What is the best way to glaze a balcony? Balcony glazing options. Which one is better to choose? Is glazing necessary?

A glazed balcony or loggia not only provides additional thermal insulation and protects against extraneous noise from the street. Such a decision makes the owner square meters the owner of an additional (albeit small) room, which can be equipped to your own taste and according to your needs. A bunch of construction companies In this regard, they offer their services, as do sellers of PVC and aluminum profile structures. However, often the financial situation forces you to look for more cost-effective options that involve doing most or all of the work yourself. This article will talk about how to glaze a balcony yourself.

Important: glazing of balconies requires official approval from the relevant authorities. If you do everything “according to the law,” then first you will have to take care of additional “permitting” documents.

How best to glaze a balcony

There are quite a lot of methods, we will list all the main ones and give a little idea about them, which will allow you to decide on the direction of work in the future.

Glaze the balcony photo

  • "Cold" glazing, regardless of the method of opening the frames, suggests that the balcony can be used as an additional “livable” room only in the warm season. This is the most inexpensive option, since aluminum profile structures, which are most often used for these purposes, are quite affordable. Among positive qualities This type of glazing is light weight, so if there is any doubt about the reliability of the support, then aluminum will the right choice. The material is very resistant to external influences, it is not afraid of humidity and low temperatures, although it can still become deformed from sudden changes. Sometimes wooden frames with one glass are used for the “cold” method.
  • There is also an option with "warm" aluminum profile. It uses double frames and double glazed windows. And in addition, special plastic placed inside the profile keeps heat inside and does not let cold air in from the street. But this design is almost not in demand due to its high cost.
  • Usage wooden frames counts budget option, but labor-intensive in terms of caring for them: you will have to renew the paint once a year if appearance matters. To reduce the cost, some use used wood. With proper care it will last quite a long time. If your income allows, then you can, as they say, install wooden “Euro-windows” once and for life. Their production technology makes them durable, and they look very impressive.

  • Panoramic view glazing assumes that special glass, additionally processed to increase its strength characteristics, serves as the basis for assembling a balcony fence from floor to ceiling. From the point of view of creating a spectacular space, this method takes a leading position. Due to the thickness of the material, the apartment becomes protected from heat loss and the noise insulation performance increases. The partition can be made of tinted glass and looks especially stunning when assembled without frames.
  • Frameless method Balcony glazing requires certain skills and literacy during installation. But the complexity is justified by the result when the “output” is a light, as if weightless, structure made from one glass. The lack of frames is compensated by special metal guide profiles. It is in them that the glass sections are fastened and moved along them. Special tempered glass is used for such tasks.
  • Frames from PVC profile are popular and in a practical way glazing. The ability to install a double-glazed window with three air chambers significantly insulates the room, especially in combination with a wider profile. Installation is simple and quick, and the service life is quite long, and all this splendor will not require complex maintenance. For those who do not want to install plastic windows Due to the fact that the doors “eat up” a lot of space when opening, you can opt for the option with sliding doors.

  • If you want glaze the balcony “with the extension” of the structure, then you should be very confident in the strength of the parapet, because the load on it in this case will increase in two directions at once.

Important: work on exterior decoration It is better to apply siding or other materials to the balcony before glazing. This sequence will make the cladding work easier.

How to glaze a balcony with plastic windows

  • This process is not very difficult, especially since the manufacturer itself carries out measurements, so there should be no mistakes in this area. So, ready PVC structures delivered, the decision has been made to abandon the installation, what next?
  • The existing old sashes are being dismantled and at the same time the balcony must be freed of all objects and things that may interfere. The space on the balcony can’t be called large anyway, so ideally it’s worth taking everything out of it. How else is the stage useful? deep cleaning"? All the nuances that require improvement and elimination during insulation, waterproofing, and so on become immediately visible.
  • A wooden beam is secured along the perimeter of the balcony using mounting dowels. When measuring, the presence of beams is taken into account. That is, the height of the finished structure will be equal to the height from the side of the barrier to the top slab minus the parameters of the crossbar. It is worth checking with a representative of the supplier company what thickness of beam he includes in the calculations.

  • First, the PVC frame itself is installed without sashes. First of all, the main and largest front part is mounted. And then the side one. In order to save money, many people abandon glass on the side in favor of sandwich panels. This, of course, is a matter of taste.
  • On the street side, a flashing is attached under the frame. If a balcony with a roof is glazed, then the canopy must also be secured. It is placed under the structure and secured with self-tapping screws, and the cracks are filled with sealant. The visor will protect against moisture ingress and leakage into the profile and into the room. Therefore, issues of tight fit should be given more attention.
  • When the frame is level and secured, you can begin installing the sashes in place. After installation, you should check them for tightness. An important indicator is the smooth operation when opening and closing. If everything is done correctly, the frames will open easily and close without effort, fitting tightly into the opening.

