What determines the efficiency of heating a home? Which heating system is better: single-pipe or two-pipe. Which is better - a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system? Comparison of one-pipe and two-pipe heating systems

Let's compare what you need to choose - a single-pipe heating system, the so-called Leningradka, or a two-pipe one. Which one is cheaper to create and which one is better in terms of performance.

What are the opinions, what do the experts say?

The single-pipe heating system has been used quite widely, it is efficient and many of its owners will say that in their opinion it works either well or satisfactorily. At the same time, upon first consideration, two-pipe systems look clearly more expensive, because two conductors are used instead of one. This, according to some, increases prices not only in terms of materials, but also during installation and clutters up the space.

But experts are more likely to point out that a two-pipe heating system for a private home is cheaper and works better, and you need to choose it. Why is that?

Serious disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system - temperature difference

In a one-pipe heating system, where all radiators are connected in series, the latter will be colder than the previous ones. But how much will the temperature decrease? And how will this affect comfort?

The temperature drop will depend on the amount of liquid passing through the ring main pipeline. How larger diameter pipes and the higher the speed in it, the less will be the influence of each radiator. By increasing these parameters, we can achieve, for example, that on five batteries the temperature drop will be no more than 10%. But this is in theory.

In practice, we are limited by the reasonableness of the costs for pipe diameters and their tees, as well as the choice of pump - choose the right low-power one circulation pump, and set it to first speed so that it consumes no more than 30 W of electricity.

In this case, in “Leningrad without madness,” we use a main pipe with a diameter of 26 mm for metal-plastic, or 32 mm (outer) for polypropylene, to connect four radiators in a ring. The radiator connections are 16 mm (20 mm polypropylene).

Then the power drop on each radiator will be about 7%. At the same time, the temperature will drop by about 4 degrees, and these are not the worst indicators.

Therefore, if the 1st radiator is 60 degrees, then at the entrance to the 4th we will already get +48 degrees C. In principle, the functionality of this circuit is maintained up to 4 heaters per ring. But 5 pcs. It can no longer be recommended - there is a significant loss of power and an increase in the costs of compensating for it by increasing the radiator itself.

And 8 pieces - etc. - completely ineffective temperature schemes that cannot provide comfort, since the temperature drop on a ring with an acceptable diameter and pump power (without creating water noise) will be completely critical - up to 32 - 36 degrees.

How to prevent the temperature from decreasing in Leningrad

  • There is an opinion that you can install thermal heads on radiators, raise the temperature in the boiler and thus hope that the last radiator in a row of 8 pieces will someday heat up. In fact, this is completely wrong, if only for the reason that you have to wait - when it is already hot in the first room, then in the last there is still a glacier.
    It is also not correct to operate the boiler in high temperature mode, when it must often turn off - it has heated the rooms, turned off, then warmed up again...

  • Another option to equalize the temperature in single-pipe radiators is to install additional balancing valves on the first radiators in order to turn them off and send more liquid to the last ones. The result is an expensive and difficult to customize system.
  • Now the option recommended by experts is to increase the power of the radiators from what is required by calculation. The increase should be proportional to the cooling of the water. For 8 the battery is almost 100%. Expensive and cumbersome, but the heating power of rooms and the air temperature in them can be equalized.

Which is cheaper and more profitable - single-pipe or double-pipe?

A single-pipe not only entails setup difficulties, but it is also more expensive - only due to the increased diameter of the pipeline and its fittings.

Let's calculate how much the materials for typical scheme no heating big house approximately 110 sq. m., - the first floor is 60 sq. m., approximately 6x10 m, and the attic is 50 sq. m., 5x10 m. There are 4 units installed on each floor. radiators. A reasonable minimum pipe diameter for is 26 mm.

For a two-pipe scheme, 20 mm is suitable for both shoulders and risers, with such a small number of radiators. And we connect the second battery at the dead end already 16 mm.

