Features of building a house from sandwich panels. Houses made from sandwich panels are an excellent opportunity to quickly build a cozy residential building. Types of sandwich panels for building a house.

It is a material widely used in the construction of houses. Its design involves the presence of two sheets of metal at the edges, as well as a layer of insulation between them. For the manufacture of panels of this type, galvanized stainless steel is most often used, as well as polyurethane foam, basalt fiber and a number of other materials with good performance thermal conductivity.

“Layers” of metal and insulation are connected to each other using a special adhesive or self-tapping bolts (the specifics of fastening depend mainly on the characteristics and properties of the materials used for their manufacture).

Application area

Sandwich panels are used most often in cases where a construction company is faced with the need for the fastest and most efficient quality construction houses and some other residential buildings. They are ideal for retail premises, warehouses, car washes, hangars and some other buildings based on metal structures.


Depending on the type of insulation used, there are three types of sandwich panels:

  • Sandwich panels using mineral wool are the safest because the material used for their production is highly fire resistant. This minimizes the risk of fires. However, the high ability of wool to absorb moisture often leads to the structure sagging, deforming and eventually losing its original shape. Subsequently, this can lead to delamination of the metal. The use of sandwich panels with mineral wool in construction also leads to an increase in the load on the frame of the house, as well as its foundation. Installation of such sandwich panels is quite complicated and requires the use of large quantity physical resources.
  • Expanded polystyrene used in construction is moisture resistant and environmentally friendly. Due to its light weight, it is safe for both the foundation and the building frame. Sandwich panels of this type are quite easy to install; they are quickly produced and different at an affordable price. However, when comparing it with mineral wool, it is necessary to note lower fire resistance.
  • The third type of sandwich panels is made using polyurethane foam. Due to its low thermal conductivity, this material is ideal for freezing equipment. However, it is not environmentally friendly, and also has the lowest fire resistance of the materials presented.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sandwich panel houses have the following advantages:

  • The lightweight design of sandwich panels significantly reduces the load on the building's load-bearing structures.
  • The high speed of building construction is achieved through fairly simple technology.
  • The low cost of sandwich panels allows you to significantly save on construction.
  • Good fire resistance indicators allow houses made of sandwich panels to have higher fire safety.
  • The materials used for the production of sandwich panels guarantee high environmental friendliness of the house.
  • High flexibility is given to the home owner ample opportunities modernization.
  • Good thermal and sound insulation significantly increases the comfort of living in a house made of sandwich panels.
  • Installation work related to sandwich panels can be carried out at any time of the year convenient for you.

However, at the same time, houses made of sandwich panels have the following disadvantages:

  • Despite the strength of sandwich panels, long-term and heavy loads are strictly contraindicated for them.
  • If the installation work was carried out during the cold season, the panel joints may freeze over.
  • The service life of sandwich panels most often does not exceed 50 days.
  • If the insulation for sandwich panels was produced with the addition of basalt, this may negatively affect its thermal insulation and strength characteristics.
  • To protect the supporting frame, it is necessary to use materials that protect against corrosion (metal) and against rot and fungus (wood).
  • The presence of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam in sandwich panels significantly increases the fire hazard.


The construction of houses from sandwich panels is multi-stage, and each of them has its own rules and regulations.


  • At the first stage of construction, the foundation is installed. The depth, as well as its type, depend on the geographical features of the area, location groundwater, relief. The cost of foundation for a house made of sandwich panels is about a fifth of the cost of building a house as a whole.
  • The installation of the house itself occurs almost simultaneously with the construction of the foundation. At the beginning of construction, beams pre-treated with an antiseptic are attached to the foundation. They are most often used for fastening. The sandwich panels themselves are connected to each other using wooden planks, the thickness of which is, as a rule, about 4 cm. Subsequently, it is this structure that will play the role of the frame of the entire building. To strengthen the structure, as well as to treat the joints, special polyurethane foam is applied to the joints of the sandwich panels. Special attention You should also pay attention to “cold bridges,” namely, places where condensation can form due to increased heat loss. Every two panels require about one cylinder polyurethane foam. To improve the waterproofing of the panels, it is also possible to coat their undersides. Installation of other floors of the house is carried out at a similar level.
  • Installation of the roof using sandwich panels is carried out using traditional methods, taking into account the load on it constituent elements. After construction works will be completed, be sure to consider covering the roof with waterproofing material.
  • Installation engineering systems can be carried out at almost any stage of construction, however, it is best to carry out such work after the entire frame of the house has been assembled. It is advisable that everyone communication systems were as accessible as possible and the external surfaces in contact with the pipes must be covered with insulating material.
  • Since sandwich panels do not give rise to precipitation, the installation of doors and windows is already permissible. Other Finishing work can be carried out independently from each other.


