Organic vegetable garden planting vegetables. Mixed plantings: choosing the best neighbors for crops. Causes of ground fatigue

In ancient times, people lived in complete harmony with nature - they worshiped the Sun and respected the Earth. Biological balance was maintained - chlorophyll-containing plants used solar energy to increase green mass, produce seeds, fruits, wood, etc. Plant foods were eaten by various representatives of the fauna. Herbivores, in turn, served as food for predators. Various bacteria also actively took part in the biological cycle, maintaining the biosphere in working order.

Scientific and technological progress, aimed at unlimited increase in everything that can be produced, has caused irreparable harm agriculture. Farmers were the first to return to natural land care. Gaining popularity every year organic farming in the country.

Digging or loosening in organic farming?

The main difference between traditional tillage and soil cultivation is its deep digging. At the usual way a layer of earth about 30 cm thick is removed and turned over, and with organic, the soil is loosened in one plane to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Deep (dump) digging disrupts the natural processes that contribute to the formation of the fertile layer:

      • representatives of soil fauna die;
      • damaged weed roots form new growth points;
      • weed seeds enter an environment favorable for germination.

At the same time, the flow of oxygen into the deep layers increases, which at the first stage leads to the formation of a large amount of minerals, ensuring a high yield.

Next, the soil becomes depleted, since the fertile layer does not have time to recover, and a large number of minerals leads to its compaction. The deep root system of the grasses has been destroyed and can no longer support the already meager layer. The humus part of the earth is washed away and weathered. An alternative to deep digging is loosening, for which a cultivator is used.

At the same time, one cannot thinklessly approach the issue of digging and categorically deny its significance. Clayey and uncultivated soils without deep penetration will not give good harvests, therefore, for heavy and virgin lands, deep autumn digging is mandatory.

The rule remains unchanged - do not turn over the layer of earth, but move it in one plane! The fact is that many worm bugs live at different depths, so those who are used to living on the surface die under a heavy layer, and vice versa.

Methods for natural cultivation of vegetables in organic farming in the country

At organic farming in the country are guided by several principles:

1. Only animals and vegetable waste. For example, before autumn processing soil, burn dry tops and grass, and dig up the resulting ash. Main organic fertilizers When growing environmentally friendly products, manure, bird droppings and humus are used. To produce high-quality humus, it is important to lay it correctly. Also use "" remains of any food products. As a green fertilizer for organic farming in the country apply .

2. Completely abandon herbicides and fungicides. The following come to the aid of gardeners:

      • yarrow has a detrimental effect on moths, gall midges and thrips;
      • wormwood successfully fights cabbage cutworms, leaf rollers, aphids,;
      • chamomile, celandine and nettle have an antiseptic effect;
      • sow thistle is an excellent cure for powdery mildew.

3. Plan the planting of vegetables, taking into account the three- or four-year period, as well as the suitable proximity of the plants. In a four-year period, vegetable crops are divided into groups:

      • A – green (white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, spinach, etc.);
      • B – root vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes, beet, garlic, etc.);
      • C – pumpkin and nightshade (except potatoes) – cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers;
      • D – legumes.

4. Don't use hybrid varieties, and the seed material is treated with biologically active natural preparations. Extracts and extracts of chamomile, horsetail, garlic, valerian, aloe, etc. are also used for dressing.

5. Be sure to mulch the soil. In nature, the ground is always covered with grass, fallen leaves or pine needles. Green organic matter rots, increasing the layer of humus. Bare soil erodes, moisture quickly evaporates, and the earth becomes compacted.

Suitable for mulching:

      • any mown grass (without seeds), straw;
      • and humus;
      • sawdust, newsprint, cardboard;
      • pine needles, cones and crushed tree bark;
      • grain husks (wheat, rice, buckwheat);
      • drunk tea and coffee.

Grow environmentally friendly crops using organic farming in the country does not amount to special labor, and the benefit from it is enormous - your health.

