Autumn fair in kindergarten - what to prepare? Scenario for the autumn holiday “Fair” in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Autumn holiday in the senior preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

The phonogram of the Russian folk song “Barynya” sounds. Children in Russian costumes enter the hall. The boys are holding musical noise instruments in their hands - rattles, wooden spoons, tambourines. The musicians address the audience.

1st child.

Hello, hosts and hostesses!

Hello, guests and guests!

2nd child. So we came to your fair here.

3rd child. Look at the product and show yourself!

4th child. Excuse us for wearing a thin dress!

5th child.

Come closer, come closer!

And look at our goods!

The music sounds louder, children of the senior and preparatory groups enter the hall in a crowd, walk in scattered directions and in pairs. Some children have trays with “goods” in their hands. They walk around and invite “buyers”.

1st barker.

Here are the nuts! Nice nuts!

Delicious, with honey,

Let's put on a hat!

2nd barker.

Here are the threads, there are the needles,

Come buy, darling girls!

3rd barker.

We ourselves are Ryazan, Astrakhan herrings,

Let's buy it. Take it - choose it!

4th barker.

Who wants pies, hot pies?

Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple!

Akulina fried and baked it for Peter!

Let's jump in!

5th barker.

Oh yes kvass! With honey, with ice,

Both thick and luscious!

6th barker.

Needles are not broken, threads, ribbons,

Blush, lipstick, whoever needs what!

7th barker.

At Uncle Yakov's

The product will have enough of everything.

In chorus.


We will sell all items!

Children come to the tables, take dance attributes, and sit down. Two children come out to the central wall.

1st child.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, gray hazel bird,

Autumn has come to us and brought us good things:

2nd child. In the box - canvas, on the threshing floor - grain!

The recording of the Russian folk song “Swan” is playing.

Autumn enters the hall, spinning in a waltz.


I am golden autumn,

I came to see you for the holiday.

Both vegetables and fruits

I brought it to all the people!

Take me to the fair

I invite everyone!

Let them not remain silent for longer

Fun, jokes, laughter!

Poems by S. Yu. Podshibyakina

The music is played in the recording “Like Under the Apple Tree” (Russian folk song). Children with wooden spoons come forward.


The sun is rising brightly, people are rushing to the fair.

And at the fair there are goods: samovars are sold,

For sale are pitchforks, sleds, sweets and bagels.

(Addressing the children.)

You went to the fair, what did you buy there?


Wooden spoons, painted, different.

They dance and play and entertain the people!

Boys “play” spoons to the Russian folk melody “Polyanka” (audio recording).

Children are dancing.

The girl shows a matryoshka doll.

Here are the wooden nesting dolls - multi-colored and blush.

Scarlet cheeks, a scarf, flowers along the hem,

Bright bouquets dance merrily!

Children sing the song “Matryoshka”, music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by L. Nekrasova.

Then the “Dance of the Matryoshka Dolls” is performed to the melody of “Oh You, Birch” (audio recording of a Russian folk song).

Children come out with goods: a piece of multi-colored cloth, earrings, ribbons.

Children. We walked around the fair!

Autumn. What did you buy there?

1st child. Tales, tales, mothers are Chinese (shows material).

2nd child. Auntie - earrings, grandmother - a basket!

3rd child. For my little sister, the ribbon goes up to her knees!

4th child. And Vanyushka-Vanyushka bought everyone a pillow.

No pillow, no feather bed -

I bought myself some cattle!

Children stage the song “Where was Ivanushka?” (Russian folk song).

Autumn. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (Children answer.)

Then I will tell you my riddles, but not simple ones, but autumn ones. Listen:

My caftan is green,

And the heart is like red.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

It looks like a ball. (Watermelon)

The golden sieve of black houses is full,

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents. (Sunflower.)

A matryoshka stands on one leg,

Shrouded, confused. (Cabbage.)

They buried it in the ground in May and didn’t take it out for a hundred days.

Unpretentious, gnarly, but she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly, delicious!” (Potato.)

Autumn. Well done, you guessed it! And here are the answers! (Puts on hats with pictures of vegetables to the children.)

Let's play the game "Find Your Vegetable".


Like under the fairy-tale king under Pea

They walked in a cheerful crowd of buffoons.

What's a fair without buffoons? Yes, they came to us!

Together. Hello, kids - girls and boys!


Hello, buffoons! (Bows.)

What did you come to us with?

Buffoons. With news and fables, listen up everyone!

1st buffoon.

Like grandma’s goat, Varvarushka’s is gray-haired,

What a smart guy he was:

He walked on water himself, he lit the stove himself,

I cooked the porridge myself and fed my grandfather and grandmother!

Autumn. Miracles!

2nd buffoon.

Behind grandmother's yard there was a pie with cottage cheese.

If only I had an axe, I would have crossed it across.