  • It is best to start installing panels from the corner of the house; and the maximum deviation can be from 1 to 1.5 mm.
  • The second panel is attached to the first strictly at right angles using self-tapping screws.
  • Corner panels are installed with the participation of a maximum of two installers.
  • Installation of wall panels with doorways, as well as solid wall panels, is carried out using the same technology.
  • Thickness of sandwich panels used for internal partitions living space is approximately 120 mm.

Typical projects

The design of buildings made of sandwich panels is carried out depending on the characteristics of the material used for the construction of the frame, the distribution of loads on the load-bearing elements of the building, as well as the conditions environment.

Construction cost

The cost of building a house of this type depends mainly on the volume of work performed, the area of ​​the room, and the cost of sandwich panels. However, it is worth noting that the construction of houses from sandwich panels is significantly lower than similar houses made from bricks or any other materials.

A sandwich panel is a building material, the outer sides of which consist of a solid material, most often metal, and the inner side of insulation. They got their name due to the fact that the layers resemble a sandwich (English sandwich ["sænwɪʤ]) - the same materials on the outside and one more on the inside. Sandwich panels were first used in 1930 in America during the construction of a residential building. Later, a mass production production of panels. Russian Federation This building material began to be produced in 1974, and it quickly occupied its niche in the construction market.

Sandwich panels are often used in construction Source tiu.ru

Main characteristics

Sandwich panels are mainly used for the construction of low-rise buildings for commercial, industrial or other purposes. Because of the "official" appearance rarely used in the construction of residential buildings. Most often this finishing material designed for walls. Installation is carried out by attaching to metal carcass self-tapping screws.

One of the areas of application of sandwich panels is the construction of industrial buildings Source 2gis.ru

There are several types of panels.

    External wall sandwich panels. Made from metal sheets and insulation. They are mainly used for the construction of partitions, cladding the walls of a building, and for insulation purposes.

    Roof panels . Used to cover roofs. Long-term use. They are made of fireproof materials, retain heat for a long time and isolate loud street sounds. Fastening is carried out according to unique technology, protecting against deformation in the warm season.

    Three-layer panels. Convenient to use. Installation of such plates occurs quickly, without any difficulties. There is no need to strengthen the supporting structures of the building. Manufactured from galvanized steel, coating possible polymer compounds. Currently this type Sandwich panels are the most commonly used. This is the most modern building material. Moreover, the use of three-layer panels significantly reduces financial costs.

    Corner sandwich panels. Used to create a complete image of a building. Can be semicircular or angular. Made from heat-resistant, fireproof material.

Corner panels reduce labor costs during the construction and finishing of buildings Source kingspan.com

The panels are varied in color scheme, which is defined by international color standards. Colors must be chosen in accordance with climatic conditions. It is necessary to take into account the light reflection and light absorption properties of the material. The service life of the building directly depends on this.

insulation and exterior finishing of turnkey houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Types of insulation for exterior sandwich wall panels

First of all, external wall panels are usually distinguished by internal staff insulation:

    Polyurethane foam. The material is practically not subject to corrosion and deformation. Resistant to thermal and mechanical influences. It is a clean environmental product. Quite durable. The cost of such panels is quite high. However, the material is not safe in case of fire.

    Expanded polystyrene. Has high heat and sound insulation. Not exposed to thermal influences. Environmentally friendly and lightweight material. Retains its shape during prolonged contact with water. An advantage is the possibility of installing the panels in the cold season. The main disadvantage of the filler was such characteristics as fire hazard, color change when exposed to sun rays, changes shape at temperatures above 1000⁰C, causing various allergic reactions.

Source proroofer.ru

    Polyisocyanurate foam filler. The leading material among sandwich panels. Environmentally friendly, not subject to corrosion and deformation. Has minimal thermal conductivity and elasticity. Durable, fire resistant and durable. Among the shortcomings building material The only thing we can highlight is its high cost.

