Description of the plant, viburnum leaf carp - planting and care, varieties and propagation. Shrub viburnum-leaved bladdercarp in landscape design Bladdercarp aurea red-leaved planting and care

Kirill Sysoev

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Among the large number of ornamental plants currently available, not all can boast of their unpretentiousness. One of the most unpretentious plants is the viburnum leaf shrub (lat. Physocarpus opulifolius), which is planted and cultivated largely due to its spectacular appearance. The spherical dense crown, consisting of spreading drooping branches and corrugated leaves, looks lush from top to bottom.

What is bladderwort viburnum

This deciduous shrub belongs to the genus Bladderwort of the Rosaceae family. It is widely used as single and group plantings, undergrowth in sparse forest stands, for high hedges, along railways and roads. This fast-growing plant tolerates shade, but the color of the foliage begins to fade over time in the absence of sunlight. Physocarpus opulifolius has only two conditions for soil: the presence of drainage and the absence of lime. The shrub is able to bring special charm and colorful colors to the site.

What does it look like

Varieties with purple and golden colors are grown only in sunny areas, because... in the shade the color of the leaves is faded. The shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture. It has red and pink colored fruits that turn brown when ripe. The height of the bushes is from 1.5 to 3 m. The branches are usually drooping. The bark of mature bushes is brownish/brown and begins to flake off with age. The shrub has convex corymbose pink or white inflorescences with many stamens. It begins to bear fruit and bloom at the age of 4 years. The crown diameter can reach 400 cm!

This ornamental deciduous plant has oblong-ovate brown buds, the length of which ranges from 4 to 6 mm. Bladderwort bushes, widely used for landscape compositions, tolerate urban conditions well. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. They are green on top (dark green in some varieties), and lighter on the bottom. The flowering period of the bladderwort occurs in June-July.

Photo and description

Young leaves of Physocarpus opulifolius have a rounded-ovate or rounded-elliptical shape, up to 3-5 cm long. The characteristic yellow leaves of some varieties acquire a greenish tint by the end of summer, and become golden by the beginning of autumn. The branches rise above the ground up to 1.5 m in length, they are distinguished by good strength, capable of supporting a large number of leaves. From the buds, clearly visible ribs run down the green shoots. The fruits change their color in the same way as the leaves.

Viburnum foliage in landscape design - photo


When planning to grow fast-growing shrubs that can be used in the design of your garden or backyard, check out the popular varieties. Remember that this compact shrub does not always tolerate drought, and at the same time does not like stagnant water and calcareous soils. The varieties differ from each other in their bright colors, height, and foliage color. Viburnum leaf, the bushes of which can be planted on garden soil, are represented by two groups of spectacular varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved. Popular ones are:

  • Diablo;
  • Summer Wine;
  • Red Baron;
  • Luteus;
  • Dart's Gold;
  • Lady in Red
  • Aurea;
  • Purpurea;
  • Spirea;
  • Little Devil
  • Nugget et al.

Spiraea viburnum

Garden decorations such as spirea viburnum or meadowsweet are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, dense crown and beauty. In the wild, it can grow along river banks in North America. Translated from Greek, its name means “spiral”. The bush itself is spreading, with a spherical crown with a large number of branches. This yellow-leaved viburnum leaf bladder is distinguished by relatively small leaves with small denticles. In winter, spirea sheds its leaves.

Red Baron

The variety “Red Baron”, which is a shrub of the Rosaceae family, at the time of flowering and the ripening period pleases with rosaceous flowers and red berries. These plants reach a height of 2 m. The leaves of the shrub are spherical and have corrugated leaves, reaching a length of up to 8 cm. This variety, as a rule, grows on all types of soil. Planting and caring for the bladderwort, which produces red fruits, must be approached responsibly - do not forget to feed the plant, trim the branches and water it on time.

This type of viburnum leaf carp calmly tolerates dry weather, frosts and is not afraid of shade, but the yellow color of the leaves is preserved only in the sun. The plant grows calmly in urban conditions, thanks to which it is not afraid of gas pollution - this allows it to be used for constructing a hedge. This variety of ornamental shrubs resembles an unattached grape bush in its appearance, only it has smaller leaves.

The spreading bush acquires a green tint only towards the end of summer. The dense bark of the crop may peel off in small strips. The height of this wide bush can reach 3 m. The three-four lobed leaves have blade-like angles and are up to 5-7 cm wide. Luteus vesiculus has branches that tend upward, but the last 10-15 cm fall down. In general, the plant pleases many gardeners with its appearance, even the most demanding ones.

Darts gold

When you decide to plant a bladderwort, pay attention to Dart's Gold. As for the description, the leaves decorating the bladderwort change their color from summer to autumn: from bright yellow to lemon/orange color. The shrub blooms with white flowers, which are collected in a bunch, like and in all other bladderworts the plant can reach a height of up to one and a half meters.

Variety Diabolo

The Diabolo variety is quite popular because it is resistant to pests and diseases and tolerates pruning and shearing well. This spreading and powerful shrub, forming a dense spherical crown, can reach a height of up to 3 m and a width of up to 1.2-2 m. It has dark purple leaves that are evenly colored. In autumn, the color of this variety of bladderwrack remains almost unchanged, becoming only a little lighter. Description of flowers: pinkish-white, small, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences that appear in early June.


The Nugget variety, which is often used for sowing for decorative purposes, has bright foliage, the color of which changes from yellow to greenish. The height of the bush, which is compact, reaches 2 m. Without pruning, the crown becomes vase-shaped. Yellow leaves become greenish in summer, and intense yellow in autumn. The shoots are vertical with exfoliating bark of light brown color, the flowers are white. The Nugget variety plant grows better in open areas, but does not tolerate partial shade. Planted and grown in compositions with trees.

Lady in ed

Tuilad (Lady in Red) has bright new leaves and dark red and pink flowers. The height of the plant reaches 1.2 m. Its leaves are slightly wrinkled, but at the same time shiny, the color is from red to wine red. Tuilad has vertical, red shoots. Features of the variety include winter hardiness, light-loving, and low soil requirements. It is better to plant in moist and fertile soils that are not subject to flooding. During the growing season, fertilizers are required. To form a bush, pruning is needed.

