Wasps have built nests in the country house in an inaccessible place, what to do. How to destroy wasp nests How to remove a wasp nest in the country

You can often see wasp nests in your dacha. Wasps cause inconvenience not only to humans, but also to plants. They are capable of carrying various infections, often of an intestinal nature. These insects also threaten the harvest, especially if it grows on the site.

How it appears vespiary

Nests are being built infertile females, they worry about their queen and her offspring, protecting them from outsiders. For construction they use chewed natural material. Usually wasp nests are located in dry dark place(tree, attic, hollow). Wasps love sweets (drinks, honey, watermelon, jam and much more), flower nectar and ripening fruits. It is not uncommon for wasps to take honey from bees.

How to destroy a wasp's nest (the most effective way)

Wasps cause a lot of trouble to humans, and in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to destroy their nests. It is very important to follow safety precautions here, otherwise if you act carelessly there is every chance of being bitten. It is better to remove a wasp nest in the fall or if you need to act urgently and there is no way to wait, then only at night, when all the individuals are in place and sleeping. It is extremely unsafe to carry out such an operation during the day. Before entering the battlefield, put on protective clothing to the best option There will be a beekeeper costume, but not everyone has one, so wear everything that can cover all parts of the body. For the face, use a mesh. Think about how you can quickly help in case of defeat.

Another effective way To destroy a wasp nest is to take a plastic bag, treat it with karbofos or any other insecticidal preparation, very quickly pull it over the nest and cut off its fastening. Then tie the bag tightly and leave for several hours. Treat the attachment point with insecticide or hydrogen peroxide. If it is not possible to cut off the nest, then the treated bag is attached with tape on top. Only the bag must be tight, otherwise insects will gnaw through it. Also treat the area around the nest with an insecticide.

Before carrying out an operation to destroy a wasp nest, it is recommended to first reduce the number of individuals. To do this, treat the nest with the chemical “Moskitol” or any other drug intended for fighting wasps; it will be good if the stream of the drug is directed directly into the nest itself and the exit is quickly plugged with a rag treated in the same preparation. For safety, wear it over your face. against mosquito net and gloves.

After use chemicals Don't forget to wash your hands well with soap.

When, when destroying wasp nests, you still end up getting bitten, you must immediately take antihistamine(Suprastin), and to relieve swelling, apply a cotton pad soaked in diluted water to the bite site ammonia (1:5).

From wasps burning

Pour gasoline or any other flammable hornet's nest and burn it. The method is certainly inhumane, but effective. It can only be used in non-residential premises and not on trees.

Traps and other means of wasp control

It is especially convenient to use traps in places where approaching a wasp nest is difficult; in this way, you can reduce the number of individuals, but you will not be able to destroy the nests. Syrup and honey cannot be used in this case, since bees will begin to fly in with the wasps and will also die. Use only fermented products and old jam in traps. Change the contents in traps regularly.

1. Treat watermelon or melon rinds with insecticidal preparations that do not have a strong odor (“Lambda-Zone”, “Delta-Zone”, “Smelnet”), place them nearby compost heap or a wasp's nest. Wasps will fly to the smell and die from eating processed food.

2. Cut from plastic bottle neck, insert it into the ground, pour in the spoiled compote and add to it boric acid. Once trapped, it will be difficult for the wasps to get out of it, and those who succeed will not have long to live, about 2 hours.

3. Apply medium thickness glue to a sheet of cardboard and place a piece of meat or spoiled fruit in the center. The wasps will begin to fly in and stick to the cardboard.

4. Many summer residents, if the wasp’s nest is in the ground, pour boiling water in a large volume (about a bucket), after which they fill the hole with earth and compact it well. You can put a piece of roofing felt on top, then press it down with stones or bricks.

Having destroyed a wasp nest, the wasps may return again in the spring, without finding their home, they will begin to build a new one next to the old one. Therefore, the entire area near the nests must be treated with kerosene or insecticide, for example, "Sinuzan" .

People are increasingly encountering wasp nests under the roofs of their houses. Their presence is fraught not only with a constant hum, but also with possible bites, which is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. You can get rid of insects different ways: mechanical, chemical, using homemade traps and preventive measures.

