Orlov lowered Kalmykia. From the dossier of the Kalmyk Human Rights Center

Prime Minister of Kalmykia Oleg Kichikov, who appears in a series of criminal scandals, is intriguing for the post of regional head

Against the backdrop of recent reappointments to gubernatorial positions, one can observe a picture worthy of study by professional criminologists. Namely, a sharp intensification of various kinds of dubious characters, vying with each other to try to assure the Kremlin that only they are capable of governing a single subject of the federation.

Moreover, sometimes things go so far that, forgetting about subordination, officials of fairly high rank begin to openly intrigue against the leadership.

These “trends” have not bypassed Kalmykia, where the reappointment of the head of the region is scheduled for the end of October. Thus, the other day, the odious figure of the self-proclaimed “leader of the Kalmyk opposition” Alexander Ledzhinov, who was involved in the bankruptcy of the once largest Elista meat processing plant in the republic, resurfaced from obscurity.

However, the thieving veterinarian, who hid in Moscow from trial and investigation in the mid-90s, has been trying to pretend to be a mini-Napoleon for so long and unsuccessfully that his attempts cause nothing but derogatory ridicule among his fellow countrymen. Far more revealing are facts of a different order.

For example, in a number of federal media, through the mouths of hired “experts” and “political scientists,” information is being intensively disseminated today about the “indispensability” of local Prime Minister Oleg Kichikov. Who allegedly “is the only real candidate for the highest Republican post.”

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of citizens of Kalmykia hold the opposite opinion. It is not surprising: the series of high-profile criminal scandals involving Mr. Kichikov has not yet been forgotten here.

"Drugstore Cowboy"

Oleg Kichikov first appeared in Kalmyk politics in 2003, when he was appointed minister territorial development RK with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister. At that time, his candidacy was aggressively lobbied by the group of the then mayor of Elista, Radiy Burulov, who were systematically expanding their influence on business and government in the steppe republic.

The newly minted minister owed his career growth to his older brother, Igor Kichikov, one of the key figures in Radiy Burulov’s entourage. In turn, the brother of the current prime minister left such a rich legacy in Kalmykia that it would not be superfluous to devote a separate chapter to him.

If it were not for the collapse of the Union, Igor Kichikov would probably have remained a modest cardioreanimatologist until his retirement. But during the transition period, priorities changed. And the ability to establish the “necessary” connections helped Mr. Kichikov open in 1996. pharmacy chain"Astorat-Elista".

Literally a year later, with the appointment of Radiy Burulov as 1st Deputy Mayor of Elista, the Astorat company received a monopoly on the supply of medicines to all medical institutions in the city. As it was later established, deliveries were carried out at significantly inflated prices. It’s not hard to guess whose pocket the difference was filling. Most likely, they divided it into two.

In 2000, the current mayor, Vyacheslav Shamaev, was severely beaten and expelled from Elista. His place was taken by Radiy Burulov. By a strange coincidence, at the same time Igor Kichikov headed the Kalmyk branch of the Rosno-MS insurance company. This allowed him to become a pharmaceutical monopolist on a national scale.

In 2001 (the year of his 40th birthday), the ambitious pharmacist found himself in the Elista city assembly, having passed on the list of the Burulov movement “Our City”. True, for the sake of formal compliance with the law profitable business had to be transferred to the management of his wife, Lilia Kichikova.

Later, Igor Kichikov founded and headed the Union of Entrepreneurs of Elista - in partnership with the “authoritative” businessman Nikolai Dzhogaev (according to some sources, the “curator” of Radiy Burulov’s connections with the criminal world).

In essence, the EIT was created for the purpose of kicking out under the pretext “ membership fees» money from local entrepreneurs. Of course, in favor of the Burul group, which is increasing its appetite.

In 2003, Igor Kichikov, relying on solid administrative and financial resources, was elected as a deputy of the People's Khural (parliament) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Let us remember that by that time his younger brother Oleg was settling into the post of republican minister. The tentacles of the Burulov organized crime group entangled more and more spheres of power.

At the same time, Kichikov Sr. gained the confidence of the candidate for State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Muscovite Nikolai Daikhes (elections to the Duma and Khural were held simultaneously). And he even managed to become the head of his election headquarters.

As a result, “comrade” Daikhes lost the Duma elections miserably. After which a loud scandal broke out - Muscovites accused Igor Kichikov of stealing funds from the election fund, amounting to at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Apparently, very soon the “accusers” were reminded of the fate of the crippled ex-mayor Shamaev, and the conflict was settled. In addition, in Russian history There are no known cases of anyone being held criminally liable for the theft of “black cash” during the pre-election period. Perhaps this is the safest, from the Criminal Code’s point of view, method of theft...

Peak political career the former doctor's tenure came in 2005, when, having secured the support of Burulov's proteges, Igor Kichikov advanced to the post of parliamentary speaker. And he developed such vigorous activity that local experts, not unreasonably, suspected him of intending to “steer the republic.”

By the way, very soon the fickle fortune turned its back on the speaker. But this is still to be discussed. In the meantime, let's see what Igor Kichikov's younger brother became famous for in his ministerial position.

"Premium" raider

The official biography of Oleg Kichikov, a historian and lawyer by training, says that he “worked for more than 15 years in the national economic system of Kalmykia.” However, real facts refute this.

In fact, before his rise, Mr. Kichikov was listed2nd Secretary of the Komsomol Republican Committee, Chairman of the Youth Union of Kalmykia, specialist in the physical protection department of the tax investigation department, general director of a number of fly-by-night companies (Dune LLC, etc.).

It’s interesting, but the minister began his dedicated work in the “national economy” with the fact that in 2003 he was caught embezzling 120 thousand rubles. budget funds that went to repair his personal car. Moreover, the ministry employees who discovered this fact were immediately fired.

