What determines the size of the scholarship? Governmental and presidential. What it is

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculating the amount of scholarships awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel like a wealthy person, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, total amount his income may be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

Amount of minimum, increased and social scholarships for the 2018 – 2019 academic year

So, the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education (bachelor’s programs, specialist’s programs, master’s programs) and 890 rubles for average vocational education(training programs for skilled workers, office workers, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students who do not have bad grades.

For well-study students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles, for postgraduate students, its amount ranges from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles. To be fully eligible to receive such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students, postgraduate studies or scientific and pedagogical personnel ranges from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, trainee assistants – from 3120 rubles, residency – from 6717 rubles Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles

State social scholarship , for 2018 – 2019 academic year, is paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who also receive academic benefits are entitled to receive this payment. Also entitled to a social scholarship are persons who are orphans, live without parental care, disabled people (groups 1 and 2), veterans and disabled combatants, people affected by nuclear power plants and persons whose family income is per one of the members family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of nominal scholarships are accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, the scholarship named after. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1,500 rubles, the scholarship named after. V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles. Can be accrued personalized scholarship students undergoing training in journalism, literature, named after. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-study students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students is from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are studying in the highest priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments ranges from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful studies, this can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more scholarship payments you can receive.

If you believe that you may benefit from additional scholarships, you should contact the Dean's Office to obtain the necessary information.

Freshmen and senior students who are good students receive academic scholarship, the size of which is standard. The approximate amount is 1,500 rubles (this is in institutes, and less in schools and colleges). Excellent students receive, at the discretion of management, either academic or increased scholarship, the size of which can vary from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

On the one hand, paying a scholarship is a serious matter, but it becomes ridiculous. Nowadays, there are also scholarships that few people even suspect exist; these are the ones we will talk about now. Are you wondering if you might be eligible for one of the following scholarships?

Types and amounts of scholarships for students in Russia

  • high level of academic performance;
  • publication in a scientific journal;
  • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
  • participation in a grant, all-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
  • the presence of a patent indicating the authorship of a scientific discovery.

Graduate students, residents, interns and doctoral students receive a little more, but this is still very far from what is necessary. True, if a student or graduate student does not have any other source of income, then he has the opportunity to receive some additional scholarship. The most successful ones manage to receive about 20 thousand rubles monthly.

Scholarship for students in 2017-2018

  1. Academic– provided to full-time students who study at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debt. In other words, on this type payments can be calculated by those who only have “good” and “excellent” in their records. Although this is not the final indicator and the score for receiving a scholarship may vary in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Advanced academic The scholarship for students is awarded from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain high results in education or sports during the first year of study, as well as take direct part in cultural life educational institution.
  3. Social– paid to students in need of financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of the documents provided confirming the corresponding right of the citizen to state assistance. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean’s office.
  4. Increased social intended for socially vulnerable students during their 1st and 2nd year studies. Like a regular social scholarship, this scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under one condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Personalized government and presidential scholarships– payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

The scholarship amounts, in most cases, are set by the educational institution itself, and, therefore, can differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those who have entered the contact form of education, are deprived financial assistance states.

Are students paid a stipend in the summer and under what conditions?

According to the rule, students in their final year are expelled from the beginning of July, so the scholarship will not be paid in the remaining months. But many higher educational institutions expel graduates in the middle or end of summer, but their accounting department works individually.

Each university is given the opportunity to carry out the procedure for providing benefits according to its own calculations; this does not mean that some higher education institutions do not pay benefits during the summer; nuances in the calculations are made in their regard.

Scholarship amount for students in 2018

The social scholarship is not paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades based on the results of the session. If academic performance improves, payments are restored. At the same time as this type of scholarship, an academic scholarship can also be paid on a general basis.

In 2017, the scholarship for students was increased by 5.9%, which is 1,419 rubles. in universities of the country. The scholarship at the technical school in 2017 is 487 rubles. For 2018, this increase is planned by 4.8%, which will amount to 1,487 rubles. It is obvious that the minimum scholarship in Russia does not cover the minimum demands of student life, so the desire to receive an increased scholarship is obvious. A student who passes the exam without “C” grades has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of about 6,000 rubles.

