The orchid has dropped its flowers, what should I do next? Why do unopened buds fall off on an orchid? Why do buds fall off on an orchid

They fall into a stupor when the created conditions are suitable for one species, but not for another, which can be expressed in the form of falling leaves. Today we will figure out what to do if all the leaves have fallen off, what could be causing the problem, and how to solve it. Let's discuss the possibility of restoring the plant.

Problem or period of rest

Let's start the discussion by considering a reason such as a “rest period,” which may occur in some. We'll tell you why it sheds its leaves during this period. There is a large number various types orchids, which is why not only the conditions of detention, appearance and the color of the buds, but also the life cycle. The presence or absence of a dormant period is determined by the homeland of a particular plant, as well as climate and annual temperature changes.

It turns out that your plant can shed all its leaves for the reason that in its homeland at this moment the conditions become unfavorable, which is why it has a choice: go into hibernation or die. In this case, your efforts will not give any result; accordingly, increasing the temperature, the amount of watering, and also applying fertilizer will not bring the flower out of hibernation.

Important! To know for sure whether your species has a hibernation period or not, find out the exact name of the species, and then read all the available information about it.

An orchid is a rather demanding plant, so if an orchid has dropped all its leaves, which was preceded by a gradual deterioration of its condition, then something needs to be done to prevent final death. However, to solve the problem, we need to identify the cause, which we will do next.

Due to improper watering, the plant may lose its leaves, since oversaturation of the soil with moisture can lead to rotting of the greenery. On the other hand, a lack of water also leads to leaf fall, since the flower tries with all its might to retain liquid, and the leaves have a function such as evaporation, accordingly, the problem with moisture may worsen. This problem most often arises among beginners who are accustomed to the fact that plants are not particularly capricious, which is why they water the orchid when they remember it. Mistakes are made and experienced housewives when they buy the new kind, but don't bother reading more information about it.

To prevent improper watering from causing all the leaves to fall off, you need to pour water rarely, but in large quantities. That is, watering is carried out when the soil is slightly damp, at a depth of several centimeters. In this case, watering should be done with settled water at room temperature, especially in the cold season, since tap water It has low temperature, which can cause the roots to freeze. If you have a demanding type of orchid, then it wouldn’t hurt to arrange warm shower. You need to take the flowerpot to the bathroom, and then pour warm (not hot) water under low pressure over the above-ground part of the plant. The procedure should be limited in time to 20 minutes, after which it is better to leave the flowerpot in the bathroom, where the temperature will be higher than in the room.

Did you know? Species of orchids that are pollinated only by insects form a copy of the female fly or on the peduncle, and also emit an attractive smell. Thus, with the help of deception, plants will not be left without pollinators.


Another reason why an orchid’s leaves fall is improper lighting, which we will talk about later. The flower requires good lighting all year round. And if in summer and spring this is not a problem, since daylight hours are almost maximum, then in winter the flower will definitely suffer from a lack of light if you do not use artificial supplementary lighting.

Let's figure out what additional illumination is. This is not just turning on the light in the room where the flowerpot is, but installing an additional source in close proximity to the flower. This light source must replace the sun's rays, so it must be powerful enough, and, of course, it must transmit white or yellowish light, and not colored light (red, blue, green).

Important! If you take flowerpots outside during the warm season, they must be covered. mosquito net or similar material to avoid burns.

It is worth mentioning separately about direct sun rays, which most often cause leaf fall. The point is that in natural conditions The orchid grows in the tropics or subtropics, where it receives an exceptionally diffuse color, since tropical trees with a dense crown rise above the flower. If direct rays hit the leaves, they instantly cause burns, as if you brought a hot match to them. For this reason, the flowerpot should be placed in a well-lit place, but the light should be diffused, for which you can use tulle or blinds.


Let's move on to problems with, which can also cause leaf fall. Let's start with the fact that some sellers, trying to sell products, oversaturate the soil with growth stimulants, as a result of which a thick “crown” is formed and the plant quickly stretches. The downside is that after some time the orchid will begin to wither from such a “menu”, since it will exhaust all its reserves to form a large above-ground part, which requires regular feeding.

To cure the “sick”, you should move the flowerpot closer to the light and temporarily abandon any fertilizers. After half a month, you can feed with liquid fertilizers, which are diluted 1 to 1 with water. Next, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied, as they will stimulate the formation and development of new leaves and shoots.

Important! Do not oversaturate the soil with nitrogen, especially at the end of the warm season.

The second problem associated with fertilizer is the lack of certain substances. If the leaves of an orchid turn yellow, then the problem is not that you bought the flower on “steroids”, but that it lacks, so you shouldn’t go on a mineral “hunger strike”, just buy a fertilizer that will high concentration and iron. In this case, you need to take care of replacing the soil, since the substrate must be rich in the appropriate elements.


