4. When finishing the arched part of the opening, the material is applied to the arch, the cut line is marked and all excess is removed. Here you can use special nippers or an angle grinder.

5. All angular and sharp edges are carefully sanded with a file.

6. The resulting seams are filled with a special grout.


Decorative finishing of an arch in places of high humidity (such as a bathhouse, bathtub, kitchen) is most often done using mosaics.

In this option, it is possible to use products made of glass, ceramics, metal, concrete or tiles. The material is laid out on a prepared and smoothed surface, where it is attached to a specialized compound. The glue is applied with a notched trowel simultaneously to the wall and the tile, after which the product is pressed tightly to the surface. The seams are carefully rubbed with special colored compounds.

Using patterned tiles makes laying a little more difficult as the material must be positioned according to the pattern, but the end result is well worth the effort.


The modern construction market is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list all the options for cladding doorways. Designers are increasingly using bamboo, textile, mirror, forged and other elements to create interiors. We tried to consider the most popular materials that can be used to decorate an arch. The photos presented in this article will help you get an idea of ​​this or that method of decoration, and maybe lead you to create your own project. We hope that the recommendations outlined will provide significant assistance to all beginning craftsmen.

Every house or apartment has several doorways. One of the popular and common ways to design them is to create an arch. In addition to the fact that it must be done correctly, great importance has a design, this stage of work must be given Special attention. There are many options for finishing arches, they all have both advantages and disadvantages.

Popular materials for arch finishing

One of the most accessible and effective ways Revitalizing the design of a room, giving it an individual and unique look is the creation of an arch. It can have a wide variety of shapes and be made of different materials. Just creating a door arch will not be enough; it still needs to be properly and beautifully finished. There are several options you can use for this. It must be remembered that in addition to giving the structure a beautiful and attractive appearance, the finishing material can also protect it from damage, so its choice must be approached competently.

The finishing of the arch should not only give it an attractive appearance, but also protect it from possible damage.


Painting is the simplest and most affordable method of finishing an arched structure, which is why it is very popular. The advantage of this material is its availability and ease of application. It is enough to purchase paint and apply it to the prepared surface using a brush, roller or spray gun. To get a beautiful result, you need to apply at least two layers. The disadvantage of this type of finishing is that the surface must be prepared very carefully, and this takes a lot of time and effort. If there are any irregularities on the arch, then after painting they will be even more noticeable.

The arch can be painted to match the walls or in a contrasting color

There are two main options for this finish:

  • painting in the same tone as the wall, then the structure dissolves in the interior;
  • painting in a contrasting color, in this case the focus is on the door arch.


Wallpaper is also a common option for finishing an arch. You can choose them to match the color of the walls or use a contrasting solution. Now liquid wallpaper has appeared, which is often used to decorate the arch.

To cover the arch, you can use regular, vinyl, textile or liquid wallpaper.

Advantages of wallpapering an arch:

  • There is a large selection, so you can purchase material of the required shade and texture;
  • ease of installation; no special skills or tools are required to perform the work;
  • affordable price.


  • fragility. Even the most durable wallpaper is easily damaged, so you have to change it after 2–4 years;
  • discoloration. When exposed to sunlight, wallpaper quickly loses its original color.

Better to buy plain wallpaper without ornament. If the walls are covered with the same material, you won’t have to select a pattern, so the work can be completed easier and faster. To decorate the edges of the arch, you can use plastic corners. They will act not only as decorative elements, but will also reliably protect the corners from possible mechanical damage.


Decorating the arches with natural wood gives the room style, solidity and beauty. This material goes well with almost any design solution, but most suitable for finishing an arch in a wooden house.

An arch made of natural wood looks especially stylish in combination with other wooden elements interior

Advantages of finishing an arch with wood:

  • the original presentable appearance is preserved for many years;
  • high strength when finishing with hard wood;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • at high humidity, even with additional protection, wood is prone to deformation;
  • wooden structures do not tolerate temperature changes well, so it is not worth finishing the arch near the entrance doors with such material;
  • heavy weight. Elements made of natural wood are difficult to install alone, so you need to invite an assistant and fix them securely;
  • high price.