In 2005, the Deputy Prime Minister, through dummies, acquired the property of OJSC Caspian Machine-Building Plant for... 2 million rubles. And this is with an estimated value of 11,150,412 rubles. (market value is even higher).

According to operational information, Mr. Kichikov did not disdain banal “black raiding”. Thus, structures “friendly” to the minister carried out a raider seizure of the famous restaurant “Tulip” in Elista.

In 2007, the management of Agroselstroy LLC filed a statement with the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan that Oleg Kichikov took possession of this enterprise “by forging documents.” But no criminal case was ever initiated.

In the same year, Mr. Kichikov lobbied for the allocation of 13 million rubles from the republican budget. for the reconstruction of Elista airport. After which the budget millions were “used for other purposes.” The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened a criminal case on this fact. However, the investigation, for unknown reasons, reached a dead end.

The involvement of the minister, in collusion with high-ranking employees of the Department of Tax Administration of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the theft and subsequent laundering of tens of millions of rubles allocated in different years for the construction of federal facilities was also mentioned on the Internet.

It was under Mr. Kichikov that the republic established the practice of regular “kickbacks” from contractors forced to inflate costs by increasing the cost of materials and equipment. An interesting detail: even during the reconstruction process administrative building Department of the FSB in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the village of Tsagan-Aman, the cost of bricks was inflated in estimates by 3 (!) times.

Another criminal case (again that did not reach the court) regarding fraud in the field of VAT refund is also associated with the name of Oleg Kichikov.

According to the investigation, employees of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, at his “command,” satisfied the illegal demand of Quest LLC (affiliated with the TNK-BP company) for a VAT refund from federal budget in the amount of about 75 million rubles. It’s hard to believe that here, too, there was no significant “rollback.”

Almost 30 million rubles intended for the construction of a sports complex in the 1st microdistrict of Elista “disappeared” without a trace. The project was supervised – at least at the budgeting stage – again, by the Minister of Territorial Development.

In the summer of 2007, new scandals broke out.

As the newspaper “Elistinskaya Panorama” wrote, on August 7, the director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Iki-Burul Group Water Supply” Denis Kravets at a press conference accused Oleg Kichikov and two heads of districts of the Republic of Kazakhstan of inaction and connivance in theft water pipes. The Republican Prosecutor's Office took over the investigation.

On August 13, the former general director of OJSC Mortgage Lending Agency (last name not indicated at his request) publicly accused Mr. Kichikov of fraud with housing loans (although no direct evidence was presented).

It all ended with the fact that on November 27, 2007, the head of Kalmykia signed a decree releasing Oleg Kichikov from his posts.

Three weeks later, on December 20, the People's Khural of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared self-dissolution by a majority vote. As a result, Igor Kichikov, who, in tandem with Radiy Burulov, prepared the impeachment of the current head of the republic, lost his post as speaker. The Burulov coup attempt failed.

On the eve of these events, Igor Kichikov was repeatedly accused by local television staff of protecting the illegal pharmaceutical business through corrupt connections in the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF).

Among other things, he and his wife were accused of receiving multimillion-dollar kickbacks from drug suppliers as part of the additional drug supply program (DLO).

Let us note that Igor Kichikov did not languish in the status of unemployed for long. Soon he was appointed Minister of Health and social development RK

Wasn't left without consolation prize"and Oleg Kichikov, having received the dusty position of Deputy General Director The Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services, headed by the then senator from Kalmykia Konstantin Tsitsin.

Much less fortunate was Radiy Burulov, who was removed from office by court decision, and then spent 7 months behind bars, after which he was sentenced to a suspended sentence - with deprivation of the right to hold state and municipal positions.

However, Mr. Burulov, by actively obstructing the investigation, himself caused serious troubles.

Eleventh and not the last?

Liberal journalists have long adopted the fashion of accusing Kirsan Ilyumzhinov of inability to work with personnel. They say that it is for this reason that governments change so often in Kalmykia, which is why there is supposedly “chaos in governance.”

It should be noted that such a position stems from a complete misunderstanding of the situation in the republic, in which society is historically divided into clans that are constantly competing with each other.

On the contrary, by systematically updating the composition of the government, the head of Kalmykia thereby effectively minimizes corruption. As a result, not a single official simply has time to acquire corrupt connections, does not have time to steal a lot and drag all his numerous relatives, down to the 12th generation, to the feeding trough.

Another thing is the corrupt security forces, who protect officials for their “piece of the pie” (it is not for nothing that in the story of Oleg Kichikov his close contacts with the police and tax authorities are constantly mentioned). But it is more logical to pose this question to the feds. Because they are the ones who appoint the leadership of regional security forces.

...Igor Kichikov suffered his final defeat in April of this year, when, in connection with the appointment of his younger brother as chairman of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was forced to resign from his ministerial post “by at will" As they say, the devil is beaten out by the devil.

Currently, Kichikov Sr. is temporarily acting as deputy governor Bryansk region and concurrently manages the permanent representative office of the regional administration under the government of the Russian Federation. It seems that the residents of the Bryansk region have not yet fully realized what unspeakable happiness has befallen them...

As for Oleg Kichikov, he spent a good 2.5 years in the fund led by Mr. Tsitsin.

As Vedomosti wrote, last year Konstantin Tsitsinup, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, had to return the bonus for 2008 to the state corporation's budget - in the amount of 16.5 million rubles. (4 times higher than the annual salary of the President of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the bonuses of other board members were reduced by a third, including the deputy general director, who at one time became richer by 8.4 million rubles. Nothing is known about Mr. Kichikov’s other “achievements” in the housing and communal services sector. How can one not recall the words of President Dmitry Medvedev that “state corporations have not justified themselves”?

