Description of types of tomatoes Yana, Tatyana, pink lamp. The best varieties of tomatoes

Every year, breeders around the world create new varieties of tomatoes or improve old ones. The Lampa tomato is a variety that will appeal to lovers of yellow fruits with very sweet flesh.

This tomato variety has several names: Lamp, Light Bulb and Aladdin's Lamp. The plants received this name because of the shape of the ripe fruits. Vegetables of this variety are actually shaped like small light bulbs or lamps. The nightshade crop of this variety is classified as interdeterminate (the main characteristic is that the height of the main stem is unlimited); the bushes can grow up to 2 meters.

After planting young seedlings in open ground, they must be tied to a vertical support. It is recommended to form the bushes into one main stem. Lower leaves and side shoots should be removed regularly to increase tomato yield. It is recommended to pinch the growing point during the growing season.

Tomatoes are mid-season varieties. From the moment the first shoots appear until the first harvest from the plot is harvested, as a rule, 114 to 120 days pass. The very first inflorescence of the plant is formed above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - every 3 leaves. To plant seedlings of this variety, it is advisable to choose open sunny areas or partial shade. The soil should be light and fertile.

The Aladdin's Lamp tomato variety is suitable for cultivation in garden beds, greenhouses, and film shelters.

Characteristics of tomato fruits Light bulb

The fruits of this variety are small, the mass of ripe vegetables is from 150 to 250 g. Tomatoes are pear-shaped; there may be ribbing and a green spot near the stalk.

Unripe tomatoes are light green in color, ripe ones are rich yellow. Overripe fruits may have red flesh. The skin is dense. The length of the fruits reaches from 7 to 12 cm. Tomatoes of this variety are collected in large clusters, each of which contains 10-15 fruits. From one adult bush you can harvest up to 10 kg of vegetables.

The collected fruits can be stored for a long time without spoiling. Tomatoes can be consumed in fresh, add to salads and refried cabbage soup. Tomatoes are also suitable for making sauces and ketchups.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Aladdin's lamp

Description of advantages:

  • Stable yield;
  • Ripe fruits are pleasant to the taste, as the manufacturer states, “the tomatoes are very sweet, without a sour taste”;
  • High beta-carotene content in mature vegetables;
  • After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for a long time;
  • Universal use in cooking, well suited for preparing salads;
  • Seedlings can be planted both in open and closed ground;
  • Unusual shape of tomatoes;
  • Suitable for preservation in its entirety; tomatoes in jars do not crack and retain their shape.

No significant deficiencies were identified in the Lampa tomato variety.

Planting a tomato Aladdin's lamp

Growing the Light Bulb tomato variety is quite simple; even a beginner can cope with this task. First of all, before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to make sure that the soil is fertile. It is better to choose places for planting in the sun or partial shade.

A stable harvest can be obtained if seedlings are planted according to the 40 X 60 pattern. The distance between each bush should be large, since tomato bushes of this variety take up a lot of space. Before planting seedlings on permanent place, it is recommended to add mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil. This could be potassium or phosphorus-containing fertilizers, manure, chicken droppings or wood ash.

You can begin to prepare the soil for planting tomatoes in the fall, immediately after the entire harvest has been harvested. First, they dig it up and add humus or wood ash. In the spring, you need to dig up the soil and water the tomato beds with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Using an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, you can disinfect the soil and get rid of all harmful insects that have spent the winter in the ground.

Next, you can begin planting seedlings. The best time for this is the second half of May. When planting, seedlings should not be buried too deep, unless they have stretched out too much during their stay at home. After planting, the bushes must be watered with warm water and covered with a warm cloth overnight. Throughout the growing season, tomatoes should be fed with various fertilizers.

What's happened - ? With such a variety of varieties in stores, you need to choose those that are best suited for your conditions. Tomato varieties are different for greenhouses and open ground.

Also, tomato varieties differ in ripening time and type of bush growth - indeterminate (tall) or determinate (short).

Low-growing tomato varieties are less demanding in care, but produce less fruit. Tall varieties need staking, but their yield is higher.
Not all varieties are suitable for pickling either. In addition, there are lovers of yellow or dark tomatoes. What is more important to you - only you can determine for yourself. Check out the varieties of tomatoes. Surely you will find the best variety of tomatoes specifically for your garden.

Differences between tomato varieties

Each tomato variety has its own personality. Behind each are years of work by breeders and decades of popular selection. The beauty of the best modern tomato varieties is their diversity. So we “exploit” both tomato hybrids and varieties with unlimited growth - indeterminate, semi-determinate, and determinate, average height which for the most part ranges from 70-80 cm, and low-growing vegetables, whose height does not exceed half a meter (all their differences and features will be discussed in the article below).

You cannot give advice based on outside experience, as some do, deliberately introducing not entirely truthful information about the yield (quantity and quality) of grown tomatoes. Like here they are - the best varieties tomatoes of the past (and, further, in descending numbers) for tomatoes of the year. With all this, however, it should be noted that they often focus on plant varieties proposed for planting for open and closed ground, without understanding that the advice will be good only after personal experience- better after at least 3-4 years (honestly, but extremely rarely, and sometimes 2 is enough) and with meticulous experiments (starting with the soil additive Vermiculite, the growth stimulator Gumi and, ending with fertilizing: magnesium sulfate, mineral fertilizer Fertika - Kemira and so on - already in the garden) for each variety.

Why am I giving such a deadline? Yes, because you definitely need to take into account the weather, which differs from year to year, and this is the minimum, in my opinion, period to have more or less an idea about each variety of tomatoes.

Tomato growing technology

Tomato F1 Semko 2005

The tomato is suitable for open ground and under film shelters (greenhouses). Determinate, medium-sized, compact. Resistant to soil salinity, drought, high temperatures, grows well in open ground in both southern and northern regions. Vegetables practically do not suffer from viral and fungal diseases, even late blight. The hybrid is early ripening (90 days). There are 5-7 pieces in each brush. fruits weighing about 100 g. The shape of the tomatoes is pepper-shaped and cylindrical with a spout, very dense, pickling type. The hybrid produces from 1 square to one and a half buckets of standard fruits. It has been listed in the state register since 2006.

Tomato F1 Semko 2010

Included in the state register in 2010. Ultra-early ripening determinate hybrid - 85-88 days pass from the sprouting of green vegetables to the coloring of fruits. The first brush is formed immediately after the sixth leaf grows. The fruits are incredibly dense for such an early tomato, and are by no means small - 130 g. The shape is round hearts with a beautiful pointed tip. In open ground we usually plant thickly - 5-6 bushes per square. Best harvest from such an area is at least a bucket. The hybrid is highly resistant to bacteria, fungi and viruses. Does not crack or suffer from blossom end rot fruits Successfully withstands high temperatures and dry soil.

Tomato F1 Orange Spam

The newest indeterminate hybrid (on the register since 2015) - tested by us, everything is fine - created taking into account all possible greenhouse disasters. Firstly, ties well even in the heat, as well as during temperature changes.
Secondly, tolerant to problematic soil substrate. Third, shows high resistance to viral, fungal and bacterial infections. The yield of vegetables varies between 20-30 kg/1 square meter. Mid-early hybrid (100 days from green shoots). The clusters begin to form after 7-9 leaves, each bears 5-6 tomatoes in the shape of rounded hearts, smooth, beautiful, attractive orange color. The weight of the “heart” is 160-190 g. The pulp contains a high percentage of dry matter, sugars, and carotenoids. The fruits are quite dense and do not wrinkle during transportation. Purpose - salad. Created as an orange variant of another hybrid - Tomato Pink Spam.

Tomato Russian Empire F1

Bushes of unlimited growth, with dense foliage. Mandatory shaping is required, including a garter. Hybrid of medium early or medium ripening period (112-118 days). Clusters of 6-8 tomatoes weighing 130-150 g. The fruits are plum-shaped, slightly tapering downwards. They are deep red in color, thick-skinned, with a high percentage of dry matter. They can be stored ripe for 4-5 weeks. In greenhouse conditions, the hybrid successfully resists fungal diseases. The best yield is about 10 kg per 1 sq.m. Entered into the state register in 2010.