If valuable types of wood are used to decorate the arch, then decorative products are usually ordered from specialized companies and installed by specialists. If you have the necessary skills, you can decorate an arch with wood yourself.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a good alternative to natural wood.

Can be purchased ready-made kits MDF panels for arch finishing

This material consists of wood chips and, depending on the type of coating, can be:

  • laminated. The surface is covered with PVC film, which imitates natural wood or other material. In addition, such a coating increases the strength of the material;
  • veneered. The boards are pressed with a thin layer of veneer and then varnished.

Compared to natural wood, MDF panels have the following advantages:

  • resistance to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • light weight of the panels, which simplifies the installation process;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of MDF panels:

  • when delivering targeted strikes they are easily damaged;
  • under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they can change their original color;
  • service life is shorter than that of natural wood.


Arches decorated with cork look beautiful. Panels with a thickness of 3 mm or more are made from it, covered on top with thin veneer and impregnated with wax. You can use cork in rolls, but in this case it is not always impregnated with wax. To give rolled products the required color, they can be painted on the front or back side. In addition, there are also cork wallpapers. They have a paper base with a thin layer of cork glued onto it. Often such wallpapers have a self-adhesive backing, which makes gluing them simple and quick.

The arch can be covered with cork wallpaper

Benefits of cork:

  • is not afraid of the impact of targeted impacts;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • has antibacterial characteristics, so fungus and mold do not form on it.


  • afraid of moisture. If the surface has not been treated with wax, then at high humidity the material may become deformed;
  • absorbs odors well;
  • has a high cost.


More recently, in order to implement such a solution, people had to make a mosaic from broken glass or ceramic tiles. Now there is a ready-made mosaic on sale and all that remains is to glue it to the surface of the arch. There are usually no difficulties with performing such work, but since the elements are very small, finishing will take a lot of time.

Finishing a mosaic arch in a large opening will take quite a lot of time.

Advantages of mosaic:

  • large selection of shapes and colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • high wear resistance;
  • long service life.


  • difficulty of performing the work. It requires not only certain skills, but also a lot of time;
  • high price.

Depending on the design style of the room, choose ceramic, metal orglass mosaic.

Decorative rock

The arch can be finished with both natural and artificial stone. The cost of natural materials is higher, so their artificial analogues are usually used for finishing. Since the weight of the stone is large, it is not worth laying it on plasterboard partitions; it is better to do this on main walls. Instead of decorative stone, you can decorate the arch with tiles to resemble facing bricks.

If the arch is made in a main wall, it can be finished with stone tiles

Advantages of finishing an arch with decorative stone:

  • a large selection of materials that differ not only in color, but also in texture;
  • high strength;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • long service life.


  • complexity of installation. You must have certain skills;
  • heavy weight of the material, significantly increasing the load on the structure;
  • high price.

It is better to use small stones to finish the arch vaults, as they are much easier to lay.

Decorative plaster

There is quite a large selection of different types of plasters, so you can choose the one that will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Using this material, you can create unique solutions; here everything depends on the imagination and abilities of the person finishing the arch.

Methods of finishing with decorative plaster are limited only by the imagination of the master

The store sells ready-made dry mixtures that just need to be diluted with water and can be applied to the prepared surface.

Advantages of decorative plaster:

  • allows you to create unique solutions that will be impossible to repeat;
  • you can create both a smooth and expressive relief;
  • if it is necessary to update the surface, it can be repainted;
  • the surface does not need to be carefully leveled before applying the finish;
  • affordable price.
  • easily damaged by mechanical stress;
  • Do not carry out wet cleaning;
  • if you need to do it redecorating, this area will stand out against the general background.

To apply decorative plaster, it is enough to have minimal skills and a little time.

Now there is a large selection of polyurethane moldings on sale, with which you can quickly and originally design an arch. These elements are usually fixed with glue, and for greater strength, self-tapping screws can be used.

With the help of polyurethane moldings you can quickly and originally design an arch

Advantages of finishing with polyurethane moldings:

  • a large selection of different elements;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.


  • not suitable for use in expensive interiors;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

What tool will you need for the job?