Oleg Kichikov’s activities as republican prime minister also do not justify themselves. Quite the contrary, “thanks” to Mr. Kichikov, the situation in Kalmykia in recent months slowly but surely it was heating up.

We are talking about the adoption by the local parliament - on the initiative of the chairman of the government - of a law on the monetization of benefits for those repressed. According to it, tens of thousands of citizens who suffered from Stalin’s deportation to Siberia, from August 1, lost a 50% discount on housing and communal services.

Apparently, having initiated the draconian law, Oleg Kichikov is pursuing his personal political interests, cherishing his deep dream of leading the republic this coming fall. Hence the frantic attempts to shift the blame for destabilization in the republic onto the current head.

As developments show, so far the Prime Minister’s plans are bearing destructive fruit.

On August 16, a rally organized by the Kalmyk opposition took place on the central square of Elista. However, the initiator (more precisely, the provocateur) of the Kalmyk law was practically not mentioned in speeches. But the current head of the republic was subjected to sharp criticism. Although, without exaggeration, it was Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who did more for the repressed people of Kalmykia than anyone else.

Meanwhile, Oleg Kichikov is increasing his PR campaign in the central media, making statements left and right designed to discredit Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

It seems that Mr. Kichikov lost sight of the fact that he is the 11th Kalmyk Prime Minister. Before him, it turns out there were 10. And how many will there be after?

The fight against corruption in Kalmykia has not been canceled...



The shameful stigma of being an outsider region has firmly stuck. Kalmykia again found itself in one of the last places - fourth from bottom

The leader of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with his incompetent leadership, dooms the region to lag behind in all indicators

In the “Rating of Regions for Quality of Life 2015,” Kalmykia again found itself in one of the last places—fourth from bottom. The republic was also at the bottom of the table at the end of 2014. However, residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan have not counted on a different result for a long time. During the 5.5 years of Alexei Orlov’s rule, the shameful stigma of an outsider region was firmly attached to Kalmykia. The fact that the economy here is developing worse than others, that it is deprived of investment attractiveness, and the income of the population with high unemployment is one of the lowest in the country, has become as if in the order of things.

In addition, experts attribute the opacity of the activities (inactivity) of government bodies, the ineffectiveness of budget expenditures, the corruption potential of regulations and other negative factors to the failures of regional officials.

It would be incorrect to compare Kalmykia with Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region or oil-bearing Yugra, leading in the ranking. But the fertile southern Russian region these days is inferior in all respects even to the far northern Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Not to mention the neighbors, because the Astrakhan, Volgograd, and Rostov regions bordering Kalmykia took 47th, 31st, 18th places in the list, the Stavropol Territory was 19th, and Dagestan was in 68th position.

Kalmykia, officials complain, has an arid climate and a zone of risky farming. But why then do the same Stavropol residents who rent arable land from us invariably remain profitable? What are the reasons for the chronically negative results of the work of the Kalmyk head? He is used to blaming his famous predecessor. For example, Orlov, in his address to the deputies of the People's Khural (parliament) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, explains the 72nd place in the level of economic development, which Kalmykia was ranked by the magazine “Profile”, by “the failed years of two thousand, when it was not possible to properly strengthen the material and technical base and develop infrastructure."

However, ordinary people, unlike the lying governor, everything is in order with his memory and head. Thus, it was in the years he mentioned that a breakthrough was made in the gasification of populated areas in Kalmykia.

A report on this is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Comfortable conditions have been created in the republic for the growth of agricultural production. In 2005, the gasification level was 66.2%, at the beginning of 2010 - 78.7%... The length of inter-settlement gas pipelines built in 2009 was more than 142 km. In total, under the gasification program, since 2006, 393.5 km of gas networks have been built, 13 settlements have been gasified...” Communications and broadband Internet were developing by leaps and bounds, to remote regional centers - a dream unattainable in previous years - asphalt roads were being built at an accelerated pace, and in Elista (the capital of Kalmykia) transport routes were brought to ideal condition for the opening of the Chess Olympics.

One could go on and on about the infrastructure facilities that Orlov inherited from Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Including tourism, which made Elista one of the most attractive cities in the South of Russia.

The current incompetent team was unable to preserve and increase what was created, and much of it was stolen in the most banal way. Including 2.35 billion rubles. from the tax contributions of the founder of the Wimm-Bill-Dann group, David Yakobashvili. In July 2012, a Russian entrepreneur transferred 1.5 billion rubles at Ilyumzhinov’s request. to the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and 850 million to the budget of Elista. Where the funds, comparable to the republic’s annual budget, went is still unknown. Second term binge alcoholic Orlov is sluggishly steering the region, but so far has not been able to properly use any of its resources for the benefit of the treasury and the people. The leading industry, agriculture, is now in decline. Despite the fact that, according to the head, Kalmykia “received a huge, unprecedented amount of financial support: in 2015, over 1.5 billion rubles were allocated to the real sector of the economy.”

The main oil-producing enterprise - the former Kalmneft, and now EuroSibOil - pays taxes in Karachay-Cherkessia, hiring anyone other than local specialists. And at the same time, for some reason, he enjoys a special favor with the head. Is it really just because he sponsors a newspaper (“Arguments of Kalmykia”, edited by the old pederast Vyacheslav Nasunov; note from “Insider”), which at the tabloid level sucks up one place for Orlova? Nothing has been heard about the billions promised to the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan from cooperation with Lukoil. In the fall of 2013, a large oil company began developing the shelf in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. According to the enslaving agreement, last year the production of raw materials by Lukoil in Kalmykia was supposed to amount to 4 million tons. And 350 local workers would work on the construction of coastal structures. Meanwhile, the implementation of Orlov’s loudly announced projects, as is customary, is shrouded in darkness.