Indeterminate hybrid of a new generation, on the state register since 2011. Mid-early (100 days + - 2 days - from germination).
The plant is tall, much taller than other types of tomatoes. Therefore, the tomato requires gartering and pinching.
Tomatoes are oval-shaped with a spout, weight ranges from 80 to 140 g. On average, a bush yields 9 kg. The color of the fruit is red-orange. The skin and pulp are dense. Can be stored for 6-7 weeks. In greenhouses people do not suffer from viral and fungal infections.

Tomato F1 Cherry strawberry

On the register since 2015. The bushes are semi-determinate, beautiful, a meter and a half high. Suitable for any soil - open or closed. Plants require pinching. Multiple clusters bear up to 30 fruits with a sweet taste and a perfect “strawberry” shape. The weight is typical for classic cherry tomatoes - 25 g. Thanks to the strong skin, the fruits can be stored for a long time. Early hybrid: ripe fruits appear 91-93 days after the sprouts emerge. The plant is resistant to Fusarium wilt.

Tomato F1 Kaspar

The bush is short, usually up to the first cluster, 60 cm. The fruits of the plants are cylindrical with a spout, the length varies around 11 cm, and the weight is 95-115 g. They are very dense, without juice. It is convenient to pickle them assorted with cucumbers of a similar size.

The average ripening period is 115 days. The hybrid is intended for open ground, or is planted under low shelters; We plant three to four vegetable bushes per square.

Valya f1 tomatoes are early-ripening, tall hybrids with average yield. The bushes easily and quickly reach a height of 200 cm. In the register since 2015.
Productivity within 20 kg per square meter. On average, one bush produces 7 kg of tasty and beautiful tomatoes. Tomatoes ripen simultaneously, reaching 200-250 g in weight. The fruits have a regular round, slightly oblong shape. The scope of use of tomatoes is very wide. Salads are prepared from the first fruits. As the volume of the harvest increases, the fruits are used for winter harvesting, as well as juices, ketchups, pastes, sauces and lecho. Tomatoes retain commercial quality for a long time and tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.

II. Indeterminate varieties (unlimited growth)

These are tomatoes that will grow until they turn blue until the owner or the onset of the cold season stops them. They have great yield potential, which is more successfully realized in high greenhouses. We place approximately three bushes on 1 square. With supports such as strong trellises, open ground is not prohibited, which will be especially welcome in the southern regions. In the conditions of the Middle Zone, they will require increased nutrition and regular pinching: they are planted in 1-2 stems. Vegetables grow 2 meters or more in height without any problems.

Good for pickling, sweet . This is a patented mid-early variety (Siberian breeders distinguished themselves!). In the state register since 2007. Characterized by high knotting in any conditions. From 1 square you can actually get a bucket and a half. The clusters are arranged in tiers, the weight of the fruit on the lower branches reaches 120 g, on the top ones - half as much. The tomatoes are elongated-cylindrical, mostly with a spout, deep pink, dense, but at the same time sugary. Ideal for pickling and pickling in size, shape, and consistency.

Very lightweight.
A mid-early Siberian variety for canning whole vegetables. The fruits are elongated, reaching (maximum in our conditions) 13-14 cm in length, weighing about 120 g, and have a beautiful crimson hue. They have few seeds, are very fleshy, strong, and easy to keep. If they are picked green, they do not spoil and ripen perfectly. The variety is very responsive to high-quality fertilizing.

The longest

A new product of Siberian selection. It begins to ripen already on the 110th (you can add a couple more) days from the sprouts appearing on the surface of the soil. Fruits have a unique length - 20 cm (specific size)! They are very elongated, with a small pear-shaped constriction in the upper part, uniformly slightly expanding downwards, with a spout. Vegetable clusters bear up to seven red fruits weighing up to 180-190 g. The product is successful in transportation, long-term storage, salting. Collection - at least a bucket from three plants.

High yield

The variety is productive and unpretentious. Tolerates slight shading. It ties well. Neither high nor low temperatures are scary. It works in protected soil, but also when grown under open air not forbidden. Tomatoes begin to ripen in 106-113 days; at the same time, the plant successfully continues to grow and form clusters - up to 10 pieces per bush. Each bears up to eight graceful fruits - cylindrical and pointed, in full ripeness - iridescent pink in color. The weight of each vegetable is 100-120 g. They contain a high percentage of sugars and dry matter. They do not burst when pickled, are good for drying, obtaining thick juice and, oddly enough in your opinion, for making tomato jam. With diligent care, the bush can bear up to a bucket of quality fruit.

Weighty brushes

This mid-early vegetable variety has been on the state register since 2010. The bush is tall, but compact in width. It has a highly branched root system, responsive to increased nutrition and good water supply. A valuable feature of this Siberian variety is its multiple clusters, each of which bears up to 14 fruits weighing 85-115 g. On the bush there is a “waterfall” of fruits - perfectly aligned, oval, with a charming nose, bright scarlet. The brush can weigh more than 1 kg, but does not break. Tomatoes are dense, transportable, and can be stored for a long time.

Meaty and sweet

This is one of the sweetest and meatiest products of Siberian breeders. It has been registered in the state register since 2007. The tomato is mid-season (116-118 days from the appearance of sprouts), with large foliage. The fruits resemble long, sharp peppers - they grow up to 15 cm. They are an elegant red color, the weight ranges from 120-185 g. The pulp of vegetables contains very little water and seeds. At the best option There are up to a dozen fruits in one cluster. One bush gives 2-3 kg.

Excellent ovary

Included in the state register in 2005. The variety rightfully takes its place among the most productive Siberian varieties (up to 20 kg per square meter of land in a greenhouse). It sets perfectly even in the hot atmosphere of closed ground. Plants with a powerful bush with large leaves require increased nutrition and careful pinching. The first ovary is formed after the growth of the 12th leaf, then inflorescences are formed every 3 leaves. Refers to varieties of medium ripening; in Siberian conditions, approximately half of the crop ripens; the rest of the fruits turn red quite well when ripened. Tomatoes in the lower clusters of vegetables weigh 300 g, and above - no less than 150 g. The shape is elongated, heart-shaped, smooth, beautiful.

Vitamin and sweet

Ripe tomatoes have a golden-orange color and contain a record amount of carotene vitamins. The pulp is sweet and aromatic, like berries and fruits. The ripening period is average.
The lower fruits are capable of filling up to a mass of 400-450 g, higher up the bush - 200-300 g. They are oval, often with a spout. The plants grow clusters through the leaves, each containing on average, as stated, up to 5 fruits. Productivity is high. The keeping quality is excellent. It is especially tasty when salted with gelatin.

Harvest hearts

Close internodes and a powerful trunk with dense foliage - like standard varieties, only the height is two meters.
The Siberian breeding novelty produces half a bucket of fruits from one such “tree”.
Ripening begins on the 115th day. Forms up to 6 beautiful clusters with 5-7 red tomatoes weighing 200-250 grams, shaped like strawberries. Due to the shortened internodes, the brushes are brought closer together, the bush looks powerful and impressive, like small tree, decorates the greenhouse. Dense “strawberry” fruits have good taste, ripen well, universal use. They are especially good when canned.

Resistant to cracking

The variety is an improved version of Ox Heart, with a higher yield (about 9.4 kg per square), early ripening, good resistance to diseases (even to late blight) and cracking of the apical tissue of the fruit for a fleshy variety. Heart-shaped, ribbed tomatoes with excellent taste. The purpose is usually salad, although they are also very good in traditional barrel pickling using the pickling method. The first ripe tomatoes are ready for harvest 108-118 days after germination. For 1kg. there are 3-5 fruits.

Record weight

The variety is a new product from a team of breeding scientists under the leadership of V.F. Gavrisha. Registered in the state register in 2015. Due to the unrealistically large fruits of vegetables, it is included in the “Russian Hero” series. The variety is not too fast in terms of ripening time (from 120 days), so it requires early landing for seedlings, especially careful pinching and decent feeding. In Siberia and Central Russia it works well only in closed ground conditions, including a greenhouse. The average yield from a bush is 3.6 (plus or minus) kg, the record is 7 kg. The tomatoes are flat-round, slightly ribbed, have an excellent smell and are very juicy, each weighing 400-600 g, not uncommon - 800 g. There are 2-3 tomatoes in one cluster of plants; if you leave only one tomato in it, it can pull more than 1 kg. Such “bogatyrs” are better suited for salads and distillation for juice.