Little Devil Shrub

Before you start propagating the viburnum leaf carp, select the optimal plant variety. The deciduous shrub with a dense crown and a height of 0.8-1 m of the Little Devil species is quite popular. It bears small pinkish-white flowers in corymbose, dense inflorescences that appear in June. The fruits are presented as swollen red leaflets. In shady conditions, the leaves begin to turn green.

It is better to plant on moist, drained, fresh, fertile, loamy and sandy loam soils. It tolerates urban conditions perfectly; it is advisable to grow it in a well-lit area. The variety tolerates pruning and shearing well and is resistant to diseases and pests. Widely used for landscaping city courtyards, playgrounds, gardens at medical institutions, etc. Little Devil has high winter hardiness, but in severe frosts there is a possibility of shoots freezing.

Planting and care in open ground

Bare-rooted seedlings should be planted in the fall or spring, although planting shrubs in the fall is considered preferable. It is not advisable to use seeds for planting viburnum leaf carp, because The bush passes on its original leaf color only to some of its offspring. It is preferable to use a plant that has a closed root system for initial planting, i.e. grown in special containers. Such bushes are planted at any time of the growing season, be it spring, summer or autumn.

Watering the bushes

The plant requires competent and careful care. To plant, you need to dig a hole with a diameter and depth of about half a meter, to the bottom of which you will need to add garden soil based on peat or humus. After planting the plant, the hole should be filled with fertile soil, and the bush itself should be deepened to 5 cm. Then the bush should be watered generously with water or a special Kornevin solution. After the liquid is absorbed, the tree trunk circle needs to be mulched. Thanks to this approach, you can make your site look like in the photos of landscape design magazines.

Plant nutrition

Bushes are propagated by seeds, summer cuttings or by dividing the bush. It’s one thing to plant such a lush and spectacular plant, another thing is to grow it correctly. Particular attention should be paid to fertilizing, which is carried out in spring or autumn. In early spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used for this purpose, and in autumn, mineral compounds are used. In the spring you can use urea, mullein, ammonium nitrate, and in the fall - nitroammophoska: 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water. For adult plants (10-20 years old), up to 15 liters of solution will be needed when feeding.

Pruning bladderwort in autumn

To give the bush the desired shape and stimulate branching, careful pruning will be required. Under good conditions, in just one year, the viburnum can add up to 40 cm, both in width and height. The active growth and development of the bush depends on how correctly the pruning was done. All types of bladderwort tolerate this process well - they undergo both sanitary and simple molding pruning. Useful tips:

  • When sanitary pruning is done, damaged, broken branches are removed - it is done in the spring or as needed.
  • Formative pruning is performed after the end of the flowering period. Shoots are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the crown size. In the second and subsequent crowns, strictly 2/3 of the size is trimmed.
  • A hedge created from the viburnum leaf carp needs to be trimmed 1-2 times throughout the growing season, but if necessary, it is done more often.
  • The first haircut is performed in April-May, while the buds have not yet fully blossomed. The rest as needed.
  • Sometimes pruning is performed in order to rejuvenate the plant. To do this, old shoots are removed to the base, and the rest - to the place where the side shoot begins to emerge.

Replanting Physocarpus opulifolius

To improve growing conditions, the viburnum leaf carp is transplanted to a new location. In addition, such a need may arise if you decide to change the original landscape design of the site. An adult plant is transplanted in the fall after leaf fall or in the spring before the buds awaken. This process is carried out with a large lump of earth with preliminary pruning of the bush. This is done in order to reduce the load on the root system, otherwise it will be difficult for it to simultaneously feed an adult plant and adapt to a new place.

How to propagate

Some lovers of landscape design use the method of dividing the bush, but sometimes they propagate the bladderwort by cuttings and seeds. Each method has its own characteristics. At home, they resort to vegetative propagation using layering, cuttings, and dividing the bush. There is an order of magnitude more fuss with seeds - they need to be sown in spring or autumn, having previously been subjected to monthly stratification. True, grown seedlings rarely have the same bright foliage color as the parent plant.


A good option is to take cuttings from the vesicular carp in the fall. To use it, you will need to cut off green shoots approximately 10-20 cm long with 2-3 internodes before the bush begins to flower. Then remove all the leaves from the bottom of them. The leaves at the top need to be shortened by 1/2. After this, soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or another means that stimulates root formation, and plant them in a mixture of sand and peat. Water the cuttings regularly and ventilate them, cover with plastic wrap if necessary. In spring, transplant to a permanent location.

Reproduction by layering

If you are interested in using viburnum foliage to decorate your site, then resort to propagating the bush using layering. This method is considered the simplest. In spring, select a healthy and strong shoot, remove all leaves from it except those growing at the top, then place it in a ditch previously made in the soil, the depth of which should be 12 cm. Pin the shoot using wooden brackets and fill the ditch. In autumn, cuttings should be separated from the mother bush to cover them for the winter.

Dividing the bush

Another simple way to propagate this ornamental lush plant is to divide the bush. You can resort to it in the spring or autumn season. If you have experience in digging up and replanting plants, then you can start dividing the bush even in the summer. In such a process, speed of execution is very important, otherwise the plants removed from the soil may dry out. After transplanting to a new place, do not forget to water the plant, remove weeds around it, and loosen the soil.

Diseases and pests

Even a novice gardener/flower grower can plant and care for viburnum leaf. In addition, this plant is characterized by good resistance to various pests and diseases, as a result of which the brightly flowering bush is practically not affected by them. True, in some cases, due to poor nutrition, the plant may develop chlorosis, which is expressed in drying of the apical shoots and yellowing of young leaves. You can restore health by adding iron to your diet by spraying the leaves/watering at the root with solutions of ferovit, ferrylene, and antichlorosis.


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A small number of ornamental crops boast absolute unpretentiousness. And among these plants, viburnum leaf is especially distinguished. It attracts with its spectacular appearance - the thick spherical crown looks lush from top to bottom.

Bladderwort is a bright representative of deciduous shrubs. The shrub owes its name to its fruits, which are highly swollen and open at the top. It can serve as a decoration for public gardens, parks, streets, and the diversity and brightness of the varieties allows the plant to be used in various decorative compositions.

Did you know? In addition to the viburnum-leaved vesicle, there are also varieties such as Amur, star-shaped and currant-leaved. All of them are not very different in appearance, but they are not widely used in our country.

The most common, vibrant and respected variety by our gardeners is Diablo. No plant can boast of such dark burgundy leaves. Naturally, it should be used carefully when creating compositions.