Fighting wasps under the roof

To avoid having to deal with wasps in the attic later, it is necessary to carry out regular preventive measures:

  1. In the spring, carefully inspect attics, balconies and other places where the wasp “family” can settle. At first their nest is small, consisting of a queen and a few honeycombs, but over the course of a few months the “population” will increase to many hundreds of insects.
  2. Do not store old unnecessary things and building materials in attics. This is how you create ideal conditions for arranging nests for wasps.
  3. If you find cracks in the upholstery of houses or walls, seal them immediately.
  4. Do not accumulate food waste near your dacha or home; close trash cans well. The smell of spoiled food attracts insects.
  5. Don't plant near the house fruit trees, and if planted, regularly collect fruits that have fallen to the ground.
  6. In winter, get rid of old wasp nests if there are any in your attic. Insects often return to old “homes” or establish new ones in them.

If you find insects in the attic of your living space, you must get rid of them. The destruction of wasps and wasp nests is associated with a certain risk, so it must be carried out with the following precautions:

  1. Wear protective clothing that is not brightly colored. It should be made of thick fabric, have long sleeves and cuffs that fit tightly to the arms. You should cover your head with a hat, hood, or even better, wear a mosquito net. Protect your eyes with something like a ski mask, your hands with gloves, and your feet with boots.
  2. In the evening, insects become less active, so it is better to get rid of a wasp nest at this time. Plus, they return to the nest at the end of the day, so there's a good chance you'll be able to wipe out the entire colony at once.
  3. Make sure you don't smell of perfume - sweet scents attract wasps.
  4. Do not use a ladder if the nest is located high up. If attacked by a wasp colony, you may fall and be seriously injured.
  5. Think about where you will run if your attempt to get rid of the wasp’s home is unsuccessful.

    These insects are very vindictive, so they will definitely try to harm their offender.

  6. Warn your neighbors about the upcoming event, and also make sure that children or pets are not walking near the nest.

How to remove a wasp's nest from the attic

The fight against wasps in the country house or attic of a private house is carried out using different methods:




Pouring boiling water, burning

  • there is a risk of getting burns, and in the case of fire, burning down your home

Use of chemicals

  • help get rid of the entire colony of wasps in the attic at once


  • easy to make from available ingredients - insects love everything sweet and meat
  • do not give quick results, you will have to wait until the wasps die from the poison or drown

Mechanical traps

  • easy to do with your own hands;
  • effective
  • do not give quick results


  • helps get rid of the entire wasp colony at one time
  • not safe

Call a specialist

  • safe;
  • effective
  • expensive


How to get rid of a wasp nest in the attic using baits:

  1. Place a plastic bottle with a narrow neck next to the hive, pour sweet bait (jam, beer, kvass, compote) into the bottom. Insects will crawl inside, feast on them, but will not be able to crawl back out. The method is effective, but not fast; the trap will have to be changed several times.
  2. Treat plywood, boards or any other Construction Materials strong-hold glue, place them in the attic with poison from a wasp hive. When enough insects stick to them, burn them. Minus this method The problem is that bees can stick to the boards, the destruction of which is undesirable.
  3. Place a plastic bucket near the nest in the attic with sweet bait inside. Cover the top with plastic, making a small hole in the center. Wait until the container is completely filled with insects, and then get rid of them.

Mechanical methods

You can remove a wasp nest from the attic by mechanical means:

  1. Drowning. Should be used in the evening, when the entire wasp family gathers in the nest:
  • Pour a full bucket of water, place it under the nest so that it is completely immersed in the container. Use a stepladder for support.
  • Leave the structure for several hours until all the insects have drowned.
  • Check for live wasps by hitting the bucket with a stick. If there is no buzzing or humming, the bucket can be removed.
  1. Burning out. To do this, you need to make a fire under the nest itself, but in the case of wooden floor this is dangerous, so you need to burn out a wasp’s home in this way using a barbecue:
  • Place a barbecue under the nest and build a fire using pine needles.
  • The smoke will rise upward, stupefying the wasps, having a suffocating effect on them.
  • When all the insects fly out into the street, remove the wasp shelter and destroy it.
  1. Kerosene, diesel fuel. Poisoning insects in the attic with flammable substances can be unsafe; this method should be used with extreme caution:
  • Pour kerosene or diesel fuel into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the wasp shelter, being careful not to get it on the attic flooring.
  • Wait until the wasps are killed by the toxic odor.
  • Get rid of the hive.


Chemicals will help remove wasps from the attic:


Characteristics, principle of operation

Mode of application

Aerosol Dr. Klausa

  • active ingredients – piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin;
  • substances penetrate the chitinous cover of wasps, blocking them nerve impulses.

Spray in the attic, tightly closing windows and doors. Ventilate the room after 15 minutes.

Mosquitol aerosol for wasp nest control

  • active ingredients – cypermethrin, bioallethrin;
  • the vapors envelop the hive, penetrate through the respiratory system into the body of the wasps, block nerve impulses, and cause muscle paralysis.

