Finish a summer shower in the country. Do-it-yourself wooden shower for a summer residence: installation technology. Shower for a cottage made of brick

Summer shower made of metal profiles is an inexpensive, convenient and reliable option for those who like to spend hot weekends not in a stuffy city, but among the greenery of own dacha. A profiled sheet can resist corrosion for up to 50 years, is easy to install, and, most importantly, even a complete beginner in construction can build a summer shower in the country with their own hands. You will find detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do this in this article.

Summer shower made of corrugated sheets - photo of an option with wooden support posts and a decorative top bar

Water drainage: drainage or drainage pit

Construction begins with choosing the most suitable suitable place under a summer shower made of metal profiles. Since it is desirable to make maximum use of solar heat to heat water, the shower should be located in an open area, illuminated throughout the day.

  1. Performing drainage.
  2. Organization of a drainage pit.

The first method is relevant if a summer shower made of corrugated sheets is needed only to freshen up and is not intended for long-term bathing. Then you can simply level the plot of land and pave it with paving stones, waste stones or crushed stone.

Creating drainage on clay soils

If the soil is clayey, then you should dig a hole 0.5-1 m deep, which then needs to be filled with alternating layers of gravel and sand 10-15 cm thick. Gravel should always be the top layer, and sand should always be the bottom layer. To save money, gravel can be replaced with fine gravel construction waste, for example, broken bricks. You can install a shower in your dacha directly on such a drainage.

The second case is when a country shower made of corrugated sheets will be used specifically for the purpose of cleaning off dirt using detergents, not only by you, but also by your family members. Then, to organize the drainage, a small drain hole for a shower in the country.

Drain pit for a shower made of corrugated sheets - photo of an already equipped drain on the side with a pipe connected

To prevent collapse, the walls of the drainage pit should be lined with stone or brick, and the bottom should be left to absorb moisture. In addition, a drain for a shower in the country can be organized by digging into the ground plastic pipe or large diameter car tires.

The size of the hole depends on the soil and your needs. If a summer shower for a dacha made of corrugated sheets is needed for a family of 4 people and will be located on sandy soil, then a depth of 1 m will be sufficient. If we are talking about clay, then 2 m will be the best option.

If the size of the area allows, it is better to organize the drain a little away from the shower itself, but if not, then you can do it right under it.

Do-it-yourself shower in the country: drawings and diagrams with dimensions

In order to make a summer shower from corrugated sheets, you need a drawing or, at least, a diagram of the future construction. They do not have to be detailed - it is enough to have basic dimensions, based on which you can plan your purchase with materials and further work with them. In addition, the presence of a diagram allows you to plan the technology and stages of construction.

Drawing of a shower made of corrugated sheets with wooden posts and concrete floor

The drawing of a country shower given above is a simplified version. It shows not only the dimensions, but also a schematic appearance soul. The diagram below shows a smaller building with the proposed installation of a tank on the roof, as well as a metal frame. I will consider making a shower of exactly this design in this article.

DIY diagram for a shower in the country: drawings with dimensions

Creating a foundation for a shower from a metal profile

The foundation for a shower in a country house is usually made very simple, since the structure itself is light. Before making the floor, you need to install and concrete racks from a 60x40 mm profile to secure the frame. This will increase the reliability of the structure and ensure that a summer shower in a dacha made of corrugated sheets will not tip over due to strong gusts of wind. The above-ground height of the racks can be from 2 to 2.5 meters, depending on the chosen shower design.

Since you need to make a shower from corrugated sheets as reliably as possible, to install the racks you need to dig holes 1-1.2 meters deep. For central Russia this is enough, but for northern latitudes it is worth further clarifying the depth of soil freezing in your area and deepening the racks below this value. A small layer of crushed stone should be poured into the bottom of the holes and compacted thoroughly. Then the pillars are placed strictly vertically and the holes are filled with concrete.

Take your time

Before installing a garden shower made of metal profiles on racks, you need to wait about a week. During this time, the concrete will have time to gain at least part of its strength. When performing concrete work and installing racks, it is imperative to use a building level.

Making the floor

Making a floor for a summer shower is a simple process and, first of all, depends on what type of drain is chosen. If this is a drainage, then you need to bring a pipe from the drain to it, if it is located to the side, or put it directly on top of it wooden grate, which will act as the floor in the shower at the dacha.

You can, again, install a wooden grate over the pit, or cover it with a removable concrete lid with a drain hole. Fill the remaining floor area cement mortar, having previously installed formwork around the edges from boards 70-80 mm high. To provide good drain for a shower in the country, it is necessary to make a floor with a slope towards the drain. Otherwise, water may begin to flow down the sides of the concrete screed.

Building a shower in a country house with your own hands begins with installing supports and making a floor from concrete or wood

If a summer shower for a dacha made of corrugated sheets is located not above the pit itself, but not far from it, then it is necessary to organize a drain. Again, this can be done by concreted plastic drain and pipe into the floor, or by using special plastic or metal pallets.

In the latter case, you can either pour a concrete screed under the country shower from a corrugated sheet, or make a floor platform from wooden boards. However, regardless of the material, the platform should not be solid, but with a square hole in the center. Its size should be such that the selected shower tray for the dacha can easily fit there with its deep part, and it should be supported by the protruding sides. The height of the floor can be greater than the depth of the tray if it is made of metal, and should be equal if it is made of plastic.

This is due to the fact that a plastic shower tray for a country house is not very strong, and if you hang it without support, it can simply fall apart under the weight of a person. If the depth of the pallet is small, then the problem is solved with the help of special supports. The cheapest way to do this is to use a regular wooden grate.

Rules for constructing a drain pipe

If you decide to use a concrete screed as the floor, then the drain pipe is concreted, but if it is a wooden platform, then it passes under it.

Frame structure

Before you make a shower from a metal profile, you need to make its frame. For this purpose, installed racks after hardening concrete foundation we connect with light metal profiles or wooden blocks, while leaving space for installing the door. If the frame for a shower in a country house is made of wood, then it must be treated antiseptic composition, which will prevent its rotting, as well as the appearance of mold and mildew.