Placing radiators around the perimeter of the house, 4 pcs. per floor, we get the following:

For a single-pipe we will need the following pipe lengths and diameters:

  • 26 mm – 70 m.
  • 16 mm – 5 m.
  • Tees 26 mm – 18 pcs.

For a two-pipe we need

  • 20 mm – 42 m
  • 16 mm – 50 m
  • Tees 20 mm – 14 pcs.

Then the difference in price only for a branded metal-plastic pipeline is about $200 - installation of a single-pipe will be more expensive. And if we add even a small increase in the power of the latest radiators (as recommended), then it’s already $250.
True, if you use cheap polypropylene the difference in price will be small, but still Leningrad will be much more expensive than modern system heating with supply and return.

Unacceptable but cheap scheme

What if you turn on the radiators according to the circuit without a ring pipe, but simply by connecting them in series? After all, then the price is minimum. But the cooling of the coolant will be very significant, and include more than 3 pieces. batteries are not worth it according to this scheme.

The maximum number of radiators is 4 pieces, but at the same time the power of the latter drops by 35 - 40%.
Those. This scheme is also viable; it can be useful with 3 radiators in a ring. And with 4, there is a significant cost to increase its size and power, so it won’t be any cheaper.

Conventional dead-end two-pipe circuit, what are the advantages

The usual two-pipe dead-end circuit allows you to place 4 radiators in an arm, without balancing valves, and the temperature drop will be a maximum of 5% on the last radiator, which cannot even be detected without instruments. If you place 5 batteries, then without balancing with taps, the power output on the latter will drop to 15%, which is also acceptable.

The diameters of the pipes are as follows.

  • A 26 mm line extends from the boiler, then in the shoulders to the penultimate radiator - 20 mm, and to the last radiator - 16 mm.
  • Radiators are connected 16 mm.
  • For polypropylene, the outer diameters are 32, 25, 20 mm, respectively.

As indicated, the cost of creating such a system is minimal; balancing is not required even between arms, if the dead ends are approximately equal in power and pipe length.

Where and when is single-pipe heating used?

Mono-tubes were previously widely used in centralized systems, where they laid steel pipes large diameter, and the pump was no joke. The systems are still in use and new ones are being designed, mainly based on industrial enterprises, where there are kilometers of pipes, and then the system becomes more profitable.

Also, the risers of high-rise buildings are the same heating systems with one pipe, where a central pump provides high pressure. But as soon as the temperature or pressure drops, which is not uncommon (due to lack of energy, in some places the valves are screwed on specially), the radiators on the 5th floor of the Khrushchev building become not at all comfortable, although on the 2nd it is still somehow acceptable, oh what the residents of such houses themselves can tell. This is a pronounced disadvantage single pipe system heating.

As we see, it is possible to use Leningrad, it has the right to life, but only in very small systems, if for some reason only one pipeline needs to be laid, although in general it will cost more. The main choice should be a heating system with all radiators connected using two pipes.


All heating systems today are divided into two main types: single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems. Each type has its own characteristics and features, but two-pipe heating systems have become the most popular. Sometimes people wonder, single-pipe or two-pipe heating system - what to choose?

Single pipe heating system

Such a heating system is a closed loop, which is interrupted by the boiler. Installing such a system involves installing a pipeline throughout all rooms in the house. Radiators are connected to the pipes, and a coolant is introduced into the system (its role is most often played by distilled water), which ensures heat transfer to each room. The operating principle of such a heating system is based on the difference in water temperatures at the beginning of the cycle and during the reverse movement, that is, the water that has passed through the entire circuit returns to the boiler cooled.
Most often, this design uses natural coolant circulation. To do this, the heated water first rises to the maximum possible height, after which it gradually descends through the pipes, cooling as it moves.

The following can be connected to a one-pipe heating system:
  • thermostatic valves;
  • radiator regulators;
  • balancing valves;
  • Ball Valves.
These mechanisms allow for finer tuning of the heating system for high-quality and uniform heating of the entire building.