Bowl of salad from one fruit

One of the best salad novelties, the yield is high. The plant bears 5-6 racemes. The fruits look very attractive due to their raspberry-pink color, large up to 500-800 g. The tomatoes are flat-round, ribbed, sweet. There is high resistance to cracking; The pulp density is average. A rare quality for large-fruited varieties: the fruits do not tend to quickly soften and spoil during storage.

According to the ripening period, the variety is classified as mid-early and mid-ripe. Perfect for preparing preparations: tomato paste, juice. This tomato variety is characterized by high yield. You can remove up to 5-6 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush.

Giant orange sweet

Has a rare large-fruited variety plasticity and relative unpretentiousness. Delicate sweet pulp combines with excellent keeping quality. The tomatoes are round-flat (their “ribs” stand out a little), sunny orange in color. The average weight of a tomato is 0.5 kg, but in reality there are 1 kg of fruit on the bush. Each bush can produce half a bucket of tomatoes (with normal farming practices). The variety is mid-season and requires early sowing. We grow them in greenhouses with obligatory pinching.

Sweet babes

Tomatoes from the “cherry” group, original in shape and color. Golden-yellow “pears” weight 30 g. Potato-type foliage, the bush of the plant is incredibly branched: stepsons strive to grow even at the ends of the flower racemes. But in the greenhouse you still need to remove the branches (at least partially), otherwise you will end up with a jungle. Vegetable clusters are multi-fruited clusters and the overall yield is very good. The fruits on the clusters below ripen 105 days after germination.

Plum sweets

A modern variety of breeders under the leadership of V.F. Gavrisha, a new product in the group of cherry tomatoes - the Monisto series. The year of entry into the state register is 2015. First harvest on the 115th day.
The tomatoes are oval, weighing 25-40 g, collected in clusters of 30 pieces. The variety is the most unusual in color among tomatoes. It has fruits of a brown-burgundy hue, with a specific set of vitamins and an original taste. The pulp is sweet and sugary.
These cherry tomatoes are especially good for whole-fruit pickling and canning. Due to the increased accumulation of dry matter, these tomatoes are stored unchanged for a long time. They can be dried and dried, obtaining a product akin to raisins.

III. Semi-determinate varieties (tall in the greenhouse, medium in the ground)

Bushes that do not stretch uncontrollably upward, but are capable of timely self-restraint, are very convenient to grow. At the same time, its respectable height determines excellent productivity indicators. Its versatility is also attractive: it can be planted anywhere. True, in open ground you will need supports, but not very high ones. Semi-determinate varieties, as a rule, are not too late, usually mid-early or mid-ripening. But you still need to step them up. In the open air, some varieties may require topping towards the end of the season (on average - early August). The standard height is from one to 1.5 (and a little higher) meters (this is observed in a greenhouse).

Large, fast, productive

A wonderful variety in all respects. Created by the work of a team of famous Siberian breeders (V.N. Dederko, T.N. Postnikova, A.A. Yabrov). The variety has a state patent and has been listed in the register since 2005. Medium early in terms of ripening. The plant develops at a rapid pace: seedlings produce real leaves early and quickly grow ovaries. Formation of the first brush - after the tenth sheet. The fruits are heart-shaped, tapering at the bottom with a slight bend, justifying their name. Tomatoes have an attractive light crimson color. Average weight 270-360 g; in the lower clusters there are 800 g, in the upper ones - 200 g. The pulp is sugary, fleshy (a few seeds). Noted: good ripening and excellent keeping quality of fruits. A significant part of the vegetable harvest ripens on the vine. From the bush we get half a bucket and even more with a guarantee. One of the most successful, unpretentious and tasty large-fruited varieties.

The sweetest

The patented original variety of Dederko and Postnikova has been registered in the state register since 2007. Similar to the Golden Koenigsberg (of the same authors), which does not have a patent and is not included in the register. The powerful bush of the plant requires obligatory pinching. The harvest is high, 7.7 kg per bush was collected. Tomatoes are oval with a spout, smooth, weighing 150-170 g; The first fruits are elongated, heart-shaped, weighing 300 - 350 g. Tomatoes are bright orange, high in vitamins. The pulp has a low percentage of acidity and an oily consistency, reminiscent of apricot. Delicate taste combined with the highest shelf life of fruits - more than a hundred days.

Sugary raspberry

Mid-season tomato with high adaptive abilities. Tolerant to diseases and temperature changes. But with sharp fluctuations in humidity and excess dampness in the soil, it can burst. However, on the other hand, regular watering is necessary. Responsive to any feeding. The fruits are an appetizing dark crimson color. The watermelon pulp is sugary. The weight of tomatoes is from 290 to 560 grams and even more. The variety of these vegetables was included in the register in 2007.
The bush is about 1.5 meters high, the leaves are large, dark green. The inflorescence is simple. It requires tying the plant to a support and pinching. Best results turned out when forming a bush with 2 stems. The second trunk is the stepson, located below the first flower cluster. The remaining side shoots must be removed

Unpretentious and sweet

A flexible Siberian variety, easily adaptable to temperature changes: from high to low and vice versa. Tested and reliable. Ripening period is average, purpose: processing is encouraged, it better accentuates the taste in salads. In closed ground it can produce up to 5 kg. from one bush. Tomatoes are classic heart-shaped, smooth, beautiful. When fully ripe they turn a deep orange color. Most of the crop ripens well on the vine, the rest of the fruits ripen well. They are characterized by excellent transportability and shelf-life. The weight of the fruit in the lower clusters reaches 420-530 g, closer to the top - 150-200 g. The pulp is tasty, sweet, and medicinal. Registered in the state register since 2005.

Sugary pink

According to the ripening period this popular variety We classify them as mid-early.
Included in the state register in 1998. Recommended for growing under film covers in all regions of the Russian Federation. The variety is not intended for industrial cultivation, but is valued by owners of small personal plots.
The foliage is almost similar to potato tops. The clusters of plants are surprisingly prolific - they bear the stated 5-7 tomatoes weighing 200-400 g. From one bush we get up to 3 kg of fruit. They are flat round, ribbed, with fleshy, sweet flesh. The variety loves feeding. The bush has a spreading shape and requires obligatory gartering and shaping.

Carotene piggy bank

In 1999, a variety created at the Moscow Timiryazev Academy based on varieties of folk selection type was entered into the state register. An interesting hybrid that combines many qualities: external beauty, taste and productivity.
Medium-early in terms of timing (110-115 days), with prolonged fruiting. The bushes are not too spreading, with dense large foliage. The first inflorescence emerges above the 7th leaf. There are from 3 to 4 tomatoes in a bunch - round, slightly ribbed, deep orange, weighing 230-360 g. The pulp is juicy. The taste has an aromatic sourness. Main value varieties - the highest content of carotenoid vitamins. Vegetable yields are moderate.

Large and unpretentious

The variety adapts perfectly to greenhouse heat and street cold. Brings a decent harvest even when the year is unfavorable for growing - up to two buckets from 1 square. Tomatoes are round, slightly flattened, ribbed. Weight 0.5 kg or more. The pulp is dense. The ripening period is average; In open ground, about half of the fruits ripen. In the state register since 2005. Tomato Bull's forehead is an early variety that begins to bear fruit three months after planting. Not a hybrid, so the seeds can be used to plant seedlings next year. This variety was named “Bull’s forehead” because of the unusual shape and large size of the tomatoes.

Folk selection

Registered in the state register by the company "NK Russian Garden" in 2001. An old variety of folk selection, packaged by different companies. Mid-season salad tomato. Tomatoes are round, flattened, moderately ribbed, sunny orange in color. They are meaty and sweet. There are 2-3 fruits in 1 kg. Record weight 700 g. It has a rare quality for a meaty variety - it is resistant to cracking. From 1 square meter you can collect up to 1.5 buckets of fruit. Orange tomatoes contain much more beta-carotene than other groups of varieties. different color. Therefore, these tomatoes are extremely popular among gardeners. The Orange Giant tomato is famous for its high yield and excellent taste.