There are two ways to secure the harness to the posts. If it is made of metal, then it is most reliable to weld the profiles to the racks. If you do not know how to work with a welding machine, and therefore cannot weld a summer shower with your own hands from corrugated sheets, then you can use metal screws or screw connections for fastening. For the latter, you will need to pre-drill holes in the profile. Wooden crossbars are attached only with self-tapping screws.

Fastening the shower frame frame from a metal profile - photo of a bolted connection

The lower transverse profile must be fixed at the floor level, the second from the top - according to the height of the corrugated sheet used. In order for the frame for a country shower to be sufficiently rigid and reliable, 1-2 more crossbars are installed between them. Finally, the last, uppermost transverse profile is mounted 20-25 cm higher than the previous one. It is needed for making a shower roof from corrugated sheets and installing a tank.

Subtleties of attaching a shower door

When installing the frame frame for a summer shower made of corrugated sheets with your own hands, do not forget about the door. Therefore, only the two upper crossbars are attached on all four sides, and all the rest - only on three. In addition, the hinges for the door must be welded in advance, before the walls are covered.

Thus, making a frame for a shower from a metal profile with your own hands is quite simple. Corrugated sheeting is lightweight and does not require a strong and heavy frame. Even for installing racks, a profile of 40×20 or 60×40 mm is sufficient. Don't be scared by the fact that this entire structure can be movable after assembly. Its rigidity will be provided by walls made of corrugated sheets attached to the frame.

This material is one of best options one of the cheapest and easiest ways to cover a shower in a dacha. It is not only reliable and durable, but is also not afraid of moisture and looks very bright and attractive.

Wall covering

The next step after making the frame is finishing the shower with metal profiles on three sides. To fasten it, again, use self-tapping screws or rivets. It is necessary to fasten the corrugated sheet every two waves. The self-tapping screw must be screwed into the bottom of the wave and must be straight, otherwise the attachment points will quickly corrode.

Sometimes, for greater reliability, the profiled sheet is secured at the bottom and top using a bolted connection. However, if you are building a shower from corrugated sheets with your own hands, then this is difficult to implement physically - you will need help with fixing the sheet. In addition, there is no need to do so, since fastening with self-tapping screws is reliable if done correctly.

Covering the walls of a summer shower with corrugated sheets with bolted connections

For fastening, it is better to use roofing screws with special washers made of self-vulcanizing rubber. WITH inside the attachment point must be sealed with special waterproof sealants or simply painted. Finishing a shower in a country house should be done with screws or rivets that are short enough so as not to pierce the profile of the crossbars right through.

When making a summer shower from a metal profile with your own hands, the last stage of sewing is installing the door.

Door manufacturing and installation

Since corrugated sheeting is made from thin sheets of steel, you cannot simply weld hinges to it and use it as a door - with this application, the sheet very quickly deforms under its own weight. Therefore, in order to make a shower door from corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to weld a frame, onto which you will then attach a metal profile.

To make the frame, you should use a profile of the same section as for the racks with crossbars. If the width of the side of the summer shower is 1.5 meters or less, then the width of the door should be the same. If the side width is larger, then you need to leave 1.5 meters for the door, install additional profile, parallel to the racks, and sew up the metal shower for the dacha with corrugated sheeting in the remaining part. The height of the frame is determined based on the height of the corrugated sheet.

Trimming parts of the door frame at 45º and checking the correct angle

To make a door frame, you need to measure the profile required length, then cut the joints at 45° and weld. If you are making a door for an outdoor shower from corrugated sheets with your own hands, then before welding, be sure to lay out the profiles on a thick sheet of plywood or OSB (at least 10 mm) and secure them with clamps. If this is not done, then during welding the frame will “lead”, as a result of which it will not be able to be used for its intended purpose.

After the frame is ready, two crossbars and hinges are welded to it, and then sewn up with corrugated sheets. After sewing, a handle is screwed onto the door, and two latches are installed: inside and outside. If desired, you can install a small latch lock directly into the profile, then a shower made of corrugated sheets can be used to store various bath items. In addition, coat hooks can be screwed onto the crossbars.

Roof and tank for country shower

Finally, you have reached the last stage and have almost completed your shower at the dacha with your own hands from corrugated sheets. All the hardest part is over - all that remains is to choose a suitable water tank and install it.

You can buy a flat plastic tank at any construction supermarket. This shape is specially designed for summer showers. A shower container for a country house is usually taken with a volume of 200 liters - this is enough for a small family. Since building a shower in a country house from a metal profile involves a lightweight frame, take metal tank cannot be installed on the roof.

Plastic tank for a country shower with an already built-in fitting with a watering can

Plastic tanks for summer showers for summer cottages are usually sold with a fitting already installed. All you have to do is screw the valve with the shower net into it and you're done.

If there is no fitting, then you will have to make the hole yourself. However, it's not difficult - just follow these steps:

  • in the right place, draw a circle of the required diameter;
  • drill holes around the circumference with the smallest drill you have;
  • With a sharp knife, simply connect the holes;
  • insert the pipe into the resulting hole;
  • Clamp it well on both sides with washers and rubber gaskets.

If you don’t have a small-diameter drill, you can take a medium one, only the places for drilling will need to be marked in advance, not along the circle itself, but slightly inside it.

You need to install the shower tank in your dacha on the roof. If its dimensions are smaller than the dimensions of the roof, then it is necessary to weld the attachment point. This can be achieved using a single 60x40 profile that is welded parallel to the door so that the tank can be placed on it and the top cross member at the rear, but it should not protrude beyond them.

Installing a tank on a shower made of corrugated sheets - photos of two options of different sizes

Next, around the perimeter of the tank you need to weld or secure with self-tapping screws strips of metal, a profile or wooden blocks. They should protrude from the top, forming sides, and from the bottom of the profile by about 5-7 cm. Thus, you can fix the tank on a summer shower for a summer residence, and also provide the opportunity to attach the insulation from the bottom of the tank. Instead of a combination of profile and steel sheet, you can immediately use corners with a wide shoulder.