Characteristic features of a single-pipe heating system

The most important advantage of single-pipe heating system with natural circulation - no need for electricity. Instead, a significant disadvantage appears, which is expressed in the rather large diameter of the pipes and the need to create a constant pipeline slope.

Advantages of single-pipe heating over two-pipe heating:

  1. Pipes can be connected to " heated floors» or heating radiators.
  2. Such a system can be installed in any room, regardless of the layout.
  3. The closed circuit allows the entire building to be heated as a single piece.
  4. Such a system is much cheaper because it requires much less materials.
When using a single-pipe system, the problem of “stagnation” of liquid in the pipeline very often arises. This problem is solved using a pump that cuts into the system immediately in front of the boiler, at the very end of the return line.
In multi-storey buildings, a vertical single-pipe heating system is most often used, while a horizontal one is better suited for compact buildings. one-story houses. In this case, all heating elements are located at the same height, which gives rise to the following problem: water that has cooled in one radiator approaches the next one already cold. Such a system is much cheaper, but also has significant disadvantages.

Radiators in such a system are not controlled: a horizontal heating system does not imply free adjustment of each heating device. If necessary, bypasses can be built into such a system, which make it possible to bypass the coolant bypassing a separate radiator, but such a device will make the system more expensive. Turning off the radiator leads to the fact that the room begins to be heated due to the heat coming from the pipes or riser.

In addition, for effective use For this system, it is recommended to use heating elements different sizes. To equalize heat transfer, the first radiator installed should be quite small, and the last one should be much larger.

Two-pipe heating system

Despite the presence of a number of modifications, the two-pipe heating system operates on the same principle. The heated liquid rises through the riser, from where it enters the radiators. But if one pipeline circuit goes to the radiators, then the cooled liquid is removed using the second circuit. This is the point. Water enters such a system directly from the water supply. For the system to function properly, it needs expansion tank, which can be simple or complex.

The simple one contains a container to which two pipes are connected. One of them is a riser designed to supply water, and the second pipe allows you to eliminate excess liquid(read: " "). IN complex design Four pipes are installed, two of which are responsible for the circulation of liquid, and the other two monitor the water level in the system and the tank itself.

Two-pipe heating systems work well in conjunction with a pump. Circulation can be carried out either with a passing flow or with a dead-end method. In the latter case, the heated and cooled liquid move in the opposite direction. Both circulation circuits have the same length, so all radiators provide equal heat transfer.

A two-pipe heating system outperforms a single-pipe heating system in a number of parameters:
  1. Possibility of precise control over the uniformity of heat supply in different rooms.
  2. The system is well suited for heating single-story buildings.
  3. Riser locking systems can be located in the basement, thus saving on usable area building.
  4. There are practically no heat losses in this system.
The disadvantages of a two-pipe system include it high cost: the number of pipes will double compared to a single-pipe analogue. In addition, air will periodically appear in the supply line, and to eliminate it, it is necessary to install taps.

A horizontal closed two-pipe circuit can be equipped with upper and lower wiring. Using bottom wiring allows you to add new heating devices into the system gradually, as new floors are built (more details: " "). The vertical system is well suited for houses with variable number of storeys. In any case, a two-pipe heating system will cost more than a single-pipe one, but its use will provide much greater comfort and convenience.

Single-pipe or two-pipe heating system: advantages and disadvantages

There are no return risers in single-pipe systems. The movement of the coolant in this case is ensured by natural circulation or a pump. The cooled liquid enters bottom part system, and along the way it is mixed with coolant from the supply riser. A closed circuit ensures constant circulation of fluid in the system. As water passes through the pipeline, it cools, so the surface area of ​​the heating device located further from the boiler must be larger in order to increase heat transfer.

Single-pipe heating systems can be built according to two schemes: flow-through and mixed (read: ""). IN flow diagram There are completely no workarounds, so if one heating element fails, the entire system has to be turned off. This option is currently practically not used, since it is extremely irrational. However, single-pipe systems have a low cost due to a minimum of materials and simple installation. When installing such systems, top wiring is required.