Freshman scholarship amount

Exists state social scholarship. This scholarship is intended for students who are orphans and children left without parental care, for disabled people of groups I and II and disabled children. This category also includes students exposed to radiation, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during the course of military service, combat veterans, etc. A student who has provided a certificate from the authority has the right to receive a state social scholarship social protection population at the place of residence and wrote an application to the dean’s office (directorate of the institute) about the appointment and receipt of state social assistance.
A certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence is provided annually. Students receiving a state social scholarship have the right to apply for a state academic scholarship on a general basis. This year the state social scholarship will be 2,415 rubles.

Based on a certificate from social security, an increased state social scholarship can be awarded to “good” students of 1–2 years. It is 7253 rubles. and is added to academic and simple social scholarships. A separate item includes scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation for full-time students and graduate students studying in specialties corresponding to priority areas

modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

Such students must study at 4-5, participate in competitions to identify achievements in studies and science, etc. In general, the list is similar to the list of requirements for receiving an increased scholarship.

The rules for calculating scholarships have been changed: the amount and terms of payments

The state academic scholarship is awarded to students depending on their academic success based on the results of the interim certification in accordance with the academic calendar from the first day of the month following the month of its completion, at least twice a year.

There are about 900 universities in Russia, with about 5 million students studying. Most state-funded students receive a scholarship. According to the new rules, its value will be adjusted depending on inflation and the cost of living. The procedure for assigning and paying state academic scholarships to students- having high results of a single

b) recognition of the student as a winner or prize-winner of an international, all-Russian, departmental or regional olympiad, competition, competition, competition and other event held by an institution of higher professional education, public and other organization, aimed at identifying the student’s educational achievements carried out during the 2 years preceding the appointment scholarships (the clause corresponds to clause 7-b of the Rules of the Government of the Russian Federation);

Scholarship in Ukraine: how much, how and when will students be paid?

The new procedure for paying scholarships came into force on January 1, 2017. As before, the Ukraine Scholarship Fund provides two types of scholarships - social (for socially vulnerable citizens, beneficiaries) and academic (for academic achievements). As part of the student (scholarship) reform, about 7% of students will receive a social scholarship.

In addition, the criterion for determining a student’s right to a social scholarship is the financial condition of the family. So, according to the changes made to the legislation, social. scholarships are provided to university students (cadets) based on the level of family income and academic achievements, in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Types and sizes of scholarships in Russia

  • named after A. A. Voznesensky - 1.5 thousand rubles per month for students receiving education in the field of literature and journalism (RF Government Decree of September 20, 2012);
  • named after E. T. Gaidar - 1.5 thousand rubles for students of economic faculties of universities;
  • named after D. S. Likhachev - 5 thousand rubles for university students studying in the fields of “Cultural Studies” or “Philology” (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2001);
  • named after Yu. D. Maslyukov - 1.5 thousand rubles for students of universities training personnel for organizations of the military-industrial complex (RF Government Decree of January 26, 2012);
  • named after E.M. Primakov - 5 thousand rubles for students of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (resolution dated April 13, 2016);
  • named after A. A. Sobchak - 700 rubles for students receiving higher education majoring in “Jurisprudence” (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 23, 2002);
  • named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn - 1.5 thousand rubles for students involved in journalism, literature and political science (resolution dated April 23, 2009);
  • named after V. A. Tumanov - 2 thousand rubles for students and 10 thousand rubles for graduate students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (resolution of March 21, 2012) and others.