It’s completely indecent to mention the Ketchener Meat Processing Plant. The top officials of the republic, it seems, are tired of their repeated promises from year to year to put it into operation, thereby increasing the tax base, employing citizens and expanding the sales market for livestock breeders.

When compiling the 2015 Rating, all aspects of living conditions in the region were taken into account, including climatic ones. Which the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan also promised to improve - through the construction of the Elista reservoir. The project was allotted five years (starting in 2011). After filling the bowl with water, recreation areas, beaches, and yacht clubs will appear on the shore of the artificial reservoir, as Orlov describes. The Kalmyk semi-desert climate will also change significantly.

In the Elista Sea, the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan stated in an interview with the city newspaper, we will be able to swim in 2015. Truly, laugh and cry! There is no end in sight to the work at the facility, financed from the federal budget, and the general contractor, Kalmyk Road Administration, is facing bankruptcy. Who is building the sea now? There is a lock on the mouth. Everyone is timidly silent just in case. High-quality drinking water from the Levokumskoe deposit also remains a pipe dream. Although, Orlov reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin that the water pipeline was fully ready back in August 2015. Now, as we can only guess from the chapter’s hints, the matter has become a matter of water treatment facilities with equipment for which there is no money left. Out of frustration at the unfinished long-term construction, Alexey Maratovich let slip at a recent press conference: is this water supply system needed at all?

So, apparently, the population of Kalmykia will have to buy bottled water for a long time and put up with last places in various ratings...

12.09.2014 20:21

Disgraced the name of the people's general

Moreover, during her short stay in the office of an official, Ms. Gorodovikova has already managed to become “not a handshake” in a decent journalistic environment. Because the Oryol clickers “supervised” by her have reached the brink of baseness and denunciation, openly calling for reprisals against their colleagues from opposition publications. However, as it turned out, Bova Basanovna had long ago acquired a taste for all sorts of dubious affairs. And especially after I worked in Israel, at the representative office of the NTV television company.

Nature rests on the children of geniuses, and on the grandchildren it completely kills them forever. Unfortunately, this rule, which does not always work, was completely justified in relation to the descendants of Basan Badminovich Gorodovikov, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, 1st Secretary of the Kalmyk Regional Committee of the CPSU, under whose leadership the republic achieved impressive economic, social and cultural achievements.

One of the general’s offspring, Basan Basanovich Gorodovikov, who grew up in Moscow, never had anything in his soul except his father’s last name and an apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street, which he inherited.

In the mid-80s, Gorodovikov Jr. found himself in an unsavory story. Neighbors downstairs complained to the Sobesednik newspaper, dissatisfied with the fact that something resembling feces in color and smell was leaking from his apartment onto their ceilings.

Arriving reporters recorded foul-smelling - in every sense - details. It turned out that the alcohol-abusing son “looked after” his paralyzed mother (the general’s widow) in a unique way: he tied her to the bed and left her unfed alone.

A week later, the unfortunate elderly woman died of exhaustion. It was no longer possible to save her. And Gorodovikov Jr., having squandered his last, moved to Kalmykia. Where, with the assistance of the 1st President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, he was appointed director of the Elista airport.

By a strange coincidence, it was during that period that a lot of money intended for the construction of a new runway “evaporated” to no one knows where. And the sawyer, miserably expelled from the director’s position, went over to the arms of the anti-Ilyumzhinov opposition, establishing the Basan Gorodovikov movement, of which he was the only member. That is, in essence, he created an organization named after himself.

In the 2002 presidential elections in Kalmykia, Basan Basanovich received a measly 2.09% of the votes. Then, occasionally emerging from alcoholic hibernation, he disturbed the world with inadequate statements and actions - such as the demand to resettle all Kalmyks in the USA (!), or participation in an “indefinite hunger strike” directed against ... the Women's World Chess Championship, held in Elista.

Basan Basanovich’s daughter, Bova, was luckier in life: after studying at the Kalmyk State University, she went to Moscow, where she became a journalist for the NTV television company. During the breaks, there was also a part-time job at RIA-Novosti, and other routine trifles. Surely, some of her friends are even proud of such turns: they say, not every journalist will be able to repeat such a thing in Moscow. impressive successes provincial upstart.

However, there is professional life Bova Basanovna has one piquant touch that she herself, being extremely talkative by nature, does not like to talk about. And she has very good reasons for this.

The fact is that, despite the loud hype around her person (official Kalmyk media often call the general’s granddaughter a “federal TV star,” “successful journalist” and other obsequious epithets), in reality, Gorodovikova’s journalistic career suffered a crushing failure.

Proof? To begin with, let's open the biography of Bova Basanovna. So what will we see? And the fact that in January 2011 the “federal star” lost her position as director of the NTV representative office in Israel, and in November 2012 she was also fired from the post of producer. Transferring to the position of... an ordinary (!) correspondent.

Agree: given that Ms. Gorodovikova has long since reached her 50s (and at this age, real professionals usually strengthen their positions using accumulated experience), such a zigzag in her career can be safely considered as a complete collapse of all professional prospects and hopes for a decent pension.

However, even in the role of an errand correspondent with a penny (compared to the previous) salary, Bova Basanovna spent only a few months on NTV. Already in September 2013, she left there, returning to Moscow and getting a job in the public relations service of the Voice of Russia broadcasting company. But for every self-respecting television worker, moving to radio is ALWAYS a humiliating demotion.

In addition, for those who do not know: it is only in words that her new (at that time) position sounds quite attractive. Although, by and large, a public relations specialist in large media structures is just a press secretary: at the level of give it, bring it, get out and don’t interfere. And even then, for the time being - until a younger, more lively and curvaceous secretary was selected to take her place. “A successful journalist”, needless to say...