Installation of heating systems

Single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems are installed differently, and the installation of a suitable system will depend on the selected parameters, and any specialist can calculate the cost of installation. If natural circulation is chosen for installation, then it would be advisable to install the upper wiring, and if you have a pump and there are no problems with the power supply, you can use the lower one.

In addition, heating system installation methods can be classified according to:

  • type of wiring;
  • number of risers;
  • type of pipe connection.
Bottom pipe connection is the most common. Usage this method allows you to run pipes under the floor or baseboard, which has a positive effect on the interior of the premises (more details: " ").

The main classification of heating installation methods is still based on the chosen scheme. Single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems have a lot in common, but the difference between them is too great to put them on the same page. The advantages of single-pipe heating are obvious: low cost and ease of operation. But this system also has a lot of disadvantages, and the most important of them is that if the area of ​​the house is too large (more than 100 sq.m.) or if there is a second floor, the single-pipe scheme simply will not justify itself. In such cases, it will be much more profitable to opt for a two-pipe heating system.

Last option It also makes it possible to choose the appropriate method of installing radiators:

  • sequentially;
  • parallel;
  • diagonally;
  • on the side.
You can see the installation methods in detail in the photo.

The classification of installation methods can also be carried out according to the location of the risers:

  • heating with horizontal wiring;
  • heating with vertical wiring;
  • heating without risers.

The single-pipe system is cheaper and simpler. The two-pipe system is more convenient and reliable. Regardless of whether a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system is installed in the house, heating of the premises will still occur. Final choice depends on the homeowner, but still the two-pipe system has a large number of advantages, and its performance characteristics indicate that using such a scheme in your home will be more profitable and convenient.

The video shows a single-pipe and two-pipe heating system for comparison:

For every private household, the installation of a heating system is considered one of the fundamental issues. Modern technologies construction offer two options: one-pipe or two-pipe system.

Here it is important not to cheapen out by trying to reduce installation costs and purchasing materials. And only after understanding the operating principle of these systems, their advantages and disadvantages, can you make the right choice.

The operation of a single-pipe heating system occurs according to sufficient simple principles. There is only one closed pipeline through which the coolant circulates. Passing through the boiler, the medium heats up, and passing through the radiators imparts this heat to them, after which, cooled, it again enters the boiler.

There is also only one riser in a single-pipe system, and its location depends on the type of building. So, for one-story private houses a horizontal scheme is best suited, while for multi-story buildings - a vertical one.

Note! To pump coolant through vertical risers, a hydraulic pump may be needed.

To improve the efficiency of a single-pipe system, several improvements can be made. For example, install bypasses - special elements that are pipe sections connecting the forward and return radiator pipes.

This solution makes it possible to connect thermostats to the radiator that can control the temperature of each heating element, or completely disconnect them from the system. Another advantage of bypasses is that they allow you to replace or repair individual heating elements without shutting down the entire system.

Installation features

So that the heating system long years gave warmth to the owners of the house, during the installation process it is worth adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  • According to the developed project, the boiler is installed.
  • The pipeline is being installed. In places where the project provides for the installation of radiators and bypasses, tees are installed.
  • If the system operates on the principle of natural circulation, it is necessary to ensure a slope of 3-5 cm per meter of length. For a forced circulation circuit, a slope of 1 cm per meter of length will be sufficient.
  • For systems with forced circulation, a circulation pump is installed. It is worth considering that the device is not designed for operation at high temperatures, so it would be better to install it near the entrance of the return pipe to the boiler. In addition, the pump must be connected to the electrical network.
  • Installation of expansion tank. Tank open type must be at the highest point of the system, closed - at any convenient location(most often it is installed near the boiler).
  • Installation heating radiators. They weigh a lot (especially when filled with water), so they are secured using special brackets, which are usually included in the kit. Installation is most often carried out under window openings.
  • Additional devices are being installed - Mayevsky taps, plugs, shut-off devices.
  • The final stage is testing the finished system, for which water or air is supplied to it under pressure. If the tests do not reveal problem areas, the system is ready for operation.