If I had someone with me, I would eat it in half!

Autumn. Well well!

1st buffoon.

Aunt Arina cooked porridge -

Egor and Boris fought over porridge!

2nd buffoon.

On the edge, on the barn

Two crows are sitting, both looking apart.

Together. They quarreled over a dead beetle!

Autumn. Well, we got some news! Better listen to our guys sing ditties!

1st buffoon.

Yes with pleasure!

2nd buffoon.

And we will play along with them! (Takes the balalaika.)

1st buffoon.

As soon as we sit down to play, the whole street listens:

Rooster and hen, cat and cat, my friend Ermoshka

2nd buffoon.

Yes I am a little!

Buffoons “play” balalaikas, and children sing ditties.

1st buffoon.

Yes, you are masters of singing along! Let's play!

Let's just do the math first!


One two three four five!

We're going to play.

Magpies flew to us

And they told you to drive!

Held folk game“Perelizes” (buffoons in the center of the circle).

1st buffoon.

In the old days, cockfights were held at fairs.

2nd buffoon. But since we don’t have real roosters, we will choose our roosteriest ones!

2nd buffoon.

Knock-knock, knuckle-knock-knock,

A rooster walks around the yard.

He screams throughout the yard,

Whoever hears it runs!

The game “Cockerels” is played (the condition is to push the opponent out of the circle).

Autumn. While you were playing, a peddler came to our fair!

A peddler comes in accompanied by cheerful music with a box full of goods.


Oh, my box is full,

There are both chintz and brocade.

Have pity, sweetheart soul,

Well done shoulder!

Children perform the peddlers' dance to the Russian folk melody "Peddlers".

1st buffoon.

Russian songs flow straight into the soul like a river,

2nd buffoon.

The soul cannot find peace, the legs are eager to dance!

Buffoons dance a Russian dance to a tape recording of “Village Polka”, music by E. Derbenko. The growl of an animal is heard from behind the doors.

Buffoons. Yes, this is the leader Fedya leading a bear with him! Let's go meet them! (They run away from the hall.)

To an audio recording of the gypsy song “Ay, ne-ne-ne” in Spanish. Sofia Rotaru, the gypsy Fedya enters the hall, leading the “Bear” (disguised teachers) on a chain, followed by the gypsy Aza (child senior group) with cards. Fedya walks in a circle in one direction, Aza in the other, inviting children and spectators to “gild the pen” and tell fortunes.

Fedya. Hello, romale!

Aza. Hello!

Autumn. Hello, dear ones! Hello, Michal Potapych!

Fedya. Well, bear, bow to the respectable audience! (The bear bows.)

Autumn. What else can your bear do?

Autumn. Yah?

Fedya. And see for yourself! Bear, tell me, how much will it be to add one? (The bear knocks the tambourine twice. Fedya gives the bear sugar.)

Autumn. Bear, how much is one plus two? (The bear knocks twice.)

Fedya. Think, little bear, think! (The bear swings to the sides and knocks three times.)

Well done, well done! (Gives sugar.)

Well, what is one plus three? (The bear roars, slaps itself on the head, and sways.)

Fedya. Do not you know? (The bear nods his head.) Well, nothing, nothing!

Have any of you ever seen a bear dance?

Haven't you seen it? No problem, we'll show it to you!


He's a little clumsy and shy, too.

But she can’t resist, she loves to dance!

(To the bear.) Come on, black-headed! (Takes the guitar.)

Bear and Aza dance to a gypsy folk melody, spectators clap. After the dance, Aza goes to collect the fee.


Then in a circle there is a clubfoot

Walks on his front paws,

Now squatting, now skipping,

Oh yes bear! Hey stomper!

Fine! And even very!

Oh, and you are a master of dancing!

The clumsy bear is very

He wants to become a circus performer!

The Gypsies and the Bear bow and leave to the Russian folk music “Turquoise Rings” (recording).

Autumn(to children). Well, why are you depressed? This is no good at a fair!

Come out, good fellows, and call the red girls!


You, beloved girlfriends,

You beauties and funny girls,

Come to the meadow

Let's all stand in a circle!


You will all grab your hands

And take the young men with you!


You girls, girls, cheerful swans,

Let's go out into the street and clap our hands!

Children perform the round dance “You, young girls” (Russian folk song). After the round dance, the children remain in a circle. A voice is heard from behind the doors: “Oh! I'm late! I’m late for the fair!”

Autumn. Yes, it was Matryosha who came to our fair!

Matryosha (teacher) enters the hall with a tray in her hands. On it there is a jar, a fake pie, a handkerchief and an embroidered towel. Matryosha makes her way into the circle towards the children.


Oh, good guys, let Matryosha pass!

Motya came to the market and brought goods here!

Autumn. Motya walks around with a pie during the bargaining session! Motya. Hey! The price is inexpensive! You will buy a pie!