Let's consider the effect of temperature on a flower, and also talk about “temperature” groups. There are 3 groups temperature regime, which divide all types of orchids into warm-mode, moderate-mode and cold-mode orchids. Accordingly, if the requirements are not met, then the plant may well shed its leaves in order to wait out unfavorable conditions. “Warm” orchids. For species of this group, it is important that the temperature does not fall below 15-18°C throughout the year, otherwise they will begin to get sick. In this case, daily temperature fluctuations (the difference between maximum and minimum) should not exceed 5°C. That is, if during the day it was +25°C, and at night the temperature dropped to +18°C, then the plant, despite the permissibility of such temperatures, may get sick due to strong fluctuations. "Moderate" orchids.

Did you know? Vanilla is produced from the fruits of the vine-shaped orchid, so the plant is used not only for landscaping, but also for the production of a popular product - vanillin.

This group prefers average temperatures. The minimum acceptable temperature is 12 °C, and the maximum is 22 °C. "Cold" orchids. This group is different in that it has minimal permissible temperature content drops to 7°C, and the maximum is at 22°C. Based on the above, we can conclude that the temperature of the content is an important factor that affects the condition of the flower. More demanding plants cannot withstand strong decreases or increases in temperatures, since this does not happen in their homeland. Accordingly, the orchid falls into a kind of “coma”, which helps to wait out unfavorable conditions in a state of hibernation.

Dry air

In the cold season, many housewives place the flowerpot near radiators or heating devices to increase the air temperature near the plant, but not many people think about the fact that heating elements They dry out the air greatly, reducing the percentage of moisture in it, which greatly affects tropical plants. The problem is that moisture evaporates not only from the soil, but also from the surface of the leaf plates, which is why the orchid begins to quickly lose moisture, and if you add poor watering, it turns out that you are giving the plant an artificial drought, which it is trying to survive .

To prevent a decrease in humidity, you need to regularly spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle if you cannot increase the overall humidity in the room. You can also place wet moss near the flowerpot, which will also increase air humidity. Remember that too dry air negatively affects not only plants, but also humans, so take care of optimal humidity.

Compatibility with other plants

A capricious orchid withers also because there are plants next to it that negatively affect the flower in question, so it’s worth figuring out what to do about it and what plants the orchid cannot tolerate.
So, a flower can shed its leaves only because the following plants grow near it:

It is not known why the orchid cannot tolerate these flowers, but their proximity will not lead to anything good, so under no circumstances place them in close proximity.

Is there any hope for recovery?

The leaves started to fall

Above we talked about why leaves may fall, but it’s worth talking about what to do when plates begin to fall en masse. First, it’s worth finding out what the root cause is, and then starting treatment or eliminating the factors. If leaves fall off closer to the base of the plant, which is preceded by their wilting, then this may be a completely normal process of aging. There is nothing terrible about this, and no treatment is required. If the fallen leaves have a rotten base with which they were attached to the stem, then you need to urgently check the soil moisture and roots, as the cause is waterlogging.
If the leaves are massively covered with tubercles or plaque, then the plant has been attacked by a fungus, which also appears due to increased humidity in the air or soil. For treatment you need to use. The orchid may become covered with spots of various colors, and only after this the foliage will begin to fall. This indicates a virus infection that needs to be treated, otherwise the plant will die. It is possible to restore a plant that is losing its leaves, the only question is how serious the damage to the rhizome and stem is. If the damage is extensive, then it is useless to treat the flower; it is easier to buy a new one, or propagate an old one, if possible.

When buying an exotic beauty with blooming flowers in stores, it is not immediately clear how long the flowering period lasts, and how much time is left to admire this beauty.

The duration of the flowering process from budding to drying lasts a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 10 months.

It all depends on the age, variety and growing conditions. An adult blooms on average for about three months., and the young one is no more than one. Thus, the orchid may well bloom several times a year, and recover in between.

For example, the most common variety of orchids, phalaenopsis, can have flowers throughout the year.

Dendrobium blooms in mid-autumn and lasts until mid-winter. Cymbidium blooms from October to February, and a second time in the summer.

What does a wilted plant look like?

Wilting is the process by which a plant loses its elasticity, resilience, vitality. Leaves and flowers become soft, turgor disappears, and the color changes to dark green. The top of the plant leans down.

Young shoots and stems become like a rag. The orchid stops growing and outwardly decreases in size. We don't notice when one flower has withered. But it becomes especially sad when both flowers and buds fade. Therefore, it is important to take urgent measures to eliminate the causes.

Why did the petals begin to dry out all at once?

Blooming orchid inflorescences remain on the peduncle for 2-3 weeks. Rare varieties delight the eye for more than a month. With natural wilting, the flowers fall off gradually, according to the degree of aging. The inflorescences that bloomed first wither first. However, if all the petals begin to disappear at the same time, this should alert you. Drying of the buds on the peduncle also indicates the presence of obvious health problems in the orchid.

We invite you to watch a video about why orchid flowers wither and fall off:

Why do the buds fall off without blooming?