Owners of private houses often face a choice of what type home heating give preference. There are only two types of heating systems traditionally used in everyday life: one-pipe and two-pipe. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages. The difference between both systems is in different ways delivery of coolant to heating devices. What heating structure for own home It’s better to choose one-pipe or two-pipe directly to the owner of the house, taking into account his own household needs, the expected heated area and the availability of finances.

In the first option, heat is distributed throughout the house through one pipe, sequentially heating each room of the house. In the second case, the complex is equipped with two pipes. One is a direct supply of coolant to the . The other pipe serves to drain the cooled liquid back into the boiler for subsequent heating. Correct assessment of your own financial capabilities, accurate calculation optimal parameters coolant in each individual case will help not only determine the type of heating system, but also competently.

You can understand and figure out what is best for you, a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system, only after carefully studying the technical nuances.

Single pipe heating system. General views

A single-pipe heating system can work with both a pump and natural coolant circulation. When considering the second type, you should delve a little into the existing laws of physics. It is based on the principle of expansion of a liquid when heated. During operation, the heating boiler heats the coolant, which, due to the temperature difference and the pressure created, rises along the riser to the highest point of the system. The coolant moves upward through one pipe, reaching the expansion tank. Accumulating there, hot water already fills all series-connected batteries through the downpipe.

Accordingly, the first connection points along the coolant flow will receive maximum heat, while the radiators located further away will already receive partially cooled liquid.

For large, multi-story buildings, such a scheme is extremely ineffective, although in terms of installation costs and maintenance, a single-pipe system looks attractive. For private one-story houses and two-story residential buildings, a similar principle of heat distribution is acceptable. Heating of residential premises using a single-pipe circuit in one-story house quite effective. With a small heated area, the temperature in the radiators is almost the same. The use of a pump in longer systems also has a positive effect on the uniformity of heat distribution.

The quality of heating and the cost of installation in this case may depend on the type of connection. Diagonal connection of radiators provides greater heat transfer, but is used less frequently due to the larger number of pipes required to connect all heating devices in residential premises.

The scheme with bottom connection of radiators looks more economical due to lower consumption of materials. From an aesthetic point of view, this type of connection looks preferable.

Advantages of a single-pipe heating system and its disadvantages

For owners of small residential buildings, a single-pipe heating system looks tempting, especially if you pay attention to its following advantages:

  • has stable hydrodynamics;
  • convenience and ease of design and installation;
  • low costs for equipment and materials.

The indirect advantages of a single-pipe system include the safety of the supply of coolant, which disperses through the pipeline through natural circulation.

To the most common problems that owners of a single-pipe heating system have to face include the following aspects:

  • technical difficulties in eliminating miscalculations in the work made during the design;
  • close relationship of all elements;
  • high hydrodynamic resistance of the system;
  • technological limitations associated with the impossibility self-adjustment coolant flow.

Despite the listed disadvantages of this type of heating, a well-designed heating system will allow you to avoid many difficulties even at the installation stage. In view of the listed advantages and economic component, single-pipe schemes have become quite widespread. Real benefits They have both a single-pipe and another type, a two-pipe heating system. What can you win and what can you lose by choosing one of the types for your home?

Technology for connecting and positioning a single-pipe heating system

Single-pipe systems are divided into vertical and horizontal. In most cases, vertical wiring is used for multi-story buildings. In this case, all radiators are connected in series from top to bottom. With horizontal wiring, the batteries are connected one after another horizontally. The main disadvantage of both options is frequent air jams due to air accumulation in the radiators. The proposed diagram makes it possible to get an idea of ​​some wiring options.

Connection methods in this case are chosen at the discretion of the owner. Heating radiators can be connected via side connection, diagonal or bottom connection. The figure shows similar connection options.