Children. Pie, pie, who needs pie? (Turning to each other.)

Autumn. You fermented the dough for the pie for a whole month!

Children(scared). Pirogue? Pirogue? We don't need pie!

Autumn. Motya walks around with jelly during the haggling and haggling.

Motya. Hey! Buy some jelly! You will eat, praising!

Children. Kiselya? Kiselya? Who needs jelly?


You went to put the jelly - you took water from the pond!

The mice drank in that pond and drowned in the water!

Children. Kiselya? Kiselya? We don't need jelly!

Motya. If you don’t want some jelly, I’ll give you some handkerchiefs.


You play, accordion player, play, don’t be shy,

Today, accordion player, try your best for us!

“Bank Quadrille” (Russian folk melody) is performed. After the dance, the children sit down.


Curly Ivan has a good gait!

I love the way you walk and take you by the hand.

I'll take you down the street and give you a kiss!

Children stand in a circle with Autumn, in the center of the circle is Matryosha with an embroidered towel on her shoulder. The “Kissing Game” is held to the melody of “Oh, you haymakers” (Russian folk song). After the game, the children sit on chairs.


Ah, girlfriends, girlfriends,

I still miss Petrushka.

We need to find him and bring him to the holiday.

Dili-don! Dili-li!

Have you seen Parsley?

Child. We looked into the garden - there was no Parsley at the gate.

Autumn. We went into the settlement - there was no Parsley at the game!

Child. They went around all the festivities, but Petrushka was not found!

Autumn. What to do? How to be? How to cheer the guys up?


I want to surprise everyone by replacing Parsley with you.

Come on, clap your hands and say loudly, out loud:

“Show it, Matryosha!” Come on, together: “One, two, wow!”

Autumn helps Matryosha - the screen rises and Parsley appears on it.


Hello, honest people! (Bow.)

Say hello to me! (Children say hello.)

Well, how are you? Are you dancing or playing?

And I brought you news from all the volosts!

Autumn. Which ones are these?


But what kind!

A village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from the gateway

The gates are barking!

The horse was eating porridge

And the man is oats.

The horse got into the sleigh,

And the man is lucky!

Katya, Katya, Katyukha

Saddled a rooster.

The rooster crowed

I ran to the market!

Autumn. That's the news!


And I have others too!

The cricket sat on the pole,

Cockroach - in the corner.

Sat down, sat down,

They sang songs!

Autumn. Well well!


They heard the spoons - they stretched out their legs,

The kalachi heard it and jumped from the stove,

Let's sing along, sing along and dance!

Autumn. But as?

Parsley(dances). That's it! That's it! Yes, that's it! That's it! That's it! Yes, that's how it is!

The Russian folk melody “Barynya” is heard in the recording, and the children applaud.


Don't be timid, honest people,

Come dance with me!

Children and adults dance, then Matryosha lowers the screen.

Matryosha. Once upon a time there were two geese, that’s the whole story!


This is where the fairy tale ends,

And whoever listened - well done!


Every young man should

From the garden - a cucumber.


Yes, while you were listening to Parsley,

The hares ate the cucumbers in the garden.


If it didn’t work out with cucumbers -

We'll treat you to lollipops!

To the accompaniment of cheerful Russian folk music, buffoons with spoons enter the hall and play along with them. Autumn and Matryosha treat the children to candy.

Adults(in unison). We got a lollipop, and that’s the end of the fair!

Children leave the hall to the music with candy.

Leading. Since ancient times in Rus', at the end of field work, harvesting from fields and gardens, fairs were organized in cities and villages, where the fruits of their labor were brought for sale. The fairs were noisy and fun, there were folk festivals with round dances, buffoons, and various competitions.

And today we will visit such a fair.

The one who is happy to sing and dance,

He's like a dear brother to us.

Who will sing and dance with us?

It will be a hundred times nicer and more beautiful.

1. To the fair, to the fair

Hurry up everyone here!

Here are songs, jokes, sweets

We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

2. Attention, attention!

Fun party opens

Hurry up, honest people,

The fair is calling you!

3. Many things await you,

You can play games.

Show strength, dexterity,

Have a lot of fun

Have some sweet tea.

4. And from all corners of the earth

Everyone came to the fair.

People gather

Our fair is opening.

Thomas and Erema.

Hello, brother Erema!
Hello, brother Thomas!
Where are you heading?
I'm going to the fair.
At work - so behind the last, but like at the fair - ahead of the first. Who told you about the fair?
Kuma said.
How does the godfather know?
Kuma knows everything that is going on in the world. Have you been to the fair, Brother Thomas?
Been there.
Is it big?
I didn't measure it.
Didn't fight.
Who did you see at the fair?
I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was led on a chain; her eyes were narrow and her forehead was wide.
It was a bear!
What a bear! I've known a bear before, but he's not like that: a gray bear, a long tail, a big mouth.
Yes, it's a wolf!
All of you, brother, are speaking inappropriately. I knew the wolf before: the wolf is small, has slanting eyes, long ears, jumps from hill to hill and runs away from dogs.
It's a hare!
What kind of hare is there? I knew the hare before: the hare is white, has a black tail, flies from tree to tree and chirps.
Why, it's an ermine! And stop telling stories, brother Thomas.