It is important to think carefully about the options for opening the doors. This structure will have to be washed, and it is better to plan it so that from the tear-off section you can easily reach the adjacent “blind” one. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to risk their life cleaning things up.

  • From the outside, it is convenient to hide the joints with the help of additional decorative elements. They can be purchased independently, or “included in the kit” when ordering from a company that supplies PVC frames. All gaps from the inside are sealed using polyurethane foam. When it dries, it is trimmed and removed from the frame and sashes. protective film. Next, work continues on the final decoration of the room.

Glaze the balcony video

Glaze the balcony with an aluminum profile

Another advantage of a lightweight aluminum structure is the sliding opening system. It saves space, however, it also causes problems with the folds freezing in winter. If the choice is still made in its favor, then we learn how to properly glaze the balcony.

  • We dismantle the previous glazing.
  • If the parapet is made in the form of metal handrails, then an “apron” made of galvanized steel must be installed on top of them. If the barrier is concrete, this is not required. The profile will fit right on it.
  • The visor is mounted.
  • A window sill is being installed.
  • To secure the frame, anchor plates are installed in the opening. By using anchor bolts a frame structure is installed on them.
  • The ebb is attached to the frame.
  • Sashes are installed in the openings.
  • All seams are sealed using polyurethane foam and covered with flashings (optional)
  • The final step is to adjust the fittings. The doors should move apart smoothly without making any noise. This indicates correct installation.

Glaze the balcony with wood

It's good if you home handyman Carpentry skills available. Then the option with glazing with wooden frames becomes cheaper. After all, he can use wooden beams, glazing beads and ordinary glass 4 mm thick, assemble the sashes, equipping them with the simplest fittings from the nearest store. However, even in the absence of such talent, you can order inexpensive ready product In workshop. After which you can begin installation.

It is important to consider that a large structure can “sail”. Therefore, despite the visual appeal of large and wide openings, this unpleasant effect is worth remembering.

  • Preparation has already been written above, so we skip this stage.
  • There are no special tricks in installing such a structure; moreover, the process itself differs little from, say, installing a PVC profile. Using metal mounting plates and screws, we install wooden frame without frames.
  • The ebb, canopy and window sill are installed similarly to the glazing methods described earlier.
  • The seams are foamed and subsequently hidden under the finish.
  • The sashes are fixed in place, the fittings are adjusted.

For a long time, this was the only way to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev building. Of course, such glazing will never become the object of envy of neighbors. But if done carefully and securely fastened, it can protect against dust, falling leaves and change the microclimate on the balcony by a couple of degrees.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands using a frameless method

  • A very impressive type of glazing, but it also requires some effort and courage. The first thing many homeowners fear when they are offered this option is safety. If we're talking about about installing “full-height” glass, then it may be worthwhile to provide some kind of removable structure, reaching a meter in height, and attached to the walls or floor at a time when, for example, children are playing on the balcony. It is quite easy to cook from metal pipes small diameter.
  • The second not entirely desirable effect of a magnificent view of the surrounding area is an equally wonderful view of the privacy of the apartment. Especially in evening time with the light on. Those who do not want to provide neighbors and random passers-by with the opportunity to watch the reality show “live” can choose the following “rescue” options.
  • Consider a system of curtains or blinds. The second option will be expensive, given the non-standard dimensions of the opening, and you will have to suffer with a fabric solution.
  • At the planning stage, you can choose the type of glass with one-sided transparency. They look good in sunny days are very good, but in autumn and cloudy winter weather such glazing evokes melancholy due to the low bandwidth Sveta. Alternatively, the presence of such glasses can be combined with regular ones.
  • If we are talking about frameless glazing of a balcony only in the part where most people are accustomed to seeing the window opening, then the difficulties described above do not arise.

Important: glazing into the floor requires dismantling the parapet. Before carrying out work, you must make sure that the demolition is legal and will not cause negative consequences for the entire house.

  • For all its attractiveness, the panoramic method requires additional costs for insulation, and you shouldn’t choose it if the balcony offers a “wonderful view” of the factory complex or the dull neighboring multi-story buildings.
  • An aluminum panoramic profile will be cheaper, but its ability to retain heat, let’s say, tends to zero and you should think carefully before installing it.