But what happened to Ms. Gorodovikova? Are sworn enemies really “hooking up”? No matter how it is. “There is no salary that is enough. No matter how much you give, you want even more,” she once wrote “profoundly” on the website “Proza.ru”. Note that Bova Basanovna knows very well what she is saying. For it was precisely this unshakable credo of life that almost brought her to the monastery.

It is while in Kalmykia that she can regal naive listeners with tales about her extraordinary adventures in Chechnya, supposedly driven by a passionate love for extreme journalism. But while on a long business trip in Israel, the “venerable” journalist became famous not only for her colorless (you can’t remember a single one, no matter how hard you try) news stories, but also for her adventures of an openly criminal nature.

Here’s what, for example, an employee of ITON-TV (“Russian Television of Israel”) told our Moscow source: Chief Editor Russian-language Tel Aviv newspaper “Sputnik” Mark Gorin:

“I first saw this lady in the summer of 2010, when she came to the management of ITON-TV with a proposal to open a branch of our TV channel in Russia in UHF format. At the same time, she made a good impression on everyone: she was emphatically polite, showered her with compliments, and even tried, albeit with a strong Russian accent, to speak Hebrew. However, everyone was struck on the spot by the fact that she confidently called herself the “best friend” of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, with whom she has “major business projects all over the world.”

Then she came to our office several more times for negotiations. It all ended with the fact that, as I understand it, she took an advance (about 10 thousand in dollar equivalent) - as she put it, “for entertainment expenses in Moscow,” where she had to negotiate with some “important people” about the opening of an Israeli television channel . And then, what no one expected, she simply disappeared somewhere, not answering phone calls.

When all attempts to reach her ended in vain, we conducted a little investigation. And we managed to find out that we were far from the first to be defrauded by an enterprising person. For example, she managed to “cheat” even Leonid Nevzlin out of money, to whom she promised a “resonant” media project in Russia.

I can’t understand why he needed this - after all, he already sponsors some Russian media, including Grani.ru. But the fact remains: Mr. Nevzlin, a grated kalach, also ended up on the list of those “thrown” by this lady, who has a deceptive oriental charm. By the way, when one of Nevzlin’s assistants accidentally met her at some reception and reminded her of unfulfilled obligations, she suddenly fell into hysterics and began shouting at him in front of everyone, accusing him of extortion. In a word, she behaved like a village market girl…” (end of quote).

Of course, some of the nationally concerned fellow countrymen (there are such in any nation) of the “successful journalist” will only laugh at how cleverly she fooled the gullible “har guir” (Jews). Like, what a cunning and resourceful woman, she will wipe everyone’s noses. Nevertheless, Jews are Jews, and no one allowed anyone to dishonor Russia and Kalmykia (and at the same time respected people with an impeccable reputation) abroad.

And here is what an NTV employee who was aware of the sensitive situation said (whose last name we are not indicating at his request):

“Complaints against the director of the Israeli representative office began to arrive at the end of 2010. At first, they didn’t pay much attention to them - well, you never know, maybe someone is stalking her. This happens all the time in our profession. True, the general director of NTV decided to play it safe: despite the fact that there was no direct evidence of her participation in the scams, and she herself flatly denied everything, Kulistikov still quietly removed her from her leadership position. As they say, out of harm's way.

Probably, Vladimir Mikhailovich then thought like this: if there was something suddenly, then it will now resolve. But it soon became even worse: the “demoted” producer was reviled, and she no longer hesitated to sign fictitious “cooperation agreements.” Apparently, she, in her own logical way, reasoned that her days at NTV were numbered, and that she needed to use the remaining time as profitably as possible for herself.

Kulistikov's patience ran out after he received official letter from the Israeli Embassy - with a request to consider the “beyond etiquette” behavior of the Russian producer. You should have heard how the NTV boss shouted, swearing every word: “So that this impudent swindler will be gone tomorrow!”

Having learned about her impending dismissal, she rushed to Moscow, forced her way to an appointment with Kulistikov, sobbed loudly and theatrically wringed her hands, complaining about her hard life. She constantly repeated that she had three hungry children who needed to be fed, that her slacker husband had serious problems with alcohol, etc. (as they write on the Internet, Gorodovikova’s husband is a television cameraman by profession and is not a Kalmyk by nationality; editor’s note .).

In short, Kulistikov took pity, demoted her to correspondent and forced her into “working exile” away from the Israeli capital - reporting from Egypt and the Gaza Strip. That is, from the deepest f... The Middle East, where either beginners or completely drunken journalists are usually sent. Not forgetting to warn her that at the same time she was looking for herself new job..." (end of quote).

So it turned out that de facto Bova Basanovna had no choice left: either to vegetate on the radio until retirement (and even then, if you’re lucky) in tenth roles, with a strained smile pretending to be useless “public relations”, or to agree to a proposal from the head of Kalmykia, Alexei Orlov, who imagined himself to be almost the second incarnation of a military general. And who by that time had managed to lure (read: outbid) Bova Basanovna’s brother, Alexander Gorodovikov.

As a result, on March 29, 2014 in Elista, at a public meeting, Ms. Gorodovikova stated that she was “open to proposals from Kalmykia.” It is curious that literally the next month an anonymous website “Kalmykia Kompromat.ru” was registered in St. Petersburg, on the pages of which the most false and slanderous articles began to appear against opponents of Mr. Orlov (or those whom he considers his opponents - based on his own mania persecution).

By the way, at the same meeting, one of those present complained about the ferocious censorship in the Kalmyk media. And what did Bova Basanovna answer to this? Quote: “I don’t think this is normal, but this is the practice of many countries. Censorship is needed not only in the media. When you watch some movies, you wonder how they got on the screen at all.”