It’s hard to watch when the unopened flowers on your pet begin to dry out and fall off. There are many reasons for this unusual behavior of the orchid. It is important to understand them carefully.

Improper watering

A lack of moisture for an orchid is possible only if there is no watering at all.. A tropical flower requires a minimum amount of water to maintain vitality. The liquid is a kind of solvent for minerals that are in the soil and nourish the root system.

However, you should not overuse watering. Excessive moisture is fraught with the development of rot and related infectious diseases. The power function is slowed down sick plant draws moisture from buds and flowers. An orchid damaged by rot loses roots and foliage. Following the leaves, the buds fade.

We invite you to watch a video about falling flowers on an orchid due to improper watering:

Lack of lighting or sunburn

With the arrival of the cold and rainy season, the orchid lacks sunlight. Ideally, they need 14 hours of daylight. This light intensity is possible in greenhouses. At home, such parameters are difficult to recreate. Therefore, without additional lighting, the flowers begin to fade, turn yellow, and fall off.

In the summer season, the opposite is true. The bright sun can play cruel joke. Scorching rays, and even at high temperatures on the streets, leave dark spots on the leaves and inflorescences. So-called thermal burns.

We invite you to watch a video about flowers falling on an orchid due to insufficient lighting:

Overheating of the root system

The homeland of orchids is the tropics, so it is not surprising that they love warmth. IN wildlife they hide from the sun in the shade big trees on which they grow.

In apartment conditions, unfortunately, people often overheat. There is no need to leave plants near a heating radiator in winter, or under direct rays or a stream of hot air from an air conditioner in summer.

High ambient temperatures cause moisture to evaporate from the ground. The roots dry out and weaken. In a short period of time, the flowers wither and the buds fall off.


Ventilating rooms is a useful thing. This ensures air circulation. However, ventilation and draft are two different things. A draft is dangerous even for people, not to mention plants. The cold air flow is common cause withered flowers.

Ventilation should not be carried out unless the plant has been moistened or sprayed.

We invite you to watch a video about flowers falling on an orchid due to a draft:

Low humidity and high air temperature

The combination of these parameters leads to negative consequences for an orchid. If it is located indoors where the bright sun shines brightly and heat. Of course, the flower is hot, and a large volume of liquid evaporates from the green mass. Besides exotic plant cannot be fully saturated with water, hence lethargy, loss of turgor, and death of unopened flowers. Humidity limit 30-40%.

We invite you to watch a video about falling flowers on an orchid due to low humidity:


A change of place of residence for orchids does not pass without a trace. After all, the lighting, air humidity, and temperature become different. And the capricious plant will react immediately. For a while it may stop blooming and drop its buds. However, in the future, provided that the exotics like the new conditions, everything will work out. Orchids just need an adaptation period.


When caring for orchids, you need to be especially careful winter period.

It happens that after moistening, cold air hits the flower when the wet plant is taken out to the balcony, a window is opened for ventilation, or placed on a frosty windowsill. Hypothermia is quite a dangerous phenomenon. Since the vessels passing through the center are destroyed sheet plate and to the roots. Stimulates similar development of rot diseases.

General hypothermia of the orchid negatively affects the leaves, roots, and flowers.

Insect damage

Another common problem for orchids is pests.. This happens quite often, so the owner should regularly inspect the leaves and roots.

Among the insects that love exotic plants, I would like to highlight the mealybug; it prefers buds and blossoming flowers.

What is the best way to process it?

Harmful insects are especially dangerous for beginners who, when buying a flower in a store, don’t even think about inspecting it. Place on the windowsill next to other plants. In a similar way, harmful insects appear at home. And if comfortable microclimate parameters in the room are still maintained, then it is not easy to remove such neighbors.

Folk remedies

If you find pests on your orchids, the first thing you should do is resort to proven, natural remedies. They are harmless and more gentle on the flower.

Most often used:

  • laundry soap solution;
  • onion or garlic broth;
  • tinctures of citrus peels, calendula, mint;
  • various essential oils.


Usually, folk remedies used on early stages, if the number of insects on the flower is not large. However, if the process is started, and the pests live well and feed on exotic juice, then it is necessary to use chemicals. Most effective drugs for destruction harmful insects are flower and insecticides. They are diluted according to the instructions on the packaging and used for their intended purpose.

What to do - step-by-step instructions

Before starting radical measures, you need to try to normalize the microclimate parameters:

If the above preventive measures do not produce positive results, it is possible that the problem lies in excessive moisture of the substrate, then it follows:

  1. remove the orchid from the pot;
  2. rinse the roots with running water;
  3. remove unhealthy, rotten areas with a sharp tool;
  4. treat open wounds with activated carbon;
  5. leave to dry for a while;
  6. change the substrate for the orchid, not forgetting drainage layer 2 cm thick;
  7. In the future, water only after the soil has dried.

How to help if the buds quickly fall off without opening?