After the container for the country shower is installed, the open openings must be covered with corrugated sheeting. It must be installed with a slope so that water drains without lingering on the roof. You need to attach the corrugated sheet in the same way as on the walls.

In order for water heated by the sun to retain heat longer, it is better to insulate the tank. If top part The tank and its walls are illuminated by the sun and serve to heat water, then Bottom part, inaccessible to the sun's rays, only contributes to heat loss. It is this that should be insulated using any material that does not lose its properties when exposed to moisture. In this case, for another 1-2 hours after sunset, a summer shower made of corrugated sheets will delight you with pleasant warm water.

Subtleties of upgrading the tank for more comfortable use of a summer shower

Typically, a shower head for a summer house is chosen from inexpensive - often even plastic - options, since they withstand better street conditions operation. The same applies to the faucet - it is better to take the cheapest Chinese faucet for a country shower with the expectation that it will have to be replaced in a year or two. It is also desirable that soap dishes and shelves for shampoos and other accessories be made of thick plastic and installed on crossbars.

Finally, let's focus on a few subtleties:

  1. In order for the water from the tank to be warmer, it should be taken not from the bottom, but from the surface, since warm water always rises to the top, and cold water always sinks to the bottom. This is achieved using a flexible plastic tube, one end of which is attached to the pipe and the other to the float.
  2. You should buy a black tank - it heats up much faster.
  3. To heat water faster, you can use the roof. Two holes should be cut: 5-10 cm above the bottom of the tank and at the very bottom. Then insert the pipes into them and connect them with a long flexible tube black color. This tube needs to be laid out on the roof of the shower in the form of a coil. Thus, cold water from the bottom will circulate through the tube, heat up and rise to the top.

Many people prefer to spend the summer at their dacha. And this is not surprising, because this is where you can hide from the bustle of the city and the unbearable heat. But to stay in country house was as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to think about building a structure such as a country shower. To implement this idea, first of all, you will need imagination, because the building must be not only practical, but also beautiful. In addition, you need to decide on the materials from which the construction of the shower will be ordered, because this is one of the main components of the “issue price”.

Some shower stalls don't even have to be built - they are delivered from the store ready-made

Pros and cons of a summer shower

Today for arrangement summer cottage And at home they use summer showers of different designs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is worth considering when choosing a design. Popular options include:

  • Film shower. The structure consists of metal and wooden elements that are covered with film. The disadvantage of such a shower is its fragility. As for the advantages, we can highlight ease of installation and mobility. If desired, it can be easily moved from one place to another. Metal corners are often used for construction.
  • Frame construction. The shower is a stable and monolithic product that has a long service life. The design is well ventilated, and the water heats up quickly. It is easy to serve and comes off just as quickly. As for the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the vulnerability from negative factors environment. During operation, the structure loses its attractive appearance.

One of the most durable solutions is a polycarbonate summer shower

So, having analyzed all this, we can note several main advantages of a summer shower:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • practicality.

As for the disadvantages, among them we can highlight the limitation of use. The fact is that in such structures, water heating is most often carried out from solar energy. Therefore, they cannot be used in the cold season or in bad weather.

Types of summer shower

To make a modern shower they use various materials and technology. When choosing, you should rely on financial capabilities and other equally important factors.

Wooden shower

A wooden cabin is a popular and common option. This is due to the fact that it is very simple to implement. For construction, environmentally friendly material is used, which has many advantages. The only drawback is low resistance to moisture and insects. That's why wooden elements are treated with antiseptics. Timber and boards are used for construction. Wood would be the best option coniferous species, as it is highly resistant to humid environments.

Often combined options are offered - shower plus toilet

Wooden shower at the dacha it is performed in the following sequence:

  • The shower is a frame structure, which consists of racks of a certain section. When choosing timber, it is worth considering the load that will be created by the storage tank.
  • Holes are dug under the posts, the depth of which is 80 cm. A cushion of crushed stone and sand, 10 cm thick, is made at the bottom.
  • To protect the timber from rotting in the ground, it is coated with bitumen and wrapped with roofing felt. After this, they are installed in the hole and leveled. Additional racks are installed in the places where the doors are mounted.
  • The racks are connected at the bottom and top by horizontal bars. Bolts or angles are used to fasten them together.
  • The sides of the cabin are finished with sanded boards. After this, all elements, including doors, are treated with paints and varnishes.

During construction, it is worth considering a method for draining waste water. As for its supply, storage tanks are installed on the roof, which have different shapes and volumes.

You can order the construction of a full-fledged open-air bathroom

Polycarbonate construction

This design is somewhat simpler to construct. To perform the work you will need welding machine. This is necessary for the construction of a metal frame. A profile with a cross-section of 40x60mm is used as racks. Smaller products are used for strapping.

Installation of the frame is carried out in the same way. The racks are concreted in pits. Jumpers are attached between them, which will add rigidity to the structure and will also be used to fasten the polycarbonate. A durable frame is welded on top on which the water tank will be installed. After this, the entire structure is covered with waterproof paint.

For finishing, opaque polycarbonate sheets are used, the thickness of which ranges from 6 to 10 mm. A circular saw is used to cut the material.

The polycarbonate shower warms up like a greenhouse

Corrugated shower

As a summer shower, you can also use a structure made of corrugated sheets. This material is lightweight and distinguished by its durability. To construct the frame, wooden blocks and a metal profile of a certain cross-section are used.

The construction of the shower follows a similar pattern. The racks are connected by a transverse profile, which will give rigidity to the structure. For fixation finishing material use galvanized self-tapping screws equipped with sealing washers. The doors are made of a profile frame, which is sheathed with corrugated board. To cut the material, use metal scissors or a grinder with a toothed disc.

Neat booths made of corrugated sheets

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer metal structure installation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Brick shower

To build a shower stall from brick, you need to make a shallow foundation. To do this, dig a trench 20 cm wide and 40 cm deep around the perimeter. To save on the construction of the base, they throw broken brick or stone.