Such a straightforward answer could not but please Orlov and his camarilla, who were strangling freedom of speech in the republic. And from now on, Bova Basanovna - in addition to her main work - supervises RIA "Kalmykia", which includes, among other things, the most odious pro-Orlov newspapers "Khalmg unn" ("Kalmykia Truth") and "Kalmykia Today", as well as the magazine "Teegin Girl" (“Light in the Steppe”), who in June 2011 received a warning from Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation for publishing a “folk song” glorifying a seasoned Nazi.

Volgograd political scientist Andrei Serenko once wrote: “Bova Gorodovikova is the main PR person for Alexei Orlov. She formulates the main ideas of the White House PR strategy. In this sense, she can be considered the face of republican power.”

In fact, there is no “White House PR strategy” in nature. And if there is no strategy, then there is no face. And, fortunately, Ms. Gorodovikova has nothing to do with professional PR. But Orlov’s hangers-on have one “strategy”: to unceremoniously steal from the treasury and deceive everyone around as brazenly and shamelessly as possible. And at the same time - to denigrate Oryol’s brilliant predecessor, not forgetting, when the opportunity arises, to use his name for selfish interests.

It seems that their main task is to cover up the lawlessness of the ruling clique in Kalmykia, “patronizing” dummy candidates for the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan (such as KVN member Khongor Marilov -

Plan of British shareholders led by Robert Dudley to withdraw TNK-BP from Kalmyk offshores

After numerous publications in the media, it is no longer a secret to anyone that TNK-BP has long and widely used tax evasion schemes through preferential zones, VAT refunds through shell companies, and much more. All kinds of ways to make a profit by underpaying taxes - business card underground resources specialists from TNK-BP.

Recently, as a result of the cessation of activities of the so-called “offshore companies” in the territory Russian Federation, the possibilities of tax evasion through the “Kalmyk offshore” have been exhausted. In Kalmykia, there are still several hundred legal entities involved in the minimization measures and tax schemes of TNK-BP, and they have a tax debt of several billion dollars.

To solve the problem in the depths of TNK-BP, with the knowledge and participation of representatives of the British shareholder (BP company) Messrs. R. Dudley, S. Ridlington, T. Summers, D. Muir, K. Sliger, the project “ CLIP." The goal of this project is the liquidation of “scheme” companies, which will lead to a reduction in the risk of collecting arrears and sanctions imposed by the tax authorities on the Kalmyk and other offshore companies of TNK-BP. Until recently, the vice president of TNK-BP, Elvardi Stafilov, a Greek with Azerbaijani roots, born and raised in Tbilisi, who has Russian and Greek passports, was appointed head of the project until recently. Apparently, such trust of British shareholders was earned by the decisiveness shown during the liquidation of the K-M-DP companies, which Stafilov carried out through the ethnic Greek-Azerbaijani group controlling Horizon LLC. Despite the fact that Mr. Stafilov could not resist and as a result of cashing bills of Spetsfinance, allegedly for internal plans, he will be able to pocket 200 million rubles.

The temptation to use tax schemes among the British shareholders of TNK-BP appears quite often. Robert Dudley was already interrogated in the summer of 2008, as part of a criminal case under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, initiated by the Investigative Committee of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District (in 2003, Robert Dudley became president of the merged company TNK-BP).

Now a group consisting of R. Dudley, S. Ridlington, T. Summers, D. Muir, K. Sliger, taking advantage of the fact that the current legislation of the Russian Federation still does not have rules that would clearly draw the line between legal tax reductions (tax optimization) and tax evasion, they authorize and organize the “CLIP” project, which has nothing to do with a civilized tax strategy. This is a clear example of how TNK-BP is liquidating companies with billions of dollars in tax debt, which were previously involved in activities to minimize and evade taxes. Involving a person with a dubious reputation as a project manager eloquently demonstrates the methods of solving problems, the tasks and purpose of the CLIP project.

In fact, they are trying to write off TNK-BP's billion-dollar debts to the budget into oblivion.

The head of Kalmykia, while drunk, ruined the economy of the region entrusted to him in a year and a half, simultaneously becoming involved in a series of high-profile scandals

Alexander Belousov

Last month, at the congress of United Russia, the candidacy of the head of the Republic of Kalmykia, Alexei Orlov, to the genuine amazement of the majority of delegates, was introduced to the Supreme Council of United Russia. Despite the fact that Mr. Orlov has not controlled the situation in the republic entrusted to him for a long time. And, in fact, he never controlled it from the moment he was appointed to the position of Kalmyk leader.

The main reason for Mr. Orlov's high-profile failures is a banal penchant for drinking and all kinds of amusements. Moreover, this tendency has gone so far that the current Kalmyk “leader” is not even trying to somehow correct the situation. But Mr. Orlov’s numerous relatives feel much more at ease than all the other residents of the republic, who did not happen to be born into the glorious family of the Kalmyk leader, or, in extreme cases, study with him in the same class.

How the rest of Kalmykia, unrelated to Orlov, lives - while Alexey Maratovich is “resting culturally”, having lost his sense of reality and self-control - we will try to figure it out a little later. To begin with, let us present the details of a high-profile road accident, which for some reason went almost unnoticed by the federal media.

On the evening of April 23rd. city, not far from the entrance to Elista (the capital of Kalmykia), a Toyota Land Cruiser jeep, moving at excessive speed, drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a Lada Kalina car. The driver of the Lada, a young woman, died on the spot.

Traffic police officers established that the killer jeep, while drunk, was driven by someone Yuri Dorzhiev, who is on the federal wanted list. Important circumstance: Mr. Dorzhiev is a partner cousin heads of Kalmykia. But the most shocking thing in the sensational criminal story is that the “passion” of the culprit of the accident, Karina Dordzhieva, works... as the deputy head of the Service for Justice of the Peace of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Ms. Dordzhieva was appointed to the “grain” position by her cousin Alexei Orlov. It is significant that after graduating from Kalmyk State University with a degree in accounting and auditing, Dordzhieva did not hold a single job for more than 2.5 years.