    Filler from mineral wool . The advantages of insulation are non-flammability, good sound insulation. The material is environmentally friendly. Does not undergo deformation when thermal effects. When in contact with metal, the possibility of corrosion is reduced to zero. It is easy to use and install. Panels filled with mineral wool also have a number of negative characteristics. First of all, it is harmful. When installing such sandwich panels, you must use a respirator. Over time, the material loses its heat-insulating properties. Working with the panels is only possible in good weather, since mineral wool is a non-moisture resistant material. If it comes into contact with water, the panel may delaminate. A fairly large weight requires additional strengthening of the supporting structures.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material, but over time it loses its properties Source s-paneli.ru

    Fiberglass insulation. The composition of the filler is similar to mineral wool, but differs significantly in properties. The advantages of this material are non-flammability, fairly high heat and sound insulation. The product is light, elastic, durable and environmentally friendly. The disadvantages include high absorption of liquids, inability to use high temperatures, deformation due to sudden temperature changes. When hitting respiratory organs may cause severe allergic reactions.

    Combined fillers. The filler contains a mixture of various building materials. Basically, these are mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

The properties of mineral wool and durability will be supported by polystyrene foam in panels with combined insulation Source samara-paneli.ru

Types of external cladding of sandwich panels

Just like the internal filler of sandwich panels, their outer layers are made of various materials.

    Paper. Aluminum foil or polyethylene becomes an addition to paper. You can find panels in which the paper is impregnated with bitumen. Panels with such cladding have a relatively low price and are economical to use.

    Metal. Mostly thin stainless or galvanized steel is used. The metal is covered with aluminum foil, cloth or paper. This serves protective function upper layers panels.

    PVC. There is a layer of insulation between the PVC sheets. Such panels are used for the construction of partitions, finishing of door and window openings.

    Drywall, fiberboard, plywood. The product is sheathed on both sides with different materials. Used in construction office partitions. Convenient to hide wiring if necessary.

This is what office premises look like when equipped with sandwich panels Source stroi-innovatsii.ru

Polymer coating

Sandwich panels also differ in the type of polymer coating. Let's look at a few main types.

    Pural. The material is resistant to sudden temperature changes and does not react when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Mainly used for external cladding of buildings.

    PE (polyester).

    Polydifluorionad. The coating is resistant to aggressive chemical compositions, air temperature changes and external mechanical influences.

    Plastisol. Panels with such a coating are used not only for exterior finishing buildings, but also for the interior.

Panels coated with plastisol can be used both indoors and outdoors Source usider.it

Panel sizes

The width of sandwich wall panels can be different. This depends on the material from which the product is made. Width varies from 100 to 103 cm. Thickness from 5 to 25 cm. Length finished product can reach 14 meters.

Video description

In detail about wall panels in the video:

Cost of sandwich panels in Moscow

The cost of the product depends on the dimensions of the sandwich wall panels: width, thickness. The choice of color also affects the cost. Prices may vary from store to store. Depending on the characteristics of the panels, prices range from 750 to 1780 rubles per m 2 *.

*the given prices are relevant for the city of Moscow

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey construction and insulation services for houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Although sandwich panels are rarely used for construction and insulation of houses, they remain effective solution For outbuildings. In any case, installation should be carried out by professionals, because the use of any building material has its pitfalls, which become known only through experience.

Sandwich panels are becoming an increasingly popular building material, allowing you to quickly build a wall, install a roof, or erect an entire building. This is a lightweight, easy to install, fairly durable material. Sandwich panels can be very different, let's understand this issue.

Any sandwich panels are really similar to the popular type of sandwich - two layers of sheet material and insulation between them. However, such a “sandwich” can have very different “fillings”, perform various functions, and themselves sheet materials very diverse are used.

By functional purpose Sandwich panels are usually divided into roofing and wall panels. It is clear that roofing materials are used for arranging roofs, including pitched ones. Walls can be used as horizontal, vertical and inclined structures during the construction of private houses, industrial and commercial buildings. In addition, it is wall sandwich panels that are used to insulate facades, as internal and external enclosing coverings, including floor and interfloor coverings. That is, the scope of application of wall sandwich panels is wider and is by no means limited to walls alone.

1 — external cladding; 2 - roof lock; 3 — trapezoidal lamellas of mineral wool; 4 — structural mineral wool lamellas; 5 - two-component glue; 6 - internal lining

As facing material in the manufacture of sandwich panels the following are used:

  • Paper. Usually with a layer of aluminum foil or polyethylene. Such panels can be used for thermal insulation of roofs, wall structures, foundations and floors.
  • Metal. Usually galvanized or thin-sheet stainless steel with a polymer coating is used: pural, plastisols, polyester, polyvinyl fluoride. Steel can replace aluminum.
  • Drywall. Such sandwich panels are used exclusively for interior work, since the outer layer, that is, drywall, is not intended for the street, even if it is moisture resistant.
  • Wood boards. They can be the usual fiberboard, plywood or cement bonded particle boards, more durable, but quite heavy.
  • PVC. Such sandwich panels are a standard three-layer structure with two rigid PVC sheets and insulation between them. Typically used for finishing door and window slopes.