When the concrete has hardened, laying is done with cement mortar. At the same time, a doorway of the required dimensions is arranged. The door can be made of wood or a metal frame covered with corrugated board. Bars are laid on top of the masonry, which will serve as the basis for the roof and installation of a water tank.

Brick is a permanent building

Choosing a location on the site and installing a base for a summer shower

When building a summer shower at the dacha, special attention is paid to the choice of location. It is worth considering some factors:

  • The water should warm up well. Therefore, the structure is mounted in a sunny place. Trees and buildings will cast shadows on the cabin, which will negatively affect solar heating.
  • When choosing a place, you should consider your preferences. So, the structure can be placed near the house, in the garden or near the pool, if there is one on the site.
  • It is better to install the shower stall on a flat area, near which there is a place for water discharge. Otherwise, you will have to do complex wiring.
  • The structure should be located near the house.

To make the right choice, you need to carefully inspect your site. It is also worth considering the features of constructing a shower. First of all, this concerns the need to build a foundation for the cabin.

It makes sense to install an outdoor shower only in an open, sunny place

The foundation for an outdoor shower is arranged when we are talking about a stationary structure that has significant weight. First of all, this applies to buildings made of bricks, blocks and other materials. A popular option is to install a slab foundation, which will also serve as the floor in the cabin. The construction process looks something like this:

  • The area is marked and cleared of thickets and debris.
  • A pit is being dug out. If we are talking about building a brick cabin, then a pit with a depth of 15 cm will be sufficient.
  • A sand cushion no more than 5 cm high is placed at the bottom. It is carefully compacted.
  • Concrete is poured. The surface must be carefully leveled, which will avoid the need for floor screed.

You can also use a columnar and strip foundation to build a summer shower. In the first case, using a drill, holes are made with a depth of 1 m, into which support pillars are subsequently installed. If hollow pipes are used for this, they are filled with concrete.

The foundation must provide openings for drainage and water supply

As for the strip foundation, here we are talking about a shallow structure. For the arrangement, you will need a trench 40 cm deep and 20 cm wide. When pouring, reinforcement is performed with several reinforcement rods. This will give the structure durability and strength.

Installation of a shower cabin

A shower cabin in a country house can be made locally or purchased in a store. Today the market offers a wide range of ready-made structures. When choosing them, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • Size. The shower stall should be easy to use for all family members. Therefore, it is worth relying on the largest user.
  • Material. The cabin must fit optimally into landscape design. The material must also be highly resistant to negative environmental influences.
  • Storage tank size. On average, one person consumes 35 liters of water while taking a shower. Therefore, when choosing a tank, you should rely on the number of family members. The container should have a small reserve reserve.
  • Price. There are designs on the market in a wide price range. So, you can purchase a product for 5 thousand rubles or 15 thousand rubles.

Even the most economical option will be quite functional

The structure is installed on a level, prepared place. It is best to make a monolithic concrete platform, which will give stability to the cabin during operation. During the construction of the cabin, a number of specific processes are performed:

  • arrangement of drainage;
  • construction of the foundation, if necessary;
  • the frame is erected and its finishing is carried out;
  • a tank is installed and connected to water.

The construction features directly depend on the material used in construction, as well as the preferences of the owner of the country house.

Video description

In the following video you can evaluate 30 design ideas for a summer shower:

Insulating a summer shower

Why insulate a simple summer shower if it is used in the warm season? The point is that carrying out thermal insulation works will significantly extend the life of this structure. The main thing is to properly insulate the perimeter. For this use:

  • Mineral wool. This is an environmentally friendly material that is very easy to install. The mats are laid into the frame, after which it is sheathed from the inside. To prevent moisture from entering the material, it is covered with an impermeable film.

  • Glass wool. If desired, it can be used to insulate the shower at the dacha. Of course, you need to be careful when working with it and carefully follow the installation instructions.
  • Waterproof foam. Is modern material, which is optimal for insulating an outdoor shower. To do this, it is enough to use slabs 5 cm thick. They are laid in a frame, on top of which the interior walls are finished.

The insulation of the structure allows it to be used even in bad weather. Of course, it is worth understanding that thermal insulation is only relevant in the case of closed shower stalls.

Installing a shower tank, water supply and heating

You should approach the choice of tank very carefully. It is worth considering some recommendations from professionals:

  • Metal containers heat up faster in the sun. Plastic containers are distinguished by their durability due to their resistance to corrosive processes. They are also lightweight, which will reduce the load on the frame.
  • The water container should be painted a dark color, which will speed up heating. This is achieved through better heat absorption.

Most often the shower tank is dark in color

  • The tank must have a sealed design to prevent dust and dirt from entering the water.
  • Before installation, holes are made in the tank for the tap and water supply.

Today in the store you can find ready-made designs that include a watering can, pipe, tap and fittings. A sensor for monitoring the water level and its temperature would also be useful. The container is installed and secured to the prepared frame.

To supply water to the shower, water pipes are used:

  • A trench is dug at the site where the pipeline is laid. Its depth should be greater than the freezing level of the soil. This will protect the system from frost.
  • The pipeline is being assembled. Particular attention is paid to the pipe joints. They must be sealed and reliable. A water tap is installed at the end of the pipeline, with the help of which water will be supplied to the pipeline.
  • The pipeline is insulated mineral wool and is placed in the trench. If it is necessary to supply electricity, the electric cable is buried in the same trench with the pipe. This will make your work easier.

At the final stage, the pipeline is connected to the water source and to storage tank. In the latter case they can be used polyethylene pipes or garden hose.

Water tanks can be installed separately - in this case, you can increase the volume of heated water

If necessary garden shower may have independent water heating. A common option is to install heating elements. Heating is also carried out using a boiler or gas boiler low power. When installing these heating elements safety requirements must be taken into account.

Solar panels are also used for heating. This is a glass box with a coil installed inside. With its help, a greenhouse effect is created, which leads to heating of water.