For example, in the period from 08/02/1999 to 01/17/2002. she worked as an economist at ZAO Yug-Minioil Kalmykia (for information: this company belongs to the mother of the Kalmyk head, Svetlana Orlova). By a strange coincidence, it was precisely in those years that a scandal broke out in the republic over the involvement of the Oryol clan in illegal oil production and refining. And Mr. Orlov’s relatives then made every effort to avoid serious problems with the law.

It should be noted that since Mr. Orlov became the head of Kalmykia, his mother’s business, as they say, has found a second wind. Thus, on June 6, 2011, JSC Yug-Minioil-Kalmykia was recognized as the winner of the auction for the right to use the subsoil of section No. 4 of the Arshanskoye field - for the purpose of extracting construction sands.

The amount of the deal was not made public in the media. Although Mr. Orlov’s grasping mother pinched off a “piece” that was profitable: the area of ​​the leased plot is 3.909 hectares, sand reserves are 518.7 thousand m3. With an annual productivity of 20 thousand m3, these reserves will be enough for at least 25 years of operation of the mining enterprise.

In addition, it is no secret that Ms. Orlova is a co-owner of Elista-Alcogol LLC, which sells alcoholic products. And this type of business is no less profitable than mining construction sand. Especially if you actively trade in “excise-free” goods, which is very common in Kalmykia these days.

In the period from January 21, 2002 to October 31, 2004. Karina Dordzhieva was listed as a legal consultant at ZAO FC Uralan. It was at that time that Alexey Orlov, who oversaw FC Uralan, quickly bankrupted the once quite respectable football club. And the money from the sales of other people’s property, as usual, “evaporated” in an unknown direction.

Perhaps Mr. Orlov used his cousin’s experience to cover up financial fraud - both his own and those in which representatives of his extensive clan were involved.

Alexey Orlov’s second cousin, Stella Emchenova, worked as an ultrasound diagnostics doctor in a private clinic until June 2011. Until suddenly, in February 2012, she was appointed... deputy chief physician of the republican hospital for diagnostics, adding a non-existent position to the staffing list specifically for her. “Pushing” the cousin, who would doubt it, was Alexey Orlov personally.

Stella Emchenova’s husband, Ruslan Nagaev, who was once fired for violating medical ethics, has also settled in well. As soon as Alexei Orlov came to power in Kalmykia, Mr. Nagaev was promoted without elections to... deputies of the People's Khural (parliament) of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and, starting from April 2011, Mr. Nagaev has been in charge of the health department of Elista.

In turn, Mr. Orlov’s second cousin, Lyudmila Ivanova, now heads the government of Kalmykia. Another of his relatives, Pyotr Bakinov (the son of Mr. Orlov’s mother’s cousin), holds the position of head of the Republican Service for Financial and Budgetary Control, and his wife, Tatyana Bakinova, has comfortably settled down as the Minister for Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

But that's not all. The Minister of Construction, Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gennady Badinov is also (like the 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kalmykia Pyotr Lanzanov) a classmate of Mr. Orlov. The place of “chief specialist” in the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was given to the native aunt of the Kalmyk head (sister of Alexei Maratovich’s father) - Galina Orlova. Actually, everyone has gathered. Moreover, everyone, as if by choice, is as incompetent in managerial terms as Alexey Orlov himself.

It is no coincidence that there are persistent rumors in the republic that all key positions in the republic are initially agreed upon in the Huang He restaurant, owned by Mr. Orlov’s mother, and only then personnel decisions are announced in the local White House.

Only slightly inferior to Mr. Orlov in scope is the head of the administration of the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Igor Shalkhakov (in his youth, he managed to work as a folk dance performer, and then as a builder).

In Kalmykia, everyone knows very well that Igor Shalkhakov (in Kalmyk Khongor) has long ago taken over all the major criminal structures in the republic. It is not surprising that Mr. Orlov has some strange feelings about this man, whom the previous head of the republic, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, miserably expelled from his “responsible job” on suspicion of corruption.

Thus, under the new head of Kalmykia, City Chess, the famous chess city built in 1998 on the initiative of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, came under the partial use of Igor Shalkhakov.

For many years, renting cottages in City Chess brought substantial income to the republic. However, under Mr. Orlov, everything changed dramatically: if earlier entrepreneurs paid at least 60 thousand rubles for renting each cottage, now the treasury receives a measly 10 thousand from each comfortable building.

Everything else goes into the bottomless pockets of the owners of a shell company with the mocking name “Effective Management”, whose owners are Alexey Orlov, representatives of his clan and the clan of Mr. Shalkhakov. And the “leftist” company itself is registered in the name of... the brother of the personal driver of Mr. Orlov’s mother.

In addition, Mr. Orlov allowed Igor Shalkhakov to privatize the largest building in City Chess - the 4-story “Business Center” for virtually nothing (only 90 thousand with an estimated value of 30 million rubles). As a result, today there is a catastrophic lack of money for the ongoing maintenance of the chess town. According to experts, all this is being done specifically to bankrupt City Chess in favor of the head of Kalmykia and his inner circle.

What about Alexey Orlov? They say that recently the head of Kalmykia has not been behaving quite adequately, and is increasingly abandoning state affairs in order to “heartily” drink and eat in his hunting lodge on the shore of the picturesque Chograi reservoir, abounding in fish and game birds.

As classmates of the current Kalmyk head at MGIMO (where he entered, most likely, thanks to the connections of his nomenklatura parents) say, even in his early student years, Mr. Orlov became famous for his irrepressible craving for wild alcoholic parties. In the future, these bad habits, as the “power fat” grew, they only worsened many times over.