The newest variety (in the register since 2014) with self-limitation of growth to 1.5 m. Ripening period - mid-early, with a long fruiting period. Large, flat, round, intensely shaped tomatoes ripen on the bush. Pink colour. The weight of the fruit reaches 600 g. Tomatoes have dense pulp, sugary at the break; the chambers contain a small amount of seeds. The total harvest of vegetables reaches 4.8-5.2 kg per bush. The fruits are slightly ribbed, flat-round, and heavy. Average weight - 400 g. The taste is delicate and harmonious. Large tomatoes are not prone to cracking during ripening. The variety needs feeding.


The newest mid-early variation of the Bull's Heart in the Siberian format. The raspberry-pink fruits are at once large, elegantly beautiful, and have a sugary taste and twist. Medium-early, from germination to the beginning of ripening 110-115 days. The plant is strong, 1.2-1.8 m high, depending on growing conditions. The fruits are elongated, heart-shaped, raspberry-pink, with a moire tint, weighing 400-700 g. The pulp is delicately sugary, sweet-sour and very aromatic. There is a balancing of taste in the content of sugars and acids, typically “tomato”. Recommended for growing in open and protected ground. Productivity up to 5 kg per plant.

The promise of record harvests

The mid-season new product promises a decent yield in open ground. The innovative Superbomb tomato is successfully grown in different regions countries. He is not afraid of intense heat, scorching sun, and dry air.
Fruit set remains stable high level. The Superbomb tomato needs increased nutrition and moderate pruning. There are 5-6 tomatoes in a bunch, weighing 300-600 g. They are fleshy, rounded and flattened. The plant is compact, with self-limiting growth.

Unique shape

Original new variety from the agricultural company "Aelita", in the state register since 2013. For lovers of unusual tomatoes. The variety is early (105 days is not uncommon), with extended yield and a total yield of 9.6 kg per 1 square. Tomatoes have an interesting pear shape with pronounced ribs. Fruit weight 185-270 g. Purpose: salad. The color of ripe tomatoes is muted red. The pulp is tender, fleshy, juicy, with a small amount of seeds. The bush is indeterminate, up to 1.5 m high, moderately leafy, with a powerful root system.

The Puzata Khata tomato variety is easy to care for; large, sugary fruits have excellent taste and good keeping quality.

No acid

The variety was registered by the Gavrish agricultural company in the state register in 2015 under the name Frog Princess. The bushes are powerful, the leaves are medium sized. The ripening period is mid-early or mid-ripening (112-123 days). Fruit weight 235-280 g. They are flat-round, slightly ribbed, light green with yellowing when ripe. bottom. When fully ripe, the vegetables are golden-greenish, with a slight bronze tint. The pulp is juicy, dietary taste with low acidity. The yield from 1 plant in open ground reaches 5.6 kg per square; in a greenhouse - a maximum of one and a half times higher. The purpose is salad. The green color of ripe tomatoes is due to the fact that tomatoes have a high chlorophyll content. chlorophyll promotes excretion harmful substances from the human body, saturates the circulatory system with oxygen, accelerates cell recovery and has a positive effect on the immune system

IV. Determinate varieties (60-90 cm high)

These are plants for open ground, greenhouses with low ceilings and greenhouses. We place 4-6 bushes on one square. A garter and moderate stepsoning are required (at least up to the first hand). This group contains mainly early and mid-early varieties.

Early orange cream

The result of targeted Moldovan selection for high carotene content in fruits. In the Russian register since 2000. It cannot boast of high productivity - a bucket can be collected from two to three square meters of plantings. Valued as a vitamin product. The greatest return from the bush is observed when forming the stated 3 - 4 stems: for this, 2-3 stepsons are left above the first brush. Maximum plant height is 60 cm.
The initial inflorescence is formed after the 6th or 7th leaf. The clusters usually bear 6-7 fruits. They begin to ripen early (on the 105th day). Fruits weighing 46-57 g, oval-cylindrical, dense. Ideal options for processing: whole-fruit canning and pickling, creating multi-colored assortments. Bushes and fruits are little susceptible to all kinds of diseases.


The variety is early - 95 days pass until the first ripe fruits. The fruits are oval, bright scarlet in color, unusually dense - they can withstand long transportation, do not wrinkle, and are strong when pickled. Weight 60-120 g. Spreading bush, with self-limiting growth at a meter height. The plant withstands any vagaries of weather. It was created as a productive and hardy industrial variety to replace the old Novichok variety. Vegetables were included in the register in 2006. Advantages of the Lisa tomato: disease resistance, unpretentiousness to growing conditions and temperature changes, high taste and technological qualities, suitability for long-term transportation. Recommended for fresh consumption, canning, especially in its own juice.

Pink glitter

The Supermodel tomato variety is becoming popular among gardeners. This is one of the new, recently bred varieties. It belongs to the Altai selection and was registered in 2012. The variety is determinant. Such tomatoes are considered the earliest and most precocious, which explains all the features of the appearance of these varieties. Specifically, the Supermodel variety is mid-early, since 100-120 days pass from planting the seeds to the ripening of the first fruit. This is the so-called “standard” variety: it has the lowest and strongest stem of all early-ripening tomatoes. The bush of this tomato grows small and compact, its dimensions do not exceed 70 cm, and the leaves are medium-sized and dark green. The height of the plant is slightly above half a meter, it bears 1.6-2.2 kg of fruits weighing 85-110 g.

Triumph of taste

The latest product of an experienced team of Siberian agronomists. The variety was entered into the register in 2013. The selection was aimed at obtaining taste for particularly demanding people. The fruits are round, slightly ribbed on top, pure yellow in color. Weight 180-260 g. Medium density, purpose - salad. Medium ripening period. Recommended for growing in open ground and temporary film shelters. Requires staking and formation of plants into two stems. The bush is strong, standard type. The color of the unripe fruit is light green, without a green spot at the base, while the mature fruit is yellow. Number of nests 4-6. The taste is excellent. The yield of the variety in open ground is a maximum of 6.4 kg per square.

Dreams come true (jokingly colloquial)

An excellent combination of not too tall bush and large fleshy fruits. The brushes are usually located through a couple of leaves, providing a collection of up to 3 kg from one plant. And under cover (but better in the open ground) heart-shaped tomatoes weighing 300-800 g are poured. The taste is excellent. Incredible mid-early ripening period for this large-fruited tomato variety. Needs to good feeding. The variety has a state patent, in the register since 2008.

Brushes 2 kg

The latest achievement of Siberian selection. The mid-season (115 days) variety welcomes both open ground and greenhouses. The plant has a powerful bush with dark foliage, demanding mineral nutrition. We will definitely take stepsons; if you didn’t “clap”, then to the first brush. Each inflorescence bears up to five tightly seated fruits, weighing up to 500 g each. The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly flattened on top. The raspberry color of the skin and cool pulp, as well as the salad taste, are very attractive. The fruits do not burst due to changes in humidity, do not wrinkle when carried and transported, last a long time and do not spoil.

Golden Hearts

IN state register There is a variety with a similar name, but it is crimson in color and different in all respects. However, one can understand the Siberian breeders who decided to assign this “gold-bearing” name to the yellow-fruited variety. Ripening period - medium-early (110 days). Tomatoes are heart-shaped, weigh 200-400 g. The pulp is not watery, low acidity and high sweetness. The bush grows on its own after planting five clusters. If we don't shy away from regular watering and fertilizing, then remove a bucket of even marketable fruits from a vegetable bush from 1 square.

Sugar Buffalo or Chief of the Redskins

Everything from the Siberian Garden company

By its origin, Sugar Bison is a long-standing variety of folk selection, and many of its varieties, differing in height and shape of the fruit, walk around the country. The Siberian version is of a determinant type, in the open air it grows a maximum of a meter, in greenhouses a little higher. The surface of the fruit is pink-raspberry, with sugary watermelon pulp, heart-shaped or rounded in shape. The weight of the vegetable varies in the range of 250-600 g. Ripening time is mid-early (with regular pinching). It can withstand bad weather and hardly gets sick.

Here we should go into a little more detail: by duplicating names, agricultural firms have introduced a little confusion into the seed market. Hybrid F1 Leader of the Redskins from the St. Petersburg company "Biotechnika", not included in the state register, has nothing related to the variety Leader of the Redskins from " Siberian Garden" Siberians under this name patented and entered the tomato into the state register in 2007, which was also produced under the name Sugar Bison. Other companies also offer tomatoes called Sugar Bison, but as an indeterminate variety.

Most noticeable

One of the favorite mid-season varieties (from folk craftsmen). You will not confuse it with any other varieties; it fully lives up to its name: foliage like a potato, delicious raspberry fruits. The tomatoes are round-flat, slightly ribbed, and sugary inside. They are large, like a salad, 300-800 g each. The vegetable bush is strong and compact; capable of producing half a bucket of marketable tomatoes.

Stepson is not necessary

An interesting variety of vegetables with a whole range of valuable characteristics. The plant does not stretch in seedlings. The stem is thick and strong, the bush is compact. Without shaping, it forms fruits weighing 120-250 g, with pinching - up to 600 g. The tomatoes are dense, of excellent taste.
Ripening time is average. It demonstrates good resistance to fungal infections, and it bypasses bacterial ones in a roundabout way.

Champion of unpretentiousness

The bush is standard, strong, but not too low, productive. The fruits are numerous, crimson, heart-shaped and elongated (there is a spout at the tip), weighing 75-150 g. They ripen well on the vine and are stored well. Ripening period is early. The plant is shade-tolerant, resistant to cold weather and disease. Cultivation without shaping is allowed. The variety has been on the register since 2007.

V. Low-growing tomatoes (up to 50 cm)

The most problem-free tomatoes are super-determinate ones, in which the main stem ends its growth at a height of no higher than half a meter. Among these tomatoes there are ultra-early, early and mid-early. Some don't even need to be tied up. Bushes do not shoot at all, except perhaps up to the first brush - for even more early harvest. If we plant these varieties in a greenhouse, then we assign them the role of sort of compactors (don’t forget about plant compatibility!) for the main plantings of other vegetables.

Super grade

Previously, the tomato was released as Super Pepper, but changed its name for registration in the registry (2007). A favorite ground variety of many amateur gardeners. It can be done any year, regardless of the weather. In terms of timing, medium early. In seedlings, super-compact, stocky, does not stretch. In the ground it grows as a strong bush with close internodes. The plant's clusters are planted through the leaf; the number of fruits we grow is somewhat less than stated - 4-6. The first tomatoes are especially large, reaching 275 g, and look flattened and heart-shaped. The following clusters grow pepper-shaped, 130-200 g each. The color is raspberry-pink. The pulp is fleshy, sugary, almost without seeds, like the best salad varieties. This variety is also good for pickling. But the fruits cannot be called shelf-stable.

Deservedly popular

A popular, reliable ground variety, known far beyond the borders of Siberia and Altai, spreading throughout the country, including the Far East. Medium early in terms of ripening (108-114 days). The flower raceme appears after the 6th or 7th leaf. When working with these standard bushes, we refuse to take stepson, due to their small branching. Suitable for thickened planting (they risked 5 pieces per 1 square, producing a bucketful harvest from this area). The tomatoes are round, sometimes slightly ribbed. Weight 80-160 g. Color raspberry-pink; The green spot on the stalk does not immediately color. Dense pulp of excellent taste. The only whim of the variety is the need for uniform soil moisture, without sudden changes, otherwise the fruits may begin to burst. Picked unripe, the tomatoes ripen perfectly when stored.


A time-tested variety, on the register since 2004. It has both devoted supporters and opponents: it is difficult to say whether it is the quality of the seeds or the microclimate. In a successful local version, the variety is very abundant (up to two buckets per square), disease-free, compact from the very shoots. Standard bush. Vegetable shedding is minimal. Medium early variety. The first inflorescence of the plant is formed after the 9th leaf. The fruits in the lower cluster reach 13-14 cm and weigh 270-330 g. The subsequent ones weigh 80-150 g. All of them, shaped like peppers, are rich red in color, fleshy, and have a harmonious taste. Recommended for small farms, gardening and personal plots. Mainly suitable for cultivation in open ground, although, if desired, it can be cultivated indoors. The Siberian Troika is not a hybrid.


Breeders work a lot with the old folk variety Grushovka, using its genetic material for updated variants. Seed companies offer Grushovka, Moscow Grushovka, hybrid F1 Grushovka pink (Aelita). Non-hybrid Grushovka pink from the Siberian company Agros, registered in the register in 2013, has not a pear-shaped, but an oval shape. Excellent in pickling. Color pink-scarlet, weight 90-140 g. Ripening period - mid-season. Standard form - the plant is shaped without the need. The yield is approaching 7.5 per square, if we do not deviate from the truth.


The variety is zoned in the Urals and Siberia, in the register since 2005. This is an updated version of the old variety Siberian early ripening. Early, ripening together salad variety, without stepsoning. The first brush grows after the 7th leaf. The fruits are round, sometimes ribbed, weighing 60-120 g, bright scarlet with an orange tint, quite dense for an early variety.

The yield per bush is approximately 2 kg.

Early large

The newest early-ripening variety of vegetables (95 days from germination to ripening). But it still needs additional verification of the breeding promises. The sweet, heart-shaped fruits are very beautiful, with an average weight of 300 g; in the lower clusters they are twice as large. In order not to lose the first cluster, you need to plant seedlings in the garden at the age of 40 (in theory 45) days, no more. Consequently, sowing too early is also not necessary; they can lead to a shortage of crops and delays. We make sure to plant the bushes up to the first tassel, and then give them freedom to branch. With this formation, it is possible to remove two buckets of tomatoes from 1 square, which is almost incredible for a low-growing variety.

Hides the fruits

The variety has been on the state register since 2009. In terms of ripening time (108-114 days) it is close to mid-early. Plants are standard, compact in seedlings and in the ground. The Klusha tomato variety is determinate; the height of its bushes usually does not exceed 60 cm. The plants are planted at a close distance to each other. Growing without pinching is allowed. To get a decent return from the area, we plant 5 pieces per square. Fruit clusters are covered with leaves on top. Fruits weighing 100-150 g, pure red. The shape is round, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. The taste is good, the purpose is universal. The variety is characterized by high yield and resistance to the main pests of nightshade crops.

Small bush, big harvest

The year of entry into the register is 2015. The height of the bush is on average only 35 (plus or minus 2) cm. It never stretches in seedlings. In the soil it grows compactly, the roots also do not “scatter”. We plant 6 pieces per square. This allows you to get up to one and a half buckets of fruit from such an area, most of which ripen on the vine. The variety is mid-early (100 days). The tomatoes are pink, round, slightly ribbed, quite dense, weighing 145-185 g (some even 230 g). It is not necessary to stepchild. The thick trunk allows you to do without a garter, although it is more reliable with supports. We note high resistance to diseases.

Original form

The bush is densely hung with bright red tomatoes - “sausages” about 14 cm long and weighing 130 g. Pulp without water, solid “meat”. When pickled, it is not inferior in density to cucumbers. We do not grow standard bushes with a height of about 40 cm. Each fruit cluster contains 5, sometimes 6 “sausages”. Ripening is widespread, medium-early (100 days).
The unusual elongated shape of the fruit allows it to be used for stuffing. And the availability large quantity dry substances allows you to obtain high-quality tomato paste, sauces or juice. Cut into slices, they are suitable for drying and drying.

I collected a magnificent harvest from all the varieties that I had already tested and tested over time, but those that were above all praise in terms of quality and quantity of fruits were: Yana, Maryushka, Moscow delicacy, Gina, Beletsky, Pink flamingo, Honey giant, Eagle heart, Dallas Roses, Sanka, Brazilian giant, Crimean pink, the bushes of which literally bent under the weight of the fruits.

Most of the new varieties in my beds have also proven themselves to be excellent, and will now rightfully be included in my collection. All yield records among low-growing varieties beat up White Lotus, Ballad, Chersonese, Quiz, Carmine, Knight, Kobzar, Svetlana, Ladyfinger, Generosity, Solaris, Maryushka- just have time to pick the fruits from them.

Tall, heavyweight varieties also produced a generous harvest of fruits of excellent quality, among which they won a “gold” medal Big Boy, Cuban, Bear Paw, Eagle Heart, Russian Size, Miracle of the Earth, Bulgarian Giant, Kangaroo Heart, Exhibition, Delicious.

The largest fruits were collected from bushes Brazilian giant and Big maiden. The weight of the fruit exceeded 1 kg. Among other tall varieties, I would like to highlight those that any gardener would probably like to have on his plot: Beefstick, Auria, Raspberry bison, Carnival, Korneevsky, Brazilian large-fruited, Hungarian pickling, Ox ears, Giant fingers, Star of the garden, Ostrich, Cleopatra, Raspberry Ozharovsky, Bear heart, Pink cheeks, Pink lamp, Pepper-shaped, Sabelka, Prestige, Unique, Tatyana, Crimean pink, etc..

Yana variety

The Yana variety belongs to the group of mid-early tomatoes. Its plants reach a height of 50-65 cm, and 6-8 approximately equal-sized red round-shaped fruits weighing up to 100-150 g are tied in a cluster. The variety is valued for its friendly yield, good taste and high yield.

Variety Tatyana

Its bushes reach a height of 1 m, in a cluster there are 3-4 soft pink heart-shaped fruits. The taste of the fruit is excellent. On average, the mass of fruits is always larger - up to 700 g.

Variety Pink lamp

Mid-season, bush height - 1.5 m, 4-5 very pink fruits in a cluster beautiful shape in the form of a light bulb - they look very attractive on bushes. . The variety has good disease resistance.

Variety Eagle Heart

One of the favorite varieties in my collection is the Eagle Heart tomato, which gives us a harvest every year. Its pink fruits taste amazing and they don’t let us down in weight - up to 600 g. The variety is mid-season, the height of the bush is 1.3 m, there are 5-6 beautiful heart-shaped fruits in the cluster.

Variety Prestige

The mid-season variety Prestige is distinguished by its high resistance to disease. The bush is tall - up to 1.4 m, the fruit is round in shape, red in color. A cluster bears 7-10 fruits weighing 130-160 g each; the yield from one bush averages 5 kg.

Variety Crimean pink

This year I also received an excellent harvest from the proven Crimean Pink variety. Its beautiful bright crimson fruits have become a real decoration of the beds. The variety has a medium ripening period, the height of the bush reaches 1.5 m, from 3 to 5 fruits of flat-round shape are tied in the brush.

Variety Honey Giant

Already in the first year, the tall variety Honey Giant produces abundant harvests. It belongs to the mid-season varieties, the height of the bush is 1.5-2 m, the cluster contains up to 4-5 heavy fruits. The fruit has a flat shape and looks great on bushes. The color is pink, the taste is excellent. To this it is worth adding good resistance to diseases. I think this wonderful variety will decorate many tomato beds.

I wish you all generous harvests!

Every year, breeders around the world create new varieties of tomatoes or improve old ones. The Lampa tomato is a variety that will appeal to lovers of yellow fruits with very sweet flesh.

Description of tomato Aladdin's Lamp

This tomato variety has several names: Lamp, Light Bulb and Aladdin's Lamp. The plants received this name because of the shape of the ripe fruits. Vegetables of this variety are actually shaped like small light bulbs or lamps. The nightshade crop of this variety is classified as interdeterminate (the main characteristic is that the height of the main stem is unlimited); the bushes can grow up to 2 meters.

After planting young seedlings in open ground, they must be tied to a vertical support. It is recommended to form the bushes into one main stem. Lower leaves and side shoots should be removed regularly to increase tomato yield. It is recommended to pinch the growing point during the growing season.

Tomatoes are mid-season varieties. From the moment the first shoots appear until the first harvest from the plot is harvested, as a rule, 114 to 120 days pass. The very first inflorescence of the plant is formed above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - every 3 leaves. To plant seedlings of this variety, it is advisable to choose open sunny areas or partial shade. The soil should be light and fertile.

The Aladdin's Lamp tomato variety is suitable for cultivation in garden beds, greenhouses, and film shelters.

Characteristics of tomato fruits Light bulb

The fruits of this variety are small, the mass of ripe vegetables is from 150 to 250 g. Tomatoes are pear-shaped; there may be ribbing and a green spot near the stalk.

Unripe tomatoes are light green in color, ripe ones are rich yellow. Overripe fruits may have red flesh. The skin is dense. The length of the fruits reaches from 7 to 12 cm. Tomatoes of this variety are collected in large clusters, each of which contains 10-15 fruits. From one adult bush you can harvest up to 10 kg of vegetables.

The collected fruits can be stored for a long time without spoiling. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh, added to salads and refried for cabbage soup. Tomatoes are also suitable for making sauces and ketchups.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Aladdin's lamp

Description of advantages:

  • Stable yield;
  • Ripe fruits are pleasant to the taste, as the manufacturer states, “the tomatoes are very sweet, without a sour taste”;
  • High beta-carotene content in mature vegetables;
  • After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for a long time;
  • Universal use in cooking, well suited for preparing salads;
  • Seedlings can be planted both in open and closed ground;
  • Unusual shape of tomatoes;
  • Suitable for preservation in its entirety; tomatoes in jars do not crack and retain their shape.

No significant deficiencies were identified in the Lampa tomato variety.

Planting a tomato Aladdin's lamp

Growing the Light Bulb tomato variety is quite simple; even a beginner can cope with this task. First of all, before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to make sure that the soil is fertile. It is better to choose places for planting in the sun or partial shade.

A stable harvest can be obtained if seedlings are planted according to the 40 X 60 pattern. The distance between each bush should be large, since tomato bushes of this variety take up a lot of space. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is recommended to add mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil. This could be potassium or phosphorus-containing fertilizers, manure, chicken droppings or wood ash.

You can begin to prepare the soil for planting tomatoes in the fall, immediately after the entire harvest has been harvested. First, they dig it up and add humus or wood ash. In the spring, you need to dig up the soil and water the tomato beds with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Using an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, you can disinfect the soil and get rid of all harmful insects that have spent the winter in the ground.

Next, you can begin planting seedlings. The best time for this is the second half of May. When planting, seedlings should not be buried too deep, unless they have stretched out too much during their stay at home. After planting, the bushes must be watered with warm water and covered with a warm cloth overnight. Throughout the growing season, tomatoes should be fed with various fertilizers.

Reviews from gardeners about Lampochka tomatoes

Reviews from those gardeners who grew this variety at their summer cottage.

Also, some gardeners who planted the variety note that deformed fruits then grow from double inflorescences.

Karina, 31 years old

“I’ve been growing tomatoes for several years. The yield was always good, the tomatoes were sweet, but not as sweet as the manufacturer promised, there was a slight sourness. The tomatoes were good for canning; they looked very nice in the jars.”

Valentina, 43 years old

“I’ve been planting the Light Bulb variety for the first year. The harvest was not too abundant, but not scanty either. There may be a reason in the soil; in our area the soil is not very fertile. I'll try to plant again next year. The whole family was satisfied with the taste of the tomatoes.”

Nikolay, 58 years old

“I’ve been growing Aladdin’s Lamp tomatoes for about two years. The variety always pleased with its stable harvest, but the taste of the tomatoes was not up to par. Vegetables are more suitable for pickling than for eating fresh.”

Description of an unusually shaped tomato Light bulb and features of growing the variety

The unusually shaped Lampochka tomato should appeal to those who grow ornamental tomatoes. The tomato clusters really resemble garlands of burning lamps. This similarity intensifies when the berries begin to ripen.

Main characteristics of the plant

The same tomato variety may be different from seed producers different names. Tomatoes Lamp can be called Aladdin's Lamp and Light Bulb. In addition, there is a separate variety from the category of cherry Bulb pink, which differs in the size of the bush and the size of the fruit.

The Aladdin's Lamp tomato bush is of an indeterminate type; in a greenhouse it can reach 1.8 m. In the ground it is usually lower: the tops of the bushes need to be pinched around mid-August. This allows the very last bunches to fill well, and they can be collected even in an unripe form. The stems of the plant require garter to the trellis. It is advisable to form them into 2-3 stems, not allowing the shoots to grow.

Reviews from those who planted Lampa tomatoes characterize the variety as resistant to temperature changes and a consistently productive tomato. It copes with stress during changing weather and severe cold snaps, and is able to withstand heat and dry soil without dropping its buds. At good care per plant, the yield can be 4-5 kg ​​of marketable products from 1 bush, regardless of the weather.

The Lampa tomato is a mid-season variety, the first ripe fruits can be obtained only in the second half of summer. Therefore, in the northern regions, cultivation in greenhouses or greenhouses is recommended, and at the latitude of Altai, in the southern Siberian steppes and Primorye - in open ground. In this case, part of the crop will have to be harvested at milky and blue ripeness.

The characteristics and description of the variety in the State Register of Breeding Achievements indicate the relative resistance of the variety to late blight. Late tomatoes in any case become infected with a fungal infection, and the vegetable grower may lose part of the harvest. To prevent this in especially difficult years, it is recommended to treat bushes with green tomatoes with fungicidal preparations.

A preventive measure can be the removal of the lower leaves (1/3 of the plant). The Aladdin's Lamp variety is resistant to summer fungal diseases (macrosporium, fusarium wilt, etc.).

Description of the fruits of the Aladdin's Lamp variety

On a tomato bush, 5-7 clusters with bright tomatoes of an original shape develop. The fruits are pear-shaped, slightly reminiscent of the Truffle variety in size and shape. The golden and orange “bulbs” are aligned in size; about 10 tomatoes with an average weight of 100-120 g are usually formed in the brush. The last ovaries on the brush may have a more elongated shape (plum-shaped).

The skin of the tomatoes is dense, not rough. It practically does not crack when the fruit ripens, but in too rainy years, cracking of the fruit can prevent harvesting good harvest. The color of the unripe fruit is light green, turns yellow when ripe, and becomes orange when biologically ripe. The surface of the fruit is smooth, without pronounced ribbing.

The pulp is fleshy, and every housewife who has planted Bulbs in her garden pays attention to this. The color is dark yellow, orange, but some of the pulp is sometimes red (in overripe tomatoes). The taste qualities are high, the tomatoes have a sweet taste with a barely noticeable piquant sourness.

Like all orange varieties, Aladdin's Lamp is rich in beta-carotene and vitamins, but is less allergenic than red tomatoes. The low acid content in the fruit allows tomatoes to be used for baby and dietary nutrition.

The variety can be used as a universal one. Dense tomatoes in blanzhesky ripeness are well suited for whole-fruit canning, and from well-ripened ones you can prepare unusually colored tomato juice. When boiled by 1/3, the mass thickens and becomes suitable for sauces and ketchups, making lecho and other canned snacks.

The vegetable grower will also like tomatoes fresh. Picturesque salads and cuts from a combination of Aladdin's Lamp slices and red varieties will decorate the festive and everyday table, and unusual shape The fruit will help you decorate the appetizer effectively. Orange tomatoes are good for making hamburgers and open-faced sandwiches.

Agricultural technology varieties

Lamp tomatoes are not a hybrid. The seeds can be saved for planting next season. Before sowing, pickle tomato seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Plant seeds in disinfected soil, scattering them over the surface of abundantly moist soil. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a thin layer of dry soil (0.5 cm). Cover the boxes with film and germinate the seeds at a temperature not lower than +25°C.

When shoots appear, remove the film and grow the tomatoes for 2-3 weeks. By this time, 1-3 true leaves should appear on them. At this stage of growth, the bushes must be pruned, that is, planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other. You can also replant into separate pots.

Seedlings of pear-shaped varieties often stretch out and look frail. Such plants are planted in grooves in a horizontal position. After transplantation, the plants gain green mass well, become strong and quickly produce the first tassels with flowers. At this time you need to start forming the bush.

Above 1 brush, 1 side shoot (stepchild) is left. The rest of the growth must be removed until the second cluster with flowers grows. You need to leave 1 more shoot above it so that the plant has 3 trunks. Soon tassels of flowers will also begin to form on them.

To grow large tomatoes for fresh consumption, you can remove some of the ovaries from the brush, leaving 5-7 pieces. near the trunk of the plant that sets first. During fruiting, the bushes are fed and watered, since moisture is needed to fill the fruits. But if there is too much water, the tomatoes will be tasteless. If there is no precipitation, watering is done 1-2 times a week. In this case, you need to pour at least 10 liters of water under each bush.

Tomato Aladdin's Lamp: characteristics of the variety, reviews

Aladdin's lamp is a mid-season variety of yellow tomatoes that can be successfully grown in greenhouses and open ground. A tall tomato bush requires mandatory care to obtain big harvest vegetable crop.

Aladdin's lamp is a mid-season indeterminate tomato variety. Often, a tomato bush grows up to 1.8-2 meters, as a result of which mandatory gartering to the support and treatment of the stepsons is required. Best performance The harvest can be obtained by forming a tomato bush with 2 stems. The first inflorescence is usually laid above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - every 3 leaves.

The main differences between Aladdin's Lamp tomatoes:

  • pear-shaped;
  • slight ribbing near the stalk;
  • dense structure;
  • yellow-orange color;
  • The weight of the fruit is usually 150-300 grams.

Yellow tomatoes of the Aladdin's Lamp variety attract many gardeners who really dream of getting a rich and high-quality harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Yellow tomatoes of the Aladdin's Lamp variety have numerous important advantages:

  • guaranteed receipt of the optimal volume of harvest, thanks to which the work of gardeners is justified;
  • pleasant taste characteristics, as there is sweetness and no sourness;
  • nutritional composition, because ripe fruits have a high content of beta-carotene;
  • the possibility of planting the Aladdin's Lamp variety in open and closed ground, as a result of which many gardeners receive good opportunity for successful cultivation of vegetables;
  • possibility of long-term storage of crops;
  • universal use of tomatoes in cooking, and they are ideal for cooking fresh salads and preservation in banks;
  • original shape and decent presentation.

The above benefits of yellow tomatoes Aladdin's lamp guarantees a good harvest. In addition, the vegetable crop in question has no disadvantages.

Note! Tomatoes of the Aladdin's Lamp variety can be grown successfully if you follow the sowing time and choose fertile soil. It is best to plant a tomato in an area in the sun or partial shade, since successful cultivation of tomatoes still requires lighting. It is best to plant Aladdin's Lamp tomatoes in a permanent place in the second half of May, since vegetable crop needs heated soil and even at night it is advisable to cover the seedlings with a warm cloth for additional protection from the cold.

To obtain a decent harvest, namely up to 4 kilograms from one bush, you must comply with all deadlines and recommendations for placing tomato bushes. For example, it is recommended to grow the Aladdin's Lamp variety using a 40x60 planting pattern. Tomato bushes take up a lot of space, so you will need long distance between them.

Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is advisable to add organic and mineral fertilizers. Preference is usually given to fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, manure, chicken droppings, wood ash. Pre-application of fertilizer significantly increases the chances of obtaining a rich harvest.

What comprehensive care is required to grow Aladdin's Lamp tomatoes?

  1. Regular application of fertilizers that include all recommended nutritional components becomes mandatory. This fertilizer helps successful cultivation yellow tomatoes and a guaranteed rich harvest.
  2. Working with the soil (weeding, loosening) is a mandatory activity. With such procedures, the supply of oxygen and the absorption of nutrients improves. Moreover, working with soil is successfully combined with removing weeds.
  3. Watering is a must. However, it is advisable to carry out the first watering no earlier than a week later. In the future, tomatoes are watered once every 5-7 days. Besides drip irrigation, which is the best and most suitable, involves moistening the soil and improving the condition of the tomato bushes.
  4. Preventive measures eliminate the risk of developing diseases and pest damage to tomato bushes. Initially, special drugs are used. However, when ripening tomatoes, only folk remedies are used.

Such comprehensive care for Aladdin's Lamp variety tomatoes is mandatory. The main task is to create the best conditions for growing yellow tomatoes and increasing the chances of getting a rich harvest.

Owners of land plots have long gotten rid of prejudice against tomatoes of a color other than red. Cheerful yellow varieties of tomatoes have found their fans among those who like to tinker in the ground. At least a couple of sun-like ones flaunt among their scarlet counterparts. The love for yellow tomatoes is well-deserved and justified.