Video description

And a few more options for arranging a summer shower in the following video:

Organization of water drainage in a summer shower

There are several ways to arrange a drain in a summer shower. Thus, water can be discharged into a filtration well or into a filtration field. In the latter option, channels are installed between the beds. This will allow you to irrigate the area at the same time without any special costs.

Diversions are carried out in open and closed ways. In the first option, ditches are made at a slight slope from the collection site. This option is often used on moisture-resistant soils. The closed method involves laying pipes in the ground.

You need to decide where the used water will flow, given that it will be soapy


A summer shower at the dacha is inexpensive, but in any case useful design, which is quite simple and short to install. Even if you haven’t quite decided on the material and design, you can always additionally consult with a manager at a store or construction company, who will suggest incomprehensible nuances and help you make the right choice.

Owners summer cottages and private houses, simple shower stalls are often erected in their yard, and many are figuring out how to make a shower in the country with their own hands. This is the simplest option, which does not require a large financial investment or effort from you, but you need to approach the process carefully.

Many people try to arrange their dacha as comfortably as possible. Therefore, electricity, water supply and other communications are installed in the house. But few people refuse to shower outside either. Moreover, you can build a temporary structure or even a permanent building. It all depends on the needs and capabilities of the owner.

But despite the seemingly simple task, before construction it is necessary to correctly design everything, choose a location and purchase the required materials. After all, a summer shower needs to be made comfortable, free and easy to use.

Choosing a place for a shower

It is difficult to describe all the advantages of building a summer shower at the dacha. But the main ones are still:

  • ease of construction;
  • small financial injection;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • savings, because you don’t need to heat the water;
  • the satisfaction of pleasant hot water at any time.

But for the shower to be truly practical, you need to choose the right location. In this case, it is worth taking into account all the features of the structure. The place should be as flat as possible or even slightly elevated, then the water will drain easily and quickly. But areas in a hole or lowland should be avoided. Placing it in such a place will only create water stagnation. Especially during rainfall. And the stock will be much more difficult to register.

Ideal option There will be a platform in an open area, which is perfectly illuminated by the sun's rays. It’s better to create a shower a little further away from other buildings. This way, the barrel of water will quickly warm up under the sun, and you will have warm water for much longer. This condition is not important if you are building a shower with a device for heating water.

But, nevertheless, your shower should not be located too far from your home. After all, after swimming, you need to find yourself in a warm room as quickly as possible.

Shower on site

Before building the shower itself, consider the water flow. The best option is to discharge the water into a special septic tank or septic tank. It is also worth considering how the water tank will be filled. It is ideal to provide water supply automatically.

Calculating shower parameters

The following parameters for a summer shower for a summer cottage are considered standard:

  • from 2 to 3 m height;
  • about 1.90 m length;
  • 1.40 m width.

Do not forget that the building itself should be quite spacious so that you feel comfortable staying in it. In addition, you need to allocate a separate space for personal belongings and bath accessories. This requires a minimum of 0.4-0.6 m.

Of course, the size can be very varied and depends on everyone's needs. When you have decided on the values, it is worth creating a drawing. You can draw it yourself or look for a ready-made one suitable option in the Internet.

Drawing of a traditional simple shower

The given parameters are quite comfortable, since total area the shower will be 2 x 1.5 m (taking into account the thickness of the walls). If used as a building material wooden boards regular size, you will have virtually no waste left.

Construction of a summer shower

When the parameters have been calculated and the location has been selected, then it’s time to get started preparatory work. Let's look at how to make a shower in the country with your own hands, while choosing the simplest option in terms of spending money and effort. Initially, you should remove the surface ball of soil from the area on which the shower will stand. Then the base for the building is leveled. After this procedure, you should fill the area with sand.

The design itself can be light and consist of simple frame or be a permanent building. Consequently, construction will be radically different. Below is step-by-step instruction the process of creating a simple version.

  1. Pouring the foundation.

The foundation is needed to ensure that the entire structure stands securely on the ground. Despite its small size, it is still better to use markings to ensure the base is level. It is enough to simply drive pegs into the ground around the perimeter of the site. Then, after checking the diagonal, pull the cord over the top of the peg.

Creating a foundation for a shower

The parameters of the base directly depend on the size of the shower and the materials used. If you have to create a building from cinder block or brick, then the foundation should be about 30 cm thick. If there is a wooden or metal frame, then everything will be different.

Before you start pouring the foundation, you should start laying pipes, or rather preparatory work. Take a log or thick branch of the required thickness and wrap it with roofing felt. It is laid when pouring the foundation, so you will have space for laying the pipe.

If you plan to use such a shower for as long as possible, then the foundation should be raised above ground level by 15 cm. To do this, you will have to build formwork. In this case, the height of the trench is increased with the help of boards, which are secured with spacers and stakes.

The main condition for creating a base for a shower is to fill an absolutely flat surface. Therefore, during work, two guides and a building level are used (as when screeding a floor). In this case, both guides must be level, and when pouring concrete, alignment occurs along these guides, creating a base for the floor. Only a good horizontal surface will be a suitable basis for constructing a shower.

Ready foundation for building a shower

  1. Frame installation.

The construction of the frame can be made of wooden beams or a metal profile. Last option more reliable and will last many times longer. But using wood is a more economical option.

If, however, the choice fell on a wooden frame, then it is worth considering that such a material is very susceptible to damage by fungus and rotting processes from constant contact with water and other atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to properly treat wood using special impregnations. They protect the tree from the growth of fungus and insect pests so that the building lasts as long as possible.

When the parameters have been calculated and the materials have been purchased, you can begin constructing and installing the frame.

In this case, you can use a pile-type foundation. Before its creation, the site is marked. The result should be a rectangular shape, and its sides should correspond to the size of the shower. In each corner of the marking you need to make wells within 1.30-1.70 m. The exact depth depends on the pipes used.

After this, a foundation is formed from metal pipes. It is most profitable to take pipes whose length is from 1.5 to 2 m and about 10 cm in diameter.

But, as practice shows, you can even use sleepers from railway. The piles should sink into the soil so much that 20 cm remains above ground level. After this, they can be filled with concrete. When the filling dries well and sets, the installation of timber beams begins. For these purposes, you should not take timber larger than 10 cm in diameter.