In exposed areas, Diablo's leaves turn beetroot and dark purple shades, and in partial shade they turn brownish green.

The Diablo color is so self-sufficient and full-bodied that it can serve as an excellent addition to the design, or spoil the picture, giving the garden a dramatic shade. When planted next to yellow-leaved plants, Diablo viburnum will appear not bright burgundy, but black. But the proximity of green plants will be more advantageous for him. This variety looks very bright against a white background (near a wall, fence) and next to shrubs with silvery or spotted leaves.

Did you know? Popularly, the bladderwort is called viburnum-leaved spirea or meadowsweet.

A variety such as Red Baron viburnum will delight you with its lush pale pink color at the time of flowering (the flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences), and during the fruiting period with red berries. It is also one of the most common varieties of bladdercarp.

This bush has corrugated, large (up to 8 cm) leaves with 4-5 lobes. The crown is hemispherical, in an adult plant it reaches a diameter of two meters. Young shoots at the tops have a dark red hue.

The height of an adult red baron viburnum is 2 meters. Feels comfortable on all types of soil.

This shrub loves sun, and in the shade the leaves may change color. If Red Baron grows in a sunny area, its leaves are red, if in the shade they are green with a slight reddish tint. In autumn the foliage changes color to bronze.

Important! Young green shoots of this shrub must be cut off.

Red Baron grows quite quickly, is very compact, and easy to care for. It is recommended to grow this red-leaved vesicle for landscaping city streets and for hiding problem areas of the soil.

Did you know? Red Baron is considered the most valuable variety of bladderworts.

In appearance, this plant resembles an unattached grape bush in the fall, only its leaves are slightly smaller, and it does not have sweet berries. But this shrub has a magnificent appearance and fast-growing properties.

Luteus grows up to 2.5 m in height and is distinguished by yellow foliage with an orange tint, which becomes greenish at the end of the season. The leaves of this bush, like those of many vesicular carps, are 3-4-lobed, with pointed edges.

The branches of Luteus grow upward, but the last 10-15 centimeters descend (fall) down. The bark “sheds” in small ribbons. Luteus vesiculus blooms with delicate white flowers. The fruits are box-shaped with pointed corners and ripen in late summer - early autumn.

This shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture, is quite frost-resistant (young shoots can freeze in severe winters), feels comfortable in the shade, although it retains the characteristic color of the leaves only in the sun.

Luteus is perfectly cultivated in urban environments and can be safely grown as a hedge.

The disadvantage of this variety of viburnum leaf is inconstancy of the golden hue of the leaves, which manifests itself exclusively on young growths.

Did you know? The leaves of bladderworts are rich in phenolic compounds and phenolcarboxylic acids, which allows them to be actively used in the production of a variety of high-quality dietary supplements.

- a low (0.8-1 m) and narrow (about 70 cm) shrub with dark burgundy palmate leaves. The shoots grow vertically, which gives the plant elegance.

It blooms with small (3-4 cm) corymbose inflorescences of a pink hue.

Ideal for growing in border areas.

Did you know? Bladderworts are called funny for the characteristic (like fireworks) popping sound they make when you press the core of the flower.

Bladderwort viburnum cultivar Lady in red- the result of the work of English breeders. It grows up to 1.5 meters in height and is distinguished by bright red leaves, which during their development darken to a beetroot shade. It blooms with delicate pink-white flowers in dense “caps”.

Important! Bladderworts cannot be planted in the shade - the color of their leaves will fade and they will not be so attractive.

Amber Jubilee– a hybrid of the varieties Diabolo and Dart`s Gold. It is distinguished by the ability to change the color of the leaves from yellow to lime, with a transitional orange tint. In autumn the foliage changes its color to purple.

An adult plant grows up to 2 meters in height and in diameter 1.5 meters.

This bush remains decorative throughout the season and does not go unnoticed in the garden.

This yellow-leaved bladderwort is named in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee and was ceremoniously planted in 2012 during her visit to Wyoming.

This bush is a hybrid of the varieties "Nanus" and "Luteus". It is a wide, dense shrub 1.5 meters high. The leaves remain bright yellow throughout the season, turning slightly green in the summer.

in spring Darts, like the yellow-leaved bladderwort, it is covered with tassels of pink or creamy-white flowers.

Did you know? Translated, Dart's Gold means "golden arrows".

Darts bladderwort makes magnificent and unpretentious hedges.

It differs from other bladderworts in the thickness of its stems, which, growing strictly vertically, form the shape of a long vessel. Viburnum vesicle variety Nugget is a hybrid and tends to change the color of the leaves from bright yellow to green.

Fast growing shrub grows tall up to 2.5 meters. It blooms with creamy white or pink flowers that look very impressive against the background of foliage.

Did you know? All varieties of bladderwort are practically not susceptible to diseases and are not affected by pests.

Viburnum foliage Purpurea

A spreading bush, the drooping branches of which form a hemispherical dense crown. The leaves have a violet-reddish tint, changing color to green with a slight purple tint in full shade.

Shrub viburnum leaf viburnum Purpurea blooms for 2-3 weeks with small, numerous corymbose inflorescences of pale pink color. Flowering begins in June and ends with the formation of purple-red fruits.

Purpurea looks great in tree and shrub groups, emphasizing contrast. Also suitable for creating hedges.

This variety, like Little Devil, has bright burgundy leaves, but differs in height - 1.5-2 meters. Crown Tiny Wine spherical, dense. In May it blooms with delicate pink flowers.

In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, the leaves of this vesicular carp become fiery scarlet, which gives the garden an incredible look.

It tolerates different temperatures well - it survives both harsh winters and sultry summers.