Shedding of buds occurs most often when the plant is sick.

Orchid growers should know how to help with bud shedding. This is a very sad sight, and most likely the reason is serious. After all, experienced people are unlikely to make mistakes in care during the budding period. That's why for amateurs, it is advised to first check the conditions of keeping the exotic. The next stage is the definition of the disease and treatment methods:

  1. prepare a sterilized instrument for pruning;
  2. remove the plant from the pot;
  3. leave the roots in warm water for a couple of hours;
  4. carefully inspect and feel the entire root system;
  5. remove damaged areas with a previously prepared tool;
  6. sprinkle the cuts antiseptic, which does not contain alcohol;
  7. if there are suspicions or visible symptoms of infectious diseases, treat the flower with a systemic fungicide;

Every gardener rejoices when a peduncle appears on an orchid, how it grows and produces buds. We patiently wait for the orchid to open its luxurious flowers, but suddenly the buds turn yellow, wither and fall off. Why orchid buds do not bloom, what are the reasons for their premature death, we will analyze in detail in this article.

The most popular home orchids are phalaenopsis; they are easy to grow at home, since these tropical plants do not require special temperature conditions and high humidity. But it’s such a shame when healthy plant with a strong peduncle drops buds, this can happen due to a number of reasons. If not flowering plant maybe without visible problems endure some unfavorable conditions and errors in care, then during the flowering period the delicate buds and flowers immediately react to them, dry out and fall off. To see the long-awaited bloom of an orchid during the period of formation and opening of buds, you need to especially carefully monitor the conditions of the flower - lighting, air humidity, temperature, regularity of watering and fertilizing.

The main reasons for orchid buds to fall off:

Lack of light;

Overwatering or insufficient watering;

Dry air;


Sudden temperature changes;

Rearranging the plant;

The appearance of pests or diseases;

Next to the flowers are fruits and vegetables that emit ethylene - apples, bananas, tomatoes, etc.

The reason buds fall off is poor lighting.

Phalaenopsis is a shade-tolerant flower; in summer, the orchid must be protected from direct sunlight, as the sun leaves burns on the leaves and causes the blossoming flowers to quickly wither and the buds to dry out. If in summer a tropical flower cannot be kept on a southern window under the scorching rays of the sun, then in the period from November to January it is recommended to place phalaenopsis on the most sunny windowsill, since at this time the rays of the sun are not active. When placed on windows facing north or in a shaded area, artificial lighting will be required.

Illumination for an orchid per day should be at least 10 hours and no more than 14 hours. Too long daylight hours speed up all processes in the plant, including aging, so that only blooming flowers quickly fade, and buds fall off the peduncles.

A short daylight hours puts the plant into a state of dormancy, when the growth of leaves and peduncles stops, the flowering that has begun is interrupted, and the result is that the flowers and buds fall off. If your orchid wants to bloom at the most unfavorable time of the year, then it needs artificial lighting. A flower needs light for photosynthesis, during which the necessary substances for life and cell growth are synthesized; with a short day of light, less than 10 hours, the plant will only have enough produced substances per day to maintain life and the orchid will shed its buds.

You cannot move the orchid to the other side relative to the light source, when her buds form, otherwise they will fall off. The peduncle always stretches towards the light; you can only slightly change the angle of its growth direction by rotating the pot around its axis. You can move the orchid to another place when the flowers open on the peduncle.

The cause of flower dehydration.

When dehydrated, the orchid does not receive enough water to live; the buds and flowers are the first to be consumed; they quickly dry out and fall off. In the absence of watering for a long time all adult leaves become lethargic, first the lower leaves wrinkle, then all the nutrients are removed from them, they quickly turn yellow.

Both insufficient watering and waterlogging can lead to dehydration of the plant..

Watering the orchid should be done by immersing the pot in water for 10-15 minutes, during which time the cord-like roots of the orchid, which have a spongy surface, will be saturated with water and turn green. After removing the pot from the water, excess liquid should drain completely through the drainage holes. If you water a phalaenopsis orchid planted in a substrate consisting of pieces of bark from above, the water will flow out without stopping and saturating the roots with moisture.

When the plant is overwatered, it looks as if it hasn't been watered, even though you water it almost every day. The fact is that when overmoistened, the roots of an orchid quickly rot, and diseased roots are not able to supply the flower with moisture, the leaves wither and the flowers fall off. Water the orchid every 3-4 days or once a week.

Orchid buds dry at low air humidity.

Phalaenopsis, as a tropical flower, can withstand a dry atmosphere in an apartment even in winter with the radiators on. However during the flowering period, delicate buds in a dry atmosphere with a humidity of less than 70-60% dry out and fall off. To eliminate this, place the orchid on a wide dish filled with damp sphagnum moss. Spraying a plant does not give the desired effect, especially since droplets can leave unsightly marks. limescale on the leaves. To remove dust, the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. Orchids love showers, but streams of water should not fall on peduncles with buds and flowers.

Drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Plants don't need air like humans or animals, but they still thrive when there is a supply of fresh oxygen. When ventilating the room, make sure that flowering plants are not exposed to air flow, otherwise the flowers will wither and the buds will fall off. If the orchid is on the windowsill, do not open the window, especially in winter; in a cold draft, not only the buds will suffer, the peduncle may dry out completely and dark spots will appear on the leaves.

When the room is ventilated in winter, the temperature drops sharply, and the plant experiences stress. Orchids are often overcooled during transportation after purchase. While you bring the flower home, it may freeze in the cool season and buds and flowers will quickly fall off the peduncle in a new place. Be sure to pack the purchased plant in a box and several layers of paper, when negative temperatures An orchid cannot be carried along the street.

The flow of hot air from heating appliances that are turned on is also harmful to the orchid., such a hot draft affects delicate flowers like a drying wind in the desert. Heating radiators should be covered with a damp cloth in winter, and flowers should be kept away from heaters.

For orchid flowering, the usual room temperature, at which a person is comfortable, this interval is from +18 to +25 degrees. Going beyond the boundaries of this regime is already a load on the flower, due to which flowering may stop.

Excess fertilizer.

Unlike all flowers, it is better to underfeed an orchid than to overfeed it. This plant is adapted to develop with minimal doses of nutrients, so special fertilizers are used nutrient solutions for orchids with low concentration. With an excess of fertilizers, the growth of an orchid is inhibited and during the flowering period this leads to the falling of buds from the peduncle and the rapid withering of flowers. It is recommended that when budding begins, you completely stop fertilizing the orchid until the end of flowering to prevent a bad reaction.

Diseases and pests of orchids.

The appearance of spots, dots, sticky coating, cobwebs or white fluff on the leaves indicates the presence of pests or diseases in the plant. All these factors weaken the orchid; it will not bloom fully until it recovers.

Provided with everything, growing in close to natural conditions, the plant is always looks healthy and thriving. And even in cramped home conditions it is able to survive.

Although modern hybrid forms of orchids are not so demanding on approximate conditions and quite tenacious, cultivation is not without problems for the grower.

One of these problems is when they start wither and dry buds.

The main reasons why the buds of the phalaenopsis orchid dry out

Drying of the buds can be caused for many reasons, but almost all of them are associated with either incorrect or inappropriate conditions of detention.

Plant stress

The plant experiences stress mainly due to environmental change.

After purchasing an orchid in a store, you need to let the flower adapt to its environment.

Spraying the buds

Exists two opinions about spraying:

  • Some orchidists completely eliminate spraying, especially on flowers and buds;
  • Others advise carrying out this method, but only on the leaves and creating water dust with a sprayer.

The smaller the drops, the faster they are absorbed by leaves and dry out.

But, in any case, you should not spray when the air temperature is cool.

That's for sure will displease the orchid and will cause wilting.

Why buds:

Are they not blooming?

there is plenty of non-blooming:

  • Lack of lighting;
  • Application (during the period of budding and flowering, phalaenopsis is not fed);
  • Ingress of moisture during spraying;
  • Overwatering;
  • Hot room temperature;
  • Rearrangement during the flowering period, etc.

Are they falling off?

In Phalaenopsis, at the genetic level, it is flowers blooming with the onset of the dry summer period. But this is in the tropics.

We have winter at this time, so for orchids in our conditions, at the genetic level, certain stress.

Although there are many reasons for falling off, they are mainly caused by stressful situations.

Why do orchid flowers fade: reasons

The reasons for the wilting or shedding of buds and flowers are very similar.

The difference is that a blooming orchid is more sensitive to any external factors.

Changing the usual conditions

A change in familiar surroundings may well cause not only fading, but also resetting them.

Orchids generally do not tolerate any changes during cultivation, especially frequent change of place of growth.

Preference should be given to the western or eastern side and try not to disturb the plant anymore by choosing a more suitable location.

Some flower growers summer time take their pets to the countryside, which also causes negative reaction - stress.

Transportation and changing the usual place of a flowering plant ends with the dropping of flowers.

Important! Direct sunlight is harmful to orchids.

Poor lighting

It should be remembered that orchids very sensitive to lack of lighting. This is especially evident during their flowering period.

If the lighting in the place of growth is incorrectly selected The buds are the first to feel the lack of light, which begin to fade, then the petals begin to wither and as a result the entire flower falls off.

Floriculture lovers often purchase blooming orchids in stores or nurseries.

But it should be remembered that lighting at points of sale much better than homemade.

When entering an insufficiently lit home room, they usually begin flowers fade and fall off.

The lack of light is created by placing the pot deep in the room, and even with the curtains closed.

Due to lack of light, the orchid's buds may fall off.

Even tulle curtains with this arrangement significantly reduce the flow of sufficient lighting.

Autumn – winter time year generally reduces the usefulness of lighting and without its addition, flowers will begin to fade and fall off.