In nature, there are no large areas occupied by one species.
There is always a mixture of herbs in the meadow

, in the forest there are not only different types of trees, but also shrubs, grasses, and mosses.

Even in a field where only one crop is planted after plowing, weeds grow.
We, too, can create a vegetable garden in which plants coexist. How to do this? The answer is simple - use the mixed planting method. To do this, you need to know which plants are good neighbors and plan the area to ensure the closest possible proximity. different cultures. They should not grow in large masses, but in adjacent rows or holes.

There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet... I'll just share my experience...

First of all, you need to choose the main crop, then select a neighbor that has a beneficial effect on the main plant. For for long years I plant together tomatoes and basil and lettuce... peppers and beets... corn and cucumbers or beans. tall plants will protect the lower ones from direct rays of the sun and create a more favorable microclimate for them. You still need to be more careful with corn... it’s better to plant it separately for seedlings or cucumbers... one year I planted corn and cucumbers at the same time, but the cucumbers didn’t sprout... I had to replant them, but the corn was already growing. ..and it grew and grew... as a result, the cucumbers remained small and underdeveloped in the shade of the corn thickets.

It is worth planting aromatic herbs nearby that repel pests. You just need to make sure that they don’t drown out the main culture. Plant marigolds, calendula, and nasturtiums scattered throughout the vegetable garden. Last year we had an aphid invasion... and only one young seedling was spared by it. It was a pear tree, under which grew calendula and other spices...

Consider the timing of crop ripening. If you harvest one crop early, it is worth finding a replacement plant for it. You can't leave the ground bare. It is mulched and green manure is planted. When choosing crops, you should pay attention to reducing competition between them. Plants with deep root systems will get along better with those with shallow roots; species with low nutritional requirements will not interfere with those who need a lot of nutrients; tall, spreading crops will protect those that like light partial shade from the sun.

Only the neighbors' water needs should be similar.

For example early cabbage it will be simply wonderful to coexist with celery

Just don’t confuse it - exactly early varieties cabbage... as soon as we harvest the cabbage in mid-July... celery will spread throughout the entire bed and will continue to grow until September-October, depending on the climate.

The most popular neighbors in the garden

Tomato - basil... tomato - parsley... tomato - salad

Early cabbage - celery... cabbage - marigolds... cabbage - nasturtium

Carrots - onions... carrots - garlic

Potatoes - beans...

However, do not forget that advice is just advice, and not a command for action... using this table you can choose the most convenient combinations for yourself.

Another piece of advice... make it a rule to keep records of all actions performed at your dacha. I have a treasured notebook where I write down everything I do... I start with the seeds in stock, then... what, when and where I planted (seedlings, in a greenhouse, in a garden bed)... what and with what I did combined, and at the end of the season I make a note side by side whether I liked it or not...

This year I decided to keep new statistics for myself in Google spreadsheets... I'll see what comes of it, starting from the seeds for now...

And in my treasured notebook I have already noted for myself that this year I will plant together:

Eggplant + Vigna (Chinese beans)
... Carrots + tomatoes + basil (I won’t change my observations)
... Corn + pumpkin + cucumbers
... Broccoli + cucumbers + peas
... Pepper + beets (this also remains unchanged for me)
... Leeks + beets
... Onions + beets + carrots
... Early cabbage + celery.

I’ll be sure to show you in the group what came of it

Don't be shy - share your experience!!! How do you combine plantings?!... What conclusions did you draw for yourself?!... Maybe, on the contrary, you have a bad experience of combining plantings?!... Be sure to write about it, any experience you have is simply necessary for each of us

You have, of course, more than once thought about how best to use the space in your garden, how to compact vegetables on them. Which cultures are compatible? How to organize a conveyor in a garden bed? All these issues can be solved by using mixed plantings of vegetables, the diagrams of which are given below.

Repeated and compaction sowing of vegetable crops

Compacted crops vegetable crops have been used since ancient times. This way it is used more intensively effective area, because in the garden it is the most fertile and loose. We don’t spare mulch there, water it with all kinds of weed infusions, and of course, enrich the soil with compost and green manure.

combined planting of vegetable crops - beans, cabbage, corn

Compacted plantings are very often used in practice natural farming. After all, green manure and organic mulch not only fertilize the soil, but also heal the microflora - there are no severe diseases or pests. One of the conditions that must be taken into account when compacting crops is the characteristics of the vegetative development of combined crops. In a short growing season (30-45 days), crops such as dill, lettuce, spinach, radishes, arugula, and onions have time to grow. Watercress grows even faster.

The average period of development for such crops as early cabbage, garlic, onions and turnips is that they leave the garden by the end of July-beginning of August. Autumn period harvested from vegetables such as late cabbage, carrots, and beets. Well, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants leave the garden late.

mixed plantings sometimes turn out to be very expressive

Repeated sowing of vegetable crops mainly refers to crops with a short and, less often, medium growing season. So, after the lettuce leaves the garden, you can plant grown cabbage in its place. By this point, it will no longer interfere with the previously planted cucumbers, which will climb the trellis. And after harvesting the garlic, you can plant Chinese cabbage in its place. This is an early ripening crop, and before frost you can constantly pick off its succulent leaves for fresh salads.

Plant compatibility

Combined planting of vegetables is very effective if you choose good companions for the main crops. After all, plants can inhibit each other, or vice versa, stimulate growth, development, and even protection from pests. It has been noticed that when potatoes are compacted with beans, the damage from the Colorado potato beetle is significantly reduced. And compacting cabbage with marigolds reduces the risk of attack by the white butterfly. But even here you need to maintain a reasonable balance - too many marigolds will not help the cabbage, but will depress it.

Property to highlight organic compounds, inhibiting or suppressing the development of others is called the allelopathy effect. But no matter how hard they try to study and systematize this phenomenon, it is impossible to obtain reliable data - too many factors influence the plant during the growing season. Everyone's areas are different: temperature regime, humidity, lighting, prevailing winds, soil composition, etc. That's why successful combinations in some conditions they may “work” completely differently in others. But that's not a reason to ignore someone's successes, right? We need to take such decisions into account and adjust the “combination” already in our beds.

When placing plants in a garden bed, you can take into account not only the compatibility of vegetables with each other, but also intersperse ornamental and herbs. Then the garden will become not only useful, but also beautiful. The compatibility of plants during planting, tested in practice in our conditions in Kazakhstan (Table 1), has so far collected little data. But they are all successfully used.

Table 1


eggplant, corn, calendula, cucumber, carrots


lettuce, marigolds, beans, garlic, spinach


onions, beets, celery, dill, marigolds


onion, lettuce, beets, cucumber


carrots, beets, tomato, celery, savory


peas, onions, lettuce, tomato, sage


peas, radishes, beans, cabbage, peppers


cucumber, salad, beans


carrots, cucumber, radishes, strawberries


parsley, beans, calendula, nasturtium, basil


eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, cucumber

Potatoes and cucumbers, beans and onions, strawberries and cabbage do not get along with each other. Carrots “do not like” all umbelliferous plants - dill, celery, parsley. Fennel is generally a pest, and it is better to plant it in tubs. It is also better for hyssop to find a place in the backyard.

Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden

Almost schoolchildren know about the successful “duet” of carrots and onions. Separately planted onions from 1 sq.m. in our conditions yield approximately 2.5 kg, and carrots about 6 kg from the same area. And when they grow together, we collect 9 kg of vegetables from the same area of ​​the garden bed! They protect each other from pests, so the efficiency of space use doubles.

And of course, mixed plantings in the garden need to be grouped taking into account the height of the plants, and the plantings should be layered. And also watch the growth - they grow differently, some quickly gain green mass, others slowly. It is better to plant compactors at a lower height than the main crops. Layering creates favorable conditions for roots and generally makes better use of solar energy.

Mixed planting of vegetables: schemes

It is advisable to place combined plantings of vegetable crops on stationary beds. The soil in them is not dug up every season; its structure is improved annually due to the death of the roots of vegetables, flowers and green manure. Different crops and crop rotation reduce soil fatigue, and working in such beds is much easier than in traditional vegetable garden. Here are proven schemes for mixed vegetable plantings:

planting scheme (cabbage and beets)

  1. The scheme combines planting late cabbage and beets. Inside a square of 80 × 80 cm, seedlings of 4 cabbage bushes and 9 beet plants are planted. A handful of ground is placed into the hole eggshells and a glass of compost. Beetroot is harvested in September. The yield is 3-3.2 kg per sq.m. Heads of cabbage harvested in October increase in strength to 10.5-10.8 kg on average. Total weight is about 14 kg, not bad?
  2. Scheme of combined planting of tomatoes and beans. The distance between plants in a row is 30 cm. A line is installed along the rows of bush beans drip irrigation, and beans are planted near each dropper. The tomatoes are placed in the center of the bed in a checkerboard pattern with beans (between the droppers so that there is no excess moisture). There is a stationary trellis running along the center line of the bed. In our conditions, beans produce 2 harvests and on average yield 1.6-1.8 kg per 1 sq.m., medium-sized tomatoes - 4-4.5 kg. For the winter, we don’t prune the bean bushes, but we remove the stems of the tomato bushes by cutting them low.

planting scheme for tomatoes and bush beans

And finally, a short lesson from Galina Ivanovna Kizima, who masterfully uses compacted planting of vegetables (video):

Mixed plantings vegetables, the diagrams of which you saw here, in no case cancel crop rotation in the beds. If, for example, you plant beets in their original place, then next year you will get root vegetables the size of a gulkin’s nose. But this is the topic of the next publications, so stay with us and subscribe to article announcements.

Spring work on your own summer cottage start with planning your garden. This may seem like a simple task. But in order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to take into account important factors that affect the location of certain crops and plant varieties in the beds. To provide good harvest It is important to plant plants according to the cardinal directions, soil composition, required lighting, and the topography of the site. It is necessary to follow the rules of crop rotation.

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    Basics of proper garden planning

    You can start planning your garden now. in early spring when the snow melted and the soil dried out a little. For summer residents with many years of experience, this process is not particularly difficult. Those who are just taking their first steps in gardening should take into account the basic rules that you need to know in order to properly plant plants on your site.

    If a summer resident decides to plan his garden for the first time, then he needs to pay attention to the following factors:

    1. 1. Cardinal directions. Planning the location of the beds should be carried out only in length from north to south. Placement from northeast to southwest is allowed. If you plant crops taking into account the cardinal directions, this will ensure a uniform supply sun rays on the garden bed, will prevent the development of many fungal diseases. In the southern part of the site, planting of heat-loving crops should be carried out. This could be beans, cucumbers, tomatoes. In the north, cold-resistant plants should be planted: turnips, radishes, rutabaga. WITH north side it is recommended to plant corn, which can protect the beds from strong wind. Sunflowers, gooseberry or currant bushes are suitable for this purpose.
    2. 2. When creating a planting plan, you should take into account the composition of the soil, especially if plants will be planted in this place for the first time. Additives should be applied in the fall depending on the type of soil. The ideal time is a month before planting seedlings in the ground.
    3. 3. The scheme for planting vegetables in the garden should take into account the lighting characteristics required for different crops. The only one in an effective way influence on the illumination of beds is thinning or cutting down trees. It is not recommended to plant seedlings under the lush crowns of apple and pear trees. These trees can grow from the northern part of the garden bed. This way it will be possible to protect the plantings from strong winds. If there is land in the northern part of the site that can be equipped for beds, then you should plant shade-loving plants for whom strong rays of the sun are undesirable. It could be sorrel or onion. If you plant seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers in the shade, they will wither. One more good option It will be possible to grow flowers in the northern part, since cultivating vegetables in such conditions is risky.
    4. 4. Relief of the site. If the site is characterized by the presence of some unevenness, then it must be taken into account that in the lowlands in the spring the snow melting process will take place more slowly, and during periods of intense rain there will be water standing in such places. To get rid of excess moisture, you should take care of the drainage system in the form of small grooves. In these places you need to plant plants that require abundant and frequent watering. If the region is characterized by a hot summer period, then seedlings of peppers and tomatoes can be planted in the lowlands. In this case, you will not need to water the plants often.
    5. 5. Presence of weeds. If you plan to divide the plot into beds for the first time, and before that there was simple lawn with a large number of weeds, this problem can be solved in several ways. Can be removed upper layer soil and remove it. Sprinkle peat, sand and manure onto the remaining soil. This method is not particularly popular among summer residents due to its high cost and labor intensity. The other way is simpler. It consists of simply digging up the soil, and in the first year only potatoes are planted. This will get rid of weeds and next year cultivate any vegetables, even very finicky ones.

    Irrigation system

    When drawing up a plan for the location of the beds, you should definitely think about how the plants will be watered. Crops such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers need watering every 3-4 days. Therefore, the irrigation system should be quite convenient.

    At a dacha, at a minimum, there should be a tap and long hoses that could be reached to the plants. If the site has large area, then you should lay out a garden on it or plant plants that do not need frequent watering, and place the vegetable beds closer to the water source so that the distance allows regular and special costs carry out irrigation.

    It is important to note that you should not moisten plants directly with tap water. It should be settled, rainwater or from a local pond or river. Large containers are used for this: old bath, metal vat, plastic barrel. To ensure good pressure when watering, you should purchase a pump and place it in the middle of the container. You can water using garden watering can, however, this process will take quite a lot of time.

    A good option for setting up an irrigation system is drip irrigation. If such a system already exists on the site, then the planting of vegetables will need to be “tied” to places provided with water.

    Compatibility and rotation of crops

    After the issue of watering, lighting and cardinal points has been resolved, one more important point should be considered. Namely, compatibility and alternation of plants in the garden.

    For proper planning of beds, it is important to remember the compatibility of crops, which consists in the ability to grow, develop and protect each other side by side.

    The table contains the names of crops and the degree of compatibility between plants.

    It is important to pay attention to the timing of crop ripening and planting. This will allow on the same bed in different time enjoy the harvest.

    Features of crop rotation

    Crop rotation is important point, which determines the degree of soil fatigue and the quality of the future harvest.

    Otherwise there may beenough serious problems with the cultivation of vegetable crops.

    Causes of ground fatigue

    The following factors lead to soil fatigue:

    1. 1. Accumulation of pathogens and pests. For example, if you grow potatoes in the same place, then the number of wireworms Colorado potato beetles will inevitably grow.
    2. 2. Accumulation of toxic substances. This is another reason that confirms the need for crop rotation. Toxic root secretions – colins – accumulate in the soil. Many crops are quite sensitive to their toxins, such as beets and spinach. Therefore, if you plant these plants in one place, then every year the harvest will get worse and worse.
    3. 3. The need for adequate nutrition. Each vegetable crop has its own requirements for soil nutrition. It is important to take into account this feature of the crops being planted. If you plant related plants for several years in a row, they will suck everything useful material from the ground.

    To understand this more accurately, it is necessary to take into account that all vegetable crops can be divided into several categories according to how demanding the plant is to the soil.

    To properly draw up a plan, you need to divide the site into 4 zones:

    1. 1. Perennial crops, such as strawberries.
    2. 2. Demanding.
    3. 3. Moderately demanding.
    4. 4. Undemanding.

    Next year, demanding plants should be planted where undemanding plants grew. Those with moderate demands should go to the place where the demanding ones grew up. Undemanding plants should be sent to the bed where moderately demanding ones grew. This rotation should be done every year. This will allow the soil to rest a bit.

    The table shows the predecessors and successors of vegetable crops. It is important to remember that the culture returns to its previous place no earlier than after 3–4 years.

    It is important to take into account the fact that human memory is not unlimited. It is very difficult to remember exactly what crop grew in a certain area 5 years ago.

Organic farming today is transforming from a little-known trend into a full-fledged movement for conscious, rational and responsible gardening. Calling to work in accordance with nature, and not contrary to it, this approach allows you to save energy and resources, and enjoy every minute spent on your site. And grow high-quality, environmentally friendly crops in your garden without hassle, forgetting about watering, weeding and even digging. The smart-lazy approach is the basis of natural farming, revolutionizing the idea of ​​your own vegetable garden.

Organic farming - hassle-free gardening for the rationally lazy

Every summer resident dreams of rich harvests that do not require extra effort. And the concept of a “lazy” garden is increasingly becoming part of our everyday life. But the very principles that make it possible to simplify the process of growing your own crops remain, if not a mystery, then something akin to science fiction for many. A hassle-free garden that does not require weeding, watering or even digging is not a myth or an impossible dream, but a reality. But to achieve results, it will be necessary not only to radically change the approach, but also to reconsider ideas about traditional farming methods.

The basis of the “lazy garden,” as the principle of organizing your own garden and vegetable garden based on the laws of organic (or natural) farming is often called, is a responsible approach and respect for nature. And there is no point in making the mistake of thinking that you can do nothing at all, but still get an excellent result: it is not lazy gardeners who achieve success, but intelligently lazy gardeners. The ability to competently distribute resources, minimize all labor-intensive work and effectively use the entire area of ​​your small plot is not only a reality, but also the only the right approach. And organic farming isn't just for those who don't have the time or energy for "regular" gardening. This whole philosophy and a special approach to gardening and gardening, accessible to everyone, regardless of age, knowledge and experience - to those who want to live and create in symbiosis with nature, and not just use and deplete its resources.

Focusing on getting the maximum from the soil and not harming nature, organic farming uses natural mechanisms for restoring soil fertility, carefully analyzing the laws of their renewal. And the perception of soil not just as a resource, a medium for growing plants, but as a living organism with a unique ecosystem, any intervention in which leads to an irreversible imbalance, radically changes the perception of the very process of growing cultivated plants.

Following the laws of nature itself, without interfering or destroying, but only helping it to the best of our ability and knowledge, organic farming teaches us:

  • appreciate your work;
  • correctly allocate resources and time;
  • do not waste time on unnecessary (and often causing great damage) procedures;
  • Once again enjoy the time spent on your site.

After all, you also need to learn how to relax in the country, and not work every minute. And sometimes it is much more difficult to rebuild the way of thinking and perception than to master new methods.

Three main “nots” of natural farming – the basis of a hassle-free vegetable garden

Organic farming allows you to abandon all the most complex, labor-intensive components of classical gardening and horticulture - the fight against unwanted vegetation, regular watering and soil cultivation.

Organic farming is based on three principles:

Principle 1. Don't dig!

Instead of digging, active and deep cultivation of the soil, organic farming calls for preserving the natural environment of the soil and simply maintaining and improving it, maintaining air and water permeability, without harming the original inhabitants of the soil, using natural means for renewal and restoration and creating a high-quality humus layer.

Principle 2. Don't weed!

It is better to fight weeds not with the most ineffective method - complete weeding, but with their systematic suppression, considering the “main enemies” of any summer resident as one of the valuable natural resources.

Principle 3. Do not water!

The most labor-intensive and resource-intensive component of caring for your garden is perceived as inevitable. But if you reconsider the approach and do not enrich the soil with water, but store it in it, then you can forget about watering.