The sun is rising brightly.

People are rushing to the fair.

And at the fair there are goods,

The samovars are blazing with heat.

(Tables with different goods, behind them are sellers in Russian folk costumes.)

1.Tary bars - rastabars,

There are good products.

Not a commodity, but a real treasure.

Grab it in great demand.

Come, my friend Vavila!

Wrap it up, Gavrila!

Wrap it up, Matryona!

Line Erem's pocket!

2. Garden apples,

Honey apples,

All poured,

All crumbly.

Pears and pineapple

Collect in reserve.

3. Oh yes pie, this pie

Ivanushka baked it himself!

No matter how hot it is, your lips burn

One oil - it clings to the hands.

With a hint of sugar

About half a pound in weight.

4. Get in a row.

Choose in a row.

Pipes, firecrackers. Beautiful, nice,

Fun for children.

5. Here are the pancakes - pancakes,

Baked in ovens.

Both juicy and milky,

And grainy

And crumbly.

With smoke, with steam,

With a headache.

Dramatization of “How an Old Man Sold a Cow.”

An old man was selling a cow at the market; no one would give a price for the cow. Although many people needed the little cow, people apparently didn’t like it.

Master, will you sell us your cow?
Selling. I've been standing with her at the market since morning.
Aren't you asking a lot for her, old man?
Where to make money! I would like to return what is mine.
Your little cow is too thin.
The damn thing is sick, it's just a disaster.

Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet.

The old man traded at the market all day. Nobody gave a price for the cow. One

the boy took pity on the old man:

Dad, your hand is not easy! I'll stand next to your cow, maybe

We will sell your cow.

A buyer comes along with a tight wallet, and now he’s haggling with the guy:

Will you sell the cow?
Buy if you are rich. Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
Is it true? Looks too skinny!
Not very fat, but good milk yield!
Does a cow give a lot of milk?
If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.

The old man looked at his cow

Why am I, Burenka, selling you? I won’t sell my cow to anyone, I need such a beast myself!

Guide with a bear.

Make way, honest people.

The little bear is coming with me. (the bear bows)

He knows a lot of fun.

There will be a joke, there will be laughter.

Little bear, can you sing?

(gives him an accordion, he plays and roars. The guide retreats, covering his ears. The bear comes at him, he waves his hands, takes the accordion. The bear bows).

- Now show us, Mishenka, how girls blush,

They look in the mirror and preen themselves.

- And how grandma baked pancakes,

Yes, I burned my hands.

- How do women go to work? (barely - barely)

- Do they run home from work?

- Show it to everyone

how Dunyasha comes into the circle,

starts dancing wildly. (the bear puts on a scarf, grabs the ends and to the music “From Under the Oak”

1. waddles

2. falling on his leg, he spins

3. alternately throws legs forward

4. spins in the other direction

5 sits on the floor

- Mishutka is already tired (gets up)

And he bowed to the people (bows).

Along the fair to the end

There was a daring fellow

Not a product to sell,

Show yourself to people.


Oh, my box is full,

There are also chintz and brocade.

Have pity, dear soul,

Well done shoulder.

I'll give you a whole piece of calico,

Scarlet ribbon for braids.

Belt - white shirt

Belt into haymaking.

Girls run up, take it apart, try it on, dance in a circle, sing a song.

Parsley. (Doll on the screen).

Hello, kids!

Hello guys.

Nice girls,

Quick-eyed hawks.

Please come over

Look at the parsley.

Guy and funny guy

Everyone knows this.

I came to amuse you

Congratulations on the holiday.

Well, what is there to interpret?

It's time to start the show.

Everyone sit around me

Some on the stump, and some on the bench,

Don't push!

Ulya and Filya. (Puppet show).

Hello, Phil!
Hello, Ulya!
Where have you been?
At my mother's.
What, did your mother send you gifts?
Mother sent pancakes.
Where are they?
I put them under the bench.
What a weirdo, Filya.
How about you, Ulya?
I would put it in the oven, you would come and eat.

(disperse to the music, then converge again)

Mother sent a sundress.
Where is he?
I put it in the oven.
What a weirdo, Filya.
How about you, Ulya?
I would hang it in the closet.

Mother sent a ram.
Where is he?
I hung it in the closet.
What a weirdo, Filya.
How about you, Ulya?
I would take him into the barn, give him water to drink, and give him some hay.