Frequent watering with fertilizers during flowering

This causes a premature reset.

If feeding is carried out, then no more than 2 times a month and then at a dosage reduced by 2-3 times.


Exposure to direct sunlight in summer cause overheating.

Hot rays of the sun, falling on flowers and leaves, have a detrimental effect on phalaenopsis, causing them to wither and shed.

Drying and subsequent processes occur during heating season when heat comes from batteries that are too hot.

Improper watering

Overdrying of the root system or its waterlogging causes failure in correct mode, which affects the work of the roots.

They either begin to dry out or rot. The power function is inhibited and the flower doesn't get enough nutrition.

Moisture is drawn out of the buds and flowers. Naturally they start wither and fall.

Another reason is considered watering with cold water.

Early aging of the bud

Under aging in orchidists This implies both the biological age of the plant and the duration of flowering.

At an advanced biological age, the orchid simply does not have enough strength. provide food for flower stalks.

This usually happens after 7 years of life of this type of orchid.

You should also know: different hybrid species of phalaenopsis have different flowering times. From 10 days to six months.

It is much easier to determine the factor of falling and wilting of flowers with this option.

Withering occurs gradually, starting from the very top.

Rules for successful flowering

Backlighting in winter

During this period, significantly daylight hours are decreasing and phalaenopsis requires additional lighting before required quantity– minimum 12 hours.

The best option, according to orchidists, is considered special phytolamps, which can be luminescent or LED.

The only thing that not everyone is happy with is their pink-lilac lighting; in this case, you can get by with the same household-use lamps that have a daylight color.

Advice! The phytolamp should be placed at a height of 40-50 cm above the orchid.

Some gardeners reduce the room temperature to 16-18 ° C, slowing down life processes the plant and allowing it to rest during this period.

Then you should forget about flowering for this time.

Avoid excessive heat and sunburn

Ideal temperature for flowering is considered to be 23-25° C, with a difference in night and day temperatures of 4-6° C. At elevated temperatures, especially during periods of excessive heat, the plant increases green mass as opposed to flowering.

Some gardeners make a big mistake by placing an orchid on the windowsill to pamper it with sunlight. From this plant gets noticeable stress, which is caused by a sharp change in conditions.

Heat and sunburn ensure that soon Can't wait for flowering.

When direct sunlight appears on the flower it should be shaded and avoid such heat in the place of growth, especially at low humidity.

Maintaining the required air humidity

Orchidaceae prefer high humidity – 60-80%. They tolerate a slight change with dignity.

But if the humidity is below 30% or above 80%, there will either be no flowering, or the flowering plant will shed its flowers.

Do not raise the humidity level by spraying the leaves. This won't lead to anything good.

It is better to install a container or pan with water nearby, which will evaporate will raise the humidity level.

Reducing watering during flowering

As has been said many times, such an exquisite exotic plant does not like overwatering and drying out roots.

Any extreme is reflected in the formation of flower stalks. For and laying buds, on the contrary, advise to lower the temperature and reduce watering by half.

Feeding before the flower blooms

During this period, the plant needs sufficient amount of phosphorus and potassium.

Therefore, fertilizing before flowers bloom must be selected in such a proportion that percentage of these elements was overwhelming.

Advice! When planting a peduncle, it is better not to use immersion watering. It is better to pour a reduced dose of complex fertilizer carefully along the edge of the pot.

In what cases will you have to accept the loss of flowers?

Root death

At death of the root system, if possible, then you need the roots. You should forget about flower stalks during this period.

Natural aging

No need to demand from a flower that has aged in a biological, natural way, good flowering.

There is nothing you can do about nature, the plant no longer has the strength to reproduce, you have to come to terms with it.

Changing the conditions of detention

Another reason not to wait for flowering, since orchids don't like changes in conditions.

Due to sharp climatic conditions the orchid may die.

In addition, usually after purchasing an orchid you also...

It takes time to adapt.

Severe hypothermia

Transportation during the cold season, drafts or inaccurate ventilation – bud reset guarantee, flowers and stopping in the laying of peduncles.

And in case of severe hypothermia, it is generally necessary save the plant itself, forgetting about flowers.

Useful video

Find out from the video why orchid buds fall off:

Watch the video why orchid flowers wither:

Video instructions on how to achieve an orchid:

Find out in the video how to make an orchid bloom:


Having purchased such an exotic flower at least once, many gardeners become his fans for life.

And only by listening to the advice of experienced orchidists, reading specialized literature and finding sources of information about growing orchids on the Internet, flower growers can successfully raise their exotic pets.

Analyzing your actions to create conditions and care will allow you to avoid numerous problems and enjoy full, long-lasting and lush flowering.

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The orchid is known for its wide variety of colors and amazingly shaped delicate flowers. Their beauty conquers the hearts of even those who are deeply indifferent to the beautiful world of flora. For some time now, these tropical flowers have become popular among gardeners in colder northern latitudes, which, thanks to modern means care received the opportunity to have this plant at home. But some housewives sometimes complain that with proper care and attention, the orchid’s flowers still fall off. Why is this happening?