Always for the owner of the house important aspect remains economic expediency equipment installed in the house and the resulting effect. Do not underestimate the option of a single-pipe heating system. Today in practice there are quite a few effective measures to improve heating circuits of this type.

Eg: There is technical solution, which allows you to independently regulate the heating of individual radiators connected to the same line. For this purpose, bypasses are created in the system - a section of pipe that creates a bypass movement of the coolant from the direct pipe to the return, bypassing the circuit of a certain battery.

Valves and flaps are installed on the bypasses to block the flow of coolant. You can install thermostats on radiators that allow you to regulate the heating temperature in each radiator or throughout the system as a whole. A competent specialist will be able to calculate and install bypasses to achieve maximum efficiency. In the diagram you can see the principle of operation of bypasses.

Two-pipe heating system. Operating principle

Having become familiar with the first type of heating system, single-pipe, it’s time to understand the features and operating principle of a two-pipe heating system. Thorough analysis of technological and technical parameters heating of this type allows consumers to make independent choice- which heating is more effective in a particular case, single-pipe or two-pipe.

The basic principle is the presence of two circuits through which the coolant disperses throughout the system. One pipe supplies coolant to the heating radiators. The second branch is designed to ensure that the already cooled coolant, after passing through the radiator, returns to the boiler. And so constantly, in a circle, while the heating is on. At first glance, the very presence of two pipelines in the scheme may repel consumers. The large length of highways and the complexity of wiring are factors that often scare away owners of private houses from a two-pipe heating system.

This is at first glance. Like single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems are divided into closed and open. The difference in this case lies in the design of the expansion tank.

Closed with a membrane expansion tank are the most practical, convenient and safe to use. This is confirmed by obvious advantages:

  • even at the design stage, it is possible to equip heating devices with thermostats;
  • parallel, independent connection of radiators;
  • the technical possibility of adding heating devices after installation is completed;
  • ease of use of a hidden gasket;
  • the ability to turn off individual radiators or branches;
  • ease of system adjustment.

Based on the above, one clear conclusion can be drawn. A two-pipe heating system is much more flexible and technologically advanced than a single-pipe one.

For comparison, the following diagram is presented:

The Two-Pipe System is very convenient for use in a house in which it is planned to increase the living space; extension options are possible, both upward and along the perimeter of the building. Already at the work stage, technical errors made during the design can be easily eliminated. This scheme is more stable and reliable than a single-pipe one.

With all the obvious advantages, before choosing this type of heating, it is appropriate to recall the disadvantages of the two-pipe system.

It is important to know! The system is characterized by higher complexity and installation costs and rather cumbersome connection options.

If you have a competent specialist at hand, the necessary technical calculations, then the listed disadvantages are easily compensated by the advantages of a two-pipe heating circuit.

As in the case of a single-pipe system, the two-pipe option involves the use of a vertical or horizontal pipeline arrangement. Vertical system– radiators are connected to a vertical riser. This type is suitable for two-story private houses and cottages. Air jams are not a problem for you. In the case of the horizontal option, the radiators in each room or room are connected to a pipeline located horizontally. Double pipe horizontal diagrams heating systems are mainly designed for heating one-story buildings and large residential buildings with the need for floor-by-floor adjustment. Air jams that arise can be easily eliminated by installing Mayevsky valves on radiators.

The figure shows a vertical two-pipe heating system. Below you can see what a horizontal two-pipe system looks like.

Traditionally, radiators can be connected using bottom and top wiring. Depending on the technical specifications and the project - the choice of wiring option depends on the owner of the house. Top wiring is more convenient. All lines can be hidden in the attic space. The system creates the circulation necessary for good distribution of coolant. The main disadvantage of a two-pipe heating scheme with an upper wiring option is the need to install a membrane tank outside the heated premises. The upper distribution does not allow the intake of technical water for household needs, and also connect the expansion tank to the tank for hot water used in everyday life. This scheme is not suitable for residential properties with a flat roof.