Mother sent Nastyushka.
Where is she?
I took her into the barn, gave her water to drink, and gave her hay.
What a weirdo, Filya.
How about you, Ulya?
I would sit her at the table and give her tea

Mother sent a pig.
Where is she?
I sat her down at the table and gave her tea.
Oh, Phil, what a simpleton you are!

Presenter Attention, attention!

Let's start a fun party!

Hurry up, honest people!

The fair is calling you!

Competitions in strength and agility.

Cock-fights. (a circle is drawn on the floor. Two guys are on one leg, holding the other with their hand, the second hand behind their back, trying to push each other out of the circle)
Accurate arrows (hit a small ball into a basket or a scarecrow drawn on cardboard)
Wall to wall. (two teams of boys stand facing each other and clasp their hands at the elbows through one. Each team pulls forward, whose team will be stronger)
Harvesting. (various vegetables are scattered at some distance from the children. You can only carry one item at a time and put it in a basket)
Tug of war.

Sellers at the tables again

Come on over, boys.

Gingerbread cookies, gingerbread cookies,

Delicious with honey

Let's put on a hat.

Scarves, combs,

Painted cockerels.

Small consumption

Come, honest people.

I'm standing on the edge

I'm almost giving it away for nothing.

For riddles and jokes,

For songs and jokes!

Well, what a product!

Both one is good and the other is good.

Choose whichever you want.

They invite everyone

Everyone is invited.

They don't sell goods

They only give away for free

For riddles and jokes,

For songs and jokes.

They give it away with fun,

With a joke and a laugh.

Children come up to the tables and “buy” the product they like, telling a proverb, riddle, counting rhyme, nursery rhyme, etc.)

Report on the preparation and holding of the “Autumn Fair” holiday

in GBOU Gymnasium No. 1552 p. 7 Prepared by: Educator of the 1st category Beglaryan N.E. GBOU gymnasium No. 1552 (page 7)

Objectives of the event:

  • Involve parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  • To achieve the unification of children, their parents, all preschool employees educational institution through joint activities through the development of family creativity and the creativity of preschool teachers.
  • To instill in children respect and a sense of pride in their family.
  • Reinforce in children the concept of “fair”, “product”, “money”, “income”, etc.

Preliminary work with children: familiarization with the traditions of holding fairs in Rus', learning musical numbers, Russian folk songs, round dances, ditties, repetition of the following concepts “fair”, “product”, “money”, “income”, “price”, consideration of Russian folk costumes.

Relevance of the event:

Fairs in Rus' originated in ancient times. And, as a rule, they arose in the most inconvenient places at the intersection of trade routes. There was no special organization at fairs back then. Often crowds of celebrating people made noise, shouted and even started fights. Such fairs were long-lasting, lasting several months. But no matter how the fairs ended, people returned not empty-handed, but always with gifts.

Fairs in Rus' not only took root, but also became a tradition. Fairs called “Gifts of Autumn” have become a good tradition. And this is very symbolic. After all, autumn is the most fertile time of the year.

I know that for about more than ten years, “Fun Fairs” have been held in and educational institutions, and in preschool educational institutions. In our State Budgetary Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1552 p. 7, the fun fair “Gifts of Autumn” was held for the first time. For all our preschool this day (September 25, 2015) became a real holiday. What is a holiday? Of course, a holiday means positive emotions. And a family holiday is a double holiday.

Undoubtedly, the main objective fairs - establishing a close connection between teachers and parents for the successful upbringing and development of children. And for us adults (both teachers and parents) it was important to convey to our children that they are carriers of Russian folk culture, which entails a lot of interesting, exciting and colorful activities.

I would also like to add that the fair is a folklore festival, which involves a colorful spectacle taking place in a relaxed, cheerful manner.

As I noted, this was the first time we had such a celebration and we were very worried. Not only children from older groups, but also kids took part in the “Gifts of Autumn” fair.

Pupils of the preparatory group, together with the teacher, carried out certain previous work:

  • acquaintance with the traditions of holding fairs in Rus';
  • learning Russian folk songs, round dances, ditties;
  • reading nursery rhymes, fables;
  • examination of Russian folk costumes.

This preliminary work aroused keen interest among the children and became a real gift for them.

I also think that in the preparatory group, even in a playful way, it is necessary to introduce children to the concepts: “Fair is a product”, “Fair is a cash", "Fair - income".

Corresponding preliminary work was carried out with the children’s parents. From the very beginning they were informed that all funds raised at the fair would be used for the needs of the kindergarten. Our parents treated the event as a holiday, with good mood and with great enthusiasm.

Our “Fun Fair” began on the appointed day and hour (September 25 at 16.00) to Russian folk melodies.

The barker ditties were especially good:

Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

What does your soul desire -
You will find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without purchasing!

Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
People gather -
Our fair is opening!

Of course, everyone present at the event was busy useful thing. Many guests came to the fair: mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, neighbors of our pupils along with their children.