There are many options, but each of them can be implemented on your own. Therefore, balcony glazing can be considered a type of work on which you can save money.

An apartment with a balcony is always an advantage. After all, a balcony can be perceived not only as a place for drying clothes or storing supplies for the winter, but also as a space that expands the area of ​​the apartment. But if it is not glazed, then its functionality immediately decreases.

Such a balcony cannot be used in the cold season or in rainy weather, and garbage, cigarette butts and other “troubles” constantly fall onto the balcony space from above. Therefore, it is wiser to glaze your balcony, thus making it ideal place for rest and storage of your belongings. You will learn about what types of glazing exist and how to do it yourself from this article.

Cold and warm methods

Glazing of a loggia or balcony can be done using the warm or cold method.

From the time of Soviet Union The cold method is more popular. If you do not plan to use the space as an alternative to living space (for example, place a study or mini-greenhouse there), then you can choose just this option. Glazing the balcony in this way allows you to protect it from street dust and dirt, as well as from all kinds of debris that often flies in or falls from the upper floors. The temperature with this type of glazing will be significantly below room temperature, but above zero. In winter you won’t be able to fully relax here, but in summer you can set up an armchair and table without fear that the sudden rain will ruin your tea party.

Also on such a balcony it will be convenient to store workpieces on winter time and all kinds of vegetables or fruits. The cool temperature is great for keeping all foods in good condition. good condition and did not spoil.

You can glaze a balcony in this way using durable wooden frames or aluminum profiles. It can be complemented by opening doors different types. Traditional options are swing or tilt-and-turn sashes. More modern - sliding.

For cold balcony glazing, simple wooden frames with pivoting sashes complemented by single glass are most often chosen. They are not too expensive, and pleasantly please with their environmental friendliness. But we must remember that wood has a huge drawback - it requires constant care.

If exposed to rain or bad weather, the tree can deteriorate very quickly. It will deteriorate and rot over time, so this option is considered very impractical. However, if you choose an expensive and quality wood, treated with special solutions, then you will not have to worry about the condition of your balcony for several years, or even decades in a row. In addition, wooden frames can be independently coated with special solutions or painted.

Balcony small size It is better to insulate using a simple aluminum profile with sliding doors. Doors with roller mechanisms save space. However, this type of glazing is not always possible. To do this, you need coordination with professionals who will tell you whether you can implement sliding glazing in your apartment.

Another disadvantage of sliding sashes is that they are not very well suited to our climate. IN very coldy the mechanism that ensures the normal operation of the sliding sashes may freeze, and you will no longer be able to breathe fresh air by opening the balcony window.

In addition to cold glazing, there is also warm glazing. It provides for the installation of frames with double glass. This allows you to make a glazed balcony almost a full-fledged room. To install a profile with double glass, you no longer need any additional permission. Repairs and upholstery can be carried out independently, without the help of specialists.

Reviews confirm that a balcony glazed in this way really helps to expand the living space. There you can lay laminate, glue wallpaper and use additional funds decor. Thus, the interior space of the balcony will become as cozy as any other room in your apartment. Just as we insulate the balcony, we also need to take care that it doesn’t get too hot there in the summer. This can be solved with a simple air conditioner, which is not difficult to choose.

Frame materials

Today they are used for finishing balconies. different materials. The most common of them are plastic, wood and aluminum. An option such as full glass or even mirror coating is also used. To figure out which is best for you, check out the pros and cons of each.


The easiest and most affordable is glazing using plastic. A simple plastic frame with a double-chamber or even single-chamber double-glazed window will make your balcony quite cozy and warm. In addition, it will provide proper sound insulation and irritating sounds from the street will not interfere with your rest and sleep.

This “economy” option is also good because even without additional painting it looks attractive and well-groomed. The disadvantages of PVC coating include its heavy weight. Also, they often try to deceive consumers by slipping low-quality material at an attractive price. To avoid such a bad purchase, try to contact trusted manufacturers.


Another popular option is glazing the balcony with an aluminum profile. It is significantly lighter than plastic and much thinner. Externally, these two options are very similar, since most often the aluminum profile is available in a universal white color. But for an additional payment you can order any other color.

You can find aluminum profiles with cold or warm type of glazing. In the first case, the aluminum base is supplemented with single glass, and in the second case it is supplemented with a so-called thermal bridge. This is a special thermal insulating insert that allows you to retain maximum heat in the room. Design with metal profile much lighter than plastic.