Spray at a distance of 6 meters, after 2 hours get rid of the hive, ventilate the room

Delta Zone

  • insecticide of contact-intestinal action;
  • active substance– deltamethrin;
  • causes nervous paralysis.

Dilute 2 caps of suspension with 2 20 liters of water, pour the solution into a spray bottle, spray the wasp hive in the attic


  • active ingredients – piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, cypermethrin;
  • blocks nerve impulses.

When darkness falls, carefully place a thick dark bag on the hive from below and tie it. Make a hole in it, insert a can of insecticide, and spray. When the buzzing stops, remove the nest and dispose of it.


  • a poison half composed of malathion;
  • blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

Dilute 100 ml of concentrated substance with a liter of water, pour the solution into a large plastic bag, put it on the bottom of the hive

One of the problems that constantly bothers humans in natural conditions is wasps. They, of course, have certain therapeutic effects, but they equally disturb both rural and urban residents. They can build their nests in the country house, garden, country house, garage, on the wall, balcony, ceiling, basement and entrance apartment building. People have to constantly worry about safety measures for children and adults from bites of these insects. The primary question is to find, destroy the wasps and how to get rid of the wasp nest, and this must be done immediately after discovery. What the wasps make their nests from is also important. As a rule, this is paper produced by them in the process of chewing wood and other fibers. The nest grows almost throughout the entire season, especially in summer.

Preparatory work

To successfully fight wasps in an apartment, first of all, you need to detect their location, decide how to destroy the wasp nest, and carry out the appropriate preparatory work. Practice shows that these insects usually hide in dark and inaccessible places:

  • Under the eaves of the house. Here they look very much like a beehive and can be difficult to distinguish from the nest of, for example, a swallow.
  • In attics, well protected from precipitation and light.
  • In the treetops, where it is very difficult to notice. This can only be done in the fall, during the day and at good weather. You just need to stand under each tree for a while. A characteristic hum will be given away by wasps.
  • In earthen burrows, wasps usually build such nests in elevated places.
  • In the voids of the walls. The entrance to the nest is indicated by insect remains on the ground.
  • In pipes stored on site.

After discovering a wasp nest in an apartment that needs to be removed, to safely destroy it, you need to prepare the appropriate equipment:

Basic ways to get rid of a wasp nest

There are many options for solving the question of how to remove a wasp's nest. Some of them give relatively quick effect, while others do not harm insects at all, since their properties were not properly taken into account. The main thing is to choose the method most suitable for specific conditions, despite the fact that wasps always attack. To stop the construction of their nest, you can use reliable and proven methods:

  • The use of chemicals in the apartment. This is the easiest and most proven way. We buy chemical agent in a specialty store. We apply the drug directly to the nest. Wasps will eat it, bring it inside, and pass it on to relatives. As a result, mass disease and pestilence of insects occurs. Exists whole line types of specialty chemicals:

— “Troapsil” – a professional insect repellent;

— “Mosquito” is an effective long-lasting aerosol that can destroy wasps, as well as their nests indoors and outdoors;

— “Gett” is a modern, specially developed drug;

— “Smelnet” is an odorless insect repellent. Intended for independent use, including against wasps.

The most convenient products are available in the form of aerosols or dust - Dichlorvos, Raid, Raptor and others.

Before you begin to destroy a wasp nest at home using chemicals, you should definitely consider safety issues. When using a toxic substance, including at the dacha, it is necessary to remove everyone from the treated area.

External physical influence. There are several options for its use:

Manual destruction

  1. You need to work with this option at night, when the wasps in the hive are sleeping. A thick garbage bag is thrown over the wasp's nest, and the entrance is sealed with tape. Then the nest is torn away from the fastening. The package is placed in a barrel and burned.
  2. You can knock the nest down with a stick into a bucket of boiling water, then cover it with a lid and leave it for a while.
  3. Plug the entrance to the nest with glue, pouring it over the entire surface and creating a plug of glue at the entrance. Insects will accumulate and become stuck in the hole. After some time they will die.
  4. If a nest has formed in an inaccessible place, it can be neutralized by using construction foam.

How to remove a wasp nest in other ways

They are also called folk methods

For centuries, improvised remedies have been successfully used against insects at home. Then they acted as follows:

Preventive measures

Considering that wasps always return to previously inhabited and suitable places, you can prevent them from being able to build it again. When the nest is removed, the attachment site, in order not to be damaged, must be treated - first with potassium permanganate, then with a chemical used against wasps.