In addition to those listed, the plant viburnum leaf carp has many more varieties that are worthy of taking a place in any garden:

  1. Nanus. It is similar to Diablo, but differs from it in the inconspicuous flowers and smallish green leaves.
  2. Summer Vine. A compact shrub whose branches resemble fireworks. The leaves are similar in color to fortified red wine.
  3. Copertina. Characterized by orange foliage that changes color to red in summer. This shrub is covered with pink buds in the spring, which turn white when opened.
  4. Gold Spirit. It has golden yellow foliage and is a great alternative to Luteus.
  5. Center Glow. A shrub with light burgundy or dark red leaves that have a golden sheen when blooming.
  6. Golden bladderwort. An elegant, neat variety, distinguished by its tenderness. The branches are strong, even, and can support a large number of leaves. The foliage is bright yellow in summer, changing to golden in autumn.
  7. Chameleon. A low shrub with dark green leaves decorated with red, orange and yellow spots. Young leaves have a purple edge, which becomes light green over time.
  8. The bladderwort is red. The leaves of this shrub are three-lobed, bright red in spring and summer and purple-burgundy in autumn. Blooms with white and pink flowers.
  9. Andre. It is distinguished by bronze-red leaves, which when dissolved have an orange-red hue.
  10. Midnight. The darkest of the varieties. The foliage at the ends of the branches is dark purple, and towards the center it becomes almost black.
  11. Angel Godl. Similar to the red-leaved Diablo.
  12. Golden Annie. A shrub with pastel green leaves with intermittent creamy yellow edges and small spots.
  13. Shuh. The foliage is cherry when young, and dark purple when mature.
  14. Tilden Park. A medium-sized shrub with light green, small, corrugated leaves.
  15. Coppertina. Sends out young shoots of a copper-purple hue, which darken to purple-red as they mature.
  16. Donna May. This red bladderwort blooms in June with delicate white flowers.

One of, perhaps, the most unpretentious plants that has recently been widely used in landscape design is a shrub with the interesting name bladdercarp. Let's figure out how to plant and care for a plant such as viburnum leaf, and how to use it in garden design.

Viburnum foliage: planting and care, photos of interesting compositions in the garden

It is not difficult to guess that the name of the shrub is telling, and was given to the plant because of its peculiar fruits, which are small balls with an uneven, bubbly structure. If you press on such a ball, it easily bursts, making a characteristic sound.

Bladderwort: description, types and varieties (photo)

Physocarpus is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family, 1.5–2 m high. There are about 10 species, which include the fairly common P. amur (Ph. amurensis), P. stellata Ph. stellatus and the most popular North American species today is the viburnum vesicle (Ph. opulifolius).

The appearance of the bladderwort is a spreading, fountain-shaped shrub, with rather wide flat leaves, the color of which depends on the variety and includes the entire gradation of green (from bright yellow to dark saturated green), as well as red-crimson shades.

The shrub is decorated with white small flowers, collected in small beautiful inflorescences - caps; their flowering lasts two months - June, July. But as for the color of vesicular carp fruits, they gradually change their color throughout the entire ripening period - at the very beginning they have a light green tint, and closer to autumn they turn dark burgundy.

The main characteristic of vesicular carp, which distinguishes it from its fellows, is its ability to grow well in the shade. It can be safely planted in dark areas where the shadow of a house or fence falls almost 24 hours a day, and it will also grow and bloom. Although, of course, in the sun its foliage is brighter and shimmering.

The shrub tolerates heat easily and will definitely not die from lack of frequent watering, although it loves water. The bladderwort is easy to trim, making it an indispensable part of landscape design. And since the bush grows quickly, recovery after cutting does not take much time.

But the bladderwort is not only an ornamental plant. It, or rather its greenery, contains various phenolic compounds and phenolcarboxylic acids, which makes it possible to use it in medicine.

There are many varieties of bladderwort; they are grouped according to color:

  • Yellow-green bladderworts – Luteus, Darts Gold, Nugget, Nanus;
  • Red bladderworts – Schuch, Diabolo (Purpureus), Summer Wine, Red Baron, Little Devil, Little Angel;
  • Mixed bicolor vesicles – Coppertina, Center Glow, Jefam.

But they all differ not only in the color of the leaves, but also in the shape and shade of the flower caps.

Planting and propagation of bladderwort: methods and features

Planting bladderwort on your property is a simple matter. The main thing is to decide how to plant the plant:

  • Cuttings. This is the most effective method, excluding, of course, a ready-made purchased plant in a container. After all, a store-bought seedling is already “ready”; it just needs to be planted correctly and arranged in the soil. But a cutting is still only a potential seedling, but still.

When taking cuttings from an already growing vesicle (and if it doesn’t exist yet, you can borrow it from neighbors or friends), you should use only this year’s shoots for planting material. Cutting is done with a sharp garden knife. There should be at least two internodes on the cutting (20 cm). After the cuttings are ready, they are placed in a growth simulator, for example, “Kornevin”, and act according to the instructions. You can also use the traditional method - dilute a spoonful of honey in a bucket of water and leave the cuttings in it for a day.

The cuttings are planted in a pot or other similar container. The filling of this container is wet sand and peat pre-treated at high temperatures (calcined in the oven, for example).

Humidity is the main indicator here, so its level must be carefully monitored, at least before the first bud appears. Rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place next spring.

  • Dividing the bush. This method, as professionals say, is the easiest. Divide the bush in spring or autumn. To do this, it is completely dug up and divided into shares - each with its own root system and shoots. Then they are planted in prepared holes. The main thing is to do this very quickly so that the roots of the bushes do not dry out during the process of transplanting to a new place.
  • Layerings. Bladderwort propagation by layering is carried out in the spring. For this, the strongest and healthiest shrub is selected, and a shoot with the same characteristics is taken for propagation. All foliage is torn off from the selected shoot, except for the very top, where the leaves should be left. The branch is bent to the ground, digging a depression (10 cm) at the place of their contact, and dug in. For straight growth, it is best to use a peg to which you tie it. This shoot should be watered abundantly all summer, only in this case it will give good roots by autumn. Then it is dug up and planted in a permanent place. During its first independent winter, it must be covered.
  • Seeds are not the best way to grow bladderwrack, since seedlings from seeds do not inherit the decorative characteristics of the mother plant, and there is a lot of fuss with them. Before planting, the seeds must be stratified for a month.

Planting bladderwort in the ground: necessary conditions

When planting a seedling in open ground, several conditions must be met.

The bladderwort is practically indifferent to the composition of the soil; it will grow normally in any soil. Of course, it will prefer loose soils that easily allow oxygen and moisture to pass through, with a slightly acidic pH - here it will grow widely and quickly, but in other soils under the right conditions it will grow no worse. But there is still one caveat: the shrub does not like the proximity of groundwater and also cannot tolerate a lot of lime, and can become seriously ill. Otherwise, the bladderwort is unpretentious.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up, loosened, and all weeds and residues from last year are removed. Dig a 50x50 cm hole under the seedling. A layer of humus is placed at the bottom of the hole. If there are several plants, then there should be at least 2 meters between them, otherwise they will only interfere with each other. Of course, in the case of growing hedges, plantings are done more often, 35-45 cm.