Depending on what material the arch will be finished with, you may need different tools:

How to prepare the arch surface for finishing

Finishing the arch is a responsible and rather labor-intensive process. It is usually made from plasterboard. Experts recommend that such surfaces be puttied. This is due to the fact that if over time you want to update or replace the finishing material, in places where there is no putty, a layer of cardboard will be removed simultaneously with the finishing, and this can lead to damage to the entire structure.

The procedure for carrying out preparatory work:

  1. Smoothing the transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch. The joint is smoothed using putty so that the transition from one surface to another is not visible.

    The transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch is leveled and smoothed using putty

  2. Sealing seams and screw heads. For this, sickle tape is used, and the heads of the screws are sealed only with putty.

    Self-tapping screws and seams are sealed with putty

  3. Aligning the transition between the arch and the wall. For this purpose putty is used. It must be applied with a wide spatula; it must be wider than the overlap in order to obtain a smooth and even transition.

    Transition arched arc into the wall should be smooth and even

  4. Strengthening corners. One of the most problematic places door arch are its angles. To strengthen them, you need to use metal or plastic corners, which are fixed with putty or self-tapping screws. Instead of corners, the edges of the arch can be glued with sickle tape.

    The corners are reinforced with sickle tape or a perforated corner

  5. Putty arch arch. The entire surface is evenly covered with putty and leveled.
  6. Processing of side surfaces. This work must be done from top to bottom. The junctions between the wall and the arch are taped with sickle tape. The width of the tape should be such as to completely cover the transition point between the arch and the wall. After this, the side surfaces are puttied to completely smooth out the transition.

    The putty is applied to the sickle tape glued at the junction of the walls and the arch

  7. Final leveling of the surface. You can begin work only after the putty has dried. Grouting of the surface is done using sandpaper.
  8. Primer. To ensure good adhesion of the surface to the finishing material used, it must be primed. The primer is applied using a brush or roller. After it dries completely, which will take about four hours, you can move on to finishing work.

The described work should be performed with starting putty, since it has better adhesion and its price is lower. Depending on the finishing material used, it may be necessary to level the surface with finishing putty. This is required if the arch will be painted; in other cases, finishing putty may not be applied.

To eliminate large differences and significant unevenness, the putty can be applied in several layers, the thickness of each of them should not be more than 5 mm. Before applying the next layer, allow time for the previous one to dry thoroughly. Depending on the conditions in the room, the type of putty used and the thickness of the applied layer, the approximate drying time will vary:

  • plaster - 3–6 hours;
  • cement - from 12 to 24 hours;
  • polymer - from 4 hours.

Expert advice to help you complete your preparatory work more efficiently:

  • When filling holes, it is recommended to apply putty a little more than necessary, since the solution tends to dry out a little. It is better to then remove the excess bump with sandpaper, and if a hole remains, then you will need to putty this place again;
  • To properly level the surface, you may need to apply three or four layers of putty. Keep in mind that before applying a new layer, the previous one must dry completely;
  • When sealing joints, you need to press the solution well into the existing gap to completely fill it. In this case, it is also better to apply a little more solution and then remove it with sandpaper, rather than carry out additional sealing when depressions form.

Video: preparing the arch surface for finishing

The sequence of finishing an arch with different materials

The order of work will depend on the selected material.


To decorate the arch, ordinary thin wallpaper or heavy vinyl, textile, and glass wallpaper can be used.

The process of gluing an arch with thin wallpaper:

When using heavy vinyl wallpaper, the edges of the strips are cut exactly along the border of the arch, and then this area is covered with a decorative corner.

Finishing with decorative plaster

The order of finishing work:

  1. Applying plaster. This is done using a spatula. After the plaster has dried a little, it is lightly sanded with a paint float.

    Plaster is applied using a spatula

  2. To obtain a beautiful result when painting decorative plaster, you need to use several colors selected in the same range. First, darker paint is applied using a sponge and brush.

    A layer of darker paint is applied first.

  3. Painting with a second layer. You need to give time for the first layer to dry completely. After this, using a foam sponge, lightly apply lighter paint.