The only drawback is that high-quality aluminum glazing will cost you twice as much as plastic.


The most budget-friendly project is a glazed balcony, complemented by wooden frames. Naturally, with wood you get cold glazing. And such a design will not be able to fully protect your balcony from cold and noise. But for a family with a small budget, this option is quite suitable.

You can also consider an option such as partial glazing with wood. The combination of metal and wooden frames allows you to save money without sacrificing quality. And visually this combination looks very good.


If you decide to glaze your balcony, please note that this can be done in several ways. In addition to insulation, glass on a balcony can also perform a decorative function, making the room brighter, or diluting its design, the main thing is to install it correctly.


The brightest will be a balcony with huge windows covering the entire wall. Panoramic glazing of a balcony involves the use of exclusively glass. In this case, no frames are installed, and the entire space from floor to ceiling consists entirely of transparent glass.

This design looks interesting due to the fact that it seems as if there is no glass at all, and creates the illusion of a completely open space. By expanding the space in this way, you will get an excellent room for relaxation or creating a small winter garden.

For panoramic glazing of the balcony, specially processed glass is used. It is coated with a special metal oxide. The glass itself should be thick enough or even double. In this case, it will not only not be subject to all kinds of mechanical damage, but will also hold out cold and noise well.

This type of glazing is often used in rooms with a non-standard design. A balcony treated in this way looks very beautiful. Classic balconies, as well as round or semicircular ones, can be glazed in this way. This design option is more often used in new buildings located in the city center or North-Eastern Administrative District, rather than in Stalinist or Khrushchev-era buildings.

You can find materials for glazing a balcony in this way using materials from Rehau or VEKA. Both brands produce not only Euro windows, but also high-quality double-glazed windows for the entire wall that will last you a long time. Here you can find and glass doors, and full double-glazed windows used for glazing the front part of the balcony.


Another interesting system is a combination of high-quality double-glazed windows with frames made of transparent aluminum profiles. This frameless glazing is very similar to the previous option, but cheaper and more practical.

Floor-length sliding glass, complemented by thin aluminum frames, looks good and modern. You can find materials for this glazing option from many Finnish or German brands. In addition, good seamless aluminum sliding profiles are produced by companies such as Avangard or Provedal.


Due to remote glazing You can further increase the balcony space. Extended glass can be used both in new buildings and in standard houses of the KOPE series. For small-sized rooms, better known as “boat” windows, windows from the SLIDORS company are optimal. If you want to support a domestic manufacturer, then pay attention to the Kaleva company.

Speaking about the appearance of balconies, one cannot fail to mention different kinds decor glass surfaces. Glass can be decorated with tinting. “Bus” glass of this type can be ordered, for example, from the Comfort Plus company. Window tinting will cost extra money, but the effect produced by such a coating is pleasantly pleasing: your balcony will be hidden from prying eyes, and the glass will acquire an unusual shade.

Another interesting option is stained glass, consisting of small colored parts. Stained glass can be a separate insert on the balcony glass, or even the entire window space. It all depends on your preferences and what your budget is. Professionals from many companies, for example, Stroy, can glaze a balcony in this way.

Do it yourself

But glazing a balcony does not always require the help of specialists. You can glaze your balcony yourself. If you don’t know the best and most correct way to do this, then we offer you simple instructions.

Calculation and measurements

Whatever type of glazing you choose, the very first stage on which the final result depends is taking measurements. To ensure accurate measurements, first dismantle all old parts of the glazing. This preparation will allow you to install new design from scratch. After this, you can proceed to making the necessary calculations.

First, using a tape measure, measure the height from the parapet to the ceiling. In the case of panoramic glazing - from the floor. Then measure the distance between the walls. As a rule, this space is from three to 6 meters wide.

The horizontality of the parapet also needs to be double-checked. This is done using a level. The location of the bisector must be perfectly level. If the parapet is even slightly uneven, then the frame you purchased may simply not fit. When you have this information in your hands, you can, using a calculator and the requirements of modern GOST, calculate how much materials you will need.

However, professional firms still send their specialists to the site. So, regardless of whether you calculated everything yourself, they will still do it for you. Such a double check is necessary to make sure that the material you have chosen is suitable in terms of weight and fastening features for installation in your apartment. After all, very often we focus not on existing realities, but on some pictures that inspire us to repair. And the result of repairs in these cases is very disappointing.

In some cases, to glaze a balcony you may need to remodel the room, replace individual parts structures or, for example, dismantling a parapet.