The vesicular carp seedling is placed strictly vertically in the hole. It is advisable to straighten the roots as much as possible. Then they are covered with soil, leaving the root collar exposed. The earth is compacted. The newly planted plant is watered and then mulched with peat.

Caring for an adult bladderwort

It is a mistake to think that if a plant is unpretentious, then you can plant it and simply forget about it. The bladderwort lives on average 30 years, and you still need to pay attention to it.

Caring for a bladderwort is not at all difficult and consists of several basic actions.

  • Bush pruning. The pruning required for the plant is sanitary. It is carried out without fail every spring, and without regret, all diseased, damaged branches that have dried out during the winter are cut off. But in the second year of life, the shrub will require stimulating pruning. As for decorative pruning, it is carried out at will, but only after the bush is three years old. You can do this both in the spring and at other times, but only when the plant has bloomed; you should not do this before flowering. To prevent the vesicle from degenerating and aging, once every five years it is completely pruned - to the root, leaving only 20-centimeter stumps.
  • Watering the plant should be given increased attention; it should be regular, especially during the period of establishment of the bush. Bladderwort needs increased watering on loamy soils in hot summers. Here, each bush will simply need 30-40 liters of water twice a week. In other cases, watering is determined independently - based on the condition of the soil. But on clay soils you should be careful - stagnation can form there, which leads to rotting of the roots.
  • Mulching for bladderwort, as for any other crop, allows you to create an optimal atmosphere for the root zone. The soil breathes, which means the plant’s roots receive oxygen. Mulching creates the correct moisture regime, smoothing out its fluctuations. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out more often, and organic matter should be used for this.
  • It is also necessary to feed the bladderwort, this is the only way it will be healthy and cheerful. This is done ideally twice a year - after winter (to stimulate foliage growth) and before winter.
    • For spring: Add ½ liter of ladybug (or bird droppings) and 1 liter of weed infusion to a bucket of water. Or use other nitrogen fertilizers.
    • For autumn: Infuse 1 cup of wood ash in a bucket of water. Or they use other mineral fertilizers (who have not yet switched to organic farming).

The prepared solutions are used to water the bushes - 15 liters per plant.

Since the bladderwort is quite resistant to cold and tolerates winter without problems, it does not need shelter. With the exception of the first year of life, when its root system has not yet fully grown.

Another advantage of the bladderwort is that it practically does not get sick and no pest likes it. The only disease that can appear in a bush is chlorosis, which occurs due to a lack of nutrients in the soil - iron, magnesium, nitrogen. It is easy to correct this situation - you just need to fertilize with complex fertilizers. The main thing is to notice something is wrong in time.

The use of bladderwort in landscape design

It is not for nothing that this plant is widely used in the garden, because it is perfect for landscape design. And the point here is not only in unpretentiousness and rapid growth, but rather in its artistic appearance and variety of colors. The bladderwort changes its color throughout the year, and this adds variety to the overall appearance of the garden. You can also combine different plant varieties and get an indescribable palette of colors.

Bladderwort can be used as an independent plant in a composition - both as a center plant and as an auxiliary one. It is easy to trim and can be given almost any shape. Combines well with conifers. Also often used as a background for smaller plants.

But sometimes, poorly used purple in the garden can create the illusion of “failure”, so it must be shaded with other shades. Here is a small diagram with an example of what to plant next to the Diablo vesicle:

In terms of decorative qualities and unpretentiousness, it is difficult to compare this ornamental shrub with any other, which is why it is increasingly gaining popularity. Plant viburnum leaf carp in your home; planting and caring for it will not cause you much trouble, and photos of compositions with its participation will always be bright and, one might even say, elegant.

Plant vesicular carp (lat. Physocarpus) belongs to the genus of deciduous shrubs of the Rosaceae family. The Latin name for bladderwort comes from two ancient Greek roots: “physo”, meaning bubble, and “carpos”, meaning fruit. The genus includes 14 species native to East Asia and North America. In cultivation, the bladderwort shrub is an unpretentious plant that does not lose its decorative effect throughout the growing season. It also stands out for its resistance to air pollution and its rapid growth rate. The bladderwort is used in landscape design and as a solo plant, but the hedge made from the bladdercarp looks most impressive.

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Planting and caring for bladderwort (in brief)

  • Landing: in spring or autumn.
  • Bloom: for two to three weeks in the first half of summer.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: the optimal one is loose, fertile, well-drained and lime-free loam, but other soil will do.
  • Watering: strictly at the root, early in the morning or after sunset. In hot weather - twice a week with a water consumption of up to 40 liters per adult bush.
  • Feeding: in spring and autumn.
  • Trimming: in the spring, before the buds swell - sanitary and formative, in the fall, during leaf fall - sanitary. Anti-aging pruning will be needed in the sixth or seventh year.
  • Reproduction: seeds, layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: practically not affected.
  • Diseases: chlorosis.

Read more about growing bladderwort below.

Bladderwort shrub - description

The vesicular carp bush is distinguished by spreading drooping branches that form a dense crown in the shape of a ball. In mature bushes, the bark peels off in wide strips. The height of the vesicular carp is up to 3 m, the leaves are three-five-lobed, resembling the outlines of viburnum leaves. The flowers are white, simple, with numerous stamens, collected in hemispherical inflorescences with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm and abundantly covering the bush in early summer. The fruits of the bladderwort also look attractive - swollen leaflets that turn red when ripe. In culture, bladderworts are represented by only two species, which have several very attractive varieties for gardeners with leaves of different colors.

Planting a bladderwort

When to plant bladderwort

For planting, purchase bladderwort seedlings with a closed root system from a garden center or nursery - such planting material can be planted at any time except winter. Bare-rooted seedlings are planted in spring or autumn, although planting bladderwort in autumn is still preferable. Choose an open, sunny area for the bladderwort, away from large trees. If you plant a variety with green leaves, it will grow well in partial shade. The vesicular carp has only two requirements for the soil: it should not contain lime, and it should be well-drained - the plant doesn’t care about anything else. True, it is worth saying that on loose, fertile loamy soil the plant will have a more lush, elegant and vibrant appearance.