Each group with great love laid out their gifts of autumn in their “rows”. And there were plenty of them: fruits and vegetables in great abundance, preparations, jars of jam, compotes, excellent home-baked goods, as well as various handmade crafts. In a word, our “shopping arcades” were full of an abundance of berries and vegetables, and sweets not only became the decoration of the fair, but were also the “culprits” of the alluring, sweet aroma.

Thanks to inviting ditties and poems, fun and a general festive mood, more and more people came to the fair.

They were joyfully and animatedly greeted by preschool teachers, dressed in bright, beautiful sundresses, and the children, in turn, danced in circles with adults, played and had fun.

The children were especially impressed by the painted samovar, which not only became a decoration at the fair. Together with their parents, the children enjoyed drinking tea from the samovar. After the fair, many children admitted that they had never drank tea from a samovar before, and the samovar itself had only been seen on the pages of books or in movies. Our parents not only tried to ensure that the tables were “laden” with food, but also acted as active participants in the fair: they were both buyers and even sellers.

All parents were deeply grateful for their active participation in the autumn fair. Many children showed themselves not only to be inquisitive, but also to be true craftsmen. It is impossible to describe the joy of the children and their parents when their crafts were among the first “acquisitions”.

In general, the “Autumn Gifts” fair was very fun and lively, with excitement and positive emotions; interest in this event exceeded all possible expectations. Each group wanted to get as much money as possible into their “piggy bank”, which could be used for certain needs of the group.

Autumn fair in kindergarten brought many bright and unforgettable emotions and impressions to both children and their parents, as well as the preschool staff itself.

Our preschool team will be looking forward to the next holiday fair.

Lyubov Eliseeva

Today at preschool educational institution No. 16 of the city of Kamyshlov there was a magnificent and cheerful « Autumn fair» .

"Fair, fair, gold fair. " - began with these words themed holiday in the preparatory group "Luchiki" of our kindergarten. On fair Parents of the students were invited. The idea of ​​holding it was not without reason. It has become a good tradition in our city to hold such events. autumn and spring. People are looking forward to fair to buy something for yourself and your family, sometimes even just to take a walk and have fun.

That is why, in collaboration with the music director, speech therapist and parents, we created a joyful and comfortable atmosphere for children. Fair buffoon dancers open (teachers Eliseeva L.A. and Titova E.A.) and our holiday begins with the Merry Carousel dance.

Well, what kind fair without performance? The famous cheerful Petrushka tells in jokes and jokes how he visited the big fair and what gifts I bought there. The children sang Russian folk songs throughout the holiday.

None of those present were left indifferent by the fiery dances "Gypsy" And "Quadrille". Great delight and great mood gave autumn fair for everyone!

Publications on the topic:

On September 30, a fair was held in our kindergarten. The hall was decorated for autumn colorful leaves, flowers and balloons. They performed.

In our kindergarten "Rosinka", it has already become an annual tradition to hold autumn fair, in in which all age groups take part.

“Autumn Fair” (Participants of the holiday - teacher, children and parents. Children stand in pairs near open doors. Parents sit on tables.

Photo report “Autumn Fair” Dear colleagues! I would like to present to your attention a photo report “Autumn Fair”. This is one of the brightest and most colorful.

Good afternoon, colleagues and friends! I would like to bring to your attention a small photo report “Autumn Fair visiting the guys!” In our garden.

Autumn time, the charm of the eyes... During this most charming time, our institution annually hosts one of the annual favorite children and.

Name: Scenario "Autumn Fair". Preparatory group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, Preparatory group

Position: music director
Place of work: MB Preschool educational institution for children Garden No. 7 “Sun”
Location: Kaltan, village. Permanent Kaltan City District, Kemerovo Region

Preparatory group

A girl and a boy enter an elegantly decorated hall and stand in the center of the hall.

BOY Autumn has arrived... now in kindergarten,

Throwing new leaves onto the path,

GIRL The leaves rustled “Farewell to the fly!”

Autumn has come to us......MEET!


AUTUMN Hello, dear parents and our guests! (bow) We are pleased to welcome you to our Autumn Hall.

I’m so pleased guys, your speeches are very sweet!

How can I surprise you?

What can I do to cheer you up?

But I probably know!!! I invite you to the autumn fair!

Let the fun, jokes, laughter continue!

You are in a hurry to the fair, Autumn is a great time to have fun!

The show begins

The fair is opening!!!

TO THE MUSIC “It’s fun time, let’s start dancing” 2 Buffoons RUNNER IN AND PERFORM A SIMPLE DANCE.

1 Buffoon Hello! Dear gentlemen!!!

We came to the fair here!

2 Buffoon Look at your product, Show yourself!

1 Buffoon Excuse us for wearing a bad outfit

2 Buffoon We are cheerful amusements, famous buffoons and scoffers!

1 Buffoon For a copper nickel, we’ll dance this way and that!

2 Buffoon You will be pleased! Great! Three boxes of pleasure!

TOGETHER People gather! The fair is opening!