To destroy not only wasps, but also their nests, many chemicals have been developed industrial production, physical and mechanical methods, folk home recipes. Each method looks effective in its own way and does not require too much expense. The maximum result is achieved by using these tools in a comprehensive manner. But what to do when no method is successful, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Question: Wasps began to appear in our country house every spring. Everything would be fine, but soon we will have a grandson and we are afraid that wasps might bite him, my husband has a terrible allergy from a wasp sting, but what if it is inherited by his grandson? What to do, how to deal with uninvited neighbors?

Answer: If you have wasps, you should know that one day they will bite you. You definitely need to get rid of such neighbors, and if someone in your family is allergic to wasp stings, then definitely remove their nests urgently.

If you knock down old wasp nests at your dachas late autumn or in winter in the hope of getting rid of insects, then this is a pointless activity and will not bring you any benefit. These are old nests, they have served their purpose and wasps do not spend the winter in them. With a drop in temperature and the onset of frosty days, all working wasps and their larvae die. Founding females hide in various crevices during this cold season, and with the onset of spring they begin to build a new nest.

All issues related to the destruction of wasps should be carried out in the spring. Thoroughly inspect all your buildings for summer cottage, Special attention pay attention to attics and verandas. At this time wasp nests small sizes-how good Walnut If you find it, immediately remove it and burn it. The female, upon her return, will not find him and will fly away to look for another place to build a new nest. This way you can get rid of unpleasant neighbors for the whole summer. There are also persistent females who will not fly away right away, but will try several more times to start building their house in your place in the same place. But I think that you will convince her of this!

It also happens that your garden house is located far from the city, then you have to fight the wasps yourself, I suggest an old proven method: we equip ourselves in a chemical protective suit or just in thick clothes, gloves and a net for the face, you can use a mosquito net. At night (preferably at 3-4 o'clock), when the wasps are sleeping, take a long stick and a bucket of boiling water (full to the brim), put the bucket under the nest and knock it into boiling water. Immediately cover it with thick material or a lid and cook the wasps until cooked!

You can also destroy wasps using dichlorvos. This should be done at night, but you can try during the day. You must work in a respirator!! We take a can of dichlorvos, place it on the entrance of the nest and etch all the gas inside the house. This is only if the house is located in hard to reach place and there is no way to shoot him down. Good luck.

Getting rid of dangerous neighborhood: how to remove a wasp nest

Wasp nest in a country house or on personal plot - serious problem, since wasp bites, especially multiple ones, pose a threat to human health and even life. Knowing how to remove a wasp nest, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous insects.

How to remove a wasp nest

Before you begin removing a wasp nest, make sure you do not have allergic reaction for bee and wasp stings. If you are allergic to insect venom, do not try to remove the nest yourself. Ask someone you know or call a special service.

Source: Depositphotos

Before removing a wasp nest, protect yourself with thick clothing and ski goggles

If you don't have allergies, you can try to get rid of the wasp hive yourself. It is best to do this in winter, when the bulk of the insects have died and the queens have left the hive.

    • Protect yourself: Wear heavy pants, high boots, a sweater, a sweatshirt or hooded jacket, cover your eyes with ski goggles, and bottom part faces - with a thick scarf. If you can get your hands on a beekeeper's mask, use it.
    • Take a large, thick plastic bag. Place the bag over the nest and then quickly remove the hive from the surface using a sharp spatula. Close the bag as quickly as possible and tie it tightly.

If you decide to leave the wasps alive, take the nest as far into the forest as possible and shake out the bag. Remember to protect yourself with clothing just in case and make sure there are no other people nearby.

How to remove a wasp nest in the country in the summer

If you find a wasp's home in the middle of summer season and it is not possible to wait until winter, try using the previous method in compliance with all safety measures. Clean up the nest better at night when most insects are dormant.

You can also try other radical methods:

    • Spray the wasp nest generously with kerosene. It penetrates well both through the walls of nests made of small wood fibers and through the chitinous covers of insects, causing respiratory arrest.
    • You can try using a vacuum cleaner: put a funnel made from a plastic bottle on the nozzle, the diameter of which is larger than the opening of the socket, and wrap it tightly with tape, and insert a disposable paper bag into the vacuum cleaner. As a rule, 10–15 minutes of vacuum cleaner operation is enough to remove insects from the den. Then the pipe must be tightly sealed, and the bag must be destroyed using the method described above.

If the nest is in an inaccessible place or there are several of them, it is better to invite specialist exterminators.