Preparatory work

The first stage of glazing a balcony is preparation. The technology for different balconies is different. When glazing balconies in a private house and in a five-story building, the process will be different. So, in a panel “Khrushchev” building, balconies are usually not very strong. Therefore, they should be strengthened by sealing the gap in the parapet using a fixed galvanized sheet.

Hello dear reader!

Glazed balconies are not uncommon, and in most cases they are a necessity. In some houses this design is provided by the developers, in others the residents themselves do the glazing. Of course, a glazed balcony helps solve a lot of everyday issues.

On the one hand, this is additional room, allowing you to relax after work, admire the scenery from the windows, dry clothes, store many things, etc.

However, before you decide to install a window frame, you should figure out whether it is possible to glaze the balcony in your apartment.

The fact is that glazing a balcony, although not considered a redevelopment, is equated to it! This means it requires paperwork to be completed at the BTI. In some cases, making any changes to the appearance of the building is problematic or completely impossible:

  • Your house is an architectural monument.
  • The balcony is located on the façade of the building and faces the “red line” of the street.
  • You an old house, which sooner or later will be demolished.
  • The use of flammable materials when glazing a balcony: wooden frames, flammable insulation, etc.

In order to obtain permission from the BTI, you need to draw up an application and attach to it a schematic image of the future balcony glazing. This must be done in accordance with the letter of the law. In practice, government agencies often turn a blind eye to the glazing of balconies, as well as to the installation of air conditioners on the facade of the building.

Is it necessary to glaze the balcony?

Many of those who have open balconies think about this, because such non-residential space can only be used in warm weather. A glazed balcony expands the possibilities of its use:

  • Protected from wind and rain, it can be used to store many things, from work tools to bicycles and skis.
  • The finished room can be used for drying clothes.
  • An enclosed balcony allows you to enjoy the views outside the window in rainy or snowy weather.
  • The balcony frame protects against drafts.
  • Glass will protect your lungs from street dust and debris.
  • The presence of glazing is an additional barrier for residential thieves.

If you are thinking about glazing your balcony, it is useful to learn about your options.

Choosing glazing for a balcony

Today there are many glazing options that differ from each other not only in the use of different materials and type of construction, but also in price.

Should I glass the balcony using an aluminum frame, or use a heavy one? PVC double glazing— it’s up to you, but only after assessing the condition of your balcony’s external slab.

Aluminum glazing

Aluminum frames are an aesthetic and inexpensive type of modern glazing.

Aluminum structures have their pros and cons.

  • Acceptable price. One of the main advantages of this glazing option is its relatively low cost. The price of aluminum glazing is more expensive than wooden (carpentry) balcony structures, but much more affordable than plastic ones.
  • Weight. The low weight of the aluminum frame allows it to be used in those houses in which there is a ban on significant weighting of the external slab.
  • Fire safety. Using balcony frame made of this material, you can forget about spontaneous combustion of the balcony. In the worst case scenario, the material will melt when exposed to direct flame.
  • Ergonomics. Aluminum balcony glazing allows rational use of room space. Sliding systems made of aluminum make it convenient to ventilate and wash windows.
  • Durability. The aluminum profile is durable. A frame made of this material can last up to 80 years on average.

Despite its many advantages, aluminum glazing has several disadvantages.

One of the main disadvantages of such balcony structures is low thermal insulation (cold glazing). If it is important for you to have the same temperature as in the living room, you will need to glaze the balcony with PVC windows ( panoramic glazing), or do masonry and heat the glazed room. For remote slabs of balconies, this is fraught with collapse, because The slab is not designed for such a load. Warm PVC glazing is only suitable! for loggias and balconies of new buildings.

PVC windows

Plastic glazing has the best technical characteristics.

  • Warm. High thermal insulation created using plastic structures, allows you to turn your balcony into a warm and cozy room.
  • Quality. Good tightness protects against moisture, precipitation, street dust and debris.
  • Durability. Plastic frames are characterized by high durability and will serve more than one generation of residents of your apartment.
  • Noise absorption. It will significantly reduce the amount of noise even on a balcony that faces a noisy road.

Good characteristics make plastic frames the most expensive option for balcony glazing.

I repeat, plastic warm frames are only suitable for loggias and balconies of new buildings, because... their weight significantly exceeds the maximum permissible load on the remote slab of balconies.

Is it possible to glass a balcony in winter?

Many apartment owners cannot decide when it is better to glaze the balcony. The main season for performing such work is during the warm season. However, you can also glass your balcony in winter. The main advantage of glazing a balcony in winter is its low cost! In winter, the price of windows and installation work much lower than in the season. In addition, the cold season allows you to instantly identify design and installation flaws.