(raise your arms up, right leg on the heel.)



1 child Today we have a fair... Buy everything in reserve!

2 reb. Dress up, get ready....Go for a walk!

3 reb. Who sells pies…..Who sells pretzels,

4 children Who shouts to the whole bazaar.... “Hurry up to buy the goods!”

5 reb. Hey people, don't yawn!!! Get your nickels!

6 children Dance, walk... Just don’t open your mouth!

7 children We love, we love to watch... We love, we love to sing songs!

THE SONG “GOLDEN FAIR” IS PERFORMED (at the end everyone disperses and sits down in their places)

Grandfather (child) comes out, sits down on a pre-set chair, sleeps (hands under cheek)

A girl approaches him.

Hey, grandfather, get up, the fair has already begun, and you are still snoring (grandfather is sleeping and does not react)

GIRL STOMPING FOOT Get up, I tell you!

GRANDFATHER GETS UP AND STRETCHES FAQ You screamed, What kind of fair?


GIRL STOPS MY FOOT Get up, I tell you. The vegetables and fruits in the garden have long since ripened, it’s time to take them to the fair,

GRANDFATHER GETS UP Well, okay, let's get it together,

AUTUMN Guys, let's help grandfather reap the harvest.

THE GAME “LET’S HARVEST!” IS BEING HELD! (2 links of 8 people each, 2 hoops in which 8 pieces of vegetables and fruits are placed, 2 buckets or baskets.)

AUTUMN And at this time the fair was in full swing!

All the children got up from their chairs and said in unison:

Tara - bars, tara - bars

We will sell all items!

Not a commodity, but a real treasure

Take everything apart!

THE MELODY “CARRIERS” SOUNDS 2 boys and 2 girls take trays from the counters, walk decorously and stand in the center of the hall.

1 child I’m selling a pig, I’m giving it to you for free,

This is a miracle pig, super smart, like a child!

He reads and counts and turns on the TV himself!


2 REB. Those nuts are good!

Chew it to your heart's content!

Delicious with honey, put on your hat!


3 reb. Eggplants for sale

Our Russian bananas

Oh, only people eat them,

Monkeys won't eat.


Because monkeys

They love sweet bananas!


Fish, buy fish, choose any one!

I caught it in the ice hole myself, I salted it in a resin barrel myself.

I brought it to the fair myself, a whole cartload for sale!

They show everything they sell


1st Come, poor thing!

2nd Come rich!

3rd Come thin!

4th come pot-bellied!


Tara - bars, rastabars

We will sell all items!!!


AUTUMN (addresses the girls) they are sitting on the right side,

Did you go to the fair?

Tell me what you bought?

GIRLS (addressing the boys in unison) sit on the left side

Let's haggle guys. Maybe we can buy something?

BOYS (answer in unison)

Let's bargain, girls, and at the same time we'll sing for everyone!



Boys. We are traders, barkers,

We guys are great.

All our products are excellent:

Spoons, combs, bells.

Girls. Oh, traders, barkers,

The prices are too high!

The buyer here is experienced,

The people here are not fools.

Losing, the girls beat the boys, the boys clap, stamp their feet.

Boys. Come and try it on

Our ribbons and scarves!

Don't waste your time -

Get your wallets out!

Girls. Wow update

Nothing good!

This dress is not new

This dress is worn

Losing perform the movements.

Boys. Oh, dear girls,

Let me tell you:

We have an offer

Take a walk with you

GIRLS We are girls - a sight for sore eyes

Everyone admires us

Come on Sunday

For a merry dance!

Loss……….(after singing they remain in place)

AUTUMN They sang ditties from the heart,

We all listened and watched

Now come on people

Show us the dance!!!


Again the grandfather comes with a bag.

I was at the fair

I bought a lot of shoes!

But she's all mixed up in the bag, guys, can you help me figure it out?

Grandfather pours shoes out of the bag. Autumn helps.

AUTUMN Oh!!! How many shoes do we have?

Oh, let's try to put on the chairs now!


(3 children’s chairs, 6 pairs of adult shoes with heels, children put on their shoes to the music, each chair wears one shoe, Autumn and the Buffoons help)

AUTUMN Oh, here's another game! Open the gate!!!


“Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And the third time we won’t let you through.”

(Children pass between the collars. At the last words, adults lower their hands. Whoever is “caught” dances, I clap the rest. At the end of the game, everyone sits on chairs;

AUTUMN (addresses the boys)

Well, you went to the fair too

Is that what you bought?


Balalaikas - look! Let's play from the heart.


Buffoon The fair is noisy and singing,

I hear someone coming towards us!

The gypsy music “Little trickle, little trickle...” sounds, and a gypsy woman (adult) comes in dancing and performs a simple dance.