As you can see, the scope of application of sandwich panels depends on the type of facing material - street conditions imply the use of metal or DSP, and for interior work all other options are suitable.

The following can be used as a filler, that is, the inner layer of sandwich panels:

  • Fiberglass (glass wool). This is an environmentally friendly, vibration-resistant, elastic, lightweight, non-flammable and durable material with good sound and heat insulation properties. However, fiberglass quickly cakes, absorbs moisture, deforms, and erodes without wind protection.
  • Polyurethane foam. Durable, effectively retains heat, resistant to mechanical and temperature deformation, waterproofing, durable, elastic material. The disadvantages of polyurethane foam include flammability - class G2, that is, “easily combustible”, high price and the need for protection from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Expanded polystyrene. Resistant, waterproof, durable, heat-insulating material that is two times lighter than mineral wool. Such sandwich panels can be installed in winter, because polystyrene foam is not afraid of temperature changes. Does not deform when exposed to moisture. However, this filler literally breaks down when exposed to sunlight. However, expanded polystyrene in sandwich panels is usually reliably covered with two layers of cladding, so this drawback cannot be called significant. But flammability - yes.
  • Mineral wool. Non-flammable, durable, sound and thermal insulation material, environmentally friendly and easy to install. Minus - mineral wool makes sandwich panels quite heavy, and also has high vapor permeability, which can cause delamination of the filler.
  • In combined sandwich panels, both expanded polystyrene and basalt-based mineral wool can be used. In this case, the filler is arranged in layers, parallel, and secured together with polyurethane glue.

Sandwich panels also differ in the connection method. Wall locks are usually equipped with tongue-and-groove locks or seam locks, while roof locks are equipped with overlapping locks, which guarantees greater tightness of the joints; this is very important for the roof.

The standard length of sandwich panels can vary from 2 to 14 m, width - from 1 to 1.2 m, thickness - from 5 to 30 cm. Typically, manufacturers indicate for which climate zone this or that sandwich panel is intended, because they often serve as walls of industrial buildings and shopping centers, frost resistance is a significant indicator, as is the required thickness.

It is important to note that all types of coatings that are applied to the metal cladding of sandwich panels can be painted in different colors In addition, a design can be applied using the offset method. This gives such sandwich panels an aesthetic appearance if they are used for construction external walls or facade insulation, no other finishing is required.

If sandwich panels are fastened to each other using the tongue-and-groove principle or other locks, then load-bearing structure usually mounted with self-tapping screws. It is important that the screws are made from of stainless steel, and the cutting and drilling areas were then painted over with enamel chosen to match the color of the panels.

The market for materials for private housing construction today is very rich: there is brick, and cellular concrete and much more. But if the question arises about quickly, easily and economically building a cozy, warm, reliable home, then the choice of building materials is significantly reduced. And here comparatively comes to the rescue new technology, quickly gaining popularity - the construction of houses from sandwich panels.

What are sandwich panels?

Sandwich panels are a popular building material today, which is manufactured in a factory using special high-performance equipment. The panel is a structure of three layers, a kind of “sandwich”: between two sheets of covering there is a layer of insulation, and the thicker and better the insulation layer, the more comfortable the conditions in the new house will be.

To cover different manufacturers use different materials: galvanized steel, aluzinc, moisture-resistant oriented particle board etc. Mineral wool, polyurethane foam, fiberglass, polystyrene foam, etc. are used as insulation.

Depending on the place of application, sandwich panels can be used for walls and roofs. Wall ones, in turn, can be smooth, simple profiled or decorative profiled (log or siding). Roofing panels are profiled on one or both sides.

Where can sandwich panels be used?

Sandwich panels are used very widely in private housing construction, and houses can be not only one-story, but also multi-story. From this material you can quickly and easily build a house on garden plot, summer kitchen, utility rooms. First you need to build a metal frame, and then attach the sandwich panels to it.

No less popular is the technology of construction from sandwich panels. public buildings: offices, warehouses, shops, restaurants, gyms, temporary shelter for workers, gas stations. And this is completely justified: not only are such buildings built quickly and economically, but if necessary, they can be easily modernized, an additional floor can be added, dismantled, transported to another location, and reassembled.