Answering the question: “Is it possible to glaze a balcony?”, I will say - it all depends on the characteristics of your house, the condition of the external slab and parapet. In this matter, it is imperative to consult with specialists (measurers and designers). Based on this, you should make a decision and then select correct option glazing.

I wish that your future balcony will become an excellent addition to your cozy apartment!
Tatyana, glazing manager

Today, almost all new buildings offer apartments for sale from glazed balconies. The same cannot be said about secondary housing. Most often, these are typical houses with small apartments and open balconies. It is quite reasonable that all owners early or begin to think about glazing their balcony. This will allow you to get additional living space, as well as insulate the room adjacent to the balcony. The article will discuss how to glaze a balcony with your own hands.

Unlike a loggia, glazing a balcony until recently was quite a difficult task, which only professionals could handle. Now special window profiles have appeared on sale, which have greatly simplified the process of glazing a balcony.

  • When carrying out work on the top floor, in addition to glazing, you will have to make a canopy roof.
  • Initially, the balcony in a typical Khrushchev building has small dimensions, so a common way to increase it is by moving the frame outside. Also, before starting work, you need to decide whether the side sashes will be glazed or solid.

Glazed balconies with removal in Khrushchev photo

  • There is another type of house, popularly called “Stalinka”. They are characterized by high ceilings. It is this moment that will serve main problem when glazing a balcony, as frames will be required custom size(narrow and tall).

How to choose windows for a balcony

  • First you need to decide on the purpose of the balcony. Will it be an extension of the apartment or just a place to store things or food, protected from the rain? Based on this, they calculate the principle of opening individual elements, the number of frames, the thickness of the glass unit, etc.
  • Many websites selling windows have a calculator for doing it yourself, but without special knowledge, sometimes it’s very difficult to do this. For example, a balcony can be not only a standard shape, but also a corner one. To glaze the latter, you will need to purchase additional corner profiles.
  • If the task is to protect the balcony from rain, wind and dust, then it is enough to choose single-chamber or double-chamber double-glazed windows. But when creating a heated room, this is not enough; it is best to opt for three- or five-chamber structures.
  • Today, the most affordable profiles and, as a result, the most popular ones are made of plastic. More expensive options are made of wood or aluminum. They can be made in any color, but this will make them more expensive.

Advice: old houses often have weak parapets, so it is not recommended to put additional load on them with heavy frames. There are two options: strengthen the parapet itself or install the lightest aluminum structure.

  • When choosing window designs For balconies, you need to decide on the opening system. Most often they use a hinged or sliding one. It all depends on personal preference.

Tip: Most often, houses built before 1955 are in poor condition. It is not uncommon to see concrete slabs on a balcony begin to collapse. This means that its railings can no longer serve as a frame for the heavy structure of double-glazed windows. To strengthen it, professionals use strong metal corners located with an armored belt around the perimeter of the balcony.

Wooden frames

  • Wood is a natural, warm material that creates comfort in a room and is always in demand. But depending on what raw materials were used, over time they may lose their appearance. Due to seasonal changes in temperature and humidity, wood becomes cracked, shrinks or becomes deformed. This leads to the formation of cracks and poor performance of window sashes. Talk about high-quality thermal insulation in this case it is no longer necessary.
  • In addition, over time, it begins to require annual maintenance, which consists of updating the paintwork.

Tip: Treated wooden frames are now available for sale. Externally they look like natural material, but are processed and covered with a special protective film, which makes them vapor-tight and in characteristics no different from plastic profiles.

  • The popularity of wooden frames is explained by the low cost and availability of the material. Despite the wide range of special impregnations, after just a few seasons the wood begins to rot on the street side.
  • The service life of the wooden frame is also reduced due to poor quality material. Since they are chosen based on more low price, then manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of production as much as possible. This results in wood of low quality and insufficient degree of drying. They also save on glass by making it only 2 mm thick instead of the required 4 mm. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy such frames from individuals or small workshops.
  • But even when purchasing high-quality factory products, you need to understand that this option is not suitable for insulated balconies. Such windows are not produced with double glazing and have only one glass.

Plastic frames

  • The plastic ones so beloved in Russia window units more unpretentious. They are airtight, not subject to atmospheric influences, durable and beautiful. Their only drawback is their high weight. Therefore, it is better to abandon them when large-scale panoramic glazing of an old balcony is planned.
  • But there is a special balcony profile on sale, which is lighter than a regular window profile. The most popular option has a double-glazed window with a thermal profile.
  • The cost of the structure will depend both on the glazing area (which is why the side sashes are often left blank) and on the number of sashes that open. The price of a tilt-and-turn mechanism depends on the fittings used.