Metal carcass

Next is to make a dressing. In other words, you need to bolt the entire frame together from top to bottom. If you followed all the rules for creating a frame, then you can put a fairly large tank or other water reservoir on top.

When choosing the volume, you should proceed from the calculation of 40 liters per person. But you should not exceed 200 liters. It's not just a lot of weight. The water will take much longer to heat up. The best option is to use a flat tank. And its edges should rest against the edges of the roof.

Shower covered with film

The dressing created inside will be the base for the floor and will act as a joist.

Walls can be made from various available materials:

  • slate sheets;
  • OSB board;
  • wood boards;
  • plastic panels;
  • PVC film and other options.

You can even sheathe it with boards from an old fence. This way you will not only save money, but also avoid cluttering your yard.

  1. Connecting the communications system.

Particular attention should be paid to communications. This stage will require you Money. After all, you will need to purchase necessary materials, which are unlikely to be found in the yard.

  • Pipes and tank installation.

After the structure is completely assembled, installation should begin. water pipe. The outlet for the watering can hose should be above head level. Otherwise the pressure will not be enough.

You can buy a tank in a store, for example, made of plastic. But if you don’t want to spend extra money, you can use regular metal barrel or any suitable container.

Before lifting the tank up, it is worth making a thread with an outlet. You also need to install the faucet and nozzle. Only after this can the container be placed on top and firmly fixed. Basically, the water collected in an outdoor shower is heated under the influence of sunlight. To make the process faster, it is worth painting the tank with black paint. Ideally, the tank can be covered with film, creating a greenhouse effect. And in order to significantly reduce heat transfer, you can attach foil from the north.

  • Light.

If you install lighting in a country shower, then do not forget about the features of installation work. After all, increased moisture is constantly present inside the cabin. For the summer option, constructing a small window will be sufficient. The luminous flux is enough for swimming. Don't forget to install frosted glass window frame. If you use the shower in spring period, then it’s still better to carry out lighting.

  • Ventilation system.

To improve air flow and increase protection against condensation droplets, it is better to make a hole in the ceiling. It can be easily disguised using decorative lattice, which are sold in the store, as in the photo.

  • Drain system.

During hot periods, the use of summer showers increases significantly. Therefore, the drain must be of appropriate capacity. The ideal option is a merger drain pipe from the shower and the drain from the house.

Placing it on a hill will allow wastewater to be removed as simply and quickly as possible. To prevent the collector's pit from crumbling, additionally strengthen its walls. When choosing the size of the waste pit, keep in mind that the volume should not be less than 2 cubic meters.

It is considered a mistake to place a septic tank under the shower stall or near its wall. On admission large quantity water it may collapse. In addition, over time, drainage functions will become worse and worse, which creates bad smell. Also, constant flooding destroys the foundation, which can lead to damage to the shower. So the drain must be located several meters outside the shower.

  1. Pallet installation.

To allow water to drain from the septic tank, you need to install a tray in the shower stall. You can take ready-made pallets, as in the photo. Or make it from stainless steel sheet. But the cheapest option is to use a wooden pallet. You can make do with boards. But when laying, gaps must be left so that water can escape. Such a grating must be treated with a special agent with antiseptic properties and sanded to a smooth state. To make bathing more comfortable, place a mat on the floor.

The installation of the pallet ends with its fixation to the walls. The fastening element is self-tapping screws.

A simple shower option is ready to use. The only thing that won't hurt is external finishing the buildings. This is necessary so that the structure looks organically in general interior yard Features of the cladding can be seen in the video. You can also paint the ceiling if you want to see a beautiful shower from the inside.

Knowing how to make a shower in the country with your own hands, you can easily choose the simplest option and build a building on your site, even if you are new to the construction industry. The result will please you. Warm water on a sunny day and pleasant water procedures will captivate any summer resident.

You can easily make and arrange a summer shower in your dacha with your own hands. Photos and dimensions, as well as recommendations for choosing a site for construction, can be found in this article. After all, there is nothing better in the summer heat than to refresh yourself with cool water, especially after active work on the personal plot. With the onset of hot days, having a shower in the countryside becomes an urgent and necessary requirement. This factor is especially important if your house is under renovation and the water supplies have not yet been installed.

In any case, the interior space of the shower should be spacious so that the bathing person can comfortably accommodate himself and, along with him, all the things necessary for this procedure. The most common parameters for country shower buildings are 2.5 meters in height and 190/140-160/100 cm in width. You need to plan the construction of a summer shower in the spring, at the very beginning, so that by the time summer arrives it will be ready.

There are no particularly strict criteria regarding the arrangement of such a shower. If you have imagination and ability to hold Building tools in your hands, you can turn your ideas into reality and build something so necessary for your dacha. Depending on the complexity of the plan, it is possible to equip a simple summer shower in one day. A more detailed project will take more time, but will also last you more than one year.

Shower for a summer residence, what place to choose for it

To prevent the water in the tank from being cold, it is more logical to place the shower building in a place illuminated by the sun's rays. If you prefer to shower in the afternoon or late afternoon, then you should choose a part of the site where the concentration of solar activity is observed in the afternoon. It is important that this place is protected from wind.

The second important factor is the presence of a drain for used water. A summer shower for a dacha should be installed on a hill so that the water drains quickly and does not stagnate, attracting insects. The operation of any shower involves the use of large quantities of water, and if many people (a large family) will wash in it, then this nuance must be calculated and properly equipped.

If the capacity of your shower tank is approximately 1-2 m³, then a drainage hole will be required. When arranging a place for water drainage, its correct placement is important - in no case should it be located under the building itself. Sewage pit or a septic tank with drainage should be located at some distance from the cabin, in turn, the slope should go in their direction.

The presence of a waterproof layer for drainage is highly desirable: hydroglass insulation, PVC film, roofing felt or concrete screed are suitable for this purpose. The drainage pit should be located at least 3 meters from the cabin, its depth should be 2.5-3 meters, the bottom should be covered with crushed stone or a thick layer of sand. The top of the pit must be covered and fenced.