How to plant bladderwort

The hole for the bladderwort will need to be of such a size that a layer of fertile soil (or a mixture of soil, peat, sand and turf) can be placed in it and so that the root collar of the seedling is at surface level. Therefore, it is better to dig a hole and place the fertile layer in it a week or two before planting, so that the soil has time to settle. The vesicular carp seedling is placed in a hole without removing the soil from the roots, so as not to injure the plant, and it is better not to add fertilizers to the soil when planting, since the young plant in a new place will not be able to absorb them. Fill the hole with fertile soil or a soil mixture of the composition described above and water the plant generously. If the soil settles, add more soil. At first, make sure that the soil around the seedling is slightly moist at all times. Mulch the area with the bladderwort with peat or humus.

Bladderwort care

How to care for bladderwort

The most important point in caring for the plant is timely watering, since the bladderwort does not tolerate drought. When moistening the soil, water should not get on the leaves or inflorescences of the vesicular carp, as this may cause burns on them. Therefore, it is better to water the plant early in the morning or late in the evening. The approximate frequency of watering in the hot season is twice a week, the amount of water for an adult bush is 40 liters. Monitor the condition of the leaves of the plant, because both a lack of moisture and its excess are harmful to the bladderwort. After watering, if you have not mulched the area, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds. The bladderwort is fertilized twice a year - in spring and autumn. In the spring, for feeding, use a solution of a half-liter jar of mullein, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of urea in 10 liters of water at the rate of 15 liters of solution per adult plant. In autumn, the tree trunk circle is watered with a solution of nitroammophoska at the rate of 2 tablespoons of fertilizer per 10 liters of water at a consumption of 15 liters of solution per adult bush.

Pruning bladderwort

The bladderwort in the garden needs both formative and sanitary pruning. In the spring, mandatory sanitary pruning is carried out, removing broken, diseased, frozen branches and shoots, as well as those growing inside the bush. Pruning bladderwort in the fall is necessary to prepare the shrub for winter. Formative pruning can also be done in the fall, although it is wiser to do it in the spring. If you want to have a wide bush, cut the vesicle at a height of half a meter, and if you are attracted by the shape of the fountain, cut out all the thin shoots at the base, and only slightly shorten the remaining 5-6 strongest ones. Rejuvenating pruning of the bush to a stump is done in the sixth year of the vesicular carp's life. Cuts on thick shoots are treated with garden varnish.

Transplantation of bladderwort

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant a vesicle - either the place is not suitable for it, or your plans for it have changed. Transplantation of an adult bladderwort is carried out in the spring before the buds awaken or in the fall, after leaf fall. They replant the vesicle with a large lump of earth, having first trimmed the bush - removing all unnecessary, diseased and thickening shoots, and shortening the rest to 20-30 cm. This is done in order to reduce the load on the root system, which will find it difficult to simultaneously adapt to a new place and feed the adult bush. Transplantation is carried out according to the same principle as primary planting, with the adjustment that you are not replanting a seedling, but an adult bush. After transplanting, water the vesicle with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin, and treat the leaves with Ecogel-anti-stress or Epin.

Pests and diseases of bladderwort

As you can see, even an inexperienced gardener can plant and care for vesicles; moreover, this shrub is very resistant to diseases and pests and is almost not affected by them. Sometimes, due to poor nutrition, it may develop chlorosis, which is expressed in yellowing of young leaves and drying out of the apical shoots. In this case, you will have to add iron to the bladderwort diet by spraying the leaves or watering the roots with a solution of Antichlorosis, Ferrylene, Ferovit, and best of all, Iron Chelate. Usually after this the plant’s health is restored.

Reproduction of bladderwort

How to propagate bladderwort

At home, the bladderwort propagates vegetatively - by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush. You can, of course, sow bladderwort seeds in the fall or spring, having previously subjected them to monthly stratification, but the fact is that grown seedlings rarely inherit the bright color of the foliage of the parent plant, and there is a lot of fuss with them, while vegetative methods of propagating bladdercarp are more convenient , and more reliable, and give quick results.

Propagation of bladderwort by cuttings

To make cuttings, you need to cut off the green shoots of the current year, 10-20 cm long with two or three internodes, before the start of flowering of the vesicle, remove all the leaves from the lower part of the shoots, and shorten the leaves in the upper part of the cutting by half. Then the cuttings are soaked in a solution of root or any other root formation stimulator, planted in a training bed in a mixture of sand and peat, watered and covered with plastic film. Caring for the cuttings consists of regular watering and ventilation. For the winter, the rooted cuttings are covered, and in the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of bladderwort by layering

This is the easiest way to get a new plant. In the spring, select a strong, healthy shoot directed outward, remove all leaves from it except those growing at the top, place it in a 12 cm deep groove made in the soil, pin it with wooden staples or regular hairpins and fill the groove with soil. During the growing season, do not forget to water the layering, loosen the soil around it and remove weeds. In the fall, separate the rooted cuttings from the mother bush and cover them for the winter.

Reproduction of bladderwort by dividing the bush

The easiest way to reproduce is by dividing the bush. This should be done in the spring or autumn, but if you have the skill to dig up and transplant plants, then you can divide the bladderwort bush in the summer - in this process, the most important thing is speed of execution, so that the roots of the bush removed from the ground do not have time to dry out.

Bladderwort in winter

Bladderwort in autumn

In the fall, the bladderwort is amazingly beautiful, when the monochromatic foliage begins to dapple with autumn colors. Bladderwort is a fairly frost-resistant plant, and usually in winter only young immature branches freeze on adult bushes, but the cuttings of bladderwort that have taken root in the fall, as well as young bushes, are covered for the winter.

Overwintering of the bladderwort

How to cover a bladderwrack if you are expecting a frosty winter? Carefully tie the bush with twine and cover it with a cone of roofing felt. You can loosely wrap the bush with lutrasil. But first, the soil around the bush needs to be mulched with a layer of peat 5-8 cm thick. After pruning and mulching the tree trunk, it is better to cover young bushes with spruce branches.

Types and varieties of bladderwort

Currently, only two types of bladderworts, as well as their varieties and varieties, are grown in garden floriculture.