Glazed balcony photo

Aluminum frames

  • Aluminum frames are stronger and lighter than plastic ones. But their price is higher.
  • Compared to normal wooden frame, structures made of aluminum, even at domestic factories, are seven times stronger. Externally, they look very respectable, match all interiors and are absolutely fireproof.
  • They have a very long service life, during which they are not subject to atmospheric influences.
  • But when using an aluminum profile, you can only create cold glazing. This is due to the fact that single glass is inserted into the frame and there are no special thermal pads.

  • Frames made of this material can be produced with a sliding or swing opening system. To reduce the cost of apartments in a new building they put sliding structures, although they are convenient, they do not create the necessary thermal insulation. Besides, inexpensive models very difficult to open and close. In contrast, swing doors have expensive fittings and their installation is much more difficult.
  • To insulate the frame itself, there are felt pads attached around the entire perimeter.

Another type is frameless glazing. Or as it is also called - panoramic. This is the most expensive method; if you order such work from professionals, then the entire structure with materials and installation will cost between 50-150 thousand rubles.

How to glaze a balcony with plastic with your own hands

  • All work begins with accurate measurements and drawings. Measure the length and width of the balcony, as well as the height of future frames. This must be done as accurately as possible, otherwise the ordered structure simply will not fit properly into place.

Advice: when glazing the upper balcony with a roof, in addition to standard work, first you need to install the roof. If there is already a visor, then check its condition and, if necessary, repair it. A special frame is made for it from durable metal which comes from balcony slab and up to the roof beams. But in the end, the weight should not be too large so that the structure does not collapse down. Therefore, before starting work, all design drawings must be shown to specialists for approval.

If necessary, repair the concrete slab of the balcony. Next, we will consider the simplest method, when the profiles are installed directly on metal fences. To work you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • long level;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts and dowel-nails;
  • polyurethane foam.

Stages of work

  • The first step is to prepare the frames themselves while still in the apartment. With them outside, which will be directed towards the street, the protective film is removed. It will be impossible to do this in the future. And if available mosquito nets, install fasteners for them.

  • Based on the fact that the balcony has a standard shape, special fixing plates are installed to the frames at the points of connection to the walls and ceiling. The fastening will be done on them. But plastic windows are bolted to the metal fence.
  • Further preparatory work consist in adjusting the corner profiles, which are the junction of the window frames at the corners of the balcony. Measure out the required size and cut it with a grinder. Immediately determine the fastening locations with self-tapping screws and drill holes of the required diameter for them. We must remember that for every corner profile two frames will be attached at once, which means the number of holes must match.
  • Next, the canopies located on the slab of the upper balcony are strengthened. If a balcony in a typical Khrushchev-era building is glazed, then the width of these ebbs is 40 cm, but it can only be measured more accurately on site. If it does not match, then the excess is easily cut off with a grinder. The visor located in the center is attached first to the dowel-nails. To work, you will need a hammer drill to drill the required holes. This is a crucial moment, since you need to set it very evenly. The upper tides should extend beyond window profiles by 15 cm and be exactly parallel to them. With a larger offset, the sound will be too loud in heavy rain, audible even in the apartment. Short side canopies are installed using the same principle, connecting to the central one using self-tapping screws.

  • The time has come for a responsible and difficult moment. It is necessary to install a glazing structure consisting of a central part and attach a side part to it. To cope with this task you need at least three people, two of whom hold both parts, and the third fixes them with self-tapping screws in the prepared holes.
  • But before you bolt it to the balcony metal railings, you need to correctly level it. The easiest way to do this is to place pieces of plywood or wood under the lower horizontal profile. When the location is established, the side part is fixed to the wall of the house using plates and dowel-nails.
  • Using the same principle, the second side part is screwed to the central frame and attached to the wall in the same way. After this, it is checked again at the building level. And only after it has been verified that it is even, it is attached to the slab of the upper balcony.

  • The bottom of the frame is bolted on last. To do this, in the short side parts it is enough to make 2 through holes in the frame and the balcony railing, and in the central part at least 5 pieces.
  • At this point, the main installation work on glazing the balcony with your own hands is completed. The next step is foaming polyurethane foam gaps formed between profiles and walls or slabs. It will take about 1 hour to dry on a warm day. While it hardens, you can attach the lower ebbs. This is done very simply, since the design itself provides special grooves for them. The ebb is simply inserted into them and screwed to the frame.