In terms of their vitamin composition, they are much ahead of other varieties. And their taste is richer and sweeter. Eating four hundred grams of golden fruits replenishes the human body with most of the daily requirement of vitamin C, as well as a significant part of the required carotene. Yellow tomatoes contain niacin, which makes them useful for older people (niacin strengthens blood vessels). And the optimal amount of acid determines their suitability for children's table. Read the article about.

Tomato Golden Koenigsberg - a hybrid of the color of the sun

A tall bush is distinguished by thin, fragile stems, so without strengthening it on trellises or other supports, its viability decreases. It is more rational to form a bush in the form of two stems. The second is from the first stepson. After the formation of 6-8 brushes, the crown of the plant, all the stepsons and the remaining brushes are cut off. Each bunch contains 4-6 large-fruited tomatoes weighing from 250 to 400 grams. Under the thin skin there is dense pulp of a velvety consistency, a small amount of seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet, even somewhat cloying. Neither a salad, nor a sandwich, nor a vegetable stew will spoil the orange miracle.

Wonder of the world - lemon tomatoes

Several other varieties have a similar lemon-shaped fruit.
In the seed register, the description of the Miracle of the World tomato has the following positions:

  • a standard variety that does not have an end point for stem growth;
  • average plant height is about 200 cm;
  • from planting seedlings to the start of fruiting – 100-105 days;
  • designed for closed ground;
  • fruits with 3-4 chambers, about 100 g;
  • lemon yellow color.

Thanks to its dense pulp and durable skin, it retains its excellent taste during long-term storage. Resistant to most diseases of nightshade crops.

Tomatoes Golden Heart - productive babies

Rave reviews of the Golden Heart tomato contain praise primarily for the compactness of the variety.

Its bushes get along well in close proximity to representatives of the same species. If other varieties of tomatoes are placed at the rate of 2-3 per meter of area, then the Golden Heart lives well in the same bed with five people. All this is due to the fact that determinate bushes stretch upward and not outward. The maximum height of the variety is 1 meter. Each plant should be tied to a stake so that it can support the weight of the fruit. And this weight is considerable, since the variety is one of the most productive among the early varieties - within 5 kg per representative. Ripening period is early. 5-7 heart-shaped fruits are tied and developed in the cluster; at biological maturity they are bright yellow. The average weight of one is 100-200 grams. Pulp medium density, juicy. On the transverse size there is a design in the form of a sun with rays.

Yellow candies growing in a garden bed

The yellow Caramel F1 tomato got its name for its sweet candy taste and appearance. Small, only 30-40 grams each, transparent yellow tomatoes with their round shape are similar to the popular caramel without candy wrappers. You should not leave more than 3-4 clusters on the bush, since each cluster can contain from 20 to 50 fruits. The entire harvest will be 3-4 kg. An early ripening variety with long fruiting. In one bunch there are tomatoes of varying degrees of ripeness. Therefore, harvesting from the bushes takes a long time. An indeterminate plant is formed in the same way as others of the same type. One of the characteristics of the variety is excellent resistance to a complex of viruses. Most often grown for home preservation.

A golden find for lazy summer residents

Low bow to Siberian breeders for the Golden Eggs tomato, perhaps the tiniest among the early ripening ones. Mature bushes about 40 cm high are strewn with ovoid dark yellow fruits. Despite the modest size of the plant, the tomatoes on it are quite large in size - up to 200 g. This variety is for the lazy. Thrives without removing excess shoots and strengthening it on a support. Productivity is good. Resistant to Fusarium and Verticillium wilt. But there is simply no time to get sick with late blight, all its fruits ripen so quickly and unanimously.

Golden Andromeda - orange stars among tomatoes

The bushes of the Golden Andromeda tomato variety grow a little higher, most often 60-70 cm. The characteristics and description of the variety are interesting for the gardener. Its fruits begin to ripen on the ninetieth day. This makes it possible to classify it as an early one. There are 5-8 pieces in a brush, 10 pieces in especially favorable conditions. The weight of the fruit is from 100 grams, the shape is round and smooth. Color – dark orange. This indicates a higher carotene content compared to other yellows. Determinate variety, medium foliage. Immunity to tobacco mosaic.

Record holders in their segment

Before deciding on the choice of seeds for this year, many advanced gardeners visit all kinds of forums and websites. If you look for reviews about the Golden Domes tomato, you are likely to come across the following characteristics:

  1. amazing yield - with square meter landings from 15 kg;
  2. large round fruits, in the shape of church domes, up to 400 grams on average;
  3. rich harmonious taste.

Reproaches against the variety cannot be avoided. Many people note that the shelf life of tomatoes is not very good; during transportation, some of the fruits burst. This is due to the fact that with the increased juiciness of the tomatoes, their peel is too thin and weak. On the other hand, this same quality makes the variety indispensable for processing into juices.

Tie up the giant

Another giant in its segment, the Yellow Giant tomato, is capable of feeding fruits up to 700 grams. They are flat-round in shape and sunny yellow in color. They begin to ripen in 100-105 days. The variety is classified as mid-early, determinate, but tall, up to 150 cm in height. The giant stem and the clusters with the largest fruits should be better secured, otherwise the tomatoes will “sink” to the ground.

Golden bull

No less large fruits are demonstrated by the indeterminate type Golden Bull tomato. Its powerful, fleshy fruits weigh up to half a kilogram. Flat-round tomatoes change color from lemon to bright yellow. A reddish-crimson spot appears at the bottom in the center of a ribbed tomato at biological maturity. There are 4-5 pieces in each brush, a considerable load on the plant, so it is tied to a trellis for stability. The fruits on the bush begin to ripen after 3 -3.5 months.

Tomato Golden Bull

Yellow light of truffle bulb

Indeterminate mid-season tomato Yellow truffle appearance similar to its “relatives” from the truffle tomato family. It is also shaped like a pear or a light bulb, if there are ribbed light bulbs. Medium size, 100-150 g, thick skin, elastic sweet flesh. There are 6-7 fruits in a cluster. They differ only in color - rich yellow, and a high content of sugary substances. The plant does not have an end point for growth, so in the zone special attention– constant work on formation. Regular removal of shoots and then excess brushes guarantees a stable harvest.

Gold for diet

Yellow tomatoes contain enzymes that help improve digestion.

  • determinant, early ripening (100 -105 days);
  • excellent harvest ability for any type of cultivation;
  • type of fruiting – carpal, 6-7 fruits weighing up to 50 grams;
  • “cream” fruit shape

Thanks to the high percentage of sugar (3%) and carotene (4%), greatest benefit This variety of tomatoes will be delivered raw.

Only for closed ground

Early ripening tomato Golden Jubilee F1 southern regions country gives a record harvest of 10-15 kg. In more severe conditions in other regions, it is less productive and is created for greenhouses. Despite its capricious, heat-loving disposition, it is popular for the quality, taste and appearance of the fruit. The determinate bush grows up to 150 cm in height in a greenhouse and requires staking. The four-chambered fruits are fleshy, juicy and sweet. When ripe, they are bright yellow. The weight of one varies from 150 to 350 g. Tolerant to diseases, weak immunity.

Not suitable for most open ground climatic zones Russia and the Yellow Banana tomato, as the name implies, is shaped like a short fruit of the same name. A tall plant in a greenhouse is always visible due to the abundance of elongated light yellow fruits, 100-180 grams each. Average fruiting period. Good immunity to a complex of bacteria and viruses.

Cherry in yellow

A variety of honey cherry, this is the description of the yellow date tomato in the classification of small-fruited tomatoes. A simple cluster of tall bush contains about 20 fruits, weighing 20-25 grams. The taste is persistently sweet. Fruiting begins at the end of July - beginning of August. Ripening is friendly, with the whole brush. The variety occupies a stable leading position in the ranking of sunny-colored tomatoes; reviews of the Yellow Date tomato are always only positive. Among the advantages of the variety are excellent seed germination, unpretentious “temper” of seedlings and adult plants, massive ripening of fruits.

The Golden Nugget tomato is very similar in appearance to the Date tomato, the same representative of the “cherry” type. Its fruits are even smaller, only 15-20 grams. The variety was selected in Holland and adapted to Russian climatic realities. An excellent, early-ripening variety of universal tomatoes.

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