Buffoon (SURPRISED) I can’t believe my eyes, have the gypsies really come to our fair? Well, hold your wallets tight

Now they will start guessing and tugging at your sleeve

Anyone can be tricked and deceived.

The buffoon speaks, turning first to the boys and then to the girls, putting his palm to his mouth “as if on the sly.”

GYPSY (hands on hips)! what a shame to frighten you with gypsies,

We haven't lived by deceit for a long time,

And we sing and play the guitar,

We are performing at the Romen Theater!!!

I am a young gypsy, I am not an ordinary gypsy,

I can cast a spell and tell the whole truth!

Let me tell you my fortune, dear! (takes Autumn by the hand) precious one! I see glitter along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children, (Approaches one of the children)

Oh, my killer whale! Give me your pen, I'll tell you my fortune! OH!!! I see the road, this is the road of life, it leads to a government house! You will have a lot of friends in your life, take care of them!

(The gypsy tells fortunes to her parents using cards, offers to move the deck)

Oh, what a wonderful king you have. Well - well, what awaits you? Oh, you have great love, And you have a late track. Well…. Cute! And with you about what you got it...let's talk later!

SUDDENLY A BEAR GROWLS. The boy Fedya comes in to the music, leads the bear on a string, the girls are gypsies behind.

GYpsy Yes, it's Fedya! Brings a bear with him!

(Fedya and the bear stand in the center, the gypsies on the sides)

FEDYA Hello, honest people! Come on, Mishka, bow to the respectable audience.

GYPSY What else can your Mishka do?

FEDYA -Have any of you ever seen Mishka dance?

He's a little clumsy and shy

But she can’t resist, she loves to dance!

Come on...come on, blackhead! (addresses the gypsies)

You Romans help, dance with my Mishka!

“GYpsy Girl” IS PERFORMED (Fedya moves aside and plays along on the tambourine. Mishka dances in the middle) At the end, the gypsy girls speak.

GYPSY 1-And what doesn’t happen at the fair?

What is it that the Russian people don’t play?

GYpsy 2-Jokes, jokes, fun!

Well, we invite you

ALL IN CHORUS - take a ride on the carousel!!!

TO THE Merry MUSIC………………………children ride on the “CAROUSEL”, alternately girls, then boys.

A GIRL COMES OUT - We've had a blast, it's time to drink tea!

SAMOVARYCH come out! Treat us to some tea!

(The boy SAMOVARYCH comes out from the center of the hall)

SAMOVARYCH is ME!!! You can't do without me!

Shu-shu-shu, Shu-shu-shu, I'm letting off steam from myself!

The water will boil quickly! Try some tea then!

GIRL - Oh, what should I pour it into?

SAMOVARYCH - Cups.... cups must be called!


AUTUMN - How many dances, how many jokes, and funny jokes!

I’ll tell you one, I’ll tell you and show you!

Dramatization “HOW THE OLD MAN SOLD A COW” .

(An old man comes out and brings out a cow)

Presenter. An old man was selling a cow at the market,

Although many needed a little cow,

But apparently people didn’t like her.

Skomorokh 1. Master, will you sell us your cow?

Old man. Selling! I've been standing with her at the market since morning.

Skomorokh 2. Aren't you asking a lot for her, old man?

Old man. But where to make money, I wish I could get what’s mine back!

Skomorokh 1. Your little cow is too thin!

Old man. She's sick, damn it, it's a real disaster!

Skomorokh 2

Old man. Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet!

Presenter. The old man traded at the market all day,

Nobody gave a price for the cow.

One boy took pity on the old man:

Boy. Dad! Your hand is not light!

I'll stand next to your cow,

Maybe we'll sell your cow.

Presenter. There comes a buyer with a big wallet,

And now he is bargaining with the boy:

Buyer. Will you sell the cow?

Boy. Buy if you're rich!

Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!

Buyer. Is it true? Looks too skinny...

Boy. Not too fat, but good milk yield!

Buyer. Does a cow give a lot of milk?

Boy. If you don’t give it away in a day, your hand will get tired!

Presenter. The old man looked at his cow:

Old man. Why am I, Buryonka, selling you?

I won’t sell my cow to anyone!

You need such a beast yourself!

Your milk, Buryonka, is simply a miracle!

I will always, always drink it!

Cow. And milk tastes twice as good

If this…

(Turns the other side - the inscription “Milky Way”)


Presenter. Come on, Cow, give me some milk!

(The presenter places a bucket under the cow into which Milky Way chocolates are poured. Distributing treats to children)

Here is the crown of a merry holiday,

Well, our fair is over!

AUTUMN I’m sorry to say goodbye to you, but winter’s turn is approaching

I will come to you guys again, you are waiting for Autumn in a year!

Autumn invites parents to buy something as a keepsake at the fair.