Advantages and disadvantages:

The advantages of sandwich panels include:

  • construction speed;
  • ease of construction (does not require a powerful foundation);
  • design flexibility for mobility and upgrades;
  • profitability (a house made of such panels will cost two or even three times less than a brick one);
  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • excellent thermal insulation and noise insulation properties;
  • possibility of carrying out installation work in any season.

Disadvantages of sandwich panels:

  • long-term heavy loads are contraindicated for panel construction;
  • if installation is carried out in winter time, icing may appear at the joints;
  • if the insulation contains basalt, the strength and thermal insulation characteristics of the material may deteriorate;
  • the service life of a sandwich panel structure is no more than 50 years;
  • the carrier requires protection - metal from corrosion. And wooden - from fungus and rotting;
  • The combination of OSB boards with polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam in an OSB panel is fire hazardous.

How to choose?

When choosing sandwich panels for building a house, you should pay attention to the following factors:

Type of insulation. Expanded polystyrene is an environmentally friendly, durable material that does not allow water to pass through and retains heat well. But it is a fire hazard.

Polyurethane foam - has the lowest thermal conductivity and good waterproofing properties. It is durable and impact resistant chemical substances. Disadvantage: fire hazard.
Mineral wool is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, safe, and retains heat well. The downside is low resistance to moisture, so it requires additional waterproofing.

Panel thickness. An increase in the volume of the slab leads, on the one hand, to an increase thermal insulation properties, and on the other hand, to a reduction in usable living space, more complicated installation, and an increase in the cost of the material. Therefore, you need to carefully calculate optimal thickness panels.

Panel geometry. Determined by the building design.

Manufacturer. Only a manufacturer who has sufficient experience, qualifications, a good production base and owns can guarantee the quality and durability of its products. modern technologies manufacturing. There are about 200 companies producing this material for construction on the Russian market.

The largest of them are Ruukki-Vental (Kaluga), Elektroshchit (Samara), Mosstroy-31 (Moscow), KZLK (Novokuznetsk), Thermosteps-MTL (Samara), Trimo-VSK (Vladimir), etc. Imported products are mainly supplied from England, Finland, Poland, Korea.

Sandwich panels are a building material that has great prospects and is replacing traditional materials.

Today, new materials with improved qualities are used in construction. One of them is sandwich panels. What it is, will help you understand the description of the material. It has a certain set of basic characteristics. Thanks to them, the panels are very popular.

Buildings and structures are erected from sandwich panels; they are used in roofing and window finishing. This technology is actively used abroad. In our country construction companies Sandwich panels are also actively used in the construction of project buildings. What this material is will be discussed further.

general characteristics

Sandwich panels (photo presented below) are a multilayer structure. Its basis is a layer of insulation. This can be mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. The first option is preferable. Mineral wool is made from natural components. It does not burn, pests and fungus do not grow in it.

On both sides the insulation is covered with a glossy or matte sheet of various materials. Metal sandwich panels are used in the construction of houses and roofs. They are highly durable and lightweight. All structural elements are connected using heavy-duty glue. It is applied under conditions industrial production. This is a durable, reliable design.

Today, sandwich panels are found not only for walls and roofs, but also for windows. Their internal part is also occupied by insulation. On the outer sides it is covered with a layer of polyvinyl chloride. This allows you to quickly finish window slopes.

Application area

Today, a popular building material is a consideration of the scope of application of this material. There are wall, roofing and window sandwich panels.

In the first case, the material is used in the construction of external fencing of a building, as well as for the construction of internal partitions. Wall sandwich panels are mounted on a metal frame. These are prefabricated buildings. It is the ease of creating such houses, speed and reliability that make the presented material in demand. Such buildings do not require a high-strength foundation, nor heavy specialized equipment. This significantly reduces the cost and speeds up the construction process.

Also today, sandwich panels are used for roofing and window trim. All listed species used in the construction of industrial, industrial, administrative buildings, shopping pavilions, refrigeration equipment, car washes and other similar structures. Also during the construction of private country houses The presented technology is often used.


Today you can find it everywhere. This is a popular technology all over the world. Its advantages make houses made of sandwich panels in demand. The advantages of the material include several facts.

The presented technology allows you to build houses in almost any climatic conditions. They are created all year round in all countries of the world. At the same time, the speed of work increases significantly. During a shift, a team of 2 people with the availability of lifting equipment can erect up to 200 m² of structure.