How to make a shower in the country - an example of a simple design

There can be a great many options for this useful country house building - it depends on your creative approach. As an example, we will look at the features of the “standard” version of a country summer shower.

The shower should be comfortable, so the most minimum dimensions the internal space should be at least 100x100 cm. Movements should not be constrained - a person should freely raise his arms and bend over during the process of ablution. There should also be a small space allocated for clothes and towels (locker room), 50-60 cm is enough for it. Thus, in the total footage, the dimensions of the shower will be 160 × 100 cm and 2-3 m in height.

  • Install strong and reliable racks– this is your safety, since a tank filled with water for a summer shower has enormous weight. Ideal for this purpose wooden beam 100x100.
  • It is better to dig the racks into the ground, having previously treated them with tar or a fat-containing product. Filling them with concrete mortar, by the way, would be best.
  • For the container at the top there should be a horizontal platform.
  • The cabin can be made of any materials, the main thing is that it should hide the swimmer from prying eyes and protect from drafts.
  • Containers for summer showers can be metal or plastic. It is worth considering that a metal tank will heat up faster, but it will also rust. To make the water heat up faster, it is recommended to paint the tank with black paint.
  • If you make a frame over the tank and cover it with plastic film, then the process of heating the water will occur much faster.
  • The valve for the tank can be anything, but a ball valve is most suitable.

The whole process begins with marking the perimeter of the future shower; the racks are installed in the corners and connected at the top with a bandage made of similar timber. After this comes the turn of the lower dressing, keep in mind that it should be located 10-15 cm from the ground level.

To fasten all fragments of the frame, use long bolts - this will have a positive effect on the overall strength of the structure.

However, you can do it easier and install a metal or acrylic tray, and the water will be drained using a hose.

To ensure that the shower door closes tightly, use seals. The shower compartment and the locker room can be separated by a special curtain, but it will be better if the threshold between these two compartments is slightly higher (to prevent water from flowing into the dry room).

A summer shower, as already mentioned, the outside can be decorated with absolutely any material. Lining, plastic, polycarbonate, moisture-resistant plywood, fiberboard, slate, metal sheets, siding - the main thing is that the building is harmoniously combined with the rest of the buildings on the site.

It wouldn’t hurt to pre-open wooden materials with protective compounds.

If the frame is welded from metal, it must also be coated with anti-corrosion agents or painted.

To make the water in the tank heat up many times faster, rafters can be laid on top of the top trim, and a sheet of roofing iron can be placed on top of them. The metal will reflect the rays of the sun, making the water heating process more active.

Tank for a summer shower, which one to choose

Separately, it is worth paying attention to water containers or shower tanks - their choice is determined by the individual requirements and preferences of the developer. They come in small and large volumes, flat and round, iron and plastic. The size of the tank depends on how many people will wash in this shower; often a volume of 100-200 liters is enough for an average family. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a tank dark color or even black - this way the water will heat up faster.

Such a container must have a lid to prevent various debris and insects from getting inside. At the very bottom of the tank, an outlet for the tap is mounted, to which a watering can-diffuser is screwed.

Present here important point– the tap should be located at the very bottom of the tank so that all the water drains from the tank and does not stagnate.

When setting up a summer shower with your own hands, you can purchase a ready-made tank in a specialized department of the construction market. There are also containers for sale specifically for such showers, with all necessary details included.

If you have a suitable metal or plastic barrel, then after certain manipulations it can turn out to be a completely acceptable shower tank. For these purposes, a hatch is cut out from above the barrel laid on its side to fill the water, and the barrel itself is processed acrylic enamel(or bath repair product) from the inside - this applies to metal containers.

Or you don’t have to lay the barrel on its side. You can do anything if “your hands grow from where they need to be.”

Also, tanks from washing machines that have fallen into disrepair “perform well” in this role. Despite the fact that their volume is enough for 2 washes, they very quickly adapt to the shower tank, thanks to the presence of inlet and outlet pipes, as well as the necessary technical holes. Such tanks are not afraid of corrosion.

When arranging a summer shower at the dacha with your own hands, it is better to prepare photos and dimensions, as well as approximate drawings in advance. This way you will see all the working stages clearly and will be able to accurately calculate the final result. Having such a work plan in front of you, you will know how much material you will need for the external and internal finishing of the cabin and drainage pit.

While paying attention to the functional part, do not forget about the aesthetics of the appearance of your summer shower - everything should be not only comfortable, but also pleasing to the eye.

An outdoor shower is one of the most significant buildings on a suburban area. How to equip a shower in your country house with your own hands, building a reliable and durable structure with a minimum of financial investments? Guided by the advice of the master, you can easily cope with the task.

In hot months, the presence of a summer shower is one of the conditions for a comfortable stay in a suburban area. A shower gives you the opportunity to freshen up after working day, relieving accumulated fatigue and recharging with vigor for new things.

Summer shower with a simple layout in a summer cottage

There is nothing difficult about building a shower in the country with your own hands. You just need to sketch out a drawing and decide on the dimensions of the future structure, prepare the necessary materials and allocate some free time.

Outdoor shower design

There are many options for arranging a summer shower. It might work out simple design from wooden frame with a small tank on the roof and a curtain to protect from the wind and prying eyes. Or a full-fledged cabin with strong walls and a roof that can withstand a heavy barrel filled with water.

Summer shower design options

But in any case, the summer shower should be comfortable and spacious. When thinking over the dimensions of the future shower stall, keep in mind that it is necessary to provide a place protected from splashes of water for storing bath accessories and hanging clothes. This will require from 40 to 60 cm of room area.
Based on the experience of craftsmen who have already built a shower at the dacha with their own hands, for a comfortable shower water procedures a sufficient room measuring 160x100 cm or 190x140 cm and a height of 2.5-5 meters.

Tip: A small drawing or simple drawing will help you correctly calculate the required volume building materials, preventing unnecessary expenses.