The selected type of heating for a private home should provide all residents of the residential building with the necessary comfort. There is no point in saving on heating. By installing a heating system in your home that does not meet the parameters of the residential property and household needs, you risk spending a lot of money on refurbishment in the future.

Two-pipe or single-pipe heating system - the choice should always be justified, both from a technical and economic point of view.

In the process of designing a heating system, the question arises of how best to connect radiators - according to single-pipe scheme or according to two-pipe?

Each connection method has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To choose the wiring diagram correctly, you need to define it efficiency for your home. What is the difference between one- and two-pipe systems? And by what criteria do they make a choice?

Single-circuit heating circuit

The single-pipe system is the most simple option connections between radiators and boiler. It is used for heating small and medium-sized rooms.

It has important advantage- gives possibility to organize work independently of the electric circulation pump.

The main advantages of single-pipe wiring are simplicity and independence from electricity. How does it work?

Principle of operation

In a single-pipe scheme, the same pipe performs the function of supplying hot water and returning cold water. Main pipe connects in series all radiators. At the same time, in each of them the water loses part of the heat. Therefore, in a single-pipe heating circuit there are hotter radiators at the beginning, and cooler ones at the end of the circuit.

Attention! The warmest rooms will be those located immediately after the boiler. The rooms located in front of the boiler entrance will be cool. This must be taken into account when building a house.

With such a heating scheme, large rooms should be the first from the boiler - kitchens, dining rooms, halls. And the last ones are small bedrooms.


Single-pipe wiring is ideal for organizing the movement of coolant by gravity. At correct location heating devices the water inside the pipes will move on its own, without the help of a circulation pump. To do this it is necessary to organize significant height difference between the boiler and the distribution manifold.

The coolant heating boiler is located as low as possible- on the ground floor of the premises or in the basement.

The collector through which heated water is distributed is located as high as possible - under the ceiling of the top floor or in the attic. Water rises from the boiler to the collector during the heating process.

When heated, it expands, becomes lighter and therefore - rises up. Then from the distribution manifold it enters the supply pipe, then into the radiators and returns to the heating boiler.

Reference! In heating a large house, a single-pipe circuit can be divided for several successive connections. In this case, they will all start from the distribution manifold and end in front of the boiler.

In addition to the boiler, distribution manifold and radiators, the circuit must be built expansion tank. The coefficient of expansion of water depends on the amount of heating; with different heating, water expands differently. In this case, a certain amount of coolant is displaced from the system. To collect and store displaced water, a tank.

The main driving force of the coolant is temperature rise of water. The higher the temperature of the coolant, the greater the speed of water movement through the pipes. Also, the gravity flow rate is affected by the diameter of the pipes, the presence of corners and bends in them, the type and number of shut-off devices. In such a system they install only Ball Valves. Conventional valves, even in the open position, create a barrier to the movement of water.

Vertical and horizontal wiring: differences

More often a single-pipe scheme assembled on one floor level- in the horizontal plane.

Pipes are laid along the floor, connecting radiators in adjacent rooms located on the same floor. This arrangement is called horizontal.

Less often the scheme is assembled V multi-storey building vertically. In this case, pipes connect rooms located above each other. This heating scheme is called vertical. What is the difference between the two wiring, and which one is better for a private home?

Vertical diagram:

  • Requires connection of specific batteries - elongated in height. Most radiators on the market are designed to be included in a horizontal system - they are elongated in width. If radiators are connected incorrectly, their operating efficiency will be reduced.
  • Narrow radiators for vertical wiring provide good heating small premises. And worse - large rooms.
  • Is different low probability of pipe airing, the formation of air jams - air is removed through a vertical riser.

Attention! Vertical layout is optimal for large quantity floors at small areas rooms.

Horizontal layout:

  • Provides great selection of radiators.
  • Works more efficient vertical, which is due to the physics of coolant movement through pipes.

Horizontal wiring is used for heating installations on the same floor. In a house with several floors, water is transferred between floors through a vertical riser. Thus, for two- or three-story cottage will be optimal combined system with elements of vertical and horizontal wiring.