Possible reasons for the falling of flowers in an orchid

In fact, orchids are absolutely not capricious plants, although many amateur gardeners are afraid of possible complexity care and scares away, negating the desire to have one at home beautiful flower. But when proper care(in accordance with certain, but easily achievable maintenance conditions), the orchid will reward its owner with beautiful flowers for all the work. The key to this success lies in practical experience and the patience of the grower.

There may actually be several reasons why an orchid drops its flowers: possible stress, rearranging the flower pot or moving the owners, insufficient lighting in the room, excess or lack of sunlight, hypothermia or overheating of the orchid, drafts in the room, unsystematic watering of the plant and low humidity air. At the first signs, when the first flowers have been dropped or the buds have withered, a good gardener should analyze the current situation in order to help the flower recover. What could be the reasons for flowers falling?

Age of a blossoming orchid

First of all, when purchasing an orchid with open buds in a store, you should definitely ask when it bloomed. Because if an orchid unexpectedly drops flowers, then this phenomenon may simply be associated with the end of the life span of the bud. Some types of orchids bloom for just over a week, while others last for three months or more. Do not forget that this plant, like all living things on earth, is subject to the natural aging process.

Insufficient lighting

In the process of caring for any type of orchid, the key to successful growth and flowering is properly selected room lighting. If the lighting in the room is insufficient, the orchid’s buds and petals will first begin to fade, and then the flowers will fall off. When purchasing an already blooming or budding orchid, you must keep in mind that lighting in stores can be much better equipped than at home. Finding itself in new conditions without the usual light, the orchid will shed its flowers and unopened buds.

The further the pot with the orchid is located from the window, the correspondingly less sunlight it will receive. A significant obstacle to obtaining light such delicate flower there are even thin tulles, this is especially true autumn-winter period of the year. The hostess should take all these nuances into account and try to select the most suitable one in advance. optimal place permanent residence of the orchid, so as not to injure the plant once again by forced rearrangements and not to provoke the orchid to drop its flowers.

Flower growers should know that there are cases when a peduncle appears at the end of summer, develops to the state of a bud by the month of October, and outside the window it suddenly darkens sharply - it rains or snows. At this stage, the development of the bud abruptly stops, and the peduncle may slowly dry out. This plant is very sensitive to light, because the internal chemical reactions Flowering occurs only with a certain amount of sunlight.

Overheating orchid

In summer, on the contrary, the orchid needs to be protected from direct rays of the sun, that is, hidden in the shade of other plants or placed behind a light curtain. And it is best to remove a blooming orchid from the window altogether. The summer sun may be too bright for this flower, and too hot sun rays will have a detrimental effect on it.

There are cases of burning of flowers and buds. In addition, in summer the orchid is at risk of complete withering, since the roots of the plant sometimes cease to receive the moisture necessary for normal life, and inevitable dehydration occurs. During the heating season, the orchid may suffer from jets of hot air emanating from radiators. In this case, flowers and unopened buds may also dry out and fall off. The orchid pot must be positioned so that the flow of hot air can be avoided. In this case, you need to make sure that the branches with peduncles do not hang down, much less touch the battery. It is recommended to move the flower pot closer to the glass, and hot battery cover with a wet towel.

Low air humidity

If the air is too dry, there is a threat of drying out the easily vulnerable tissues of blossoming flowers and buds, and one day you will find that almost all the flowers of your favorite orchid have fallen off. If you do not want to see such a picture, then under no circumstances allow the air humidity in the room where the pot with the plant is located to be lower than necessary.

For supporting required humidity air in the immediate vicinity of the plant, it is recommended to use air humidifiers. If you do not have such a device, you can place trays with wet sand, expanded clay, peat or other suitable material on the windowsill.

Under the influence of winter sunlight, the sand heats up, which leads to evaporation of water and increased humidity around the orchid. If you are simply spraying the air around a flower to increase its humidity, you should use only filtered water for this.

Hypothermia of an orchid

Hypothermia of a plant as sensitive to the slightest temperature changes as an orchid can lead to unwanted leaf drop. This can happen if you carry an orchid from the store home down the street in the cold winter, or if the temperature in the room where your flower “lives” is incorrectly adjusted. You should know that carefully packed in cellophane and paper delicate orchid can be in the cold for no more than 15-20 minutes.

A draft can also cause hypothermia, to which the orchid will immediately respond by dropping its flowers. The risk of a cold draft occurring is especially high in the winter. When ventilating the room, be sure to ensure that the orchid pot is not in a draft; the consequences of such a mistake will be disastrous not only for the flowers and buds, but also for the entire plant as a whole.