Choosing a location on the site

The design of a summer shower assumes that the water will be heated from solar heat. Therefore, it is better to select a well-lit area for installing a shower stall, where the sun's rays will actively warm up the water tank throughout the day.

The best place to build a shower would be a sunny place.

When choosing a location, it is worth considering the convenience of water supply, ensuring, if possible, automatic filling of the tank.
It would also be reasonable to worry about water drainage in advance by placing the structure on a natural elevation, or making a small embankment so that after washing it flows into a septic tank or sump.

Preparing the base

When constructing a lightweight frame structure It is not at all necessary to lay the foundation, but when building a stationary summer shower, this stage of work cannot be skipped.
To carry out the work you will need:

  • Roulette and level;
  • Pegs and cord;
  • Bayonet shovel;
  • Garden drill;
  • Pieces of roofing felt;
  • Metal grid;
  • Crushed stone and sand;
  • Cement mortar.

Preparing the base for a summer shower

The dimensions of the foundation depend on the building materials from which the building will be constructed. To build a shower from cinder block or brick for a slab foundation, you will need to dig a pit about 15 cm deep.
The work is carried out in several stages. Having decided on the location of the summer shower, prepare the site:

  1. Using a tape measure, pegs and string, mark out the area of ​​the required size.
  2. In the designated area, a layer of turf 15 cm deep is removed.
  3. Level the base of the pit.
  4. The bottom of the pit is lined with a “cushion” of sand and filled with mortar, creating a flat surface.

Tip: If you plan to use a wooden or metal frame as the shower floor, before pouring the base you need to prepare a place for the racks by installing sticks of the required diameter vertically wrapped with roofing felt.

Laying the foundation

When screeding a floor, it is better to use a level and guides, because only a horizontal surface can become a reliable basis for the entire structure. At this stage of construction, it is also worth taking care of arranging a drain, making a gutter reinforced with a metal mesh in parallel with the concrete screed.

Foundation for the construction of a major summer shower

Using columnar or pile foundation under a frame summer shower, there is no need to dig a pit. It is enough just to install the support pillars using garden borer make holes about 1 meter deep.
It is necessary to insert metal posts into them, the height of which is 1.2 m, and D = 90 mm, so that the posts rise above the ground surface by 20 cm. Columns made of hollow pipes are filled with cement mortar diluted with crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1:5 :3 and wait until it acquires the necessary strength.

Important: To extend the service life metal poles, the ends buried in the ground must be pre-treated with used machine oil.

Drain arrangement

It is better to place a septic tank for a summer shower not under the shower stall, but at a short distance from it. This will prevent it from being flooded with large volumes of water, thereby preventing the destruction of the foundation and soil.

To equip it, dig a hole about 2 meters deep, decorating the walls with brick or cinder block masonry. Some craftsmen use car tires for this purpose, laying them on top of each other in the form of a well. A gutter for draining water is connected to the finished septic tank and covered with a shield made of wooden boards.

Option for arranging a drain for a summer shower

It is better to decorate the walls of the gutter for water drainage with waterproof material: roofing felt, hydroglass insulation or ordinary PVC film. It is placed on a slope so that the flow is directed towards the drainage tank.
A metal or enamel tray is installed in the shower stall itself, which can be purchased at any specialized store without much hassle. Water will flow from it directly into the gutter.

Advice: You can partially solve the issue of soil drainage by planting moisture-loving perennials near the shower stall, such as bathwort, buzulnik, hazel grouse, iris, and loosestrife.

Construction of the frame

An outdoor shower made of beams or boards is one of the most popular options for a structure needed in the household. For the construction of the structure, it is better to use coniferous species, the main advantage of which is:

  • High density;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • High level of resinity;
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads.

Shower frame made of beams

To construct the frame, 100x100 mm beams are used. First, assemble the lower frame, fixing it with a bolt connection to support pillars or screw piles. When installing, it is better to use long bolts with complete alignment of the axes.

Having installed the wooden supports vertically, perform the top trim. To give the structure additional stability, the side frames are secured with spacers.
Planed coniferous wood is excellent for cladding. It has a presentable appearance and fits harmoniously into the surrounding landscape.

Important: To extend the life of wood, it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition, or simply coat it with 1-2 layers of varnish for exterior use.

Construction of the walls of a wooden summer shower

Special seals will help ensure a tight fit of the door. The door to the booth also needs to be painted or sealed.
For interior decoration of the booth, you can use plastic panels, oilcloth or linoleum. Photos from interesting options You can view the design on the Internet.

Installation of the barrel

When choosing a barrel of the required volume, they are usually guided by the formula that up to 40 liters of water is enough for one person. To set up a summer shower for a family of three or four people, it is enough to install a barrel with a volume of 200 liters. If you choose between plastic and metal container, then it is worth noting that plastic is lighter in weight, but metal (painted dark) heats up faster.

Various water supply schemes with natural heating

A little trick: To ensure faster heating of water, the outer surface of the roof under the barrel can be lined with reflective material such as galvanizing or foil.
The container is placed on the roof and secured with straps. All that remains is to choose the required diagram water supply to the cabin:

  • cut two holes for filling with water and connecting a faucet with a diffuser, fill the container and enjoy water treatments.
  • pedal circuit is similar to the first one, but water is supplied using a pedal and not a valve as in the first case.

The second option is more complex, but at the same time very economical because water enters the shower in doses and at the right time, which is very convenient. Both options with natural water heating. It is also possible to connect electric water heating. The presence of an electric heating element in a barrel entails the abandonment of a barrel made of simple plastic (it is better to use metal) and the inclusion of another container in the circuit for supplying cold water.

Scheme of arrangement of a tank for a summer shower

Cold water will save a lot of energy because washing only with heated water is not very practical and convenient, because there is no way to adjust the water supply temperature. You will also need a mixer or some kind of circuit with two taps and the need for an electricity supply. Although electricity is desirable anyway, it is necessary to illuminate the shower.

Construction of a shower in the country: video

Naturally heated shower: video

Summer shower at the dacha: photo