An academic scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session. It can only be received by those students who passed the exam session with “good” and “excellent” and who do not have academic debt for the previous semester. Scholarship amount varies educational institutions may vary. In addition, the university has the right to establish an increased scholarship for students: for good studies, for special achievements in research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities, including for compliance with the standards and requirements of the golden insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

Everyone, without exception, who bears the honorary title of student is certainly interested in their scholarship, its size and timing of payments. A large number of students are concerned about whether the scholarship is paid in the summer. And if everything is more or less clear with the amount, which is directly proportional to academic performance, then it is sometimes difficult to figure out the timing of payments. As a rule, practically no questions arise regarding the payment of scholarships in the autumn/winter period, but whether a scholarship is given in the summer is of interest to many students.

Academic scholarship

Do those students who were unable to successfully pass the exam receive a scholarship in the summer? The scholarship is awarded in the summer only if the student has successfully passed the summer session. In order to receive an academic scholarship, a student must pass the exam positive ratings, that is, “good” and “excellent”, and not have any debts.

If the summer session is unsatisfactory, the scholarship will be paid only for the month of June, and for July and August, if there are gaps, it will not be paid. In most universities, 5th year students are expelled on July 1 immediately after defending their diploma. Therefore, the scholarship will not be paid in August. However, in some universities, deductions occur in August, so students have every right to receive payments for June and July.

Each university has its own approved Regulations on the procedure for accrual and payment. Often in practice, the payment situation is as follows:

  • If the student successfully passes the session, then the scholarship for July and August is paid to him in advance in June. This is a great help before the upcoming summer holiday.
  • Also, very often universities issue scholarships to students in the fall, simultaneously with the September payment.

Social scholarship

To clarify the issue of payment, you must contact the labor department and wages or to your dean's office. In the event that academic debt arises or, simply put, “tails” for the spring session, the social scholarship in the summer is not paid until the student retakes the session. When the debt is closed in the summer, it continues to be paid. Moreover, the payments will include the period for which it was not paid.

Let's assume that the student did not pass the exam in June, therefore, he is not accrued in the summer. The last scholarship he received was in May. In July, the student retook the exam, and for any grade. As a result, within the prescribed period, the student will receive social benefits for July, as well as for May and June.

The scholarships are not large enough to last a month of living. But for a student living and studying in Moscow, an additional thousand rubles will not hurt. This article will discuss the types and amounts of scholarships, social assistance and its receipt.

Each university has a different scholarship amount, but the minimum is 1,200 rubles. In the first semester, everyone receives a student benefit, regardless of grades. In the second, only those who studied “good” and “excellent”, passed the exam and have no debts on tests will receive payments. Excellent students are given an increased scholarship, the increase is established by the Academic Council.

In addition to the regular one, there are social, presidential, etc. Next we will briefly examine each of them.


Issued to students from low-income/large families, orphans, participants in military operations, left without guardians or who have lost one parent. The minimum social allowance is 1800 rubles. This decision was made by the government Russian Federation.

It happens that a student receives 2-3 scholarships. For example, social - for the absence of a father or mother, and increased - for academic success and active participation in the life of the educational institution.

One-time social assistance

Children from low-income families are entitled to one-time social assistance from the government. To receive it, the student writes an application addressed to the rector. This issue is discussed at the meeting, the trade union and group supervisor are invited. If the above persons approve the application, the student will receive assistance in cash equivalent.

Orphans and children from low-income families are entitled to annual assistance from the university for the purchase of stationery, necessary books, etc.

Governmental and presidential

Awarded only to excellent students for their demonstrated interest in study and achievements in science. Funds from the budget are divided into universities according to quotas. Last year, 300 graduate students received 14,000 rubles each, and 2,700 students received 7,000 rubles each. This is the Presidential Scholarship Fund. Government payments are no less prestigious. 500 graduate students received them for 10,000 rubles, 4,500 students received 5,000 rubles each.

Increase in payments in 2019

In 2015, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev signed a decree on the standards for issuing academic and social scholarships.

The amount of academic payments will increase, and to be more precise:

  • students studying in secondary vocational institutions will receive a minimum of 487 rubles monthly;
  • and for students in higher educational institutions, the amount of payments will increase to 1,340 rubles, which they will receive every month.

Social scholarship recipients have not been left out; their payments will also increase: