The optimal diameter of a rounded log for a bathhouse. Rounded log - main dimensions, diameter and tips for choosing Minimum size of a log for a log house

Our great-grandfathers built bathhouses from logs. Modern logs are processed on a machine and acquire an attractive appearance. Baths continue to be built from simple log, time-tested and rounded. Both options are suitable and have their advantages. But what diameter of log is needed for a bathhouse? How not to make a mistake and choose suitable material? Will the walls freeze in winter if a small section is used? We'll talk about all this in more detail below.

The log for the bathhouse is selected with the correct diameter so that the walls do not freeze and retain heat well.

In terms of its reliability and uniqueness, wood is perhaps the most proven material. Baths built in the 50s still stand on some personal plots and serve faithfully.

Logs for the bath are selected with the same cross-section and even shapes.

From those who are skeptical, you can hear negative feedback about the insufficient width of the crown groove (the junction of the links). Opinions that a log bathhouse needs to be additionally insulated, in addition to traditional caulking moss or flax fiber. Most of the negative reviews are precisely related to the incorrectly chosen diameter of the material and the width of the cut groove. But what cross-section is optimal for building a bathhouse? How to choose the correct groove size and log cross-section? GOSTs will help answer the question.

GOST standards on wood cross-section

You can choose the correct ratio between the width of the groove and the diameter of the material using State building codes(GOST 30974–2002). The document states that the width of the groove should be equal to half the diameter of the material. The regulated size is advisable not only as a maximum for giving the log walls maximum thermal insulation, but also in order to save material consumption. The fact is that when cutting a groove we lose part of the height of the material. By increasing the groove width, the cost building material will increase, that is, more links must be used to assemble the log house. Does this make sense? If you choose the correct section of the log, then no. Optimal ratio The groove widths and material heights are as follows:

  • width ⅔ diameter;
  • the height of the log is ¾ of the diameter.

It has been scientifically proven that the heat-insulating properties of a log are distributed not only across its width, but also across its length. This is why it is so important to take into account the given dimensions. Now let’s determine what diameter is optimal for building a bathhouse.

What diameter of log is needed for a bathhouse?

Before answering this question, let's decide what kind of bath we are talking about. The rounded material has a smaller diameter, since the unprocessed cross-section is measured together with the bark. Follows to general cross section add 1 cm of rounded material. Standard material for the construction of a bathhouse is used with a diameter of 20 to 36 cm.

A sauna made of logs with a cross-section of 28 cm will be reliable and will quickly warm up even in winter.

Such a wide size range is due to factors that influence the choice of diameter for your bath:

  • maximum winter temperature in the region;
  • the bathhouse will only be used in summer time or all year round;
  • size of the structure;
  • kiln-dried wood or natural humidity.

How temperature affects the choice of wood section

Winter temperatures in Russia can reach -45 °C. Each region selects a cross-section depending on its indicator average temperature V winter time of the year:

At temperatures below -30 °C in winter, a bathhouse is built from material with a cross-section of 26–36 cm.

Southern regions with winter temperatures down to -15 °C can use a section of 20–25 cm.

For the middle strip, take a section no larger than 30 cm, but not less than 22 cm.

You can deviate from the norms and use a smaller cross-section, but then the bathhouse cannot be used in winter or will have to be additionally insulated.

When choosing a log manual cutting it is necessary to add 1 cm to the given section.

What is the difference between the diameter of a log for a bathhouse at the dacha and that used all year round?

Doesn't build a bathhouse on summer cottage made of wood large section. The structure will be used only in the warm season, and its dimensions are small. So, for a 3x3 bathhouse on one floor, a cross-section of 18–20 cm is suitable. This will be enough to retain heat for a short time, and the steam room will warm up quickly. You don’t have to make a massive foundation, and you can do the work yourself. With a larger section, the weight will not allow you to cope with the work without the involvement of several assistants or special equipment.

The bathhouse at the summer cottage is assembled from non- large diameter logs

For a bathhouse that is supposed to be used all year round, the diameter of the lumber is taken to be at least 24 cm. The foundation is installed with a massive strip or monolithic one. Especially if the wood is used with natural moisture.

How does the size of the bath affect the choice of log diameter?

When choosing big project baths on two floors or with an attic, you need to understand that heating the structure will be more difficult. For better thermal insulation, logs are taken with a larger cross-section from 25 cm. You can use a trick and save money by building the first floor from a cross-section from 25 cm and an attic with a diameter from 20 cm.

A bathhouse with an attic and a porch is assembled from timber with a cross-section of at least 28 cm

For small bathhouse there is no need to take a large diameter. The structure will warm up quickly and retain heat for up to a day. A diameter of 20 cm is sufficient.

For hand-cut wood, add 1 cm to the given size.

How does wood moisture affect the choice of log diameter?

When building a wooden bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of the structure. So a bathhouse made from hand-cut timber with natural humidity will shrink at least 15 cm in height. After natural drying or from a winter forest, the shrinkage will be at least 4–6 cm. These dimensions must be taken into account when building a log bathhouse from a log. When choosing a section suitable for a box height of 240 cm, subtract the shrinkage.

The shrinkage of chamber-dried rounded logs is minimal and reaches 3 cm. Therefore, you should not take too large a cross-section of wood.

The larger the cross-section of wood for building a bathhouse, the higher the price for the material and assembly work will be. But you should not save money if you are building a bathhouse on long years. Factors when choosing a diameter must be taken into account not individually, but collectively. So, when building a bathhouse from rounded wood small size in the northern region, it is better to use chamber drying. The shrinkage of the box will be minimal and you can use a diameter of 26–30 cm. If the bathhouse will be used only in summer, autumn and spring, then take a diameter of no more than 24 cm, regardless of winter temperatures. Chamber drying can be used from 18 cm.

More details about how to cut a bathhouse from a large cross-section log are described in the video:

When choosing the diameter of a log for your bathhouse, consider your capabilities. The thicker the cross-section of the log, the more difficult it is to work with it and the more expensive it will be to build a bathhouse. If you harvest the logs yourself, we recommend cutting them in winter, when the wood moisture content is no more than 10–12%. Thus, the log house will give minimal shrinkage and a smaller cross-section of materials can be used.

For the convenience of the reader, we present the average indicators from GOSTs again:

  • the diameter of wood for a residential log house or bathhouse used all year round is 24–36 cm;
  • at temperatures in winter below -30 0C, the diameter of wood for a bathhouse used all year round is at least 25 cm;
  • to build a small bathhouse at a summer cottage, take a material diameter of 18–24 cm.

We hope that by selecting the correct log section, our readers will receive high-quality and warm bath. Which will delight the owners and all loved ones with light steam and a pleasant atmosphere.

The feasibility of building from wood is undeniable. This is the “ecological cleanliness” of the logs, and the ease of their processing, and acceptable price– it would take a long time to list point by point the rationality of such a choice. But at the same time, few people pay attention to some of the difficulties in installing a log house.

It is conducted according to various technologies- “in a clap”, “paw” and so on - with which professional level Only a few own it. There is one more nuance - the asymmetry of the logs, which complicates the caulking process. In this regard, a rounded log - great option. Typical sizes and some product features are described in this article.

The main, most common sizes are as follows.

It should immediately be noted that there are different sizes of rounded logs on the market, depending on the manufacturer. This is mainly due to the type of equipment that the woodworking enterprise is equipped with. The pictures explain everything well.

Conclusion - when planning to purchase a product, you should check what diameter logs are available on the local market.


Basically - 3 meters. This is a kind of standard for almost all enterprises, since such rounded logs can be transported by a regular vehicle (truck). By individual order the length can be up to 12 - 13, but in this case you will need special equipment.

Calculator for calculating the quantity and volume of lumber

140 – 200

Such, in fact, not very thick logs will not ensure heat preservation. As a rule, they are purchased for the construction of inexpensive country houses or buildings for which heating, based on the specifics of use, is not provided.

220 – 280

The most popular standard size of rounded logs. This building material used almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation for buildings for administrative, economic and other purposes, including residential buildings in the private sector.

˃ 280

Cutting log houses large diameters appropriate or in regions with very low temperatures, or if you want to save on heating by reducing heat loss. But the latter requires careful calculations, since an increase in the size of the sample entails an increase in the load on the foundation. And these are additional costs. Are they commensurate with the expected savings, especially since such rounded logs are more expensive? This is what needs to be assessed.

It remains to add that to reduce construction costs the most rational decision– use of rounded (as well as other) logs different diameters, depending on the installation location. But only on the condition that the wood species is the same.

Choosing the thickness of a log for a bathhouse is an important stage of design and construction, affecting many aspects. Firstly, it depends on whether you can use the steam room in winter or only in summer. Secondly, the diameter of the log directly affects the cost of construction. Thirdly, the aesthetics of the building depends on the choice of material. Let's look at all these nuances in more detail.

Criteria for choosing logs for a bath

So, you should choose the diameter of the logs for building a bathhouse based on the following criteria:

  • seasonality of operation;
  • dimensions of the building;
  • budget.

The first point affects the choice of material the most, so you should focus your attention on it especially. The size of the bath is a purely individual criterion. The building can be either small (4x4 m) or very large. And the diameter of the log house plays an important role here. And finally, the budget is, as a rule, far from flexible, and quite often forces you to sacrifice something.

Seasonality of bathhouse operation and maximum frosts

Let's go from simple to complex. First, let's deal with the case when a bathhouse is being built, for example, at a dacha, which you visit only in the warm season, since there is no house for permanent residence(or for other reasons). For summer use, the choice of log diameter is not very important, and in most cases it is based only on available funds and common sense. A 150-mm frame, and an even less thick one, will be sufficient. This will not reduce the pleasure of taking bath procedures in any way. But the budget is different.

It’s another matter if the bathhouse is planned not only for summer, but also for cold winters. In this case, you need to focus, first of all, on local climatic conditions. The simplest method is to select the thickness of the log according to the minimum low air temperature. For example, if the frost in winter is no more than -20°C, then a log with a diameter of 180 mm to 200 mm is suitable for building an all-season bathhouse. Accordingly, if the temperature drops below, then it is worth considering options with logs from 200 mm to 240 mm.

In general, a log with a diameter of 200 mm is considered to be middle lane Russia is the golden mean for the construction of baths. It should be remembered that this is, after all, not a residential building, and the requirements for thermal insulation properties not so high here. Therefore, looking towards logs 36-50 cm thick is not particularly worth it. Although there are exceptions to this rule.

Bath dimensions

In some cases, the log is selected not only taking into account local frosts, but also according to the size of the building itself. And there are several reasons for this.

First of all, big two-story bathhouse with all kinds of zones and functional premises will not look entirely harmonious if it is built from too thin logs. For such buildings you should take thicker logs. And not only from an aesthetic point of view.

This will be secondly - a large building has significant weight and puts corresponding loads on load-bearing walls with a foundation. In order for the building to be reliable, not to sag or begin to fall apart over the coming years, the logs for its construction need to be selected thicker.

Budget for the construction of a bathhouse

What should those who simply do not have enough money for a log of sufficient diameter do? There are several simple and painless ways out of this situation. The first is to reduce the size of the project by removing unnecessary areas from it, and also optimize the space to the maximum. This way you can build a warm sauna from a log of the required diameter, which can be used all year round.

The second way out is to use modern technologies. Be sure to seal the joints between logs with special sealants. If we look at the question from this side, then no one has canceled the laying of insulation under interior lining, especially since in the steam room you will have to do this anyway.

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A house or bathhouse made of rounded logs (readers interested in timber for a bathhouse) is a widespread practice, to the point where you can know nothing at all about the subject, order some construction company turnkey construction and get the finished result. But it’s unlikely that you would read our articles if you were happy with everything in this version.

And we ourselves believe that a good owner will definitely consider it necessary to delve into the subject, learn more about the material itself– which log is better for a bathhouse, what size, diameter, how they differ, what properties they have. This knowledge will be useful both in order to understand what construction is being made of and to control some parameters or processes. And after that, too - the log house is not to say that it is capricious, but it still requires care.

So let’s figure it all out, and at the same time, you’ll see, we’ll dispel some myths.

Which is better

I would still like to start by looking at wood. And not immediately by breed, but for now only with conventional wisdom, What the best wood there will be one that was prepared in winter.

IMPORTANT! Antiseptics must be distinguished for internal and external works, and not to be confused with each other. It is worth treating the log after laying it, and with the part that will be inaccessible in the future, do the same - impregnate not the wood with an antiseptic, but a jute lining (for example).

What species are suitable for logs?

As already mentioned, for the most part these will be conifers breeds These are the ones you most often find on the market and in the offers of construction companies.

Of course, there is a lot of taiga in Russia, but main reason it will be after all strength And resistance to rotting due to resins. And, of course, straightness of trunks– it is higher in conifers than in deciduous ones. All this applies not only to the cheap pine and spruce mentioned above, but also to more expensive species - larch and cedar. They may also offer you fir.

From deciduous we would call oak, birch, aspen, alder And linden But it only has sufficient strength and resistance to external influences. And it's very expensive.

Because we're talking about about the bathhouse, where heat softens the resin of conifers and causes it to flow to the surface, there are two options: either partially use hardwood to build a steam room, or sheathe the steam room from coniferous species from deciduous.

Spruce has less resin and is lighter in color than pine. Larch and are noble breeds. Larch is not afraid of water, it only makes it stronger.

BY THE WAY! You shouldn’t delude yourself about cedar - this is not at all the tree from which King Solomon built. Here you will find not Lebanese cedar, but Russian... cedar pine. This is what we call “cedar”.

Whom to choose? Focus on budget. If it allows, take larch; if not, then it will do. Although... I would like to advise you not to trust myths too much - under unfavorable conditions, larch may well rot, and under favorable conditions, it can stand for decades.

And it is worth warning that rounded log, into which cone-shaped trunks turn, over time can present many unpleasant surprises. Especially from the same larch. If a log is taken atmospheric drying, then it often begins to lead him over time. It can curl, bend, or simply go into deep cracks.

This can only be avoided if you take trunks that have been subjected to heat treatment. It comes in two types - regular And chamber In the first case, uniform shrinkage is achieved, but with preservation of the resin.

The second lasts much longer, and the output is wood with evaporated resin, which does not give no shrinkage, no torsional deformation, no bending, no cracking. All this is extremely valuable, but the price of such wood is high.

Dimensions, diameter

Before we name the dimensions of a log for a bathhouse, let's briefly go over what we know about trunks. Firstly, they tend thin out closer to the crown. Consequently, the upper diameter will be less than the lower diameter of the cut.

And for even laying A cylindrical rather than a cone shape is preferred. Therefore, of the three types of trunk processing - rounding, planing And scraping, we get the maximum level only in the first case, the minimum - in the third, and the second - something in between.

In this case, the rounding is given cheaper everything, since it is produced on machines, and the rest is related to manual labor. Manual labor costs more than machine labor. But is a rounded log ideal for use?

There is nothing wrong with the operation itself, and it produces a form that is ideal for construction.

IMPORTANT only that the wood itself has no defects and is properly dried. In this case everything will be fine.

Planed option has one caveat: after all, when laying logs in a wall, you should adhere to the GOST rule, according to which for each linear meter a camber of 1 cm is allowed. (Let us explain: the camber is a change in diameter.)

U scraped There is no need to wait for an option to comply with GOST for consistency. And all the flaws remain there - changes in thickness are possible in places where branches grow, and the curvature of the trunk is not eliminated.

It is clear that the first and second options are preferable, but not the third.

Now about uniformity logs There is also a rule about it:

ATTENTION! The permissible difference in the diameters of the crowns used in construction should not exceed 30 mm.

That is, it doesn’t matter whether your diameters are large or small, the main thing is that they are not very different from each other. Otherwise strength the design will be in question.

As for the dimensions, the linear dimensions depend on project and from climatic conditions terrain where the bathhouse will be located. It should also be taken into account seasonality its use - thinner logs are suitable for a summer bathhouse than for an all-season one.

If the task is to do quite light summer construction – you need to take material with a diameter up to 18 cm. And it is also useful in all-season baths for creating partitions.

More solid summer(!) the bathhouse can be made of logs with a diameter 18-22 cm.

For all-season baths suitable diameters from 22 to 28 cm. Large numbers are applicable when we are talking about large-area objects or climatic zones with very low temperatures, there may be logs up to 36 cm in diameter (at -45 degrees that’s it).

How many pieces do you need

There is nothing difficult in the task of calculating how many logs are needed for a bathhouse. Let's describe the solution step by step:

  1. We look at the plan () and write down the lengths of all the walls. If you use a smaller diameter for the partition, then count the partitions separately.
  2. Add up the lengths of the walls. The resulting figure is the total length of one conventional crown.
  3. Decide what diameter the logs will be.
  4. The height of the bathhouse is included in the project. Divide the height by the diameter of one crown. The resulting figure is the number of crowns.
  5. We multiply the length of the conventional crown by the number of crowns. We get the total length of all logs.
  6. The length of one standard rounded log is 6 meters. We divide the resulting length of all logs by the length of one log. The final figure is the amount of material to be purchased.
  7. Pediments are considered in a similar way.

Bathhouse made of large and huge logs

We would classify bathhouses made from large and huge logs as designer projects. Because there is clearly not so much a construction need as aesthetic preference. The owner of such a bathhouse clearly likes the fabulous, epic times when heroes walked the earth 🙂 And indeed, the building will inspire just such feelings, even if we are talking about a bathhouse.

Note, our opinion is that this idea has little functional meaning and often causes critical reviews, due to the inappropriate destruction of valuable ancient trees.

It would be good if the project was done by a professional, because it is he who will have to find the ideal ratio between the size of the bathhouse itself and the diameter of the logs. Because it’s not the grotesque proportions that are pleasing to the eye.

The tree from which crowns with a diameter of more than 30 cm are made must grow for at least three hundred years. Such logs for a bathhouse need to be selected piece by piece sometimes designers deliberately use barrels without cylindering - this enhances the feeling of antiquity and fabulousness. However, laying them into a log house will require great skill from the builders. In most cases, the choice is between cedar And larch.

In general, this is a wonderful and expensive idea, which is worth implementing at large plot with good landscape design. Or better yet, maybe it’s not worth it at all.

Lower crown

Of course, in one article the specifics wood construction It is unlikely that it will be possible to reveal it in any way, but the fact that the bottom log in the bathhouse differs from subsequent logs is worth mentioning.

  • Firstly, there are several people making it more all the other crowns in the log house.
  • Secondly, it does not completely round shape in cross section. In order for there to be a complete fit to the foundation, the bottom is cut off edging, the width of which should not be less 15-20 cm. The second edge is cut from inside the room and has similar dimensions.

It is advisable to protect the crown from the outside low tides, which will prevent moisture from precipitation from getting on it.

Treatment inside the bath

The log house needs protection from all sides, nose outside it is simpler, more precisely, there simply are no restrictions that apply inside, since we are talking about a bathhouse. The fact is that the compounds that should be used for processing are often poisonous, especially for antiseptic impregnations. And the sauna is hot and humid, so the substances with which the logs are soaked will enter the air you breathe, which surrounds your skin.

Therefore, now we will only talk about the acceptable processing of logs inside the bathhouse. However, it will differ depending on the premises. So for the dressing room or hallway there are no restrictions on the use of toxic antiseptics. The rest room can also be treated with them.

ADVICE! Choosing an antiseptic for interior work, check with the seller or Google that we are talking about a bathhouse.

IN washing You should use formulations that are not afraid of water, and most antiseptics are water-soluble.

IN steam room You can use bleach based on chlorine - it will both lighten the surface of the wood and serve. You can use the steam room only after the smell of bleach disappears.

In the future you can do a simple moisture protection, because mold grows on damp wood. For moisture protection, use oil and/or wax-based compositions, or Finnish acrylic sauna varnishes, to which they add antiseptics acceptable for steam rooms.

Seams can be filled wood sealant, and the surface of the logs itself is simply sand, to reveal a beautiful “moiré” texture. Painting is acceptable almost everywhere, but in the steam room you should use only those paints that are intended for it. Paints suitable for bathrooms will work in the washroom. About bath paints here.

How to caulk

The idea of ​​caulking a bathhouse from logs suggests that not all bathhouse owners are familiar with modern means sealing joints (or do not consider them the best). Traditional the methods, of course, are time-tested, but they are very labor-intensive and require periodic labor-intensive updating, since the log house constantly gradually changes its dimensions during the first 20 years of life.

Concerning materials, it is usually used for caulking moss, tow, jute and linen. However, below we will provide a link to a video of a master who categorically does not recommend caulking with jute, because it absorbs moisture well. He considers flax wool to be the optimal material. Moss is traditional, but not widespread everywhere.

Tow comes in different quality. The worse one has inclusions of all kinds of straw. Masters also do not recommend using it, because some of it will crumble over time. Flax tow good quality– an excellent material for caulking.

Lnovatin- a quilted fabric that is somewhat reminiscent of jute, but differs from it in quality. It is convenient for work and is not inferior to tow in terms of heat-insulating properties.

In today's conditions, a rounded log is used to build a bathhouse, the diameter of which varies within an extremely wide range - from 14-16 cm to 36-40 cm. A logical consequence of this fact is the difficulty that most owners experience in determining the value of the parameter in question that is suitable for their specific conditions. Taking into account several of the most significant criteria helps to simplify the selection procedure, including:

  • Climatic characteristics of the region where it was built. It is obvious that for reliable protection from the cold, necessary for a comfortable visit to the bathhouse, as well as maintaining heat inside, which allows you to quickly heat the steam room, a large diameter log is required;
  • Operating mode of the building. In a situation where it is planned to visit the building exclusively during the warm calendar period, the relevance of the thickness of the log decreases, since it is necessary to achieve the reliability of the building, and not its energy efficiency;
  • Dimensions of the structure. Today it is not difficult to find a bathhouse with an attic or a built-on second floor, where a bedroom or recreation room is usually located. In such a situation, it is necessary to take into account the serious load placed on the log house, which requires an increase in the diameter of the log.

Taking into account the three listed factors helps to correctly determine the diameter of the rounded log required for use in construction. As a result, material consumption and, as a consequence, the cost of construction will be as low as possible while simultaneously ensuring the required level of comfort and convenience.

The most common log sizes used in practice

The rich accumulated experience in the practical construction of baths shows that most often when constructing baths, rounded logs of the following diameters are used:

  • 14-16 cm. This type of lumber is rarely used for one-story bathhouse buildings, and only in warm regions of the country;
  • 18-22 cm. A log structure made from logs of this diameter guarantees the strength of the building, even when adding an attic or second floor. However, its energy efficiency is not sufficient for long-term use. all year round without additional insulation;
  • 24-28 cm. Logs of these diameters are used for one- and two-story bathhouse buildings, which are used in both warm and cold seasons. Additional insulation in such a situation is carried out based on the wishes of the future owner.

The most typical log diameters, most often used in domestic conditions, are considered to be three sizes - 20, 22 and 24 cm. Last option It is considered universal, as it is also used in the construction of permanent residential buildings that are intended for permanent residence. It should be noted that reputable manufacturers of log houses always offer the client a choice of at least 3-4 options for the size of rounded logs.