Amur bladderwort (Physocarpus amurensis)

- a shrub from the mixed forests of Northern China, North Korea and the Far East with a spherical crown. It reaches a height of 3 m. Young shoots of plants of this species are smooth, reddish-brown, and the bark of old trunks peels off in longitudinal stripes. The leaf of the Amur vesiculus is three- to five-lobed, with a heart-shaped base, up to 10 cm long, dark green on the upper side and grayish-whitish with tomentose star-shaped hairs on the lower side. White flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter in quantities of 10 to 15 pieces form a corymbose inflorescence and bloom for three weeks. The fruit is a swollen leaflet that turns red as it ripens. The Amur bladderwort is winter-hardy. It is used in single and group plantings and hedges. It has been in culture since 1854. The following forms of Amur bladderwort are known:

  • vesicular carp luteus with bright yellow leaves in summer and bronze leaves in autumn;
  • Aureomarginata– vesicular carp with a dark golden border on the leaves;
  • Nana– dwarf variety, leaves are single-colored, dark green.

Physocarpus opulifolius

comes from eastern North America, where it grows along river banks and in undergrowth. This shrub reaches a height of 3 m, its crown is dense, hemispherical, the leaves are three-five-lobed, elliptical, with a large elongated middle lobe, jagged along the edge, green above, lighter below, sometimes with pubescence. Flowers up to 12 mm in diameter are white or pink with red stamens. The fruits are swollen aggregate leaflets, initially light green, but turning red as they ripen. In landscape design, viburnum-leaved bladderwort is used alone and in a group, including for creating a hedge. In culture since 1864. The most famous varieties:

  • Bladderwort Darts Gold- a wide and dense shrub up to 1.5 m high with yellow leaves that turn green in summer. Flowers in racemes are pink or white;
  • red-leaved bladdercarp, or Diablo vesiculus is a shrub up to 3 m high with dark red or purple leaves. Planting and caring for the Diablo vesiculus absolutely complies with our recommendations, with the adjustment that when grown in bright sun its leaves are red, and in the shade they are green with a purple tint. It is characteristic that with the onset of autumn the color of the leaves does not change. This is the most popular variety of viburnum;
  • Red Baron bladderwort, up to 2 m high with three-five-lobed oval, bare, serrated along the edge leaves up to 7 cm long of a luxurious dark red color, which are slightly narrower than Diablo, looks very impressive, and white flowers with a pink tint in umbels with a diameter of up to 5 cm make it even more elegant. The bush is also decorated with red fruits, consisting of 3-5 pointed sacs. This is one of the most valuable varieties of bladderwort;
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Physocarpus is a deciduous shrub. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. Distribution - North America and East Asia. There are 14 species in the genus. Only 2 species grow in the wild nature of Russia.

This unpretentious plant has spectacular decorative qualities, which it does not lose during the entire growing season. The growth rate is fast. It is often used in landscape design.

The spreading branches of the vesicular carp form a spherical crown. The height does not exceed 3 meters. Its leaves visually resemble viburnum leaves. Simple small white flowers form inflorescences that are distinguished by their abundant and numerous inflorescences. The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 7 cm.

There are only two types of crops used in the culture. Among them, several varietal varieties stand out. They are very attractive to flower growers and landscape designers due to their decorative properties and unpretentiousness.

Types and varieties

Among the types of bladderwort, two species are widespread in Russian culture:

Amur bladderwort (Physocarpus Amurensis) is a shrub native to East Asia. It has a spherical crown. Its height does not exceed 3 meters. Smooth shoots are brown with a reddish tint. In old bushes, the bark peels off in longitudinal strips. The leaves are three-lobed or five-lobed. The length of the leaves can reach 10 cm. Their upper side is dark green, and the bottom is covered with grayish felt hairs.


Up to 15 small white flowers form inflorescences. Flowering lasts up to three weeks. This species is frost resistant. It was cultivated in the second half of the 19th century. Used for group and solo plantings, and is also common for creating hedges.

(Physocarpus opulifolius)- a very popular shrub in Russian gardens. This is an unpretentious and very ornamental plant. It is particularly lush thanks to its spreading branches that form a ball-shaped crown. Corrugated leaves are large in size. The height of the bush is about 3 meters. Small flowers have reddish or pink stamens. They form inflorescences. The leaves can also be three-lobed or five-lobed.

This type of bladderwort is very widely used in floriculture and landscape design. Ideal for creating hedges. It became widespread in Russian culture in the second half of the 19th century.

Viburnum leaf

Varieties of viburnum leaf carp

Golden Nugget- a variety popular in floriculture. Very decorative due to its bright golden foliage. Its height usually does not exceed 2.5 meters. The crown is wide and spherical. The flowers are white or pinkish in color. Flowering usually begins in June. This varietal variety is distinguished by its undemanding soil, drought and frost resistance. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture and stagnation of water. Golden Nugget is great in a variety of flower arrangements, landscaping and hedges.

Red Baron has spectacular decorative properties. The variety is very popular due to the dark red color of the leaves. Height - about 2 meters. It has a spherical crown. In the shade, the leaves are not as red as in the sun, but in the autumn they become bronze. Growth is fast. The variety is soil-resistant, drought-resistant and winter-hardy. Loves the sun. It is used in bright flower arrangements, as well as when creating hedges. Often used in city and garden landscaping.

Red Baron

Diablo- another red variety of bladderwort (this is the one you can see in the title photo). The color of the leaves is more saturated than that of Red Baron. The height can reach 3 meters. The thick and dense crown has a hemispherical shape. Pinkish flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Flowering begins in mid-June. The foliage is red with a purple tint. If the shrub grows in the shade, then the color of the foliage is not so red and rich. The variety is decorative and unpretentious. Diablo is ideal for landscaping cities and gardens, and is also great for creating hedges that are vibrant and dense.

Lady In Red- a spectacular decorative variety that was bred in Great Britain. Red-brown shoots grow upward. The foliage color is bright red. Small pinkish flowers are collected in lush, dense inflorescences that begin to bloom in June. The shrub grows up to 1.5 meters. This variety is not afraid of winds and drought. Also frost resistant. Lady In Red loves the sun. In the shade its foliage is not so red and rich.

Lady in Red

Summer Wine- two-meter compact shrub. The rich red leaves may turn green in the summer, especially if the bush grows in the shade. White-pink small flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Summer vine begins to bloom in late spring. The variety is decorative due to its wine-red foliage and pink inflorescences. This unpretentious and light-loving variety is often used in creating hedges and compositions of coniferous and deciduous shrubs and trees, as well as flower beds of perennial flowers.