The difficulty is that this tropical flower, although very heat-loving, does not tolerate stuffiness very well. This means that the orchid needs to constantly ventilate the room. The room should be ventilated even in cool weather, but this must be done with extreme caution. In summer, it is recommended to periodically take the orchid out onto the balcony or outside for ventilation.

Orchid neighborhood

Orchid is a real sissy; she practically cannot tolerate nuts, bananas, apples and tomatoes located near her because of the ethylene they emit. The bouquet of fading flowers located next to it has a detrimental effect on the condition of the orchid. This proximity provokes rapid aging in the plant and the falling of flowers and unopened buds. Therefore, the gardener should be aware of this unusual reaction of the flower to certain types of nuts, vegetables and fruits. And if there is an orchid in the room, such proximity should be avoided.

All kinds of stressful situations

The cause of a sudden stressful state of a flower can be a change of environment, for example, moving from a store to an apartment. Or a discrepancy between the conditions in which it is located and the conditions in which the orchid should be kept. For example, poor lighting or incorrect room temperature. As a result, the plant may begin to wither due to the resulting stress, and then do not be surprised that one day both the leaves and flowers of the plant suddenly fall off.

For an orchid that does not tolerate a change in habitat, it is better to immediately choose one permanent place. But you should be guided by the cardinal directions. No matter how strange it may sound, the orchid prefers oriental or western direction, that is, the window must face any one of these parts of the world. The orchid does not like other directions, so it is better to avoid them.

Improper watering of an orchid

If the soil in a pot with a flower is constantly dry, it means that the orchid is not watered often enough. If the soil is too wet, then the flower suffers from excess moisture. An ill-chosen regime for watering an orchid will first affect the root system of the flower. As a result of such watering, the roots of the plant will begin to dry out or rot; this depends on how much water the orchid receives.

As a result, a negligible part of the root system will remain, which will not be able to provide the entire flower with the moisture necessary for normal life. In turn, the plant will begin to redistribute moisture from flowers and buds to more important vital organs - to the stem and leaves. As a result of this natural process, the flowers and buds will first dry out and fall off, and then the entire plant will wither.

An experienced gardener determines the watering time by touch. When touched, you should feel a light, pleasant moisture in the soil. The soil should never be wet or dry. If you constantly water and allow the soil to be either too dry or waterlogged, the plant will inevitably die. And one more important detail - the water with which the plant is watered should be slightly warm.

Mechanical damage

Various dots and spots of black, Brown or even transparent ones may appear on flowers or unopened buds due to mechanical damage. It should be remembered that the delicate petals of an orchid can be easily injured during transportation, if the pot accidentally falls, or if the flower is damaged by pets. Therefore, the housewife should be especially careful and protect the orchid from such injuries.

The cause of this kind of dots and spots on buds and flowers can also be careless watering of the plant. When watering an orchid in bright, direct sunlight, you may accidentally leave a few drops of water on the buds or already blooming flowers. These droplets will be enough to cause sunburn followed by spots on the orchid petals. Such mechanical damage provokes stunting, wilting and shedding of flowers and buds of the plant. And, unfortunately, they are not subject to any treatment.

Gray rot

This is a fungal disease that manifests itself primarily on orchid buds and flowers. Initially, small watery spots appear, which then turn into depressed, dead areas of a characteristic brown color on the petals and buds. At the same time, gray-dirty spots containing an ashen coating may appear on any part of the plant.

If you run your hand over this coating, lightly touching the plant, you can see that it washes off well. This fungal pathogen can reach the root system of the flower. After the orchid's petals fall off, the flower will gradually begin to wither and then die.

If you do not treat the plant on time, you risk losing the orchid forever. The gardener should be aware that fungal spores are carried on hands, clothes and are simply transmitted through the air. The reasons for the appearance of gray rot lie in non-compliance with temperature conditions, improper watering, insufficient ventilation of the room, overfeeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, high humidity air and irrigation with low-quality water. When this disease manifests itself, it is necessary to isolate the diseased orchid from other flowers as quickly as possible and immediately begin to treat it.


This insect, appearing on an orchid, begins to suck the juice out of it and at the same time injects toxic substances into the plant. As a result, the orchid weakens and its growth and development begin to slow down. The first symptoms of plant damage by these insects are easy to notice.

The leaves of an insect-infested orchid begin to turn yellow or red, and then the flowers of the plant fall off. Sticky drops also appear on the leaves on both sides and a characteristic “cotton” coating. white. If a plant is heavily infested with mealybugs, the buds and flowers are deformed, and the leaves may acquire a marbled tint.

A new orchid grower should not panic or worry if a newly purchased orchid suddenly begins to drop flowers. It’s better to just try to analyze why this happened. What caused the flowers to fall off? Only by finding out the cause of the disaster can you help your flower recover.

Anyone who decides to have an orchid at home quickly becomes a fan of the exotic ornamental plant. Over time, many flower growers begin to collect various varieties of tropical flowers. And with proper and patient care, the majestic orchid will constantly bestow its owner with flowers of amazing beauty and shape.