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Pros and cons of Leningrad

Let us list the advantages of single-pipe heating:

  • Simple and inexpensive arrangement, which provides a small number of pipes, connectors, pipes and other additional devices in the system.
  • Ideal scheme For movement of water by gravity and for the organization gravity heating system, without the need for a circulation pump.


  • Uneven heating rooms - there are hot and cool rooms.
  • Not suitable for heating big houses, whose area more than 150 sq.m, or in the heating system of which it is built more than 20 radiators.
  • Large diameter makes pipes unaesthetic their appearance on the walls.

Dual-circuit battery wiring

A two-pipe heating system differs from a single-pipe heating system by dividing it into two pipes - coolant supply and return. It ensures uniform heating of all rooms. This type of wiring is used in most new houses.

Principle of operation

In a two-pipe scheme, water from the boiler flows to the radiators through supply pipe (main).

Near each radiator, the supply line has a connecting inlet pipe, through which the coolant enters the battery. The supply line ends near the last radiator.

In addition to the incoming pipe, each radiator has outlet pipe. He connects it to the return pipe. The return line starts from the first battery and ends at the entrance to the boiler.

Thus, the heated water flows into the radiators evenly and at the same temperature. From each radiator, water is discharged into the return pipe, where it is collected and supplied to the boiler for subsequent heating. Thanks to this movement of the coolant, all rooms in the room are heated equally.

What is the difference

A two-pipe heating system includes elements of a single-pipe system and additional devices. In addition to the boiler, radiators, supply and return water collection pipes (the so-called return), the two-pipe scheme also includes circulation pump.

The large length of the lines, the presence of corners and turns in the supply pipes complicate the movement of the coolant. That's why necessary his forced circulation electric pump.

Photo 1. Circulation pump model 32-40, voltage 220 Volts, manufacturer - Oasis, China.

Also in the two-pipe circuit there is more taps, regulating water supply and quantity. Such a tap is installed in front of each radiator - at the inlet and outlet.

Classification by location

In a horizontal two-pipe system, pipes connect the radiators horizontally. This scheme works in heating one-story house or one floor of a multi-storey cottage.

In a vertical two-pipe system, pipes connect radiators located one above the other in one “riser”. However, there are differences from the single-pipe vertical scheme. Here - thanks to the presence of supply and return pipes, they can be used in vertical heating batteries of any widthmulti-section(since the supply and return risers can be located at a distance from each other). Therefore, the efficiency of two-pipe vertical heating is higher.

Reference! It is desirable that the batteries of rooms located one above the other have the same number of sections. It's easier to lay this way vertical pipe return lines

Bottom and top harness: which is more effective?

The terms “bottom” and “top” trim mean way to connect batteries to the system heating. At bottom harness incoming water enters the battery through the lower pipe.

If it also comes out of the radiator at the bottom, then the efficiency of the radiator will be reduced by 20-22%.

If the outlet pipe is located at the top, the efficiency of the radiator will be reduced. by 10-15%. In any case, with lower water supply to the batteries, the heating efficiency decreases.

With the top piping (supply), the incoming pipe is connected to the radiator in the upper part. In this case, the movement of the coolant is organized more efficiently, the battery will work by 97-100% (97% - if the inlet and outlet pipes are located on one side of the radiator, and 100% - if the inlet pipe is on one side from above, and the outlet pipe is on the other side from below).

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Suitable for heating large private houses, in this case the circulation pump necessarily crashes into the system.
  • Heats all rooms on the floor or in the riser evenly.


  • Costs expensive single-pipe system, since twice as many materials are required - pipes between the boiler and radiators, as well as connecting devices, taps, and valves.
  • An electric circulation pump makes the system work dependent on the availability of electricity.

Important! An increase in the number of pipes and the amount of coolant in the system leads to increase in hydrodynamic resistance and does not allow water to move by gravity. Forced circulation and a working circulation pump are required.