On the one hand, Mr. Orlov can be understood: a difficult childhood, an overbearing mother, a drinking father, a complicated biography: for example, in official sources It is recorded that after a difficult graduation from MGIMO, Mr. Orlov worked at the plant for 3 years. Knowledgeable people say that he was not hired for a prestigious job due to heavy drinking. It took my mother a lot of effort to get the idiot hired at the factory, at least just for show.

However, one way or another, a reasonable question arises: is this morally corrupted person in the right place, for whom even the grass will not grow - just to get to the coveted “hot drink”?

As mentioned above, the XIII Congress took place in Moscow in May of this year political party « United Russia" It was attended by 635 delegates from all regions of the country, including top officials of the state - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

At the congress, the composition of the party's governing bodies was approved - the General Council and the Supreme Council. Alexey Orlov also joined the Supreme Council (which is lower in level than the General Council), according to a pre-agreed list.

According to eyewitnesses, immediately after the congress an embarrassing scandal broke out to the point of indecency. It turned out that Mr. Orlov came to the congress drunk to such an extent that he could not even utter a few simple protocol phrases regarding his, albeit not significant, but still promotion.

Many very influential people in Russia, who had gathered to make fateful decisions for the country, were shocked by Mr. Orlov’s unworthy behavior. To tell the truth, none of those present expected such blatant disrespect for the “high meeting” on the part of the Kalmyk leader.

Nevertheless, apparently, in order not to “spoil the holiday,” Alexei Orlov, who was appointed to the post of head of Kalmykia just a year and a half ago, was nevertheless included as a member of the Supreme Council of the party. Fortunately, his name, let us remind you, was agreed upon in advance and included in the electoral list.

If the delegates to the congress knew that Mr. Orlov, far from the Moscow authorities, allows himself even less such antics. On May 4 of this year, the sports match “Battle in Kalmykia” took place in Elista. Despite great amount invitations were sent out, of all the invited VIPs, only Astrakhan Governor Alexander Zhilkin decided to attend the event. All other VIPs pointedly ignored Mr. Orlov.

We hope that Mr. Zhilkin did not regret his decision to attend the Uralan stadium in Elista, where the sports event took place. After all, everything that happened in and around the ring was strongly reminiscent of footage from the famous film “The Big Grub.”

Imagine the picture: along the perimeter of the boxing ring there were rows of chairs for “especially honorable spectators.” But only on one side (the one where Orlov and Zhilkin were sitting) were tables set with rich food.

Of course, the ostentatiously drinking and eating “gentlemen”, who surpassed even the arrogant patricians of the era of the decline of the Roman Empire with their contempt for the “plebeians” (well, unless they threw gnawed bones at those around them), did not think to pay a penny from their own pockets. But each of the state employees gathered for extras at the stadium was ordered by local authorities to pay 800 rubles “voluntarily and compulsorily.” - to recoup the expensive booze and gourmet snacks...

Unlike the “chosen ones,” elderly war veterans, who were told that the “Battle in Kalmykia” was being held in honor of Victory Day, were not even offered ordinary water. But Mr. Orlov’s publicly feasting guests were continually served hearty dishes: kebabs, red caviar, lightly salted salmon, fatty lamb, etc. And, so that dear guests would not choke on dry food, they washed it all down with aged whiskey for 4 thousand rubles. per bottle. These are “fights without rules”.

But this, apparently, was not enough for Mr. Orlov. So, on June 2, he visited Dagestan - a neighboring republic bordering Kalmykia - where he showed off in front of the cameras in donated Caucasian national outfits (hat and burka).

True, the warm welcome given by Dagestan officials to their Kalmyk colleague remained behind the scenes. At this feast, Mr. Orlov, to the contemptuous laughter of those present, “took it on his chest” so abundantly that he literally fell off his feet.

It is not surprising that to this day no one knows what kind of agreement Mr. Orlov concluded with the Dagestan leadership. But, apparently, it is not without reason that there are already active rumors in Kalmykia that he has behind the scenes agreed with the Dagestanis to lease vast Kalmyk lands for pennies, since Dagestan traditionally does not have enough pastures for grazing sheep.

Be that as it may, the fact remains: representatives of the troubled North Caucasus region literally frequented the Huang He restaurant, where Mr. Orlov’s mother “receives the population” weekly, with mysterious visits...

Meanwhile, according to Federal service State statistics for the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of April 2012, the number of economically active population of Kalmykia is 138882 people, although in April 2011. it amounted to 142,976 people. That is, in just one year there was a decrease in the economically active population by 4094 people.

Needless to say, somehow things have not been very rosy in Kalmykia since Alexei Orlov reigned there the fall before last. It turns out that the “always drunk” Manilovism of the Kalmyk leader does not at all contribute to the growth of jobs in the republic. On the contrary, the number of “internal labor migrants” is growing rapidly under him.

Plus, not so long ago Mr. Orlov publicly promised that he was going to introduce republican maternity capital - in addition to the federal one. However, the regional leader, apparently, forgot to mention that not a penny is provided for these purposes in the republican budget.

In short, if things continue to be this bad economically, then very soon Kalmykia will have nothing to pay doctors and teachers with. In addition, the year in the republic turned out to be dry, and locusts have already managed to devour a considerable part of the already meager crops.

I wonder how Mr. Orlov intends to pay off the ruined agricultural producers? A treasured bottle of vodka from your inner pocket? After all, he didn’t take care of any reserve reserves of grain - he, apparently, simply doesn’t care about that right now...

But the most important thing is that elections to the People's Khural will be held in Kalmykia next fall. It is curious how many votes United Russia will get, led to God knows where by Alexei Orlov, who heads the Kalmyk branch of United Russia? It seems like very, very little. And this factor, especially against the backdrop of the mass unrest recently provoked by Mr. Orlov in Elista, is unlikely to save his, in every sense, his already tarnished political reputation.