Light weight and high installation speed reduce construction costs. Also, the buildings presented do not require a complex foundation. In some cases, it is possible to do without it altogether. Sandwich panels do not require additional finishing. Both from internal and outside You can leave the surfaces in their original form. They will look aesthetically pleasing and modern. The costs of finishing walls, roofing and windows are significantly reduced.


Like any building material, metal, plastic sandwich panels have their drawbacks. This material cannot bear the load. Therefore, they are mounted on a special high-strength frame.

When installing or operating a building constructed using the presented technology, there is a risk of damaging the external coating of the panels. The plastic can be scratched and dents and cracks easily appear on it. Metal sheets wall and roofing material may be concave under the influence of mechanical loads. In this case, the panel can be changed or painted.

At the joints the panels may freeze to severe frost. If the manufacturer does not comply with the technology for creating the presented building material, over time the outer sheets may peel off from the insulation. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase material from trusted companies. You cannot skimp on the quality of sandwich panels.

Outer layer

Sandwich panel for windows, walls or roofs include an external covering of various materials. For construction, varieties are most often used that have galvanized metal sheets on both sides. Its thickness can vary from 0.7 to 0.5 mm. It is applied to it polymer coating. It protects the metal from various adverse environmental influences.

If the metal thickness is less than 0.45 mm, the use of the presented material is not recommended. Polyester is most often used as a protective layer. The marking of the panels in this case has the letters PE.

Panels with outer layers of PVC are used for windows. This is common practice when creating such materials. It is covered with a special protective film. After installation it is removed. This is a temporary coating that allows you to avoid the appearance of defects on the surface during installation.

Insulation layer

Weight and sandwich panel thickness largely depend on the type of insulation used in their production. Depending on the type of internal filler, as well as thermal insulation characteristics, the inner layer can have a thickness from 50 to 300 mm. The thicker this layer, the stiffer the building material will be. Experienced installers do not recommend using panels with an insulation layer of less than 60 mm.

Most often, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene are used as insulation in the production of sandwich panels. In the first case, the inner layer is made by melting basalt mineral raw materials. The result is fibers from which construction wool is made.

Expanded polystyrene is used everywhere as a reliable insulation material. It is made from synthetic materials. Thanks to a special production technology, this material has a lot of positive qualities.

Which filler is better?

It will be minimal both when using mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. However, the difference between the presented fillers is significant.

Expanded polystyrene is made by adding gas to a synthetic base. It occupies 95-98% of the total mass. This allows you to obtain a lightweight, durable material. It has low thermal conductivity. However this artificial material. It does not allow moisture to pass through well. This feature entails the development of fungus and increased humidity levels indoors. The building needs high-quality forced ventilation.

Mineral wool is a material that is safe for the environment and human health. It is lightweight and durable. This material absorbs sounds well and prevents heat loss. Vata promotes the formation of a healthy indoor microclimate. This non-flammable material, the use of which in the construction of walls and roofs is considered preferable.


The adhesive coating is important element sandwich panels. What it is, It will become clear upon a detailed examination of the material production technology. The insulation and outer layers cannot be tightly connected without the use of a special fixing compound. Quality manufacturer pays great attention to the choice of glue.

The elements of the system are fixed using high-strength compounds. They are made according to various technologies. This glue most often does not contain fillers or solvents. It can be a two-component glue. The composition necessarily takes into account the characteristics of the material from which the insulation and outer layers of the panel are made.

From adhesive coating depend performance building material. The fixing composition may vary depending on the conditions of the climatic zone. Therefore, when choosing panels, you need to pay special attention to this parameter.

Construction of buildings

Is simple process. If desired, you can do it yourself. To do this, the customer chooses a project for the future building. Next, a structure is developed that will consist of a frame and panels.

For small country houses and utility rooms, you don’t need to create a foundation. It is still recommended to do it for residential premises, as well as shops, administrative and other facilities. Next, the frame is erected. It has holes for windows and doors. In accordance with the design, the panels are mounted on the frame using conventional lifting equipment. Fastening is performed using a certain technology.

If necessary, such a building can be expanded over time. To do this, the panels on one side of the wall are dismantled. Next, the frame is added. Additional sandwich panels are installed on it. The construction process will not take much time. Small Vacation home can be created literally in one day.

Having considered the features sandwich panels, what is it, as well as the main characteristics and questions when choosing, everyone will be able to correctly apply the presented technology for their own purposes.