Of course, organic farming is not only about avoiding watering and fertilizing. In everything, from measures to protect plants from pests and diseases to the issue of fertilizing, you should “listen” to nature and rely on natural mechanisms of protection and self-regulation, which cannot be invented more effectively. A hassle-free organic garden is a healthy garden that produces strong, resilient plants. Natural agriculture has its own approach to the selection of seedlings, seeds, tubers, selection of plant communities, compliance with crop rotation and crop rotation, and to sowing or planting, individual, respectful of the characteristics of the crops themselves.

“Well forgotten old” natural farming

Unfortunately, about natural farming in Russian Federation is still known to few. We often have it in a new, sometimes even innovative or alternative approach. Although the essence of natural farming is not the invention of new technologies, but a return to the roots, attention and respect for nature and its laws, which everyone knew about hundreds of years ago. With technological progress, in just a hundred years, the ability to grow crops in accordance with nature and without harming it gave way to new methods, which led to catastrophic destruction and depletion of soils. For decades, “scientific” but unnatural farming methods, and the original, centuries-old traditions and the practice of creating a garden without hassle was practically lost.

Adherents of traditional agricultural technology are convinced that organic farming methods are of little use in private gardens and gardens and require large resources and costs. But in practice it’s the other way around: even on your 6 acres you can be convinced that natural farming opens up gardening with completely new side. On small area much simpler:

  • understand natural mechanisms and begin to act together with nature itself;
  • move from soil exploitation to its conservation and improvement;
  • start using space rationally and get large and quality harvests even in a small garden without hassle.

The exciting process of learning the laws of nature and starting to work in accordance with them opens the way to responsible farming and new ways to organize your own garden without hassle.

Galina Kizima - a guide to the world of organic farming

The laws and methods of organic farming have been applied in practice by the main expert in this field, Galina Kizima, for more than 55 years. Being the author of more than a hundred books, manuals and articles on smart and successful gardening and horticulture, Galina Aleksandrovna Kizima is a frequent guest on television and radio, a renowned practitioner who modestly calls herself an amateur gardener. Even her opponents listen to her opinion.

More than twenty thousand gardeners and summer residents have already discovered all the benefits of organic farming thanks to Galina Kizima’s video course “Vegetable garden without hassle.” This is a unique course of fascinating videos that will help you not only understand, but also see how an organic garden works without the hassle of a summer cottage and how simple the laws are at the basis of natural farming. Like the author’s books, the video course is distinguished by its accessible language - you won’t hear complex terms or boring explanations in it, this is advice from a practicing gardener to fellow amateur gardeners.

A complete and accessible guide will show you how to put into practice the principles of natural farming and get environmentally friendly, healthy and record harvests of your favorite vegetables, berries and more, forever forgetting about digging, weeding and watering for a real garden without the hassle. And it will help you rediscover the pleasure of your favorite hobby.

A nice bonus to Kizima’s “Garden without hassle”

All readers of Botanichka have a great chance to join the community of intelligently lazy gardeners and like-minded people of Galina Kizima, because today the entire video course “Garden without hassle” is available to you with a unique discount of 2000 rubles. In addition, you will also receive a very nice bonus - 12 books by Galina Kizima in electronic version as a gift. Thanks to them you will learn how to apply organic farming methods in growing ornamental plants, the intricacies of sowing and planting in the garden without hassle, plant protection, growing seedlings, harvesting and harvesting, features of the annual work cycle and many more secrets of gardening without special effort and hassle.

To take advantage of this unique offer and purchase Galina Kizima’s full video course “Vegetable garden without hassle” with a discount and a gift, follow the secret link.

Discover simple yet game-changing organic farming with Galina Kizima! After all, grow your own own harvest without hassle and create beautiful garden is possible not only by exploiting nature, but also by acting according to its laws and principles. And learn the most mysterious of arts - to enjoy your garden and vegetable garden, forever forgetting about hard work.