Summer Vine

Luteus Ideal for landscaping parks and gardens. The golden foliage of this shrub cannot go unnoticed. The sunny variety is very unpretentious and not picky about the soil. The bush can be used in a variety of landscape compositions, in decorating buildings and streets. The crown shape is hemispherical. The height does not exceed 3 meters. The shrub has numerous white flowers that form shields.

Dart's Gold is an improved form of the Luteus variety. The golden bush has numerous white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts for three weeks. This yellow variety loves the sun, but also grows in shaded areas, but at the same time loses its color saturation. The variety is resistant to drought and light frosts, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Darts Gold

Aurea- a beautiful shrub whose height can reach 2.5 meters. The bright yellow foliage is stunning against the white flowers and reddish fruit. Flowering begins at the end of June. The variety is drought-resistant, winter-hardy and not picky about soil. Can grow in shade, but prefers sunlight. Used in landscaping gardens, creating various compositions and hedges.

Little Devil- another red-leaved bladderwort. The red devil is small in height (about 1 meter). The shoots grow upward, forming a hemispherical crown. Pours are red in color with a purple tint. In the shade the foliage turns green, so it is advisable to plant it in sunny places. The numerous flowers are pale pink and form inflorescences that bloom in mid-June. This unpretentious and sun-loving variety is often used in decorating gardens and city alleys and buildings. Also used to create borders.

Little Devil

Andre is a variety of viburnum-leaved bladderwort with a broadly spherical crown. Grows up to 2.5 meters. The foliage is purple-red in color. In autumn it takes on a bronze tint. In early June, spherical inflorescences of small white or pinkish flowers bloom. The variety is resistant to drought, winds and urban conditions. Andre prefers moist soil and full sun. Andre is excellent at landscaping gardens and parks, and is also used in creating multi-contrast compositions.


The plant is propagated cuttings, layering and dividing bushes. For propagation by cuttings, it is necessary to use green shoots that have grown this year. They need to be pruned in the spring before the crop begins to bloom. The length of the shoot should not be more than 20 cm. Leaves are removed from the shoot. Leave the leaves on top, but shorten them a little.

The cuttings must first be soaked in a solution that stimulates the formation of roots. "Kornevin" is suitable. For planting, either river sand or a mixture of sand and peat is used. After planting, it is advisable to cover the cuttings with plastic wrap. Bottles with cut off necks are also suitable for shelter. Before the onset of winter, the cuttings need to be periodically ventilated and moistened.

In winter, rooted shoots must be covered. In spring, they need to be transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

The plant also reproduces layering. This relatively simple and effective method. A strong and healthy shoot is used as a layering. All but the top leaves are removed. The shoot is placed in a hole about 15 cm deep and pinned to the ground. This must be done in early spring so that the cuttings can take root in the soil over the winter.

In dry times, soil moisture is of great importance. At the end of autumn, young bushes need to be separated from the mother bush and covered for the winter.


It is not advisable to plant a plant with seeds; it is much better to buy young seedlings with a closed root system. This is due to the fact that when planted with seeds, the original color of the foliage is not passed on to all offspring.

Bushes can be planted in summer, autumn or spring. The hole for planting a seedling should be about half a meter deep and the same in diameter. It is advisable to put a little humus or peat substrate at the bottom of the hole. The seedling should not be buried more than 5 cm. After planting, it needs to be watered abundantly. It is also advisable to use the Kornevin solution.

The planting site should be sunny, since in partial shade or shade the color of the leaves becomes less saturated and bright. The soil should not contain lime, and there should also be good drainage.

In order for the appearance to be lush and beautiful, the soil must be rich in nutrients, but even in poor soil the shrub will delight with its flowering. The plant can be planted in the city and near the highway, since pollution and gas contamination are not dangerous for it.


The bladderwort is unpretentious, but you still have to follow some care rules. The watering schedule depends on the age of the plant, temperature and climate. If it is very hot in summer, then it is necessary to water from the end of spring until the onset of autumn. Watering should be done at least once every week. An adult tree requires about 40 liters of water. If the soil is heavy loam, then there is a great danger of overwatering the plant.

Excessive moisture can lead to the development of a disease such as powdery mildew. It can cause the plant to die.

In spring and autumn, the crop needs feeding. In spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers act as fertilizing, and in autumn - mineral fertilizers. In spring you can use fertilizer, which consists of:

  1. 10 liters of water;
  2. 0.5 liters of mullein;
  3. 1 tbsp. ammonium nitrate;
  4. 1 tbsp. urea.

As an autumn fertilizer, nitroamoffoska (the size of a matchbox) is diluted in 10 liters of water. One adult plant requires approximately 15 liters of feeding.

Replanting and pruning

The crop needs pruning. There are two types of pruning: sanitary and form-building. The first is carried out in the spring, when the branches are frozen and broken. And in order for the shrub to grow as necessary, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning. It is necessary both in spring and autumn. Pruning also provokes accelerated and proper growth of shoots. To keep the bush wide, the shoots are cut to half a meter. And in order for the bush to be in the shape of a fountain, all thin shoots at the base are cut off, and the remaining shoots are shortened.

The plant is replanted if necessary. Before transplanting it, excess and diseased shoots are removed. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The bush is replanted together with a large earthen lump.

After replanting, the shrub needs to be watered generously with water and Kornevin solution. It is also necessary to treat the foliage. Epin is suitable for this.

Application in landscape design

This decorative crop is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Its rich colors and numerous blooms will attract the attention of anyone, even the most experienced flower lover.

The bladderwort is used in group and single plantings. It is used in the design of gardens and city parks. They decorate buildings.

But most often the crop is grown for borders.

The photo above is a hedge of red-leaved viburnum-leaved bladderworts. Such a hedge turns out dense, bright and beautiful.

What does bladderwort go with?

The golden-colored Luteus variety will look great with varieties such as Red Baron and red Diablo. White turf is also ideal for Darts Gold.

Dwarf green-leaved and red-leaved varieties in pots.

Variety Summer Wine

Bladderwort opulifolius Tiny Wine.

Bladderwort ‘Summer Wine’ and Spiraea ‘Ogon’

Bladderwort “Diabolo”, peonies, large-leaved hydrangea and hydrangea variety “Anna Bella”.

Where can I buy?

You can buy bladderwrack seedlings in gardening stores and nurseries. You can also order by mail and through online stores.

Video review
Consultation from the Florist-X video channel.