    The second coat of paint should be lighter

  4. Wax coating. When the paint has dried, the surface of the arch is covered with a protective layer of wax mastic.

Video: process of applying decorative plaster

When using a mosaic, the work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Creating a matrix. Since the mosaic elements are very small, it is much easier to install if you first assemble them into small fragments. The elements are laid on a sheet of paper, and then a fine mesh is glued on top. There are ready-made matrices on a mesh basis, which can also be used to finish the arch.
  2. Mosaic installation. The finished matrices are fixed to the surface of the arch using glue. We must ensure that it does not fall on the front surface of the mosaic.

    The finished matrices are glued to the surface of the arch using glue

  3. Grouting joints. Select the required grout color and fill all the seams with it. An hour after grouting, remove the mortar using diagonal movements with a rubber spatula. After this, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

    To remove grout, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Laying decorative stone

Work order:

  1. Preparing the stone. After purchasing a decorative stone, it must be washed and dried. To simplify the work, it is necessary to sort the elements by size, since they all have different lengths and thicknesses.
  2. Stone trimming. After the elements have been sorted, a special machine is used to cut off the edges of the stones that will be mounted on the corners to create a 45° cut. The tiles are sorted by color and then laid out along a straight line.

    The edges of the stones are cut using a special machine.

  3. Glue preparation. If decorative rock will be mounted on a putty and primed surface, it is recommended to use quick-setting glue. When performing work on cement plaster It is better to use cement tile adhesive.
  4. Stone finishing. Work starts from the bottom and gradually moves up. A gap of 2–3 mm is usually left between individual elements, but installation can be carried out without a gap. To ensure that the distance between the tiles is the same, special plastic dividers are used.

    The stones begin to be laid from below and gradually move upward

Video: artificial stone installation process

Wood finishing

If you decide to finish the arch yourself natural wood, then the easiest way to do this is using wooden lining:

Finishing with polyurethane moldings

Installation of moldings is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of elements mounted along the radius of the arch. Measure the required length and cut off a piece of molding. Nails are driven into it at intervals of 50–100 mm, after which glue is applied to the inner surface.

    Nails are driven into the molding and coated with glue.

  2. Installation of radius molding. The prepared element is placed in the center of the opening and a nail is driven in, after which they move from the center in different directions. If the molding does not press well at the bend, you can hammer in 1-2 additional nails.

    The molding is fixed with nails and pressed well against the surface of the arch

  3. Installation of vertical elements. Measure the distance from the floor to the radius molding in height and cut off the required piece vertical element. It is also attached with nails and glue, and the junction of the vertical and radius molding is coated with sealant.

    Vertical elements are also attached using nails and glue

  4. After the glue has completely dried and the moldings are securely fixed, you can remove the nails. All that remains is to putty the moldings and paint them in the chosen color.

    Pull out the nails, putty, and then paint the moldings

Video: sequence of finishing an arch with polyurethane molding

If MDF panels are mounted with glue, then the sequence of work will be as follows:

If the panels are mounted on the sheathing, the surface of the arch need not be leveled:

  1. Creating a sheathing. For this, metal profiles or wooden blocks can be used.
  2. Installation of guide profiles. They are fixed at the top and bottom of the sheathing.
  3. Installation of panels. MDF panels are inserted into the guide profiles and fixed to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

Finishing the wall around the arch

It is necessary not only to decorate the arch beautifully, but also to think about what materials the walls around it will be finished with.

The main design options for walls around the arch:

The sequence of finishing the walls around the arch will depend on the chosen material. This process is no different from how the finishing coating was installed on the arch.

Installation of a decorative corner

A decorative arched corner not only allows you to highlight the arch against the background of the wall, but also hides possible irregularities. Its use is especially relevant when the arch was made independently and for the first time, so the work was not done perfectly.

The procedure for installing a decorative corner:

With the help of an arch you can decorate beautifully and unusually doorway, arched partitions allow you to zone the room. The presence of an arch in the interior makes it unusual and non-standard, but it must be organically combined with the surrounding elements.

A person with basic skills can decorate an arch with his own hands. construction work. After the finishing material has been selected and all the necessary tools have been prepared, it is necessary to study in detail the technology for performing the work. By following the developed instructions, you will be able to finish the arch yourself and at the same time get a result no worse than that of the professionals.