Advice: the ebb angles should be made at an angle of 45 degrees, only in this case the balcony glazing will look aesthetically pleasing.

  • WITH inside The balcony window frame has a window sill. It is attached under the profile with self-tapping screws from the outside. But first you need to align it horizontally. When the installation is completed, the space underneath is foamed.
  • The final stage will be the installation of the window sashes themselves and their adjustment. Glazing a balcony with an aluminum profile is performed using a similar algorithm.

Glaze the balcony video

Is it possible to glaze a balcony with wooden frames?

We are not talking about the old wooden frames that were installed in houses several decades ago. And about modern wooden double glazed windows which are called Eurowindows.

  • Made from high-quality wood and treated with high-quality protective agents, such models are not inferior in performance to their plastic counterparts, and even exceed them in cost. They also have a tilt-and-turn mechanism and rubber sealing gaskets, allowing you to create warm glazing for the balcony.
  • The advantages of wooden frames include, first of all, their aesthetic appearance, which creates noble comfort on the balcony. In addition, this is an environmentally friendly material that does not emit when heated in the sun. harmful substances. And modern processing technologies have made it possible to extend their service life to 50 years.

  • In addition, if desired, you can always repaint them yourself desired color, which you can’t do with a plastic double-glazed window.
  • The disadvantages of wooden frames, if we mean classical designs, are their heavy weight. Made in a homemade way, they are quite fragile, which means it is impossible to install double-glazed windows in them. Even double-glazed frames will not help create the necessary thermal insulation and protect against street noise.
  • But even when buying ordinary wooden frames, and not Euro-windows, you need to carefully choose the manufacturer, and not focus on price. Only products produced by specialists using professional equipment can guarantee high quality. Such wooden frames with double glazing will last a long time, with proper care during operation.
  • For their manufacture, inexpensive coniferous wood is used. Due to their high resin content, they are less susceptible to rotting and mold.

How to glaze a balcony with wooden frames with your own hands

  • As is the case with plastic glazing, first they inspect the balcony itself, its condition and whether it will withstand the expected load. If concrete slab there is no doubt about the strength, then the old metal fencing It is recommended to remove it by replacing it with brickwork. This immediately achieves two goals: a strong base for the frames and insulation of the balcony room.

  • If there is no reason to change the “original” fence, then it is also inspected and, if necessary, welded. A metal corner of the required size is welded to it, to which it is attached wooden beam. It is on this that the wooden window structure will be installed.

Tip: the main rules when installing wooden frames are as follows:

  • it must be firmly attached to the top plate and to the railings. All three parts (central and two side) are also firmly connected to each other so that the structure “does not move”;
  • Gaps inevitably form at the junctions of frames with the ceiling, walls and railings. The easiest way is to seal them with polyurethane foam, which will provide proper hydro- and thermal insulation.
  • Now it’s time to prepare the frames themselves. If they do not have a protective layer, then first they are treated independently with antiseptics, and, if desired, to give color - with stains. The top is covered with several layers of varnish. It is better to choose the composition of a well-known and trusted manufacturer, this will ensure reliable protection for several years without cracking. You also need to make sure that it is intended for external works and had high degree wear resistance.

  • For convenient glazing of the balcony, the glass should be removed from the wooden frames. This will allow you to conveniently secure the structures from the inside and protect the glass itself from accidental impact. This applies to a solid solid structure; if the windows are hinged, then it is enough to remove the sashes.
  • Plates are screwed to the frame prepared in this way along the entire perimeter in increments of 60-80 cm. Next, the central part is placed and leveled horizontally and vertically. If this is done poorly, then in the future the windows will not function correctly due to skewed sashes.
  • Through the previously screwed plates, the frame is attached from below to the balcony railing. Similarly, using a hammer drill, holes are made in the top plate, and the frame is placed on dowel-nails. Next, using profile corners made of wood, the side parts are fixed to the central frame with self-tapping screws. And to the wall behind the plates on dowel-nails.

Tip: wooden window frame can be installed without additional plates. But to do this, you will have to drill it through at the connection point, and insert an anchor into the resulting hole.

  • The resulting seams at the joints are blown with foam. The excess is cut off after hardening.
  • The time has come to return the window sashes to their places or insert glass, in the case of solid glazing. Transparent silicone is used to securely fasten them and protect them from drafts.

Now the balcony is ready for insulation and finishing cladding, for example, with clapboard.